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Originally posted by Bevis:
I also have to say i really dislike Umbra's new outfit. Both the version designed by Olivier and Steve's version of it. Just seems like the kind of thing that DC were finally moving away from for their female characters
You know I think that I've become selectively inured to costuming. In Supergirl, I objected to the depictions and shower scenes of Kara because she was drawn AND portrayed as a mid-teen. With Tasmia I am so used to Shadow Lass that I guess I looked at the costume and thought "cool" not "exploitation." But actually, Tasmia probably is a teen here huh? Oh well, I'm a hypocrit. Originally posted by Bevis:
So all in all I guess it was an OK issue. Certainly not the best but not bad really. Just a bit mneh. Course it didn't help that I got it in the same batch as Bales: The Last Castle and Hellblazer so it was bound to pale in comparison. "Bales: The Last Castle" Bales? Is that Fables? I've read that three times, LOVE IT! Reminded me of that old Alamo movie with John Wayne. I was cheering (mentally, I'm not a total dweeb  )
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Oh, yeah. I agree with Bevis about Shady's barely there costume. Shadow Lass's original silver age costume was considered daring at the time but it looks like a burka compared to this one. No wonder she's blue--she's probably freezing her ass off!
Besides, it's not the costume she was wearing when she arrived, so where did it come from? Is it Shadow Maven's wedding gown that she's been saving in a cedar chest to pass down to Tasmia? Or did Tasmia have this outfit packed into her compact case when she popped off to Talok?
Another thing I was wondering about is this: Shadow Maven refers to some kind of fading shadow powers of her own. Does this mean she's a former Shadow Champion herself? And if they all have to be from the same blood line, wouldn't that make her Tasmia's grandmother or aunt or something?
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Originally posted by Blockade Boy: "Bales: The Last Castle" Bales? Is that Fables? Bales? Bales?!!?? OK, I know I'm prone to typos but that one seemed to be a little majorly off. Sheesh. Possibly I should re-read things before posting.  It is a great story, even if you knew from the start pretty much what was going to happen. Plus Britomart looked to me very much like she was based visually on Sarah Jessica Parker. heh. Just also wanted to say to Steve that I'm not sure how serious your're being about saying you didn't read the review, but it's not really that bad a one anyway. I didn't really like the art but like I say I'm not really sure why I didn't. I think it's as much a personal taste thing as anything else. Plus if it had been a *bad* review then you'd know. I tend to... erm... go off on one a wee bit if I really don't like something and know why. I tend to be a little bit hyper-critical, but then again I come from a background where that's the norm. Great praise where it's due but no holding back if something's wrong. I will always try and be constructive though (as someone who puts his art and writing out in the public domain I know how hurtful and pointless non-constructive criticism can be) because there always has to be a point if you're going to say something that is essentially negative. You can't always have glowing reviews, nor should you because no-one is perfect, but I would never go out of my way to be nasty about someone's work. Does that make sense? I hope so since even if I'm not a great fan of your art I am very appreciative of the fact that you're interacting with the fans. That kind of feedback with and from the people that you're doing your art for is one of the best thigs about a lot of comics creators.
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Thanks, Bevis ... I think.
So, tell me, how does Butthead feel about the issue? After all these years I really thought that I knew which side of the "more or less clothing" debate you guys would fall on. Just goes to prove that you never really know anyone.
So, having been responsible for designing the most clothed female Legionnaire (Sensor Girl) and the most daring (is it really Umbra, cool) I'm not sure what to do as a encore. No, I'm not bringing back Cosmic Boy's bustiere. That will have to be another artist's project.
I'll see what I can come up with.
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Not much between despair and ecstacy
Not much between despair and ecstacy
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If DC still doesn't see the value in giving you a regular book, Steve, maybe they ought to put you on the payroll just to design costumes. 
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These are good times for LEGIO fans. First, we get a pair of writers who actually know how to write. (What a concept!) Then, the artist at least half the fans HATED when he started actually took time to learn how to draw. Which was nice, considering his visual STORYTELLING skills were very highly developed, even from his otherwise UGLY debut issues. Now, we have a new regular artist who seems to be collecting rave reviews. And in the middle of this, STEVE LIGHTLE does a fill-in issue that blows away even the hot new talent! WHOA!
I'm suddenoy reminded of a period on NEXUS when Steve Rude did 8 issues a year and Paul Smith did 4-- so there was no concern about blown deadlines or "fill-ins". If they could manage something like that with Chris AND Steve-- wouldn't that be cool?
By the way, I'm also reminded of the PRE-Levitz/Giffen era here. Back then, you had stories that were entirely self-contained, which managed to be part of the larger continuity and move it along without being so tightly connected to it with endless "TO BE CONTINUED!" blurbs at the end of every issue. Of course, Conway & Thomas rarely had art this good go with their stories...
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Originally posted by SteveLightle: So, tell me, how does Butthead feel about the issue? For future reference, not everyone that is named Bevis will necessarily find the "Butthead" reference amusing. In fact, some might even find it insulting. Just something to keep in mind.
