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#129673 12/11/06 06:05 PM
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Alright, total random idea yet for some reason I love it! It follows the plot of Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. All the main LoSH people get sent into the world of Hyrule and now must fill out the plot of the characters they have been placed as...while Brainy is the only aware that this isn't where they belong! Plus, if Brainy even tries to mention this fact to his friends, it is either, A. erased from their memory, or B. he loses his voice momentarily and can't finish. Brainy (who has been placed as Link) has to learn to sword fight, ( lol ) fight evil, and most importantly, fight while wearing a silly green hat and dress! Saturn Girl (as Zelda) must cope with being held prisoner by the evil Lightning Lad (as Ganondorf) who is trying to take over the world. But before Brainy can save the world, he has to get the three stones to open the Temple of Time. (havn't played in like 2 years so correct me if I'm wrong on names or anything) First, the Kokiri Emerald from Timberwolf, (the Great Duku Tree) then the Goron Ruby from Bouncing Boy, (as the goron guy) and finally, the Zora Sapphire from Phantom Girl (the Zora Princess). But all hope is not lost for our young hero as he also has help from Triplicate Girl(s) (the Great Fairies, Din, Nayru, and Farore) and Superman (Navi lol ).

Also, some of the characters are used over again which leaves Brainy utterly confused. He first meets Malon, the farm girl (Saturn Girl), then walks into the castle to find Saturn Girl AGAIN as Zelda. He also meets Saria, the Kokiri girl (Phantom Girl) and of course, meets her again as Princess Ruto. You can understand his confusion.

Just to get my creative juices flowing, (and because I needed something to do with my brand new paint program) I have made basic portraits of what they will look like in the Legend of Zelda world. I must admit they look quite nice. Check next two posts for Brainy as Link and Saturn Girl as Zelda.

"He's doomed. We all are. Oh, wanna hear a joke?"

"I'm always thinking about you. Because according to the restraining order, that's all I'm allowed to do."
#129674 12/11/06 06:07 PM
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[Linked Image]

"He's doomed. We all are. Oh, wanna hear a joke?"

"I'm always thinking about you. Because according to the restraining order, that's all I'm allowed to do."
#129675 12/11/06 06:08 PM
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[Linked Image]

"He's doomed. We all are. Oh, wanna hear a joke?"

"I'm always thinking about you. Because according to the restraining order, that's all I'm allowed to do."
#129676 12/11/06 10:33 PM
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LOL Very cute! smile
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#129677 12/12/06 03:25 PM
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Bold Flavors
Bold Flavors
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These are kewl! laugh

Great idea CG!

#129678 12/12/06 05:05 PM
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thanks! next one I'm working on is Phantom Girl as Saria. I started it last night and just realised today that I was accidentally making her Malon instead! Good thing the only thing I had was the line for the sleeves. Malon and Saria have much simpler costumes than Zelda and Link anyway. They'll be up a lot faster.

Also, in honor of this idea, I am learning to play the LoZ theme song on my flute.

Edit: Just finished Phantom Girl. Just a quickie and not NEARLY as stunning (the others were absolutely stunning to me since I refused to zoom out until I was entirely finished with it but it's ok. Phantom Girl does seem to fit Saria a bit. anyway, here it is. Starting Lighting Lad as Ganondorf. ( lol )

Edit again: *stares in horror at a picture of Ganondorf and the complexity of his costume* *large sweat drop goes down side of face* uh...maybe not...maybe I'll do Malon next...

"He's doomed. We all are. Oh, wanna hear a joke?"

"I'm always thinking about you. Because according to the restraining order, that's all I'm allowed to do."
#129679 12/12/06 06:15 PM
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[Linked Image]

"He's doomed. We all are. Oh, wanna hear a joke?"

"I'm always thinking about you. Because according to the restraining order, that's all I'm allowed to do."
#129680 12/14/06 12:29 AM
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Great Idea CopycatG! click to enlarge
I just bought Twilight Princess for the Wii - I dont think Ill have much human contact for awhile tongue

Remember : It's not technically a suckerpunch if you yell ''DEFEND YOURSELF SPROCKER!'' two seconds before you let him have it.
#129681 12/14/06 07:14 PM
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thanks. and you're so lucky to have TP AND the Wii. I'll be lucky to get a PS2 for Christmas/my birthday. (my birthday's five days before Christmas)

"He's doomed. We all are. Oh, wanna hear a joke?"

"I'm always thinking about you. Because according to the restraining order, that's all I'm allowed to do."
#129682 12/14/06 10:50 PM
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Ouch, that sucks. I seriously doubt I'll be getting any kind of video game system this year, but maybe I'll get some gift cards. :7
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#129683 12/15/06 04:15 PM
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well, I guess it's not real lucky. we're also selling all our old video games and our Playstation putting it towards our PS2 fund. and our parents arn't exactly saying, "A PS2? You're crazy!" they just don't like to get new systems while their new. took me about a year to get a DS.

