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OK, It seems a shame that no thread for either issue has been started.

I skimmed # 50 and haven't read 51 yet, I will respond once I do.

Meanwhile, what did YOU think?!?

Offhand, I'm loving a teen-team with the uber-powered Femme Squad of Supergirl, Wonder Girl and Miss Martian.

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The Titans of the Future storyline is just barely getting started and it's hard to tell where it's going but the final page in #51 is an "Oh my god!" moment.

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I gotta say that I miss Tony Daniel's art. ;-(

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Some creepy revelations, though. And I really like the cliffhanger in #51. It's killer. (Pun what?)

I know I may have already mentioned it, but I love Sean McKeever. And I see nothing that shakes my faith in him. It probably would've been nice if he'd introduced his own concept to wet his feet but the Titans of Tomorrow or whatever are very compelling characters, so I can see where the appeal would lie. Especially if Geoff already had plans regarding them and they interested him.

There's some neat easter eggs and I really like introing with Blue Beetle's visit. Rose especially shines with some really witty dialogue.

<span class="spoiler_containter"><span class="spoiler_wording">Click Here For A Spoiler</span><span class="spoiler_text">Kara: Hey, Ravager-- did you notice there's no future us?
Rose: Golly, gee, aren't you observant? Must come standard with the blond hair and miniskirt.</span></span>

And #50 has a neat story with my boy Wally from his Kid Flash days. Wolfman and Perez! Dick in shortpants! laugh Gotta love it. Only sad part was I realized how much I missed Mike McKone's art. frown And Young Justice.

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Okay.... is ANYone still reading Teen Titans?

52 was pretty interesting, with a vibe similar to when the SW6 Legion met the adults.

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Having never read the SW6 Legion or...whatever, I'll just have to take your word for it. I'm still reading-- and enjoying-- the series. The drama of it all! laugh Especially with Bart and Kon there. It's so... chilling. I can't wait to see what happens next! McKeever is definitely delivering as far as I'm concerned.

The only thing that bothers me is the disconnect between the Tim/Cassie thing and Tim's solo book where he's got a girl named Zoanne (who may or may not be his girlfriend depending on the writer). I mean, the triangle is great for storytelling, I guess but... yeah. I hate that there's never any continuity. There used to be continuity, right? Or was that just a sweet, sweet dream..?

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Issue 53...

This fill-in artist guy was very Tony Daniels-esque... maybe he should take the book over.

I'm kinda ready for the "Titans of Tomorrow Today" arc to either be over or go somewhere.

I've grown weary of the slugfesting and I can't get excited about the new characters in the Titans Army because the last time I got excited about a gaggle of characters (the 2-page spread featuring the various Titans members during the one-year gap) most of them ended up dead (Only Kid Zatara and especially Miss Martian got any benefit there).

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Issue 54...

Well, that's over.

Is anyone clear on the Conner/Bart reveal though?

Does this mean they will eventually be back, albeit without important past memories? That's how I saw it. Kind of depressing. And I didn't get the Miss Martian thing at the end either. Maybe I need to reread it all, don't know if I wanna.

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I just flip through it at the store. Miss M. is a doll but I just haven't been interested in the title.

I get my Titans fix from TTG! and will be a-buyin' Tiny Titans...

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That was a rather confusing ending Lash. I did enjoy this arc but feel as if it never really got anywhere in the end. Was it all just to set up the potential of a return to the DCU by Conner & Bart? I'm not sure if that's the case or not.

Guess we'll have to see where this all goes from here.

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Please no more returns... Cassie is better for it.

Just spouting off.
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Especially no return of Lex Luthor. But I think that wish is in vain, since he's apparently going to be digging his hooks in for awhile.

Sigh. Boring. To me, anway.

What a disappointment the Titans Army was. Next to no focus on the folks I wanted to know about. Just like the influx of the One Year Later members.

Boy, this title has squandered just about all of my good will. If the next storyline is similar, I'm dropping.

But I *will* pick up the other Titans title-- even with the bad taste left in my mouth from the special.

And the Year One title starts next week, I believe!

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I've dropped this book.

Nearly all the characters I used to read this book for are gone (and no - I definitely do not mean Bart or Kon who I think work better dead), the stories have been uninspired and I was never the biggest Tony Daniel fan, so to look at the work of a weak imitation like Eddy Barrows every month is not much of an incentive for me.

