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Re: LMB Novella: The Lord of the Oval
#119689 07/08/12 10:36 AM
Joined: Jul 2003
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Time Trapper
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Dark Oval Space

Power Boy carried his friend onto the ship. He glanced around, “Ameratsu, Juj…take care of these things.”

The two went off in separate directions to help with the remaining ghouls. Most of them had been destroyed by this point, but there were still enough to pose an imminent threat to the ship and what remaining crew there was.

CJ Taylor ran through the corridors until he found Power Boy and Dev Em. “Bring hism this way,” he said and turned. Dev looks really bad… was his only thought as he led Power Boy to the medical area, which was already overflowing with crew members.

The main Doctor had cleared out a room for Dev Em, and Power Boy laid him on the stretcher. The doors shut and Power Boy went to help finish off the ghouls that remained.

- - - - - - -

After some time, the Doctor emerged.

CJ, Power Boy, Ameratsu and Juj were all there waiting. The ship had been cleared of ghouls and Hrun was taking a roll to see who was left to guide the ship back to United Planets space.

The Doctor shook his head, “I am so sorry about your friend. He simply took too much damage. I managed to stabilize him as best I could, but he does not have long. If I had more equipment better suited for an invulnerable patient, I might be able to do more…but I doubt even then anything would help. He is awake and asking for you though.” As he walked away, he looked back, “he also has his right hand clenched so tight that we were unable to do anything with it. I know he has Daxamite powers, but this is like nothing I have ever seen. Even the invulnerable loosen their grip while unconscious.”

The four of them entered the room. Dev was lying on a bed with his eyes closed. It looked as if his face had been repaired, mostly. There was new skin on the majority of it, but it was still marked with scars.

Juj looked at him and cocked his head to the side a little. “I did not realize that he was part Durlan…” he said in a low voice.

Ameratsu simply glanced at the monitors set up to track his vitals, noting the slow but steady decline. He thought better of saying anything about it, as the others were obviously shaken to various degrees about their friend.

CJ looked over at Power Boy, “he had no idea that this was all a ruse, did he? He sacrificed everything for…”

“I knew…”came a weak voice from the bed.”

Power Boy looked at him, “and how did you know this?”

“My brother isn’t…the only one that knows…how to find stuff out.” He said as he shut his eyes again. “Only took a microscopic check of…his dna to know…he had nothing…to do with…the others.”

CJ looked away, “then why…”

Dev opened his right eye a little and looked at Power Boy. “Are they on their..way?”

“That they are.” Power Boy said nodding.

“That’s why…it was a matter…of…distracting…attention away from them…”

They stood in silence as Dev seemed to fall into a sleep.

Ameratsu and Juj left the room. CJ Taylor and Power Boy stood in silence for a while.

CJ finally decided to go check on Hrun and see how the ship and crew were doing.

Power Boy stood for a while longer and then he too decided to check on the state of affairs before he and the others went on with their mission.

As he reached the door, a voice behind him spoke, “wait Peebz…”

Dev coughed and tried to sit up to no avail. His lips formed a small grin on the right side. "Really bad this time...huh?"

Before Peebz could respond, Dev opened his right hand. Peebz noticed that the inside of the hand was still free of any damage. The only part of his body that was. In it was a curled up leather necklace. "Give this to my kids...please." Tears formed at his eyes. "Tell them that I will never leave them."

He coughed again. Blood was running from his nose now, and a little hit his arm when he coughed.

He handed the necklace to Power Boy. He shut his eyes for what seemed an eternity, and then spoke softer than before, "tell my wife that...I'm sorry…for everything."

He turned his head and coughed hard. Blood flew out with it and he wiped his mouth as he turned back to Power Boy.

"Make sure that...that, his body is taken into...custody. It's important...please"

Power Boy realized he meant his other universe double, and nodded.

Dev shut his eyes. "Too late for must warn Weber’s World…that they are coming…" Dev passed out before he could say anymore.

Power Boy stood watching his friend. One of the most powerful among his fellow LMBers fade away. He could see and hear Dev Em mumbling something in the faintest of whispers. The monitors slowly went silent. One by one they registered no activity. Then his friend was gone.

Active LMB character is still Beast Boy.

Re: LMB Novella: The Lord of the Oval
#119690 07/08/12 05:08 PM
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Weber's World Orbit

As many others were attacking the ghoul and monster hoardes, Serj Ontronik supervised all 221 Lard Knights as they worked together to maintain a giant shield of Lard Force around Weber's World. Serj had proposed this as a key component of the defense plan in the hurried strategy sessions prior to the invasion. The shield had not been tested to this point, but they would find out how effective it would be soon enough.

Serj had worked in a transuit in open space during his Space Knight Templar training and had done so in countless combat situations. None of the Lard Knights below had ever so much as sniffed a transuit before he gave them a crash course. He had been apprehensive about this but noted with pleasure that they were adapting extremely well to this point.

He couldn't believe he was commanding the entire Order of Lard Knights! For a moment he let his thoughts drift back a few hours before when this honor had been conferred upon him....


Serj had awaited in the Guru of Lard Dom Deluise XXVII's makeshift office. Dom wanted to talk with him privately and had requested a meeting. He said he would be along as soon as the Lard Knight Council, Lard Masters all, adjourned from a meeting.

Serj held his Omnicom, his eyes entranced with the beautiful brunette's face that filled its monitor.

"And they're sure you will make a full recovery?" he said in amazement.

"Very sure," Helen Taylor responded with a gentle smile. "The Daxamites didn't earn their reputation for advanced medicine for nothing."

"The Lard Force be praised!" he grinned. "It's safe there, right?"

"Yes, it is, for now. All reports we are getting have Weber's World as their target. Oh Serj...I fear for you."

"As long as you're safe, I will be too. I love you, Helen."

"I love you, too, Serj. Please come back to me."

"I will," Serj answered with as much assurance as he could muster. Then, he placed his hand on his Omnicom screen.

She placed her hand on her screen, so that hers occupied the same space as his. Both of them fought back tears as hard as they could and ended the transmission, their alotted time now concluded.

A moment later, Dom entered and seemed a little too distracted to notice Serj's own ennui. The very portly but noble man with a mostly bald head except for a crown of gray brown hair above and around his ears which joined in the back cradled something in his right hand. Curious, Serj noticed it was a holo-plaque.

Dom slowly sat across from Serj and activated it for Serj to see. It was a motion portait taken of a young woman.

Serj recognized her. "That' M'Batu, right? I remember her arriving at the monastery shortly before I left those years ago." He thought a moment and realized she wasn't among the Order of Lard Knights contingent, the entire sum of which was supposed to be here on Weber's World. "Did she die?"

Dom shook his head. " least I hope she hasn't," he said with a sad look. "She left to parts unknown after she discovered I'd been keeping secrets from her."

Serj just stared at that point, not knowing whether he was supposed to press or let it go.

Dom smiled weakly, acknowledging the awkwardness of the moment. "She's my grandaughter. My only living least I hope she still lives. I went to great lengths to protect her, and she couldn't forgive me when she discovered what I'd done." He closed his eyes and shook his head. "In a time such as this, when death seems all but imminent, it's hard not to reflect upon one's mistakes. I love her so much, my boy. I hope only that, wherever she is, she is well and can forgive me some day. Have you such regrets at this moment of unfinished business? Of things unsaid?"

Serj smiled as he thought of Helen. "No, Master, I do not. And I have to believe you and Nakia will have a chance to make amends."

"I hope so, boy. I hope so." Then, his eyes turned more serious. "Now, to business. The Council has approved my recommendations regarding you, young man."


"Twofold. First, congratulations, Lard Master Ontronik!" Dom smiled and handed him the folded, but immediately familiar purple robes signifying the rank.

Serj was dumbfounded. "But--"

"You deserve it, Serj," Dom interrupted. "Second, you are hereby in command of the entire Order for this battle!"

Serj's jaw dropped. "But...why?" he managed.

"You are the only one among the entire Order who has extensive combat experience. All of us have extensive training but little to no field experience due to our past isolationist nature. None is more suited to lead us than yourself. You have served honorably and with distinction among the Space Knights Templar. Do you accept these honors?"

Serj bowed his head. "I do, my Master. The Council has done me a great honor here. I will not let them...or you...down."


Serj's reveries were interrupted as enemy forces started leaking through some of the outer defenses and heading toward the Lard Force barrier.

"Here we go, Knights!" Serj teeped to them all via the telepthic plugs. "Brace yourselves! Show the universe what the Order of Lard Knights is made of!!!"

A huge roar of telepathic cheers made their way back to his plug in response. Now, all they could do was wait and see.

Serj watched from his higher vantage point as a wave of monsters crashed headlong into the barrier with a bright red flash. He started smiling until he saw every single one of them emerge on the other side, seemingly invigorated and engorged by the experience. Then, some of them tore apart the closest Lard Knights in the vicinity.

For a moment, Serj was in shock. But he had to pull himself out of it. They were all depending on him.

"Knights!" he teeped in a barking tone. "Drop the shield at once! Take out your swords and fight! Use your Lard Force only to enhance your strength and for locomotion! These things appear to be feeding on the energy we generate!"

As the entire Order complied, Serj took a deep breath and withdrew his own sword. He charged for the nearest monster and struck it down.

He desperately hoped that he wouldn't be presiding over the last stand of the Order of Lard Knights.

Still "Lardy" to my friends!
Re: LMB Novella: The Lord of the Oval
#119691 07/08/12 07:08 PM
Joined: Nov 2004
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Dark Oval Space

Power Boy stood in silence at the passing of his friend. The lights were dim due to power outages all over the ship. He clenched his fists and resisted the urge to smash the entire medical bay.

