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Lois Lane's Lucky Legion Earrings...
by Korbal - 03/13/25 02:10 AM
5 Worst movies ever!
by Eryk Davis Ester - 03/12/25 09:58 PM
I'm Thinking of a DCU character Part 6!
by Chaim Mattis Keller - 03/12/25 07:08 AM
FL revisits The Transformers' post-animated-movie episodes
by Ann Hebistand - 03/12/25 06:55 AM
Kill This Thread LXIV - The Giant Checkerboard
by Ann Hebistand - 03/12/25 06:49 AM
Inane one word posts XXXIV - inanity
by Invisible Brainiac - 03/11/25 06:07 PM
The All-JSA (2024) Thread!
by Ann Hebistand - 03/11/25 05:49 PM
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Amidst the bustling on Prime, a loud voice could be heard shouting, "I AM SO MAD AT YOU RIGHT NOW!"

Angdar Fel quietly whispered to Kinetix as they watched Blaze stalk back and forth. "I am so glad you didn't react that way." Kinetix sssheed him.

"I can't believe you put yourself in danger AGAIN!" Blaze yelled as his hair involuntarily flamed up. "I told you not to go!" Blaze said as the flames spread to his eyes and he began snorting smoke.

Invisible Brainiac sheepishly scratched the back of his neck. "I'm sorry, hon..."

"And didn't you tell me your Earth-4 self was DEAD? What if the same thing had happened to you?!!"

"Oh baby, I'm so sorry..." IB gave Blaze his best cute look. "I brought you a gift..." IB indicated Zee the dragon, who looked hungrily at Blaze's flame. Blaze just glared at IB. "You THINK sorry is ENOUGH? Don't you dare use your cute look on me!"

The corners of IB's mouth drooped downwards and he hung his head. "Oh... now you're mad... Now I'm sad for making you mad."

"Oh... you... you... you... Oh, just shut up and kiss me," Blaze said as he pulled IB in tight.

Petty Officer Marvin chuckled. "I am so going to miss that if I leave the LMB."

Kairos smirked. "So don't. We can stay and kick butt together."

Marvin raised an eyebrow. "Ralph let you stay?"

Kairos shrugged. "He did say the LMB's been having a positive impact on me. You know, me volunteering to take care of the wounded and all that. Really selfless, he said."

"Hey, hey, hey! Don't you all just stand there! Aren't you going to get ready for the party?" Spelling Bee yelled as she zipped past. "It's time to gooooooooooo!"

Officer Bugs leaned over, as if to whisper, but his voice was clearly heard by all. "Help me get her drunk fast. I think it's the only way to shut her up!"

Spelling Bee rounded on him, mechanical bees whirling in a frenzy. "Oh YEAH?! At least I have a melodious voice, unlike YOU! You sound like an oversize rat on helium!"

Bugs' eyes widened as he stretched to his full height and towered over Spelling Bee. "You know, of course, that this mean war!"

Despite herself, Danger Damsel laughed as the two bickered. "This is all mightily entertaining, but after nearly facing certain death I think I'd like to really enjoy the party. See you all there," she said as she turned around.

One by one, the others left as well. IB hugged Blaze tight. "I can't wait to finally introduce you to the rest. You're gonna love them."

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Time Trapper
Time Trapper
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Kar Em Walked the Prime's halls. He knew that the kids were planning a big party. He knew why, but he just did not feel like celebrating.

He almost ran right into several of the LMB because he was not really paying attention to where he was going.

"Sorry about that."

"No problem," the young man said as he passed by.

Kar Em smiled a little bit despite himself. [I]So young and full of life.[I/]

He heard someone say something to him and he turned his head to see Gear, his other universe grandson, standing there.

"Hello Jon. How are you feeling?"

"Well, pretty good all things considered. I got my limbs back, and thanks to Kid Prime, they're massively upgraded. But..."

Kar nodded. "I know. We have a lot to do when we get back. It won't be easy for you to see them all again, will it?"

"No, but I feel that I have to do this. To meet them. I can be just another long lost relative that got involved in the fight...if it's all the same to you. I'm not sure I could handle them knowing the truth."

"That's fine by me, but you'll be amazed at how perceptive they are."

"I'll handle that if it happens. I'll be honest if pressed...but to start with, I think it's best if they do not know who I am and where I came from. Especially considering..."

Kar looked at the young man, who honestly was in his early thirties, even though he was only around the age of five here in this universe. Something else else about coming back in time to help prevent a horrific event. "What is it? You seem uncomfortable about something else besides the funeral and meeting your family again as well."

"Well, I hope you don't mind...but I have decided to stay here in this universe, permanently. I also am going to change my name, as there is already a Jon Em running around here."

"That would be entirely up to you...why would I mind?"

"I'm going to take the name of your father. Zor Em."

Kar Em laughed for the first time in days. "That would be a splendid thing, as you will no doubt honor his memory."

Gear looked at the man he called grandfather questioningly. "Honor him, I don't understand? My grandfather hated his father."

"Another universe lad. My father and I got along into a lot of trouble over the years until his untimely passing."

Kar walked next to Gear and put his arm around his shoulder. "Now tell me, who is this young lady I hear you've been spending time with..."

Active LMB character is still Beast Boy.

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Cobalt Kid laid there in his hospital bed, finishing his fifth meal and catching up on the month of news he'd missed; he looked tired and frail but he was healing. He was so wrapped up in his own thoughts that he didn't notice her.

Lolita stood there in the doorway to his room and watched him, and the full impact of his being alive set in. Relief.

And yet, all the other pain and doubt she felt about other things now came rushing back because she was running out of distractions.

He noticed her at last. She was worried he'd never forgive her. For slapping him. For parting ways like that--making him feel awful when he already had the weight of the world on his shoulders. She realized she should never have doubted his forgiveness for a second.

"Hey," he said, a big smile spread across his lips.

"Hey," she said softly, smiling back.

And moments later, she was sitting on his hospital bed on his lap, holding her arms tightly around him with her face planted in his chest. He held her equally as tight. She fought back the tears but still the came. And she was shocked to feel his own tears coming as well.

"I missed you."


Since leaving the Dark Realm she had been a bundle of neves. Zhiya helped her focus: get rest, eat, get new clothes. And finally Sharky had come back. She was so glad to see him, so happy to be with her boyfriend.

But now all the trauma began to set in. She had killed Belissarius. The war was over and there were no more distractions.

And while Sharky and Zhiya lent her strength there was only one person she could talk to this understood living with tough decisions. He was her best friend in the world, and for so many years she'd wished it was more. But now after everything she just needed him to help her.


Cobalt sat back in his bed, and Lolita laid next to him. "Your beard. The long hair," she said, taking in his appearance. "You look so different."

He laughed. "I need a shower." Cobalt had felt relief when he knew Lolita had forgiven him. But it didn't take him long to see something was wrong.

"Yeah, you do," she said sarcastically.

The attempts at levity were too forced. "Lolita, what's wrong? What's happened?"

He looked deeply into her eyes and in that moment it was clear his sole motivation was concern for his friend.

So she told him. And as she explained it, she found herself dealing with it for the first time. She cried and she accepted that it happened.

"I wish I could tell you it'll get easier," said Cobalt. "But it doesn't. It'll just come and go...often when you least expect it."

She nodded and wiped away her tears. She was quiet for a moment and then said "I brought your jacket. You can have it back."

"No, it's yours," replied Cobalt. "I don't think I have any use for it anymore."

She nodded and considered the ramifications of the comment. She had not told him about her conversations with Timberwolf or what might lay ahead with Mirenna. "Do you mind if I hang here, while you shower and stuff?"

Cobalt spent some time showering, brushing his teeth and feeling clean for the first time. Lolita stayed nearby. She knew she should be spending time with Shark Lad, and she wanted to check on everyone else. But once she left again, she'd have to face reality.

Finally, Cobalt emerged in normal clothes. "No uniform?"

"Not yet," he said. She didn't question it. "C'mon Lolita," he said. "It's time to face the world."

She nodded and stood up. She could hide for so long. A thought occurred to her suddenly. "Wait until you meet Zhiya!"

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Lolita felt better after spending some time with Cobie, and walked through the hallway with confidence. She was in a stylish blue cocktail dress with the black trenchcoat she often wore on top of it. As she approached her friend, she felt a tang of guilt; she had spent so much time with Cobalt Kid that not only was she basically ignoring Shark Lad, she was ignoring her newfound best friend Zhiya, and the two did not have much longer together before Zhiya returned back to her proper universe. This caused her to pick up her pace and she essentially barged into Zhiya’s room.

Zhiya, with her enhanced senses, heard her coming a mile away. The blind Asian woman smiled at her friend’s entrance, glad to see her. As she looked up to greet her, however, a familiar scent could be found lingering on Lolita. It caused her a momentary shock, but Zhiya was a true poker player with her emotions and hid it well. Lolita still noticed and knew immediately what Zhiya smelled: Cobalt Kid.

“You’ve been busy,” said Zhiya matter-of-factly. “But judging from your abrupt entry and choice of clothes, you’re certainly in higher spirits.”

“I do feel a little better,” replied Lolita with a smile. She looked Zhiya over and saw she was wearing her typical black shirt and pants, still looking very ninga-like. “You’re not going like that, are you?” she said with a laugh.

“Going where?” replied Zhiya also laughing.

“To the party, of course!” replied Lolita. “I may not be Kinetix but I’m told I’m very fashion-forward,” she said, suddenly looking through the closet of the guest room for something for Zhiya to wear.

“I had considered not going,” said Zhiya suddenly. “I’m still very tired from the injuries,” she lied.

Lolita dismissed the obvious lie. “Nonsense,” she said, still looking for clothes. “We don’t have much time left together. You know, I’m really going to miss you, Zhiya. We have to figure out a way for the two of us to stay in contact. I’m sure the Dardens can help.”

“That would be nice,” replied the one they called “Lady Daredevil.”. “To be honest, I have no idea what I’m doing to do now when I get home. I’m not quite cut out for the Society of Message Board Posters.” Zhiya watched with her enhanced senses as Lolita went through the closet. Lolita seemed upbeat but Zhiya could feel some of it was forced. Her posture gave it away. “Lolita, in the short time that I’ve known you, I’ve seen you do some very amazing things,” said Zhiya. “You’ve truly stepped up and taken the world head on. You’ve matured.”

Lolita turned around, eyebrow raised, surprised at this change in conversation. “Thank you,” she said, unsure where this was going.

“And now that Cobalt Kid is home, you’ve suddenly settled back into an old role of staying behind the scenes and avoiding the pure truths of what has occurred. That is a step backwards, and you know it.”

The words hit Lolita like a bucket of cold water. Instantly, she was furious. And then minutes later, she knew it was true. In the time she’d known Zhiya, she knew her friend to be blunt and honest. “I…I guess I kept thinking when Cobie came home I wouldn’t have to face the…ugliness of what I’ve become a part of. I…” she started to say and then stopped. “You’re right,” she finished. “It took an awful lot to get to where I am. And I like myself much better now than I did before.”

Zhiya smiled. “When you walk down the hallway, people take notice,” said Zhiya. “You are a Legionnaire. A great hero. You’ve experienced the most terrible sacrifice and the most wonderful victory. You are not that scared girl anymore. Remember that.”

“I will,” said Lolita smiling, and she leaned forward and hugged Zhiya tightly. Zhiya’s words reiterated what Lolita already knew: she’d found a best friend and it meant the world to her.


At the party that evening, Lolita arrived with Shark Lad to much celebration. She felt confident and strong; she felt sexy. She drew looks from numerous party-goers and it felt great having Sharky by her side, and greeting all of her friends. She was so happy to see Invisible Brainiac and Blaze, and they quickly made plans for a triple date, which would also include Andgar Fel and Kinetix, two heroes she did not know.

Eventually, Shark Lad drifted off to join some of the rowdier heroes like his counterpart from Earth-4. Lolita looked for Zhiya but did not see her friend in attendance. Eventually, she spotted Cobalt Kid arrive, however, and quickly joined him. He was dressed in plain clothes, and remained unshavened and with long hair. He looked as handsome as ever with his steel blue eyes piercing through, but he still looked very frail and thin. Physically he looked weak, but mentally, she could see another story. He looked vibrant. She wondered how he was able to deal with all the trauma that he went through when she was having such trouble but she could tell by his mannerisms that he was not really in the mood to celebrate.

She could see that so many of their Legionnaire brethren were distant to Lard Lad and Cobalt Kid. Wary of them, almost. As if interactions with the two should be done very cautiously. He did not admit it, but Lolita knew it hurt him.

Suddenly, she saw Zhiya across the room. “Wait here, Cobie!” she said, and ran across to Zhiya. “I didn’t think I would see you here!” she said to her friend. “And you look beautiful, too,” she added. Zhiya looked majestic: she was in a sleek, fitting black dress with a luxurious shawl over it. Her hair was tied in a blue ribbon, set along the side, and she wore little make-up—she did not need it.

