Power Boy has been out pumping iron, kissing babies, saving space kittens from trees, and upgrading his wardrobe. All tasks that he is performing with the style, grace and dignity of a natural born leader.
I've been working with the campaign staff to put the finishing touches on our platform. So, without further ado....
1. PB & J will work to make Legion World a better place. We dream of Legion World being a place where achievement, virtue, generosity of spirit, excellence, harmony, intellectual curiosity, good nutrition, moral character, proper hygiene, and fairness prevail. Should that dream ever become a reality, we'll be as shocked as anyone.
2. We will promote the idea of personal responsibility. In other words, calm your own damn tits.
3. PB & J support a financially responsible Legion World. In order to save money, Nam'Lor will not be allowed to pass GO. Nam'Lor will not be allowed to collect $200. In order to increase revenues, Quislet, Esq. will be charged a small fee each time he reaches a new posting milestone.
4. Jimgallagher's book will become required reading material for all Legion World Academy students.
5. We pledge to use the Miracle Machine to bring Lian Harper back to life.
6. He Who Wanders will be asked to stay put. Dude, you're making us dizzy.
7. Future's Legion Micros will be declared a national treasure.
8. Ken Aromdee will be appointed Ambassador of Continuity.
9. Proclamations will be signed declaring official Legion World holidays for the birthdays of Bob Rozakis, Erin Gray, and Joyce Dewitt.
10. The Legion World constitution will be amended to ban straight marriage.
11. An emancipation proclamation will be signed for Legion World's sheep.
12. Unemployment benefits will be extended indefinitely for all Hot 100 posters. We can't expect you to hold meaningful employment and post all day, can we?
13. Public funds will be utilized to provide contraception to Anita Cocktail. In a nod the to the communities of faith, we will declare a day of prayer, to pray that she uses it.
14. All available resources will be used to block the appointment of Fanfic Lady as Legion World's ambassador to the Neil Gaiman Fan Club.
15. Nightcrawler will be asked to demonstrate that he can, indeed, crawl at night.
16. The highest priority of the PB & J administration will be to ensure that POV retains his right to post without pants.
The Voice of Hope