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Remember, the translator rings translate everything as equivalent to our slang. :-)
Why Brainiac called Supergirl "Won't you stay and be my girl?"
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I, too, want Dream Girl to have white hair again, not blond. I don't care one way or the other about the star birthmark. I don't really care for her being re-flake-ified, but at least she can still kick ass--when she's not zoning out. The original Dream Girl could go into a trance whenever she needed to. Having to be "clocked" to achieve the same goal seems a bit ludicrous.
I thought the artwork was great, but the story seemed stretched thin to me. It could've been done in half the page count. Brainy's full page head shot and half page goat shot were huge space wasters, IMHO.
AND Shadow Lass is STILL GRAY! I thought this was supposed to be fixed!
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Barry -
Does the translator have a name? I'd like to make his smiley.
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Another big fan of the latest issue! Well done Mark and Barry! This series just gets better and better!
* Things I LOVED :
- Ambassador S*quir of Acaria and his evil tanslator. - The whole opening sequence. - Dream Girl. - Karate Kid bringing more racial diversity to the team. - Cosmic Boy and Brainiac 5's converstaion. - Dream Girl. - All of the characterisations. - The scene with Gim and Jo. - Dream Girl. - The fight scene with the Precommandos. - The two jokes at the end. - DREAM GIRL!
The only thing I didn't like was the same thing I didn't like last issue - some of the colouring. Not *all* of it (I think some of Blythes colours are very effective and attactive) but when he does get it wrong, he gets it really annoyingly wrong. Dream Girl needs to be platinum-haired! Sun Boy needs to be a redhead! And Shadow Lass needs to be blue-skinned! Every time I see these changes-for-changes-sake I get pulled straight out of the story. I don't think we need an in-story excuses for them to change now either, just that they be changed.
Other than that it was the perfect way to do a second issue IMO. Can't wait for #3 now!
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Another vote for white hair. I think she's a bottle blonde anyway.
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Space Fatigue Survivor
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I am enjoying the new kickoff. I echo a previous comment on liking the fact that #2 was a self-contained story (with threads to a much larger theme, no doubt). The issue focuses on a handful of Legionnaires, which always makes a stronger Legion story by allowing greater characterization and interaction for those featured. I hope the self-contained episodes and focus on small groups continues in the issues to come (with rotating characters, natch!) As far as the comment of not seeing Saturn Girl or Lightning Lad yet - good (sorry SG and LL fans). I'm enjoying seeing glimses of some of the Legionnaires we haven't seen in months past, like Element Lad, Colossal Boy and Sun Boy. Frankly, I can name a dozen Legionnaires I'd rather see featured first. We all know those two and Mon-El will be along soon enough.
The artwork is A+.
Looking forward to #3
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"What exactly grates people in this issue about adults and the Legion?" - The premise that the 31st century is a huge, dysfunctional family disturbs me.
When I hop in my time machine, I want to see a future of technological marvels, human achievements - PROGRESS. Sure, any age of interest would still have its disasters, mysteries and bad guys around. That's where the heroes come in. Enduring future fiction, like Star Trek and the early Legion (before TMK) is generally a bright, hopeful place worth fighting for and advancing. This vision of the 31st century - I'm not so sure (although it's still much to early to judge).
When you see Lyle's dad wearing a spandex suit and slapping his own child, you have to wonder what happened to progress in the last 1000 years?
PS - On some of the negative comments on the coloring of the first two issues, I not only think it has been appropriate (in the way there's a sense of a dark, foreboding shadow cast over the entire UP) but I think it totally intentional by the artists as part of the storytelling.
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Originally posted by Rurouni KJS: Other remarks on LSH #2, upon 2nd reading:
--the page 7 silhouettes (by row, left to right, positive IDs in CAPS): Projectra, COS, DREAMY, Invisible Kid, KARATE KID, Light Lass, Sun Boy, Cham, Saturn Girl, Star Boy, Phantom Girl, Ultra Boy, SHADOW LASS, "Micro Lad" ELEMENT LAD, Triplicate Girl, "Atom Girl," Lightning Lad.
That sounds right to me, but it looks like someone is hiding behind Dream Girl's picture. I can make out what look like should be two legs between her picture and caption.
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(haven't read #2 yet)Quick observation of the Mejii revolution...the younger generation here are the samurai's and the it seems the adults are the who are the ones that are used to progress. Heck imagine if kids today starting running around in medieval armor, samurai swords, we'd ban D&D and have them all on drugs. (But Samurai's are cooler than superheroes IMO )
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It's funny that some people might think Star Boy's new hue would be the thing to upset readers, but no... it's hair color! Personally, I don't really mind about Cos', Sun Boy's or Dreamy's hair color and I think Shady is a fine shade of blue/grey. I'm just sayin'...