Some people are like slinkys: not really good for anything, but they bring a smile to your face when you knock them down a flight of stairs
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Originally posted by jimgallagher: I was rereading the issue last night and another thing annoyed me that I hadn't noticed before. There are only 2 facing page spreads in the whole story, one at the beginning and another at the end. Every other spread consists of one page of story and another page of ads.
That's a lot of page turning for a story that should've been half as long to begin with. I hadn't noticed this until your post and yes it is kinda annoying!!!!
Let the Fun Begin!
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I kinda noticed this. The story didn't seem SHORTER than usual, so I found myself wondering... have they started inserting MORE paper (and thus more pages) to give us the SAME number of story pages while increasing the number of ad pages?
I still recall how bad it got in the late 70's when the story page count was cut back to 19, then 18, finally 17!!!!! --before they went back to 22, or even 28 in some cases.
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Originally posted by Princess Crujectra: For future reference, not everyone that is named Bevis will necessarily find the "Butthead" reference amusing. In fact, some might even find it insulting. Just something to keep in mind. Very true. Especially since my name is Bevis and not Beavis. The joke wasn't funny the first thousand times I heard it and it's even less funny now. In fact most people seem to have realised that already and have the good sense not to make it. And for the record personally I'd rather see far fewer half dressed female characters in comics. I don't read them to leer over teenage girl's breasts or their metal thongs. Cos' magnetic nipple outfit on the other hand I'd quite happily welcome back. Not all comics readers are straight, white, adolescent boys you know.
Truth and Justice shall Prevail! (Unless Tamper Lad Screws it up...)
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Or at least be fair about it and put Jo in nothing but a thong 
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*puts a mirror in front of Looks that Kill Lad* 
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strange but not a stranger
strange but not a stranger
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No thong for Jo. He's a jock so it would be natural for him to wear just a jock strap. I volunteer to make sure the straps are straight. 
Big Dog! Big Dog! Bow Wow Wow!
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Well, I'm heterosexual but fair. LOL! Maybe more than fair, because a male Legionnaire is completely nude in the Legion issue that I'm currently working on.
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Wildfire, sans containment suit?
Lyle, but he remains invisible the whole time?
Chameleon Boy, who would notice? Instead of wearing clothes, Durlans can change shape to appear dressed.
Gates? AUGH!!!!!!!
Craig C.
- Time travel stories are told in chronillogical order.
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Forgot to ask. Steve, has your "other issue" been given and issue # yet? I thought 24 was gorgeous!! How much longer must we wait for your next full issue guest stint?
Craig C.
- Time travel stories are told in chronillogical order.
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Thank you for the kind words, Craig. I'm not sure when my next issue of Legion will be published. Frankly, I'm already wondering if there will be a third.
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Steve, are you saying that you're simply eager to do a third issue or are you implying that you have reason to be doubtful that they'll offer you another shot?
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Originally posted by DrakeB3003: Steve, are you saying that you're simply eager to do a third issue or are you implying that you have reason to be doubtful that they'll offer you another shot? Good question! Please answer.
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What a great issue! I was a bit late in reading it, but I just wanted to go on record to say that I thoroughly enjoyed the art. Steve, thank you for that. I'm looking forward to that second issue you are drawing, and fervently hope that you'll get to draw many more.
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Originally posted by DrakeB3003:
"Steve, are you saying that you're simply eager to do a third issue or are you implying that you have reason to be doubtful that they'll offer you another shot?"
We've talked about doing more, but I haven't heard of any actual scripts being prepared.
I'm not trying to be cryptic or ellusive. I could imagine doing more. I also could imagine a time when I might do covers more regularly, but Legion has a very talented cover team doing a great job at the moment. But, who knows ... There was a time, not so very long ago, when I had no expectation of ever doing another Legion issue. Look how that turned out.
To Juan, and everyone who expressed a desire to see me doing more Legion issues, thank you. I'm very happy that I've had a chance to contribute to the current Legion, and I'm glad that the work is being enjoyed.
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Steve, have you ever taken a crack at writing? I always love seeing the difference between the wrter's interpretaion and an artist's interpretation. Some great writers have started as artists.
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Good Story. Loved the artwork. Actually having her shadow warrior ancestors outlined in her shadow was an excellent creative touch!
The only complaint is that the story was too short but the artwork was so good, it compensated for the short plot.
Thank you very much, Steve.
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Hey all, this is my first post on Legion World.
I really liked the story, I'm not sure about the "it read to fast comments", perhaps I'm just slow but it read alot slower to me than almost all of Dream Crime combined which I felt was really thin. I think I liked it mostly because it gave us a look at Talok and just to spend some time with Umbra. That's just my two cents on the story though.
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I know this is a bit late but Hey I am new to Legion World I have one comment and one question: Comment first... EEk here costume... she HAS to be cold but I think she works better in a body suit... Question: When Jaz says "Good to have you back powered up" Did she mean "Good to have you back with your powers again"? OR Did she mean "Good to have you back even MORE Powerful than you ever were"?
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