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FINALE! - Legion 35C
#129586 09/30/04 10:14 AM
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We are ALL.

We have been from the first instance and We shall endure even after the last moment when all else transcends into the Beyond, still We shall remain. And so We have always been, complete, united and whole within the One True Realm.

Behold, the Unity that We share and hold precious as all minded things must, is breached. An infected slice from the vile Cradle of Other Time wounds Our integrity. The Ever Moment of the Eternal Now is broken in searing wounds. This realm unheard of attacks the Being We are. Another cut, another wound, another hundred slices of sickness from beyond the Now. And another hundred, and another.

We strike through the tear in our Wholeness, cascading our uncurling Self at their eternal Light, destroying their Power. Still they come, now a thousand and a thousand more. The Eternal Now screams as it is torn and ragged from this barbarous assault. The Pure Unity of Self is shattered and We are entered into a thousand broken and screaming parts, all seeking the holistic Past from before this evil unprovoked attack. It cuts at us as We could never have foreseen, Our number within the Precious Body of Unity is lessened with every barb they push through Our Being. It is an abomination!

Through the tears they have left in Our Being We push fingers of exploration. Who is this, not of the One True Realm that wishes Our demise? We unfold long streams of our Being and strip the very elements of their Realm for Our examination. What is this that thinks so little of the sanctity of Self that it can strike again and again and a millon agains more? We learn through painful experience that the infected Cradle of Other Time holds … many! As we are pure of our singularity and have One True Mind this illegitimate Existence allows itself to be broken again and again, never reforming to it’s True Self, reforming again and again in many forms, many levels, many sides to their Truth. Disgusting! We are horrified by the broken shells it has allowed to become, the very Stuff of their realm is abhorrent. There is no One Truth, it is …made of seemingly random collections of motile elements. And still it cuts us sending shards of its sickening self into our Purity.

In pushing through to the vile Realm of Other Time our form is shattered more, a trillion fragments of Self tear across their Being, we do damage in retaliation of theirs. We learn, and it is appalling, that we cannot hold our integrity within their fractured realm. We use the materials of their Own against them, forming crude creations to use against them. The delicious irony is lost as still they strike in their thousand, and again, and a hundred thousand again!

A scream of pain, like a howl of the Primal Rage attacks our Self, a taunt, a summons to do battle. They have Our full attention now. After an endless moment of unprovoked brutality within the Eternal Now the True Self is thrown this challenge. It shall be met!

Along the fringes of Our Self we are aware that there has ever been Others. These shadows are never truly within our integrity. We capture a shadowy other and force it into our realm, this poison of an infected aggressor will remain within us and be forced to endure Our pains. It fights and it is strong! We are weakened, the once proud Eternal Self is fragmented and the Unity before the vile Cradle of Other Time intruded upon Us is no more.

The damage to the many levels between Our Realms is heinous. The captive pushes at a fracture point and in our desperation to remain pure we restrain it and strive with our might to stop its escape, but it is not to be. From the vile side a great hole is torn and our might fails and our prisoner flees. We choose in our anger to follow.

We must, if We are to survive to become One again take this battle to Our aggressive neighbours and from within their damaged volatile Realm We must teach them the errors of their transgressions. As our Realm howls of it’s own death We shall Transcend into theirs. A fitting end to their damaged alignment as Our Unity unfolds

We have been from the first instance and We shall endure even after the last moment when all else transcends into the Beyond, still We shall remain. And so We have always been, complete, united and whole as we recreate Our One True Realm.

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Re: FINALE! - Legion 35C
#129587 10/02/04 05:02 PM
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What has gone before- part one.

Kord Das, a Naltori Seer with a life times training in Coluan thought processing and information gathering techniques, has reformed The Legion in the 35th Century.

The Milky Way as we know it is a far different place. There has been a decade and a half long struggle with Beings from the Valenian Realms, called the War of Entrapment with the Grand Invaders. The Intra-dimension home of the Invaders is slowly being shredded by the use of the instant transportation called the Valenian Drive. This system of transport was created by the pacifistic movement called the Trom Buddhists and given to the UP as a gift - they did not know at the time about the horrific consequences of using their discovery.

The only race to have survived unaided a sustained attack from the Grand Invaders are the Talokeans. Glorion Grundy, a magical gorilla from Tharn, found and helped release the trapped spirit of Eljasa Mallor, the last descendant of the Shadow Casting Clan of Talok viii. The Legion helped regrow her body and managed to infuse the body with her spirit. In thanks the tribesfolk agreed to help the Legion by training representatives from all major Systems in their survival techniques.

In one of the Legions first missions Penga La, a Green Lantern, is murdered. In an attempt to drive the Invaders from the Dreaghhart System, birthing star of the aloof godlike Kenroshi Starsailors, Dak Sacchev, also know as Blackstar, detonated the heart of a Jovian sized planet, irretrievably damaging the streams of Kenroshi young who circled the ancient star. There are doubts that the ancient Kenroshi will survive as a species. The Media start to hound the newly reformed Legion, whipping up an anti- meta Being mentality.

Dak Sacchev is put on trial for the crime of genocide as a result of the Dreaghhart System Mission. At the Trial there is intense Media interest and many meta-beings and organisations visit Earth to show support for all over the Milky Way. When Kord Das is questioned he informs the judges that his vision of a "Legion more powerful than that of Legend" did not apply to the current team but to the resulting amalgimation of the Milky Ways meta Being organisations who met (and put aside their home systems political agendas) at this Trial. He has manipulated them to be on Earth and they will all fall under the umbrella orgaisation called The Legion. Dak Sacchev is aquitted, the Media hails Kord Das as a techno-messiah and the Legion is born in the 35th Century.

During Dak Sacchev's trial the Grand Invaders were driven off the H’dritki homeworld, and in thanks the Queen allowed 23 of her Warrior Drones to leave the Hive world and support Mega – Snaija Patel – of the Imskian Leviathons, one of the Legionnaires who helped save millions during the attack.

Glorion Grundy and Shaman’s Daughter, a Starhavem Freetrader tracker, encountered a rogue unbonded Telepath, Abbi Ardeen. Abbi had taken control of a Daxam Space Rangers Battleship. Shaman’s Daughter was brutally murdered by a Daxamite while under Abbi's control and it took the intervention of several Legionnaires to subdue the renegade telepath. Kord Das had her secretly transported to his laboratory on the Legion ‘Stroid where he performed experiments upon her to force her to summon the Grand Invaders en masse for a final battle.

