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Re: A Castle in the Sky (complete with a Denney's)
#356061 09/28/09 07:55 PM
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I know Kent is here, I can sense him. Though pin-pointing him will be impossible. There is so much magic here, it feels... unnatural. What is that noise, hooves?

(Luna turns around to see a Minotaur)

A little far from ancient Greece, aren't you?

I'm looking a for man name Kent Shakespeare? He's rather tall, handsome...mortal. Have you seen him? He had business here earlier.

And to show I bear no ill will, I, too, shall bestow a gift...
Re: A Castle in the Sky (complete with a Denney's)
#356062 09/28/09 08:07 PM
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(hears a familiar voice in the distance, a vague echo down the labyrinth of halls)


Luna? Is that you?

The childhood friend Exnihil never had.
Re: A Castle in the Sky (complete with a Denney's)
#356063 09/28/09 08:24 PM
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(hears a voice that she knows well)


(The Minotaur's nostrils flare, Luna notices that the fairy creature on his shoulder is gone, she looks around. Then the fairy creature throws dust in her face)

~cough cough~


(She struggles to catch her breath)


(She blasts the two fiends with green streams of energy, but is unable to continue the assualt, the iron dust is in her lungs, for the first time, Luna now knows what it is like to suffocate...she falls to the ground) m...

And to show I bear no ill will, I, too, shall bestow a gift...
Re: A Castle in the Sky (complete with a Denney's)
#356064 09/28/09 08:32 PM
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(groggily regains his senses)

wow. what's come over me?

(hears blasts down the hall)


Hang on, Luna! I'm coming!

The childhood friend Exnihil never had.
Re: A Castle in the Sky (complete with a Denney's)
#356065 09/28/09 08:37 PM
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Originally posted by Legolas:
Originally posted by Zardi, the Eternal Man:
[b]Send one of the Fairie Princes into the garden, promise him a human harem if he can seduce her within the next six hours. I doubt she's a virgin, so his love binding won't hold for more than 72 Hours, but that should buy us the time we need.
It will be done, my master.

(dons best glamours and telepathic misdirectionings, and approaches Hot Chick in the gardens)

Why, greetings, my dear. My staff did not tell me we had such an... enchanting guest awaiting me.

(reaches out, kisses her hand)[/b]
Oh! A handsome Prince! Perhaps you are the one I will marry?

{takes off her top}

Remove your blouse and embrace me, O Prince!

Re: A Castle in the Sky (complete with a Denney's)
#356066 09/28/09 09:51 PM
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After a few drug laced hours, Candle wakes herself up with one of her mightier snores, "Snnnnooooort! Oh, gosh, where's my fan? I can't sleep right without . . ."


"Hey! No poking with that . . .horn?!" Candle is very suddenly awake and starring into the facesof a small crowd gathered around her.
(Two cherubs and a what?, she thinks. There's a horn in the middle of his forehead, so . . .)

Looking at the 'unicorn' closely, because after all, he's the one with the sharp whirled horn, she reaches out to touch this strange little creature.

(I'm still dreaming) her hand slides from his forelock, around his ivory horn, down between his large gray eyes, over his roundy nose, to rest on the right side of his grey and white mottled cheek.

"What are you?" she whispers.

The babies with wings flying on either side of the 'unicorn' giggle, "He a 'real' unicorn! Sort of."

"But, he has a fluke and flippers, kind of!"
The cherubs look at each other and shrug, "Yes, but he has a mane and a fu-fu tail, too!" they say in unison.

"And a horn!" laughs the angel on the right, pulling up his drawers, which are a glittery purple, rather than the standard white diaper.

"He's just closer to the narwhale in your mind, then to the horse or goat that most people think of when they see the horn." The cherub on the left turns upside down in the air and floats over her head, his small wings flapping in a hover pattern.

"Oh. So the magic is conforming to what I think?" Candle tilts her head up to better look in the cherubs' green eyes.
(O boy! smile )
Nodding, the baby angel pops the 2 middle fingers on his right hand into his mouth and slowly turns over, landing in Candles' lap.
Purple joins Fingers, while uniwhale plops up on the bed and pushes his head in, close.

"Ouch!" squeaks Purple, "Be careful, dang it!"

