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by Invisible Brainiac - 03/13/25 05:21 AM
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What I didn't realize this came out this week until I checked my bag of stuff.

Tenzil comes to the rescue after the Cult of Validus gets the jump on the unfortunate Thom.

Brainy spends some time being Brainy as Lyle tries to sneak up on him. The Wanderer's Coluan Kid gets a name.

Eventually the origin of the devices controlling the Winath people is revealed to be Coluan in nature. This I buy, however can we believe the findings that the team on Winath discovered and Brainy's testimony or is it part of Brainy's plan. The easy clearing of Cos' name on the genocide charges at Mekt's expense seems too convenient.

Also we learn that Nuranal is Brainy's computer password?

Finally final panel... Wildfire on Lallor

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The Coluan Kid sounds like a good name. smile

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Terrifyingly On-Topic.
Terrifyingly On-Topic.
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Nura, would you please kick Brainy where it hurts the most? To the best of my knowledge you're non-corporeal, but you're my girl and I have every faith in you.

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Terrifyingly On-Topic.
Terrifyingly On-Topic.
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Anagrams reveal.


Nura L. Nal.

I wonder what the L stands for?

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Originally posted by Thriftshop Debutante:
Nura, would you please kick Brainy where it hurts the most? To the best of my knowledge you're non-corporeal, but you're my girl and I have every faith in you.
Well for most men the kick would be low. But for Brainy I'm sure it hurts most if she kicks him in the head.

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You guys didn't even mention the most shocking part of the book! I saw, shall we say, a certain scene, and I went, "Whuh! Holy beans!"

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Originally posted by Matthew E:
You guys didn't even mention the most shocking part of the book! I saw, shall we say, a certain scene, and I went, "Whuh! Holy beans!"
Which scene?

"Hey Jim! Get Mon out of the Zone!! And...when do we get Condo back?"
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Tenzil doing his best Chuck Taine impersonation?


Mekt Eater Lad?

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I think Matthew means the latter but I'm not certain either.

<marquee behavior=alternate>CHOMP! </marquee>

"Hey Jim! Get Mon out of the Zone!! And...when do we get Condo back?"
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WILDFIRE BABY!!!! (let's hope they don't screw it up...)

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Originally posted by Vee:
I think Matthew means the latter but I'm not certain either.

<marquee behavior=alternate>[b]CHOMP!
</marquee> [/b]
Maybe that's the event that turns his hair white. Blood loss would drain the red right out of his hair.

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Disappointing issue. Too bad because last issue was so good. I'm still enjoying Calero's unique take on the Legion. I get what is he trying to do, and appreciate the effort. Love the mood it sets.

The story went in all the wrong directions for me, though. Brainiac 5's password makes me wonder if this whole storyline is just a continuation of Waid's Nura/Brainy subplot. I lost patience with that whole dynamic half way through Waid's run. Seeing it drag out any more is just plain torture. I would much rather have seen more depth and information given to the Cult of Validus.

I'm glad to see the Wanderers go. I wasn't expecting that to be the focus of this issue, so it ended up feeling like another issue devoted to cleaning up some of Waid's mess rather than moving forward.

Tenzil didn't work this time around. Slapping a child? The big chomp? Graphic violence as comedy reflief just doesn't work for me.

Sun Boy wants to stick around. Great. But what about Terror Firma? It feels like we are moving backward.

Having the legal blame for the "Dominator genocide" shifted to Mekt seems too pat. It didn't move anything forward. The Legionnaires need to talk about how they reacted at some point. This development just seems to give another excuse for avoiding that conversation.

Off to Lallor next month. It sounds interesting. I hope it lives up to expectations.

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I laughed when Tenzil got Mekt's point. Out loud. At work. Tenzil mentions the Legion of Super Villains. Wildfire! Sun Boy makes a deal. It's all a good issue in my book.

Tony Bedard can write the Legion for me anytime he wants.

Dennis drew some fine pictures. The colouring seems a bit dark to me, but I still like it.

Just spouting off.
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Tenzil having Mekt for desert was quite unexpected.

His escape from the Silo of Death could have been more exciting and dramatic, but his brief moment of Fatassness almost makes up for it. He should have taken a bite out of those creepy little kids, too.

I'm disappointed the Cult of Validus was a ruse and Winath is actually a pretty ordinary place, but as I suspected, Brainy appears to have set up *everything*. Let's see what was accomplished here:

In the name of Good:
- The U.P. is manipulated into dropping charges of genocide against Cosmic Boy.
- The Legion gets Sun Boy back.
- Star Boy discovers he's not a useless moron.
- Tenzil proves that cannabalism is indeed a useful super-power. (I have a feeling he'll be back.)

In the name of Evil:
- Mekt's true evil self is exposed.
- Mekt and his gang are framed for the Dominator genocide, a crime that never happened.
- The Wanderers become a Legion of Super-Villains.

Not bad for a day's work. Bedard's not only a clever writer, he knows how to move things forward.

