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Re: The Office of Security (out with the Lardy, in with the Dev)
#345949 03/24/11 06:14 PM
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"Thank you, sir!" Question Lad was very happy. "Where I'm from regimes usually don't go in and out without violence. It's nice to see it's different on Legion World."

Go with the good and you'll be like them; go with the evil and you'll be worse than them.- Portuguese Proverb
Re: The Office of Security (out with the Lardy, in with the Dev)
#345950 03/24/11 06:25 PM
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"I'm glad too. Although I wasn't too sure yesterday."

He grabs his Omnicom and hits some buttons.

"There, you'll be able to place things on my agenda to review. Give it a little time, and you'll probably be ordering this stuff."

Dev smiles. "I got to go find Lardy again. I need to tell him something."

Active LMB character is still Beast Boy.

Re: The Office of Security (out with the Lardy, in with the Dev)
#345951 03/24/11 07:20 PM
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Posted on Security Office premises:

By order of Legion World Government's Oversight Committee, Security Chief Anthony Taylor is hereby placed on indefinite disciplinary suspension until such time as his conduct can be thoroughly evaluated and further determination made. In the meantime, he will not be allowed on the premises after 24 hours have passed from the time of this notification.

It has been decided that Security Lieutenant Dev Em shall act as Security Chief in the interim and be granted the full powers of the position until such time as either Chief Taylor is reinstated or a permanent successor is named if reinstatement is disallowed.

--Legion World Oversight Committee

Still "Lardy" to my friends!
Re: The Office of Security (out with the Lardy, in with the Dev)
#345952 03/24/11 07:26 PM
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<somberly starts cleaning his office out after seeing the notice appear on his Omnicom>

It's for the best. I...I made my own bed. And now I'm free to pursue my mission with no responsibilities being shirked. <empties his desk>

Still "Lardy" to my friends!
Re: The Office of Security (out with the Lardy, in with the Dev)
#345953 03/24/11 07:56 PM
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Dev makes his way to the Chiefs office as quickly as he can. he is stopped by numerous staffers either wishing him luck or asking if they still have jobs.

When he finally gets there and closes the door behind him, he looks at Lardy. "I'm sorry, they told me they'd give me some times to get here and tell you myself...then proceeded to shove paperwork in my face to keep me busy."

He looks towards the ground, "look, I know we have our differences, but last night made me realize that we also have way more similarities than I ever would have thought. More than even you know..."

Active LMB character is still Beast Boy.

Re: The Office of Security (out with the Lardy, in with the Dev)
#345954 03/24/11 08:01 PM
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<smiles softly> Yeah, I'm sure...

Look, Dev, I'll be out of here as quickly as possible.I don't want to confuse things, here, by waiting 'til the last possible moment.

For what it's worth...good luck to you. I really can't think of a better man for the job. And who knows? Maybe, just maybe, I'll finally start learning from my own mistakes, instead of just repeating them over and over ad nauseum.

<offers his hand for a shake>

Still "Lardy" to my friends!
Re: The Office of Security (out with the Lardy, in with the Dev)
#345955 03/24/11 08:20 PM
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Dev takes his hand. "There's no rush at the moment, and I really don't think that you want to go out there right this minute. It's a bit of a madhouse."

Dev looks Lardy in the face. "Listen to me for a minute. I know that whatever you guys are planning is not going to be easy at all. Just don't do anything stupid okay? I'm not going to say anything other than that about the subject so I don't come across as condescending."

"For what it's worth, I know I was a bit obnoxious last night, and for that I apologize..."

"I know the loss of your power has had a big impact on you...I have all but lost the ability to use my Durlan shape changing abilities. If I do use what little I have left, it'll drive me literally insane. It's stalled the healing process drastically, and I may never get 100% full range of motion back in my shoulders."

Dev stops himself short from telling him about how Tempest helped him last need to go there and let him know that I know that there is something between them.

Active LMB character is still Beast Boy.

Re: The Office of Security (out with the Lardy, in with the Dev)
#345956 03/24/11 08:32 PM
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Don't give last night a second thought, Dev. It's water under the bridge. But you're wrong, I do need to get out of here as soon as possible.

The mission is what it is. It's incredibly dangerous. It's possible that not a one of us will be coming back. But it's a battle worth fighting. So if it's the death of me, so be it. But I'll fight smart--I promise you that.

I hope you'll give the crew I put together a chance to prove themselves to you, Dev. I know I took chances with many who I chose, but I saw something in each and every one of them that made me think they had potential.

I mean, look at Roy and what a fine Officer he turned out to be! No one would give him a chance, but I did. I'd say he proved himself...made me proud. But I lost one of the finest friends I ever made in the process. <rubs eyes> Always remember,'re gonna lose some fine Officers in this line of work. It's definitely the heaviest burden a Chief has to bear sitting in that chair.