Fingers pops his fingers out, "Magic is painful, sometimes," and pops his fingers back in.

Uniwhale, "sigh."

Candle huggles the babies and looks around the room.

(This isn't where I fell asleep.)
Then, she smells strawberries, blueberries and raspberries in cream with crushed anise seeds.

"Emmm, yummy! But what's that faint bitter, nettle prickle that I sense underneath the wonderfulness?"

"Royal jelly," whispers the two cherubs, again, at the same time, while Uni nods his head.
"Ouch, dang it!"

"You're supposed to eat it for breakfast," says Purple.

(Well, goodness! I can't eat or drink anything in a magical realm! Hurmph! I may look young & gullible here in Legion World, but I'm a pretty old duffer everywhere else!)

"Kardi may think that a little dust . . ., never mind. Scoot over, I need to stretch for a minute."

The kids slide over {and up} as Candle gets to her feet and begins a stretching routine.
The movements slowly bring her to the table where the food rests.
With an "Opps!" her hands brush the tray off the table and out the tower window.

"Gosh! That's too bad!"

Looking over at the large eyes looking back at her with surprise, Candle smiles reassuringly.

"Deep breath, 1 2 3. Ahhh!"
"Let's go see what we can find, shall we?"

Holding the baby uniwhale, Candle starts down the steps of the tower, the two cherubs trailing behind.

A singin' and a dancin'
along the way.
Re: A Castle in the Sky (complete with a Denney's)
#356067 09/29/09 02:50 AM
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Originally posted by MysticLuna:
. . . Then the fairy creature throws dust in her face)
--iron--- m...
On the stairs, Candle hears coughing and a cry for help.
Earlier, after getting rid of the Royal jelly, she'd sent an empathic message for help to Lardy.

Now, she sends additional messages to 2 more friends, as she runs down to the hall below.

Bursting into the area with the baby uniwhale held like a weapon, horn at the ready, Candle sees Luna on the floor with Barley hovering over her with his back to Candle.

Kent is fighting with the Minataur (and doing a wonderful job of it, too) but he can't get to Luna.

Slipping up behind Barley, Candle whaps him on the head with the uniwhales' enchanting horn.

<span style="font-size: 14px;">'BOOM'</span>

The magical horn slashes through the faerys' glamour and power, knocking him out, instantly.

As he falls, she empathically stirs Purples' and Fingers' compassion up and they fly in to catch Barley before his unconscious body hits the floor.

Releasing Uni, Candle kneels by Luna and begins the ABCs of rescue.
Tilting her head and lifting her chin, Candle finds that Luna isn't breathing. She gives rescue breaths, blowing gently into Lunas' mouth.

"The breaths aren't going in!"

Candle readjusts and tries again, when she's unsuccessful, she jumps into a new position, turning Lunas' head to the side and begining the Heimlech Maneuver, trying to get the iron out of Lunas' throat and lungs.

As the black gunk gushes out of her mouth, a teleport device shimmers and InfectiousLass appears with a medi-kit.

"I got your message, Candle, even from where I was at. The teleporter probably worked BECAUSE of where I've just come from, otherwise, I might have had trouble with the magic fields here."

Candle backs away and lets the very capable Drura work her medical techno-magic on Luna.

Quickly, Luna stirs, coughing gently.

As the girl sits up, InfectiousLass throws a bag to Candle, blows her a kiss and disappears in the shimmer and whine of another teleporter beam.

Turning to Luna with a smile, Candle asks, "so, what's the next step, 'Drivers' License' Girl?"

A singin' and a dancin'
along the way.
Re: A Castle in the Sky (complete with a Denney's)
#356068 09/29/09 06:40 AM
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Originally posted by Hot Chick:
Oh! A handsome Prince! Perhaps you are the one I will marry?

{takes off her top}

Remove your blouse and embrace me, O Prince!
At your service, my dear.

Re: A Castle in the Sky (complete with a Denney's)
#356069 09/29/09 04:40 PM
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<Steps out of the tesseracts into a corridor near Candle and MysticLuna. Runs forward on silent cat feet, carefully staying behind the cherubs and whatever-corn until he is close enough to strike. A short leap and three paw swipes render the cherubs and 'corn unconscious.>


Not much time Ladies... The three stooges will only be out for a few minutes...

