GASP! Did you really not know? I shanghaied Nicky into co-hosting that with me ages ago! We also run a JSA page!!/pages/Super-SquadJustice-Society-All-Stars/175626209145364
I'm running solo on a Keith Giffen fan-page, Keith Giffen Giff-Fans!!/pages/Keith-Giffen-Giff-Fans/141143869288994
Completely Comics masterminds Will and Troy and I also have a Young Justice Headquarters page, but I'm pretty much leaving that in their capable hands!!/yjusticehq
Dean Lee's tres' magnifique art for STARSEARCHERS is posted first at our Facebook page! But of course my first, best and most intense love is reserved for our very own Legion World Facebook page, and all the glorious sentients who reside there!!/legionworld