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Time Trapper
Time Trapper
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Great interview with Waid at Sequential Tart, in which there are lots of juicy morsels for Legion fans. One tidbit: ST: What's coming up in the first storyline? MW: Sun Boy and Cosmic Boy at loggerheads about which direction to take the team. Why there are thousands of kids camped outside Legion Headquarters. How Star Boy can't catch a break. The truth behind the Flight Rings. The disastrous secret that Invisible Kid holds that could cost the team everything. Brainiac 5 plotting Dream Girl's slow, torturous death. I'm lying about one of those, but only just barely. http://www.sequentialtart.com/mwaid.shtml
Holy Cats of Egypt!
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Mon-El?  I love Mon-El and Timberwolf. I can understand why Mon is complicated. *sigh* I hope they figure something out. Timberwolf? Maybe Waid sees him as a Wolverine clone but I always saw him more like Hawkeye of the Avengers (with more of a temper). Good interview! Thanks. Jorge
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Great article - thanks for the link FC!
exerpt:MW: Why stop there? Think bigger. Think off-Earth, but in terms of races we've seen before. One of the proposed upcoming members makes Steve Wacker laugh every time I mention his name.
hmmm... could it be ... Mogo Boy??
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Bouncing Boy. The new Bouncing Boy will be from Bummb'l!
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ST: What story do you think had been 'done to death' in the Legion, and you don't intend to pursue it? Why?
MW: I've told Steve to fire me the day I mutter the words "Darkseid" or "Universo." New. New. New. New. Not old. New. (oh, and ST: What do you consider your responsibility to the readership to be?
MW: To tell good stories, give them their money's worth, and not kill Hawkeye. ) Nope, no bashing of anyone else THERE...
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Time Trapper
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I'm excited to read that romance will have a big role in the new Legion! Yay!
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I'm stoked to hear that issue #2 will feature Dream Girl heavily. Yay Nura!
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Great interview!
The highlights for me -
sales had dwindled to the point where DC's only choices were quite seriously retiring the franchise — or giving it the same treatment that Julie Schwartz gave the Golden Age heroes in birthing the Silver Age by relaunching the Legion in name and concept as if it were created fresh today.
... we came that close to losing the Legion, maybe forever! I hope all those idiots on the DC Boards who are lobbying everyone to boycott the new series read this. I doubt the powers that be will ever give the Legion another chance if this one fails. Maybe someone should start a thread where we discuss what we can do to get more people to read this new series?
ST: What if any non-human characters will be in this Legion?
MW: Some right off, though you wouldn't necessarily know it from what's apparent. Take that as you will.
... alarm bells! Who's he talking about? He hasn't gone the Superboy's Legion route with Jeckie and made her a secret snake after all has he? I guess he could be talking about Gim who's actually a real giant in this continuity but that's been mentioned many times elsewhere so why keep it secret here? Part of me is ecstatic to have a non-humanoid on the team but at the cost of which classic character? More mystery though - I love it!
our immediate ties to the 21st century are downplayed in year one for reasons that have less to do with Legion and more to do with upcoming DCU events that I can't spill.
... more hints about this mysterious big DCU "event" in 2005. Does anyone have any idea on what this is going to be? Some people have mentioned a new Crisis written by Geoff Johns and Phil Jiminez. Rumours? Speculation? Apparently the next issue of Wizard has the exclusive. Very intrigued as to what's going on. Maybe this is the "Crisis" that Lex Luthor was referring to at the end of that Superman/Batman arc rather than Identity Crisis? At least it looks like the Legion won't be affected this time.
Issue two is very much about Dream Girl, and issue three is (appropriately enough) about Triplicate Girl.
... coolio! Probably my two favourite female characters get early spotlights! Can't wait to see what Waid does with them. And am very intrigued by the suggestion that Dreamy and Brainy won't be getting along. Will Nura be brought back to her scientific roots as competition for Querl?
I've told Steve to fire me the day I mutter the words "Darkseid" or "Universo."
... I can understand not wanting Darkseid since he's primarily another franchise's villain and every Legion story he's been in except his first one has been a HUGE disappointment anyway. But Universo is a classic Legion villain who hasn't really been that overused over the years and when he has appeared its been in a good story. I'm all for new villains but it would be a shame to lose all of the Legion's rich back-catalogue of old villains too. There are some really good ones in there.
All in all a really good interview. These little drips and drops of information are making the wait for the new series that little bit less torturous.
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Originally posted by Blacula: Great interview!
The highlights for me -
sales had dwindled to the point where DC's only choices were quite seriously retiring the franchise — or giving it the same treatment that Julie Schwartz gave the Golden Age heroes in birthing the Silver Age by relaunching the Legion in name and concept as if it were created fresh today.
... we came that close to losing the Legion, maybe forever! I hope all those idiots on the DC Boards who are lobbying everyone to boycott the new series read this. I doubt the powers that be will ever give the Legion another chance if this one fails. Maybe someone should start a thread where we discuss what we can do to get more people to read this new series? Well, I won't give the Legion a chance even if this one succeeds, so we're even. You're being given much less than half a loaf and thanking them for the sumptuous three course meal! And does this seem to contradict Waid saying before that HE went to THEM to anyone else?