<A door to the tesseracts opens...>

Time to leave...


When you're in Danger or in Trouble I will be there on the Double.
Re: A Castle in the Sky (complete with a Denney's)
#356070 09/29/09 05:08 PM
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Originally posted by Legolas:
Originally posted by Hot Chick:
[b]Oh! A handsome Prince! Perhaps you are the one I will marry?

{takes off her top}

Remove your blouse and embrace me, O Prince!
At your service, my dear.[/b]
{she embraces him in a vice grip and her breasts twitch rapidly}

{as telepathic information flashes into her, her eyes open wide}

<span style="font-size: 25px;">ENOUGH!</span>

{rapidly, she disengages and socks him powerfully in the jaw--he falls unconscious and disappears}

{replaces her top} This 'Legolas' was working for one of malificent intent. He himself was difficult to read...I have never atempted to read an elf before. Most impressions were surface-level and empathic. I...did not like what I heard and felt. capable of duplicating himself, apparently. His thoughts were split between at least three locations simultaneously.

His intentions were...repugnant. But his glamor had no affect on me. I needed the embrace to get a telepathic read on him.

I will not be marrying him!

His master, though, I still must meet. Malefactor or no, I must make sure he is not the one to take my hand in marriage.


{a unicorn answers the call, and she rides it further into the castle}

Re: A Castle in the Sky (complete with a Denney's)
#356071 09/29/09 09:06 PM
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(Luna gives off a small grin to Candle, she stands and dusts herself off. She looks towards Stoopid Cat, she sees the tesseracts doorway)

I hope this place does not adjust to power of the tesseracts, if so, it would be best that we use this chance we have and leave.

(Luna enters the tesseract, but before her head exits the castle, she looks to Kent and sends him a message directly to his mind)

I do not know if your investigation is complete, but I advise you to follow.

And to show I bear no ill will, I, too, shall bestow a gift...
Re: A Castle in the Sky (complete with a Denney's)
#356072 09/29/09 09:08 PM
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(finishes off the Minotaur, for the moment at least)

I'm right behind ya! Let's go!

The childhood friend Exnihil never had.
Re: A Castle in the Sky (complete with a Denney's)
#356073 09/30/09 12:46 AM
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Candle looks at the three little guys on the floor (ignoring Barley and the minotaur purposefully).

Then, she takes Kents' arm and pushes he and Luna through the door standing open before them.

Stoopid Cat says, "Meow!" and jumps through the doorway after them.

Candle turns away from the door as it slams shut and disappears.

"I'm not ready to leave just yet, and I'm certainly not going anywhere without the babies."

Bending down, she gathers the three unconsious doll sized creatures into her arms, grabs the bag Drura left and slips into the light.

A singin' and a dancin'
along the way.
Re: A Castle in the Sky (complete with a Denney's)
#356074 09/30/09 05:17 PM
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<Watches Candle in the scrying pool until she enters the light and vanishes.>

Carrie Ann... Attend me!

<The Fairie appears on the lip of the scrying pool.>

Why did Barley attack the wierd sister?

<The Fairie simply shrugs.>

Odd... That wasn't like him at all. Have some Red Caps take him out to the meadow and give him a mug of the healing potion you brewed... at his request?!?!

Did he forsee this? Or was he affected by the wierd sister's chaotic magic? Something else else to think on...

But for now... Have Gladys placed in my chambers and call me when she wakes...

I have plans for her...

Soon, Legion World, Soon your time will end.
Re: A Castle in the Sky (complete with a Denney's)
#356075 10/01/09 02:48 AM
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Shifting from light to shadow, Candle finishes her search for safety with an alcove hidden by 2 sets of stairs and a fireplace, devoid of sleeping or warning spells.

"This must be a 'missed' or 'hidden' room, at least, I hope so," she whispers to herself.

She lays the 3 little ones down on a windowseat with lots of deep and colorful cushions, the seating placed under an arched 'break' in the cloud wall.
The kids roll over and give contented sighs before going from unconciousness into sleep.

Candle checks them gently of any bumps or bruises, but finds none.

"Trust a cat to judge the power of his paws purrfectly," she sighs gratefully.