“I thought I would at least enjoy the toast to our victories, and to our fallen friends,” she said with a smile.

“Don’t move!” said Lolita, anxious to make the introduction. “I can’t wait for you to meet our Cobie!”

Lolita suddenly ran back to Cobalt Kid and grabbed him by the arm. She dragged him through the crowd, causing Rockhopper Lad and Time Teller Lad—who he was talking to—to start laughing. At last she came back to Zhiya was…but she was gone. “Zhiya?” she asked aloud. “Has anyone seen Zhiya? I was sure she would be right here.”

Lolita was confused at first but it began to dawn on her what had happened. Cobalt seemed to instantly understand. Evidently he had taken the time to learn who Zhiya was too. “Maybe this wasn’t a good idea, Lolita,” he said softly to her.

“Oh no…” she said.


Lolita found her not far away, sitting by herself in a darkened stairwell. She was in the shadows, and huddled by herself. She was crying.

“I’m sorry, Zhiya,” said Lolita. “I should have thought…I’m so stupid…”

“No, it’s okay,” said Zhiya, looking up, as Lolita hugged her. “I thought I could see him. He’s not even my Cobie, after all. Why should I be so upset? But…but I can’t face him. I…I-I miss him so much…” she said.

And Zhiya cried into Lolita’s shoulder. Zhiya, who was the toughest woman Lolita had ever known, cried as she mourned her dead husband.

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SharkLad watched as Lolita dragged Cobalt Kid through the crowded party. He felt his pulse quicken.

“What the sprock?” SharkLad mumbled.

“What’s that?” asked his counterpart from Earth-4.

“Nothing,” SharkLad answered, as he turned his eyes away from Lolita. “It’s nothing.”

“So, c’mon, you were telling us about the castle.”

“There ain’t sprockin’ nothing else to tell.”

“What do you mean there’s nothing else to tell? How the sprock did you get out of there?” asked the persistent E-4 SharkLad.

But, SharkLad wasn’t paying attention. He was staring at Cobalt Kid. Lolita had abruptly left his side. SharkLad wondered what the legendary hero was thinking. Did Cobalt Kid truly desire Lolita the way SharkLad did or was she just another conquest to be had?

“I need to get the sprock out of here,” SharkLad growled.

“Hey! Where you going?”

SharkLad didn’t answer. Instead, he pushed his way through the crowd, passing by Cobalt Kid. They locked eyes for a moment, and it looked like Cobalt Kid was about to speak, but SharkLad didn’t give him the chance.

Out in the corridor, SharkLad took a deep breath. From a distance, he heard the faint sound of crying. Following the sound, he spotted Lolita cradling a woman in a black dress. This was just getting weirder and weirder, he thought.

SharkLad watched Lolita for a few moments. He felt his pulse quicken again, but not from anger this time. Watching Lolita now, SharkLad realized how truly, hopelessly in love with her he was. Even those who knew him well would be surprised by the depth of his feelings. Still, he had questions about her relationship with Cobalt Kid, but now was clearly not the time.

SharkLad turned and headed back towards the party.

Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water...
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Time Trapper
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Lard Lad checked himself out in the mirror in his temporary quarters. He'd had a fine tux delivered and was checking to make sure the bow tie was straight.

He looked over his hair and his beard. He'd had a young member of the Losers resistance cut his hair. He had done a very respectable job on it, Lardy noted mentally.

Then, he had meticulously trimmed his beard himself. He checked again to make sure that not a single hair was out of place. He noticed one hair longer than the others on his chin. He carefully snipped it to fit in with the rest. It wasn't as easy as it should have been. Missing the one eye, his depth perception was off. It would take a while to get used to that.

He looked at the socket where his eye had been. The surgeons had cleaned it out and grafted some skin over it to close up the wound. They tried implanting a robotic replacement, but his power shorted out the circuits. They said the close connection to the brain may make it impossible for compatible technology, similarly to how he'd always needed corrective lenses for his poor vision.

On the plus side, his remaining left eye now had perfect vision. He grinned slightly, knowing he at least wouldn't need a monocle.

He looked at a small red box lying on the vanity. He opened it and took out the gift from the now-pardoned Red Pirate. He looked over it for a moment, then put it over his right eyesocket. It attached itself without need of a strap. He wondered if he could get used to seeing himself in the mirror with an eyepatch for the foreseeable future.

He sized himself up for another long moment, and with a deep breath, walked out of his room.

Lardy stood at the entrance of the grand ballroom, and it seemed to him that all conversation suddenly came to a halt. He felt awkward. He knew that by now, they had all heard about the events of the final battle. He hoped they wouldn't ask him about it just now. Butterflies flew through his stomach. He suddenly wanted to be anywhere else, but he would not dishonor them by leaving.

Lardy took a step forward, and the crowd parted for him. As he walked, the sentients made silent gestures to him. Some nodded. Some bowed. Some smiled. Some shook his hand. Some kissed him on the cheek. Some hugged him.

Lardy just went with the flow. He responded however felt appropriate with each one, all with the same silence they were giving him. The faces melted together, but he took special note of some.

Rocky. That was a hug and a kiss.

Tim and Hyvvie were right beside him. Tim hugged Lardy tightly. Hyvvie licked his hand. Lardy gave Hyvvie a scratch on the side of the chin.

Kalla Hrykos and Lon. Lardy and Kalla exchanged a meaningful smile and clasped hands briefly. Lardy and Lon exchanged a firm handshake.

Serj Ontronik. He and Lardy made as if they were touching swords. There was something in Serj's eyes that looked sad (maybe a little guilty?). Lardy felt he would have to get back with Serj later.

Hugh Taylor. Lardy had heard about this Earth-4 Hugh and his heroic exploits. They both missed their own versions of the other and took comfort in a lingering, tearful hug.

And there were many others. Special acknowledgements to Lolita, Power Boy, Invisible Brainiac and Kar Em, he remembered.

But as he neared the end of this makeshift receiving line, Lardy saw someone waiting for him at the end.

It was Tempest. She was dressed in the finest gown of anyone at the party. It was a fiery red color highlighted by white lace. She'd only arrived an hour prior to this moment, but her nerves were similarly as torn as Lardy's. She wanted to look her best and went to great lengths to do so.

Somehow, in a way that was totally unplanned, she ended up at the end of this line, face to face with him.

Lardy didn't know what to do. At that moment, a waltz started playing over the sound system. Knowing nothing else to do, he extended his hand to her. She took it, and they started slowly moving to the music.

They held each other in their arms and moved to the slow, haunting melody. Both of them remembered everything that had lead them to this moment. They remembered bonding during the Red Bee crisis on Legion World. All of the flirtation and the innuendo. They remembered becoming one on one memorable night sometime later. They remembered her later pushing him away and his desperate bids to get her jealous.

Then came the great quest. There was nowhere for her to run away from him. And after a while, she stopped doing so. They were happy. They were going to have a grand future when it was all over. And then....they gave it up for a greater good, all the while having faith that they would find each other again.

They remembered every single moment they had had together.....

But now, as tightly as they embraced, as gracefully as they united their movements to the haunting melodies, they couldn't feel everything they had felt in those times that had formerly been so precious to them. Over the other's shoulders all they could feel was a void, a great emptiness that took away what gave those memories their meaning.

Quietly, they both wept for their loss as the notes continued to play. They knew it was something so incredibly special, but their hearts were disconnected from it. They knew that they would never recapture it again, as hard as they might want to. It was simply gone.

Moments later, the song came to an end. Lardy bowed to her. Tempest curtsied. He kissed her hand, then let it go.

And the two turned and walked their separate ways.

Still "Lardy" to my friends!
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Unseen, not unheard
Unseen, not unheard
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"... and when we get back, we should also look up Emily Sivana. She has Earth roots too, and also loves to travel," IB told Blaze as he fiddled with his Omnicom. The two had taken a break after the first dance to discuss their plans on Legion World.

"That's Oracle, right?"

"No, no. Oracle is Lolita. Emily is Red Arrow."

"Oh. So, did you two have a thing too?"

IB rolled his eyes. "No, we're just friends. Some of them are just friends, okay?"

"Hey, it's not my fault you're so hot and cute and sexy and you have had more adventures than I ever had."

"I had a crush on Lolita, as far as I know it was one-sided. Okay?"

"Okay hon, I'm sorry. I know you don't like me poking fun at your past..."

"...especially when you've had a similar past. Just not nearly as much as me," IB said pointedly.

"Yes... So let's just agree we're both equally naughty, fair enough?"

"Fair. Okay, let's see... I've introduced you to Cobie and Lardy as well, which leaves... Oh, wait."

IB pulled Blaze towards him as he spotted Tempest in the crowd. He quickly ran up to her. "Tempest! It's so good to see you again!"

Tempest, eyes still red, gave IB a quick smile. "You look well. It's good to be back and to see some familiar faces."

"I want you to meet my boyfriend, Blaze." Blaze gave a smile and a wave; he would have offered his hand but somehow Tempest seemed too regal for that. "Oh Tempest, I have to thank you again for the charm you put on my necklace. Saved both our lives and the lives of a few others, too."

"Take care of it. The charm is at its strongest when the wearer is in love, but it also drains the wearer's energy. That is why you must... take care of your love." Tempest said these last few words in a whisper.

IB cocked his head concernedly. "Are you okay?"

"I shall be fine, thank you. For now, though, I would like to be alone."

IB wordlessly hugged Tempest and watched as she disappeared into the crowd.

Blaze looked curiously at IB. "What was that all about?"

"I'm not sure. A lot has happened that I'm not really caught up on. And yes, nothing happened between us either, okay?"

"I didn't say anything!" Blaze protested.

"I'm surprised you two are still here. I thought you would have retired by now," Reboot joked as he approached the pair.

"Boot! You look well. I didn't get a chance to intro you to Blaze properly, but I'm sure you already know all about him."

"Your reputations do precede you," Reboot said as he sipped his obviously non-alcoholic punch. "I'm just glad you don't seem to have been as embroiled in the destruction of the Dominion as some others have. Most of us do know that Cobalt Kid left you all in the dark."

"Well, it is true we didn't know all of the details, but..."

"But it did leave us with quite a few ethical and diplomatic issues to worry about later, when the euphoria of our victory dies down. You know politicians. Listen, I have to track down Quislet and see just how big a problem he thinks this will be - hope it won't be much - but we should all get together later on and do some brainstorming. Ta."

Reboot vanished into the crowd as well, leaving IB a little flustered. Before Blaze could ask, they bumped into Jerry.

"How was the trip back home?" IB asked. Everyone had heard that Jerry had led the wounded to safety, and were rightly impressed.

"It was a long trip, and it's a long story, IB. I'll get my report in order and tell you and the rest of the LMB leadership when we get back. Sorry, right now I have to check on something. Seems Anita Cocktail vanished at about the same time three bottles of our strongest Rimborian Silverale did."

Before IB could volunteer to help, Jerry had vanished and they were accosted by Space Ranger. The stalwart LMBer began quizzing IB about his plans to remain in the Office of Security, before IB was able to break away... only to be approached in quick order by Nightcrawler, Rockhopper Lad, Saturn Girl, Spellbinder, Kent Shakespeare, Timber Wolf and Crusader. All seemed to be curious about IB's and Blaze's immediate plans upon returning to Legion World.

After deftly steering their conversation with Crusader and Maxx towards the best galactic destinations for homosexual couples, IB was able to escape by pretending to need to go to the toilet. He quickly dragged Blaze out of the room.

"You sure seem popular, hon," Blaze said as IB slumped against the wall.

"Not in a way that I think I'm going to enjoy. I think we need to make plans to escape once we get to Legion World."

"But I thought you loved being active in the LMB?"

"As a member, but I don't want to get mired in politics or decision-making or holding office. I think it's best to lie low and hope some of the others throw their hats into the ring first."

Blaze put his hands on IB's shoulders and gently massaged them. "Aw, my poor baby must be so tired..."

IB gripped Blaze's hands appreciatively. "Not too tired, though... what say we sneak some of the drinks into our room and have a private party?"

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Bold Flavors
Bold Flavors
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As the euphoria of the victory slowly began to fade, the massive ongoing party being thrown by the victors slowly subsided. Eventually, the Allied Army would have to return home, and the camaraderie forged in blood and sacrifice would end. Finally, the Allied Army slowly began the journey home, making its way through the Dark Oval.

With the portal now destroyed permanently, it was a steady trek through the former Dark Oval. More than one journeymen considered that it’s going to need a new name. The Epsilon Sector, or what was left of it, would be absorbed into the United Planets for sure. The Hive would be left alone—for now—though the Allies had no idea of the calamity that ensued there during the final battle. The Dominion had fallen and was now a flurry of independent planets: some joining the UP, some remaining independent and then of course the Dominion home planets themselves. It would remain a major political question for many years. And of course, the Hyrkosian question lingered.

But none of these things were on the minds of the victorious heroes. With the adrenaline of victory fading, a yearning for home began to grow in their hearts. Along with burning questions of where do we go from here?