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Re: FINALE! - Legion 35C
#129588 10/03/04 02:38 PM
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What has gone before - part two

At Shaman Daughter’s funeral Helen of Thermyscira, the Amazonian Sol Defene Leaguer called Sister Paragon took a large mouthful of the hallucinogenic Draft of Life. The psychedelic trip that ensued led her to flee into the Rimbor Oort Cloud followed by Glorion Grundy and Clear Skies Coming of the Starhaven Freetraders. On their way to rescuing Sister Paragon Glorion beat the C’zarian bounty hunter Lobo at Indian Head Poker and met up with the legendary 30th Century Legionnaires Jo Nah, the Ultra Warrior, and Zoe Saugin, Kinetix. Glorion summons an image of Helen with his magic and this is broadcast throughout the NuUP by Eyespys – nanotech news hounds that follow Legion members on missions. The image is of Sister Paragon and clear Skies Coming in a drug fueled intimate clinch. Helen returns to Thermyscira in shame and Clear Skies Coming left to rejoin the Freetraders to learn more about his mystical heritage.

The Amber Man, a cosmic Totem of the Scots-Mauri folk, the Firstfooters of McCuiloloa Major was found by a team of Legionnaires including the time spun Tamarani Princess. She used her connection to the Universal Song of Life to help heal it after over a century in the Valenian Realms buffer zone. It was returned to McCuiloloa Major, it’s home planet where the bond with it’s worshippers was renewed, empowering one of them with reality changing abilities and strengthening the peoples latent dimensional sensing abilities. Also on this mission two Daxamite Space Rangers, Byt Fees and Nar Nase are discovered by Triple Cubed to be engaging in a clandestine (and illegal by Daxam Laws) homosexual relationship.

Dak Sacchev is attacked in Hyper Space by a pair of Khund Dragon Hunter Ships. He makes short work of them. He is too preoccupied in chasing after the Tamarani Princess to ask for her hand in marriage to care. When he finally finds the Princess she accepts.

Hol El, the Final Descendant of the Last Son of Krypton, joins the Legion via an open day on Earth. She is joined by amongst others, an Elevated cat called Cheshire and a Rhooni fire mystic known as Stellar. Enri Longtan, Gimallon of the Imskian Leviathons, takes an inexperienced team from the try outs to the Lattice ‘Stroids on a media friendly mission to help round up animals that have escaped from the Zoo. One of the team dies on this mission as a result of an undisclosed allergy.

Kord Das persuades Zoe Saugin to lead a team of Legionnaires to persuade the Great Dragon Herds to join in the Legions battle against the Grand Invaders. Meanwhile he has asked Jo Nah to lead a small team of Legionnaires into the Valenian Realms to try to find out more information about the Grand Invaders.

After a at best fifty percent successful mission in the Valenian Realms the time spun Tamaran Princess is trapped in the intra-dimension rift. She is being aided in her attempt to escape by Wee Eavey Hakkawolla, one of the Firstfooters Soulsingers from McCuilola Major.

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Re: FINALE! - Legion 35C
#129589 10/03/04 02:44 PM
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What has gone before - part three

Glorion Grundy, one of the few descendants of Gorilla City and an Information Adept from the Sorcerors World Tharn has kidnapped Abbi Ardeen from Kord Das’s laboratory in Legion ‘Stroid. He had snuck aboard a Legion Drone ship bound to deliver supplies to flotilla being guided by the Zoe Saugin led Legion Team. The NowYouSeeMeNowYouDon’t Beetle, an immortal magical scarab that lives inside Glorion’s belly has been searching for his next host. He has prophesised that the time is nearly due for this meeting with his penultimate host as he comes close to his raison d’être to look upon the Face of God.

After discovering Abbi had been kidnapped Kord Das ordered Lobo to track her down and return her to him – without leaving any witnesses. Lobo is attacked in Hyper Space by Khund Dragon Hunters who see all Legionnaires as potential enemies after Dak Sacchev destroyed two of their ships and the Great dragon Herds are moving out of their usual ranges due to Legion intervention. Lobo took charge of the Khund vessels and captured the Droneship that Abbi and Glorion were hiding in.

Onboard the Legion ‘Stroid Snaija Patel – Mega of the Imskian Leviathons, and Commander Hor Elli of the Daxam Space Rangers return to active duty after their honeymoon. There are a series of unexplained murders and Hor Elli calls in the Titan Net Questioners to interrogate the Ambassadorial representatives. Mega discovers that the murders have been committed by an Emerald Eye of Ekron.

Sparkzzz is kidnapped by the Dalai Lama of the Trom Buddhists and taken to an intra-dimensional pocket where he plans to interrogate her. She is rescued by Cheshire though in returning to the Einsteinian Realities they materialise in deep space and Sparkzzz nearly dies. She is rescued in the nick of time by Stellar, the Fire Mystic from Rhoon.

Nar Nase and Byt Fees are discoved by a commanding officer while they engage in a lover's moment. They arereturned to the Daxam High Commands Warship and Space Marshall Fri Ovid summons Hor Elli to the Daxam fleet to explain how this crime against the Daxam Breeding Laws has been allowed to happen.

Kord Das has secluded himself within his laboratory onboard the Legion ‘Stroid. His vision of the future have changed. He is unaware that the NowYouSeeMeNowYouDon’t Beetle has spoken to Abbi Ardeen and learned of Das’ visions. The Beetle has it’s own agenda for the future so is actively conspiring with Abbi to alter Kord Das’ prophecy.

Lady Reptilla of the Sol Defence League joins Clear Skies Coming at the front of the Great Dragon Herd and they discuss how many ancient prophesies are coming to pass. Lady Reptilla is obviously not the vain money grabbing shallow martian that she has pretended to be for the last quarter of a century as she shows considerable theological knowledge.

Kid Mental and Triple Cubed are put in charge of the Legion 'Stroid CCC Deck. Kid Mental admits to having serious doubts about the Legions chances of defeating the grand Invaders.

Zoe Saugin cast a spell that made Lobo relive two seconds of his life, the spell was powered by the Earth Lore, a powerful magic that would keep Lobo in this state until the planet Earth itself was dead – approximately 45,000,000 years in the future. Abbi Ardeen, in a moment of grief filled maliciousness projects her memories of the Braal concentration camp into Lobo’s mind so he has to relive her horrific upbringing again and again and again while trapped in the two second time loop. Zoe is hurt badly by the magicks she has unleashed and Jo Nah rushed back to the Legion Cruiser to help her.

Onboard the Khund Dragon Hunter ship the captain set a chain reaction in motion that caused the ship’s ancient Valenian Drive to explode. The resulting detonation fractures the intra-dimensions, freeing the trapped Tamarani Princess but also creating a rent between the dimensions large enough for the Consciousness of these dimensions to push it’s way through.