Sitting on a pillow against a wall that one of the stairs goes up, she surveys the area. Lightning weaves a barrier across the 'window' and softly illuminates the tiny area.

On the opposite side of the alcove, under the other stairs, is a small watercloset (bathroom) which Candle makes use of, finishing with a splash of cold water on her face from a pitcher and basin resting on a cupboard in the room.

Slipping back to the windowseat area, she pulls a blanket from a draw in the seat's base and covers the sleeping children.
"They should be okay here, for awhile."

Then, she sends an empathic message to MysticLuna & a number of other friends.
And saying a couple of prayers before hand, with another sigh, she melts into the shadows to continue exploring the castle.

A singin' and a dancin'
along the way.
Re: A Castle in the Sky (complete with a Denney's)
#356076 10/02/09 12:43 AM
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A singin' and a dancin'
along the way.
Re: A Castle in the Sky (complete with a Denney's)
#356077 10/02/09 12:57 AM
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Candle hurries, weaving in and out of lights and shadows, racing up a hall to a room she remembers glancing the night before.

(MysticLuna is about to go out of body with Pagan Lass. I think I need to make this quick!)
Looking up, she sees a sign about a brilliantly lit arc <span style="font-size: 18px;"> *DRAGONS BE HERE* </span>

Running through the arch, Candle whirls, while reaching into the bag Drura left her. She pulls out two many layered windchimes of glass and a couple of large hooks.

She climbs some vines growing on either side of the arch, attaches the hooks, sets the chimes and releases them from their bindings.

The breezes that blow throught the castle set the chimes to moving and beautiful notes float through the air.

(That should calm the spells here and disrupt any farseeing, at least for a little while.)

A number of very large presenses loom behind her.
As Candle turns, the armour that she always wears but which is seldom seen, begins to simmer and she draws her sword.

+urgent empathic message sent+

A singin' and a dancin'
along the way.
Re: A Castle in the Sky (complete with a Denney's)
#356078 10/02/09 01:48 AM
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Candlelight refocuses on the giant forms in front of her and kneels down behind her Shield of Truth just as flames flow in, hitting the Shield and are deflected to dance all around her.


There's a COUGH, as from something huge swallowed too quickly, and she peeks over the top of the shield.

Seven very different pairs of eyes glitter at her from seven very different faces that all have one thing in common.
They belong to dragons.

"HOW?" they murmer as one.

Candle smiles.
"The Sword of the Spirit can free your minds of Kardi's 'family' spells and a number of ladies I know, will guide you to a place of refuge.
But, you must decide NOW!"

Seven jeweled heads turn to look at each other, then back at Candle.


"Please, trust me."
"I must thrust the Sword through your minds, then you must jump through the doorway that will be opened for you."
There's a brief pause as the chimes tinkle in the air.


Candle jumps on the nearest dragon's foreleg and climbs up to her great head of crystal and amethyst, as FirmConcept

Raising her Sword, she plunges it into the dragons brain, where the spine joins the skull at the back of the head.

Amethyst <span style="font-size: 18px;">screams and laughs </span>at the same time and leaps to fly through the opening as Candle jumps to the next dragon in line.

Almost before the tale can be written, the last of the ancient beings is freed and flies through the doorway.

Then, with a bow & smile FirmConcept disappear.

Candle sighs, and crouches against the side of the arch, as she waits for the next denizens of the dragon lair to decide to approach her.

A singin' and a dancin'
along the way.
Re: A Castle in the Sky (complete with a Denney's)
#356079 10/02/09 01:06 PM
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(The chimes seem to be working, at least, no one seems to be bothered by what I'm doing, sigh.)

"Ahhh, here they come," Candle whispers, going very still inside and out.

First, a very small one, maybe 6 inches long, drifts over to her. When she doesn't move or threaten him in any way, he looks back at some fauna in the room and floats a little closer to Candlelight.
Soon, another one, slightly larger, joins him, silently watching her.
Then, another and another, until hundreds of silent, watching sea dragons are drifting about her.
Leafy sea dragons (and their cousins ~ Weedies and Seahorses and Pipfish), that is.
All varieties move before her awed eyes, until finally, a group of huge (at least 5 feet in length) move among the little ones, to come to rest in front of her.

"I always knew you were touched by magic," she says.