Spellinder, Princess Crujectra of Psyonia, stood nearby Cobalt Kid as the two looked at a plethora of omni-screens broadcasting a wide array of intergalactic news into their quarters. This was a shared lounge area, as the two of them had been staying in separate rooms while Cobalt recovered. Though they were together, Spellbinder stayed somewhat distant from Cobalt Kid—the two hardly touching.

Cobalt Kid was clean and in fresh clothes, but he still wore the changes from the journey. His hair was still long and his beard unkempt; he was in common civilian clothes, deciding not to down his LMB uniform or any type of dress clothes. His frailness had now begun to fade with a physical vitality returning to him. Most of his wounds had by now healed.

“The Khunds are still at Elia,” said Crujectra. The words contained a small amount of iciness, though she tried to hide it. “They continue to find reasons to stay.”

Cobalt said nothing but his heart sunk. This will always be a rift between us, he realized. “I will get them to exit the Dominion,” he said. “We agreed to many things prior to the war,” he revealed, “and they will honor it.”

The words did nothing to soothe Crujectra’s feelings. “I see,” she said finally.

Silence overtook them again. Cobalt finally broke it. “I can’t believe Dev’s gone,” he said. There was real emotion in his voice, which surprised Crujectra. She was only now beginning to see how much this quest had changed him. How willing he was to show his emotions. “So many good friends lost…but Dev hearts especially hard,” he said. He turned from the monitors and looked out into bleak space.

“He was always one of the more heroic of us,” she said, also saddened at the loss of their long time friend. “Poor Lon…”

Cobalt turned at the mention of Lon’s name. “I think he’s avoiding me,” he said, with real sadness in his voice. “I’ve tried and tried to meet up with him, but no luck. This fleet is too large that I simply can’t find him. I…” he began to say but stopped. He was going to say I think he blames me, but it was more information Crujectra did not want to hear. So many secrets, which she never asked about. Nonetheless, the answers still hurt.

Finally, the silence was becoming unbearable. “I have to see Darden,” said Cobalt. “See how the old warhorse is doing,” he added with a smile, though it was forced.


Walking through the corridors of Kid Prime, Cobalt received many nods from people, even some tipping their hats to him. Like others in the Fellowship, he was being given the respect of a war hero. But Cobalt was a master spy who specialized in knowing what people were thinking by their body language. And he could sense something else: weariness. Many were timid around him. Many spoke in hushed whispers of the man who unleashed the Khund menace upon the Dominion. Of the man who brought down the Dark Oval through trickery and war.

Even some of his fellow LMBers shied away from him.

And it broke his heart. Along the way he had come to realize what was most important to him in the world, as Lard Lad did: the Legion.

Maybe it was time to start doing something about it again.


“You look well, old friend,” said Cobalt as he entered Faraway Lad’s quarters. He was resting, sitting on a comfortable sofa, as Gigglebot Girl was brewing some tea. Though he was almost recovered, the exhaustion and injuries of the numerous battles were still taking its toll.

“Gigi, look at this damned young man,” he said with a smile. “Youth, healing factor, whatever it is…there is no way you should look better than I do, right now.”

“Well, maybe I haven’t mastered the art of a well trimmed beard,” said Cobalt with a smile as he sat down.

“You do have a Neanderthal look about you, that’s true,” said Faraway. “I thought it was a ploy to scare off the nurses, myself.”

“Oh hush, Darden,” said Gigi, serving tea. “You’ll both be up to no good again in no time.”

The two old friends fixed their tea to their likings and settled in. “That’s the reason I wanted to call you over,” said Faraway Lad. “So we can get back up to no good again.”

Cobalt nodded. “I expected that,” he said, though he suddenly felt very uncomfortable. After all he’d been through, was he really going to get right back into his spy games? Why did it make him feel so sick to his stomach?

“The Prime Minister has made it official,” said Darden. “She’s retroactively authorized all of the various acts you committed during the Great War to be under her command. Everything you’ve done is now officially legal and per the wishes of the United Planets.”

Cobalt shrugged. “We succeeded, didn’t we? I figured she’d be more than happy to take the credit for it if we did. Now she say it was her plan all along.”

“From this point forward, we need to start referring to it as such,” said Faraway Lad.

“And Lardy? The others?” asked Cobalt.

“That’s where the details get sticky,” said Faraway. “The Prime Minister did not feel like getting into the specifics with me via omni-come. You’ll have to see her at Weber’s World.”

Cobalt felt some concern for a moment but it passed. “I can work out the details with her in person. That can’t be why you called me here, though. I’ve expected that all along.”

Faraway Lad smiled. “They’re making Mirenna the head of the Security Council,” he said with a smile. “It’s what she always wanted…” he added, almost whimsical. His focus seemed to rest on Gigglebot Girl who was in the kitchenette, and he let the thought pass.

“Good for her,” said Cobalt. He knew it was indeed what she always wanted.

“They’re also reaching out to you, my boy,” said Faraway with another smile. “They want to make you an Ambassador for the United Planets.”

The words surprised Cobalt Kid and it took a moment for them to register. “Now that…is a surprise,” he said.

Faraway leaned in close. “It’s a front of course,” he said in a near whisper. “They’re bringing you onto the UP Security Council as well. Not that it officially exists or anything. To be honest, even I don’t know how they choose their members or what the induction process is like, but you’re lined up to be its first new member in fifteen years.”

Cobalt was stunned. “I…” he began to say but stopped. He had known about the ultra-secret United Planets Security Council for many years now but had never considered actually serving on it. He was a natural for it, he realized. He had conducted spy games at such a high level that the impact was felt by billions. But now he’d be on the biggest stage of all.

Faraway Lad was smiling. “Gigi, bring over the fine, port, luv,” he said, and then turning back to Cobalt. “You really impressed them with this Dark Oval bit. And of course, the liberation of Earth,” he added, as he took the bottle of port and poured two glasses.

Cobalt still said nothing. Have I come so far on this quest…only to be right back where I left off?

“Cheers, Cobie,” said Faraway as he handed him a glass and clinked it. “Congratulations.”


The armada made its way through the Dark Oval, coming ever closer to the middle section where four parts of the Oval met; it was here that Cobalt Kid took some time to break off on his own for a smaller, personal mission. It also allowed him some time to think. A small spaceship, housing only one person, landed on the planet Suburbia, formerly of the Dominion and now free at last.

It was long past time to see Goon Boy one more time. To thank him for everything, and to promise him he’d find a way to restore his memory. He owed him that much.

As he walked through the streets on the way to Goon Boy’s quarters, Cobalt reflected on the various reunions that had taken place. He hardly had seen Lardy since they’re rescue with the two of them being so busy. Lolita had been by his side a lot—perhaps too much. She was using him as a crutch. He would gladly be there for her because she meant more to him than he could ever say. But it was not healthy for her, and he noticed Shark Lad was not too pleased about it. He couldn’t find Lon and he knew that was by design. Crujectra was distant. Faraway, his old mentor, knew something was wrong.

He reflected on the others though. He had hugged Invisible Brainiac tighter than ever before when he saw him. He’d heard the stories of his bravery which were only overshadowed by the gossip over his great love with Blaze. He thought about giving Blaze the older brother “you better not break his heart” routine but when he met the young man, he could only offer him a hug as well. Because anyone who was Invisible Brainiac’s boyfriend was also his brother too.

When he finally saw Power Boy, the New God gave him a wide, happy smile and the two embraced. Cobalt had worried Peebs might never forgive him after learning of Cobalt’s secret plan of learning the New God’s weakness. But after all they’d been through, a mutual respect and brotherhood had been forged. Both had their faults, but both were glad to be by each other’s side.

Even Juj had emerged as a close friend to Cobalt now. He realized that at the end of this journey, Juj would not be continuing on with them back to the UP. That saddened him. He’d grown quite attached to the Durlan.

Many of his friends were thrilled to see him. Then, of course, were the ones that were weary. But even more exciting was the flurry of new Legionnaires that had risen up. Andgar Fel, Reflekto, Kairos. There was new blood in the mix and it was exciting. One of them, a red-headed knockout named Kinetix had volunteered to make him a costume when word got around that he no longer desired to wear his old costume. The next day a fully made costume showed up in his bedroom. It’s color scheme was different than his prior blue look. It was red and black.


At last, Cobalt reached Goon Boy’s home. And upon seeing it, his heart sank. It looked beat-up and as if it barely survived an attack. The door had been ripped off the hinges. Cobalt flew in at top speed, and immediately searched the house.


Goon Boy was missing. Kidnapped? Killed? It made no sense, since Invisible Brainiac dropped him off and the planet had been totally passive since the liberation.

Cobalt checked around for any clues.

Finally, he found something. A familiar slime that he would never forget ever again. He had seen it one time before, on only one place. The Hive homeworld.

“I’ll find you, my friend. That, I promise.”


The entire ride home he was distressed, and when he got back to Kid Prime, and his quarters inside, it only worsened. Finally, sitting in his room alone, he turned around and smashed the dresser they had put there for him. In anger, he used his magnetism and ripped off a large metallic encased mirror, sending it smashing against the wall. “AAAAAARGH!” he screamed.

“Cobie! What are you doing?!” Princess Crujectra was by the door. “I…I…” she started to say but was in shock. “You’re so emotional right now…what’s happened…?”

“It’s Goonie,” said Cobalt. “He’s lost. Kidnapped. Maybe by the Hive. Or something else. I…” he began to say.

“We’ll find him,” she started to reply.

He held up his hand. “No, it’s more than that,” he added. “Something else else happened to me on that quest and I don’t know how to describe it. But something needs to change for me. I need to change. I won’t let myself fall back into old roles.” As he spoke he looked at a large broken piece of mirror, looking at himself. He could see the pain in his own eyes.

Crujectra felt empathy for the man she loved, and wanted to reach out to help him get through this pain. But she did not.

He looked down, and then looked up again into the mirror piece, so that he looked her in the eye. “It’s over now, Crujeckie, isn’t it?” he said. He spoke very calmly and clearly.

She said nothing for a moment, and he turned around. Finally she looked down, and then up again. “Yes,” she said.

He nodded. “We…we can’t go on like this,” he added. “Whatever anger you feel towards me, I can’t live like that. Because truthfully, I’m not sorry about the Khunds,” he added, and saying the words instantly made him feel better. “Even before, we hardly saw each other. Maybe we’d grown content in our roles.”

Tears ran down her cheeks. She nodded at his words, knowing they were true. “I love you, Cobie,” she said, holding her hand up to his face.

“And I love you too, Crujeckie,” he said, tears running down his cheeks, which shocked her. “Goodbye.”

“Please take care of yourself.”


At long last, the Allied Army came to the splitting point of the Dark Oval. One way led home to the United Planets; one way led back to where they came from; and the final way led to Hykros. The army stopped as here it would say its goodbyes.

Cobalt Kid looked in the mirror. A new mirror. In a new room. His beard was shaven clean once again. His hair short—in the traditional short haircut he always had. His scars were healed on the outside, and his physical form restored. He wore his Legionnaire costume but it was a new one—the red & black one, totally different than what he’d worn before.

He would not let all that had happened be in vain. A new day had dawned for the world, and for him as well. Goon Boy, the Khunds, the Security Council on Weber’s World. All problems he would take care of, but not the way he used to. It was time to be a hero again. No matter how difficult that might be; no matter how easy it would be for him to be a spy or a general. It was time to be a hero.

And that made him smile.

Joined: May 2007
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Joined: May 2007
Posts: 50
Aboard the Hrykosian royal yacht,
orbiting planet Lubahæfen,
formerly Dark Oval space

Helena Handbasket lingered in front of the giant window that was the centerpiece of the yacht's luxurious ballroom. From this vantage point, she could see her homeworld, which looked more beautiful than ever. The last time she was here, just before journeying to Earth-4 to help free it from unspeakable tyranny, Helena feared she would never see the sparkling blue planet of her birth ever again.

But she had survived, even as many others hadn't. Clark and Grev among them. But herself, her brother Horatio and her lover Seth were among those many who'd lived to see the end. Helena vowed to cherish the blessing of survival and to honor those who had fallen. Looking down, she knew where her destiny would lie.

"Beautiful, isn't it?"

Startled for a brief moment from her reveries, Helena then smiled as she realized who spoke. "Yes, it is, Kalla," she replied as she turned casually to face her. Months ago, Helena would just as soon have blown Kalla's head off than speak to her, but their dynamic had changed considerably as the two had fought side-by-side in the intervening time.

Kalla's eyes looked wistful as they drifted between Kalla and the planet below. "I never told you this, Helena....I was born on Elysia...on Lubahæfen...just as you were."

Helena raised her right eyebrow. "No, I didn't know that, Kalla."

"My mother was from there. My father Crann Hrykos met her during a royal visit, and they fell in love. He brought her to Hrykosia under the guise of a servant girl, so they could be near each other. When she became pregnant, he had to send her back, lest the family discover his forbidden love affair with a 'peasant'. But he was there for my birth and once again arranged for us to return to Hrykosia. He presented us to the family and demanded he and my mother be allowed to marry."