Then, he lifted the necklace and put it over his head. There it would remain until he finished the tasks Dev-Em set before him.



Hrun, CJ Taylor, Ameratsu and Juj filed into the small containment cell one by one.

Power Boy was there, waiting for them, arms crossed, staring at the drooling form of the Emissary sitting on the other side of a force field.

A large silver wolf sat beside him. It turned to look at the entrants.

“Status report.” Power Boy finally said in a commanding voice devoid of emotion.

Hrun grimaced, making demands of him on his own ship was asking for a death sentence. But, the gravity of the situation had even moved him. Besides, He and Power Boy were extremely good friends. In the past they had revelled in their similarities.

Hrun sensed his friend’s sadness and placed a big calloused hand on the young god’s shoulder. “We’re at light speed now, thanks to your robot.” He said softly, or softly for him, his voice still filled the small cell.

Power Boy looked to Ameratsu.
The robot replied, “Other than life support and light speed this ship is defunct. All other systems, including the force field in this cell are at emergency power levels. I recommend finding another ship to move to, any other ship.”

“We don’t have time, we need to get to Weber’s World.” Power Boy said with a dry mouth.

“This ship will get us there.” Hrun said proudly and banged on the wall, which seemed to groan as dust flew.

“We’re going to need help if more of THAT is what’s waiting for us at Webber’s World.” CJ Taylor gestured at the Emissary’s large form.

“My thoughts exactly” Power Boy smirked at CJ Taylor. “Trickster?” He said to the wolf.

To everyone’s unease, the wolf rose up, walked to the center of the small group, and started speaking.

“I am a new god, like Power Boy, though much older. Our people evolved from a mastery of super science millennia ago. In time, we replaced the old gods of magic. We lived in a paradise of human and environmental perfection. Eventually, we became irrelevant as the humanoids of the universe evolved to be independent of our guidance. We also grew complacent, most of us occupied with our study of the arts and science. We bred less and less, partly because of disinterest and partly because of a loss of the science necessary to reproduce ourselves.”

Hrun boldly interrupted “You lost interest in sex? Are you sure you’re related to Power Boy ?? BAH!!!”

Hrun’s outburst made several in the room giggle despite the bleakness of their situation.

Even CJ Taylor sent a knowing look towards Power Boy and Hrun, momentarily shaken from his sadness at the loss of Dev-Em.

The wolf seemed to smile “Not sex, we spent a great deal of time fornicating. However, the process of procreation is … complicated … for us. It requires a communal effort. The first of us were created by a combination of the best genes of our entire tribe. They were the most powerful. Over the millennia there has been less and less consensus and fewer new gods willing to donate their D.N.A. to the process.”

“The dissention multiplied when a new god named Titus developed a power base amongst the warriors of our kind. The movement built until this faction demanded a return to dominance of the universe through war and conquest. They said they were unwilling to be irrelevant in the cosmos.”

The faces in the room went grave.

“God fought god, many died, especially the old ones, we were scattered. Titus was expelled. He turned to the old metaphysical gods of destruction and sorcery to gain power, he forced the new gods to flee further and further from the universe. During this time, three women of ingenuity began to prepare, they studied the ancient lore of our people on ways to procreate with only the contributions of a few gods. They combined D.N.A. from the 6 strongest of them, and one other, Titus.”

Power Boy sunk his head as the information dawned on all of them.

“They were successful in creating a new life with the most powerful D.N.A. they could find. Their creation was amazing, most new gods specialize in their abilities, some excel at energy manipulation or telekinesis while others excel at strength or speed, but this child seemed to be able to use his abilities with an interchangeable skill.”

“That child was me.” Power Boy said. “but Titus and the Dark Lord conspired to steal me away from them. That is why I never knew the new gods and grew up on a planet under their dominion, of darkness, violence, and strife. They hoped I would die or turn to evil and destruction like them.”

“AHEM!” Hrun coughed. “Is there a plan in here? I have a ship to manage the decline of.”

“I tasked Trickster with finding more new gods to join us. He found none alive in this universe. Titus has killed them all or they’ve fled beyond the edge of the universe.”

Power Boy looked at the giant barbarian. “I intend to go beyond the edge of the universe, where reality is not yet born … FIND these new gods and have them join us in our fight against the Dark Lord.”

“And if they say no?” Juj popped his head up.

“I will force them if I have to.” Power Boy responded fiercely.

Moments passed and CJ Taylor said “Wait … YOU’RE A NEW GOD TOO! Why didn’t you help us … when DEV-EM WAS DYING!!!”

The silver wolf’s fur turned a darker grey and he said sadly “I am sorry about your friend but, to reveal myself would be to bring Titus, and the more of the Dark Lord’s forces down on us. Know this, when the time is right, when I must hide no longer … I will fight.”

CJ Taylor shook his head, still upset, “How do you intend to find them?”

The wolf perked up and sniffed the air around the robot Ameratsu ….

“He knows.” It said.

The robot Ameratsu looked bronze in the dim light. “Yes, I do. When I was forced to serve Titus, he was always looking for more new gods to kill or drain for their life force. I found where they fled through a combination of mythological maps and recent astronomical intelligence reports. I kept this information from Titus. I destroyed all evidence … except for what’s in here.” Ameratsu tapped his metal head with a metal finger. It went [i]ding, ding, ding.]/i]

“I will guide you, It won’t be easy, there are gaps in the information I was able to put together.”

Hrun spat “This robot served our ENEMIES!” He finished with a shout.

Power Boy held up a hand “Ameratsu has had many opportunities to betray us or leave to his own benefit, and here he remains. I trust him.”

“When do we leave?” Juj the pleasant Durlan asked.

“Ameratsu and I will be going alone. I would not even spare that if I had a choice. The rest of you must make haste to Weber’s World and give any assistance you can.”

With that, the solemn meeting was adjourned.

Ameratsu began inputting coordinates into Power Boy’s Mother Box teleportation system.

Power Boy was left staring at the Emissary’s mindless body.

Re: LMB Novella: The Lord of the Oval
#119692 07/09/12 04:31 AM
Joined: Oct 2003
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Unseen, not unheard
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Space above Weber's World

"I love being invisible," grinned Spelling Bee as her bees blasted through a gigantic bat ghoul. "Now I know how much fun IB has!"

"Don't get cocky, kid," Jerry said as his fluid form dodged the lasers from a cyclopean ghoul. "Somehow, some of these things can still sense us. IB can only make us invisible; Spellbinder can mask all the senses but not even she has that range."

"Ehhhh, my little IB can make us all invisible to the ghouls and not to each other. And the ones that can smell us, my bees can... OOOOOOOOOOOOFFFFFFFFFFFF!"

Spelling Bee's mind reeled as a large wolf-like ghoul tackled her into the ship behind her. Pinning her to the hull, it begin snapping at her neck. She held her arms up to protect herself.

"Bees! C-O-M-B-A-S-T! C-O-M-B-A-S-T! No! Why aren't you blowing up?!" she screamed in panic.

"Hold on, girl, hold on!" Jerry screamed as he dodged ghouls. Dammit,, he thought, will I get there in time?

Spelling Bee closed her eyes as the jaws snapped ever closer... she couldn't breathe anymore...

Her chest heaved as she felt blessed air flow into her lungs again. How...?

She opened her eyes to see Harbinger smashing the wolf into nearby debris. The LMBer held out her hand to pull her up.

Spelling Bee began babling. "Oh my gosh, I don't know what happened, my bees usually work and now they didn't and I know they kept stinging the wolf but they just wouldn't blow up even though I spelled COMBUST and..."

Harbinger waved her hand. "Be quiet first." Spelling Bee, without thinking, snapped her jaw shut.

"It's spelled C-O-M-B-U-S-T. Now, get inside and don't come out until you've recovered."

With that, Harbinger flew up and crashed headlong into another ghoul, blasting it to bits with her mighty powers.

As Spelling Bee stood gaping open-mouthed, Jerry alit beside her.

"You're speechless?" he said in surprise. "Damn, Harbinger really CAN do anything she wants."


The young lovers Catalyst King and Magnetic Kid hovered back to back, the former using his powers to cause ghouls to rot even faster while the latter repelled metal shards away from him into the ghouls. They were holding their own, using the cloak of invisibility around them to their best advantage.

"You know, baby, we should really go back on vacation after this," Condo said as switched tactis to incinerate a particularly large ghoul. "This return to action can be so tiring."

"Aw, I dunno, I've kind of missed this. We could always use more excitement in our lives," replied Magnetic Kid.

"What, our little invite to IB and Blaze isn't excitement enough for you? Those two are hot, and we haven't double-dated in... ARGH!"

"CONDO?!" Magnetic Kid yelled as he turned his back. His lover was floating in space, bleeding from his head. Above him stood a crystalline ghoul, one who wouldn't be affected by rotting or by fire.

"NO! If you've hurt him..." Magnetic Kid quickly attracted the metal in Condo's costume, thanking the stars they'd had this precaution built in. He propelled himself backwards from the ghoul while sending metal spikes into its joints, shattering it beyond repair.

He quickly turned his attention to Condo, holding him in his arms. Condo moaned and stirred feebly. Magnetic Kid quickly held him in his arms, caressing his head. "Are you okay? What did it do to you?"

"Uh... Got careless... I'll be okay, but... please tell me we're going to go to Ventura after this like we talked about..."

"We'll go wherever you want, baby," Magnetic Kid said as he flew towards the nearest ship. "Just please be alright."

