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Nightcrawler's topic "Mark Waid & Barry Kitson" mentions the possibility that they might replace DNA & Batista on Legion. Yet Sanity or Madness' Poll on this topic shows that the majority of those voting do not prefer them as the next creative team on Legion.
So who do you think should replace DNA?
[Let's limit this to just the writing change, as Batista just came aboard, even if he may leave with DNA.]
If enough names are offered, I may run a Poll on these suggestions. Please include first and last names as I'm not familiar with everybody writing nowadays.
The only other name offered besides Mark Waid was my suggestion of Jim Shooter, but who would you suggest?
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I want Waid! Just not Kitson.
I like Kitson's art, I'd just prefer Bastista and Wallace. Or at least Lightle or Cockrum (not with Milgrim's inks though).
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Okay, Gary, but I'm just trying to focus the discussion on possible writers here in order to develop a workable list to be polled. If we throw in all the many possible artist combos, then there's no way to create a list that wouldn't be huge and thus result in a "flat" Poll - no choices getting more than one or two votes because of so many choices.
I just want to see what are people's views on what writer(s) should replace DNA. If someone wants to start a topic on possible replacements for Batista, I'm sure a offer some of my own.
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A thread that's intended to solely be put in the service of a personal project should be labeled that way in its title. Those who aren't interested in taking part can thus avoid reading it in the first place, let alone responding.
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It seems to me this thread is intended to talk about who we'd like to see replace DnA. Are you looking to antagonize Reep, Grey? If you don't like the way Reep sets up a thread, just ignore it, why the wet blanket? -- I just don't want to have to run across another big bruhaha between you two kids!
But to answer the question, Waid could be good, as would Mark Farmer based on his work in "Superboy's Legion" -- he totally handled the huge cast, threw in some nice characterization even in throw away lines, showed the team working together impressively and gave a lot of characters a moment in the spotlight.
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Originally posted by Greybird: A thread that's intended to solely be put in the service of a personal project should be labeled that way in its title. Those who aren't interested in taking part can thus avoid reading it in the first place, let alone responding. "...let alone responding." Let me repeat that. "...let alone responding."What's wrong with this picture, campers? "Everyone who's just outraged, simply outraged about this topic, please form 26 separate lines, according to the first letter of your last name. Next arrange each line by age, youngest first. Within each age group, please arrange yourself by birthmonth, then birthweek, then day, and finally hour. Don't bother with timezones. Please everyone remain calm. We have sedatives if you need them, and teams of therapists are en route by helicopter as I speak. Representatives from FEMA will be going down each line with all the necessary forms and paperwork for you to fill out regarding property losses and potential lawsuits for psychological distress. We are arranging overnight housing at the local high schools and shortly we will be passing out sandwichs and soda. So please bear with us and we all can get through this senseless castrophe together. Don't be alarmed by the National Guardsmen. They are here for your protection to see that you are not terrorized anymore by monstrous "topics that are in the service of a personal project." Johnson! Grab that woman! She fainted! Again, people, people, please remain calm! Let's help each other get thru this rampant terrorism! Now I'm going to turn the bullhorn over to Father O'Flannigan here who will lead us in prayer..." Grey, you're a loon. 
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Please be civil gang!
No name calling.
If I see any further evidence of a war between you two, I'm closing this thread.
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Then, Gary, Grey's aim is accomplished.
All he has to do is post another tantrum attack here on me and it's closed.
I believe this is the third attack by him since I've been back. I have done nothing except respond to his attacks. Ridicule is an appropriate response to his tantrums.
I request you should speak to Grey about his instigative attack posts on me. Seems fair. He's coming after me, I'm not starting anything with him.
Because there are two of us involved doesn't mean everything's equal here in this.
Recall his actions that drove me away last time.
Please speak to Grey about his tantrums.
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But you called him a loon, Reep.
You could have just ignored him or told him that he was wrong. Simple. Easy.
Your post exasperated the situation. Grey makes these comments to most of us. Usually, we ignore and move on. You may feel singled out by him but you are not.
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I had a substantive point, and a more general concern about misrepresentation. I said both of them fully in two lines, without intention (here, at least) of insult or attack. It was not reciprocated.
I'll readily admit that such comments work better in private discussion. I would have preferred that, and always do. And here, that was not possible.
Any change in that situation, by personal choices or Website policies, isn't up to me. If private comments are impossible, I will remain civil -- but on an important matter, I can't and won't censor myself from responding.
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Well, based on the fact that my initial post was not in keeping with the tone of the thread, you did make a point Grey. You have a right to voice your point of view. So does Reep. If he feels that you are wrong, he can say so too. As long as both of you keep your conversations civil, I have no problem. Can't we all just get along? 
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Me! I should replace DnA! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Touch the magic...
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No one on this board has nukes, do they?
Holy Cats of Egypt!
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LOL no... At least I hope not... 
Touch the magic...
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As I have stated before, I would love to see Peter David's take on the Legion. Please, no bricks - but I would also like to see John Byrne take a crack at the Legion. He did wonders for the Fantastic Four.
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Loooong time ago now on Byrne Lance, he'd retcon half of L* history these days just because he could...
Certainly wouldn't mind seeing PAD have a crack though. Wouldn't have a problem with Waid either.
Ones NOT to have: G Morrison, M Millar.
And Grey, the question of "which writer" is valid. Why bother about whether Reep wants to do a poll or not with any results he gets?
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Originally posted by Nightcrawler: I [b]want Waid! Just not Kitson.
