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Lois Lane's Lucky Legion Earrings...
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by Eryk Davis Ester - 03/12/25 09:58 PM
I'm Thinking of a DCU character Part 6!
by Chaim Mattis Keller - 03/12/25 07:08 AM
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by Ann Hebistand - 03/12/25 06:55 AM
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by Ann Hebistand - 03/12/25 06:49 AM
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<SharkLad bursts in the door>

Everyday Girl, there you are! Before I go out hunting for Lard, I gotta ask ya ...

Say, what's Exnihil doing on the floor?

Ex, buddy, wake up ... c'mon, we can crack this case ...

<SharkLad struggles to lift Exnihil off the floor>

Hey man, next time take it easy on the Diet Coke ... that stuff'll kill ya ...

Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water...
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Ohmygod! Sharky! A couple of redshirts were just about to put Exnihil in the infirmary. And My Wee Fem is getting Doc One to check him out...

Now like what did you want to ask me?

Hi! How are you?
<click-click> <span style="font-size: 15px;">BLAM!! BLAM!! BLAM!! BLAM!! BLAM!!</span>
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<call comes to the front desk. No one answers>

The Machine: All security officers are currently occupied, please leave a message after the beep


Hmm...exactly the sort of lax organization I intend to fix. Never mind, I will take care of this myself...

Through the sands of time
an ancient evil unleashed
I come to end it
its path of destruction
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MY did you trace that call?

Get the info to matlock.

He's out on the streets... Your ring will lead you to him...

Truth and Justice shall Prevail!
(Follow his lead My and you'll learn a lot)

Truth and Justice shall Prevail!
(Just as soon as the Check Clears!)
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Attention agents of the Security Office.

Virgin Lad was just pronounced dead by the attending physician on Medicus. You no longer have a mysterious assault to solve, you now have a murder investigation on your hands.

I'll see to the preparation of his body to be moved to the morgue. Please inform the appropriate authorities to prepare a place on Shanghalla.

I'm very sad and I'm going to cry now. Find the killer before we have two funerals.

3G out.

I'm too sexy for my shirt.
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Everyday Girl,

I gotta ask ya ... how is it you can send me out after Lard Lad, when it's clear that you're carrying his baby!

Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water...
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*enters the Security Office*

Ah Everyday Girl! There you are. I have organized the Zero Posters and have them fanning out across Legion World. They'll let me know if they uncover anything.

I've also checked with my sources inthe Dark Circle. The current happenings here on Legion World don't appear to be the result of any machinations of the Dark Circle, but they are watching carefully, ready to exploit any advantage.

I'm going to follow up a rumor I heard about tainted Diet Coke at the Hootchie Hut.

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Originally posted by My Wee Fem:
<In the alley next to Clive Taylor aka Virgin Lad's Apartment Building. Lt Hutch Starsky, Head of CSI for legion World, is supervising a crew of investigators. Standing with him are My Wee Fem and Jailbait Lass.>

Lt Starsky: Space Ranger is transporting the body to Medicus Tower in a Stasis capsule.

MWF: He's still alive after having his hand chopped off and being thrown out a 14th floor window?

Lt Starsky: Not that I could tell but you know how Spacey is... The body was still warm so he thinks Clive might have some spark of life left in him and if any Doctor in this universe can bring someone back from that close to death... it's Doc One.

JBL: Yeah, Doc One's proven that to be true more than once...
I'm sorry My, but I don't work for the Security Office anymore, I only work for Cobie.

And when he needed me the most...I turned my back on him...


...I-I have to go...

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A quiet figure enters the office through the high-security staff entrance. Moving through the administrative wing with some trepidation, he appears somewhat unsure of his destination. Finally, in a dusty lower cupboard he finds what he was looking for and busys himself with it. The machine is old, but the scent wafting from it is ancient beyond memory...

"Ok! Coffee's on. Somebody get me up to speed, pronto. I've been gone too long, and now this? Cobie, shot... I, I shoulda been there. Maybe my shields could have stopped that dart. Dadgummit, I told that kid not to depend on magnetism so much. Well, what's done is done. I need the dart and all the ballistics work STAT!"

With a sigh matlock pours a cup of coffee, black, in a battered old cup and reaches for the intercom. "Motor pool, get my transport out of storage. It's about time to hit the streets."

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Everyday Girl, are you around? I've come to offer my services--

<sees Matlock for the first time since being busted by him those years ago>

Hello Matlock, it is I. The Royal Inquisitor. I know you must see me and think the worst--and I know I deserve it--but please trust me, I'm only here to help.

<looks around>

Everyday I have to win over one other I've harmed in the past.

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Uh-huh, so it's Roy now is it? Well, I'll be keeping an eye on you but right now I have to run down a few things. Maybe before this is over you'll have a chance to prove where your allegiences lie.

Heck, these days it's hard to tell where anyone stands any more.

Keep out of trouble.

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Hello matlock....

<extends hand>

It's been a while...

Truth and Justice shall Prevail!
(Odd, I know him but I don't remember ever working with him...)

Truth and Justice shall Prevail!
(Just as soon as the Check Clears!)
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Ohmygod!!! Mr. Gramps-lock!!!