Last edited by Invisible Brainiac; 02/04/14 04:59 AM.
Re: LMB Novella: The Lord of the Oval
#119693 07/09/12 08:43 AM
Joined: Oct 2003
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Unseen, not unheard
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Space above Weber's World

"Hold the line, hold the line!" yelled Kar-Em over the telepathic link as ghouls swarmed through where the Lard Force shield had been. His laser vision felled some of them, but others were getting through. They weren't even caring that they couldn't see the defenders - they were just wreaking whatever havoc they could. "Block that ship!" he yelled at the LMBers beside him. Krypton Kid and Kid Quislet nodded, and took off after the ship in question.

"I'm trying!" Abin screamed back as his power ring's beam ripped through the dark masses, slicing ghouls to bits. "There are too many of them! Where the heck is Rocky's group?"

"They shall arrive in 2.034 hours," Kid Prime replied as he blasted gaping holes into enemy lines. "We must hold out until then, although their arrival will not bring our chances of survival to 100%."

"At this point I'll take anything I can get..." Kar-Em's eyes bulged suddenly. Something else else was wrong. He couldn't breathe...

Looking around frantically, he saw why - a glowing ghoul that glowed red. It was radiating red sunlight! Kar-Em gestured frantically, but Abin Quank's power ring bubble was too far away and Kid Prime hadn't noticed him. Sprock it, it can't end like this...

"FORE!" yelled a voice. Kar-Em looked up as a youth clothed in red swung what looked like an iron statue. The statue collided with the ghoul, sending it flying off into the distance.

By this time, Abin had reached him. Enveloped in a ring bubble, Kar-Em felt his invulnerability return.

The youth let go of the statue, and to Kar-Em's surprise it turned to look at him. "You okay?"

"Ferroboy and Kid Marvel, good to have you both along," grinned Abin. "Enjoying the party yet?"

"I usually like a good fight, but I doubt anyone could enjoy this..." Kid Marvel said grimly as he dove into another cluster of ghouls.


IB Blue's mind was reeling. The strain of tracking so many individual ships and super-powered bodies was getting to his selves. But they ignored the pain. If it could give them even a small advantage...

The defenders of Weber's World had managed to meet the Dark Army some distance from Weber's World. Those that had managed to penetrate the defensive ring were being met by burning lasers from Space Ranger and IBs Red and Orange. They were holding the line, but just. Maybe if they...

IB Blue gasped in surprise as a large ship barreled past them. "Red!" he cried out over their shared link.

"No good, it's reflective somehow!" came the reply. "I'm gonna go after it, maybe I can..."

"No, let it be," came Space Ranger's calm tones. "Our allies on the ground can take care of it. We need to hold the line here."

IB Red opened his mouth to protest, but Space Ranger laid a hand on his shoulder. "I know you want to keep everyone safe, but you have to learn to trust them. Focus on making sure as few ships as possible get past."

IB slowly nodded, then turned back to continue blasting stray ghouls. Faith was the only thing keeping most of them going.


"A ship got through!" came the sentry's warning as the reflective ship fell through the skies. It's flight was erratic, and it obviously couldn't see where it was going.

"SCATTER!" came the yell as defenders everywhere scrambled. "It's going to hit the safe house!"

"Not if I can help it," Spellbinder gritted her teeth. She hated it, but few ghouls had slipped the net so far. She could afford to let her illusion slip for just an instant. She quickly used her telekinesis to push the ship ever so slightly...

... and watched as it crash landed into an open field.

"The rest is up to you, boys," she said as her illusion came back on.


The hatches of the ship blew open, and a small army of ghouls poured out onto the streets of Weber's World. Luckily, all the civilians had been evacuated to the special safehouses, but that still left the brave defenders vulnerable.

"We have to contain them here! Forward, brave warriors!" yelled Lance!

And they did. Xben used his ability to teleport minuscule objects to blind the ghouls with grains of sand. Arm Fall Off Boy used his arm, encased in Nth metal armor, as a club.

Crymsun used his ability to turn things red to change the ghouls' colors to red, which greatly increased Raging Bull's fighting spirit. With a yell, he lassoed the nearest ghoul and used it to floor several others. Little Rhino crashed into several others, flattening them before they could get far.

Floating Foxlike Creature hopped from one ghoul to the next, his claws decapitating them one by one. Blockade Boy bravely shielded Spellbinder as she telepathically tracked each ghoul that spilled out from the ship.

"Rickshaw, a group of them are heading your way!" she telepathically alerted him.

Readying his shotgun, Rickshaw spat on the ground. "Just let them try."

"I'm with you on this," Special Officer Ralph told him.

With respectful nods to each other, the two opened fire, turning a batch of werewolves into dust.

In short order, the vast majority of the ghouls had been dispatched - except for one, a large golem that lumbered towards the assembled heroes. Try as they might, none could budge or dent it.

"Spellbinder, I think we need backup!" Legion Reference File Lad called. "I know just who to buzz. Look into my mind!"


As the golem trudged towards the safehouse, its defenders began to shrink back. Bullets, lasers... none of them had made a dent. How could they stop it?

"Have no fear, the LMB is here!" grinned Beagle Boy as he zipped around the golem, tying its legs up in knots. "Ready, partner?" he asked his companion.

"Always, friend," Blockade Boy said as he positioned himself in front of the falling golem. At the last second, he turned into a wall... and the monster smashed its head against it.

"Ah, the power of teamwork," grinned Suddenly Seymour as he pulled an injured soldier out of the way.

Re: LMB Novella: The Lord of the Oval
#119694 07/09/12 09:30 AM
Joined: Oct 2003
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Unseen, not unheard
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On Weber's World

Quislet Esq. rolled his eyes. He knew that getting the ambassadors of over fifty UP worlds to agree on one thing would not last for long. Ever since the battle had started, they'd begun to grumble.

Now that some ghouls had made planetfall, several of the more panicky ambassadors had threatened to leave. Voices were raised all over the room.

Quislet nodded to Awkward Pause Boy. "I believe this calls for your special talents."

His colleague nodded, then said in a loud voice, "Why, Ambassador! I do believe your fly is open!"

The noise in the room stopped immediately as everyone paused, awkwardly, to check whether he or she was the ambassador in question. There were not more than a few coughs as ambassadors discreetly rubbed at their crotches. A few of the more frisky ones took the chance to rub the crotches of their fellows.

Quislet Esq. stepped forward and addressed the crowd. "Might I remind you all that the Prime Minister had declared a state of war before the LMB addressed the UP Council three days ago. Per clause 247 in the UP Constitution, each UP member world is bound to abide by its representative's vote during a state of war."

Recognition, then horror, dawned on the faces of several ambassadors. Quislet, Esq. pressed his advantage.

"For those who do not understand the implications, it quite simply means that any of you who voted for the war strategy being implemented is bound to see it through until the end - or risk being tried as for treason upon return to your home planets. The choice is yours; would you rather escape with your life, only to be stripped of title and property? IF you can even escape. There is no telling whether ghouls are still on the loose outside of this building. Even if you do manage to get out, I rather doubt you will be able to penetrate the Dark Army forces surrounding Weber's World. If you venture out of this safehouse, we cannot guarantee your safety."

The ambassadors who were complaining looked at one another blankly. Then one by one, they all sat down.

Awkward Pause Boy shook his head. "Crazy politicians, always yapping and not thinking..."

Commander Bond, who had been looking on in amusement, whispered to Quislet. "They certainly seem resigned to our protection. What if we cannot protect them in here?"

Quislet whispered back, "I never said I could guarantee their safety in here, either."


The battle continued to rage in space above Weber's World. The defenders were holding the line, but just barely.

Vee stared at a pack of ghoulish dragons that were flying towards them. The dragons likely could hear their heartbeats, or sense them in another way besides seeing them. "Ready, Minesurfer?" he asked his companion.

The mysterious Minesurfer, whose face held a permanent grin, nodded. The plastic band on Minesurfer's wrist glowed, a function of his power. Flakes of it began flying towards the centaurs.

Vee watched as the centaurs, apparently amused at the weak attack, continued charging. "3... 2... 1..." he counted.

Then, he enlarged the plastic molecules in the centaur's path.

He noted with satisfaction the surprised look on the lead centaur's face as its head was taken off on impact.


"Grife, IB was right! The Dark Army does have ghouls that can counter our powers," Mattropolis thought to himself as a ghoul approached him. A miniature black hole gaped in his chest, and it could probably sense his gravity powers because of that.

He hesitated. Pouring more gravity on it would probably make it stronger. How could he...

He gasped as a glowing portal appeared behind the ghoul, and a hand pulled it in through it. The portal closed after the ghoul's feet disappeared inside.

Mattropolis scratched his head. How...

A portal opened beside him, and Dedman stepped out. "You okay?"

"Yeah, thanks. What did you..."

"Took it on a one-way trip to the Poltergeist Area," Dedman explained. "It won't bother us anymore, though I'll have a major mess to clean up in about a week."


Tina and Novel Ty braced themselves as the ship they were in rocked. They were in the medical bay, tending to the wounded.

"Big damned heroes better work fast," Tina muttered as she hurriedly bandaged a soldier's arm.

"They'll make it soon, I'm sure," came Novel Ty's calm reply. "We just have to..."

His words were cut off as the door to the medi-bay burst open. A figure staggered through, both arms carrying injured.

"Kent?!" asked Novel Ty, hurrying to his teammate's side. "I thought you were planetside?"

"Couldn't let you all risk your lives while I was safe on-planet," panted Kent. "I'm tough enough to survive a few ghouls, anyway."