The Life of the Valenian Realms is now in the Einsteinian Realities in the form of a rapidly growing conscious star.

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Re: FINALE! - Legion 35C
#129590 10/04/04 02:11 PM
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Commander Hor Elli of the Daxam Space Rangers feels sweat sneak down under his collar.

He daren’t move to wipe it away. Chief Space Marshall Fri Ovid is pacing before him, obviously trying to contain his anger. Hor Elli is wise enough to know that any sign of weakness will only enrage his superior officer even more.

Hor Elli’s hands are clammy and his head aches from the worry of what is about to come. He has been waiting in the ante-room (alongside ten security officers) for just over an hour. He wants to know if Sparkzzz has been found, if Kord Das has stopped hiding in his laboratory,is Snaija was up for another visit to the Water sphere, if Hol El would mind a visit tonight. He really doesn't want to be here. Here is possibly the last place he would chose, short of being top of the list of Beings Dak Sacchev wants to feed upon.

Behind the Chief Space Marshal sits Jaz Soki and Ard Lomb, the two ministerial aids from the Daxam Prime Government at a large impressively carved Elga stone desk. The desk would cost Hor Elli twelve years salary, if he were lucky enough to find one on the open market. It makes a huge statement in the otherwise bare office. Even the holo-pit was muted. There are two empty seats at the table. Hor Elli would never presume to sit.

“Commander Hor Elli, I would like to remind you that this is an official hearing and all responses are being monitored and recorded. If we believe at any time you are lying or intentionally withholding information at any point you will be restrained and taken to the Psychedoc for intensive questioning in the Truth Room. Do you understand and agree to these terms?”

Although phrased as a question Hor Elli is more than aware that to refuse to agree is grounds for a court martial and probably a severe custodial sentence in the sunless Ix mine of Eltruch xi.

“Sir, yes Sir!”

Oh sprockin’ po shit!

“Commander Elli, can you confirm for the record your full name, rank and current assignment.”

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Re: FINALE! - Legion 35C
#129591 10/04/04 02:52 PM
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Hol El had acted quickly and popped a gene-banging x-ray vision capsule and had scanned the damaged form of the Sol Defence Leaguer Sparkzzz as she lay on the cold floor. She saw her veins and arteries had been ruptured, internal bleeding was going to kill her if the medical crew didn’t arrive soon. Her skin had burst along her stomach and thighs, spilling more of her life giving blood. Blatchin’ Grife where are they?

She gave another cry along the telepathways for help.

Mouth to mouth, perfect make up ruined by the Winathian’s blood covered face. Breathe, please breathe! Feel for pulse, oh Squajj! Live damn you!

The medic crew arrive with an auto-doc and a containment sphere and Hol El is gently pushed aside from her ministrations. Hol El’s pulse had started to race as her adrenaline spiked. As she stood aside to give the three being medic team room she notices that Stellar had sat up and smiled faintly at her.

In a rare moment of compassion Hol El reaches down and tenderly hugs the exhausted Rhooni girl.

“Stellar, you just saved her life, you’re guaranteed a place on the full team now you freckin’ nova star Legionnaire you!” Hol El feels genuinely happy for her fellow trainee. The medics give both the trainees a cursory examination and leave with the damaged body of Sparkzzz.

“Hol El, we must clear the Level or she will be unable to move from this point.”

“Hey sweetie, they’ve taken her away, it’s alright.”

“No Hol El, she will not be able to heal unless we release her from the Level. The spell I called upon was to bring her here, we have to ask the Elements to release her so nature can guide her back to health.”

“I have no idea what you are talking about but you’re the Top Bitch now so let’s do it.”

Hol El has a moment of embarrassment where she remembers just ten minutes before she had flicked snot at the mystic girl’s back in impatience and disrespect. Well, she thought to herself, maybe it’s time I her a chance, at least with this anyway.

Hol El holds onto Stellar as the two young women clean the Rhooni fire mysics quarters of the debris of the spell and blood of the rescued Sparkzzz. In those few minutes Hol El decides that Stellar really does deserve full Legionnaire status after pushing herself to the limits to cast the spell that saved Sparkzzz.

For the first time in weeks she isn't obsessing over Commander Hor Elli of the Daxam Fleet and the chances of taking him away from his overly emotional and demanding Imskian wife. Strangely, Hol El feels nothing but pride and respect for her exhausted comrade Stellar.

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Re: FINALE! - Legion 35C
#129592 10/06/04 05:55 AM
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Well, the longest "what has gone before" blurb ever aside you're off to a suspiciously restrained start B....

Galactic war takes a few posts to get into eh?

more more more...

Re: FINALE! - Legion 35C
#129593 10/06/04 10:16 AM
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yup laugh

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Re: FINALE! - Legion 35C
#129594 10/07/04 01:21 PM
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As the Valenian Realm empties into the reaches of the Milky Way the intra-dimensional realms are affected by this sudden apocalyptic disruption.

The shock waves of the horrific energies involved in this action cause untold damage to many of the levels of Reality. To fully imagine the damage caused picture all realms of Reality occupiable to Beings of the Einsteinian reality as the Planet Earth. Green and blue and round and complete. Beautiful! Then uproot Greenland in a sudden violent motion and hurl it at Europe. The damage caused to the sea bed left behind would cause intolerable seismic activity, shattering the planetary crust for hundreds of miles around, erupting submerged magma pits, creating tsunami of incalculable force, disrupting the entire planet’s weather patterns.

In the Einsteinian Reality this translates as incredible damage to the very fabric of the space time continuum. The Bgtzl buffer zone is irretrievably torn asunder from any connections it had with the Einsteinian realities. It will never again connect with its sister dimension, their races and civilisations will never again cross pollinate.

The Dalai Lama of the Trom Buddhists is violently pushed into Einsteinian space by a burst of displaced force, his Emerald Eyes barely keeping protected against the torrent. He can see the awesome sight that is the birth of the Valenian Star. He is too shocked to be scared.

Between the realms Wee Eavey Hakkawolla is ripped into an uncountable number of pieces, her being is shredded by these forces, scattered amongst the levels of Reality by the fracturing effect of the Valenian Life ‘s sudden invasion of the Milky Way. The Amber Man, as powerful as He is can do nothing to aid his Soulsinger as her young life is tragically cut short with such brutality.

The Realm known as Hyperspace is fractured along radial lines from the new born intra-dimensional star. Many thousands of thousands of travellers are thrown off course, lost amidst the folds of the struggling dimension or simply obliterated by the erupting intra dimensional energies.

In the Einsteinian Reality stars erupt, nova like, destroying planetary systems. Time is shattered, uncontrollable and raging. Simple physical laws are stretched to breaking point, unpredictable and frightening. Reality itself is close to dying.

