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The Present is Past
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Yes, that's right. Our current batch of Legionnaires (minus Gear and plus Andromeda and Thunder because I need to even the sides) have had enough of domestic squabbles and girls revolting. Just WHICH gender is the best...the Legion gals or the Legion guys? This is the game where you get to help us find out and Future gets to badly spoof the Real World/Road Rules challenges as best he can!

Remember the Adventure-era Computo story, where some weird globe made by Computo in the Clubhouse robbed everyone of their super-powers, biological or not? Well, it's been rebooted! All Legionnaires are left with their natural strength and inginuity to compete in these events!

Every 5 days, we'll start a new round. Every round will consist of a challenge in a different location of the United Planets where the Legionnaires will compete in ranked events, where there can be a first, second, etc place winner. After I post the challenge, it's up to you, the viewers, to quite simply rank who you think would win this contest in what order. Remember they don't have powers! You'll make a list of the boys and then a list of the girls competing in each round, and place them in what order you think they'd finish their task. We'll be starting off with 14 Legionnaires on each team, so you'll rank them from first to fourteenth place.

At the end of each round I'll award weighted points like KP's football game to each Legionnaire. If they were awarded first place in your list, they'll get 14 points. Last place, one point. The points Legionnaires receive from everyone's lists will be added together, and the guy and girl with the lowest score each round will be eliminated until there are only three boys and three girls remaining to compete in the big, final showdown to determine which gender is the best at the end of 'THE LEGION' series: GUYS or GIRLS?

The boys competing will be: Cosmic Boy, Live Wire, Invisible Kid, Chameleon, Brainiac 5, Star Boy, Gates, Ultra Boy, M'Onel, Ferro, Karate Kid, Wildfire, and Timber.

The girls: Saturn Girl, Apparition, Triad, XS, Spark, Andromeda, Kinetix (terrorform), Violet, Umbra, Sensor, Kid Quantum II, Thunder, Shikari, and Dreamer.

I'll start the first round Sunday night. I want to wait and see if anyone has any questions, if the rules were clear, and make sure there would be a fan base for playing this! wink

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WonderGirlII Gold looks better on a woman anyway! tongue WonderGirlII

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If this is like RR/RW, then we should also figure out which couple will hook up, break up, or get into catfights wink

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WonderGirlII Nura is attracted to Rokk's side of the force, and Thom goes ballistic! WonderGirlII

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Aww, does Zoe have to be a terrorform in this one? frown If she were still in the miniskirt she would be able to distract the guys!

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Haha. We'll go ahead and make Kinetix non-Terrorform, since I'm having to retcon in Thunder anyway and am leaving out Gear and Superboy.

You know, I like Drake's idea. It might be fun every round to have another little game going. Pick which members of the opposing teams hook-up, bicker, break-up, and what-not. laugh I'll see what I can work in.

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Whoops. I miscounted my Legion guys (and forgot the 'Wolf' in Timber Wolf). Both teams balanced? Good. Alright, here we go....

LOCATION: The mother ocean of Hykraius!
OBJECTIVE: There are twenty-eight small logs/platforms off the shore of the world's only dry land island. These logs are barely big enough for someone to stand on. So, you guessed it, all Legionnaires without the aide of their powers or flight rings must balance on these logs over the methane water to see who can stay up the longest. Special platforms have been made for Sensor and Gates, who both can still barely fit. Whichever guy and gal falls first, receives the lowest rank, with the guy and girl lasting the longest taking first.

The Male Contenders: Cosmic Boy, Live Wire, Invisible Kid, Chameleon, Brainiac 5, Star Boy, Gates, Ultra Boy, M'Onel, Ferro, Karate Kid, Wildfire, Gear, and Timber Wolf.

The Female Contenders: Saturn Girl, Apparition, Triad, XS, Spark, Andromeda, Kinetix, Violet, Umbra, Sensor, Kid Quantum II, Thunder, Shikari, and Dreamer.