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Drake I haven't been bothered about hair color, skin color, etc. I like the new colors. Ok...Element Lad's red suit shouldn't be red. But yeah i didn't think the shade of Dreamy's hair or Shady's skin was such a big deal. lol
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I'm not so sure. The Adults have a stable society true but its a society that has basically stated that
A:) Green Lanterns are forbidden (presumably this hasn't changed) B:) It's okay to deal with despots C:) We want as little personal contact as possible D:) We allow a frickin DRAFT during wartime (another form of slavery in many ways) E:) We apparently are too stupid to deal with supervillains returning RIGHT UNDER OUR VERY NOSE
In other words, to use a chaunvanistic term, the Earth has been emasculated and is trying to ignore the galaxy is inching towards Chaos.
I know Waid is probably going to hold on the future's specifics somewhat but I'd personally like a sit down moment
A moment where it explains why the Legionaires basically ran away from their worlds to join the Legion
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Originally posted by Charles Phipps: A:) Green Lanterns are forbidden (presumably this hasn't changed) That rule hasn't been around since a couple of boots ago. Last time around, there simply were no GL's around at all (that was when Kyle was the one and only). Now that Hal and the corps are back, we have no idea if there's supposed to be a corps in this 31st century timeline or not.
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I enjoyed the issue a lot. Of course, as a Dream Girl fan, I was delighted to have her so showcased. I like the way she sometimes gets dazed because she's not sure if cause-then-effect have happened. She's still young and not in total control of her power, despite it's strength. I also like that she seems to have done well when training to use her power when fighting. She does kick nass! OF COURSE, I'm more than entertained by the fact that she uses her devastating BEAUTY as a distraction technique while fighting. I love that she campily flirts with Brainy. I LOVE THAT SHE'S THE FIRST LEGIONNAIRE TO BE CALLED BY HER NAME, NURA! Could this be the ultimate Dream Girl? Oh, and I don't care if she doesn't have a beauty mark or that her hair is more golden blond than platinum. She's still awesome!
I'm not very excited about this looming threat of a giant war. Yes, it conjures thoughts of the real world. Maybe it'll be done in a cool science fiction-y way, if it happens.
The rest of the issue was entertaining to me, too, but it's a good day when a Dream Girl fan like me gets such a romp!
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There are actual thoughts I might have, but I think I'm going to be random and shallow instead. It's too late for meta (and by late, I mean early), and besides, shallow is more fun anyway.
1. So, assuming Karate Kid wasn't just playing along during the Naltorian fight scene (on the one hand, why *bother*. On the other, he's supposed to be better than that, dammit), we get through a bit of basic logic that Dream Girl is probably the best hand to hand fighter in the Legion.
However, I'm sure that there's some caveat to her abilities. And I'm getting the sense she's kinda lazy. Look at how much trouble she went to so that she didn't have to beat down a couple pre-cogs (who I'm sure were the best at what they did, as you wouldn't send random cops to fight down the Legion, right?).
Also, the Naltorian soldiers would be a *force*, wouldn't they? What sort of war could they possibly lose?
2. I'm sure Dreamy's pants would look very interesting close up, with the changing cloud patterns and all, but I'm not sure the idea translates well to the art. It ends up looking like she went wading through paint instead... Perhaps if the clouds were more wispy?
I like the concept, but it would require a photo-level resolution to do it justice.
3. I have no idea why everyone is so upset by the colouring. I like it. Bright colours would not do Kitson's art justice - it would distract from the details (of which there seem to be less than in #1, but anyway) and would leave little room for the contrast of glowing symbols and whatnot. Yes, Shady looks a little grey, but this is fine. I mean, it's not that I'm saying blue skin should look *natural*, but no - I really am.
*suddenly wants to see brightly coloured aliens... with poisonous skin. Because all worlds should work like our ecosystem, obviously*
Besides, the muted colours give the book a neat feel, kinda antiseptic.
4. The constant snarking works for me. This is how teenagers react to being in close quarters with others they may or may not particularily like... Only hopefully the future has less broken toilets they can dunk each other in. I like that they all have reasons to be there, and *different* reasons.
It'll be interesting to see if everyone sticks around when things start to get serious. Or maybe something has already happened - a death? - and these are the Legionaires who didn't leave?
4. Brainy, why are you wandering around in a (coluan) skin coloured bodysuit? I don't think you've thought this through very well.
Um, except for how of course you totally *have*, so. No more thoughts on that subject, because they go odd places.
5. You know, I think Brainy's actively trying to *be* Vril. He's not succeeding as well as he probably hopes, but I think that, just as how the rest of the Legion is modelling themselves after their history's superheroes, Brainiac 5 read up on his own somewhat convoluted ancestry and got inspired.
Decided to manipulate the universe into one he liked better, and cut his hair really short, and stuff like that. But... it really isn't going to work out for him, is it? He has entirely the wrong temperment, and yes, you can tell that already.
6. I've always felt that if something is inexplicible given the universe, it's probably just that you don't understand the universe well enough. This is probably why Brainy is so hostile to the idea of magic.
7. I like the buildings on Naltor. They look almost grown, instead of built.
8. Starting now, I officially approve of the little gloves most everyone is wearing. It says something deeper about the society, like the SP officers talking to each other on the vid screens did. But more subtle.