To return to the image of Reality being the planet Earth having had Greenland torn violently from it’s rocky foundation, imagine it is the Legions role to now stop the hurled landmass from smashing continental Europe and causing irretrievable damage to the once green and beautiful globe. And just to complete the picture, relative to the size of Greenland the Legions mightiest member, Dak Sacchev, would be about the size of a large horse and the average size might be slightly larger than a house cat.

It would not be far from the truth to say that they will not find it particularly easy.

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Re: FINALE! - Legion 35C
#129595 10/08/04 04:41 AM
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Belinda – you paint such a beautiful, clear, vivid picture with your words that it is absolutely breath-taking.

Ripping out Greenland and throwing it at Europe – superb. Absolutely ***ing awesome.

I’ll ask you again, in public this time – what the hell are you doing teaching music when you have such a vision and a talent for words. (Not that you’re no use at trumpet, nor an inspirational teacher.)

And why hasn’t DC (or possibly one of their rivals if they’re quick enough?) come a-calling, offering you loadsamoney?
Get Sonnie to come up with some artists impressions and the two of you can be living the life of Riley across in SanFran in no time……….(with family of course)

Away from where Greenland’s gonna hit! Lol

P.S. Poor Wee Eavy – but at least it was quick.

Re: FINALE! - Legion 35C
#129596 10/08/04 06:04 AM
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If we do go to San Fran can I get my own place this time? 5 of us sharing one bathroom is a bit inconvenient sometimes.....

Yeah, killed off Hackerwaller, who's next?

laugh more more more

Re: FINALE! - Legion 35C
#129597 10/08/04 10:33 AM
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With the disruption to the space time continuum Kord Das lost all connections to future visions.



Where before he had seen clear images of a certain path that history-to-be should follow now there was nothing. He kept his eyes closed and directed all of the layers of his considerable mind to the task of eking out the smallest glimmer of the Seers Third Sight.


Not a thing.

Kord Das reluctantly allowed his outmost level of consciousness to return to the present and he stood up from his lotus position. He slowed his racing pulse with a thought and slowly set about tending to his bodily needs. Waste then water. He moved slowly as if aged.

Stopping alongside the Daxan Psi-Vault that he had imprisoned Abbi Ardeen in he rested his head upon its clear crystal walls. Five deep breaths and he started to manipulate the controls. With the power source of a renegade Green Lantern ring and the connections to the proto-type Valenian Drive module he was certain he would be able to engineer some sort of defence against the damage to shape of Time.

There had to be a way of regaining his Visions!

He is unaware of the alarms that are ringing out within the Legion ‘Stroid as it turns towards the expanding Valenian Star. He is so focussed on the work at hand that he never thinks to see if there is a reason for his lack of visions to be found outside of his laboratory.

He acknowledged to himself that the visions he had followed and manipulated into being for so much of his life had many gaps. He would have been horrified to learn of the Valenian Star as the careful campaign to close off the Valenian Realms that he had predicted had never involved such a potentially cosmic threat. In his vision it would be another few months before the Grand Invaders would stage their murderous retreats, and a further eight years before the Einsteinian realities were free of them.

For nearly five minutes he worked silently at the controls before his emotions finally surface.

Like an athlete being suddenly crippled Kord Das roared with frustration and anger. He kicked the solid crystal vault impotently.

“Damn that squajjin’ gorilla!”

He is honest enough with himself to know that his current mental abilities are not up to the task in hand. It is beyond his tenth level mind. Reaching for the In-mix pad to the 'Stroid's AI bubblejack facility Kord Das makes a dangerous decision and steps into the Daxam Psi-Vault, activating the proto-type V-Drive and initiating an integration network between his conciousness and the Legion 'Stroid's huge AI system.

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Re: FINALE! - Legion 35C
#129598 10/08/04 03:48 PM
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Seven seconds after the Valenian Star is born.

Glorion leans over Jo Nah at the Nav Desk on the CCC Deck of the Legion Cruiser. The gorilla points to a speck of light fleeing the explosive invasion from the Valenian Realm and says “Follow that star! It’s the Princess, hurry man we need to save her!”

Jo Nah grunts as he struggles with the virtual controls, his hands a blur of action.

“If you want to save her maybe you’d better get out there and chase her yourself Grundy, we got our own problems.”

“Nah, if we don’t she’s going to DIE!”

“If we do we’ll probably die too so shut up and sit down before I…” Jo Nah’s neck and shoulders stiffen slightly and he carries on “… ooookay furbag, I got him, where we going?”

“Abbi! What do you think you are doing?” The gorilla turns away from the Nav Desk toward the girl in stripy leggings sprawled cat like over a Comchair at the Communications Desk.

The skinny telepathic girl walks over to the gorilla, smiles coyly and asks “Do you want to save her or not as he doesn’t give a sprock about your Princess.”

The NowYouSeeMeNowYouDon’t Beetle in Glorions belly chirps up “Glorion we MUST save her!”

“Oh Mu, why has it come to this? Alright Abbi, this time only, but don’t let him know okay? I want to keep my teeth intact. And when Sister Paragon gets back from checking Zoe please don't let her know, okay?”

“No worries Glorz, no worries at all” Abbi gives him a gentle pat on the shoulder and a broad smile, "Hang onto your fur, one princess rescue coming up! Whooo hoooo!"

The Cruiser veers off course, skirting the edges of the newly formed star as it erupts onto the Einsteinian Realities, also avoiding both the fleeing Great Herd of Space Dragons and an ever increasing wave front of smashed interstellar debris with frighteningly fast agility, chasing after the erratic energy pulse that is the time spun Tamaran Princess.

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Re: FINALE! - Legion 35C
#129599 10/09/04 01:57 AM
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Dak Sacchev was alarmed.

His hyper spatial awareness had alerted him to the Valenian Star being born. It had ripped across his senses like a rocket. He had turned to Silver Crow of the Starhaven Freetraders and, pointing to the region of space where the intra-dimensional dam was breaking, said “We are needed there. Now!”

Silver Crow had known Sacchev for most of his 72 years. The blue Martian mutant was as a God compared to most Beings, yet had helped protect the Freetraders and treated them honourably and with respect for over 200 years. The Freetrader branch of the surviving tribes of Starhaven had grown used to him and treated him as one of heir own. They laughed with him, shared their lives with him and looked up to him as they did no other. If Dak Sacchev said ‘jump’ the average Freetrader would be in the upper atmosphere before thinking to ask ‘why?’

Silver Crow nods and pushes a command along the telepathways to his amassed army of Braves in space around the Legion ‘Stroids flotilla. “We are needed my children, it is time for us to show the Universe how worthy we truly are.”

