
Don't make me kick your butt, junior. I'd hate to throw out my back or something... laugh

And don't hold the entire class of '85 accountable for your freshman-misery. My particular senior class at JFK high was rather a large group of underachivers. We lost spirit week to the junior class (the first time a senior class didn't win in recent memory). Our class president was suspended for having drugs in her locker and thrown out of office by the administration. Nobody replaced her, so the faculty selected the theme for our Senior Ball, and suddenly it was freakin' "Do you know where you are going to?" by Diana Ross. Yeah, that song was only a decade old by then...

More recently, I became really concerned about the level of education my class got. They held our first ever class reunion. Our 15th year. In 1999. Get your calculators, kids, because this is a test: If Craig's class graduated in 1985 and had a reunion in 1999, how many years have they been out of school? On the bright side, my 20 year reunion is coming due any day now. confused frown It's just sad...

In retrospect, I have determined if I had gotten involved in high school (politics, etc.) rather than reading comics and writing my own with a group of friends, I could've owned my school!!!!!! Ah, Hindsight Lad, where were you 20ish years ago?

Craig C.

- Time travel stories are told in chronillogical order.