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It seems that the roster has been continually changing since like....52 onwrads. Before that actually. It's getting kinda annoying actually. Still Kid Eternity. Woot!

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another death strikes against Titans - add two more titans member - <span class="spoiler_containter"><span class="spoiler_wording">Click Here For A Spoiler</span><span class="spoiler_text">Fever (so mad - really really liked her) and Molecule.</span></span>

Oh well.

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#64-- Wonder Girl and Herclues need to meet again. I think that after this issue, she might have a more sympathetic attitude towards her half-brother.

Lycos is not really very interesting, apart from a strong visual and the mythological trappings.

I liked the evocation of Olympus-- showing a bit of its grandeur and not the whole gleaming city.

Fans of Bombshell should be pleased. She does now have a fairly interesting reason to be living with the Titans. Though considering her living arrangements in Titans Tower brings up questiions that are best left nebulous, perhaps.

I'm looking forward to the membership drive, and then a stable roster for awhile. The flux has been going on for 30 issues or so, now. Enough.

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Does anybody else feel this Red and Blue team forced by pairing the comic sensibilities of Red Devil and Blue Beetle?

I feel this team is disjointed. Get some cohesion and make it work or this title will fall. How I wish Raven went back to her non-teenaged self after Titans #6. Her returning to her "true self", I thought that meant this teen version of herself would go away and thus solidifying her spot in the Titans book and not the Teen Titans book.

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#65 showcased a pretty good big ol' fight scene and a *very* scary beastie-- Lycus can recur sometime later and I'd be perectly glad to see him (something I didn't think I'd be typing after the Marvin incident...)

There was an odd scene featuring what I think was supposed to be the King of the Olympian gods, hard to credit given events in WONDER WOMAN- though he *is* a god...

Who's the angry blonde on the issue's last page? Am I meant to know who she is?

How long till Bombshell (who's growing on me) is revealed to be related to Barry Allen?

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I'm pretty sure the angry blonde is Bombshell's mom.

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What a ripoff cover on the lastest TT - a recruitment cover with no confirmed recruits by issue's end. Just another angry over the top Bombshell dumping on Eddie. So, Robin no more? Wonder Girl leads the troops? Give her back her old costume. That "W" looks ridiculous.

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I didn't know who half the recruits were. Whatever happened to Arrowette? Empress? IIRC, Secret ended up with Darkseid, but I don't recall where that left off. I'm surprised they weren't considering CM3, especially with his brother appearing next issue.
What did happen to Arrowette? Was she retconned out in favor of Speedy?

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I think Arrowette's still around but retired.

Just read # 66, I liked it.

Beetle's pal calling his friendship with Red Devil a "bromance" totally cracked me up, but then the Bug-But/Sizzle-Shorts exchange between Jamie and Eddie gave lots of weight to the 'bromance' term. Personally, I'd love to see them hook up. They're so cute together.

I wish everyone else would be nice to Eddie, I'm tired of everyone being all assholey to him!

Misfit, I'd LOVE to see her join! I love teleporters, and she's so FUN and cute!

Nice to see Kid Slick from Arcudi's DP run, if only as a head-shot.

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And oh-- yay for Misit bringing the "AWW YEAH TEEN TITANS!" catchphrase to the book!

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Wow. I really liked #67 with its reintroductions of Kid Eternity and Brother Blood.

Due to happenings in the REIGN OF HELL miniseries, Kid E's powers have been curtailed a bit.

He no longer summons the dead to interact with, he *becomes* them-- or changes places with them-- or something.

Interestingly, this is how his power was first explained in the origin back in the '40's. It was promptly changed to the more familiar usage.

Wonder how long the back to basics approach will last? I kind of like it. For one thing, it makes unnecessary the whole he's-summoning-demons-that-take-the-form-of-the-chosen-dead-not-the-dead-themselves thing that I hated.

Prowling around other message boards, it looks like the addition of Kid E to the cast has met with less than glowing comment. I hope this issue helps to turn that around.