I'll be getting my Titans fix from the Year One mini and *maybe* the Titans East series (whenever that starts) from now on.

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TTY1 is on Diamond's list for this week. I know nothing about the story and am not yet sure what I think about the covers I've seen, but I'm going to get it.

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I enjoyed it. It's the first time I picked up individual issues since the series began. McKeever certainly knows how to write kids. He's a good choice for replacing Johns here.

Just spouting off.
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Magically Delicious
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The last two issues have been really good. There's a great bit in the latest ish with a certain Titan angrily asking something about someone's panties. (How's that for a tease... go forth and buy!) I think McKeever has found his voice after the confusion of the recent future Titans storyline.

Why are you laughing at me? It's unkind, as well as puzzling!
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Just read the last 3 issues back to back, I actually am liking the TERROR TITANS storyline, but I'm fearful for Miss Martian. I want her separated from her evil future-self, stat.

For some reason, the Emerald Eye being around since our time never bothered me, but the Persuader's atomic axe being around DOES bother me.

Oh, and I *loved* seeing Rose kick so much ass.

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I've been buying Teen Titans since the start of Geoff's version, and I really like the Terror Titans storyline.

Interesting how the heads of the Dark Side Club are all African Americans.

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I fourth in my agreement that I like the Terror Titans storyline.

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Whew... when did Clock King become such a freakin' badass? Hope this storyline's conclusion is as good as the rest of it has been.

I *really* like the Clock King upgrade.

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Was the new issue out today or was it delayed. I didn't get it with my pull today nor did I see it on the shelf at the CBS?

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There was a new issue of TT in my pull (the one with Clock King looming over the Titans). I haven't read it yet.

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but I did last night, issue 60. Clock King as a badass is pretty cool. I can't believe there's going to be a TERROR TITANS mini. I think the Titans franchise is in danger of collapsing under its own weight. Teen Titans, The Titans, Tiny Titans, Teen Titans Go!, all the upcoming one-shots, Teen Titans: Year 1 *and* Terror Titans? That's a whole lotta Titans.

Still the TERROR TITANS storyline was good, and showed Rose for the badass SHE is as well. Because of her, I might get the Terror Titans mini.

Looking forward to Kid Eternity and am glad to see Miss martian and Kid Devil are sticking around!

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Finally got it yesterday.

Have to agree with you Lasher. I fear for the future of the Titans franchise as well but mostly because of the constantly changing membership rather than because of the related series. This team never seems to get enough time to gel before members are added or removed. And now we are going to have another change.

Don't get me wrong, I love having Blue Beetle on the team. This is one of the few new characters to come out of 52 that I really, really like along with Megan. And I've always been a fan of Kid Eternity so I'm looking forward to meeting him and Eddie has become a really likable character.

Rose leaving to join the Terror Titans makes sense since she never really fit in my opinion although I like her as a character.

I really hope that Tim remains on the team because I don't see anyone else that can fill the role of team leader.

(Heck, now that I think of it, one of those blacked out figures in the spoiler image displayed on the DCU page of all recent issues could be Spoiler! That would be cool!)

In any case, I'm concerned that all the changes will just put this team into more of a mess which makes they're survival very uncertain.

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#61-- 'Crimson Jazzerciser"!? HA! I haven't decided if I like that new look for Kid-- make that *Red* Devil (Don't like it- mainly because of that d-at-the-end-of-the-first-word-runs-into-the-d-of-the-second-word thing... it'll always sound like redevil).

Did we just witness the beginnings of a beautiful comics friendship? I hope so.

I haven't been reading Blue Beetle's own title, so I'm not really sure about what all his armor can do. And I have to admit that until the last issue or two, I haven't *really* been paying attention to TEEN TITANS- if his capabilites have been more fully explained.

Anyway, I'm glad he's now an 'official' member. Once the 'future M'gann' thing gets settled (I find her ugly and annoying), then I'll really like this incarnation.

If Kid Eternity actually *does* become a Teen Titan, then I'll be very happy. I also like the news that STATIC will be a Titan with DC's absorbing the MILESTONE characters into the DCU proper.

There's a couple more characters still to be revealed, I think.

I wonder when the roster change will occur?

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