Currently Dak Sacchev, Silver Crow and a mixed group of ambassadors, meta beings and representatives of many worlds are being entertained onboard the Ambassadorial level of the Legion ‘Stroid as they all wait for Kord Das to surface from his laboratory. Dak pushes a thought along telepathways to Enri Longtan of the Imskian Leviathons.

“Enri, the Battle is shortly about to begin, I can feel the disruptions the Grand Invaders attack brings, keep these Worthies intact and send whatever reinforcements you can, I feel they may be needed.”

Allowing himself to slip free of the artificial gravity of the ‘Stroid Sacchev floats up to the containment bubble above this ambassadors conference hall and requests that the AI Bubblejack allows him to pass through. Behind him are Silver Crow, Three Hills and Small Circle of Stars of the Freetraders, Triple Heavy of the Carggg Planetary People’s Protectorate and two of the Vegan Wandering Stars who are adapted to survive the hard vacuum of space. The two Daxam Space Rangers present whisper queries into their wrist'mators before flying after the group.

The assembled Beings below are silent as they watch the Legionnaires slip through the force fields of the ‘Stroid and vanish with incredible speed into space. Only after a few seconds does the conversation start again and Enri Longtan is bombarded with questions and requests. He had sensed the emotional subtext of trepidation in Sacchev’s message and the Imskian says a quiet prayer to his ancestors asking for the Legion’s success in the coming campaign.

Enri Longtan had not prayed in 19 years.

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Re: FINALE! - Legion 35C
#129600 10/11/04 06:14 AM
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Lalloo Manypockets is a Green Lantern.

As one of the Ga’Humpa’s of Tharn he is also a creature bred amongst magic. While nearly all of his unusual race could qualify for Green Lantern status as they have a total lack of fear, most share a total discomfort when at great heights and in open spaces. Nature adapted them to be earth burrowers. Their stocky torsos, more round than tubular are topped with a large pointed head which has a mouth full of nasty pointy teeth, perfect for chewing through the sandstone reserves of their home planet. Their six limbs are short and powerful, great for excavating and running.

Lalloo had always been different from his peers. It was not a major issue yet all nineteen of his siblings acknowledged at an early age that Lalloo had a streak of rebelliousness in him. His paternal great grandmother had been the same. She had petitioned the Many Headed Choir of Heliotrope City until they accepted her as a student of the Great Silvered Mage, Sheggle Mageee. When she returned ten winters later to the Ga’Humpa’s island in the Sea of Many Weathers she had started a small witch doctoring practice and gave all children who wanted a basic knowledge of the magical arts.

His great Grandmother was not a mighty mage, or accomplished sorceress but she was shrewd and compassionate. The little she had learned of the Magical Path would have to be passed on so that the next generation would have a foundation to build upon.

“We must understand our neighbours to ensure a peaceful co-existence.”

Her words were still branded for all to feel into the High Learning Cave on the Hill of Few Lights. Lalloo had learned their meaning at an early age and studied hard. He would spend long days with the many travellers who visited his peoples home islands asking questions, querying their views and listening to the many interpretations he heard of the state of the Galaxy beyond his home islands shores. Lalloo learned fast.

As he reached his ninth winter, already an adult by two years, he was approached by a Terran who told him the most fascinating tales of the great Galaxy Above and Below. The stranger was a representative of the Green Lantern Corps. Lalloo had been chosen by the Corps to be offered the choice to join them in their never ending fight against evil. Lalloo nearly bit his arm off he was so quick to accept!

Five winters later and here he was, 196 light years from his birthing cave, surrounded by over twenty of his fellow Green Lanterns, thousands of the strange Kenroshi, hundreds if not thousands of meta Beings from all corners of the galaxy, facing a growing angry star infused with the might and Life of the Valenian Realm.

His race had no native terms for fear, no understanding of the concept. When they died they believed that the Great Cave of Life collapsed and more burrows would pass on through. Why be scared? There were always other Burrowers.

Lalloo didn’t understand fear. He did though have a strong survival instinct and he was battling the urge to retreat as he saw a flock of twenty Freetraders atomised by a flickering tongue of energy. They were not the first he had seen die that day.

Lalloo Manypockets prayed to Great Mu for help as he continued to pour the emerald energies of the Oan ring into the Valenian Star.

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Re: FINALE! - Legion 35C
#129601 10/11/04 06:43 AM
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Dak Sacchev is at the southern pole of the Valenian Star.

His mighty senses have alerted him to the damage it is causing to the firmament of the Einsteinian Reality. As a creature very much part of this continuum Sacchev can feel the bonds of reality start to snap. When the group of Legionnaires had left the 'Stroid with him he had asked he be given room to work. None had asked why though all had wondered.

He closes his eyes for a few seconds, calming his immense heart, briefly sending his praises to his beloveds out along personal telepathic networks and he turns his great broad blue face to the erupting invasion from the Valenian Realm.

He opens his mouth, stretching his oak like neck muscles as his jaw widens beyond the norm. Like a boa constrictor devouring prey Dak Sacchev’s jaws split wide and from his throat discharges a mighty stream of power. The Universal force of Gravity itself, channelled through his Martian mutant frame.

It had been thought by the Beings of the Milky Way that Dak Sacchev repulsing the White Triangle fleet from Sol Space in the Rage Zone War was the most spectacular sight that they would ever witness. As the immense cosmic force rips through his mighty body and out through his mouth into the unnatural star above him it is seen to flinch, ripples cascading from the impact point of Sacchev's attack and slowly it stops its frightening expediential growth into this Reality. Dak Sacchev twitches and shakes as the gravitation power of this section of the galaxy flows through his impressive physique. Nancams and eyespys that had followed the mighty Martian to this point record him in action as he alters the growth of a star!

Dak Sacchev, long lauded as a Meta wolf in sheep’s clothing by the Talking Heads of the Galaxy wide Media proves that the definitions of 'heroic' and ‘awesome’ are still open to expansion.

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Re: FINALE! - Legion 35C
#129602 10/11/04 06:54 AM
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The Kenroshi do not attack the Grand Invaders.

The Starsailors are slowly forming a line around the Valenian Star. Their gossamer wings of aurora light dance and entwine, stretching out for many dozens of miles around each one.

There are over 12,000 of the Kenroshi Starsailors around the star within ten minutes of it bursting through the intra dimensional walls. There had never been such a concentration of their kind recorded before. To many Beings of the Milky Way stories of sightings of them have been treated with scorn normally reserved for ghost stories. There was no doubting their existence now.