Take care, Dev. I know you'll make such a good Chief that the Oversight Committee would be fools not to keep you on when they inevitably decide to give me the axe. I know you'll persevere and do this Office proud! <pats him on the shoulder and heads out after putting a last few things in the box>

Still "Lardy" to my friends!
Re: The Office of Security (out with the Lardy, in with the Dev)
#345957 03/24/11 08:41 PM
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Dev watches him leave.

Okay. You got what you wanted...right?

Dev walks around the desk and sits in the chair.

"Well, time to start going through these..."

He hits a few buttons on the Omnicom and pulls up a file list. He scrolls through them until he hits the one labelled 'Personel'. He sorts by rank, highest to lowest, and starts going through them...

Active LMB character is still Beast Boy.

Re: The Office of Security (out with the Lardy, in with the Dev)
#345958 03/24/11 10:21 PM
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Hours later, Dev is sitting with his right elbow on the desk, his head propped up in his right hand and his left hand flipping through the pages even faster thna he can read.

He finally looks up and looks outside using his x-ray vision.

"Grife, it's night already?" he says to nobody.

He had sent out about 60 different messages to various Office of Security members. Assigning open cases, getting some support staff to start preparing meetings with the higher level operatives and officers.

He hit send on the last one, and put his Omnicom into standbye mode. It would alert him in case of emergencies, but not much else.

He leaned back in the chair and put his feet up on the deak. "Should go home, but...nah, not yet."

He stood up and grabbed his coat. Going to need a new outfit for this job...

He walked up some stairs and exited out onto the roof. The air was chilly, but that never bothered him. Even inthose times that he felt the cold, he has always liked it back home on Daxam.

He walked over to the edge and sat down. nice night...maybe a fly around would do me some good.

He ended up sitting there scanning the city for what seemed like hours.

Active LMB character is still Beast Boy.

Re: The Office of Security (out with the Lardy, in with the Dev)
#345959 03/24/11 10:54 PM
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(A gust of wind begins to circle around the roof, it becomes stronger and more compact, taking the form of Tempest.)

Pointless. I am getting sick and tired of these dead ends.

(Turns around.)

Dev? I'm sorry, I'm usually alone up here. What are you doing up here?

And to show I bear no ill will, I, too, shall bestow a gift...
Re: The Office of Security (out with the Lardy, in with the Dev)
#345960 03/25/11 04:45 AM
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"I was just enjoying the view, which just got tremendously better by the way,' he said with a smile.

He stood up and walked a little closer to her.

"I'm sure you've heard by now that Lardy is on indefinite suspension until further review...and that they put me in charge, from his recomendation."

He turns and looks out at the city.

"So, I got tired of the paperwork after 9 hours, and decided to get some air and look at the city. I was contemplating taking a flight around and actually relax a little," he turns back to her, "...want to join me?"

Active LMB character is still Beast Boy.

Re: The Office of Security (out with the Lardy, in with the Dev)
#345961 03/25/11 06:55 PM
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OCC:Sorry for interrupting the flow, but I have to save this thread from the second page. I'm a bit confused as to where exactly members live, so I'll keep it vague.)

Question Lad decided to go for moderately priced and reliable this time over expensive and new security systems. He submitted his ideas to Chief Dev-Em for review and spent the rest of the day using his tech skills to repair damages to the systems. He decided to call it a night.

Question Lad's bedroom is a very organized space, with everything in it's specific place. The walls are a pale yellow, a remnant of the previous occupant. There were some modern art hanging on his walls along with box of mounted dragonflies he was given by Magnus University- Legionworld. On his desk was scattered pictures from his trip to Israel and the latest copy of Current Archeology.

He took out his Susanno 3000 and went through his business and personal e-mails. Everything seemed in order until he spotted one from Emily Sivana:

If I am not contacted by them in ten hours, I will come back to all of you.

Sebastian was too tired to question it, and decided to let the girl do whatever she wanted.

Go with the good and you'll be like them; go with the evil and you'll be worse than them.- Portuguese Proverb
Re: The Office of Security (out with the Lardy, in with the Dev)
#345962 03/25/11 10:02 PM
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(Shocked by the news of Lardy.)


I guess I thought everyone would just forgive him, how idealistic of me.

If they won't forgive him for what he did, will they forgive me for what I did? I can't ever let anyone know.

Maybe the time off will do him good. I could really use a drink. This night hasn't been going to well.

(levitates off the ground)

Show me to the nearest drink hole. (She says with forced smile.)

And to show I bear no ill will, I, too, shall bestow a gift...
Re: The Office of Security (out with the Lardy, in with the Dev)
#345963 03/25/11 10:16 PM
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Dev levitates next to her. "This way..."

They fly off and hit the nearest bar and proceed to drink...

Active LMB character is still Beast Boy.

Re: The Office of Security (out with the Lardy, in with the Dev)
#345964 03/25/11 10:41 PM
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After a few drinks, Dev takes Tempests hands and asks, "What's bothering you?"

Active LMB character is still Beast Boy.

Re: The Office of Security (out with the Lardy, in with the Dev)
#345965 03/25/11 10:53 PM
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(Less aggravated, but not really drunk, just calm, she leans into Dev so that she is resting on him as the both look out into the city.)

