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More Polyanna than Poison Ivy
More Polyanna than Poison Ivy
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Congratulations, Cali. Hope it gets even better from here on.

Read LEGIONS OF 7 WORLDS in the Bits forum:

Retroboot (Earth-7.5) Arc 1 (COMPLETED)

Retroboot (Earth-7.5) Arc 2 (WORK IN PROGRESS)

"Don't look for role models, girls, BE the role model."

- Legion World member HARBINGER
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Bold Flavors
Bold Flavors
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Cali, congrats! Is this your last chem class ever, or are you a science major?

I remember my last chem class was a day worth celebrating...

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Originally posted by Stratum:
Congrats on the grades, Cal!

Thanks Jamie!! laugh

Originally posted by legionadventureman:
Great going on getting through the exams, Cali! hug There really ought to be a little graemlin picture of Dream Girl or somebody blowing kisses to commemorate the event! Congratulations again, Hon!
Thanks LAM!! You're such a sweetie. hug

Originally posted by Tamper Lad:
I could have predicted Cali's success. After all evil geniuses choose their associates carefully. Now if only she were more evil.

Congrats Cali.
Hah! Thanks Tamper. wink I think.... >.>

Originally posted by Kent Shakespeare:
Good going!

</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
<strong> Cali, congrats! Is this your last chem class ever, or are you a science major?

I remember my last chem class was a day worth celebrating...
Thanks Cobie!! I'm not planning to take any more chem any time soon, no. Right when I start getting good at it and everything... ><

And, be-lieve me, I did celebrate. Took a trip to the special mists... after I had my last test, of course.

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Yay Cali! laugh

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Originally posted by Star Boy:
Yay Cali! laugh
Aww, thanks SB man!! hug laugh

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So, where to from here, Cali?

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Hmm... that's a good question! New quarter just started. New job. New internship. Plus, the old pre-professional work and classes.... not that I'm busy or anything. >.>

Anyway, who cares about that boring stuff?! My new goal is to come up with a hangover cure that works on plans. 'Cause, dude. Duuuude. Foiled by the fluid in my ear canal once more!!

Spring break was good. The flight home was bad. So bad. Cobie, advice on this subject is welcomed. Wanted, even. wink Because... yeah. Yeeeeah. It was soooo bad.

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Bold Flavors
Bold Flavors
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I've learned that there are no cures. Buuuut...I've learned that there ARE cures in the sense that you trick yourself that stuff works!

Gatorade - possibly the greatest invention of the last 100 years b/c it actually does work!
Grade: A+.
Grade on Airplane: A+

Chinese Food - truly amazing in how well the combo of tastiness, greasiness and varying flavors can ease a stomach and mend the mind!
Grade: A+
Grade on airplane: Sadly, B- to C. Greasy food on airplanes is never good and may make matters worse!

Sleep, sleep, sleep - the only true cure. The problem? Its impossible to sleep when you're in that much pain!
Grade: C
Grade on airplane: depends. Either (1) you can't sleep on airplanes b/c they are slightly unnerving, in which case its a big F or (2) airplanes make you sleep like the Baby Jesus b/c you can't travel for more than five minutes without dosing off no matter how you're traveling in which case its a big A+! I'm the latter. Most aren't.

Water, water, water! - common trickery! This does not work! EVER!
Grade: F
Grade on Airplane: F

Coffee - WORSE than water!
Grade: F
Grade on Airplane: F-

Tomato Juice - truly the best thing you can ever drink on airplane, let alone when you're hung over. Perfect for an upset stomach. If it was a bloody mary it might be better.
Grade: B+
Grade on Airplane: A-
Bloody Mary Grade: A+
Bloody Mary Grade on Airplane: A++

Ginger Ale - like the Incredible Hulk, Ginger Ale can sometimes be a hero, but can also at times be a mass murderer! Be wary!
Grade: B
Grade on airplane: C+

Adjusting your body temperature - at your own risk! No blankets! Better to be cold than get all hot all of a sudden. Keep the windows shut! Air vent blasting on you (oh, you'll be sweating!). Wear your shorts/skirt home! Yet...socks might actually help! Wear bare feet in scandals feels good at first, it might become too much later in the flight! Sunglasses are always good. Don't lean back too far, but be sure to learn back a little. Above all else, nothing more than one layer of shirt-ware!

Snacks served on Airplane - Good Lord woman, are ya crazy?! NEVER, ever, EVER, under any circumstances eat these, let alone when you're hungover!
Grade: D
Grade when hungover: F
Just pretzels: B - Pretzels are the great exception, much like Dido was the great exception of memorable Carthaginian females.

Time - Bah! If Time cured hangovers, no one would complain about them. Sure time kills hangovers, but time spent with a hangover is worse than the time you beat that hangover! Doesn't even deserve a grade! May the jerk who made that credo up suffer a thousand deaths by being shot into the sun from a cannon!

Laptop computer - NO! Keep it off! Online + airplane + hangover = the apocalypse for your body, pscyhe and spirit!

