1. Who's your favorite member so far?
Shadow Lass
Runners-up: Karate Kid, Lightning Lad, Triplicate Girl, Dream Girl, Sun Boy
2. Who's your least favorite member so far?
Ultra Boy - he's consistently gotten on my nerves since the first issue.
3. Which traditional Legion couple (from past continuity)
would you like to see get together again?
None in particular.
4. Which would be your choice for a completely new Legion couple?
Dream Girl and Brainy would be hilarious.
5.Which member from past continuity would you most like to see join up?
Also: XS, Gates, the White Witch, Dawnstar and Polar Boy.
6. Which Legion character from past continuity WHO HAS NEVER BEEN A MEMBER would you like to see join?
Nightwind: technically, she was a member, but only off-panel.
Infectious Lass, Spider Girl and Calorie Queen would be great, too.
7. When previous villians do appear, who do you most want to see?
The Fatal Five or the Time Trapper.
8. What's your favorite type of threat for the Legion to face?
A. Galactic conquerers
B. Super villians
C. Alien Races
D. Time anomalies
E. Other (please specify)
A would fit the best given the current atmosphere of the series, but I'd like to see the others too.
9. When guest artists are needed who would you most like to handle the fill-in art?
No preference.
10. If a Legion spin-off were in the works would you like it to be:
A. Another book dealing with the Legion.
B. A book dealing with Academy\Recruit type members.
C. A non Legion 31st century team or hero.
D. Solo adventures of the Legion members.
E. Other (please specify)
11. Would you rather see old characters reintroduced or completely new characters?
Old characters first.
12. Would you like to see the Legion guest star or cross-over with the 21st century DCU?