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Kill This Thread LXIV - The Giant Checkerboard
by Invisible Brainiac - 03/13/25 05:21 AM
I'm Thinking of a DCU character Part 6!
by Invisible Brainiac - 03/13/25 05:20 AM
Lois Lane's Lucky Legion Earrings...
by Korbal - 03/13/25 02:10 AM
5 Worst movies ever!
by Eryk Davis Ester - 03/12/25 09:58 PM
FL revisits The Transformers' post-animated-movie episodes
by Ann Hebistand - 03/12/25 06:55 AM
Inane one word posts XXXIV - inanity
by Invisible Brainiac - 03/11/25 06:07 PM
The All-JSA (2024) Thread!
by Ann Hebistand - 03/11/25 05:49 PM
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"We're too late boys, the party's over. Head back to the shop, set up your rotation schedule and send Delta Orange to the Security Office."

All three agents group together, fire off their boot jets and take to the sky. In a moment they've disappeared from sight.

"Is Jailbait ok? You guys look like you're going to make it. Listen, we're trying to set up a quick reaction strike force for these emergencies. You can trust the Orange armored guys, they work for me. Buzz the Security Office for backup."

Knowing the independent nature and stubborn streaks that came natural to this bunch 3G decides to clarify a bit more,
"This team will be handy until enough super powered agents can be trained to handle things. They're good guys, hunk-y too."
He grins mischeviously.

"They're on MY payroll so they don't answer to any of the usual suspects and since I certainly have absolutely NO desire to conquer the world, usurp the reins of absolute power or ban heavy metal music, things should work out nicely. We're pretty neutral to the political upheavals around here"

I'm too sexy for my shirt.
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<as Phineas B. Fuddle activates his celestial mechanism in his Orrery , a whiteout of chronal regression begins to spread across this establishment>

<Legion World is dying>

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<as the celebrations continue in the streets following the triumphant defeat of Phineas B. Fuddle, at least one resident of Legion World has no cause to celebrate>

<a brooding Exnihil sits in the scorched remains of what remains of his former office, his shop having been nearly burned down as part of Phineas’ mechanisms. He is smoking his way through the last salvaged box of Carggite tri-gars reading, again, the posted notice that he found upon his return>

Dear Mr. Nihil,

It has come to our attention that, as part of your recent activities in association with Mr. Phineas B. Fuddle, you have engaged in what may be best described as several “questionable” actions.

While, admittedly, it later came to light that your actions were, in fact, part of a larger plan to act as the catalyst to defeat Mr. Fuddle, and did, in fact, result in the salvation of Legion World, the fact remains that you were involved in an ostensible assassination plot on the Legion Worlder known as Cobalt Kid.

As you must realize, these actions are neither sanctioned, nor endorsed, by our organization and, resultantly, effectively immediately, your license to import, sell, and distribute any of our products is hereby revoked.

We regret that your behavior has necessitated this decision, but - as has been well documented - the Tobacco industry has a long-standing policy of disaffiliation with those who are found to be dealing in death.

In any way.


Sincerely yours,

Big Tobacco

<flicking the ash of the tri-gar, Ex puts the notice down on his charred desk and sighs>

So… what now?

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Exxy, I know this is a rough patch for you. But you came through in the end.

I realize you probably need time to think about things, so take your time... but if you're interested, I have a position at the Bureau of External Affairs (tm) that you might find rewarding.

The childhood friend Exnihil never had.
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<nearly two years later...>

<the carnage of the "Thyme Crime" is all but forgotten. The burnt out wreckage of the Tobacconihilist has long since been razed and new construction completed.>

<There have been a few blind items in the LMB ENQUIRER speculating from whence the sudden influx of capital had arisen for the reconstruction of Ex's shop had come... and why the Security Office has turned a blind eye but, thus far, rumor and innuendo had amounted to nought.>

<Nevertheless, it is with a sly grin... and an itchy palm... that Ex finally, after nearly two years, walks to his door and turns his "Closed" sign around to "Open".>

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<flings open the doors to the new shop and storms in>

Nice new digs you got here, Ex...nice. While I appreciate your generous "contribution" to the Security Office in exchange for my...discretion...regarding certain regs and laws that would have possibly stopped your shop from opening---I trust you have something else to contribute on this most momentous of days? I would hate to have to inspect this place too closely, after all....