The past.

My dreams.

Who I was, is that who I am?

I suppose my main issue is---

Should I have come to Legion World?

And to show I bear no ill will, I, too, shall bestow a gift...
Re: The Office of Security (out with the Lardy, in with the Dev)
#345966 03/25/11 11:05 PM
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"Tempest...I have no idea if there is anything I can do to help, but I will if I can."

Dev glances around, his hearing has picked up something.

" want to take out some frustration on some of those Lard Bots that are still roaming around? There's three of them a few blocks east of here."

Active LMB character is still Beast Boy.

Re: The Office of Security (out with the Lardy, in with the Dev)
#345967 03/25/11 11:14 PM
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I suppose, but they're kind of cute.

(Takes to the air and heads east until she spots the Lard Bots.)

I never did fight any of these.

(She lowers herself to them, but does not land. They see her and fire, she protects herself with a magic shield.)

Not at all like the real one!

(Throws a mystic blast at the one on the furthest right. She follows after it as it stumbles backwards. She summons a gale on the other two to push them away from her. Her hands glow white as she punches her original target in the face.)

Don't by shy, Dev. They're just crap metal.

And to show I bear no ill will, I, too, shall bestow a gift...
Re: The Office of Security (out with the Lardy, in with the Dev)
#345968 03/25/11 11:22 PM
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Dev uses his heat vision to dispatch one rather quickly.

kinda cute...they look just like...

He send the thirds head flying about four blocks away.

"Oops...better go get that."

He flies off after it, and melts it on the way back.

"I'm sorry I should probably call it a night, I have a bit to do tomorrow. I want to talk to the staff, and I have a few others I need to track down. Can I take you fly you home before I go home myself?"

Active LMB character is still Beast Boy.

Re: The Office of Security (out with the Lardy, in with the Dev)
#345969 03/25/11 11:26 PM
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(Standing over the now destroyed bits of a Lard Bot.)

No, I think I'll stay out a bit, I do rather hate my room at the Office.

Good night, Dev. Get some sleep, I suppose you have a big day ahead of you, Chief.

And to show I bear no ill will, I, too, shall bestow a gift...
Re: The Office of Security (out with the Lardy, in with the Dev)
#345970 03/25/11 11:35 PM
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"Goodnight Tempest."

He pauses as he levitates off the ground. what are you waiting idiot...ask her...

"Yeah, tomorrow is going to be busy. Give me a call if you need me for anything."

...anything at all. By the gods I'm an idiot, he thinks as he slowly turns and flies away in an expanding circle at first, and then towards the Office of Security, where he grabs a cot and sleeps in a spare room next to his office, not yet ready to go to his empty home alone.

Active LMB character is still Beast Boy.

Re: The Office of Security (out with the Lardy, in with the Dev)
#345971 03/26/11 10:36 AM
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Question Lad arrived in the Office's kitchen the next morning to find Red Arrow making coffee. He asked, "How did you get in? I haven't re-added you to the security systems yet."

Red Arrow looked around and then whispered, "You know that Soul Gem I was wearing?" He nodded so she continued. "I talked to an old family enemy and I traded it for some powerful equations. Apparently there's a war coming up and they want a truce between the Sivanas and the Marvels. The point is, I can walk through walls."

Question Lad said, "I understand. You want to be respected by those with powers beyound those of mortal men."

Red Arrow poured him a cup of coffee, "Yes. Here, you get the Batman cup."

Go with the good and you'll be like them; go with the evil and you'll be worse than them.- Portuguese Proverb
Re: The Office of Security (out with the Lardy, in with the Dev)
#345972 03/26/11 10:45 AM
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Dev woke with a start. He had technically not overslept, since it would be a day off for him normally, but he had too many things to do. Of course, barely sleeping for weeks while trying to recover from the single worst beating you had ever took was eventually catch up to him.

He got up and wwalked into the little bathroom that was in each of the rooms set aside for staff living quarters. He turned and looked at his shoulders. Bruising is about gone, [I]going to have to thank Tempest for that properly,[I/} but I am going tohave some hideous looking scars over that whole area. "Oh well, he said and washed up.


After he had grabbed something to eat, he headed to his office. He grabbed his Omnicom and headed out. "I'll be out today taking care of some business. I'm going to be sending out some messages throughout the day for the staff. Also, there will be a crew coming in to rearrange my office and clean it thoroughly," he told the receptionist on duty.

Dev walked outside and looked around. It was a good bright day, and he took off to find where the people he needed to talk to were hanging out today.

Active LMB character is still Beast Boy.

Re: The Office of Security (out with the Lardy, in with the Dev)
#345973 03/26/11 10:55 AM
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Dev ended up turning around quickly as he got an alert that two of the people he wanted to talk to were actually at the Office of Security.

He landed and entered, heading to the kitchen and said "hello you two. I was about a mile away when I got an alert that you two were here. I need to talk to both of you."

Active LMB character is still Beast Boy.

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