Helena shook her head. "But Clan Hrykos wouldn't allow it."

"Correct," Kalla replied as she wiped away tears. "My mother mysteriously died. Later, my grandmother admitted to poisoning her, which was legal in such an instance. Father was heartsick and just went through the motions of his life from then on. He married someone of proper upbringing the family had pushed on him and sired two legitimate sons. He never got over the love of his life, but he took very good, loving care of me. At some point, though, I think his sham marriage took its toll, and he just lost the will to live."

"Which protectorate did your mother come from?"

"The same as yours, Helena," Kalla smiled through her tears. "In fact, she was Myrynn Handbasket...your father's sister!"

Helena gasped. She remembered clearly how her father used to speak lovingly of his little sister Myrynn. "So we're..."

"...first cousins!" Kalla chuckled.

"Why didn't you tell me before?"

"I didn't want to manipulate you, Helena. I knew how you hated me, and deservedly so. I still wasn't sure I'd ever tell you, just came the moment." Kalla's eyes gazed down again at the blue planet. "I assume you're going down there." Both of their eyes watched as various G.E.M. ships broke off from the fleet and descended on Lubahæfen.

"Yes, I am. If I have my way, I'll never leave there again!"

Kalla's eyes betrayed their surprise at this. "Really? But what about Legion World?"

"I loved it there...but it's not home. Now that Lubahæfen is free and can regain what it had lost as a conquered culture, I want to be there every step of the way." She grinned. "The leadership office will just have to find someone else to make it run efficiently!"

"I've a feeling that will be a tall order," Kalla nodded, knowing that she wasn't exaggerating. "And Seth?"

Helena smiled serenely. "He's all too happy to settle down after all the turmoil he's been through. We're going to set a wedding date very soon! We'll let all our friends..." Helena winked, "...and family know as soon as we do." She hugged Kalla. "What about you and Lon?"

Kalla smiled. "We're very happy, but marriage isn't something we've discussed yet. I think it's a foreign concept to him!"

"Aw, you kids take your time!" Helena joked. "Will you be going straight to Hrykosia?"

"We'll make a brief stop. See the royal fleet home. Make some appearances. But we're going to Weber's World to do some diplomatic things. Sign a treaty or two. Then, I guess it's back home. Still have a lot of political work to do with the traditionalists. Equality doesn't happen overnight, you know?"

"No, it doesn't," Helena agreed.

"Will you be helping to build the new Lubahæfen government?"

"No, I'm leaving that to Horatio. I'm retiring. I'll help him if he needs it, but I don't think he will. Horatio's a natural. I honestly hope that the rest of my life involves me and Seth fucking like rabbits and the two of us raising little rugrats! I'm through with politics and war, Kalla. I never really wanted either of those."

"Then, I sincerely hope you'll never have to worry about them again, Helena. I'll do everything I can to protect your home."

"It's your home, too, Kalla."

"I honestly don't feel like I belong anywhere....."

"You'll always have a home on Lubahæfen. You freed her from all the lies and tyranny. No one will ever forget that. I know I won't!"

Just then, Seth Gaterra entered the otherwise empty ballroom carrying some bags in either hand. "Hi, honey," he waved. "You ready to go home?"

"I am, babe," Helena replied lovingly. She turned to Kalla first and gave her a second, lingering hug. "I'll see you soon...cousin!"

Then, Helena ran toward her husband-to-be, and the two headed off into what they hoped would be their happy ending.

Kalla's gaze lingered after them for a long time. She knew her own happy ending would be a ways off as she and Lon faced a future full of the very same political intrigue, and possibly war, that Helena had sworn off.

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Joined: Jul 2003
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The Gordian Pass,
Formerly the Dark Oval

At long last the moment had come. In a way, it was a happy one, because it meant that what they had set out to do had truly been accomplished. And yet, many of them dreaded it because it meant saying goodbye after so many weeks—months now, really—of working by each other’s sides day after day. The Allies had arrived at the Gordian Pass, which afterwards would mean an easy route back to the UP and Weber’s World. And here was the planned destination to say goodbye to their friends from Universe-4.

For Lolita, it meant saying goodbye to a lot of people she had come to love. Brave Hugh Taylor, who was a de facto leader of the non-SMB Losers. The crude Satan Claws Cramer and sassy Lightning Lass, who had become akin to older sisters for her. And of course Zhiya, who had become her one of her best friends in the whole multiverse.

Not long before, Helena Handbasket and Seth Gaterra said their guys, departing with the majority of Dark Oval allies that fought on the side of life and what was good. That goodbye was hard enough though happy in a way, as Lolita realized Helena and Seth were having the happy ending so many of them yearned for. The vast majority of Kalla Hykros military had departed as well, and many UP ships were not stopping but heading back home at long last. The gigantic allied fleet was shrinking. And after this parting, the term “Allies” would really no longer apply.

The assembled heroes gathered at the large meteorite where the Fellowship was once broken. Besides the quiet sadness, the most pervasive feeling was one of warmth and love. People were hugging one another, and laughing. Newly formed inside jokes were being told. Promises to visit one another were made. Bonds of friendship were reinforced.

Both Faraway Lads were at the forefront and Lolita saw that for the first time in what felt like forever, both were in good health. They had played their part well. As was their way, they each held a glass of port up and toasted one another before beginning. She could make out the two of them joking, with the E1 Faraway telling a joke that made the E4 one laugh. She walked over and gave the Earth-4 Faraway Lad a tight hug. He responded in kind. “You take care of this one, Darden,” he said. “She’s one of the best, and I’ll miss her.”

“I’m well aware, Darden,” replied Faraway Lad with a smile. “And I intend to.”

Lolita walked around and said her goodbyes to a good many of them. She saw the two Shark Lad’s saying goodbye and all around them sentients were laughing as they told their usual jokes and broke each other’s balls. She saw Karate Kid saying goodbye to the Losers which made her heart yearn, as she knew they had truly become Val’s family. She wondered what he would do now? She looked for Bat-Fem, suddenly wondering what her goodbyes would be like, but could not find her. She knew if she witnessed the goodbyes between Rockhopper Lad and Rockhopper Lass she would surely cry, so she avoided seeing that.

And at last, she found Zhiya. “Lady Dardedvil” as she was called, had been waiting for her. Her lips parted into a big smile and she walked over and embraced Lolita tightly. Despite preparing herself for this, and promising to fight the tears, Lolita immediately began to cry.

“This is not goodbye, Lolita,” said Zhiya, “for we will see each other again. And in happier times, too. This is not an ending to our friendship, but only the end of the beginning. For many years now I have been alone, cut off from the world. Until you came along that day, and reminded me how wonderful it felt to connect to another person. For that, you will always be in my heart.”

With those final words, Lolita felt Zhiya’s own tears fall off her cheeks onto Lolita’s neck. “I’m going to be strong, Zhiya,” she said. “Strong in the way you’ve taught me. I can never thank you enough for that.” She leaned back, looking at Zhiya once more, and though she was blind, Lolita knew Zhiya was looking at her with her enhanced senses. “I love you,” she said firmly. “And I already can’t wait to see you again.”

Zhiya smiled. “Goodbye Lolita. And good luck.”

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Fabulous and Sparkly!
Fabulous and Sparkly!
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The Gordian Pass

Rockhopper Lad and Rockhopper Lass excused themselves from the rest of the group, with only Hyvvie the Wonder Beagle accompanying them.

“I guess this will be it for a long while, Adelie.”

“Eudyptes, I can't ever thank you enough for all you and the LMB have done. I can't imagine...”

Rocky interrupted “And I can't imagine what would have happened but for you and the SMB and the Losers. We all came together, each playing their part.”

“Yes, you're right. Still, thank Dywh the LMB had you for Leader. You were just who they needed. Of course, you were born to it. You'll make a great Emperor one day.”

“Thank you. I wish that could have been so on your world as well.”

Adelie shook her head “My brother is a grown bird. He's responsible for his actions. Maybe he never did get the wonderful gift of this beautiful Hyvvie, as you did,” she stroked the Wonder Beagle's head, "But that's no excuse. Still, he'll never be able to hurt anyone again where he'll be kept, especially now that he has no powers.” She looked into Rockhopper Lad's red eyes which still sparkled dazzlingly.

He lowered his head. “Yes, Adelie, the temptation is very great. Your brother, Blaine and Tempus all were very powerful. I had no need of their power and still have no intent to use them unless there is no other choice. On the other hand, knowing what resides in me...”

“There's no one else in the Multiverse I'd trust more,” she smiled.

He chuckled. “I had kind of hoped for a nice, quiet term as Leader of the LMB. I've been away from Legion World for a good bit of it. Poor Fanfie probably had no idea she would have to do so much! I look forward to at least the end of my term being uneventful, but that Election can't come soon enough.”

“Any idea who will run next?”

“I'd really like to see Power Boy as Leader. He has grown and proved himself over the last months. I think he would be excellent. I may have to have a talk with him. Perhaps Jerry will want to be his running mate. And what's next for you, Adelie?”

“After I get back, I'm going home to the Pyngwyn Colonies for a few weeks. I haven't seen Mother or Uncle Krestor in years. It will only be a short visit. My life is in the SMB now.”

“I understand. I know that someday—many, many years from now, Dywh willing—my duty will call me back to my Pyngwyn Colonies, but for now, Legion World is where I belong.”

“It's just about time,” Adelie sighed. “As senior Royal present, could you please recite the Blessing of Safe Travel?”

The Rockhoppers both closed their eyes and stood with their hands, palm out, at either side, as Rockhopper Lad chanted in Pyngwyny:

Dywh, the All-Merciful, who took feathers and travelled among us, whose glory fills the whole
creation, and whose presence persists throughout the worlds: Preserve those who travel; surround them with your loving care; protect them from every danger; and bring them in safety to their journey's end.

The two embraced. “You will always be me my brother, Eudyptes,” Adelie said softly.”

“And you, my sister,” he replied.

Adelie leaned down “And, you, Hyvvie, take care of him. You have been a bright blessing in his life and always will be.” She scratched his ears and he licked her hand. He looked up at her, mutely, his power of speech leaving him when not on Legion World, but his eyes conveyed that he would do as she asked.

They walked back to join the group, knowing that, though they are from different universes, they would forever be united by a sibling bond.

The only character in all of literature who has been described as "badnass" while using the phrase "vile miscreant."
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Time Trapper
Time Trapper
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The Gordian Pass

Gear walked through the halls. He had said his goodbyes to his former team, The Losers. Choosing to stay in this universe had...and had not been, an easy decision. He had saved two goodbyes for the end. Knowing that these two would in different ways be the roughest. One was with one person that he had a certain thing in common with, the other was with someone that had helped raise him.

"Zhiya!" He called out as he saw her walking towards him.

He saw a grin form in the corner of her mouth. "Hello Gear. I hear you've chosen to stay."

He gave her a hug as they reached each other. "Yeah...I just feel better here. Too many feelings back home that I cannot shake. I get a fresh start here."

"In more ways than one."

Gears' face lost its smile for a second and Zhiya tilted her head to the side. "What happened? I can hear your breathing changing. Hell, anyone could."

"I think you were right not to meet him...the him here. It's not..."

"He is a different person. So is she."

"I knew that before I met her. Meeting her now though. She's so much younger, the things that I shared with my Gigi, the things that made her who she was will never happen to this Gigi. Don't get me wrong, that is a good thing for her...and I like her, but I don't know if I could ever feel anything more than friendship with her."

Zhiya lifted her hand to his face and placed it on his cheek. "Never presume that what you think is is. Or what you think can never happen will. Your very existence here is living proof that anything can happen."

He sighed. "I know. I have a few ideas of what I want to do here, things that will keep me busy anyway. There are a lot of possibilities in this universe for, he's still here and alive. Even if he is brain dead."

"Does she know?"

"About...yeah. We talked a few days ago and she understood. She even admitted that it was more fascination that another her had fallen for me, and she was trying to see if there was some sort of connection there. She is fine with everything, and is willing to let me help her clear her record. It sounds like the same situation basically, so the information will be easy enough to obtain. Outside of that, we plan on talking about the Dev Em she knows over a few dinners and that's it."

"You will find happiness again Jon."

"So will you Zhiya. We both just have to let go of our pasts."

"I will miss you, and I wish you good luck here."

He gave her another wuick hug and wished her luck as well.

They parted and he was off to find his Sharklad. The man who had been like a father, big brother, and friend to him his whole life.

Active LMB character is still Beast Boy.

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Time Trapper
Time Trapper
L Offline
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Lard Lad mingled with the last group of Losers who lingered to say their goodbyes before entering the portal maintained by the two Faraway Lads. Lardy had some personal ties with them and was enjoying every moment he could spare catching up with this group that circumstances dictated he hadn't seen any action with during the Oval War.