Still "Lardy" to my friends!
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<Ex, surprised, hurriedly shuffles some papers below the counter>

Hey... Lardy!... er... Chief! How you doing, buddy? I... uh... wasn't expecting to see you so soon.

I'm... uh... just getting things started again, you know? These things take a while to get going... but, uh... everything's above board, you know... just like we talked about. That whole "grandfather clause" is going to be great for this place... selling my wares strictly for "entertainment" purposes.

<looks sheepish>

But... uh... concerning additional "contributions"... that might be a little tough just yet...

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<glances at Ex's paper shuffling but intentionally plays dumb>

<grabs Ex by the collar>

"A little tough just yet"? REALLY?!?!

I take it you're ready for this placed to be "inspected" from top to bottom? Well, ARE ya?!?

Still "Lardy" to my friends!
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<Ex's diminutive frame is lifted off the floor by the Chief's throttling>

<choking, Ex sputters>



<Lardy eyes him threateningly, then slowly releases his grasp... Ex breathes a weak sigh>

I'm sorry... Chief... I... uh... I'm sorry...

<opens the register>

Would... uh... 20%... be OK this week?

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30% this week. And on time...not one millisecond late!

<straightens Ex's collar>

Gotta look respectable for your customers. What were ya thinkin', anyway?

Nice lookin' place ya got here.


<taps thru Omnicom>

Need eyes on the Tobacconihilist and Exnihil at all times....

Still "Lardy" to my friends!
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<watches Lardy exit and, through the front window, carefully watches him disappear down the street. When he is certain he's gone, he picks up his own Omnicon and dials a number. Someone answers, and Ex quietly speaks>


He just left...

30%, that's how much!...

Yeah... I know, but...



I will, but this is...


<hangs up... then to himself>

Grife! This better be worth it!

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Bold Flavors
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<walks in>

Good morning, Ex. It's been awhile--trust all is well? I'm glad to see the Tobacco shop has reopened. In fact, it's opening was just about the only way I could track you down.

<begins looking through the different products; doesn't hide the fact he's being very meticulous about it>

You seem nervoius. Don't worry, I'm not with the Security Office anymore. Anyway, I was under the impression most of this was legal and grandfathered in through prior laws on Legion World and the UP at-large.

<turns to Ex, getting closer>

You know, after the Thyme Crime caper, I was fullly expecting you to take a more active life on the heroic side of the LMB. But you've proven to be quite the businessman instead. Interesting. I mean sure, you probably felt bad--you did shoot me after all.


...but all is forgiven.

<uses magnetism to lock front door>

I was Security Chief for years and my mind works in a specific way. I like to think I've become an expert in accounting and finance and following money trails.

<Cobalt's face is now deadly serious>

So I'd like you to tell me...who exactly are your business partners? And what else are you selling here?

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<Ex sizes up Cobalt... he seems on the level, but the past few months have opened his eyes to the point where even those who he had implicitly trusted in the past have been shown to have nefarious intent. Still... if it did come down to it... the enemy of my enemy and all that. Ex relaxes>

Heh... yeah... sure, Cobalt... why not? I've got nothing to hide.

"Grandfathered"? Yeah, that's one way to put it. Grandfathered for a price. I don't know what's been going down in the Security Office since you left, but let's just say that most anything seems to be legal these days... if you've got the dough.

So you're following a money trail, eh? I guess it doesn't take a genius to see that this place didn't build itself. But, any port in a storm, you know? Fact of the matter is... and before you say anything, let me tell you that on this front, everything has been above board... I made a deal a few months back with a certain businessman, and thus far it's been a great relationship.

Tell me, does the name Grueris Nybelif mean anything to you?

<Ex grins>

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<a cold, almost mean, half-smile forms on Cobalt's face for a moment; he is not surprised>

The Governer of Ventura. I figured as just confirmed what some of my sources were saying.

I'm a businessman too, as you know. And I've been told numerous times, Gruertis Nybelif is a sentient who always makes his business partners very rich. But then again, I've also heard numerous things about Gruertis that make me inclined not get into business with him.