He turned to Tina. "I know things seem bad, IB's team can handle it. I've met a lot of heroes, and few are as reliable as they are."

"Not in relationships, they aren't," Tina said darkly. "But yeah... They are in everything else."


Danger Damsel's ship swerved through space, her sharpshooting obliterating ghouls left and right. What she lacked in power, she made up for in sheer ruthlessness and skill.

She circled around a large three-headed dog, narrowly avoiding its rightmost head. Banking hard, she flew underneath its body and let loose. With a flash, it disappeared into so much smoke.

She banked hard, bringing herself around. She noticed the multi-colored glow of the Invisible Brainiacs in the distance, and averted her gaze. She still couldn't bear to look at him, though she...

Her ship crashed hard into what seemed like a wall. Cursing, she looked up to see a metal bird. It's razor sharp talons sliced off her wing.

She reacted quickly, ejecting into space. Activating her jetpack, she flew far. The bird had already cannibalized her ship, and was flailing in all directions. Heart pounding, she poured it on. She was too close. It didn't even need to see her to get a lucky hit.

She blinked as she felt the backlash of its wings. It had nearly taken her leg off. She had to...

The bird screamed as a laser sliced off its head.

Danger Damsel aimed her blaster in the direction of the blast. Who could...

"There's no need for that, Ma'am. I'm an LMBer."

She turned her head to see a tall man in loose-fitting clothing. "Who are you?"

The man chuckled. "I don't show up often, but I couldn't stay away this time. I am He Who Wanders."


A particularly vicious-looking serpentine ghoul was snaking through space towards a little orange cat. Were it more intelligent, it might have wondered what such a cat was doing in space.

But it was fueled only by rage and hunger. It opened its jaws to swallow its prey...

And it was incinerated in a flash of lightning.

The cat yawned and turned to its companion. "Maybe next time, you could not wait until a ghoul comes this close before you destroy it?"

"I know what I am doing, Stoopid Cat," replied Set calmly.

Re: LMB Novella: The Lord of the Oval
#119695 07/10/12 03:11 AM
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Space Above Weber's World

"Legion Tracker, find DrakeB3004 for me please. Tell him to meet Icefire at Karie and Malvolio's ship."

Saturn Girl wiped the sweat from her forehead. The strain of leading all the telepaths in a telepathic network was tiring, but it had to be done. She would have contacted DrakeB3004 herself, but she always did have trouble reading his mind.

She focused again, relaying messages quickly -

"Tromium, White Raven, move to support Kid Chaos and Rokksteady."

"Ultras Jorge and Matt, Omni Craig, JimGallagher, Ken Austin, move up to support the Lard Knights."

"Italian Boy, Ricardo, there's a crippled two-man ship near you. Please bring the pilots in for medical attention."

"Lone Wolf Legionnaire, Leather Wolf, Foxy Roxy, Blue Battler, Kid Charlemagne, head planetside. Spellbinder will tell you where to go."

"Sonnie Bloke, Razsolo, Super Lad Kid, over to IB. He says the other side of WW needs more hands."

She sat down and closed her eyes. Grife, she hadn't felt so exhausted in years! There were just so many minds they had to connect. At least she had help, though, unlike Spellbinder and IB, who had to maintain the illusion by themselves.

A BAMF sounded behind her. She turned to see Nightcrawler, chest heaving, sword coated in slime. Likely from fighting ghouls. He plopped down into a seat beside her.

"Guess who I saw?" he said. "Semi, Freekinos and Monkey Eater Lad. It's like the gang's all here. Even Mowgli messaged me to say he's on his way to pitch in."

Saturn Girl could see that his weariness wasn't just physical exhaustion, but also worry for Legion World. There were so many LMBers here now, with only a few left to defend their home.

"Candlelight just pathed me too. She's collected a few others, including googoomuck, The Labradorian, Professoer H-0011, Owl Lad, superboyMDDJR and Korbal. They'll be here in 15 minutes." She shook her head. "We have LMBers popping up from everywhere to join us; even ones who joined up before the move to Legion World. I don't even know some fo them!"

"Too bad we can't spare any more to check back home," Nightcrawler replied.

"I know you're worried. So am I. There are only a handful fo them left there. But we're needed here."

Nightcrawler was uncharacteristically silent.

"They can handle themselves, though. I just know it. And we need to win here, or else Legion World will be next to fall. I'm sure we..."

She turned to smile at him, and laughed. He was snoozing in his seat!

She made a mental note to wake him in 15 minutes. She wished she could let him rest longer, but the battle needed everyone they could gather.

She sighed and took a sip of coffee. She wished she could rest, too.

"Bicycle Repair Man, Future King, Matthew E - over to doublechinner's position!"

Re: LMB Novella: The Lord of the Oval
#119696 07/10/12 03:40 AM
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The Streets of Weber's World

The young group of volunteers stood with their backs to a wall, firing desperately at the four-legged beast slowly advancing towards them. They adred not approach it - it had almost felled their commanding officer just minutes ago. Said officer was now lying unconscious in a heap at their feet.

They were on the verge of panic. As the monster drew ever nearer, one threw down his gun. "I wish I had never come here!"

"Now, now, if you did you would have missed all the fun!" A large green man suddenly leaped from the top of the building they were leaning against, his form surprisingly graceful for such bulk. He crashed right on top of the monster's head, burying it into the ground.

As the monster struggled to get up, another LMBer ran up to it. "Aren't you tired yet? Why try to get up, when you're so decidedly AVERAGE."

Somehow, the LMBer's words seemed to sap the monster's strength. It lay down once more and became still. It evaporated into dust scant moments later.

"Grife, let's get out of here now that it's gone!" yelled the youngest volunteer of them all. He made as of to run, when yet another LMBer stepped out of the shadows.

"You do not want to go there," he said, voice steely and calm. He pointed - the path that had been blocked by the beast was now swarming with skeletons. As one, they charged.

The man shimmered, then where one had stood there were now three. Each drew a gun and fired.

The skeletons vanished in a hail of bullets.

The man turned to the stunned volunteers, and tipped his hat. "Come, Mediocre Boy, Gay Green Giant and myself will escort you to safety. Then we must rejoin the battle."

The Gay Green Giant winked as he hefted the unconscious officer over his shoulder. "Mmm, he looks delicious. Maybe he'll join me as my date to the victory party?"

As the three LMBers walked in the lead, the volunteers stared at each other, dumbfounded. "Who is that mysterious man?" asked one.

The eldest among them whispered, "I've heard of him. I think... that's the Man from Cargg."

Re: LMB Novella: The Lord of the Oval
#119697 07/10/12 04:09 AM
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Three days from Weber's World, at the Portal

Angdar Fel smiled as he slashed his way through ghoul after ghoul. His nth metal weapons were having a devastating effect on the monsters. He had a few bracelets that he had passed around to allow other members of their force utilize the material. Normally, they would not be able to lift anything that contained even an ounce of it.

He spotted IB Green and asked POV through their mindlink to connect him directly with him. “Hey! Is it me, or are they seeming to come faster through the gate?”

“We’re going to need to do something soon,” IB Green said,

“Right. I’m going to find Kinetix and get her over here so we can…”

“What happened between you two?”

“I’m sorry…what?”

“Just…never mind, now isn’t the time.”

“We went over the nth metal like you asked. She was very…thorough with it.”


“She has an amazing…”

“Just go get her.”

“I was going to say mind,” Andgar said as he flew off.

IB Green grinned just a little. In the middle of all this, he’s trying to lighten the mood. Yet he fights with a zeal I haven’t seen since Peebz.

Re: LMB Novella: The Lord of the Oval
#119698 07/11/12 08:05 PM
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Three travellers appeared in space as the boom tube faded, a muscular figure, a golden robot, and a large silver wolf.

Ameratsu the golden robot began to make calculations for the next jump. He worked with the Mother Box teleportation system that was now detached from Power Boy’s arm. Trickster, the wolf said he could guide them to the gates but the journey was complicated for those not used to making the transition to the Seventh Dimension, as he called it.

Journeying to the edge of the universe would make the transition between realities more accurate.

Power Boy took the time in between jumps to soak up starlight. He had been quiet this whole trip. He ran his thumb over the necklace around his neck.

The Silver wolf trotted through space to Power Boy. “You are going to meet your people at long last young Power.”

“They aren’t my people, I realized that when Dev was dying. The LMB are my people. The New Gods are cowards with no spirit. They leave mortals to clean up their mess.”

“HRMPH!” Trickster snorted through his long snout. “Not everything is simple, young god of Power.” The wolf emphasized the ‘god’ in the name.

“Some are good, and have struggled for centuries to put an end to Titus and the ancient gods of decay. They have paid for it as well. You do them no honor with your words. Others sided with Titus for glory. Those are all dead now, some by Titus’ hand. Most however, wanted what most want, to be left alone in peace. Not so different from your humans.”

“Convincing them to fight will be hard.” Power Boy replied as he turned his head to look at the wolf.

“Some are waiting for someone like you to arrive and say the word, they will fight fiercely. Most will not want to leave their refuge. Understand, most of them are millennia old, used to their ways.”

Power Boy said:

“We need them all. Old and young, warrior and scholar, the least new god is worth dozens, if not hundreds, of Titus’ monstrosities.”

The wolf nodded his head as if thinking.
“If you speak to them, as you did to your friends on the ship. I believe they will fight.”

“You won’t be able to force them though, they are much more used to the laws of reality in the Seventh Dimension, it will take you time to adjust to the physics there. The new gods are political beasts as well, immortality gives one no excuse for haste.”