Suddenly, <span style="font-size: 18px;"> CRASH!!!</span>
And Quislet "Hi-ya Candle, we followed Fishy in and are ready to help."

"Tellus, can you keep Moby calm and still call to everyone, so that the ones who might want to go can join us?"

Tellus {Certainly, but there is some resistance from even those who want to leave.}

"Which ones?" asks Candle.

Tellus {The more magical the creature, the more resistance, possibly because the confinements here are magic based.}

"Alright, we'll just have to see who shows up. Hurry them up, please, time is so short."

Swiftly, they come: the silkies (part human, silkies are seals until their outer skins are removed), leviathans ~ whales of all kinds and others unknown, mermaids (again, of all types) who brought some fishes in pots and bowls, birds and insects of all types and finally, the unicorns ~ the ones that look like Uni, a mixture of magical and natural.

"Is everyone ready? Dawny . . ."

Dawnstar "I am ready to lead them to a new home, Shadowplay in Candlelight."

"Okay, Tellus, let everyone know what to do."

SuperMobyDick opens his mouth calmly under the telepathic control of Tellus, and the animals move in to sit quietly in his mouth.
He backs from the castle and he & the Legionnaires fly off following Dawnstar.

The cloud walls of the castle fill back in and the gaping hole disappears.

"I forgot Uni!" Candle gasps.

She runs to remove the windchimes from either side of arch and puts them back into her bag. The armour fades as Candle melts into the light.

A singin' and a dancin'
along the way.
Re: A Castle in the Sky (complete with a Denney's)
#356080 10/02/09 03:46 PM
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Candle... Where are you?

<Pagan Lass's voice is quietly urgent as she glides thru the castle corridors.>

/ / ( . )Y( . ) \ \

What can I DO for you?
Re: A Castle in the Sky (complete with a Denney's)
#356081 10/02/09 03:54 PM
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Oh! She's flitting hither and you freeing those she feels I have cruelly oppressed... [Self satisfied Grin] And all the while she's aiding me in drawing the real prizes into my web!

<A web of finely spun silk drops over Pagan Lass.>

The Wierd Sister will be here soon, I hope.

And STU...

Soon, Legion World, Soon your time will end.
Re: A Castle in the Sky (complete with a Denney's)
#356082 10/02/09 04:05 PM
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<A tesseract door opens and Stoopid Cat leaps at Zardi, changing in mid leap from an oversized house cat to the Tiger God Avitar. A swipe of one massive paw hurls Zardi against a wall.>

You of all people should know that a witch's familiar is never far away, Zardi...

<S.C. leaps to the bound form of Pagan Lass and razor sharp claws attempt to cut away the binding webs, to no avail...>

When you're in Danger or in Trouble I will be there on the Double.
Re: A Castle in the Sky (complete with a Denney's)
#356083 10/02/09 04:14 PM
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<Stares at a spot behind S.C. as Zardi picks himself up. A stench of brimstone begins to permeate the air.>

Time for you to leave, Faithful One, I am lost to you for a while. Go to Abin. He...

<A flaming tentacle bursts thru the floor and wraps around Stoopid Cat's neck.>

/ / ( . )Y( . ) \ \

What can I DO for you?
Re: A Castle in the Sky (complete with a Denney's)
#356084 10/02/09 04:19 PM
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Why Bast chose to house the Tiger Magic in such a foolish being...

<A second flaming tentacle ships around SC's legs.>

Secure him, Chilthu. Bind him in the castle's dungeons.

Soon, Legion World, Soon your time will end.
Re: A Castle in the Sky (complete with a Denney's)
#356085 10/02/09 04:32 PM
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<He can feel Pagan's will pushing him to change and flee, to take the better part of valor and return to fight another day, but...>

No! I Will Fight!

<Diamond hard claws rake at the grasping tentacles... steel muscles struggle to loosen their grip... Teeth find a purchase and bitter ichor fills his mouth... but more tentacles wrap him and soon he cannot draw a breath... Then the image of her face fills his mind and somehow he finds himself in the tesseracts, torn and bloody, weak as a newborn kitten, but alive and free...>

<span style="font-size: 15px;">Find Abin! Warn Him!</span>

When you're in Danger or in Trouble I will be there on the Double.
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