Random airport food - a quick food by food grade of things you can eat in an airport:
Airport pizza - F - may lead to suicide
Airport hot dogs - B- suprisingly not that bad
Beer/Wine/Drinks - F - hair of the dog does not apply when flying. You'll suffer
McDonalds - B - when hungover and flying its actually the reverse! Digusting food like McDonalds may be good for your flying hangover, if you get the right stuff. Hint: breakfast food works better!
Hostess snacks - F - the devil I tell you, the devil! Be wary!
Cheeseburgers - F - too much for your little stomach to handle!
Cheeseburgers from Nebraska and the center of the US - A+ - these things must have natural healing powers, like the fountain of youth and Hogun's healing elixir combined!
Mexican food - F - Hahahaha, you're not serious are you?

I hope you've found some things that may help, or at least know of some to steer away from. I've tried most anything really, and it can get VERY tough.

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Des you forgot the best ever hangover cure, the full English breakfast.

Bacon, eggs (fried) sausage, beans, fried bread, mushrooms and black pudding. with lashings of toast marmalade and tea/coffee.

Mind you there is no way an airline can do this justice.

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Bold Flavors
Bold Flavors
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I CANNOT wait to finally try that in December!

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Beware: the sausage in that full-on breakfast may not be what North Americans know as sausage.

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Cali, I don't drink that much but I know that my friends and I pop some advil before we go to bed or travel.

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Ginger Ale - like the Incredible Hulk, Ginger Ale can sometimes be a hero, but can also at times be a mass murderer! Be wary!
Grade: B
Grade on airplane: C+

The anti-emetic properties of ginger are well known. Some nice candied ginger works wonders if i'm about to toss something.

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Time Trapper
Time Trapper
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Originally posted by Faraway Lad:
Des you forgot the best ever hangover cure, the full English breakfast.

Bacon, eggs (fried) sausage, beans, fried bread, mushrooms and black pudding. with lashings of toast marmalade and tea/coffee.

Mind you there is no way an airline can do this justice.
YUM! Good stuff! Traditional Irish breakfasts are just as effective.

The childhood friend Exnihil never had.
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Ulster Fry's, Irish, Full English, Scottish. they are all pretty much versions of the same thing. And there are far too many really poor quality versions out there but when you find a good one you know about it. drool

So when you arrive in December I'll cook you all a huge plate full. You'll need it for when I have you trapsing around wind blown coasts and castles (and pubs) smile

So? I know What I mean by sausage, be it Pork, Beef, Lincolnshire, Cumberland etc.,

what do our cousins across the seas mean by it?

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I miss full English breakfasts (I tried eating them every day when I was there)! There's something magical about adding beans, mushrooms, and tomatoes to an 'American' breakfast. I think its how Gwyneth Paltrow and Madonna gained their British-ish accents nod

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Who knew English Breakfasts and Hangover Cures were so popular?! I sure didn't, I can tell you that much...

I must admit, though, that I can't eat most of the things in an English breakfast. frown Silly near-vegetarian tendencies. Crazy California hippy-dippyness. Etc.

BUT!! On the plane, I had both Bloody Mary Mix (tomato goodness) and Ginger Ale (ginger goodness). I might be fool-hearty, but I'm not completely without sense. wink

Mostly, though, it was definitely the sleep that helped. And, since I was exhausted from no sleep, it was not a problem getting there. Helps that I can sleep just about anywhere, but still.

Cobie, I did have one question, though. What's wrong with water? Alcohol's a... well, I can't spell the word of what it is but it means it dehydrates you. So... hydration should be good, yes...?

And VU, I would've killed for some Advil. Or any other pain-killing pills. But, alas, I had none and the airports I was in were sadly lacking. frown

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Originally posted by Caliente:
Who knew English Breakfasts and Hangover Cures were so popular?! I sure didn't, I can tell you that much...
It's worth getting a hangover just to try.

Eggs Benedict (at a place that really knows how to make it - not a cheap diner version) is also another good one.

The childhood friend Exnihil never had.
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Originally posted by Caliente:
Who knew English Breakfasts and Hangover Cures were so popular?! I sure didn't, I can tell you that much...
It's worth getting a hangover just to try.

Eggs Benedict (at a place that really knows how to make it - not a cheap diner version) is also another good one.

The childhood friend Exnihil never had.
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Also, Irish breakfasts a a little different vs. the English ones I've had in that you get Irish bacon, and both black pudding and white pudding.

The childhood friend Exnihil never had.
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Originally posted by Kent Shakespeare:
Eggs Benedict (at a place that really knows how to make it - not a cheap diner version) is also another good one.
I know it!! It's my favorite egg dish. Seriously. Love the Hollendise sauce. I get the version where they replace the Canadian bacon with avacado, though. It's really quite awesome. laugh I forget what they call it, but I think it's a California thing. Crazy vegetarians, I'm telling you!

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Time Trapper
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Haven't had the avacado version, but it sounds good!

My favorite place makes variations with lox or spinach... both good! You can also get them on potato latkes instead of english muffins.

The childhood friend Exnihil never had.
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Oooh... latkes... mmm... drool

The Jew in me sings. wink Badly but that's why I keep her inside.

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Yep the smoked salmon poached eggs with the hollandaise are great. The spinach too. Just dont give it to the bunnies.

Mmmmmm Latkes. Excuse me must find source of pastrami on rye and latkes and maybe a knish or two.

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