9. I complain, but I like the art. Really. It's soft and realistic and suits the story and characters.
And there should probably be a 10, but that would mean I'd have to come up with one. So I'll just add that I'm enjoying the book and looking forward to seeing where it goes, and we'll pretend that works to round off the list.
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Is Cos more of an general manager now? He approves the teams for missions, walks around talking to people, checking on progress, deals with people conflicts, handles the outside world... somebody's got to do it. Maybe being Legion leader now is complicated enough that you don't go on missions. He appears to understand the various personalities on the team, what to expect of them and how to deal with them. Pretty good for a "child".
The members we've seen so far are pretty easy-going and comfortable teasing each other - they do act like the high school in-crowd. I wonder if there will be one or two who aren't so socially adept - and I hope it's not the classic Violet/Atom Girl. There is a good sense that these are real individuals, however. I'm looking forward to learning the history of each one.
Dream Girl shines! I like the way her power is being developed and explained - and that she had some precommando training.
In her war vision, that man looks like he's wearing a Science Police uniform. Maybe it's just a standard 31st-century shirt, but the idea of a traitor in the SPs is enticing. Also note the feathers at the feet of the reptilian invader....
The clubhouse - where did it come from, I wonder? The interior corridor through which Brainy and Cos walk looks like a 21st-century stadium corridor - pipes on the wall, chipped concrete.
Holy Cats of Egypt!
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WHAT FUN! No less than 3 LOL-moments... a good sign!
I REALLY REALLY like this Nura! Best Nura we've seen since before Zero Hour! I never really warmed to narcoleptic ditzy Nura despite her sweetness, and Never-Sleeps Nura was just creepy. THIS Nura I love!
We're gonna make it after all, gang!
Now... about Nura's pantaloons... I liked 'em in the preview, when they were purpley and it looked like swirly designs on them. I'm not sold on these blue-with-clouds pantaloons.. yet.
Excellent job, WaK! THANK YOU!
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Originally posted by Jorg-El: Heck imagine if kids today starting running around in medieval armor, samurai swords, we'd ban D&D and have them all on drugs. Or we'd just assume they were in the SCA.
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The Last Superhero!
Starring Tom Cruise and Ken Watanabe!
In the 30th century, the government has outlawed superheroes and they fight for their right to save the world against the formidable forces of a technologically ascendent society that no longer sees their abilities as special.
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Originally posted by MLLASH: WHAT FUN! No less than 3 LOL-moments... a good sign!
I REALLY REALLY like this Nura! Best Nura we've seen since before Zero Hour! I never really warmed to narcoleptic ditzy Nura despite her sweetness, and Never-Sleeps Nura was just creepy. THIS Nura I love!
We're gonna make it after all, gang!
Now... about Nura's pantaloons... I liked 'em in the preview, when they were purpley and it looked like swirly designs on them. I'm not sold on these blue-with-clouds pantaloons.. yet.
Excellent job, WaK! THANK YOU! Yeah, I've got to second these sentiments Lash. Dreamy is finally the vital character of the Levitz years again. I love the return to the sense that these characters have more going for them than just their powers. And the humor is great. Cos' "you're not even listening" line was brilliant! And the goats! Cos has a sense of humor! Fantastic! Barry's art may be stunning and beautiful and all, and the overall stories are engaging, yes, but I think that we haven't paid quite enough praise to Mark's dialogue yet. This is some great stuff! Keep it up! I am now quite confident in my conviction that this series is the best thing to happen to the Legion in many, many years. I find myself waiting with bated breath for each issue. When was the last time that happened?
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Originally posted by Director Lad: [QUOTE] I think that we haven't paid quite enough praise to Mark's dialogue yet. This is some great stuff! Keep it up! I totally agree! This *is* some really great dialogue! Shout out to Waid!
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my 2 cents.
i got #2 yesterday, liked it very much but am still not blown away. i kinda resent getting to know you issues for dream girl and brianiac 5 when they are basically the same characters they've always been. i was hoping for an ultimate legion with tons of action in the first story arc. seems a bit slow in taking off. i like how this version seems more mature somehow, maybe the art or the writing makes this appeal.
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http://herorealm.com/features/rmj/index.htm they are all pretty clean cut. where are the "punk" or radical legionaires if this is a rebellion?
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Originally posted by DrakeB3004: It's funny that some people might think Star Boy's new hue would be the thing to upset readers, but no... it's [b]hair color! Personally, I don't really mind about Cos', Sun Boy's or Dreamy's hair color and I think Shady is a fine shade of blue/grey. I'm just sayin'...[/b] I can live with all of the aforementioned. I even think Sun Boy's blonde hair is an improvement over red and more suited to the character as "the golden boy". Nura's hair color is the only one that I find distracting. It just seemed so much a part of her look in the past. Her silvery costume doesn't seem as well matched to her tresses now. I find her "cloud" pants distracting too.
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