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#42820 05/24/06 01:02 PM
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Since always on the ball EDE has already given a
Plot synopsis

Let the detailed parsing and over analysis of the issue begin. tease

Brainy's got some creepy relationships.

I wonder what was up with the Projectra/Starboy scene. The beginnings of a Brin-Starboy-Projectra triangle.

#42821 05/24/06 01:12 PM
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OK. . . . .

Personally I thought the issue was well written and plotted. I am looking forward to seeing what happens in issue #19 with the Science Police.

The cover, as we already know is amazing. It sure looked great on the shelf. On my all time top 10 list.

But . . . . . why did DC have to go and crop out Tinya & Cos? That was definitely not appreciate by myself!

The interior art, well, hmmmmm, uhhh, gosh, sorry not my cup-o-tea & will just say I can't wait for Barry next month!?!?

And I for one am REALLY enjoying have having Kara in the Legion. Please stay around . . . . even if it is not scripted that way, modify the script!

Enjoy everyone.



#42822 05/24/06 05:06 PM
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I havent had a chance to read it yet. Looking through it though I have to say that I really miss Barry's art. And WHY did they crop the picture on the cover?? They cut Barry's beautiful rendition of Phantom Girl right out. :mad

#42823 05/24/06 05:48 PM
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It's all an anti-Tinya conspiracy by the Man. I guess DC and Barry owe us a Tinya solo cover. Maybe when she's elected to succeed Cosmic Boy as leader. tongue

#42824 05/24/06 06:40 PM
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It was a good issue, but too quick a read. Maybe I just got used to the 30 page books?

I did miss Barry as a solo act, but the art wasn't as jarring as I feared.

I miss Ronda's colors.

#42825 05/24/06 06:57 PM
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I have to say it was Ronda's colors I missed first, then Barry's art. But DeKraker didn't do too bad and his Garth was okay.

"How did we end up in a place where Brainy being a grave-robbing necrophiliac is the best case scenario?" Classic. I have to say, to me, it seems Waid is getting more comfortable with the scripting.

#42826 05/24/06 07:09 PM
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Rol Purtha? Did that remind anyone (at least the gamers) of Ral Partha?

#42827 05/24/06 08:49 PM
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The Infinite Man--of Gripes! (and--of Space!)
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I thought that the art was fantastic, myself. Adam DeKraker's lines were really clean, yet the art was nicely intricate at the same time. In a way, his style seemed to be a bit like a combination of Stuart Immomen's and Michael Golden's work.

And the colours were really good this issue, too.

If the meek shall inherit inherit the Earth, then I at least want Baffin Island - and a property manager to work for me who is made of sterner stuff than I.
#42828 05/24/06 10:56 PM
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I'm surprised Kitson did the layouts since certain sequendes bothered me because of how they were layed out.

Dekraker bothered me a bit with some of his facial expressions -- this isn't the "bwa-ha-ha" Legion ... is it??? Brainy also looked too nutso, imo.

Oh, and I'm starting to hate the whole "Ultra-Boy as total meathead" portrayal.

#42829 05/25/06 12:00 AM
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Hi Guys
Thanks for the kind words - it's nice to be missed. I haven't seen the printed cover yet - so I can't comment on the cropping, but I'm intrigued to see it.

22 pages and a cover all pencilled and inked by me next I'm sure you'll all have had enough of me after that issue laugh

Hi Drake - if there's any particular sequences you want to go over I'll be happy to explain what I was trying to do...and we can see what might have been done clearer.
How's that for inter-active comics!? smile

#42830 05/25/06 12:45 AM
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Originally posted by Barry Kitson:
22 pages and a cover all pencilled and inked by me next I'm sure you'll all have had enough of me after that issue laugh
Never! hug

#42831 05/25/06 01:38 AM
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Originally posted by Barry Kitson:
22 pages and a cover all pencilled and inked by me next I'm sure you'll all have had enough of me after that issue laugh
Uh oh... Now I'm worried. wink

#42832 05/25/06 02:01 AM
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...hmmm not sure how to take that.... hmmm

#42833 05/25/06 04:33 AM
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I thought the issue was a good read.

We got some insight into Brainy's current world, and I liked that this robot thing is going to be a real story. We also had a nice moment that showed Projectra grieving.

I thought the art was rather up and down. Some panels looked really good, while others were off. Two pages with good examples:

5. At first glance, the Imskian in the foreground of the first panel and Lemnos look like the same person. At first I thought the first panel was just a mistake in tattoo placement before I read it. And that's a nice, clean picture of Brainy, but he's too mad scientist.

22. You've got Keith Giffen inking Stuart Immonen on Timber Wolf and then George Perez drawing Dream Boy. The middle panel looks a little rough. Then the final panel looks like he glanced up and the clock and realized his deadline was in five minutes.

And I know Brainy is supposed to have this obsession with Dream Girl, but I find it out of character that he would pose her with the sexy hip thrust. Even when they're alive, good looking women do stand up straight.