<Practically tackles matlock with a flying hug.>

I should... I mean... why didn't you ever tell me!!!!

Hi! How are you?
<click-click> <span style="font-size: 15px;">BLAM!! BLAM!! BLAM!! BLAM!! BLAM!!</span>
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<SharkLad enters the Office of Security carrying a sword ... there is a slight trickle of blood in the corner of his mouth>

"Matlock! Thank sprock I found you so quickly! Everyday Girl, let go of him ... I need to speak with Matlock ... besides, someone in your condition shouldn't be so, well, physical ..."

"Sharky, why are you persisting in this notion that I'm pregnant?"

"Nevermind, E-Girl ... Matlock, I've brought you this sword from, um, a friend ... is there some place we can go to talk?"

Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water...
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strange but not a stranger
strange but not a stranger
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Alright, where is that scallywag, Exnihil? I got a call from my office that he has retained my services. What did he do now? Cross in the middle of the street? Take two free samples?

Big Dog! Big Dog! Bow Wow Wow!
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Quis! I was on my way to see you when this mess all started and I got dragged in. You better find Exnihil soon, his charges are somewhat more serious than taking two free samples--they include attempted murder.

Originally posted by matlock:
Uh-huh, so it's Roy now is it? Well, I'll be keeping an eye on you but right now I have to run down a few things. Maybe before this is over you'll have a chance to prove where your allegiences lie.

Heck, these days it's hard to tell where anyone stands any more.

Keep out of trouble.
(Yet another one I need to prove myself too. Well, I knew it would be a long road back, and I can only hope to make some amends a little everyday).

(It was not so long ago that Lard Lad hunted me down in the streets. I wonder if soon I'll be doing the same for him? Roles reversed...Legion World is never short of irony).

Hm, clearly we have much going on here, and its time to make myself useful. I'll head out into the streets...I do have one good idea...

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Originally posted by Everyday Girl:
Ohmygod, Like move it people...

If you're not involved with the transport of Mr. Cobalt then priority ONE is finding the following people and bringing them in for questioning:


Clive Taylor aka Virgin lad
Is this "Clive Taylor" an alternate-board version of CJ Taylor?

("CJ" = "Clive Jasper")

♦ Translated from 31st century Texan to 21st century English ♦
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Dossier on Clive Taylor aka Virgin Lad:

Clive Taylor was the "son" of LMBer Lard Lad. Originally an android duplicate of Lard Lad, Clive was bestowed humanity (via an apparent spell cast by the late sorceress Dru) after Lard Lad's apparent death during the affair code-named "Five Faces of Death". (It should be noted that Clive in android form was the primary host for the Computer Tyrant for much off FFoD until Clive fought it off with LMB help) After Lard Lad's apparent resurrection, Clive held firm that this man was an imposter of his late "father" and went to extraordinary means to do so.

Like Lard Lad, Clive had some moderate Lard Force abilities. He was LMBP co-deputy leader and founter of the Department of Moral Purity at the time of his recent, currently unsolved murder.

Still "Lardy" to my friends!
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Sharklad, I'll need a moment with the young lady here.

<walks with Everyday Girl into his office>

I'm sorry kiddo, I shoulda told you before. There are things that only a few people know about me here. Cobie's one, and Doc One and a few others. I'll explain it all later. Right now we have to find who did this to Cobie, and deal with this Lard Lad mess. I'll tell you, there's never been a Lard user in all my years that didn't get destabilized by it in the end. Just, be wary around him. I know he tries hard.

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<knocks on matlock's office door>

Hey matlock! I need to talk to you now!

Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water...
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<opens door>

Good, sorry it took a while to get together but it's been a real nuthatch around here. What have you got? I know you've been working some angles. It's time to compare notes... Antique weaponry ... chronologically displaced suspects (Jailbait Lass told me you were trying to run down the Tomahawk character.) We've got to connect some dots here.

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first I gotta show you something ... even Lolita doesn't know I have this ... it's Lard Lad's sword ... he asked me to bring it to you ... this other sword here and the tomahawk, me and Lolita found these in hidden in the O.K. Corral along with a "John Doe" we brought to Medicus Two ...

something about "John Doe" doesn't smell right ... whoever left him for dead at the O.K. Corral tried a little too hard to cover-up "Doe's" identity ... like they wanted Doe out of the picture but didn't want everybody to know Doe was out of the picture ...

unless I got this all screwed up, "John Doe" is the Election Tyrant ... somebody doesn't want this election to happen any time soon ... but if it doesn't, there's gonna be a lot more bloodshed ...

Lolita is waiting for us at Cafe Cramer ... you ready to connect some more dots?

Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water...
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Hmm. The election? Now we've got a political angle to this too? This smells fishier than the chowder at the Evil Genius Supper Club. There's no way to keep this under wraps long. Let's get down to Cramer's. I haven't had a cup o' her java in month of Sundays anyway.

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cool ... I could use a latte ...


Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water...
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So who exactly is in charge of the Security Office?
Is there a chance of meeting with somebody NOT in a coma, dead or functionally indisposed?

I kinda figure this might be a good time to marshall our forces and make a co-ordinated effort to get the bad guys, kick some butt then throw a that specific order by the way.

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