"He's doomed. We all are. Oh, wanna hear a joke?"

"I'm always thinking about you. Because according to the restraining order, that's all I'm allowed to do."
#129684 12/15/06 11:42 PM
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I can understand not wanting to get them right off the bat. Let someone else deal with the bugs, I say. smile I'd like a DS, but I think I'll have to wait and get it myself. Which could take awhile.

I found a few Nintendo comics in a box today, including a Zelda one. Link had a very pointy nose, but Zelda herself got to kick some ass. smile
Current Obsession: Birds of Prey/Secret Six
#129685 12/15/06 11:45 PM
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ok...could someone possibly try and over advice or comment on my pictures or something? I mean it seems like you guys havn't even noticed the Phantom Girl one.

"He's doomed. We all are. Oh, wanna hear a joke?"

"I'm always thinking about you. Because according to the restraining order, that's all I'm allowed to do."
#129686 12/16/06 12:33 AM
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The Phantom Girl one looks good to me, but beyond Link and Zelda I don't remember much about the characters from that game, so it's hard to judge.
Current Obsession: Birds of Prey/Secret Six
#129687 12/16/06 12:56 AM
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Wait... I'm trying to grasp the concept (my Zelda knowledge is rather rusty - if you think you've got it bad, I've never even owned a single game console.), but wouldn't it make more sense that Superboy/man is Link and Brainy is Navi? I mean, Supes is the guy who time-travels to save the world, and Brainy gives him advice along the way? Often times, annoying constant updates that drive the gamer/Superman nuts?

I mean, while Brainiac 5 is your obvious favourite, he's hardly the action/adventure hero for this sort of genre. The sort of comedy you're looking for in teaching him to swordfight could jsut as easily be attained by Clark in an allegory for him learning about his powers.

...Wait, and why is Lightning Lad Ganondorf? He might not be the nicest guy, and yeah he's sort of a hot-headed jock who makes bad puns, but I don't think he qualifies as final boss material. If you don't like him, then just give him a tiny/embarrassing/hilarious role or something. There are plenty of villains in LoSH to choose from - in the context of the animated continuity, Drax maybe.

The pictures are cute, though - I like that you've got a screencap for a background. Plus it saves on having to draw your own! But yeah, admittably, I'm struggling to reconcile your concept with the two canons.

(Personally, I'm beginning to cross LoSH with Final Fantasy, in my mind. All those job classes to choose from... Delicious.)

#129688 12/16/06 08:39 AM
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alright let me explain this then. Brainy as Link... 1. they both have simliar blond hair. 2. as you said before, Brainy's my favorite. and 3. it's supposed to be funny, not logical. Superman as Navi...basicly the only reason I put him there was beause 1. it's hilarious and 2. it's completely original and no one else would think to do it. plus Navi was the only part not filled. Lightning Lad as Ganondorf...they both have red hair, Lightning Lad is, as you said, not the nicest guy, and remember, none of the characters know who they really are. He thinks he really IS evil.

"He's doomed. We all are. Oh, wanna hear a joke?"

"I'm always thinking about you. Because according to the restraining order, that's all I'm allowed to do."
#129689 12/16/06 11:28 PM
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That logic works for me. smile
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#129690 12/17/06 01:54 AM
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Originally posted by Lurker Lass:

(Personally, I'm beginning to cross LoSH with Final Fantasy, in my mind. All those job classes to choose from... Delicious.)
Damn You for putting that Idea into my head! DAMN YOU! (pulls out sketchbook)
I want a Moogle in the Superpets!

Remember : It's not technically a suckerpunch if you yell ''DEFEND YOURSELF SPROCKER!'' two seconds before you let him have it.
#129691 12/17/06 02:04 AM
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Originally posted by Joe-Boy Harvestar:
Damn You for putting that Idea into my head! DAMN YOU! (pulls out sketchbook)
I want a Moogle in the Superpets!


#129692 12/17/06 06:24 AM
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Time Trapper
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My kids LOVE the Legend of Zelda (we have the WII). Our cat is named Zelda!

(Fun pictures, btw....)

#129693 12/17/06 06:26 AM
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Time Trapper
Time Trapper
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I just showed my 16 year old son these pictures, his favorite is Saturn Girl as Zelda.

#129694 12/17/06 10:10 AM
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thanks! I'm working on Saturn Girl as Malon and it should look just as good as the first two. One of the main problems I think with the Phantom Girl one is that it's so small. I'm looking for a better screen cap so I can redo it.

"He's doomed. We all are. Oh, wanna hear a joke?"

"I'm always thinking about you. Because according to the restraining order, that's all I'm allowed to do."

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