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edit: Because of the history manipulations of a LMBP villain, the ruined clubhouse that was destroyed by yet a different super villain is now a largely abandoned building instead of a dusty old pile of rubble. Long ago left behind for bigger and better headquarters the old hangout gathers dust.
from the rubble of the old Clubhouse.. - Early posts in this thread were made during the era where the clubhouse no longer existed.
the old Clubhouse thread.. - Later posts come during and after the adventure when a timeline was created where the building is intact. ________________________________________________
Next time we'll have an even BIGGER bathroom! With a sauna, showers for four, TWO massage tables and a small laundromat! Supergirl robots are included in the budget (for staffing purposes only) and a wet bar for those who can show proper ID.
Any color scheme suggestions? Just what should the showcase bathroom of the millineum include for the Legionnaire with everything?
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Let me see....A huge yellow L should go in the centre, the rest of the building should be orange. On the lower centralised roof there should be a model of a fusion powersphere (with outward sticking global "wands") and a funky new LSH flag fluttering skyward on the roof near the cruiser docking bays....
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Remember : It's not technically a suckerpunch if you yell ''DEFEND YOURSELF SPROCKER!'' two seconds before you let him have it.
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A huge yellow "L" stands in the center of a shallow reflecting pool surrounded by a carefully tended Winathian garden.
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< From the past , Exnihil appears> <as he had when he had arrived at Shark Lad\'s tank he feels a distinct crispness, a clarity that signifies he is in his natural present> <he ponders the significance of this place for a moment> Why here? All of my other stops, with the exception of Shark Lad's tank and this place were places I had a personal connection to. There is something out of place with these two... <shakes his head> Figure it out later, Ex... you've got to get past just one more of these and you're through. <searches through the garden and finds the spot. He digs up the ground at the base of a patch of Imskian violets and finds his target... the eleventh timepiece. He winds it and places it back in the dirt> <he closes his eyes and calms his breathing> All right, Nihil, it's now or never... focus... you can set the final destination... everything depends on it... <takes a deep breath> Eleven o'clock! < he disappears >
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Under the ground an electronic lock receives a signal and snaps open. A hidden panel slides open in one of the Thoonian anti-gravity Oak trees exposing a ramp that travels deep into the darkness.
A shadow slides over the entrance and moves downward joining the deeper blackness below.
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<wanders through, remaining mostly transparent and intangible>
The Darkness below the worlds. A poet of the Yakka-Mahor spoke of these.
<calls down>
O ancestors of the line of Mallor! Can you hear me?
<waits for an indeterminate time. Gets no response>
This bodes not well. It is not a given to fear the darkness, but too many ill wynd reach for gale force that is not theirs.
There are no answers here... I must continue my search.
<fades away>
death becomes me
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At the mention of the name "Mallor" the shadow stirs.
Seek inside your heart for the answer Shadow Seed.
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< departing from his Orrery , Phineas fades into the garden surrounding the clubhouse rubble, one femtosecond into the future> <he closes his eyes and senses in his mind's eye the eleventh chronometer, buried under the Imskian violets. He focuses his will and projects his energy toward it... and, again, projects it backward in time. He opens his eyes> Another wrong has been righted. <he scans about for a sign of his quarry, and suddenly spies the anomaly, TripleG. Phineas relaxes, lets the wave function collapse and emerges into the present. Feeling like having a bit of sport, he shouts across the rubble> Ho ho ho... Gay Green Giant!
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His bike parked on the grass triple G stops at the underground entrance. He hears his name called out and looks around to spot a fellow dressed in antique clothing, well cut and fit from quality material. Turning away from the secret entrance to the underground he waves his hand behind him and the door slides shut.
"Nice. Is that a genuine Shirtwaist? You must have a great tailor, I don't recognize the work must be somebody new in town."
He moves carefully but non-threateningly toward the newcomer who had called out to him.
"I see you know me but I don't know you. Do you need some help? I'm a little busy right now but I'll do what I can."
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<laughing to himself> Doesn't know me... <to TripleG> That is ironic, indeed, Bob... for I know you... But the true irony is that... in this new world... the one of Phineas' making, I'm the only who does. <closing his eyes, Phineas lets forth a mental blast, imparting to TripleG the new reality > That's right, Bob... take it in. Let it wash over you. In this reality you are not the renown Gay Green Giant. The Primary Color Gang has never even heard of you. All that you've done, all that you were... never happened.