<trying to size up Ex some more to see just how much Ex knows about the Governer of Ventura>

There's something different about you, Ex. Different from a few years ago during Thyme Crime. You're an opportunist, sure, but I don't think you're all that bad. So I’ll tell you something right now you might already know. The people you’re doing business with are that bad. Gruertis Nybelif and ‘Zaryan’s Casino & Resort’ are fronting you cash so you act as a distributer for their tobacco products. You say it’s all above board and well…let’s just say I think that might be a partial truth. But you’re at the tail end of a smuggling ring that encompasses much more than some tobacco products. We’re talking hard narcotics. And even more, something far sinister if my theory is correct.

<can see Exnihil isn’t exactly aghast at these accusations>

Sounds like I have a date at the casino. And you might be coming along with me.

<but before Cobie can continue any longer, suddenly all the hairs on his neck are standing up; he knows immediately via his magnetic senses that something else is in the room; and suddenly he feels immense pain all over his body, spreading quickly>

Exnihil—get down!

<he magnetically pushes back the unseen assailant but he has no idea if he’s hit anyone; both he and Exnihil hit the floor>

Ugh! Ex, are you hit too?

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Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
Ugh! Ex, are you hit too?
<from the behind the counter, Ex shouts back, as he feels a strange pressure on his forearm, not so much pain, as more of a sudden pinch>

Ahhhhhhh! HIT???

<Ex stands up, throwing off his jacket, and frantically rolling up his sleeve. He looks at his arm in bewilderment>

More like... bit!

<Sure enough, all up and down his forearm are tiny red marks looking for all the world like miniature bites. He looks at Cobalt in disbelief>

Grife... is it always this way with you guys?! I'm just trying to make a buck here, and... yet again... the world's going nuts!

I don't pretend to know what's going on with Lardy... I'll give you that. If he's shaking me down, who knows what else is going on, but I can tell you one thing... Nybelif is clean. If he's mixed up in what you claim, I'll eat my hat!

<Cobie looks adamantly unconvinced>

Fine! You want to go to Zaryan's? Let's go to Zaryan's!

<looks around his shop, shakes his head. He walks over to the cash register and hits the "No Sale" button and the drawer pops open>

In for a penny... in for a pound...

But... if we're going to see Gruertis Nybelif at the casino... a pound ain't nearly enough.

<empties the register, and puts a wad of cash in his pocket>

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<squints to check out little bit marks on his arms to try to get a better sense of what attacked him, but Cobalt's healing powers begin to make them fade so the opportunity is quickly lost>

Okay, let's go Ex. Off to the casino.

<notices fat wad of cash in Ex's pocket but doesn't say anything>

They make their way to Zaryan\'s Palace...

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Question Kid notices the building is dark. That doesn't discourage him, as he quickly uses the security guards' memories to remove the locks. He ignores the stashes of tobacco and heads right towards the place's financial records, looking for anything out of the ordinary.

"Oww!" He shouted as something attempted to bit him. It was on his right hand, and Sebastian shook it off, which only made it angry. Tons of them began to swarm around him, forcing him to flee.

"Well, at least this provides me with the perfect excuse," The young man smiled. Shortly later, customers were greeted with the sign:

Notice of Hearing for the Owners
Due to serious pest control violations,
please appear at the Security Office...
if you wish to contest this hearing please visit SOMA offices.

Go with the good and you'll be like them; go with the evil and you'll be worse than them.- Portuguese Proverb
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Sebastian saw that his notice had been torn down and business as usual was in operation. He felt really bad at what he did at the moment. I was the worst of hypocrites wasn't I?I have been such a tool.

"At midnight all the agents , and the superhuman crew, go out and round up everyone who knows more than they do." Sebastian whispered.

"What's that, Sebastion?" Emily asked.

"Part of a song by someone named Bob Dylan. That sort of music is really popular where we come from. On Salvador, lots of young men sell themselves to politicians or drug lords. If you have superpowers, you basically either go in the Tournaments or become part of a death squad," Sebastian explained.

"I'm glad you never joined a death squad," Emily said.

Sebastian saw that Emily didn't understand why he made the reference. She was still loyal to Legionworld, even if family ties and the pursuit of science were pulling her in other directions. "Nevermind. Let's knock on the door." He knocked three times.

