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Re: TEEN TITANS series SPOILERS and Whatnots
#141727 07/04/09 10:33 AM
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Well ML, then you might want to avoid TITANS #15. There's a preview of it up on DC's Blog spot. It's dedicated to Tempest, and he mentions some unhappy news.

Just spouting off.
Re: TEEN TITANS series SPOILERS and Whatnots
#141728 07/07/09 12:16 PM
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Originally posted by CJ Taylor:
Well ML, then you might want to avoid TITANS #15. There's a preview of it up on DC's Blog spot. It's dedicated to Tempest, and he mentions some unhappy news.
where the preivews?!?!? I want to see! frown link, please. laugh

Re: TEEN TITANS series SPOILERS and Whatnots
#141729 07/07/09 12:16 PM
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oopppss double-posting. sorry. my fault entirely.

Re: TEEN TITANS series SPOILERS and Whatnots
#141730 07/07/09 12:54 PM
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Now to be fair, this is merely written in caption dialouge, so take it for what it's worth. And don't click if you don't want a preview.
DC blog - The Source

Just spouting off.
Re: TEEN TITANS series SPOILERS and Whatnots
#141731 07/16/09 11:13 PM
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Geez, Tempest has some seriously bad luck. Poor guy.


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Re: TEEN TITANS series SPOILERS and Whatnots
#141732 07/19/09 03:15 PM
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both Garths always have bad luck - Aqualad and Lightning Lad.

Re: TEEN TITANS series SPOILERS and Whatnots
#141733 08/02/09 08:46 PM
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Read the latest Teen Titans with the kids all out on the town (I may be one behind still, not sure) and I was shocked. Was a Teen Titans comic...actually pretty good? I think it actually might have been.

Miss Martian continues to be endearing, Static is a welcome addition and even Bombshell was good this issue. The Traci 13 / Blue Beetle / Aquagirl romantic triangle tension was interesting to see. As a former reader of Beetle's title, I personally like him with Traci, but I like the influx of some new tensions. The Beetle / Devil friendship is also a highlight of the last year of the series for me since so much of it was bad.

Cassie continues to be brooding to the point of making the Punisher seem like Mary Poppins. Enough already. Have Kon-El and Robin show back-up and lets see some progress.

The series feels like its so close to getting back on track, but its felt that way before like ten times since Geoff left and each time has taken two steps backwards. I hope the line-up stays stable, adding some stability to the title itself, and DC's "shock" mentality recedes. But with Didio directly editing the title, I doubt it.

I wouldn't mind seeing Raven & Changling (Beast Boy--ughh, change it back!) rejoin the Teen Titans rather than the other title.

Re: TEEN TITANS series SPOILERS and Whatnots
#141734 08/27/09 10:06 AM
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Words cannot express how much I hated the cover to #74. Cynical with no wit, jaded with no irony- in short, the very worst qualities of storytelling prevalent in the last couple of decades encapsulated in one boring picture.

Thankfully, the insides are much better.

It wasn't fun seeing <span class="spoiler_containter"><span class="spoiler_wording">Click Here For A Spoiler</span><span class="spoiler_text"> Eddie die heroically. I sort of expect that unexamined metagene and his 'Devil' persona to kick in, though. </span></span>

However, the story was skillfully presented, I thought.

I'm tired of depressed-at-every-turn Wonder Girl and look forward to her post-Superboy-reunion appearances. I did like that she found her resolve, but I think a conversation with Donna or Diana would've been welcome. I don't want the mentors making frequent appearances, but characterization-building visits shouldn't be avoided, either.

I was expecting Kid Eternity to be kidnapped by someone connected to the Black Lantern story. I enjoyed the surprise of being wrong and was pleasurably disturbed by <span class="spoiler_containter"><span class="spoiler_wording">Click Here For A Spoiler</span><span class="spoiler_text"> Calculator's kidnapping of the kid and the creepy use to which he's putting KE's power. I'm not sure how he's doing it, but I'm betting there'll be consequences... </span></span>

I found it sad how the Titans KE called his friends spoke of him.

