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Re: A Castle in the Sky (complete with a Denney's)
#356111 10/05/09 02:00 PM
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Bold Flavors
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Signal sent to My Whee Fem explaining Cobalt's exit; she's on her own and she knows it, but Cobalt also sends her a secret code to use if needed.

Re: A Castle in the Sky (complete with a Denney's)
#356112 10/05/09 03:37 PM
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Very Well, Good Day to both of you and as a further gesture of good will, the Castle is now open to both of you at all times.

<Watches them leave with a big smile on his face. That smile disapears as soon as they are out of the castle.>

Cobalt is more dangerous than I believed. And Luna is somehow keeping her chaotic nature and magic in check.

Barley, send a Gorgon and a squad of Ghouls to bring Legolas back to the castle. I want him in one piece, no serious damage, but roughing him up in public wouldn't go unrewarded...

Soon, Legion World, Soon your time will end.
Re: A Castle in the Sky (complete with a Denney's)
#356113 10/06/09 06:14 PM
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click to enlarge

Barley, Carrie-Ann, with everything that has been going on I want one of the remaining dragons to be on standby outside the castle. Black Death should enjoy a little fresh air...

click to enlarge

Soon, Legion World, Soon your time will end.
Re: A Castle in the Sky (complete with a Denney's)
#356114 10/06/09 10:40 PM
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Fortunately, Black Death is corporial and can only be in one place at a time. He's also not particularly fast, as 'fast' goes in the realm of the Legion.

A very small gate opens <span style="font-size: 34px;">0 </span>and Aviax flies out and into the great hall.

He drops a package on the floor in front of Kardi and swerves back through the gate <span style="font-size: 34px;">0</span>.

As the gate closes, a note flutters to the floor next to the package.

Kardi has his Security Chief pick up both and deposite them on a nearby table.

While the Chief checks the package for explosives or spells or . . ., Kardi picks up the note, which reads:
<span style="font-size: 16px;">Emmissaries accepted by invitation ONLY.</span>

The Chief opens the box and tips it's contents onto the surface of the table, a leatherlike snout and a pair of spun sugar wings come to rest there.

A singin' and a dancin'
along the way.
Re: A Castle in the Sky (complete with a Denney's)
#356115 10/07/09 04:24 AM
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Well it's obvious that peaceful negotiations with the dragons is not an option.

Close the package Doom Bringer and place it in storage until our new friend Cobalt Kid's next visit.

Then we shall see if his friends actions trump our rhetoric...

Soon, Legion World, Soon your time will end.
Re: A Castle in the Sky (complete with a Denney's)
#356116 10/07/09 07:12 PM
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<In a far corner of the castle using her Cackle Abilities to fly invisibly, My Whee Fem has come across an interesting group of young ladies...>

I've got to get a closer look, but that looks like Gladys, a greenish version of Space Tart, a female Maddrox the multiple durlan clone, and Holly Honey... which is impossible cuz that time line was erased!

And they're all pregnant!

No, I was Never a Bond Girl...
Re: A Castle in the Sky (complete with a Denney's)
#356117 10/09/09 02:58 AM
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Kardi is sitting in one of his many libraries, engrossed in conversation with Carrie-Ann and Barley.

A servant walks in with a large tray filled with late night snacks and a covered dish.
The servant places the tray on the desk in front of Kardi and leaves the room, completely unnoticed by the three.

During a pause, they find the food before them and dig in.
Kardi removes the cover and finds a large bowl of fresh fruit and clotted cream.
Anchored in the cream is a note addressed to him.

"Another note," he grumbles.

The note reads:
<span style="font-size: 16px;">Kardi ~
If you spent less time stealing, plotting and bullying, and MORE time studying and getting to know your 'family members', you'd know that SOME of your magical creatures can (and will), grow back from their namesakes.

And with that, in walks ~

Sugarwing and Leathersnout

click to enlarge

<Boy, boss, I think I'm goona pass on that emmissary gig, from now on!> says Leathersnout as he grabs a handfull of fruit and cream.

<I have to agree, Master Kardi. Being eaten is no fun!> says Sugarwing as she sits down, looking even paler than usual, <That storage room was SO cold.>

Leathersnout drools juice and cream on the beautiful rug as Sugarwing starts to throw up.

