Even so... It's Jo. It's Jeckie. Two long standing Legion Icons. Both aren't snakes. They've hooked up. Where's all the pro Val sentiment? If this were "The Continuity" then this would be huge (I think I just answered my own question). But still, it's a huge concept in Legion history for Legion man/wife to separate (no matter what the circumstances) and for him to hook back up within the Legion family. Jeckie's responsible for raising Tinya's (normally aging) kids. What did Jo tell the kids? Man that's ripe stuff, all types of speculative juices, hurt feelings, and rancid opinions should be flowing from Legion fandom... and, and, and... nothing. I feel like we've almost let down the Legion fans that came before us. We're pathetic.
If you feel you're not pathetic, then please pay no attention to the "We're pathetic." line above. I obviously wasn't talking about you.