Re: TEEN TITANS series SPOILERS and Whatnots
#141735 09/06/09 07:13 PM
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I've been reading this one, too smile

I liked a little Fearsome Five action, Shimmer and Jinx needed a little page time. Wonder Girl is making a bit sick, she gets really interesting and then she gets depressed, she seems to do that a lot. I really like Kid E's addition, I think he could make for a very interesting story line.

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Re: TEEN TITANS series SPOILERS and Whatnots
#141736 09/08/09 10:06 PM
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I hope you're right about Eddie, Toddkins... that (what happened) really annoyed me!!

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Re: TEEN TITANS series SPOILERS and Whatnots
#141737 09/13/09 09:08 AM
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I dunno- Shimmer's not the same gal since her resurrection. Understandably, I guess. I'm glad Jinx is back with the Fearsome Five, though the Titans or other heroes probably wouldn't be. She has a lot of potential- and magic users aren't characters I tend to gravitate towards.

Still, I always like it when the Five and some group of Titans fight. They're actually more entertaining than Titans vs. Trigon reruns, or Deathstroke vs. Titans.

I'm glad you like Kid E! He needs all the fans he can get.

Re: TEEN TITANS series SPOILERS and Whatnots
#141738 12/19/09 02:06 AM
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I wonder why not Shimmer, Psimon, and Gizmo become Black Lanternized? hmm.

Re: TEEN TITANS series SPOILERS and Whatnots
#141739 12/19/09 02:20 AM
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I've just become numb to TEEN TITANS lately. The art is nice and all but the story feels like nothing's there.

Nothing I care about anyway.

Well, I *did* enjoy the knockdown, dragout between Rose and her father.

Plus those pesky BLACKEST NIGHT zombies for added fun.

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Re: TEEN TITANS series SPOILERS and Whatnots
#141740 01/17/10 12:35 PM
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OK- I've grown to like Ravager a good bit more than I once did, and I thought her choice as lead for the back-ups made a sort of sense, considering the way it fit in with events in the main title, and given that she's probably been the character with the most dynamic characterization in this team, but I still question her and her family taking over the title in entirety for two issues.

Especially when there's a missing teammate that the team has glibly 'abandoned'...

Given all that, I did like the second issue of the two. The unending twists in Ravager's family are surprising and worth reading (I just wish they took place against the backdrop of a *Teen Titans* story, if they're going to appear in a title with that logo on the cover). Jericho's appearance and reversal in fortune was a bit of a shocker.

Deathstroke's set to lead some team with 'Titans' in the title in the near future (I know- did you flinch? A little bile come up in your throat? And a little twinge that Doug Ramsay would translate as 'well, that could be interesting' spoken in the language of guilt?).

I guess if Jericho's onboard, as would seem to be indicated by the way events were left, I guess that makes the 'Titans' usage a *bit* more legit. Provisionally.

Re: TEEN TITANS series SPOILERS and Whatnots
#141741 01/24/10 12:04 AM
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Like Lash said above, I've just become numb to the Teen Titans these days. In fact, I'd say the Teen Titans have been consistently the single worst major comic book title from any comic book company for the last 3 years. Honestly, there's just nothing else this bad out there.

Every so often there will be a glimmer of hope but those are few and far between. The latest issue, #78, a Blackest Night tie-in featuring Ravager, Jericho and Deathstroke wasn't bad--okay, even--but it wasn't anything that could get me to really care about this title again. I just feel like I've seen it all before, and the back and forth between these three characters going from good to bad to good again reminds me of the 90's X-Men at its worst. I do like Ravager a lot; she's probably been my favorite Titan since OYL. But Jericho and Deathstroke, both of whom I used to care about, I really just don't anymore.

As it stands, I'll try to find something to like about the Teen Titans comic but I don't even know what its supposed to look like anymore post-BN. DC really did a number on this title. And Titans--ha, yeah right. That's a huge pass from me. I collect almost every DC title so I think when I'm not collecting one of them, that's my way of saying its a big pile of shit. And that's what the Titans comic has been. The new focus doesn't make me think it will be anything otherwise.