"...and the SMB have elected me Deputy Leader to serve under Adelie, who was elected Leader! " Hugh Taylor told Lardy, the pride and enthusiasm lighting up his face.

Lardy beamed right back at him. "I can't say enough how proud I am of you, Hugh! My Hugh..." He got choked up and couldn't finish.

"I heard he died," Hugh finished for him. "I miss my Lardy, too, Tony. We were very close before he went bad..."

Lardy's face lit up again. "He redeemed himself in the end, Hugh. He inspired me in ways I can't express enough."

Hugh wiped away some of his own tears. "Good to know," he managed.

A figure caught both of their eyes, and Hugh started to blush.

"Is that--?" Lardy said puzzled as he thought he recognized her.

"She's Hummingbird Lass...and I really like her."

Lardy gasped for a moment. His own reality's Hummingbird Lass, formerly known as Hummer Lass, was someone who meant a lot to him before he broke her heart. She was also the killer of his reality's Hugh while brainwashed by Wyandotte.

Lardy regarded her, and saw her cast Hugh a shy smile right back. This Hummingbird Lass was about ten years younger than his somehow (just as this Hugh was about ten years younger than his Hugh would have been), and he could see no sign of the tormented woman he'd known for so long. She must have had a happier life, he concluded.

"Any advice?" Hugh said, his eyes never straying from the young woman's direction. "I'm...not very experienced with girls..."

Lardy smiled. He knew there was no need to mention exactly how his Hugh had died. "She likes you, too, Hugh...I can tell! Just be yourself, and treat her like a queen. You kids are meant for each other!"

Hugh blushed. "Aw, geez, Tony..."

"Go over to her, kid...walk thru the portal with her! And..." Lardy hugged him tightly. "...please keep in touch."

"I will, Tony!"

Hugh let go of Lardy and literally bounced over to Hummingbird Lass and offered her his hand. Smiling, they both stepped through the portal.

"Don't ever let her go, kid," Lardy whispered to himself as they disappeared.

A moment later, someone tapped Lardy's shoulder. He turned around to see the tapper was none other than Bat-Fem dressed in plain clothes.

"I heard you were going with them," Lardy said evenly.

"Yes, I am," she replied.

"But what of the streets of Legion World? Who will keep them safe?"

"They've done fine without me for over a year. Earth-4 needs me more. I've agreed to head up the new SMB Academy. But not as Bat-Fem...from here on out, I wear no masks."

Lardy smiled big. "You'll do great there, Nakia. I'm looking to revive the LMB Academy myself!" Then, he grasped her hands and spoke lower. "I'm so sorry about Dom. I loved him like a father."

"He loved you, too," she said and shed a tear. "I know he'd want you to look out for your brother and sister Lard Knights. It will be a hard road for those that still live without their powers."

"I'm going to offer any of them who wish to do so a place on Legion World. The U.P. militia and the Space Knights Templar also want them badly, I hear."

"Good!" she said. "They served honorably and deserve a place beyond the Lard Knights." She shifted uncomfortably for a moment and said, "do you, er, know about some of my other identities?"

Lardy grinned at her awkwardness and remembered how she looked when she wore exotic green skin and went by a different name everal years ago. "Yes, I know you were Jada Konti for a while. Knowing everything I do now about your history, I've gotta wonder why you slept with me that night..."

"Had a crush on you," she admitted. "Wanted to try you out...."

"And--?" he prompted.

"Not bad," she smiled. "Not bad at all!"

She gave him a peck on the cheek and ran into the portal.

Lardy's gaze lingered behind her for a moment. He remembered the role she played as Jada, when she and Cobie came to rescue him in Hrykosia all those years ago and ended up being unwitting accomplices to a double murder he committed that caused an interstellar incident. He was glad that she wouldn't be in this universe to potentially face any charges that he knew finally awaited him on Weber's World.

Lardy was ready to face the music and finally, at long last, get the weight of the shame and guilt off his shoulders. He looked forward to a bright future but knew that might have a long sentence in front of him before he could get to it.

Out of the corner of his eye, Lardy suddenly recognized a familiar face. "Sensei!" he yelled and ran toward Val Armorr, the self-styled 'Karate Kid', who seemed lost in thought.

"Anthony!" Val smiled as he embraced his friend. In better days the two had been close friends on Zerox before the Dark Oval cast its shadow over it. Before both men lost their wives in the conflict.

"I'd heard how you ended up a captive of the evil Eudyptes and then joined the Losers! You were listed as 'missing, presumed deceased' after the Mordu incident. No one had a clue..."

"Yeah, those guys really helped me find my path after I lost Jeckie." Val regarded his friend. "You look like a different man--and I'm not just referring to the eyepatch, by the way!"

Lardy laughed and tspped the eyepatch for a moment. "You taught me a lot, Val. I hurt a lot, too, after Dru died, but I never forgot what you taught me! What's next for ya?" He pointed toward the portal. "Looks like you're considering following them to Earth-4."

"I am, but I'm just not sure if that's my path, right now."

"Well, you don't have to make up your mind now. You can go any time, if you like."

Val's eyebrow raised. "Sounds like you have something in mind."

"I sure do!" Lardy laughed, his excitement pouring through. "I've got this teaching position I'm looking to fill...."

The more Val heard, the more intrigued he became. Suddenly, he felt more and more like he'd rather stay in this universe, after all.

And moments later, everyone had disappeared through the portal except for two people: the two Faraway Lads.

"Cheers!" they both said as clinked their glasses and drained the last of their port wine.

"Until next time, mate," the Earth-4 Darden said with a bright smile.

"Until next time," echoed the Earth-1 version.

After he watched his counterpart disappear into Universe-4, the LMB's Darden took his wife GiGi's hand and silently embraced her. Then, they disappeared for a more private celebration.

Still "Lardy" to my friends!
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Bold Flavors
Bold Flavors
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Weber’s World

At long last, they had returned the United Planets—victorious. Throughout the galaxies, there were celebrations and cheering in the streets once more. On Weber’s World, the citizenry, made up of mostly administrative staff to the politicians, cheered and toasted their heroes. For the Legionnaires, they appreciated the accolades and were gracious; yet, in their hearts they were anxious to get home to Legion World.


Cobalt Kid sat with Ambassador Mirenna Helene in her comfortable suite, which sometime also acted as an office. He felt enough anxiety to be pacing around the room, but he took his cues from Mirenna, and maintained a façade of icey cold. They had formally been reunited an hour earlier, and Mirenna was so happy to see her longtime protégé that she actually gave him a tight hug and allowed herself several tears—a side of her Cobalt had never seen before, though Darden often claimed it existed. Following the warm reunion, Mirenna poured them a glass of port each to toast their accomplishments—unlike Cobalt, she only briefly acknowledged the role the others had played in the victory and instead focused on the political dealing and spy games that helped bring down the Dark Oval.

Following the victory, the political landscape of the United Planets was being changed across the board. To those who stuck it out, they would be rewarded immensely; or least, feel justified in taking what political gains they could with the knowledge they would be supported by the public. To those who did not support the war efforts, they would have to do their best to hang onto whatever they could. On a smaller scale, for the LMB and their allies, the own political maneuvering between them and the LMB had changed. Faraway Lad, the longtime UP Ambassador had been elected in absentia as a Legion World’s Senator to the United Planets. This was a six year term and one of the highest offices in the land. He joined the other Legion World Senator, Princess Crujectra of Psyonia. There was no stipulation requiring one of the UP’s Ambassadors to be from Legion World, but it left open the perfectly political cover for the Prime Minister’s intentions for Cobalt Kid.

Following the victory, the Prime Minister was quick to claim that the actions taken by Mirenna Helene, Cobalt Kid and their allies were under a direct order from her. She claimed the credit, and retroactively legalized all of their activities, thereby getting them off the hook. Her approval ratings, already quite high following the events on Earth in the prior year, rocketed to an unprecedented 90%. There was even talks of a third term as Prime Minister, something that had never been done since the UP’s formation almost three hundred years earlier. Those in Weber’s World, however, knew who the real architects of the victory were, and Maya adi Lva knew that; she would reward them to send a clear message to the rest of Weber’s World: work with me and be rewarded. Ambassador Mirenna Helene, who had served for over fifteen years on the ultra-secret UP Security Council, was made its chief officer. There were rumors in the darkest corners of the UP about the Council’s existence, but they would remain rumors.

Cobalt Kid would be made a member of the Security Council, after proving himself to be a master spy and then working outside of the UP’s own spy agencies for a number of years. This would be done under the guise of making him an Ambassador of the United Planets. For a long time, this was among the things Cobalt desired, not because he desired glory, but because he felt it was a necessary step needed to defend the UP. Because of his fears. Having conquered those fears, he now questioned this role, and wished things had never progressed this far. For whatever was to come would put him in situations far worse than the ones he had been in the last several years.

A United Planets Ambassador had a ten year term where they were under the orders of the Prime Minister; they would go wherever the Prime Minister wished, and be utilized as a tool for diplomacy…and other things.


The Prime Minister Maya adi Lva entered the quarters at last, to greet Mirenna and Cobalt. Cobalt was formal and gracious with the P.M. He had met her several times before but was always very measured in his interactions with her—now moreso than ever. They discussed the role of the Security Council going forward, which Maya saw being a critical and close part of her remaining time as P.M., dealing with the aftermath of the Great War, as well as other ongoing concerns, such as Earth and the Khanate of Sol Invictus.

“The first item on your agenda, Cobaltus,” said the Prime Minister, “is dealing with the Khunds. I’m trusting you have some sort of plan to get them to leave the Dominion once and for all?”

“I would think having them stay in the Dominion would be exactly the right place for them,” said Mirenna with an aloof laugh. “Keep them busy, and keep the Dominators down.”

“I had considered it,” said Maya. “But there is too much in the Dominion that we do not want falling into Khund hands. Better the UP can claim whatever technology and experiments we can find.”

Cobalt felt a gradual sickening in his stomach. “I have a pact with the Khunds they will honor,” he said at last. “They’ll be out of the Dominion by year end.”

Maya was pleasantly surprised at this. “And then, and please forgive me for not giving you much time at Weber’s World,” she added, returning to her point, “I’d like you to deal with Imsk. We’ll let those traitors sweat it out for awhile but when we do reestablish relations, I’d like a much…harder stance than Ambassadors Relnic or Hranzer are willing to give.”

Cobalt prepared to nod and say okay but the tightening in his gut was becoming too much. “I will go to Imsk shortly thereafter,” he said at last. “But do not worry about my being on Weber’s World, Madame Prime Minister, because I do not plan to be here much at all.” The words caused her brow to crease a bit. “I think we can all agree I am best utilized when I am in the field. Weber’s World would be a distraction for me, and a waste of time. I plan to continue my role as a Legionnaire and stay on Legion World. From there, I can operate on your behalf, and on behalf of the Security Council, around the galaxies.”

Cobalt was forceful in his words—too forceful. But the Prime Minister was not one to take any bait. “A wise choice,” she said. “I’m sure the Princess of Psyonia’s continued presence here would be a distraction too,” she added. Cobalt ignored the comment but it was clearly a jab.

Mirenna was on edge. She was masterful in concealing her emotions but Cobalt knew her too well.

“You will find I am a very effective ally, Prime Minister,” said Cobalt. “As I proved on Earth and in the Dark Oval. But most important to me is the Legion remains separate from those quiet political struggles. They are far too important.”

“Of course,” said Maya adi Lva. “I too am a fan and supporter of the Legion. I would not change them for the world.”

Cobalt didn’t believe her, but did not push it further. “I look forward to working with you, Maya,” he added, purposely using her first name and saying with rather than for. “There is much that can be accomplished still,” he said, standing up and effectively ending the meeting.

“Indeed,” she said, extending her hand to shake it. The handshake was very firm, and she peered deeply into his eyes. In that moment, Cobalt Kid saw something in her eyes that horrified him. He saw a vast emptiness of emotion; he saw calculating thoughts; he saw cold. “A great many changes have been made to the galaxies since my term began. I have plans for a great many more.”


“Dear boy, what was that all about?” said Mirenna a few minutes after the Prime Minister had left. “The woman was giving us everything we wanted and extending an olive branch, and you’ve gone and purposely pissed her off!” She was angry, and her usual formal demeanor was fading quickly.

“The woman is a sociopath,” said Cobalt. He words were venomous and angry. He found himself growing very angry suddenly and unable to hide it.

Mirenna was suddenly taken aback and shocked at his sudden willingness to shoot back at her.

“Mirenna,” he said, “don’t call me, ‘boy’ either,” he added. “We didn’t save the United Planets just to play more spy games, did we?” he said, questioning himself more than her. “Is that all it is? On to the next diabolical plan?”

“You’ve been through quite an ordeal,” she said, suddenly changing her voice so it was more motherly and comforting. “And you need some time off. This was all too soon, but unfortunately duty does not wait.” She put her hand on his shoulder. “But you must be careful, Des, in making an enemy out of the most powerful woman in the world. You can expect her to fire a shot back soon enough.”