Laughter echos from far away for a brief moment, then disappears.

A singin' and a dancin'
along the way.
Re: A Castle in the Sky (complete with a Denney's)
#356118 10/09/09 05:29 AM
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Does that woman think I'm daft? None of my family members would dare to bastardize my name that way. These are but foul imatations of my loyal servants! Changelings sent to betray us after we've accepted them into our home!

Doom Bringer! Take these mockeries away from me...

<A demonic hand snatches up the pair and stuffs them into small iron cages.>

She shall not divert us from our plan. Legolas must be dealt with, but once he has been captured...

<The scrying pool in Zardi's chamber begins to bubble then clears. It shows this scene in the basement of Lardy's Lair.>

Barley, bring the infant princess's tomb up from the crypt. Place it between Black Death's front claws. Let this pale shade of Lardi do what the original could not... Let him slay the dragon to save his princess...

Soon, Legion World, Soon your time will end.
Re: A Castle in the Sky (complete with a Denney's)
#356119 10/10/09 03:49 PM
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Barley Horn
click to enlarge

Carrie Ann
click to enlarge

It is time for the two of you to introduce yourselves to the inhabitants of Legion World...

You shall be our representatives to the Legion World Senate...

Soon, Legion World, Soon your time will end.
Re: A Castle in the Sky (complete with a Denney's)
#356120 10/10/09 10:22 PM
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click to enlarge

click to enlarge

Carrie Ann: Barley did you see what happened?

Barley: No, I was across town freeing Doom Bringer from the box Legolas trapped him in.

Carrie Ann; I don't know what that Bastich Shakespeare did... but next time... He's gonna sing soprano...

Soon, Legion World, Soon your time will end.
Re: A Castle in the Sky (complete with a Denney's)
#356121 10/11/09 06:46 PM
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A FirmConcept opens and . . .

click to enlarge
. . . and . . .
click to enlarge

. . .fall through the opening. <span style="font-size: 80px;">*</span>

They land rather hard, one on top of the other, in the middle of the Cloud Castle's great hall.

Carrie pushes DoomB off of her and struggles to sit up, <It's a good thing that Demon's don't weigh much and that the floor here is made of cloud!>


A singin' and a dancin'
along the way.
Re: A Castle in the Sky (complete with a Denney's)
#356122 10/12/09 01:34 PM
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Leathersnout and Sugarwing sit in their uncomfortable cages, thinking about the 'better days of yore'. click to enlarge

Quite unexpectedly FirmConcept .

The two faery step through and the gate closes. <span style="font-size: 80px;">*</span>

WhiteWitch3 with a thoughtful smile, disappears, too.

Let the games thrive, friend and foe alike.

But, . . . the time is shorter than we think.
Re: A Castle in the Sky (complete with a Denney's)
#356123 10/13/09 04:37 PM
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This is becoming intolerable!

Mysa Nal? Who is this Mysa Nal? And how does she just waltz into one of the most secure areas of my castle and free her captured agents without any of you even sniffing her presence!

Barley... Arrrgh! Carrie Ann!

click to enlarge Yes, Master?

You will act as Major Domo until Barley Horn has been retrieved, Understand this, "Fairy of Vengence," your performance during this difficult period will determine how severely you are punished for stupidly losing your temper.

Bring me the Ghost Detective and Doom Bringer.

Soon, Legion World, Soon your time will end.
Re: A Castle in the Sky (complete with a Denney's)
#356124 10/13/09 06:00 PM
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click to enlarge

You wanted to see me, Boss?

<Zardi gestures to the scrying pool, where the fight in the halls of the LMBP Senate is replaying, again and again...>

Yes Durwood, that weapon you see Shakespeare using, the Chronal Howitzer... is apparently unique... I cannot find anything similar anywhere in the annals of Legion World and the LMBP.

Also... Look at his belt... it's not a belt at all... it's a thought activated teleportation device.

Where did he get those weapons?

You, Durwood Helms are the greatest Detective in History (even if Sir Arthur never could get your name right).

You must find the that answer for me...

Soon, Legion World, Soon your time will end.
Re: A Castle in the Sky (complete with a Denney's)
#356125 10/18/09 02:15 AM
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{elsewhere, having been exploring the castle and its grounds for days on end on her adopted unicorn, Hot Chick finds herself strangely drawn to one particular room and an object within it...}

What is this object I am drawn to? A mirror?