Along open telepathway channels there are queries, disbelief and accusations as the gathering aloof space gods appear to be forming a line, dancing around their opponent. Any support that the attacking Legion forces expected from the Kenroshi is soon forgotting as the Starsailors continue to form their bizarre ring along the equator of the Valenian Star, seemingly unperterbed by the incredible scenes of violence and death around them.

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Re: FINALE! - Legion 35C
#129603 10/11/04 01:19 PM
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Aboard Legion ‘Stroid Snaija Patel, Mega, has just reached the Ambassadorial Level.

“Enri, what the squajj is going on?”

Her comrade and good friend from the Imskian Leviathons looks awe-struck as he turns from the info-skin where he, the assembled dignitaries and the fast tracked cadets are following the cosmic battle outside.

Snaija looks quickly to the screen and gasps as it dawns on her what they have to contend with. The icons representing the many Legionnaires are slowly winking out as they fall before the overpowering force of the Grand Invaders.

“Oh Gods of my ancestors, what the freckin’ hell are we going to do?”

“Snaija, these ambassadors must be kept safe but I have a job for you. Kid Mental and Triple cubed are organising our resistance from the CCC Deck, the Titan Net representatives are keeping the Telepathways open and steady… I need you to round up whoever is left onboard, station crew, cadets on sleep shift, Kord blatchin’ Das himself if you can, and bring them here. I’ve given the AI Bubblejacks orders to increase our structural integrity and channel any excess power into the Ambassadors Force Fields.With Hor Elli at the Daxam Fleet..”

An AI Bubblejack voice interrupts Enri Longtan as he tells Snaija his plan.

“Snaija Patel, the H’dritki translation is complete, are you ready to receive?”

“What? Oh, be quick.”

Enri gives her a curious glance as they both turn to the small floating disc that serves as the remote to the ‘Stroid linked Artificial Intelligence Bubblejack facility.

“The H’dritki 4D dance translated as a primary repeating series of ‘When all else is lost We keep now true.’ ”

Enri and Snaija exchange long glances. Neither say it but both are chilled by the message from the usually stand offish Warrior Drones.

“Okay, so the bugs are losing it,” Snaija doesn’t believe it and she can see that Enri doesn’t either but he nods in agreement with her as she speaks, “So Hor is off arranging the Daxamite support then, good, I was beginning to worry where he was. Can I take a cadet Enri, there’s a lot of ‘Stroid to search.”

“Take Blackout and Gannet.” He turns to the group of ambassadors and Cadets smiling with professional ease, “Gentle Beings, I’ve asked Snaija to secure the ‘Stroid… GRIFE! What was that?”

Over head through the many levels of clear force fields protecting the Ambassadorial Suite they see the wrecked remains of a Khund Dragon hunting warship clip the outer edge of the ‘Stroid and bounce into space trailing debris from it’s shattered hull. It looks as if it had been twisted and torn apart by an angry giant child in a moment of tantrum. They could all see there would be little chance of finding survivors aboard such a wreck.

The Winathian twins are the first to speak, both shouting over the other. The Titan Net Questioners, normally so calm and serene looked spooked. Enri turns to Snaija, “Go now, get everyone you can and bring them up here. Hurry Snaija!”

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Re: FINALE! - Legion 35C
#129604 10/12/04 05:31 AM
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The Daxam Northern Arm Fleet are quick to respond to the erupting Valenian Star.

Within minutes there are over nine hundred Space Rangers in action around it. Their strength, speed, invulnerability and ability to project vast bursts of thermal energies from their eyes make them a valuable ally to the Legion in this battle. Still they are killed by the score as the AU long tongues of energy whip out from the new star. It takes a Daxamite nearly four seconds to die amid the valenian Star's energies. A torturously painful long four seconds.

On board the Command Ship Hor Elli’s trial has been suspended and he has been placed under ship arrest until the battle is decided. Commander Hor Elli is a proud man but he is also intelligent enough to know that if he is seen to resist his arrest his chances of ever being released are minuscule. He thanks Fri Ovid as he is escorted from the Chief Space Marshal’s office. The Chief Space Marshal is too busy coordinating his forces to notice.

Along Legion band telepathways Hor Elli can hear what is happening outside of the behemothic Warship. He resists the impuls to send a message to Snaija telling her that he is safe. Such actions would be severely punished. Instead he opens his Tpathway up to receive a wide band of incoming messages.

It sounds like the Legion, for all it’s incredible might, has been decimated.

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Re: FINALE! - Legion 35C
#129605 10/12/04 05:54 AM
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As the battle rages in the Einsteinian Reality the Firstfooters of McCuiloloa Major turn their attentions to other realms.

The Amber Man has spoken to each of them. The great Totem of this people has never summoned them all directly like this before, and of the fifty one surviving Firstfooters only two have actually heard His voice before. None are surprised or question the legitimacy of His request.

The Scots-Mauri folk had long had intra-dimensional awareness. It was a racial skill. With the Amber Man’s return to His amphitheatre on the Stonehaven island He had boosted His devout followers abilities. They had seen it as a sign of His blessing and as their homeworld was restored to it's former stark glory by the Legion they had practiced and trained in their increased abilities. With the enhanced intradimensional skills came a stronger bond with their race's living god. They had hidden their enhanced skills when the Legion had come calling for their aid, their Soulsinger had told them that while they must be seen to support Kord Das's organisation they were to keep their true support for their Cosmic Totem. None had questioned her motives as they pretended to aid the Legion.

The Soulsinger, Wee Eavey Hakkawolla had been destroyed by the Valenian Realm’s Life as it evacuated it’s own dimension. Each of the millions of fragments of her held a small portion of the Amber Man’s essence. Each was a seed note of His Universal Song. The Amber Man gave his followers the task to follow and locate the many fragments of Wee Eavy. He did not want them to return or reunite the fragments, He only wished to know where they were.

The Firstfooter’s joined in an ancient hymn as they stepped through the intra-dimensional buffer zones, their enhanced senses giving them clear warning of dangerous fracture breaches and tears in the fabric of reality caused by the Valenian realm’s attack on the Einsteinian reality.

Many of these seed notes were found quickly, within nearby intra-dimensional spaces. With each discovery the finder would hear the Amber Man’s Song acknowledging the discovery.

Still the Firstfooter’s searched amongst the over lapping intra dimensional layers.

Their god had spoken and if need be they would continue to search until all the stars died and the Arch of Time crumbled.

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Re: FINALE! - Legion 35C
#129606 10/12/04 08:48 AM
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As the news of the Grand Invaders huge attack into the Einsteinian Reality reached the NuUP the High Council issued a galaxy wide alert, initiating the Talokean Protocols.