So, rank the Legion gals and then the Legion guys from who you think will last the longest to whom won't last long at all. Round 1 will end on Thursday, September 9th.

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I'll start the ball rolling with my rankings for the log-standing mission as an example!

01 - Karate Kid
02 - Cosmic Boy
03 - Invisible Kid
04 - Chameleon
05 - Timber Wolf
06 - M'Onel
07 - Live Wire
08 - Ultra Boy
09 - Wildfire
10 - Star Boy
11 - Gear
12 - Gates
13 - Brainiac 5
14 - Ferro

01 - Shikari
02 - Umbra
03 - Spark
04 - Triad
05 - Dreamer
06 - Violet
07 - Kinetix
08 - Thunder
09 - Sensor
10 - Kid Quantum II
11 - Apparition
12 - Andromeda
13 - Saturn Girl
14 - XS

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1.Cosmic Boy
2.Star Boy
3.Ultra Boy
5.Live Wire
6.Invisible Kid
7.Karate Kid
10.Brainiac 5
12.Timber Wolf

6.Saturn Girl
9.Kid Quantum II

This is rank from like the most to like to the least, right?

And to show I bear no ill will, I, too, shall bestow a gift...
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Trap Timer
Trap Timer
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1. Gates
2. Karate Kid
3. Timber Wolf
4. Invisible Kid
5. Brainiac Five
6. Cosmic Boy
7. M'Onel
8. Chameleon
9. Live Wire
10. Star Boy
11. Ferro
12. Gear
13. Ultra Boy
14. Wildfire

1. Shikari
2. XS
3. Dreamer
4. Andromeda
5. Spark
6. Umbra
7. Triad
8. Kid Quantum
9. Thunder
10. Kinetix
11. Violet
12. Saturn Girl
13. Apparition
14. Sensor

Thunder, Shikari, and Dreamer

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KGZ, the ranking is for what order you think people would last in the competition posted for Round 1. No ranking favorites in this game, I'm afraid.

If it were about favorites, XS would definitely be a lot higher on my list, but as it stands I don't think she has the patience/balance for the mission at hand. smile

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01: Karate Kid
02: M'Onel
03: Gear
04: Invisible Kid
05: Cosmic Boy
06: Star Boy
07: Chameleon
08: Ferro
09: Brainiac 5
10: Ultra BOy
11: Wildfire
12: Live Wire
13: Gates
14: Timber Wolf

01: Saturn Girl
02: Umbra
03: Sensor
04: Kid Quantum
05: Dreamer
06: Apparition
07: Shikari
08: Violet
09: Thunder
10: Triad
11: Kinetix
12: Andromeda
13: Spark
14: XS

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1. Karate Kid
2. M'Onel
3. Chameleon
4. Cosmic Boy
5. Brainiac 5
6. Invisible Kid
7. Star Boy
8. Gates
9. Ultra Boy
10. Timber Wolf
11. Live Wire
12. Wildfire
13. Gear
14. Ferro

1. Shikari
2. Umbra
3. Saturn Girl
4. Violet
5. Triad
6. Apparition
7. Dreamer
8. Kinetix
9. Kid Quantum II
10. Andromeda
11. XS
12. Spark
13. Thunder
14. Sensor

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01 - Karate Kid
02 - Timber Wolf
03 - Cosmic Boy
04 - Chameleon
05 - Invisible Kid
06 - Star Boy
07 - M'Onel
08 - Ultra Boy
09 - Wildfire
10 - Live Wire
11 - Ferro
12 - Gear
13 - Brainiac 5
14 - Gates

01 - Shikari
02 - Triad
03 - Umbra
04 - Dreamer
05 - Apparition
06 - Sensor
07 - Kid Quantum II
08 - Saturn Girl
09 - Spark
10 - Andromeda
11 - Violet
12 - XS
13 - Thunder
14 - Kinetix

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The Present is Past
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Round 1 is over and the results are in! Let's see how the Legionnaires faired on their first mission, with points earned:

Legion Guys:
69 - Karate Kid
55 - Cosmic Boy
53 - Invisible Kid
51 - M'Onel
49 - Chameleon
41 - Timber Wolf
36 - Star Boy
30 - Brainiac 5
27 - Gates
27 - Ultra Boy
26 - Live Wire
24 - Gear
20 - Wildfire
17 - Ferro

Legion Gals:
64 - Shikari
60 - Umbra
51 - Dreamer
47 - Triad
38 - Saturn Girl
37 - Kid Quantum II
36 - Violet
34 - Apparition
33 - Spark
29 - Sensor
27 - Andromeda
25 - Kinetix
23 - Thunder
22 - XS

Congrats to Karate Kid & Shikari, who took first place! All Legionnaires did a fantastic job and we already have multiple heroes pulling away from the others! Unfortunately, we have to bid farewell to the two lowest ranked over-all: Ferro and XS.

XS "I wish I didn't have to go! It's kind of embarassing to be I think we Legion gals have the chance to really make our mark and, uh, beat the boys. Good luck to both teams, I'll be missing you!"

Ferro "Well, it's been real. I'm glad to be off that log but sad to be leaving. Sorry to let us down, guys."

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LOCATION: The Louvre in the 31st century; Earth
OBJECTIVE: Famous art critics from around the UP have assembled at the Louvre as judges for the Legion's next assignment! Using whatever media they wish to use provided by the museum and local art school-a-trons, all Legionnaires have one-hour to paint/draw/sculpt a self-portrait. The portraits will then be judged by the panel of art critics and first place given to one male and one female, second given to one male & female, and so on & so forth. Ferro is going to be upset he missed this one!

The Female Contenders: Saturn Girl, Apparition, Triad, Spark, Andromeda, Kinetix, Violet, Umbra, Sensor, Kid Quantum II, Thunder, Shikari, and Dreamer.

The Male Contenders: Cosmic Boy, Live Wire, Invisible Kid, Chameleon, Brainiac 5, Star Boy, Gates, Ultra Boy, M'Onel, Karate Kid, Wildfire, Gear, and Timber Wolf.

So, rank the Legion gals and then the Legion guys from who you think can craft the best portrait to who has no artistic talent at all! Round 2 will end a day earlier than usual on Sunday, September 12th.

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Hmm. I can't recall ever seeing any of the characters actually being artistic off the top of my head so I'm just gonna go with who *I* think might be artistically inclined. Starting with the ladies:

01 Kinetix
02 Dreamer
03 Triad
04 Violet
05 Umbra (who would think the whole thing stupid, but do it anyway. And would depict herself kicking arse)
06 Spark
07 Sensor
08 Shikari
09 Apparition
10 Saturn Girl
11 Kid Quantum II
12 Thunder
13 Andromeda

aaand the boys...

01 Invisible Kid
02 Karate Kid
03 Chameleon
04 Star Boy
05 Cosmic Boy
06 M'Onel
07 Live Wire
08 Gear
09 Gates
10 Timber Wolf
11 Wildfire
12 Braniac 5
13 Ultra Boy

Truth and Justice shall Prevail!
(Unless Tamper Lad Screws it up...)
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Bevis, thanks for playing! I think half the fun of some of these events is deducing who really does have the skills needed from their background, personality, etc. That and I also want to make sure every challenge isn't just a physical one.

01. Kinetix
02. Violet
03. Triad
04. Saturn Girl
05. Andromeda
06. Spark
07. Dreamer
08. Umbra
09. Apparition
10. Thunder
11. Sensor
12. Kid Quantum II
13. Shikari

& Gentlemen...
01. Gear
02. Chameleon
03. Karate Kid
04. Star Boy
05. Invisible Kid
06. M'Onel
07. Live Wire
08. Cosmic Boy
09. Gates
10. Brainiac 5
11. Ultra Boy
12. Wildfire
13. Timber Wolf

Thanks to EDE, Miss T, IB, KGZ, & Drake for their participation in round one. Since KGZ didn't modify her list from the initial misconception, I left it as is.