Ameratsu called out to Peebs and Trickster that it was time, the new boom tube prepared.

Boom They disappeared.

Re: LMB Novella: The Lord of the Oval
#119699 07/11/12 08:47 PM
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Space Above Weber's World

The six IBs still at Weber's World could feel their pulses pounding. IB Indigo, the most cerebral of them all, could never really understand it. To split into seven, they had to turn themselves to light and pass through a prism.

Yet, once they passed through said prism, they could somehow become human again for short periods of time. Remain split too long, though, and they would start to fade.

He'd since given up trying to understand it. As Mearl Dox, the Phantom Stranger and Lucien Lad had told him once - some things are not meant to be understood. Allow yourself to believe in miracles.

Little miracles were happening all around them now. By all rights, the defenders of Weber's World should have been crushed hours ago. Yet they were here, holding on. IB Green, who was now at the Portal about three days' normal travel from Weber's World, "sent" them a quick update. Their telepathic link allowed them to send each other thoughts as needed. "Journey through Poltergeist Area went as planned. Three-day trip cut down to a few minutes. Commencing plan. See ya boys."

The remaining IBs sent a reply, "See ya, take care of Blaze, no hanky panky on the job ok?", then redoubled their efforts defending Weber's World. They had to maintain the cloak of invisibility, though...

"Argh!" Space Ranger screamed as a stray bolt hit him.

IB Blue rushed to him. "You okay?"

"Be fine..."

"Let me take a look," came a reassuring voice. IB recognized the new arrival as Healex, a long-time LMBer. "Just singed. Bolt must have been magical or red sun-based. I'd recommend you get it treated to stop the pain..."

"I can handle it," Space Ranger said. "I must..."

"Let me finish. Stop the pain so you can continue defending Weber's World," Healex said with a tone saying that he'd had many similar arguments before and had learned his lesson. "Come on, you'll only be gone a few minutes."

"Go on, Ranger. We can handle it while you're gone. Take your time, okay?"

Space Ranger nodded reluctantly, and left with Healex.

Watching him leave, IB Indigo sent a message. "I think we need to step up our game. Our invisibility cloak can't protect against stray blasts or against ghouls who rely on other senses. Spellbinder can only cloak those on the ground."

Purple chimed in. "We have been having a lot of casualties... And if even Space Ranger can get injured, maybe we should do something?"

"You want us to baby them?" sneered Red. "We already have our hands full. Three ships have gotten past us, though the on-planet forces have handled them."

"And the Dream-Eater cloud hasn't shown up yet," added Yellow. "Will we have enough power to take on it when it shows?"

"But we can't let our friends die," said Blue. "I think we should make a light shield. We'll just have to maintain that AND the invisibility."

"The SELECTIVE invisibility," Orange pointed out. "We're having to manipulate light for every individual enemy since our forces are spread out among them. And it's freaking exhausting!"

Six voices raised in unison. With Green unavailable, there was no balance among them.

"ENOUGH!" yelled Blue over the mindlink. "Remember what Greybird told us before he left? There are some things you just have to do when people are counting on you. Let's decide. We can set up a light shield that grants invisibility inside it, and monitor the shield for penetration by any enemies. Those enemies will be made visible. Fair enough?"

The 6 IBs slowly agreed. They extended their minds to the other LMB leaders - Spellbinder, Saturn Girl, an oddly groggy Nightcrawler, Kid Prime, Kent Shakespeare. After some brief discussion, their decision was approved, and IB asked Saturn Girl to relay the message telepathically. "Please ask all the injured to move to within the light shield at once," IB added. "It's one-way - anyone within can attack or exit at any time. The shield should stop most attacks from outside. But remember, the invisibility won't extend beyond the shield."

The IBs returned to their posts, with Blue, Yellow, Indigo and Purple maintaining the shield while Red and Orange went on the offensive. The physical strain was enormous, so they all went quiet...

Except for one last thought from Purple. "I miss Greybird, legionJOHN and all the others who aren't here."

Re: LMB Novella: The Lord of the Oval
#119700 07/12/12 09:29 PM
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The Realm of the Dark Lord

Lard Lad and Cobalt Kid arrived in an unfamiliar place moments after they'd entered Tempest's portal. Immediately, they both fell to their knees and vomited the contents of their stomachs. They were unsure whether it was the trip they'd just taken between dimensions or the air of festering evil of this place that caused their sickness, but both secretly suspected the latter.

After both finished dry heaving, they rose to their feet. Looking around,they took in their surroundings. There wasn't much to see. The skies were of a reddish hue, but somehow it did nothing to illuminate the land beneath it. The land itself was so dark that whatever foliage and landmarks surrounding them were little more than shadows. The air was breathable but stagnant. The humidity was the highest Lardy had ever experienced, and the temperature was north of 100 degrees Fahrenheit. In the distance, in every direction, were flumes of fire of varying sizes.

Pointing to various of the flumes in the distance, Lardy finally broke their silence. "What do you think the flames are, Des?"

Cobie sniffed the stagnant air. "I'd guess methane pockets, Lardy. Probably lit by those embers falling intermittently." He pointed up at the sky.

"Oh, yeah." Lardy hadn't noticed the embers at first since the red sky didn't provide much of a backdrop for contrast. "You think they're from a volcano or something?"

"Possibly," Cobie replied, still examining the skies. "To tell the truth, I'm not to thrilled to find out. Helluva place your dad has here, Lardy."

"Yeah, I think you hit the nail on the head with 'Hell', Des. Can't say I expected anything bright and shiny, though."

Cobie nodded, then looked at his friend. "Well, where to, Lardy? You feeling the ol' 'disturbance in the Lard Force' that'll point the way to your pop?"

Lardy looked around and shrugged. "I feel his presence everywhere, Des. It's not coming from one particular direction. I have no freaking idea where to start!"

"Hm. Maybe that's why we need this 'guide' Nura spoke of."

"The guide," Lardy repeated as he suddenly remembered that detail. "Now, how are we supposed to find the fuc--"

"I am here," an eery voice said from behind them.

Lardy and Cobalt whirled around to the sound. Lardy withdrew his sword in a fluid motion and held it out front.

They saw a ghostly figure before them, floating several feet above the ground. It was shrouded from head to toe in a hooded cloak. Though they could discern no features on it, Lardy and Cobie were certain that the figure was female.

"Who are you?" demanded Cobie.

"I am one of the damned. Doomed to roam this nightmare realm as a phantom for my sins. But I am also the guide your Seer spoke of."

"You didn't answer his question, sinner," Lardy pressed.

"There is no time for that, now. I can only manifest myself to you for brief periods of time, and I have much to tell you."

"Go on, then," Cobie said.

She pointed in a particular direction. "You must go where the horizon is darkest."

They both looked where she was pointing and noted that in the far distance, the red sky vanished into what seemed a black hole.

"You must travel on foot. Neither of you should use your powers, for you will be revealed unto the Dark Lord should you do so. He is unaware of your presence here as yet, due to his distraction with your feint and the concealing nature of the spell that brought you here. Should either of you use your powers before the time is right, He will sense you. And all...will be lost."

"But--" Lardy began.

She cut him off, "no....time..." Her form began to flicker. ""

Then, she was gone.

"What do you make of her, Lardy?"

Lardy frowned. "There's something about her I don't trust."

"Me, too," Cobie agreed, "but I trust Nura. And she told us this guide was crucial to what we need to do."

"Yeah," Lardy nodded, "and we ain't exactly overflowing with other options, right now." He bowed and extended his hand. "After you, good sir?"

Cobie grinned a little. "Don't mind if I do."

And the two strode on toward a fate uncertain and fraught with danger. But didn't they always?

Still "Lardy" to my friends!
Re: LMB Novella: The Lord of the Oval
#119701 07/12/12 10:30 PM
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Weber’s World

[Linked Image]

Stella Ah flew into Weber’s World space. Her enthusiasm for being an adventurer had lessened on the multi hour flight from Xanthu but, nothing could prepare her for what she now saw.

As Weber’s World came into view, she saw listless ships, hordes of unspeakable monstrosities nearly covering the artificial planet from view. Explosions lit up the space like fireworks. The scene of the war was massive, unimaginably large. And then she focused on thousands of objects that floated around the battle.

“GASP! Those are bodies! Dead bodies.”

This was a bit more than Stella Ah expected. She hesitated “I’m not cut out for this.”

She closed her eyes, “No, I can’t go back to Xanthu, just because it’s going to be harder than I thought.” That was an understatement.

She opened her eyes, and realized she had floated closer to the edge of the battlefield.

“AHHH!” She screamed as a few dark figures appeared behind her.

ZAK! ZAK! …. ZAK! She put her hand up by reflex and bludgeoned the attackers with energy blasts.

And then she was in the middle of it, Fighting for her life.


Planet Side Weber's World

<span style="font-size: 24px;"> KASHOOOOM!!!! </span>

Dust cleared as the ruins of two buildings came into view.

“NAM’LOR! HA HA” The Large figure of Nam’Lor laughed as his energy aura burned bright.

Atomik (formerly known as Atmos) and Kid Gravity were hunched over behind Nam’Lor gasping for breath.

“This shouldn’t be so hard” Atomik said between breaths. “Nam’Lor just threw two buildings at them … but there’s always more to replace them … like space-cockroaches.”

Kid Gravity was too winded to speak, they had been fighting long and hard. He merely patted Atomik on the shoulder in encouragement.

He wore a black costume that revealed his thighs, abs, pecs, and upper arms. That left him with a sort of swimsuit with long gloves and boots. His costume was more suited for a nightclub that parents warned their children about.