Re: TEEN TITANS series SPOILERS and Whatnots
#141742 02/26/10 12:52 PM
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I like Static. I like that the Titans visited Dakota City. I liked that Holocaust played Static and the reader. Well, I, at least, thought maybe he was edging into a believable gray there for a minute.

But the issue was less than the worth of its parts. A lot less.

Bring on Superboy and Kid Flash. Rescue Kid Eternity. Take the team to hell and bring Eddie back.

Just no more leadership squabbles or posturing about who belongs there and who doesn't. Please.

Re: TEEN TITANS series SPOILERS and Whatnots
#141743 04/04/10 03:10 PM
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Just for the record, I've dropped TEEN TITANS as of 80. I put 81 back on the shelf Friday.

I will return when the price goes back down or the stories get vastly better.

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Re: TEEN TITANS series SPOILERS and Whatnots
#141744 05/08/10 08:08 AM
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Thoughts on the members of the Titans, currently.

Wonder Girl: Boring as hell and an incompetent leader.

Cyborg: Condescending and uninteresting.

Beast Boy: If he and Raven hadn't broken up for the umpteenth time, I dunno. He was funnier in the cartoons.

Raven: I usually like the dark ones with the somewhat sarcastic sense of humor, but recently... liker her cartoon counterpart a LOT better.

Miss Martian: Love her.

Kid Devil: Feel bad for him, because losing his powers was almost certainly signing the death warrant.

Aquagirl: A tease who beat up a guy who was making lewd references. She's hitting on a guy with a girlfriend. Can you say "the pot and the kettle"?

Superboy: His death/rebirth is another one of the arguments against bringing back Lian Harper, in terms of the status quo and the reset button. The emotional growth thing is cool, but we've barely seen him in Smallville since Johns stopped writing Adventure Comics, and he's once again become a secondary character.

Kid Flash: Not really sure what to say.

Bombshell: Her I liked even though she was traitor, and the story where she came back proved she wasn't a heartless jerk everyone, including herself, thought she was.

Static: From what I've heard, this is almost an entirely different character from the one who was in his own comic a few years back.

Blue Beetle: No opinion either way.

Re: TEEN TITANS series SPOILERS and Whatnots
#141745 12/05/10 07:45 PM
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Is anyone still buying this book?

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Re: TEEN TITANS series SPOILERS and Whatnots
#141746 12/05/10 08:24 PM
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I'm not.

Re: TEEN TITANS series SPOILERS and Whatnots
#141747 12/05/10 08:31 PM
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Re: TEEN TITANS series SPOILERS and Whatnots
#141748 12/06/10 11:18 AM
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Say, did Kid Eternity actually DO anything while he was on the team? You know, aside from being kidnapped and killed.

Re: TEEN TITANS series SPOILERS and Whatnots
#141749 12/06/10 01:36 PM
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Maybe some of this Titan-kill-craziness can take out uber-awful Damien!

Now if only the Joker could join the Teen Titans!

Re: TEEN TITANS series SPOILERS and Whatnots
#141750 01/13/11 10:01 AM
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Skimmed through Teen Titans to see Damien. As I figured, Damien is even more annoying than usual here.

Re: TEEN TITANS series SPOILERS and Whatnots
#141751 02/26/11 12:46 PM
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Issue #92 is a crossover with 'Red Robin' with Tim getting help from his former teammates to take down the Calculator... Tim and Damian argue a lot and at one point simultaneously declare, "We're not brothers!"... 'oh, brother' is all I can say to that element of the story... I like seeing Tim, Connor, Cassie, and Bart together... the other Teen Titans brought very little to the story... the art reminded me of a Mad Magazine parody... Damian looked a little too much like Alfred E. Neuman in a couple of panels... in terms of spoilers...

<span class="spoiler_containter"><span class="spoiler_wording">Click Here For A Spoiler</span><span class="spoiler_text">It should come as no surprise that Damian is out and Tim is back in with the Teen Titans... guess it can only be a good thing for the 'Teen Titans' book since Tim is such a strong character... </span></span>

All in all not a bad crossover but I won't be sticking around...

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