On many systems not damaged by the great rents in the space Time Continuum core workers – governmental administrators, community leaders, the entrepreneurial, wealthy, movers and shakers, and essential Beings with adequate training and know how in warfare and planetary rebuilding - were evacuated to secure locations recently constructed within the depths of planetary mantles. The protocols put into action covertly after the Talokean resistance had been introduced by Kord Das to the NuUP government helped save millions of lives.

At least three dozen systems within the NuUP were damaged by the intra-dimensional invasions cracking of the physical laws that guided this realities firmament.

Hojar, so recently freed from a Grand Invader attack was destroyed as their binary stars erupted with unpredictable fury.

The triple suns around which the Carggg Confederation were based simply died. Although it would take years for their energies to dissipate fully there were immediate effects as the system cooled and gravity was disrupted.

With a random colossal shift in gravitation tides Ertaaa Primus, the colossal Jovian world at the outreaches of the Faradon system, was easily ripped into a million pieces. The system was witness to spectacular meteor showers as the three occupied planets were overwhelmed by fragments of the former world.

The Dominion was hit hard after a black hole, previously slightly smaller than a pin hole and well documented in the navigational charts, expanded within minutes to rip the atmosphere from Elia and causing many long dormant magma pits to erupt. The Hivecities were unprepared and irreparably damaged, killing most of the ruling caste. It would be many generations before they recovered their culture enough to be confident to try to reclaim their place as a major galactic empire again.

Aleph cracked along planetary tectonic plates. Forty five percent of the population were dead within minutes.

Strivastrava Iv flew out of orbit from Imsk, destroying much of the Irulan systems needed crops. The gravity wake on Imsk shattered a continent and created a mega tsunami that raced accross the Inland Sea, destroying several cities, killing thousands.

Korbal exploded as a ripple within the continuum resulted in disruptions to the principles of gravity.

Pluto’s long stable magnetic field suddenly flipped, all Human stock living and working there were lost. The Oort cloud around Sol was disturbed and a meteor shower rained inwards towards the other habitated planets.

The pulsar F'Tchaadfur in the Khundian Empire collapses in on itself, creating a black hole that will rip through the Empire in the centuries to come.

These and a thousand other stories of unnatural stellar events were common place. The very Laws of Reality had been warped and damaged.

On Oa at the centre of the Einsteinian Universe the twelve Guardians link hands before the Original Green Lantern Battery and begin to pour their god-like energies into the awesome task of re-knitting the Laws of Reality.

Four of them die in the process.

All the while, the Valenian Realm’s Life, the reason for these incredible occurrences was fighting a slowly diminishing Legion for it’s place in the Einsteinian Reality.

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Re: FINALE! - Legion 35C
#129607 10/12/04 10:04 AM
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The Great Dragon Herd regroup to attack.

Amongst the mighty Beasts is the shape changer known at this time as Lady Reptilla. The Lady Reptilla identity is far from the first that this Being has assumed in many centuries of life.

Nearly fifty years ago this Being was approached by the Sol Governments Psi-corporation and very politely asked if they could have samples of DNA to experiment upon. They tried to sell the idea by giving big talk about the role of cloning in health, the use of Meta genes to promote radical pharmaceuticals, the race amongst the many competing systems of the Milky Way to protect their Peoples from viruses like the Creeping Dram and the White Triangle Mutagreen Virus. The Psi-corporation were shielded against telepathic scans, though not sufficiently to stop a small thought leaking out.

The sales pitch was a lie.

The Sol Governing Authority wanted to create an army of powerful meta-Beings.

Over the next fourteen years this Being was approached a total of eight hundred and eighty one times. Sometimes indirectly through acquaintances who had ‘heard from someone’, or directly by various representatives from diverse offices within the Sol Governing Authority.

While the Authority were not powerful enough to force this Being into voluntary service they applied emotional blackmail (“How would you feel if you knew that a disaster could have been avoided if only you had..”), offers of great financial support (“Your work in the Tharis Basin Slums would receive considerable support if only you would allow us to..”) and veiled threats (“Of course we could not guarantee continued Media support to your many projects if it were seen that you did not..”).

These alarming incidents ultimately led to this Being retreating from public life. After almost fifteen hundred years of being an established meta hero for the Sol system this did not sit well.

After two Martian years meditating upon the issue the Lady Reptilla identity was created to help keep the spying Sol Authorities from intruding yet also allow the life’s mission to ease the suffering of the many Beings alive on Mars to continue. It took a further five years before it was ready. With powerful natural telepathic skills blocking out intrusive psionics and versatile shape changing abilities the identity of Lady Reptilla was born. Convincing Rocket Joe, a greedy Terran meta who coincidentally joined the Sol Defence League at the same time, to cooperate with the façade had helped seal it.

Twenty nine years, seven moths and a few days later, while amongst the Great Dragon Herd J’onn J'onzz the Martian Manhunter decided it was time to drop the act and start saving lives.

Damn the politicians and warmongerers!

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Re: FINALE! - Legion 35C
#129608 10/16/04 09:02 AM
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Cheshire prowls across Widdid Spood’s shoulders.

The Durlan Green Lantern is battling a flickering spear of Valenian energy nearly two thirds of an AU long. As needle like spays of the intra dimensional star burst out at him Cheshire pushes the limits of his abilities and phase shifts them slightly out of synch with the Einsteinian Reality.

Using this strategy the Valenian attack passes them by again and again. Widdid Spood continues in his monumental battle without pause, slowly forcing the attacking tongue of energy back into the star that birthed it.

Nothing is said between them, both trust the other to do their duty to the best of their ability as they concentrate on the task at hand.


Helen of Thermyscira holds Zoe’s hand.

Zoe Saugin is unconscious in her quarters, wrapped in a swirling curtain od magical flickering light.

Helen had only really gotten to know Zoe on their recent mission to persuade the Great Dragon Herds to join Kord Das’s Legion. Still, the Amazonian had felt there was a decent friendship budding between them. The ancient sorceress had lived for half a thousand years. She was gregarious, wise and laughed long and loud. Helen admired the gentle strength and calming air that she projected without having to speak. Zoe Saugin was also legendary for her bravery and courage when in the face of over whelming odds. Helen wished she was awake to give the Legion support right now as the Cruiser dodged the Valenian Attack.

Helen of Thermyscira says a prayer to Mother Hera and Father Zeus begging for her fellow Legionnaire to awaken unhurt.


Clear Skies Coming leads another great swooping attack against the Valenian Star. His people are armed with Silver Therm Blades, Heinian Spears, pulse mines, cosmic awareness and a strength of belief unmatched by those unaware of the True Path of Life.