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Vee Offline
Time Trapper
Time Trapper
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01. Dreamer
02. Violet
03. Triad
04. Kinetix
05. Spark
06. Apparition
07. Sensor
08. Umbra
09. Saturn Girl
10. Thunder
11. Andromeda
12. Kid Quantum II
13. Shikari

& Gentlemen...
01. Invisible Kid
02. Chameleon
03. Karate Kid
04. M'Onel
05. Star Boy
06. Cosmic Boy
07. Live Wire
08. Gear
09. Gates
10. Brainiac 5
11. Ultra Boy
12. Wildfire
13. Timber Wolf

"Hey Jim! Get Mon out of the Zone!! And...when do we get Condo back?"
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Ladies....(I'll actually try to justify my rankings here:)
01. Violet - still waters run deep and I can imagine her surprising people by the depth of her artistic ability and willingness to be honest.
02. Umbra - dark, moody art always strikes a chord and she's used to having to create shadow-forms
03. Triad - Carggites must have a strong enough sense of self to offer an insightful self-portrait
04. Spark - I imagine the beauty of her farmland home will come shining through in hers.
05. Dreamer - Anyone in touch with their dreams and dream imagery will doubtless come up with something interesting.
06. Apparition - I see her as technically more adept and having a good eye which will give her high standings.
07. Kinetix - she'd do something pretty, but lacking depth
08. Sensor - has some skills because of her powers, but doesn't know her new self enough to give us something interesting
09. Thunder
10. Kid Quantum II
11. Saturn Girl - too emotionally closed off from herself to offer an insightful or interesting portrait
12. Shikari - lack of practice
13. Andromeda - lack of practice and appreciation for the arts.

& Gentlemen...
01. Chameleon - knows himself well and is used to reshaping his own body so scupture would be a natural
02. M'Onel - sould of a wanderer, all those years and wisdom and depth will provide a fascinating portrait
03. Karate Kid - a great martial artist is a great artist - his soul will shine through in almost any action he takes, especially art.
04. Live Wire - same with Ayla
05. Ultra Boy - his rough upbringing coupled with his mellowing and softening with Tinya and Cub have brought depth and honesty to Jo that's been waiting to get out having been unexpressed on Rimbor.
06. Wildfire - angsty art always strikes a chord.
07. Invisible Kid - just cuz he seems good at everything, he'll do well here.
08. Gates - he's a thinker and feels things deeply. He'd be just as expressive in his art.

I see a drop-off starting here with the rest due to lack of experience with art and expressing themselves and their vulnerability in general. The first three being more physical than artistic the latter two, too technical and not self-reflective.
09. Star Boy
10. Cosmic Boy
11. Timber Wolf
12. Brainiac 5
13. Gear

Well, that was interesting. I first thought these ranking would seem kinda random, but I managed to find some justification for the rankings based on what I (think) I know about them (if it turns out one of them has been shown to have artistic ability and I missed it, I might have to re-evaluate before the round is over).

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Drake, I love your explanations! When we have a few less Legionnaires in a few rounds I'll probably try my hand at rationalizing the choices as well. You did an excellent job.

Believe it or not, on the ladies I actually ranked Triad and Andromeda fairly high because I recall them drawing as kids in flashbacks. That doesn't mean they have much talent now, but I'll take that as a nod they potentially could.

For the guys, I went with Gear because of his computer brain probably being able to map out something beautiful, and the rest I figured as being artistic as wanderers, balanced people, etc. I also figure Star Boy (ever the Dungeon & Dragons fan) surely doodled a bit as a kid looking up to such fantasy.

I forgot about how musical/talented Shady traditionally has been, preboot. I may edit my ranking of Umbra to reflect that if I feel real guilty later.