But DeKraker does show promise.

The coloring bothered me. All the caucasian Legionnaires seemed a little orange, and Tinya was all over the brown-orange spectrum, from light-skinned African American to Hispanic to Durlan.

Good read, but the visuals needed some work. I look forward to your return, Barry.

#42834 05/25/06 04:54 AM
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Barry -- I believe she meant that your assessment of our appreciation for you and your work is dangerously delusional if you think we'll ever "all have had enough" of you.

If you drew the weather maps in the Washington Post, we'd all subscribe, and there'd be a thread here to discuss them.

About the issue: I liked

Metropolis underground
Cham (sexy) as an S. P.
The Gulliver's Travels-ish scene of the Imskian on Lemnos
The resolution of Timber Wolf's status, and Supergirl's ring.
The scene with Projectra and her parents -- I thought the initial response by her and the team to the news that Orando was destroyed was a bit too brief -- still wondering whether the destruction of Orando was itself an illusion.
The robot battle, and Supergirl saying, "You guys have a real robot problem." Too bad she couldn't have said that in Brainy's presence.
The appearance of Dream Girl, even as a corpse.
And I liked Dream Boy's costume only for the fact that it made Grell's Cosmic Boy bustiere not the gayest thing ever worn by a male Legionnaire.

I missed Barry's pencils.

#42835 05/25/06 07:05 AM
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so Metropolis takes up most of the Eastern seaboard. talk about urban sprawl.

anyways enjoyed the story and here are some highlights.

(1) Brainy he was in full on mad, arrogant scientist mode. I liked it. I liked his theory about the soul being information. however, how appreciative will Dream Girl be about returning. after all maybe she was looking forward to seeing the other side. that will be interesting tale.

(2) Star Boy- I don't think he was putting the moves on Projectra. he was just being a concerned teammate.

(3) I look forward to the return of the A.I. overlords on earth.

(4) Quantum knots- I dig the psuedo-science references. but could someone tell me how Brainy was able to overcome superpositioning interference? smile

#42836 05/25/06 07:46 AM
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Originally posted by wamu2:
(4) Quantum knots- I dig the psuedo-science references. but could someone tell me how Briany was able to overcome superpositioning interference? smile
He stole the Enterprise's Heisenberg Compensator, of course.

Same feelings as everyone else--I missed Barry on the art, and yeah, the facial expressions were a little clownish and never quite matched the emotion expressed by the dialogue. Loved insane reanimator Brainy. And it seems fitting that he'd have a entire race of nano-technicians doing his lab work for him. I wonder if they'll have to emancipate themselves from him eventually, the way he freed them from Colu?

And notably, we get confirmation that he really is stupid by (former) Coluan standards, which again makes me wonder why a planet of better-than-twelfth level intelligences isn't pretty much invincible.

#42837 05/25/06 07:47 AM
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Lots of interesting things going on here. The robot datasouls vs Nura's soul as retrievable information - are they the same? does Brainy just think he can recapture Nura's soul? Big questions for a comic book. I don't know if it's creepy or exciting.

It was good to get some history of the dark age and the original role of the SPs. What role did the Coluans play in suppressing the AI technocracy? They have always been at odds with non-organic intelligence. Also interesting that they enslaved the Imskians - what impelled Brainy to free them? Logic? Spirituality? Historical inspiration? No doubt he's paying them a fair wage to work on his Lemnos/Dream Girl project.

Banishing the "datasouls" to an electrochemical dimension - a robot Phantom Zone - there seems to have been a lot of banishing in this galaxy, and now it's all coming back and rebelling!

Reep Daggle as Clark Kent, another nice touch: disappearing in times of trouble - down to pulling open the shirt to reveal the symbol.

No chicks in the Science Police? All we've seen so far (I think) are men.

Interesting to see that Brainy doesn't talk down to everybody. He treated the Imskians, Atom Girl & Timber Wolf without condesencion and insults.

I was wondering why nobody on Naltor missed Dream Girl & thought perhaps she had no family at all - her death was public knowledge, but no Naltorians showed up to claim her or attend her memorial ceremony. It's still not certain if she has a family; the High Seer could have been contacting the Legion as the official representative - maybe Naltor is totally communal, or she's an orphan.

Nice scene with Projectra and her parents, then with Star Boy, confirming him as the Official Nice Guy of the Legion.

I really liked to see the "Sell Outs" signs; it's great for future story developments and reasonable that the Legion does not just transfer seamlessly to the authority of the UP.

Cosmic Boy - arrogant, arrogant with the SPs. They seemed to take it lying down, though. There will surely be some more clashes in the future, from an on-going turf war to a knockdown bar room brawl.

Brainy is certainly keeping on top of everything - the robot rebellion, Supergirl, the situation on Colu. This makes him even scarier than the typical mad scientist who's totally absorbed in his mad scheme.