Go with the good and you'll be like them; go with the evil and you'll be worse than them.- Portuguese Proverb
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<Ex hobbled to the door, only recently released from Medicus Two after his encounter with the Red Bee>.

Who is banging at this hour?

<opens the door and sees Sebastian and Emily>

Ah... you two... I was expecting you sooner or later...

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Emily and Sebastian looked at eachother and then back at Exxnihil. Each one was trying to think of the right thing to say. Sebastian didn't want to sound like an idiot in front of pre-cognitive, while Emily didn't want her actions to come into question again.

"I have a serious financial offer to propose," Sebastian said. "May we come in?

Go with the good and you'll be like them; go with the evil and you'll be worse than them.- Portuguese Proverb
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Financial, eh?

<Ex's mind spun back to the promise that he had made to Cobie... greed was one thing, but had had sworn that the good of Legion World had to come first. Still... that nagging dollar sign kept popping into Ex's head. What could it hurt just to hear the pair out?>

Maybe you two better come inside.

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"Thank you.I am getting frustrated with the public sector. The government here is very ineffective," He says. "I feel like the private sector is where more good can be done. I've pretty much been doing any job that makes money. I was intelligent enough to purchase some mines after winning a Tournament, but I never did much with them."

He shakes his head, "I have been a fool. But after my encounter with the Red Bee, I have been seeing things from a new perspective. I have decided to make Sage Minerals public. I have made donations and invested in companies, and feel like I am doing the right thing. At the very least people will have jobs. I am going to set up a foundation...Anyways, my proposal is this. I will give you ten shares of stock in Sage Minerals and a CEO position."

Red Arrow said, "I will match it with shares from Sivana Technology and Knight Industries. Sivana Technology is going to have dividends next quarter and Knight Industries is developing treatments for radiation poisoning."

"Basically, what we ask for in return is your help. The civil war was bad for us all, but I think us young officers are going to suffer the most unless we act quickly. They are offering better deals to their enemies than their friends, they are actively sacrificing justice for peace. I would prefer to have both, but would settle for silence so that Celest---I mean Emily does not suffer," He said. "I am asking you to help me build a better, stronger world. Will you accept?

Go with the good and you'll be like them; go with the evil and you'll be worse than them.- Portuguese Proverb
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<Ex looked at the pair with a poker face. After a time, he walked across to his desk, and pulled out his private stock of Khundian Cohibas. Pausing to inhale the fine aroma, he then clipped the end and placed it in his mouth still unlit.>

<What game were the two playing? Everyone could see that the current administration was on the wane. Their inaction during the past weeks events spoke louder than words. But the private sector? Now that was something Ex knew something about.>

<Perhaps they had a point... however naively they were going about it. Perhaps when the government fails to protects its citizens, it was time for businessmen to take a more active interest in the publics affairs. And CEO? Not a bad addition to the old resume. Still... a bit of bad blood between me and Emily. She did try to kill me on the rooftop, had it not been for Dev. That might be worth a bit more than 10%.>

How about we say 20%, my dear Miss Sivana. We could call it... "reparations"?

<Ex grinned and lit his cigar>

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Emily asked Sebastian, "What about Hal Ferris?"

"Don't worry about our investors, especially Hal. He's in a bit of trouble with the church and is in no position to complain about anything. That's what you get for not giving your workers days off," Sebastian explained.

Emily said, "And our bank? Do you really think Aligheri will..."

Sebastian said, "Our associate is a perfect angel. You are just being paranoid."

Emily blinked. This is coming from the guy who's been attempting to get his hands on radion. "I agree to 20% as reparations," She says. Sebastian opened the brief case began to distribute the paperwork.

Go with the good and you'll be like them; go with the evil and you'll be worse than them.- Portuguese Proverb
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<As the briefcase popped open and Ex's mind started to go into negotiation mode, the slightest pang of guilt began to crop up. What are you doing, Ex? This is always how it starts. Getting involved in yet another venture with suspect bedfellows. But he quickly pushed it down.>

<No! Regardless of what these two are planning, this time I'm in it for the good of Legion World. A 20% interest in this fledgling company could mean a great deal of good could be done to help with the damage that had been inflicted over the past month>

<And... he thought ever so briefly... if I come away with a small profit for myself... what's the harm?>

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