In the meantime I have progressed through the end of Levitz/Giffen's run and still loving it. I'm looking forward to starting v3 this week.
There's the run on Tales of the LSH, which covers, I think, issues 314-325. Those are concurrent to v3 1-12 and are separate stories but somewhat interconnected.
I think v3 is very good overall. When Giffen returns around 50, I'm hot and cold on it. Also, Levitz was already running out of gas before that. Still some good stuff there.
v4, which starts off with "5 Years Later" era, is among my favorite Legion runs! But lots of people have varying mileage.
I'm also curious about the original Shooter run, I might check that out at some stage via the Archives.
I LOVE Shooter's original runs! It's among the best Silver Age comic book runs, IMO. (I think LSH overall is among DC's best Silver Age comics, but I'm biased!