{she draws closer}

Not just any mirror---a Magic Mirror! {the mirror says}

{startled} Oh! You frightened me! {she draws closer and sees a masque-like face appear}

I apologize, milady! I exist merely to show the truth to all who behold me.

Oh, then why have I wondered this land aimlessly all these days when I came to seek the one called Zardi?

'Tis the nature of the enchantment of this place, milady, to ensnare those who visit with its charms!

Is Zardi the husband whom I seek?

'Tis a false mission you undergo, milady. 'Tis a false face you wear!

A...false face?

Verily, milady. You bear an enchantment most complex, one meant to hide your true identity for reasons unknown.

Can you...can you show me my true face?

Regrettably, I cannot, milady. This humble Mirror can sense the enchantment's presence, but not the truth underneath. A thousand pardons for my shortcomings, milady.

I am fearful of your revelation but emboldened by the clarity it brings, Magic Mirror. I will leave this room with renewed purpose, to fight the hold this place has over me and to seek the truth.

I am very certain you shall find that which you seek, milady.

Thank you for everything, kind Mirror. {leaves room}

Good journey to you, milady. You shall indeed find what you seek...but I am equally certain that little good will come of it......

Re: A Castle in the Sky (complete with a Denney's)
#356126 10/21/09 05:09 PM
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click to enlarge

<Zardi Leaves Carrie Ann, the Vengeance Fairie, Gazing into the Scrying Pool >

<She contemplates the scene before her for a few moments, then reaches a decision...>

Elric! Warlock! Attend me in Our Master's Name!

click to enlarge click to enlarge

Our Master has a mission for you my brothers... The warrior you see in the scrying pool must be subverted to our cause.

Do Not Fail!

Soon, Legion World, Soon your time will end.
Re: A Castle in the Sky (complete with a Denney's)
#356127 03/16/10 07:05 PM
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Soon it will be time to resume... negotiations... with the LMBP.

We'll see if the new leadership is more tractable than the old...

Soon, Legion World, Soon your time will end.
Re: A Castle in the Sky (complete with a Denney's)
#356128 03/16/10 08:37 PM
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space mutineer & purveyor of quality sammitches
space mutineer & purveyor of quality sammitches
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Somebody dreams too much...

Hey, Kids! My "Cranky and Kitschy" collage art is now viewable on DeviantArt! Drop by and tell me that I sent you. *updated often!*
Re: A Castle in the Sky (complete with a Denney's)
#356129 03/16/10 08:39 PM
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Nothing to see here folks, move along, move along

Re: A Castle in the Sky (complete with a Denney's)
#356130 03/19/10 04:46 PM
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Ahhh the effects of Kent Shakesphere's Chronal Howitzer are finally wearing off...

Slowly a massive figure appears:
click to enlarge

My most loyal servent returns just as the next phase of my plan begins to take shape,

Soon, Legion World, Soon your time will end.
Re: A Castle in the Sky (complete with a Denney's)
#356131 03/19/10 04:56 PM
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Oh Noes!! Not a minotaur, whatever will we do?

Re: A Castle in the Sky (complete with a Denney's)
#356132 03/19/10 05:39 PM
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Carrie Ann, My little Vengance Fairy, the next time that fool lives up to his name, have a few of your servants greet him on his arrival in the poltergiest zone.

click to enlarge

Soon, Legion World, Soon your time will end.
Re: A Castle in the Sky (complete with a Denney's)
#356133 03/19/10 07:57 PM
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Time Trapper
Time Trapper
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Oooooh...scary. How long does this guy usually hang around?

Active LMB character is still Beast Boy.

Re: A Castle in the Sky (complete with a Denney's)
#356134 03/19/10 08:39 PM
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He's already bored me to tears

Re: A Castle in the Sky (complete with a Denney's)
#356135 03/21/10 05:36 PM
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{Having last been seen here , Hot Chick now emerges from a pool within the vast mystic castle...}

It has taken a long time, but this place's hold over me has now been dispersed. It is past time I leave and discover the truth about who I really am!

{climbs aboard her unicorn}

{with a gesture from her, wings sprout on the unicorn and the two depart the Castle in the Sky}

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