Of the 1,326 Freetraders who had followed Silver Crow to join the Legion ‘Stroid flotilla 388 had died in the first ten minutes of the Battle. The Valenian Stars initial terrifying rate of growth and damage it had made to the Great Plain of the Einsteinian Reality had taken even the survivors of Starhaven’s incredible cosmic senses by surprise.

Dak Sacchev, the gravity wielding Martian godling had managed to stop the unholy star’s growth. The Freetraders could sense the power he was channelling in order to give the Legion a chance. They would not let him down, they would fight this intra-dimensional abomination until their last breath. With their senses they could tell that every blow they struck was felt. The Valenian invader was unused to the sensations of the Einsteinian Reality, though this would surely not always be the case.

While they had even this slight advantage the Freetraders swooped, attacked, retreated then repeated the cycle in long graceful arcs.

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Re: FINALE! - Legion 35C
#129609 10/17/04 04:31 AM
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Kord Das is beyond anything as primitive as sensation. He simply IS.

Attached to the Legion ‘Stroid AI Network his mental facilities expanded beyond the parameters set by the Coluan Council many years ago. At the age of four, when his father was first posted to Colu as the Naltori ambassador young Kord was tested for six days by the Coluan Educational Committee before they gave him a Tenth Level Potential rating. His family was especially proud as his father had only reached an Eighth Rating when tested. Eril Das had Seen his son would be a powerful political force in years to come so encouraged Kord to work hard and learn everything he could.

The Coluan Educational system for off-worlders was slightly different than for natives. While many hundreds of generations of gene tailoring and nanotech infusions had given the Coluan indigene an almost instinctive grasp of computing algorithms it could be extremely difficult for non Coluans.

Kord Das was given the nanotech infusions and encouraged to learn the Coluan information processing abilities that had earned them the legend of being living computers. He flourished and blossomed and learned. His natural aptitudes toward the scientific were encouraged and enhanced. His social skills and natural charisma were groomed and bloomed.

Eril Das was more proud of his son than he would have ever imagined.

Still, even as a potential Tenth Level, Kord Das wanted more. He understood that there had only ever been one ‘Brainiac’ – twelfth level, from outside the Coluan System. He wanted desperately to be the second. And so he trained and learned and pushed himself to progress.

The Rating System that the Coluans used is not a simple stepping progress. Much like how sound measured in decibels is not a straight line. For instance, if one were to increase a sound by ten decibels from, say 40 Db to 50Db the listener would hear the loudness double. At first glance this appears nonsensical until one understands that loudness is a perceived quantity. In the Coluan Rating System intelligence (as understood by the Coluans) is also a perceived quantity. This may appear to be illogical to one not used to the Coluan System. All intelligence ratings on Colu are rated relative to the previous rating. To progress one must been seen to have understood and expanded considerably upon the previous level. To continue in a musical vein, one must be a proficient musician to play a viola in concert, though to write a symphony one would have an understanding of the sound potential and limitations of the single instrument and expand upon this to include the other musical factors that the full orchestra could bring. The Rating system of Colu could be seen as similar to this.

Kord Das, with his considerable Tenth Level intelligence knows to artificially boost his Rating by incorporating the AI network of the Legion ‘Stroid is akin to playing the Viola with a pre-composed backing tape. The sound may be grand but one cannot rightfully claim to be the composer.

Still, within the AI neural network that engulfs the ‘Stroid he is floating, trying to control the many thousand of levels of information and intelligence. As a Tenth Level mind in control of the mighty Artificial Intelligences sewn up within the ‘Stroid artificially boosting his mental capacities Kord Das computes the outcome he wanted would be as definite as a basset hound gaining access to a Green Lantern Ring so it could hunt for a thrown stick.

He is certain that like the Green Lantern Basset he would have no problems finding the solution to his current problems with his newly enhanced abilities. For all of his considerable mental prowess Kord Das cannot know everything so it is not surprising that sometimes it is the small details, easily overlooked, that can unravel a highly imaginative and complex plan.

Kord Das is about to learn a valuable life lesson, best summed up by the childish chant of "You ain't as smart as you think you are!"

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Re: FINALE! - Legion 35C
#129610 10/17/04 11:18 AM
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Glorion Grundy and his hitchhiker, the NowYouSeeMeNowYouDon’t Beetle are in the Legion Cruiser main docking bay.

The energy form of the timespun Tamaran Princess had been captured in the Cruiser’s Tractor Field allowing them to pull her slowly into the ship.

Abbi had made a ship wide telepathic announcement informing Helen of Thermyscira that she may want to make her way down to the docking bay to help Glorion.

They were unsure of what to expect when they finally brought the Princess on board.

Triple Storm of Carggg is telekinetic.

He earned his nickname when his prodigious abilities surfaced as he wrecked any place with random violent eruptions of invisible force. He wanted to be called Poltergeist; that would have been a far more interesting name. Storm stuck, and once he earned his Triple title, as a fully fledged member of the Planetary Peoples Protectorate he got used to the misnomer and over time grew to appreciate it.

Right now his three selves are being beaten back by the edge of a three AU long finger of intra-dimensional might. White and Blue have both been hurt in skirmishes with the Valenian Star so Red is forced to provide the attack as his two selves maintain a tight force field around them.

All three feel sick to the stomach after failing to stop a gung-ho group of Daxamite Space Rangers with a Green Lantern and a couple of Vegan Wandering Stars from being smashed apart only seconds before.

They only have the power left to protect themselves.

Lalloo Manypockets has been joined by hundreds of his Green Lantern Corpsmen.

Their combined power helps save the Wandering Stars Bubble Arcs when a dozen streams, each hundreds of times the size of Jupiter, reach out towards the Vegan Survivors interstellar homes.

The Green Lantern Corps does well to repulse these attacks, confining and forcing the Valenian energy back into its birthing star. This strategy works well until the Life of the Valenian Realm changes it’s tactics and starts spitting moon sized clusters of raw might at it’s opponents.

In the next few minutes thousands die!

The Utter Apogee Birthing Bubble ship is engulfed and lost along with hundreds of the smaller vessels that inter connect to make the Bubble Arcs.

The number of Green Lanterns left alive after this first attack is lessened by a tenth. Fully a fifth of the support flotilla to the Legion ‘Stroid is lost within minutes.

Many thousand of the surviving vessels are left damaged.

The Daxam Northern Arm Fleet Warship is clipped and badly damaged, left spinning in chaotic circles.

Still the Kenroshi Starsailors dance around the new star, their beautifully iridescent aurora wings weaving a flickering pattern that stretches the many hundreds of miles between each one.

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Louisville, Ky
Posts: 482
Joined: November 2003
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