Cobalt looked at her, and wondered to himself how much of this was an act. For a moment he was quiet. “Mirenna, I’ll serve the UP and I’ll serve the Council. I’ll do what is best for this universe. But I only trust myself to know what’s best. Not her. Not anyone.” He turned around to walk out of the office and then suddenly stopped. “And one more thing. If I ever learn you’re contacting Lolita about counter intelligence activities? I swear I’ll unleash hell on Weber’s World.”

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Joined: Sep 2003
Posts: 353
Weber's World

Lon looked around the room. There was an assemblage of the LMB here. It was not a planned meeting for any of them, but they had all converged at a restaurant located atop one of Weber World's tallest buildings.

Sitting at a table in the corner, he stared across the room at Cobalt Kid. Kalla was with him, but he barely sensed her. All his focus and attention was on one person, and one person alone.

He had tried to come to terms with what had happened. To tell himself that they all knew the risks. That sacrifices are made at times for the greater good. But the fact that Cobalt Kid had gotten him to send his brother, Dev Em, on a suicide mission without him realizing it was tearing at his conscious. He was better than this. Had he slipped that far that quickly?

He heard Kalla say something, and came back to reality. “I’m sorry, what did you say?”

“I asked what was wrong. I know you’re upset, but you were starting to growl as you breathed.”

“Sorry hon. Just lost in thought,” he said and quickly mapped the room in his head, as well as who presented the greatest threat to keep him from his objective.

Princess Crujectra and a few others walked in and were being seated.

“Lon, we can leave if you want. We do not need to be here.”

He looked Kalla in the eye and gave her hand a quick squeeze. “I love you.”

“I love you t…”

By the time she finished her last word, Lon was moving across the room. He had vaulted over the table they were seated at and bolted past Nightcrawler, jumped over Abin Quank as he lifted his hand with the ring on it, and pushed Lard Lad just hard enough to tilt him back in his chair throwing him off balance and causing him to shift himself so that he was facing the other way. His last obstacle was Spellbinder.

“LON!” she cried as he brushed by her, just barely touching the clothing on her arm.

Finally being past everyone, he zeroed in on his target. Cobalt Kid.

He leaped over a table as Cobalt Kid stood and tackled him into the window overlooking the city. The window buckled and almost gave way, which would have spilled both of them into the night air, some 150 stories above the ground.

The entire room erupted in response. Abin tries to grab Lon with a construct, but Lon jumped out of the way, and it came very close to hitting Cobalt Kid.

“Lon stop!” Spellbinder yelled, trying to reach out to his mind. What she saw there actually caused her to stumble backwards towards Lard Lad, who in turn caught her before she fell over. “Oh my…” was all she could say.

“He deserves this!” Lon howled over all the noise in the room.

Nightcrawler ported behind Lon, but grabbed at empty air when he reappeared.

Lon was nonstop movement as he bolted throughout the room taking the others out of the fight by sheer distraction alone. He did not want anyone else hurt, but he wasn’t going to stop.

“Everyone…stand down!” Cobalt Kid yelled. He stood back up and faced Lon, who had also stopped.
The two faced each other at opposite ends of the room. The two of them who had overthrown governments. had stopped invasions before they began, and who had done more to secure the safety of the United Planets than the rest of the sentient's in the room would ever know of. These two who trusted their lives to each other more times than either could count now stood at the edge of disaster.

“You had me send him there. You knew what was going to happen. You used me to send him to his death. I Trusted you…”


Cobalt never really saw him move. Nobody did. In the matter of less than a second Cobalt Kid and Timberwolf were hurtling 150 stories to the ground below. Lon was hitting Cobalt Kid repeatedly. Cobalt Kid, for his part was trying to slow their descent…and putting up no struggle.

They hit several vehicles in the last three stories of their fall, which allowed them to land safely, if not battered.

Timberwolf stood first and was on Cobalt Kid in seconds. Cobalts head snapped back at Lons punch. Blood flew from his nose and mouth.

“You’ve lied used me for the last time!”

Cobalt doubled over as Timberwolf hit him in the stomach so hard that he vomited when he tried to stand back up.

“You’re never going to use anybody again!”

Timberwolf leaped toward Cobalt Kid for a killing blow, but was stopped by a flying tackle from Kalla. The first of the others in the room to reach them.

“Lon! Stop this. This isn't going to solve anything…or change what happened.”

Lon looked at her. There were tears barely forming in his eyes, he stopped himself and allowed her to embrace him.

The others landed between them and Cobalt Kid.

Lard Lad Started to walk towards Timberwolf, but Cobalt Kid grabbed his arm. “No. Leave him alone.”

“He was going to kill you!” Lard Lad all but yelled.

“Maybe…maybe not. But he’s right. I deserve no better than this…”

“There’s no maybe about it…” Lon spat at him.

Kalla placed her hand on his cheek and turned his face toward her, “Lon please. We have to go now. There are things that you need to do elsewhere.”

Lon slowed his breathing. The tension on everyone was slowly coming down.

Cobalt Kid stood upright finally. Grimacing, he looked at his long time partner. “Lon, I can’t change what happened. But know that I am truly sorry for what…”

“Save you apology for someone that will accept it,” Lon said shooting him a look, “I have to go now and tell a woman that already hates me that I sent her husband off to die.”

Above them, A ship descended with a bay door open. In it stood Kar Em. “Let’s go you two,” he said as they flew up to the door. “We have a long journey ahead of us.”

The door closed and the ship began its ascent to break free of Weber's World’s gravitational pull.
Everyone stood there for several minutes. Nobody saying a word.

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Time Trapper
Time Trapper
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Weber's World

Power Boy sat at the large meeting room table with his hands clasped together. He wore a fresh costume with golden lightning across the chest and arms. He noticed the glossy marble of the large table. It went on and on down the room. It sat 16. Power Boy, Ameratsu, and 14 SHOUTING delegates from the U.P.

He wondered ‘Why has Rockhopper Lad subjected me to this? Have I offended him? I am hardly the most skilled member of the LMBP at diplomacy or administration.’

The UP was in upheaval. Political gaps needed to be filled. Planets most affected by the fighting would need extensive aid. That aid and resources would be difficult to get to them with the war bringing up the price of … everything. Supply ships normally used to transport goods between planets were appropriated to transport supplies during the war. Those ships were now far from their respective points of origin. Not to mention energy crisis across half a dozen planets that the LMBP and the UP relied upon most during the war. There were also the planets that sided with the Dark Oval to deal with. Fortunately most were as weakened as the planets of the UP.

… and STILL these beauracrats …. squabbled!

Who were these delegates anyway, the Prime Minister, Relnic, Mirenna … none of the major players were here. Most likely in some back room somewhere dealing with the real issues of the aftermath of the war.

Power Boy moved his chair back from the table, stood, and strode out of the room, chin high, presence full, as only a god can leave a room.

The room was suddenly silent. These 14 minor delegates had blown their chance to meet with a major member of the LMBP.

Ameratsu nodded to himself, an ironic smile on his metallic lips. ‘Well done Power Boy, you may have a future in this after all.’

“Now that I have your attention.” The golden android spoke. “Let us begin, when next you meet with Power Boy you must be organized …”

Not one delegate spoke out of turn for the rest of the meeting.


The android’s monotone voice faded as Power Boy walked away down the hall to something he had been putting off.

Xin and Helio followed Power Boy at a respectful distance. They marked a contrast, one with long straight black hair and the other with blonde hair in curls. They were the last of the New Gods in this realm. After the battle of Weber’s World it was clear that the New Gods didn’t belong in this universe anymore. They were not acclimated in a way. With the very power of the cosmos at their fingertips they were unused to the physics of this universe. Incredibly powerful clumsy children could accidentally cause considerable damage, so after having some help repair Weber’s World. Power Boy had sent them home, he released them from any obligation. Some had died in the battle, in fact most of the few warriors had died. The rest were scholars and introverts. Power Boy was sad at the thought. Even an immortal race can wither and die away. Power Boy suspected adventurous ones like Helio and Xin were out of place in such a society. So far, these two merely followed Power Boy around, eager to assist until they could find their own way or purpose in the ‘old universe’ as they called it.

They made an impressive trio, larger than life, as they approached the medical buildings of Weber’s World.

Xin and Helio had no idea where they were, or what they were doing but they didn’t seem to mind. They waited outside as Power Boy went inside.


With a heavy sigh Power Boy steeled himself, this type of thing was hard for him.

He paused outside a room. Then he stepped through as the doors swished open.

Inside lay Kid Gravity on a bed, his leg was elevated. It was blue, a blue probe leg.

Reflecto was by his bed, they had been chatting. “Oh … uh … I’ll go get some coffee.”

After she left, Power Boy said “Hi.” Kid Gravity said “Hi” in return and tried to cover his blue probe leg with the blanket in a shy and clumsy way.

Power Boy coughed. “I’m Sorry … sorry for not coming sooner.”

Kid Gravity said lightly “It’s ok, I knew you would be busy. I’m fine, except for …” He nodded towards his leg. “They have to regrow me one from my own cells, It takes 6 weeks. I guess there are a lot of people waiting for legs right now. So they put this one on this morning.”

Kid Gravity was babbling. “I know.” Power Boy said in a hoarse voice at last. “I know, about you and the others, coming to fight at Weber’s World. I know about Titus. You fought bravely, you’re lucky to be alive. You should have stayed away …. WHAT POSSESSED YOU TO COME HERE!!!” Power Boy was shouting despite himself.

“I CAME FOR YOU!!!!” Kid Gravity shouted, and burst into tears, sobbing.

Power Boy sat on the bed and held the young Kid Gravity as he cried. He was too young for Power Boy, he always had been, who wasn’t though. He was also too innocent for Power Boy and the life of an LMBPer, much too kind as well.

Power Boy didn’t know what they were, how serious they were, they were lovers before but, when someone risks their life to fight in a war for you, Power Boy supposed they were indeed something serious.

Outside, in the hall, Reflecto smiled to herself and felt a warmth from more than the coffee she sipped.

After a time, Power Boy left Kid Gravity and promised to return. He walked down the halls to the intensive care ward. He walked into a large dim room to the table where a muscular Minotaur lay as if deep in sleep.

“Taur El” Power Boy said quietly. He reached out with his mind.

“NO! IT’S NAM’LOR!!!” Power Boy found himself gripped from behind in a huge bear hug! Nam’Lor had jumped from the shadows. There were few people who could lift Power Boy off the ground and hold him fast. Nam’Lor was one of them.

Xin and Helio made to attack the large, possibly mentally disturbed Nam’Lor, but Nam’Lor and Power Boy just laughed and hugged. Nam’Lor set Power Boy down after a time and the two exchanged fierce pats on the back with each other.

“What are you doing here old friend?” Power Boy asked at last.

“Nam’Lor came to save the day!” Nam’Lor flexed his big muscles with a Cheshire grin on his face.

“UH … I mean here, this room.” Peebs continued.

“Oh … Nam’Lor talking to Taur El. He just seeeeeping. No want to wake up.” Nam’Lor shrugged his enormous shoulders.

“Well then … maybe we should send for someone who can inspire him to get up.” Power Boy said with an arched eyebrow, to which Nam’Lor hooted ….

“YES!! Queen of Porn surely make him rise!!!! Peebz so smart!!!” Nam’Lor then whacked Power Boy hard on the back in approval.


Much later, in the wee hours of the night, Power Boy floated in space with a large bag full of stone body parts. It looked like a shattered statue. It was in fact, the remains of the warrior Nike who perished against Titus.

‘No, Titus, New God creations are not so easy to destroy’ He thought. Someday he would find a way to revive her.

And who knows, maybe Atmos was out there somewhere as energy in the cosmos.

Stranger things have happened.

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Joined: Jul 2003
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Weber’s World

After saying goodbye to his Earth-4 counterpart, SharkLad got drunk – very drunk.

“I would spockin’ kill for some pumpkin pie.”

“Pumpkin pie? Really? After everything we’ve all been through, what you want most is pumpkin pie?” asked Lolita incredulously.

“What the sprock do you have against pumpkin pie? My ma used to make it all the time.”

“I can’t believe we’re sitting here actually talking about pumpkin pie. Did you hear what happened between Cobalt Kid and Timber Wolf?”

SharkLad smirked.

“Worried are you? Afraid maybe Cobie’s hair got messed up?”

“You’re drunk.”

“Well, there’s a newsflash.”

“I can’t deal with you right now. I’ll see you later.”

“Hey, wait just a sprockin’ minute,” SharkLad slurred.

“What?” asked Lolita impatiently.

SharkLad took Lolita in his arms.

“Do you love me, baby?”

“Bruce, knock it off.”

“No, c’mon. Do you love me?”

“At the moment? The jury is still out.”

“Bah! You love me. I know you do.”

“If I didn’t, I’d have ripped your dorsal fin off ten minutes ago.”

“That’s my girl. Now give me a smile.”