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He narrows his eyes as he watches the actions of the stranger, watching every move, constantly scanning the area for signs of trouble.
"What's your game buddy? You know this area's restricted to members only. You wanna see the LMB Clubhouse you have to come by during standard business hours like everybody else. Move along before I have to call the cops, ok?"
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<phineas looks at the suddenly restored clubhouse, grins, and speaks with a just the slightest hint of facetiousness> Oh... heaven forfend, good sir... I shall be on my way. I just wanted to catch a glimpse of the great heroes who risk their lives daily in defense of our Legion World. <phineas turns to go, but just then the doors of the clubhouse open as a meeting adjourns. A throng of LMBers exit, none of whom have ever existed prior to this point> <he can't contain himself, and begins laughing manically> Ha, ha, ha... DARK LARD, you are a genious... it worked!!! <phineas closes his eyes and fades back to his Orrery >
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Iron Dog walks up to Mike, "Hey, you up for a plate of ribs?" "Yeah sure. I'll be there shortly, I just got signaled for a meet up." The noisy heroes file past chattering to each other. He smiles at them as Mini-Kramer, Stone Hopper Kid and Wealthy Lad all load themselves into a limo. "Leave me a space to park will ya?" With that he shrinks out of sight and rockets skyward. Roll Call
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<as Phineas B. Fuddle activates his celestial mechanism in his Orrery , a whiteout of chronal regression begins to spread across this establishment> <Legion World is dying>
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The alarm sounds inside the clubhouse summoning the LMBP to battle. From every direction the heroes run, fly and flip to the gathering.
The Mission Monitor board shows the emergency call beacon from Lard Lad (the newly elected Leader) is coming from Legion World's small stationary moon.
The newly elected Deputy to the new Leader immediately orders the fastest fliers to launch to the rescue while all the other heroes present pile into a transport corvette and launch in a screaming burst of power as they begin a swift ascension toward the small sattelite.
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Following the emergency beacon, the heroes of Legion World legend attack the sphere from the outside, probing for a weakness. Anchor boy slams headlong into the surface material, NewCru psionically rips at the seams, Whiplash rips deep gouges in the outer skin, Shift Kid probes the skin, Beagle Boy streaks around the entire globe searching for signs of weakness or breaches to the interior, Looks That Kill Lad rakes the structure with disintegrator eye beams, Kid Prime and Faraway Lad attack the surface with vigor pounding huge dents into target.
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Beagz finds the hole punched into the skin of the artificial moon and shouts out to the others, "Over here!"
Together they stand over the hole and see a scene of incomprehensible chaos below.
Time fractures around them, Beagle Lass jumps back from the hole as a fissure forms. Killer Ass Lass flies over and grabs her friend to keep her from falling through.
Checking the emergency call beacon for a location the group spots Lard Lad. The Orange armored bikers lay down a round of explosive fire as their leader MetroMicro-Man engages Yellow Kid hand to hand.
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Above the assembled group the skies darken as light is blocked by a swarm of rock and ice careening toward them. They speedily retreat away from the spinning massive space debris headed straight for the little moonlet.
Their vision of each other blurs and colors swim and they all see multiple images of one another. A stroboscopic legion of legions takes to the sky dodging the fast moving destruction.
High in the skies above them a yet another but younger version of some of the senior LMBPers desperately smash, disperse and otherwise destroy the rock as it flies toward the inhabited world below. Asteroids begin to bombard the structure, shattering and blasting uncontrollably on the little moon's surface.
Temporal manipulations have blurred a number of past realities into one very fuddled up present moment. Are the other heroes in their future or are these heroes in their past?
edit:They vanish as if they had never been. They might be, somewhere out there or perhaps over there, maybe behind there or up there. The universe is infinite after all.
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What a shame. Looks like nobody's been here for a while.
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I wondered why you guys shut this place down. It looks to me like it's in pretty good shape. Why not open it back up and use it for a hangout or to throw parties or something?
It's a lovely structure with SO much potential.
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