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#32187 08/11/08 11:29 AM
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I'm sitting on the This Issue Was A Bit Rubbish side of the fence.
I actually thought I'd missed an issue and couldn't quite remember what had gone on in the previous issue - never a great sign of good storytelling.

Pirates (ahoy mates!), bit dull and the attempted rape was so clumsy and over done. I didn't get the sense that there was a whole lot of menace - mostly because of the overreacting screaming pirate-girlfriend I think. I also kinda got the impression that Ikilles was putting on a show for the benefit of the other pirates "Look, I'm a pirate king. I gotta act like one." ... he seems slightly hen-pecked by Cazhmir. He even says that it's just to keep up appearances. I could be wrong. I don't think that colouring helped, it was a bit too bright for a scene of that nature. I'm just not sure what the whole point of it was - if the aim was a comedy inept space pirate, that didn't work, but it didn't work as a chilling or sinister scene either.

Scenes on Rimbor: 10 pages of tired Legionnaires fight the SP. Dull.

HQ: not bad, but again, it was clumsy and slightly deus ex machina. Cool idea to use M'rissey, but how come no-one noticed him hanging around HQ doing whatever he's been doing? And while what he did was clever, surely it doesn't outclass a certain 12th Level intelligence? It all felt rather rushed and too neat, and resolved itself just in time to give entry room for the next disaster. (which, even I with my lowly 21st Century intelligence can see can be solved with Ayla and Thom.)

Of all the comics I got today (and there were a fair few) the only ones I can say that I really enjoyed were Thor (Coipel's art) and X-Factor. Everything else seemed a bit lackluster.

#32188 08/11/08 01:02 PM
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Chalk this one up as another issue that was a big 'meh'. The issue before also (just read them both last night).

Since I started skipping over all the 'Shooter is sexist'/'rape' posts several pages ago, I'll just add I hated seeing that in a Legion comic.

The Brainy/Garth/UP officials moments felt like they were poorly written in a rush. Like I've seen those types of scenes before, except better done. Element Lad being a pot-head was interesting.

#32189 08/12/08 10:24 PM
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All I can say is that Ayla is looking, acting... just overall... being less and less like the spunky Ayla I knew.

Brainy/Garth tensions still haven't matched the earlier Brainy/Rokk ones. The last scene is comforting to know that the Threeboot Legion will engage in one last epic battle before Lo3w...

"For some reason I can't explain or understand, and probably never will... EVERYTHING comes from SUPERMAN." - Alexander Luthor, Jr.

Unfortunately, the Legion is no exception.
#32190 08/14/08 02:09 PM
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What's been the most single hated Legion issue ever? (clearly this one is a clear nomination!)

#32191 08/14/08 03:08 PM
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Not much between despair and ecstacy
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Probably the "Garth-is-Proty" issue (though some of us love it).

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#32192 08/14/08 03:09 PM
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Probably the non-Wildfire issue of the 5YL run. Or something else in the 5YL run--the Shvaughn/Sean one, or the one that revealed Lightning Lad was Proty.

Or maybe the pocket universe/death of Superboy sequence.

#32193 08/14/08 04:41 PM
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I'd say the last issue of END OF AN ERA... or that Teen Titans/LSH special that ended the reboot.

#32194 08/14/08 06:03 PM
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Milestones like Legionnaire deaths and ends of eras will surely make most hated issues. I hate issues where Dream Girl's existence is tampered with, myself. I'm sure the "attempted rape of Ayla" issue will make most hated lists.

#32195 08/14/08 07:18 PM
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That would be a good thread. I like most of those 5YL issues except I also hate the non-Wildfire issue myself (cheap ploy!!!).

This issue, while by far not "most hated", certainly falls under "I could care less", probably below the Imra turning into dust issue.

#32196 08/14/08 10:20 PM
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I think the whole TMK run is a love-or-hate thing, so there is no way of accusing any of them as "single most hated" issue. I'll place any above almost every other LSH story ever. For instance, Proty and Sean/Shvaughn were some of my favorite issues (and I know lots of people who dig them too).
However, I would say that there are some runs that are poorly considered by most of us. Like Legion on the Run - I never saw anyone praising it - and Gerry Conway's run.
For me, the entire Reboot is unreadable. But I know that DnA is quite regarded as interesting by some (not me). So, we can't say they were hated.

The worst LSH story ever? End of an Era. The worst single issue? Legion of Super-Heroes #54, where all adults were suddenly retconned into 14-year-old dumb guys.

#32197 08/15/08 09:26 AM
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What's the "non-Wildfire" story?

Most hated stories:

l was going to post them here, but it would be a good idea for a thread, so I think I'll start it.

I liked Proty/Garth and Sean/Shvaughn. Daring and well-written imho.

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#32198 08/15/08 11:32 AM
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So finally, I got to read #44 again... what can I say? Unfortunately, the guest artist was not really a big thrill, or to sum it up: Why is it always the bondage issues that are drawn so poorly? First Dr. Mayavale way back when Ditko was only a shadow of himself, now this. Sanford Greene has a major problem with faces...

As for the story, I was quite satisfied how Shooters first major arc was finished. Most ideas actually made sense, though I did not get the legal subleties M'rissey was throwing out... I liked the way Saturn Girls team on Rimbor did not yield, they showed a whole lot of strength. As I already said: Many characters showed a whole lot more... ehm... character than in 30 issues of Mark Waid. Kudos to Shooter, sad thing to see him go again so soon.

I really fear that a modern writer (not Johns, he's good) in the style of Meltzer or Morrison is going to take over - whose main job is to confuse instead to entertain...

#32199 08/17/08 08:32 AM
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I’ve re-read this issue keeping in mind the various concerns that have been expressed here. What I come away from this issue is that it seems that Shooter was going for an over-the-top/slapstick/Pirates-of-the-Caribbeanish/comedy-type of thing that falls flat and completely misses its mark. The Pirates scenes are really written in poor taste as comedy often is unfortunately it just isn’t funny. I don’t know about Shooter’s politics but in the future I think that he should leave the humor to others. BTW, I don’t find Ambush Bug that funny either. Maybe its me.

So what.
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