Lolita shook her head. “If I give you a smile, will you let me go?”

“On one condition.”

“What’s that?”

“You get me some pumpkin pie.”

Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water...
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Unseen, not unheard
Unseen, not unheard
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Posts: 85,754
"Helloooooooooooooooo!" Blaze's voice echoed inside the seemingly empty room he shared with IB. Crossing his arms, he tapped his foot. "I know you're in here."

The love of his life slowly faded into view. "You know me too well," IB said wearily. He was slouching forward on his bed, hands gripping the sheets. "I just needed a break."

Blaze sat down beside him and gently took his hand. "You're just too hot and capable, hon. That's why everyone wants a piece of you."

IB rolled his eyes. "Bad enough Spelling Bee's decided to join the LMB too... Even if she won't get in, she'll definitely gain a spot in Lardy's Academy."

"I don't mind, as long as she leaves you alone," Blaze began.

"But that's it! Nobody's leaving me alone now," IB yelled back. He stopped as he saw the shock on Blaze's face. "I'm sorry, baby. I'm not mad at you. I just... Please, just hold me."

Blaze complied silently, and the two sat there in silence for a few seconds. Then IB took Blaze's shoulders and looked into his eyes. "I think they're making way too big a deal about me bringing the warning to Weber's World, and being one of the leaders for its defense. And I love becoming more involved with the LMB leadership, but now the media won't leave me alone. I've received more fan mail in the past month than I have in my 9-year LMB career, I have 200 fan pages, and the Ten Light Year Zone ran a piece about what color underwear I wear!"

"Being a celebrity is hard... and you're one of the top ones now," Blaze said as he rubbed IB's back reassuringly.

"You have some fan pages too, calling you the cutest LMB significant other ever," IB said flatly.

"Oh, really?" Blaze's eyes lit up. "Even cuter than Kid Gravity?"

IB shot him a dark look that caused him to wither somewhat. "There are also some hate sites wishing we'd break up so we'll both be on the market again."

"That won't happen, ever," Blaze said firmly. "Look hon," he said quickly, lifting IB's chin. "You've always talked about taking me around Earth, right? What's stopping us from going now?"

"But... there's so much to do! I can't just leave now. It wouldn't be right."

"But is it right that so much is suddenly being expected of you? Should you really be responsible for all that?"

"I..." IB thought a moment. It's not like he'd been elected or appointed. And far longer-serving LMBers had taken leaves of absences before him.

He took Blaze's hand and held him tight. "You're brilliant, baby. Get your bags packed. I have a few arrangements to make, and then I'm going to WOW you with the best sights in the galaxy."

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Bold Flavors
Bold Flavors
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Weber’s World

There was a buzz in the air of Weber’s World, again. Word has been sent down from on high in the LMB leadership: they were moving out in two days. It was time to head home to Legion World at last. Many of the LMB’s allies during the Great War had taken their cues from this, realizing it was time for them to move on as well. Goodbyes were being said in private, and a genuine feeling of closure was being felt by all.

Cobalt Kid did not speak of the incident with Timberwolf to anyone. Lolita brought it up once, but he didn’t even bothering hiding the fact that he was dodging the question. Inside, it killed him. Because he knew Lon was right.


It had only taken a day for every tavern and brothel on Weber’s World to fear the approach of Hrun the Barbarian and his warriors. After they left Weber’s World, and the realization set in that every bartender, whore and cook had made a small fortune, did they all suddenly beg for Hrun and his crew to return.

It hadn’t taken them long to restore the fleet of warships to resume their travels. They were all expert shipworkers, after all. They had basked in the glory of victory and wept for the fallen brethren. They had cheered newfound allies and old ones alike.

Hrun himself was the foremost among them, by now achieving the status of ‘Great Hero’ in the UP, when only years earlier he was feared as much as the Bronze Buccaneer. His Viking crew were now seen as defenders of the UP, to be unleashed on the borders of the Khanate and other territories. Yet Hrun showed a deeper side to him, as he often did. He used the booty he had collected to ensure all the inured and sick would not have large medical bills going forward. He gave a tremendous public eulogy for Dev Em, which caused sentients around the galaxy to weep. And he embraced his friends Lard Lad and Cobalt Kid with teary eyes, shocked they had lived through it all.

And then the war drums began to beat again.

And they were off on another adventure.


Cobalt Kid at long last found some time to meet up with his longtime friend, ally and partner, Eryk Davis Ester. It was a warm, happy embrace. The two could not be more different, yet they had worked steadily together for almost ten years as Co-Triumvirs, Co-Founders & Leaders of the Knights Templar and in all other manner of things. They had hatched the CJ Taylor ruse together ten years earlier, which was one of many similar types of long term plans they had. “Jeepers Cobie,” said Eryk, “you did all the grunt work, and all I did was show up with Lucy at the very end!” he said with a smile.

Cobalt smiled. “You did more than anyone will ever know,” he replied. “Well, I know it, at least. I can’t believe Pornis is defeated. After all this time.” He then added “and I can’t believe you’re palling around with Lucifer Lass, even if she is your half-sister.”

Eryk shrugged. “Sometimes I think she forgets I’m there.” Eryk looked at his friend for a moment. “You look different, you know. And more than the new costume. This was actually good for you.”

Cobalt smiled. “Yeah. Yeah, it was. Are you going home to Greg Evignan Island?” he asked, suddenly curious.

Eryk smiled. “No.” He let the answer hang there for a moment. “I’m going with Lucy…somewhere special.”

Cobalt shook his head. “Don’t do the mysterious vague thing to me…”

Eryk smiled again. “You’re not going to believe what’s going to happen after this…”


With Eryk off to parts unknown, Cobalt Kid too the time to say farewell to the Space Knights Templar that remained on Weber’s World. Though Cobalt Kid and Eryk Davis Ester were still technically the two leaders of the organization, their positions had grown increasingly ceremonial, with the Knights own leadership—achieved through merit—acting as chiefs. Still, many of them had served under Eryk and Cobie during the Triumvir days and enjoyed seeing their old Generals when they could. As with many other parting speeches, Cobalt Kid praised the Knights for their actions during the war, and all they helped achieve.

He also reiterated a more important thing: their mission was more important than ever before. The newly freed planets would need a lot of help in the coming months. Not only would they undergo the hard process of reforming their own governments and stabilizing their own economies, but they would be very vulnerable to outside attacks from terrorists, pirates and even Dominion fundamentalists. The Space Knights Templar would be vital in the upcoming defense of these new planets as they went through the appointment process of UP membership.

Following the ceremonial farewell, where Cobalt addressed them officially, Cobalt interacted with the various Knights he knew personally. Some of them he had barely seen in years. Eventually he came to one he had seen more recently, who had been through an ordeal herself.

Knightress, ever fierce and refusing to be formal, shouted to him as he approached. “Well if it isn’t the great hero!” she said, teasing him.

“Yeah, yeah,” said Cobalt. “I hear you got to meet Reboot finally. Heard you couldn’t get a word out…” he shot back.

“Kind of hard with a ghoul taking a piss on my leg,” she retorted. “Nice speech by the way. The new recruits loved it.”

“New recruits?”

“Yeah. We have a whole new influx of wannabes that think they’re knights.” She smiled at his annoyance at the comment, then added, “I’m sure there are a few true knights among them. Anyway, a lot are people who helped defend Weber’s World and elsewhere. Also, a lot of the old Lard Knights are joining up, now that they’re depowered. We could use those guys, I’ll tell you that. We lost a lot of good men out there,” she added mater of factly. The words, though, left both her and Cobalt feeling a bit sad.

“I was sorry to hear about Tomar,” said Cobalt. “He was one of the best of us. And John too. I can only imagine what John Red is going through.”

Knightress was quiet for a moment then said nothing. “It’s not good,” she added. “To be honest, I was thinking of retiring and moving to Legion World. To maybe live in the great metropolis after all these years. But I’m too worried about John. I’m going to stick it out for another year or so to see that he’s okay. He’s pretty torn up. Losing both of his triplets.”

“Ashley,” he said using her real name suddenly, “if you ever need me for anything—for John—let me know. I’ll be there.” He was deadly serious.

“I know, General,” she said. “He’s started drinking heavily and been drunk for four days. And the vow of chastity he took…that’s done too. He misses his brothers terribly. But, we’ve all suffered. It’s not enough that one suffers in this world. It’s how you pick yourself back up. And I’ll be there to take his hand.”

Cobalt extended his arms and pulled her in for a hug, which shocked her. “You’re a good person, Knightress. A great knight, but more importantly a great person. There is a place for you on Legion World when the time is right.”


Ambassador Relnic walked side by side with Ambassadors Hranzer and Cato, diligently working on the go. Both the appointed and elected politicians were working around the clock to tie up loose ends and restore the United Planets to some semblance of normalcy once more, if only in an economic and civil sense. “Working on the go” had become the norm over the last week, as various meetings, committees and discussions were done on an emergency ad hoc basis. The chaos was distressing to say the least.

That all was about to change.

“Ambassadors, if you’ll join me please,” came a robotic voice that was filled with logic, yet with a hint of ironic humor.

“Eh, excuse me?” asked a confused Ambassador Hranzer of the Gil’Disphan.

“This way, please,” echoed the voice, as the golden metallic form of Ameratsu came into view. “I have taken it upon myself to designate certain meeting rooms to discuss the economic, civil and social unrest in the United Planets. I am coordinating your schedules with those of the Senators, Ambassadors and other ranking members of the United Planets to ensure your every need is met in a immediate way. Now, please. THIS WAY.”

Ambassador Relnic smiled to the other two Ambassadors. It was the first time he smiled in days. “At last,” he said, “Weber’s World has a proper major domo”.


Flying high above the streets of Weber’s World, Invisible Brainiac and Cobalt Kid looked strait ahead without waving down below. Cobalt smiled at Invisible Brainiac’s non-acknowledgement of the media circus and fanbase that was desperately trying to get his attention. “Exhausting, isn’t it?” he said.

“You’re not kidding,” said Invisible Brainiac. “I mean, I appreciate it and all, but once you open up the floodgates, you never get a moment’s rest.”

“Just try to keep Blaze from setting them all on fire,” smiled Cobalt, knowing that Blaze was getting annoyed by the constant interruptions. “Down below,” said Cobalt, noticing something. “Say hello?” he asked his friend, and IB nodded with a smile.

Down below, they saw Power Boy and Juj enjoying a little sparring session, as Power Boy also found a way to get away from the constant circus. Sensing they were coming, they stopped and welcomed their friends. “Hiding from the rabble, too?” laughed the New God.

“I think we’re all anxious to return to Legion World,” said Invisible Brainiac, nodding.

“Not Ameratsu,” said Cobalt. “I’ve just heard from another Ambassador how he’s straitening out this political nightmare.” Cobalt grinned as he spoke, the wheels always turning in his head. “Maybe he can help me out in my duties here.”

Power Boy shook his head. “You and your constant planning…”

Cobalt extended his arm suddenly and put it on Power Boy’s shoulder. “Peebs…I want you to know something. Back in the Dark Oval…all of my back-ups plans…taking the time to discover your weaknesses. I…I’m sorry…I…”

Power Boy smiled. He could see Cobalt’s apology was heartfelt. In fact, he knew Cobalt had felt sorry for a great many things from recent times after what he’d gone through in the Dark Oval. Though he was known for having a fierce temper, Power Boy could understand Cobalt’s perspective; and he also felt forgiveness for his friend. After all, they had been through hell together and survived. Power Boy extended his own arm out to Cobalt’s shoulder and quietly nodded. “We’ll speak no more of it,” he said, accepting Cobalt’s apology in his own way.

Cobalt nodded. As they let go of the embrace, he turned to Juj. “What’s next for you?” he asked curiously. “Back to Hykrosia? Or the will you be coming with us to Legion World?”

Juj considered the question and after a momentary silence replied. “No, I’m not going home, I don’t think. This quest…it’s ignited something in me. A fire, that I need to keep fanning. I’ve enjoyed being on this journey with you more than I can say. Seeing parts of space no one has seen in hundreds of years. Visiting strange, wonderful places. I’d like to keep doing that. I’d like to have more than a few more adventures.”

Invisible Brainiac responded to him for all three. “And when you need us, we’ll be there with you.”


As he had done so many times between the departure of the Fellowship and the victory in the Dark Realm, Kent Shakespeare enjoyed a cup of coffee with Spellbinder, overlooking the sunrise on Weber’s World. He knew better than to mention Cobalt Kid or anything personal, but instead enjoyed the silence that old friends can have. Already he had so many tasks and items to follow up on, that he had begun to forget all the stress of managing the defense of the United Planets—a job he did without anyone truly knowing save a small few.

While others received parades and awards, Kent quietly raised his glass to them, and took no honors himself. That simply was not his way.

So it was with genuine surprise when Crujectra turned and smiled at him, and said “they’re waiting for you inside, you know.”

And then Abin Quank, Nightcrawler and Invisible Brainiac opened the doors to the ad hoc LMB headquarters and Kent saw the active roster had assembled.