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ST: What if any non-human characters will be in this Legion?
MW: Some right off, though you wouldn't necessarily know it from what's apparent. Take that as you will.
... alarm bells! Who's he talking about? He hasn't gone the Superboy's Legion route with Jeckie and made her a secret snake after all has he? I guess he could be talking about Gim who's actually a real giant in this continuity but that's been mentioned many times elsewhere so why keep it secret here? Part of me is ecstatic to have a non-humanoid on the team but at the cost of which classic character? More mystery though - I love it! I think it might be Chameleon Boy. I looks humanoid, but maybe his true shape is totally different?
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Time Trapper
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Yeah, I got a red flag about the insinuation that not all the characters are as they seem.
If they bring back Snakejectra, I'm going to be very disappointed.
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Originally posted by Jorg-El: Timberwolf? Maybe Waid sees him as a Wolverine clone but I always saw him more like Hawkeye of the Avengers (with more of a temper).
The same Timber Wolf that _predate_ Wolverine is a clone of him? How is that possible?
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Originally posted by Frog Kid: I think it might be Chameleon Boy. I looks humanoid, but maybe his true shape is totally different? This shouldn't really be a surprise. Cham's race is not exactly know for their humanoid appearances. Heck, postbook Cham "really" had one of those ugly squid faces.
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Well if Gails story is a hint maybe Ultra Boy will be less human this time around.
Anyone watch Babylon 5? The centauri looked very human apart from the fact that the males had six (erm...say reproductive organs) at least one of which was over six foot long and prehensile.
In Star Trek we had the Trill with a cute little alien bug in the tummy.
So i am thinking that maybe this is the way Waid wants to go.
Rimborians organs are different maybe others are too.
Of course this could make romance between Jo and Tinya problomatic.
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Time Trapper
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That link to Gail's story is an interesting idea, Far. I was thinking of something a little less reasonable - like Invisible Kid is really a Dominator who had plastic surgery. His parents are Dominator sleeper agents and this is what he's really rebelling against.... 
Holy Cats of Egypt!
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Are we still looking a human-seeded worlds? Or are we supposing that the changes over the last 1000 years are so vast that basic functions have changed (as opposed to just the addition of powers or traits like twinning)?
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Bold Flavors
Bold Flavors
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Great, great interview, possibly the best one yet on the new Legion series.
After this, I'm more optimistic than ever. For anyone who wanted to hear Waid being plain honest about LSH continuity and where he's taking the series, check it out.
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Originally posted by Reboot: Well, I won't give the Legion a chance even if this one succeeds, so we're even. You're being given much less than half a loaf and thanking them for the sumptuous three course meal!
And does this seem to contradict Waid saying before that HE went to THEM to anyone else? So what you're basically telling us Reboot is that you'll never read another new Legion story again! Because if this relaunch is successful, then that's you left behind forever and if its not, then that's the Legion dead (in all likelihood). Either way, your days with the Legion are over it seems. P.S. I don't know how you can call something you haven't even seen yet (and refuse to) "half a loaf" especially when all the wonderful things we've been hearing about it (IMO), and that Barry has shown us, make it seem in my mind much closer to being a "sumptuous three course meal". And you know what, since everything DnA did after Lost was nothing more than dogfood anyway I'd take that "half a loaf" any day.
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... Hmmm all these food metaphors are making me hungry! 
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Originally posted by Blacula: So what you're basically telling us Reboot is that you'll never read another new Legion story again!
Because if this relaunch is successful, then that's you left behind forever and if its not, then that's the Legion dead (in all likelihood).
Either way, your days with the Legion are over it seems. You haven't read many of my posts, have you? I've said explicitly umpteen times that I don't expect to ever buy a new LSH comic again. Go on & check. I'll wait.
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Reboot, last thing I heard was that Waid was offered Legion rather than sought it out. And with a name like yours it's hard to believe you can't get behind reboots. To some degree, I get what you're saying, but I really haven't seen "my" Legion for over a decade now. To me, this new version looks more promising that what we had over the past decade.
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Originally posted by ferroboy: Reboot, last thing I heard was that Waid was offered Legion rather than sought it out. *goes to recheck his earlier interviews* Originally posted by ferroboy: And with a name like yours it's hard to believe you can't get behind reboots. Actually this is where the name mostly comes from. The rest is deliberate irony. I would rather have NO Legion than this Legion.
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The things I miss out on because the school server thinks they're dirty...I can't access the website from school. Double farts.
The only consistent feature of all of your dissatisfying relationships is you.
Don't judge me!
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I'm glad to hear that the focus will not be on the villain-of-the-month. To me, that was boring. I'm looking forward to Waid focusing on the heroes, as he stated. What a concept - a comic book where the main characters aren't in life-threatening danger every issue. Maybe someone has finally realized that there's more to a story than the fight.
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