Thanks to Bevis, Vee, and Drake for participating this round. I promise I'll stop interrupting my own game now. laugh

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1. Violet
2. Kinetix
3. Triad
4. Shikari
5. Dreamer
7. Umbra
8. Apparition
9. Spark
10. Thunder
11. Saturn Girl
12. Kid Quantum II
13. Andromeda

1. Chameleon
2. M'Onel
3. Karate Kid
4. Invisible Kid
5. Gates
6. Live Wire
7. Wildfire
8. Cosmic Boy
9. Ultra Boy
10. Star Boy
11. Timber Wolf
12. Brainiac 5
13. Gear

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La Femmes ~
01. Violet
02. Saturn Girl
03. Dreamer
04. Spark
05. Umbra
06. Triad
07. Kinetix
08. Sensor
09. Apparition
10. Thunder
11. Andromeda
12. Kid Quantum II
13. Shikari

L'Hommes ~
01. Invisible Kid
02. Chameleon
03. Gear
04. M'Onel
05. Karate Kid
06. Gates
07. Cosmic Boy
08. Brainiac 5
09. Ultra Boy
10. Live Wire
11. Star Boy
12. Timber Wolf
13. Wildfire

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Apologies for the delays. With computer trouble over, ROUND 2 is also finished. The ranks, point totals, and Legionnaires:

01. 134 pts - Karate Kid
02. 122 pts - Chameleon
03. 118 pts - Invisible Kid
04. 111 pts - M'Onel
05. 095 pts - Cosmic Boy
06. 077 pts - Star Boy
07. 069 pts - Live Wire
08. 065 pts - Gates
09. 062 pts - Gear
10. 055 pts - Timber Wolf
11. 053 pts - Ultra Boy
12. 049 pts - Brainiac 5
13. 043 pts - Wildfire

01. 112 pts - Dreamer
02. 110 pts - Triad
03. 109 pts - Umbra
04. 109 pts - Violet
05. 087 pts - Kinetix
06. 085 pts - Shikari
07. 083 pts - Spark
08. 075 pts - Saturn Girl
09. 071 pts - Apparition
10. 056 pts - Sensor
11. 051 pts - Kid Quantum II
12. 046 pts - Thunder
13. 045 pts - Andromeda

Shikari slips and loses her first place heavily, giving Dreamer the lead...barely. Karate Kid faces lots of competition now. Last minute voting broke the tie among the ladies, so that now WILDFIRE and ANDROMEDA leave us today as the lowest scoring of their gender.

Wildfire1 "Already? Grife! Well, go kick some tail, gents! Be seeing you!"

Andromeda "Whatever...I guess it was fun while it lasted. I still don't understand these rules at all!"

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LOCATION: Yod University of Colu
OBJECTIVE: Whip out your thinking caps, Legionnaires! All contenders are situated in a 31st century classroom in the prostegious Yod University on Colu. They will be competing againt each other in the galaxy's most unusual spelling bee! All members will stay in the game as long as they spell their given word correctly. Misspell it and they're out! The Legionnaire for both genders who stays in the longest, thus spelling all their words correctly, shall win first place!

The Male Contenders: Cosmic Boy, Live Wire, Invisible Kid, Chameleon, Brainiac 5, Star Boy, Gates, Ultra Boy, M'Onel, Karate Kid, Gear, and Timber Wolf.

The Female Contenders: Saturn Girl, Apparition, Triad, Spark, Kinetix, Violet, Umbra, Sensor, Kid Quantum II, Thunder, Shikari, and Dreamer.

ALSO: Something else else new to the game. It isn't Battle of the Sexes drama without hook-ups, break-ups, and domestic squablles! So this round, pick two numbers between one and twelve. The boy & girl who are ranked at the average of everyone's two seperate numbers will be our surprise new couple! For example: if everyone selects between 4-6 and 7-9, then whichever hero is ranked 5 (for the boys) and 8 (for the girls) will be our couple! No questions asked, even if they're dating someone else! Remember, boys first this round, ladies second. We'll switch next round.

So, rank the Legion guys and then the Legion gals from who you think is a flawless speller to who can't comprehend spelling at all! I'm shortening the rounds by a day, so now Round 3 will end on Thursday, September 16th.

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