In his honor.


For the first time since their rushed departure on Naltor, Cobalt saw the platinum-haired beauty known as Nura Nal. Even from some distance away, Cobalt was overwhelmed by her beauty. With the threat of universal annihilation no longer present, he could take it all in. Though he barely knew her, he approached confidently, as if an old friend. The few moments they shared had been very binding after all.

“Hello Cobie,” she smiled as she saw him approach. “I was thinking you and Lard Lad had forgotten me.”

Cobalt smiled back. For a moment, his infamous charm revealed itself, pushing away the heavy thoughts on his mind. “Unlikely,” he said, adding “Lardy and I have been pretty busy, to say the least.”

“I’ve heard,” she replied. “I’ve been enjoying the locale a bit. Serenity isn’t something easily found on Weber’s World, but when you step back and look at the constant hustle and bustle, it is somehow relaxing. As if it all moves together as a single entity.”

Cobalt nodded. “Indeed. It isn’t too hard to get it moving for your own ends too,” he added. “Which is what has been keeping me up at night lately.”

She laughed at the comment, smiling again. She put her hand up to his cheek and looked him in the eyes. This close to her, he could smell her scent—like strawberries—and his heart began to race a little. “Cobie, you have to learn to relax. Surely you realize that by now?”

He allowed himself a smile—a self-depreciating one. “I’m trying,” he said. “It doesn’t come easy to me. I’m just trying to be more…honest about it.”

Now she looked him directly in the eyes. “I had a dream of you, Cobalt Kid,” she said, and suddenly her voice was serious. Cobalt stared into her eyes, and sharing the intensity. “There will be a lot of laughter in your future. A lot of happiness. But there will always be a lot of pain. And tears.”

Cobalt was quiet for a moment. “I…if you’ve dreamt of me, then you must have seen something specific?” he said, confused. “Laughter, happiness, pain, tears. These are things everyone feels.”

“Yes,” she said, now smiling again. “Because you’re just like the rest of us. You just forget that sometimes.”

And they both laughed out loud.

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Time Trapper
Time Trapper
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In a special conference room adjacent to the Grand Magistrate's chambers in Weber's World, Lard Lad awaited his lawyer's arrival. Quislet, Esq. was representing Lardy's interests in a special inquest into certain of Lardy's actions, both recently and over the last several years.

At this point Lardy has been waiting nearly three hours for word. He'd been expecting, indeed looking forward to, this for months. As nervous as he felt, he was just happy to finally get everything off his conscience. But this waiting....that was the hardest part of all.

Finally, Quislet entered the room. His expression showed a great deal of worry that he couldn't hide. Lardy prepared for the worst and sat at the table.

"So, how'd it go, Quis?" Lardy asked nervously.

"Not very well, Lardy," Quis replied as he sat opposite Lardy. "It was going as well as could be expected...until the Prime Minister spoke."

"Huh? What did she have to do with this?"

Quis shook his head. "I really thought Prime Minister Maya adi Lva was just there to observe the proceedings. But when I made a motion to grant you amnesty in light of your heroism in the war--and for all the worlds, it looked like it was going to be a slam dunk--she spoke up and derailed everything."

Lardy's jaw dropped. "What'd she say?"

"She gave an impassioned speech about how your actions all those years ago in the Dark Oval were the root causes of this war, that if you hadn't gone behind their lines and killed Hrykosia's leader...the Invasion would never have happened. She said that all of the conflicts since have snowballed from that. And that your collusion with Kalla Hrykos after Epsilon Sector fell just showed how far rogue you'd gone."

Lardy's faced turned red. "If she really believes that this war would never have happened without my actions, she's delusional! If anything, they forced the Oval's hand sooner and allowed us a level of preparation we wouldn't have had otherwise!"

Quislet gave Lardy a perplexed look.

"No, Quis, don't take that as me not being regretful of my actions. I am, very deeply. I was wrong to do what I did. However, I know that the Dark Oval was a ceation of pure evil engineered in the name of my father. This war was always gonna happen. I didn't cause it."

Quis nodded, then shuffled his Omnicom. "Regarding your father....the Prime Minister bought that element into the discussion."

Lardy looked confused. "How so?"

"She alledges," Quis began and looked away from Lardy's eyeline, "you colluded with the Dark Lord."

Lardy's eye widened. "WHAT?!?!" he yelled and stood up, slamming his cybernetic fist on the table, reducing it to rubble. "I KILLED my father!!! How in Hell could someone believe I was working with him?!?!"

"Oh, I objected most vehemently to the very notion, Lardy....but, unfortunately, she raised some eyebrows in that room. She worked the room like the pro she is and cited your lack of sharing this vital information about the identity of the Dark Lord going into this quest..."

"Quis, I didn't fucking KNOW who the Dark Lord was before we started off! We didn't know there WAS really a Dark Lord at all for a good while! This is so--"

"--outrageous," Quis finished for him. Maya adi Lva clearly has it out for you. I think she's doing this as much to get back at Cobie more than anything."

Lardy nodded, "he's definitely going to be pissed."

"I'm confident that we can defend those charges, should they be brought against you."

"So they haven't charged me yet?"

"No, that was never the purpose of this inquest. The purpose was to decide whether to proceed further into your case. The result was that the court will do so. An investigation will move forward, and if the facts merit, charges will be brought before a grand jury."

"So, it's a waiting game, then."

"Yes and no," Quis sighed. The Prime Minister has asked that you be detained as a flight risk and because of the nature of the allegations threatening the security of the United Planets."

"What?!?! But you said I haven't even been charged with anything yet!" Lardy said in complete exasperation.

"You haven't," Quis shrugged. "It's virtually unprecedented. That woman has more power over that Court than any Prime Minister ever should have!"

"So I'm going directly to jail? Can't even pass go?"

"No, not directly. I called in every marker I had in that room and got you a small furlough before that happens."

"How small, Quis?"

"Just two weeks, I'm afraid. I'm...sorry I couldn't get more." Quislet looked dejected.

Lardy put his hand on Quis's shoulder. "I know you did all you could, Quis. I'm very grateful. And those two weeks will be enough."

"Lardy, myself and my team won't rest until we make sure you are treated fairly."

"I know you will, Quis. I'm a lucky guy to have a lawyer--and a friend--as good as you!"

Lardy hugged his fellow LMBer, but in his mind his internal clock told him that his time as a free man was already running out.

Still "Lardy" to my friends!
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Bold Flavors
Bold Flavors
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Legion World

There was joy and there was happiness; there was cheering and there was dancing; tears rolled down cheeks and laughs roared from deep in sentiments bellies. But most of all, there was a sense of relief. Closure. At long last, the LMB returned home and the war was over.

With the knowledge that the heroes were arriving shortly, the citizens of Legion World had thrown them a parade. At the end of the route stood the Legionnaires who remained on world to defend their home, led by Fanfic Lady. They were beaming.

The LMB's allies had since departed so all that remained now were Legionnaires, including those who would shortly be inducted like Kinetix and Angdar Fel. They were overwhelmed by the welcome. At home they at last stopped feeling like soldiers; once more they were purely heroes.

Rockhopper Lad led them and in that moment, he was at his most regal. By his sides were Power Boy and Invisible Brainiac, two who shown incredible leadership which would not be forgotten. Blaze flanked IB and Jerry, whose quiet yet pivotal role also would forever remain memorable, was behind Power Boy. Close behind Rockhopper Lad, as always, marched his loyal friends, Time Teller Lad and Hyvvie the Wonder Beagle.

Flying high in the sky were Abin Quank and Space Ranger. Behind them, on a platform created by Kid Prime, were the Legion World Founders. Most of the LMBers choose to march on foot; foremost among them was Shark Lad and Lolita, whose place in the Fellowship would forever be part of LMB lore. Also among them was Faraway Lad, restored and as noble as ever. Nearby, as magnificent as ever was Tempest, who despite feeling the ever preset sense of an outsider walked poised as a goddess.

Marching content with their brethren, secure in their place among them were two others: Lard Lad and Cobalt Kid. As a purposeful show of unity, the Legionnaires had chosen Lardy to carry the LMB flag in the procession. The honor gave him a strength too deep for words. Cobalt Kid also carried a specific banner: a tribute to the fallen hero Dev Em, whose monitor symbol shined brilliantly for the crowd to see. Cobalt was solemn, content to provide this tribute to his fallen friend, the most valiant of them all.

They had achieved the impossible. They had sacrificed the unthinkable. They were heroes. They were Legion.

<span style="font-size: 36px;">THE END</span>

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Bold Flavors
Bold Flavors
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Epilogue 1

Sure enough, Cobalt Kid was true to his word. As soon as things settled down, he took a small team of LMBers to search for Goon Boy. And as he feared, he turned up nothing even with the help of Invisible Brainiac and Power Boy.

Unknown to them, Goon Boy did not know he was the reason for multi-planet search. In fact, Goon Boy was happier than he ever had been. Because he was reunited with the one he loved more than any other, his Princess--who was now a Queen.

She had restored his memory, though so much made no sense. Such as how his friends had betrayed him and how their evil ways killed millions.

All he knew was she hated them more than anything, and she slowly planned for her revenge. And he knew he loved her more than anything...and would fight by her side.

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Time Trapper
Time Trapper
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Epilogue 2

“Admiral Darios! We have another situation!”
A large cranky Hykraisian in the command chair of a UP battle wagon turned his head.

[Linked Image]

His stoic glare steeled the excited young UP officer. “Report.”

The young officer made his statement “Earth. Starburst Bandits.”

The Hykrasian’s temper was well-known. “Fraking Starburst Bandits! Every nasshead pirate comes out of the seaweed when the universe is on the brink of collapse at the back end of the Dark Oval War! parasites.” He muttered through his carbonated voice.

Then to himself, Darios whispered “who’s over at Legion World now?”

The timid UP officer piped in awkwardly “well … ALL of them … sir.”

“HA! All of them he says. Get me Power Boy then. We’ll need some muscle to deal with those flaming bandits. Their blasters can take out Daxamites.” Darious smiled as the young officer hailed the LMB.

The LMB was back. Finally, Darios might get some rest.



[Linked Image]

The Legion of Message Board Posters descended from the sky. The sun was at their backs. The Starburst Bandits had no idea what hit them.

[Linked Image]

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Unseen, not unheard
Unseen, not unheard
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Epilogue 3

"So, how does it feel to really, truly and officially be a part of the team?"

"Hmph! First, I was already a real Legionnaire when we were on Weber's World...and second, pretending that you were kidnapped by Space Amazons who wanted to give you to their queen was NOT funny!"

"Aww... but you looked so cute... and you were so sweet about leading the charge to rescue me."

Invisible Brainiac and Blaze paused as they entered the banquet hall. This was the greatest feast ever in LMB history, and even many retired Legionnaires were in attendance, visiting their old friends before heading back out into space.

Blaze clicked his tongue. "I should have left you there all tied up, to punish you!"

"Hey, I'm sorry," IB said as he steered Blaze to the front of the hall. A holographic sculpture flashed the symbols of each and every single LMBer. "I just wanted to give you the full ritual... you know, since you're truly one of us. And one with me."

"Awww.... You know I can't stay mad at you when you take that tone, my little baby." Blaze reached out to caress IB's cheek. "Hey, why are you still wearing your inhibitor earring? I thought you didn't need it anymore."

"I'm not wearing it," IB smiled. "Look closer."

Blaze did, and he gasped. Hands trembling, he unfastened the ring from IB's ear as IB tried hard not to giggle at the tickling sensation. Blaze ignored the laughing as he stared in shock at the ring.

"Don't scare me with your speechlessness like that, baby," IB whispered as he gently took the ring from Blaze.

Then he knelt down in front of the love of his life and said, voice filled with emotion...

"Blaze, will you marry me?"

The cheers that erupted when Blaze said yes brought one and all to a standing ovation.

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Bold Flavors
Bold Flavors
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Epilogue 4

CJ Taylor, the LMBer known as Enigma, enjoyed a hearty pint of Legionnopolis Lager, a beverage he had missed quite a bit during the War. One either side were his pals, Raging Bull and Director Lad, and the three of them toasted one another as part of the ongoing celebrations.

"You know, pal," said Raging Bull finally, "I got to say...I had a heck of a hard time figurin' out what was going on with you. You mean to tell me you had zero connection with Lard Lad and Eryk Davis Ester all this time? That it's just some plan you an' Cobie an' EDE came up with?"

CJ laughed quietly under his breath. "Pretty much," he replied, taking another sip.

They were quiet for a minute and then suddenly Director Lad spoke. "So hold on a minute, then," said Director Lad. "If you're not really a Taylor, and all the things we thought might be true definitely aren't...then who the heck are you, bud?" Director Lad was smiling as he said it, but he was serious. "You've got to have a story there, right? Where did you come from?"

CJ Taylor smiled a grin that was mischievous and wicked. He would tell no secrets tonight—that was a tale for another day.

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