I imagine Brainy's also involved somehow in Wildfire's attacks on the Lallor team. We get a preview of Evolvo Lad as Super-Neanderthal, too. What these crises have to do with finding Cosmic Boy is anyone's guess. Maybe he's what Alfred Hitchcock called the "McGuffin", and Brainy's true motives are larger than him.

Best line: "Now stop whining and fight like Legionnaires."

NULNARLA is an anagram of "Lunar Nal", which means of course that Nura is on the moon. shrug

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Nulnara could be an anagram of Annular meaning in the shape of a ring. He's obviously forging the one ring to rule them all.

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Better than last issue, but not hitting the stride of Waid's Legion. That run spoiled the very least, he knew how to deliver pretty satisfying issues, even if the overall arcs seemed padded sometimes. Bedard's approach feels a great deal lighter and not nearly as filling. I'm also much more interested in what's going on with the other teams, so maybe things will look up next issue...

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I liked it....better than last issue in fact.

I liked the art, I liked the story. Bedard's writing and Calero's art are an eclectic is Tenzil being thrown into the mix. It's a very unusual mix and I personally am enjoying it way more than I normally would expect for a temporary crew.

Very impressed with Bedard...I enjoy reading his Legion dialogue more than Waid's. They just seem more like themselves or something.

My question...when last seen, was Mon-El part of the Wanderers? Is he still? That has some huge implications.

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Count me as another one who liked this issue. Far more enjoyable than most of the Waid run (IMO). In two issues we have appearances by two characters that we have not seen yet in this version of the Legion.

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It's definitely in the plus column for me. I am a fan of Calero's art, here and elsewhere.

Bedard does good dialog. I'd love to see him work on this title for a long time without having to tie up so many loose ends from Waid's departure.

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Originally posted by Jerry:
The Legionnaires need to talk about how they reacted at some point.
I agree. How I miss the days the Legion used to sit around and have a debate about a decision that was made and the fall out while sipping kono juice.

Sure they are a team and will back up their members but the conversations they have a private is what I always loved. "Just shut up Block" is how they usually ended. smile

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I liked the issue. The art is a bit dark and rough for me, especially for the a Legion story, but it is good. The story was satisfactory. The setting up of The Wanders was a bit see through, but I can live with it. I like how Mr. Bedard weaved Validus into the history of Winnath. Creating an even stronger bond, in my eyes, of big mean Validus being LL and SG's son made that way by the hands of Darkseid. It had a circular feel to it to me. I do like how we are getting a little personality from the Legionnaires now. And boy, if I were anyone int the Legion, particularry Sun Boy trying to come back to the team with certain conditions, I would not be trusting Brainy. Are all his actions for the good of all or the good of some plan he has????

I just can't BLOK it out!
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In his defense, Tenzil didn't eat Mekt's finger. He spat it out in the next frame. On the whole, I thought these issues were the best use of Tenzil ever. Even though his power's still confusing (where did that grain go? can he chew through metal but be felled by metal bullets?), they did make him effectively creepy.

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Just read it. Nice to see the weather on Winath causing a problem in the 31st century.

Are those new pics on the character intro page by Dennis? They rock! So did fat Tenzil. lol. But he's back into shape real quick. I'm convinced this Tenzil is inspired by your own MLLASH. wink

I like Tenzil slapping those evil kids! They're bloodthirsty little corn people! The biting of the finger?! Whoa! Nice twist with Vrax/Mekt being behind it all.

Intresting last page. I'm really enjoying the story and art. I wish we had more issues for these guys.

Like the colors being dark so things like the lightning and Sun Boy's insignia stand out.

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I agree with everything Jerry said.

Last issue was a step forward; this issue was two steps back.

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Guys, thanks for the comments so far.

To answer a general question, the book did print dark, and I don’t know why. So did last issue and the colorist knows what he’s doing so I can’t answer that.

“Are those new pics on the character intro page by Dennis?”

Yes they are, thanks.

“The art is a bit dark and rough for me”

Dark I can seem, rough…I;m not so sure that’s a fair appellation. I tend to think too much comic art these days is overly slick to the point of being almost machine cold. Was Gene Colan’s art “rough”?

“How I miss the days the Legion used to sit around and have a debate about a decision that was made and the fall out while sipping kono juice.”

Agreed. It just doesn’t seem to be acceptable these days to have scenes that last a few pages or less, which would allow you to have more scenes in a comic.

“so it ended up feeling like another issue devoted to cleaning up some of Waid's mess rather than moving forward.”

It’s a fair criticism but as I mentioned in an interview for, we’re the clean up team, essentially cleansing the palate for the next ongoing team. You do what you can, but there are realties to being in this position and one of them is sort of “cleaning up” the stuff (I won’t call it a mess) that the next team doesn’t want to deal with.

“Tenzil didn't work this time around. Slapping a child? The big chomp? Graphic violence as comedy reflief just doesn't work for me.”

I don’t buy this one, those kids was crazy! And I think we did the chomp in a humorous and pretty bloodless way. Besides, they put the finger back on after, I swear!

“Sun Boy wants to stick around. Great. But what about Terror Firma? It feels like we are moving backward.”

Give us time.

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