I like Kitson's art, I'd just prefer Bastista and Wallace. Or at least Lightle or Cockrum (not with Milgrim's inks though).[/b] I am in 100% agreement. We should start a petition.
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Originally posted by Nightcrawler: But you called him a loon, Reep.
But he was being looney. What would you call someone who is being looney, if not a loon? A lark? A llama? A longshoreman? ::grumble, grumble:: There should be a "reep is right" greamlin around here somewhere :  :
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Originally posted by Portfolio Boy: There should be a "reep is right" greamlin around here somewhere : :Perish the thought! 
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Originally posted by Nightcrawler: Grey makes these comments to most of us. Usually, we ignore and move on. You may feel singled out by him but you are not. I didn't respond to you last night Gary because these comments made me angry and I decided to wait till today before responding. We all know that Grey does and has singled me out for attacks. And I absolutely will not participate in any fiction that he doesn't, created just to apppease Grey's tantrums. I wouldn't bring up the past, why I left last time except you are attempting to pretend all that crap he did never happened. He maybe snarky with other people, but he started a several pages long attack topic specifically at me. After some people started complaining about his comments, he deleted it even though it had everyone's else's posts on it without telling anyone. And then lied saying he never said things about me in that topic that he did. You know he did this. To tell me he does it to everyone insults me. I called him a loon, a very obvious lighthearted choice of words, because he threw a cartoonish tantrum telling people to not respond to my topic. Has he done this to anyone else? No. He "singled" me out. "Loon" is hardly inappropriate or harsh solely considering his actions this time. Is "loon" now a taboo word at Legion World? And where are my posts teling people to not post on his topics? Where are my first attack posts on him? There are none. But this is his third time he has in less than a month. Instead of suggesting that I ignore his continuing attacks, why don't you lay down the law with Grey? I doubt I would be the only one appreciative if you would. I am being advised by the person whose computer I have the liberty of using that I'm using it too much. I feel I can persuade them to let me continue at my current amount without much problem, but I'm really not in a mood to do so. Why would I want to endure the flamewar that Grey is chomping at the bit to start.Three first attacks by Grey. None by me. Speak to Grey. Please. My decision to stay depends upon receiving a degree of fairness, of impartiality in this from you. You let his previous attack topic go on idefinitely without ever locking it down. Am I to expect more of the same?
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Actually, he didn't tell people to not respond to your topic. However, he did make an assumption as to your motives for starting this thread, which he could have just avoided in the first place.
In any case, you aren't as innocent here as you claim, either. Your entire initial response to Grey in this thread could be called many things, but innocent is not among them.
I honestly don't understand why the two of you can't just ignore each other and peacefully co-exist. It would certainly make things alot less uncomfortable for those of us that have to bear witness to these little skirmishes.
Some people are like slinkys: not really good for anything, but they bring a smile to your face when you knock them down a flight of stairs
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Originally posted by lancesrealm: Please, no bricks - but I would also like to see John Byrne take a crack at the Legion. He did wonders for the Fantastic Four. BlasPHEMer!!! Actually, I've really been enjoying Byrne's Generations stuff, so I'm really not one to talk. I'm not sure who I'd like to see on the Legion. I know who I don't want to see, though. I agree that Morrison and Millar are not a good fit for the book. I enjoy their work in other arenas, but their style just wouldn't suit the Legion. Ditto Ellis, Bendis, and all the other "gritty" writers. However, I'm also not wild about Waid returning to the Legion. I wasn't a fan of the stuff he did immediately after the reboot. So, I should come up with some kind of name for Reep. It might be interesting to see what Judd Winick would do with a short stint on Legion. Or Geoff Johns, whose JSA left me cold but whose Titans I'm really enjoying. And speaking of heroes from the JSA, what's James Robinson up to these days? (aside from writing bad movie adaptations of Alan Moore's comics)
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I've said it before, I'll say it again: Busiek. Avengers Forever is one of my favorite minis of all time, and there are some very Legionesque things about Kurt's treatment of the Avengers there--alternate versions, villains across time lines, etc.--that suggest he could do a bangup job.
That being said, I've always thought of Waid as DC's Busiek, steeped in the lore of the DC continuity. If he takes over, I will be quite happy.
The only other guy I can think of that I'm positive about would be Peter David. He writes great supporting characters, has a little of the humor that has always been part of the Legion, and is powerful enough to stand up to editorial interference. Plus, Captain Marvel needs to go away.
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Robinson would be great, btw. Oooh, and Geoff Johns, although he writes half of DC's titles now. Can you tell I would really like to have someone with established DC credentials and respect for the history of characters?
The only consistent feature of all of your dissatisfying relationships is you.
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Originally posted by Princess Crujectra: I honestly don't understand why the two of you can't just ignore each other and peacefully co-exist. It would certainly make things alot less uncomfortable for those of us that have to bear witness to these little skirmishes. This is everyone's perpetual complaint, including me! I don't go after Grey, he goes after me. And it's not three first attacks thus far, I've now recalled five since I've been back. I try to ignore Grey, but it doesn't work. Why should I or anyone put up with his shit? Why does he get a free pass? Why?He attacks me this time, I call him a loon, and Gary threatens to lock down my topic, which obviously from Grey's own words would be just fine with him. Five first attacks on me by Grey. None by me. My topic get threatened with lockdown, yet Grey's pages long attack on me last time went on for a week and was neither locked down never even threatened with it. So what happens when he decides to escalate like he did last time, is anything going to be done? This is an extremely legitimate question. I'm really getting the impression that while he may not have a green light on this, there sure as hell is not a red light telling him to not go down that path. His attacks keep happening. It way past time to lay down the law with Grey.
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