I also liked that Misfit and Traci 13 were at the Tower with no comment added. Way back, Teen Titans was described as a team/place where other teen heroes could hang out on the weekends, whenever with no strings attached. I liked that and hope this is the direction for the future.

Were we supposed to recognize the woman at the end? If the pic of the tattoo above her ass were clearer, would that make her identifiable?

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Heck, I've been waiting for the smoldering 'bromance' between Tim and Conner to be resolved, and since one is currently dead and the other has been temporarily written out, that seems to be going nowhere. smile

Cassie loves Conner about *half* as much as Tim does. I haven't seen such doe-eyed moistness between too same-sex characters since Donna Troy and Koriand'r used to make googly eyes at each other back in the Perez/Wolfman years...

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TT 68: Kid E and Red Devil are the entree with a nice sidedish of Blue Beetle and Wonder Girl, followed by a tasty O&O dessert.

Kid Eternity's a character I like a lot and I've been looking forward to this issue since the cover was revealed.

I enjoyed it- quite a bit. My biggest wish would've been that the Vertigo stuff attached to Kid E would've been ignored, but I can see that wasn't really a possibility.

What was on the page, I liked. I like the visual of his very simple costume. The solid white ties into his name, I think.

I hope Kid E makes a journey to heaven, soon. I always think it's a mistake to give hell so much play in comics and almost never visit its opposite.

Olympus, Asgard (or Hades and Valhalla) should get visits, too.

I find it of note that so far we've seen Kid E 'eternalize' Tula and Kole and Aunt Marla. Editorial comment? Coincidence?

The minute limit is too constraining.

*Is* Kid E free from obligations to the Lords of Order and Chaos now?

Eddie's story takes some twists, as well. I find it hard to swallow that he'd even consider another deal. He just found out he has the metagene. He doesn't *need* the powers of hell-- more earthly power can unlock this, can't they?

I don't know if Kid Eternity's going to be a full-fledged Teen Titan or not. There seems to be fan resistance, unfortunately. I hope he has a nice, recurring guest-star status, if he doesn't join.

Heck, all kind of mileage could be gotten just having him visit each DC team and manifest their dead. Though that'd be a *very* debased use for him. I'd like more of the 'Aunt Marla' sort of eternilizations-- lots of historical ones (Alexander the Great, Leonardo Da Vinci, etc.)-- and occasionally, a dead superhero.

I wonder- can he eternalize someone who *was* dead, but came back to life? Like Green Arrow? Flash? Hal Jordan? etc. and etc.

O&O: Eddie, Beetle and Wonder Girl are the nucleus-- maybe Bombshell's joining-- no mention of Kid Eternity or Traci 13 or Misfit... Wonder Girl kisses Blue Beetle (I think)... Kid Flash's uniform floats with no one in it... Ravager has Wonder Girl at knifepoint... someone's pregnant (see Wonder Woman O&O)... Eddie lies in skeletal repose... Static's coming

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I was wondering, when Sister Sentry transformed, was that her actual appearance or was she another of those sorrowling things the Kid and Eddie dealt with earlier?

Also, it was announced Sean McKeever is leaving Teen Titans. I feel sick.

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#69 sees the 'final' solidification of the lineup. Wonder Girl, Blue Beetle, Red Devil, Bombshell, Kid Eternity, Static, Aquagirl and Miss Martian are the kids who decide to stay-- though Argent, Offspring, Zatara and other survivors of the Dark Side Club appear before choosing to go on their own merry ways.

Except for the disturbing and creepy Face. He takes a journey of a different kind.

What do you think of this lineup? Will it stick? McKeever's moving on. Should whoever replaces him reshuffle once again?

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TT ANNUAL #1-- leading to the DEATHTRAP crossover with the TITANS and VIGILANTE books.

Though the HQ-attacks scenario's been played out in just about every team book, it had its moments.

The isolation of the characters felt natural and gave us some nice glimpses of several of them alone or in pairs.

I know most readers are much bigger Rose fans than I am, and probably are also bigger supports of her romance- such as it is- with Red Devil. I think he's much more entertaining with Miss Martian. Rose seems like a decade older than either of these two.