All of the Drinking Buddies were out of place in this battle. None of them were particularly thought of as good guys. Now they fought at the front of the line, giving the helpless of Weber’s World a chance to retreat further and further into the interior of the artificial planet. There would be no escape through space, the enemies were everywhere and closing in.

These thoughts dawned on Kid Gravity as a shadow passed over head.

It was Nike, the stone winged warrior. “New orders.” She said from above.

As her stone sandels touched the ground they made a crunch. “We are to take the fight to space, find their command structure and disable them.”

Kid Gravity thought that sounded like suicide and assassination but only said “The Minotaur can’t fly.”

“We have flight rings and transuits for that.” Disaster Boy said as he walked up, he held up a fist, showing his ring. “I’ll be leading the mission. We leave at once.”

Atomik looked down the street as a new group of zombies lumbered towards them.

“The sooner than better.” The large atomic powerhouse in white said. And then he incinerated those zombies coming at them.

‘Good’ Disaster Boy thought ‘they all knew what this mission was and were ready.’

Re: LMB Novella: The Lord of the Oval
#119702 07/13/12 02:27 PM
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Weber's World

“UP UP AND AWAY!” The enormous Nam’Lor said as the six Drinking Buddies rose into the air above Weber’s World.

Nam’Lor’s cape blew in the wind. Nike spread her stone wings. The large heavy Minotaur rose with more of a weight than the tall thin Kid Gravity who flew under his own power. Atomik (Formerly know as Atmos wink ) was at the lead, seeming barely able to contain his nuclear speed. Disaster Boy was the last to float up into the air, he pulled his hood up, ready.

A small crowd had gathered to see the six off. There was a hope in the air, the people of Weber’s World knew they were taking the fight to the evil that had been dropping out of the sky on them. Something else else about the Drinking Buddies had appealed to the people of Weber’s World during the siege. They weren’t the glossy members of the LMB. They seemed like working class heroes, always wading in and getting dirty where they fight was messiest.


Re: LMB Novella: The Lord of the Oval
#119703 07/15/12 07:28 PM
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The Realm of the Dark Lord

The stagnant air and never-ending darkness made it impossible to tell time. Certainly it had been hours. Had it already been days? Nevertheless, Lard Lad and Cobalt Kid continued their journey through the evil realm of the Dark Lord.

Their eyes had adjusted somewhat, which allowed them to see the acrid landscape and the ugly red skyline better. It also let them see each other: both of them looking like they had already been through hell, and now were on the toughest part of their journey. They were filthy and haggard; they were emaciated and malnourished. They were unkempt.

“We should stop for a moment for a bite,” said Cobalt. “Though I don’t know what’s worse: the never-ending pain in my legs or having to suffer through more of these stale rations.”

Lard Lad replied with an agreeable laugh that really said ‘fucking tell me about it’. Neither could remember the last good meal they’d eaten. Zerox was full of zombies, and the Hive full of bugs. Before that, certainly nothing to write home to Mom about in the Dominion. Taking his mind off of how starved and bruised they were, he took in the sight of his best friend for a moment.

The scratches across his face were healing—though it made their placement no less odd. Cobalt now had a thick beard much like Lardy himself, and his hair was now down to his shoulders. In their many years together, he’d never seen Cobie look like this. “The beard suits you,” he said finally.

Cobalt smiled, as he downed another piece of the rations, grimacing with ever bite. “It takes a real badass to pull off a beard like this,” he said, making the implication plain: Lard Lad’s beard was even more grandiose at this phase.

They both laughed though Lardy could sense Cobalt was not yet ready to continue on the journey. There was something he wanted to say. “Have a drink of that bottle you’ve been carrying, Cobie,” he said. “Might as well.”

Cobalt nodded. “I will. Thanks.” While on Zerox, Cobalt had grabbed a bottle of sacrificial wine in his emotional breakthrough and brought it with him. He didn’t know why he did that, just acting in the moment. Once it was just he and Lardy, he’d been reluctant to drink in front of his friend since Lard Lad was a recovering alcoholic. Now he was glad to taste something other than stale bread rations or dirty water.

As he gulped a giant sip, he marveled at the immediate effect on his body. He’d forgotten that his hunger and exhausted body would amplify the alcohol. His healing factor would kick in eventually but for a moment, he enjoyed the buzz. He noticed Lardy watching him, and so began to speak. “We’ve come a long way, old friend.”

“That we have,” said Lard Lad. “This journey we’re on in the Oval…and the journey we’ve been on for almost fifteen years.”

Cobalt smiled. That was the point he was making and he knew Lardy would get it. “I…” he began to speak but hesitated. He could not quite find the words, which was very unlike him. He took another swallow. “I want you to know that…well…thanks. Thanks for all of it.”

Lard Lad nodded with a smile. “It’s been a pleasure. And the same goes for you.”

“I know I’m not the easiest person to deal with. And I know…I’ve gotten very cold over the years. I don’t know when it happened. Or why it happened. But you never gave up on me. We’ve always had each other…even when we sometimes find ourselves on opposite sides in the heat of the moment.”

Lardy was glad to let him speak. He knew something had happened on Zerox, and he felt as if Cobie could keep it bottled up no longer. “We’ve always had each other,” he said agreeing firmly.

“Sometimes all I can see is the endgame. The victory coming together. And in order to get there, I see how the pieces have to be placed…and it isn’t pretty. I…” he took another swallow, and cut himself off. “We’ve known Dev for so many years. Damn I hope he’s okay.”

“Dev is one of the toughest among us,” said Lardy with a nod. He too was very worried about their friend.

“I put him and CJ and so many others in such peril. Hell…that’s not even it.”

“You know, you don’t have to carry these burdens all by yourself, Des. You could have told me about CJ.”

“I should have,” said Cobalt, agreeing. He thought for a moment about the Great Ruse. In 3005 he’d concocted a plan to distract and puzzle Pornis by creating an immense intergalactic rumor that another Taylor child existed that was previously unknown. It took a lot of convincing but once he got Eryk on board—let alone CJ himself—he went for it. The original goal was to cause Pornis to overstep himself and send out his spies for information; thus they’d be caught by Cobalt’s spies so the LMB could finally learn a thing or two about Pornis. But the ruse grew into something so much more, and it became a major trump card in the strategy against the Oval. “It was a good plan,” said Cobalt finally. “Perhaps I was so impressed with the ingenuity of it all, I forgot there was a sentient being in danger. Who happened to be my brother-at-arms…and my friend.”

“We all know the risks,” said Lard Lad.

“I know,” said Cobalt, nodding. “But I’ve been so calculating about it. So cold. I spent day after day figuring out a way to bring down Peebz if it came to it, and when he realized it, the look on his face was as bitter and hurt as I’ve ever seen. And with Dev…what will I tell Lon? For that matter, Crujeckie won’t even look me in the face after I sent the Khunds marching into Elia to raze and destroy the Dominators. My promise to them? Eternal glory throughout history. Exactly the type of thing I loathe above all else.”

Tears ran down Cobalt’s cheeks as he spoke, and Lard Lad found himself staring in awe. He knew full well that Cobalt had lost his ability to cry many years prior during his torture. He’d never seen him do it once. Something else else truly had happened on Zerox. He got up and walked over to his friend, and put his hand on his shoulder.

The hand felt warm and reassuring, and Cobalt continued. “I broke Lolita’s heart not once but twice. The first time, I broke it romantically. The second time, I could feel the hurt of her realization I’m not the man she always thought I was. I’ve cherised her by my side for a decade and all the while never let her know that.”

Lard Lad had never heard Cobalt talk about Lolita like this before.

“I found her that day when the Khunds killed everyone on her flight. They were going to rape her, and were just on the verge of doing it. She was so helpless, and so terrified. I saved her that day. I told her I’d protect her and I’d never let her down. Because I knew what type of terror she felt. But I did let her down. And with the fucking Khunds nonetheless.”

“Lolita will forgive you, Des,” said Lardy. He truly believed she would.

“I’ve kept things from her too,” he replied. “So many secrets.” He took another long drain from the bottle of wine and then tossed the bottle to the side to get it out of his sight. “The torture I endured really fucked me up, you know?” he said at last.

“I know it did,” said Lard Lad. “I only wished you talked to us about it.”

“When I found you that day in the Oval…after you’d been violated. It reminded me of what it was like. It was a different kind of violation for me. The bastard liked to choke me and cut me with a long knife. He said he was making me tougher…but he was getting his rocks off on it, there’s no doubt. The fear was so intense then. I would wait and wait and wait…all day and all night…never knowing when it would come, only that I couldn’t get away. I used to think it turned me into something terrible. Used goods. The public might see a shiny bright hero, but I’ve always felt so empty at times.” He paused for a moment. “But even that’s a lie,” he added.

Lardy let him speak. “I blame the torture, and yes, it played a part. But it was my mother. It was Ggrrgg. I went my whole life feeling unloved and betrayed. And scared. I’ve always felt so fucking scared.”

He looked up at Lardy now, meeting him eye to eye.

Lard Lad knew nothing but total honesty would suffice. He had no great speeches to give. Just what he truly believed. “Des, it’s good that you realize these things. It’s good that you acknowledge them. Because you can’t run away from them anymore. You say that what it all comes down to is you’ve always been so afraid. I think you’re right. Being afraid does strange things to a person. Some of them, not even bad things. It makes them cold and calculating, and it can also make them effective. I would argue that the greatest force in the world is self-preservation…save for one.”

Lard Lad paused now, making sure he had Cobie’s full attention.