Now I'm going to go talk to some avocados.

Holy Cats of Egypt!
#42838 05/25/06 08:01 AM
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Originally posted by SiliconDream:
And notably, we get confirmation that he really is stupid by (former) Coluan standards, which again makes me wonder why a planet of better-than-twelfth level intelligences isn't pretty much invincible.
I still think that he may be stupid by their standards which are wrong. The genius persecuted in his own time perhaps. Or maybe he was born with a social conscience which the Coluans deem to be 'stupid'. I think whatever it was Brainy was deemed useful enough that they tried to 'correct' him but that only made him the pleasant well-adjusted grave robbing necrophilliac that he turned out to be.

#42839 05/25/06 08:56 AM
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Cropping the cover image.... just wrong.

So, there was a conflict twixt robots and people that brews once again. That has been done before hasn't it? I just hope this one won't inlvolve Computo. (And that it doesn't mean I have to stop using my Roomba.)

Interesting coloring on Tinya. I like it.

Oh, look. Naturally, Saturn Girl couldn't do Supergirl's memory scan on her own. Cosmic Boy had to be involved so that he could talk. I vote for Saturn Girl as next leader simply because she's mute.

Ring-on, ring off made me laugh. This Supergirl's a treat.

A battle with robots. Hmmmmm.... as Legion Leader, I will hold my magnetic powers that could likely handle the whole mess at once in reserve and just leave it to our resident mentalist to punch and kick some of the robots. After all, if I were doing something, I would be unable to talk.

Finally, Brainy is back and able to usurp some of the narrative from Cosmic Boy. Though, the whole talk about this "soul" business & his force field being able to stop information from escaping is a bit more loopy than I'd prefer.

Anyway, another nice issue. Now, just publish them more often.

#42840 05/25/06 09:00 AM
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I wonder what the relationship is between Brainy and Brin. This is the second time Brainy has sent him on an errand.

#42841 05/25/06 11:50 AM
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Originally posted by Barry Kitson:
Originally posted by Pizza Delivery Girl:
Originally posted by Barry Kitson:
[b] 22 pages and a cover all pencilled and inked by me next I'm sure you'll all have had enough of me after that issue laugh
Uh oh... Now I'm worried. wink [/b]
...hmmm not sure how to take that.... hmmm [/b]
Heh. Definitely as "NOOOO! Don't LEEEEAVE us!"

It was a fun read, but in a lot of places the art seemed sloppy. Characters didn't look the same between one panel and the next, and in sometimes the faces were a bit distorted.

One thing I did like, however, was Tinya's more Arabic skin tone... which was around last issue as well, although it was more subtle and I didn't notice! Does this mean we get to keep it?

The Legion could use a bit of variety. And besides, it looks cool with her costume. wink

Originally posted by Suddenly Seymour:

And I know Brainy is supposed to have this obsession with Dream Girl, but I find it out of character that he would pose her with the sexy hip thrust.
Maybe the necrophiliac jibe wasn't so far off? tongue

#42842 05/25/06 05:48 PM
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I thought that the art was fantastic, myself
ummm... ARE you guys reading the same issue that I did -
Artistic wise this was a come down from Barry's art.

It was a great story though.

#42843 05/26/06 12:34 AM
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I thought that this was a very well written, well worded issue with good pacing and good characterizations. It moved stagnant plot-lines forward as well as providing food for thought. I was intrigued by how Kara kept changing her appearance as she took her ring off and on, though I didn’t recognize any of the characters it was still cool. Made me wonder how they can adapt the rings to her needs so quickly. I’m also intrigued by Brains allegedly containing the Eternal Soul of Nura. If he knows what materials are needed to contain the soul then he must know what elements that the soul is composed of. Fascinating. Also, I loved those pesky AI robots and the idea that there is a group of societal outcasts/non-conformists living under the vast metropolis that is Metropolis. Interesting. The world of the LSH was given more much needed color and depth in this issue. Also, I enjoyed the artwork, though I like Kitson, it was nice to see this Immonen-esque look for a fill-in. I don’t know if that was intentional, but that would be a cute idea to have fill-in art that pays homage to past LSH artist’s styles.

This probably was the best issue of this run so far. I still would love to see an origin-story for this LSH, it would do so much to further explain who these kids are and to continue to differentiate this LSH from past versions. There was a comment made last issue that the “charter members” (or was it “founders”) had been discussing offering Kara membership and it made me think, “wait, who are the charter members?” This is a brand new LSH, right, so as far I know and as far as I’m concerned all of the old rules don’t apply to this group. The old origin must not apply, too because so far there hasn’t been any mention of a RJ Brande, though I would suspect that if he is around he would sympathize with the outcasts living underground.

So what.
#42844 05/26/06 01:39 AM
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You're absolutely right to point out that the 'charter members' might not be the same as in previous incarnations. One day...and hopefully soon....we will get to do a Special which tells the origins of how this LSH came to be in detail.... smile

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