Anyway, we aren't given any insight into Jericho-in-Cyborg's attacks here, so he's basically the trusted friend turned maniacal spree killer. Not my favorite set-up, but I think something a little more complex will be on display in the crossover proper.

It's nice to see the newest kid (among a handful of new kids-- they're new kids to some readers) save the day, but it would've been nice to see Kid Eternity and Aquagirl show a little better in battle.

My Kid Eternity comment-- I hope the writers or editors aren't limiting him to summoning Titans characters. That'd be a forced constraint.

We need to see some practice scenes with this team. His power could be disruptively distracting if he summoned up someone a character loves while said character's fighting to save lives.

I'm thinking a Jericho-in-Kid Eternity sequence could be verrry readable.

Bombshell's growing on me.

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Sounds like TT is really picking up. I'm behind, need to hit the CBS ASAP!

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Originally posted by Mystery Lad:
[QB] #69 sees the 'final' solidification of the lineup. Wonder Girl, Blue Beetle, Red Devil, Bombshell, Kid Eternity, Static, Aquagirl and Miss Martian are the kids who decide to stay
It looks like Bombshell is taking on the 'moody loner who doesn't play well with others' role from Rose, which is fine, since she seems to be being groomed for a solo book of her own or something. Having the two of them on the same team would be a surfeit of chick-tosterone, methinks.

Kid Eternity feels like he belongs in a Vertigo book. I like the idea, but I'm not sure how 'team-friendly' his power is. It's a little too awesome, if he can channel the power of the dead he contacts, and a little dangerous to any sort of mystery plot if he can just contact any dead spirit and ask it questions. Still, perhaps this has already been thought of.

I liked Red Devil with powers better than Eddie-in-suit, but I'm sure he can touch it up and make it a little more up to date. He's been one of my favorites of this new band of Titans.

Love Miss Martian, am loving what I'm seeing so far of this new Aquagirl (Tula never really made much of any impression on me, and I'm afraid my big reaction when she died in Crisis was 'oh no, Aqualad's girlfriend!') and Static really seems likely to be a bit more than the rest of the team is ready for, given his solo career. It would not at all be out of the question for him to end up in charge of this iteration of the Titans!

Argent would also have been on my short list of wannabe members, but I'll see what they do with Blue Beetle or Cassie, who, IMO, have had some fairly formulaic roles lately (comic relief for Beetle, leader-with-doubts for Wonder Girl v2.0).

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TEEN TITANS #70: Pretty much the events of the previous DEATHTRAP issues from the POV of the *Teen* Titans, with added exploding plane footage (this figured way too prominently in the story, I thought). I guess it did serve to bring Ravager back to the cast and to set the stage for a confrontation with her brother.

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When did Rose get precognitive powers? Did I miss something?

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#71: Ravager pays a visit and converses with Eddie, WG and Bombshell-- I like her more here than I ever have. I'm glad she'll get exposure in the upcoming back-up. I hope it's successful and that when she rejoins the team (or whatever), that other Titan characters get similar opportunity.

Kid E. is good for a fake out. There's one scene where the grouped Titans appear and there with them is Pantha. It took me a second to notice the 'glow' and realize that KE (as himself) wasn't with the team. He also has an interesting convo with WG.

I liked Yildiray Cinar's work here. I'm unfamiliar with this artist but I hope he/she gets more assignments.

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Pantha? I thought it was Fever...who died during the Terror Titans storyline.

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The new solicit for TEEN TITANS # 75 is up at newsarama, and the new writer for the series is named... Felicia D. Henderson, a TV writer that's worked for FRINGE, GOSSIP GIRLS, MOESHA.

TV writers taking over comics have resulted in a some good work, some less so. I just hope she can maintain the schedule. That's really my only concern.

The cover shown has all the current members except Kid Devil and Kid Eternity. Which is alarming considering the cover to *last* month's issue featuring a coffin.

I wondered if that coffin might be that of an already dead Titan, unearthed for some reason. But I guess that's less than likely. Unfortunately.

I'm really tired of Titan deaths, but I'm hardly alone in that.

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