“Brotherhood.” The word felt like a splash of cold water on a hot summer’s day. It felt reinvigorating. “You can put up walls everywhere you want. But something stronger than that—the strongest thing you can do—is to build bonds of brotherhood. I think you’ve always known that.”

Cobalt looked at Lard Lad, and saw his friend also had tears coming down his face. He reached out and hugged him as hard as he’d ever hugged anyone in his whole life. Because Cobalt knew those words were true.

After a moment, the two let go of the embrace. For a moment, there was an awkward silence but that passed. Cobalt spoke at last. “When this all started, I told Mirenna Helene that the only child I have in this world is the Great Game. Like a lot of things coming out of my mouth these last few years, it was a calculated lie spoken to a specific person. But the truth is, I do have one great progeny in this world. One I can be proud of, as can its other parents, which include you. The Legion of Message Board Posters.”

Lard Lad smiled. “Sweet Ass Sweet,” he replied, and the two picked up their gear to continue the journey into the darkness.

Re: LMB Novella: The Lord of the Oval
#119704 07/16/12 10:46 AM
Joined: Jul 2003
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The Dominion, The Dark Oval
Ad hoc Headquarters of the United Planets Starfleets

She’s like a ghost,[i] thought Lolita, as she admired her now found friend. [i]Effortless in her movements, as if there is no question of success. She watched as Zhiya moved in and out of the shadows, crossing through crowded corridors and hallways, always staying out of sight. When the peril of being seen was too great, she simply went on the offensive and took down each guard as they came near her.

Zhiya was blind but her enhanced senses had given her extraordinary abilities. Lady Daredevil is what the Losers called her, and Lolita could see why. Her enhanced hearing gave her incredible equilibrium and balance; her enhanced sense of smell allowed her to know who was around her at all times. She was almost the perfect assassin, much like Timberwolf.

“Coast is clear,” said Lolita to her comrades. As she spoke, she once again was amazed at how she ended up being stuck in a leadership position of this makeshift wetworks group.

“I hate this namby pamby bullshit,” said Satan Claws Cramer, whose little frame held an immense gun—a Liefield 990 to be exact. “I’ll cover your asses and blow apart any motherfucker who comes this way.”

“We’re not supposed to kill any of them, sugah,” said Lightning Lass to her longtime friend. “By all accounts these soldiers are good folks. They just don’t realize their boss man has gone a bit loco. So try not to harm them, okay?” Lightning Lass had an easygoing smile that was known to charm sentients from all worlds.

“The General has gone tits up,” said Satan Claws. “That’s all I’ll keep in mind when these jarheads come my way.”

Lolita rolled her eyes at that. Satan Claws Cramer and she clearly did not get along. Nonetheless, the ferocious hellcat would cover their backs as they moved forward with the plan.

Things had moved so quickly that it was all still like a dream to her. General Belisarius, General Maximus of the UP Starfleets, had refused an order to return to the United Planets to protect it from the Dark Army—the largest assemblage of enemies in the history of the galaxies. He was obsessed with glory and felt slighted by the Legionnaires for stealing it earlier in the war. This left Weber’s World wide open to attack, which it was now suffering from. Ambassador Mirenna Helene, a posh Ambassador of the UP that also happened to be one of the most powerful master spies in all of the universe turned to one of the great tried and true master assassins to deal with the Belisarius problem: Timberwolf. But to her great surprise, Timberwolf declined.

What happened next truly perplexed the young LMBer. Mirenna contacted her. Yes, she had been Cobalt Kid’s right hand woman for a decade and knew the ins and outs of the spygame. Yes, she was a Legionnaire with the unique power of having a computer brain that was able to analyze data, detect patterns and find insight into the world via numbers. But she was no assassin; she’d never killed anyone and she dreaded physical confrontations. Even more, she was no leader. At least, in her mind.

“What’s next boss?” said Lightning Lass with a smile.

“Let’s follow,” she said in a soft voice, as they moved up ahead to Zhiya.

It was Zhiya who volunteered to do the deed once it became clear that without the UP Starfleets, Weber’s World and the United Planets were done for. The Legionnaires and their allies were making a brave stand but it was only a delaying maneuver. They would be consumed soon enough. Zhiya volunteered and Lolita felt compelled—more to assist her new friend rather than any sense of duty—to stand by her side. She quickly assembled an all-female team to back them up; a crack squad consisting only of Lightning Lass, to have a powerhouse, and Satan Claws Cramer, because she reveled in suicide missions, and of course Zhiya and herself.

But it was Timberwolf himself who took her aside to give her what she needed to get this done. Until this point, most of her conversations with Timberwolf had been brief and in the presence of others. To be honest, she found him very intimidating. Almost too intense, since she knew the real secret about him. But over these last few months, a mutual respect had somehow grown, just like with Kalla Hykros.

“I’m out, and it looks like you’re in,” he said to her with a half-smile. He was a very difficult person to read. “While I don’t know if it’s the best thing for you, Lolita, I respect your decision to get involved.”

“I’m just trying to get Zhiya close to Belsarius…” she said, as if she was countering his point.

He dismissed it. “Know this. Watch your back with Mirenna. Cobie knows that and I know that. But you should do. You’re a chess piece on a large board to her. And once you succeed, she’ll come back for more—always.”

Lolita nodded. She had always been weary of Mirenna but to her it from Lon was shocking.

“Also, you’ll need more than a ragtag group consisting of mostly supehreroes,” he added. He handed her a small, metallic device. It was unlike anything she was familiar with.

“What’s this?” she said.

“It’s right up your alley. Data. Information. This is my full network, Lolita. Lock, stock and barrel. I’m giving it to you because I’m done with the UP spy game. Contacts, information, identities, stool pigeons, you name it. Most of the operatives don’t even know who they work for. You’re going to need it. It’s all self-sustaining, set up with dummy corporations even Cobie doesn’t know about.”

“But…but why?” she said to him. She was a little overwhelmed suddenly.

He knew it but pressed on. “Because you’re opening a door to something you think you’ll be able to get out of quickly, but won’t be. You’re going to need to be on equal footing with everyone else in the espionage business, trust me.”

She took it, and placed in a pocket hidden among her skirt. “Thank you, Lon,” she said, realizing this was probably the first time she ever called him by his real name. “I don’t know what to say…”

“Then don’t,” he said firmly. “You know everything about Kalla and I, and yet you’ve somehow grown kinder and warmer to us. Maybe after all we’ve gone through, I feel we’re comrades now. Maybe that connection is making me nervous about you jumping into an ocean of predators, with your own shark not there to protect you. Remember: trust no one more than yourself.”

With that, he walked away. And Lolita opened the strange looking Omnicom type device, basking in the data, and soon set up her first black operation.


Lolita and Lightning Lass quietly caught up to Zhiya as she squatted nearby on a small balcony, that overlooked a large courtyard. In the last 25 minutes, they had basically taken complete control of an entire wing of an entire floor in the headquarters.

“The General is not far ahead,” said ‘Lady Daredevil’.

“For the first time, I’m starting to see why this bastard has to bite it,” said Lightning Lass. All along the courtyard they could see bodies hanging from ropes; traitors who had been hung.

“Some of the soldiers are catching on,” said Lolita. “He’s trying to dominate them with fear and a false sense of authority. It won’t work forever, but certainly long enough to stop them from helping Weber’s World.”

“What happens if we succeed?” said Lightning Lass. “Won’t they just kill us?”

“Maybe,” said Zhiya. “But we have to trust these are good sentients. That they’ll rise up to the challenge of saving the world.”

“Then here we go,” said Lolita, nodding to Zhiya, who jumped forward.

Re: LMB Novella: The Lord of the Oval
#119705 07/17/12 12:34 AM
Joined: Jul 2003
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Time Trapper
Time Trapper
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The Realm of the Dark Lord

Cobalt Kid and Lard Lad continued their long, seemingly endless trek across the sullen realm of darkness. Eventually, they came to a point where the terrain began to arch upwards.

Cobalt looked up. "It's a hill or something, Lardy." He squinted. "Hard to tell how high it goes in this darkness."

"Should we try to go around it, Des?" Lardy panted as he took a moment to catch his breath.

Cobalt looked in either direction. There weren't any methane pockets aflame nearby, so they couldn't see more than about fifteen feet in any direction at this point. "I think we should climb. We could go way off the path and never find a way around."

Lardy nodded. "Up we go, then."

The two men began freestyle climbing the hill, which seemed to be entirely comprised of jagged shards of rock. The climb was long and arduous, but they eventually made it to the top, where the land levelled out into a rocky plain.

They took a moment to catch their breaths, then silently resumed on foot in the direction their mysterious guide had lead them. In the distance they could see more methane pockets lit up, so at least they had the comfort of knowing visibility would soon improve.

Suddenly, Lardy screamed and fell over to his side.

"Shit, Lardy! What happened?!?!" Cobie exclaimed as he went to his friend's side.

Lardy winced in pain and held his right foot as he answered, "my foot...the rocks cut right through my boot and slashed right into the bottom of it! Help me get the boot off!"

Lardy yelped as Cobie took the boot and sock off as gingerly as possible. Sure enough, Lardy had a nasty gash right through the middle of his foot.

"Don't worry, buddy," Cobalt said and drew his hand toward the foot. "I'll fix you right up.."

"No!" Lardy yelled and jerked his right leg from Cobalt's reach. "No powers...remember?"

Cobalt remembered the mysterious guide's warning. "But I can heal you. Surely she didn't mean--"

"She said no powers, Des!" Lardy admonished, then pulled out his knapsack. "Help me by using the salves and bandages in here."

Cobalt didn't like it, but he respected his friend's wishes. It took everything he had to resist easing Lardy's pain with his powers.

He surveyed the wound. "It's still bleeding, Lardy."

Lardy frowned and pulled out his sword. He pointed toward the nearest methane flume with it and said, "then cauterize it!"

Cobalt nodded grimly, then took Lardy's sword to the flame and let its end rest in the flame for several moments. Then he returned to Lardy and said, "are you ready for this?"

Lardy gritted his teeth and nodded. Then, Cobalt let the red-hot sword rest on Lardy's gash.


As Lardy calmed down, Cobalt applied the medicine to the wound and bandaged it up. Then he put the boot back on and used more of the bandages to repair the boot as best as he could and to keep it firmly on Lardy's foot.

"Let's rest a while," Cobalt said after his work was done.

"Yeah, that's a good idea," Lardy agreed. "I have better-than-normal personal healing myself, but giving it some time to work would help. I figure I'm still gonna be gimpy for a while. Those 'Lard Lad' boots weren't exactly made for this sort of activity."

Cobalt smiled as he knew his friend's fighting style involved teleporting to get where he needed to go.

"I guess we should've made a supply run before letting Temp send us to Hell!" Lardy laughed. Then, he frowned a bit. "Sure hope i get to see her again."

"I've got to think you will."

"No guarantees there, Des. I'm gonna give it everything I've got, but this one feels like it could go the other way unless we get really lucky."

"We've been pretty lucky over the years, Lardy."

"Sure have. Hopefully, it hasn't all run out. There's a lot of things I'd like to do still."

Cobie smiled. "Most of them involving Temp, eh?"

"Well, hell yeah--sure! I think we're gonna be great together...I can just feel it! But no, it's even more than that."

"Like what?" Cobie teased "Opening another hedonistic night club?"

"Nah," Lardy chuckled, though the memories gleamed in his eyes for a moment. "I think, at long last, I'm just going to fucking grow up, you know? I mean, the first thing I'm gonna do is whatever it takes to make amends for all the shit I pulled. I can't tell ya what a pure relief it was to come clean to all those people on Weber's World and promise them I would turn myself in to the authorities when all this was done."

"I'm actually looking forward to it, Des! No more secrets. No more carrying guilt. I'll finally be able to turn the page on this dark, twisted chapter in my life."

"But Lardy," Cobalt reminded him, "you know you could be looking at jailtime, possibly a lot of it. Hell, Legion World might deport you."

"I could deal with the jailtime, Des. Even if it's a whole damned huge chunk of it. I'll accept whatever they sentence me, so long as it's done fairly. I sure hope Legion World forgives me, though, because that's a big part of what I want to do."

"Well, of course, Lardy. It's our home! And the LMB--"

"Yes, Des, all of that's true. But I want to return to something I started years ago and help mould young people like us, not only to use their powers but to get the guidance they need to use them responsibly."

"You mean the LMB Academy?"

"Yes! It's kind of fallen by the wayside over the years and isn't at all what it should be. I can make it better! And use all the lessons I've learned the hard way to help keep the young 'uns from making the same mistakes, too."

Cobalt grinned. "I bet you'll be great at it!"

"Yeah," Lardy agreed wistfully, "just hope I get the chance. And then, of course, there's Hugh and Helena. I really want to--"

His words were interrupted by the sudden reappearance of their ghostly guide. "It isn't safe here!" she exclaimed in a commanding tone. As she spoke, the hood she wore fell to the side momentarily in such a way as to allow them a glimpse of her eyes. "A battalion of the Dark Lord's personal guard will be marching through this valley soon! You must proceed immediately to avoid them!"

Then, as suddenly as she appeared, the guide faded away.

Lardy rose gingerly to his feet. "Well, you heard the lady," he said.

Cobie got up as well. "You up for this?"

Lardy used his sword as a crutch and started walking as best he could. "Not much choice, I'd say."

As they walked, Cobalt remarked, "did you see her eyes?"

"Yeah," Lardy answered pensively. "I can't help but feel I've seen them before."

"Me, too," Cobie agreed as a shiver went down his spine.

And the two would continue to ponder this silently as they made toward the far end of the valley.

Still "Lardy" to my friends!
Re: LMB Novella: The Lord of the Oval
#119706 07/17/12 08:01 AM
Joined: Sep 2003
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Bold Flavors
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Bold Flavors
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Weber's World
The United Planets

The war raged planetside, in orbit and in deep space, as the Dark Army continued its never-ending assault upon Weber’s World. All around, moments of heroism shined bright, only to be overshadowed moments later by terrible tragedies. As the battle raged on, the common thought going through the minds of those making a stand was does this army have no end?


The fighting was overly intense at Giffen Spaceport, one of the major entrances to the Weber’s World super-structure. Knightress commanded an ad hoc team of Space Knights, Daroon veterans, Weber’s World security guards and general volunteers, as they did their best to hold the line from the oncoming assault of ghouls and skeletons. “Every inch counts!” she shouted at the top of her lungs, running out into the fray between blasters and balls of fire, to unleash fury upon the skeletons with her trademark swords.

“Knightress, behind you!” yelled a volunteer, running out into the fray to blast a skeleton she didn’t see. The volunteer was Marcus Relnic, the nephew of the famous Ambassador. He had enjoyed a long lifetime of wealth and comfort, descending from one of the elite families of the United Planets. But something stirred deep within him when Invisible Brainiac made his speech, and he took up arms to volunteer.

“Back to the line, Relnic!” she yelled back. “I’ve got this!” She twisted in a circular slashing motion that showed she knew full well how many enemies were in her vicinity, simply showing them her back to lure them closer.

“No Ma’am,” he said, calmly, firing his blaster at the ghouls. “We’re all in this together.”

It was a familiar moment to the defenders of Weber’s World. One of the many guardians of freedom stepping up to be something more than themselves. Yet, it had an all too familiar outcome.

A different creature had lingered in the background of this assault; quietly contemplating when to make its entrance. It was a Liche—a former master wizard with immense power that was unfortunate enough to become noticed by the Dark Lord. The Dark Lord killed the wizard but did not destroy him; rather, he gave him a fate even worse than death. The wizard now was undead. With enough willpower to act on his own in battle, the Liche could not muster enough willpower to disobey the booming commands of the Darkest of deities. Now was its moment. Now it stepped forward.

A cascade of green fire rained down from the skies suddenly on the regiment defending the space port. It’s touch was acidic—burning through the metal and debris strait on through to the lower levels. For the soldiers it touched, the burn was pain beyond comprehension. It was instant death.

Marcus Relnic, who moments earlier shined as a hero, was one of the first to fall. The green acid flame landed squarely on his back, burning right into his body, and causing him to cry out in pain.

“No!” yelled Knightress. “Get him back! Everyone fall back! Avoid the fire! Get the sick out of here!”

As she barked orders, she found herself growing increasingly surrounded by skeleton foot soldiers, who also fell to the liche’s flames. If today is the day I die, then so be it… she thought, gritting her teeth and refusing to die full of fear.

Suddenly, a skeleton spoke to her. “Quick, follow me!” it said. It appeared to be simply a boney frame with a lifeless skeleton face, and yet noise came out of a mouth with no throat.

“Never,” she said, gripping her sword.

“Er, oops!” said the skeleton, as it realized her confusion. It ripped off its mask, and suddenly revealed the form of Actor Lad! “I was in disguise using my power of super-acting!” he said gladly. He grabbed her arm and led her to the side.

“But…how?...that makes no sense…just bones…?” she was saying, still somewhat in shock by the assault on Marcus and the others.

“Just follow me,” replied Actor Lad, getting her to safety. “My buddy has arrived, and he’s one of the big guns.”

They both looked up at those words and suddenly, there he was: Reboot. There are two things one immediately notices about the Legionnaire known as Reboot. First, his immense power and presence; when he enters the fray, his enemies can be heard moaning in fear. Secondly, the other thing one notices about Reboot is when he is angry, he is more than willing to push aside being polite and get right to the point.

“All sentients! Remove yourselves! I will deal with these undead!” he said abruptly, not looking one moment at any others, as he used both his powers and his ever-trusty Glitch to quickly dispose of the skeletons and ghouls.

Down below, Actor Lad looked at one of his best friends with a smile. Knightress also looked up in awe. The longtime rumors were indeed true. She loved Reboot with all her heart, though the two almost never talked. And now he was at his most grandiose.

As the skeletons were reduced to ash and the ghouls reduced to puddles, Reboot turned his attention on the hidden Liche. “And now you,” he said matter-of-factly. “A taste of your own medicine should do the trick, I suppose?” He flew forward at the Liche, who now revealed itself in full to all those watching, and prepared to fire an even more ferocious spell at Reboot.

“You can stop right there,” said Reboot briskly, waving his hand, and causing the air around the Liche to explode in a cacophony. “This war will not be one today…but luckily that need not concern you anymore.” And suddenly, he grabbed the Liche with his hands and flew him into orbit where he could unleash his full power and destroy it.

“He certainly has a way about him,” said Actor Lad smiling.

“Yes,” said Knightress who also smiled for the first time in a long time.


In the medical bay, Dr. Gym’ll, the world renowned physician had also arrived to lend a hand. Kent Shakespeare was carrying in another fallen—this time an LMBer, the hero known as Malvolio. “How bad?” he said.

“Bad,” said Kent. “But he should live if you’re working on him.”

Gym’ll scowled. “Flattery doesn’t replace credits…” he said, causing Kent to grin.

A face suddenly stuck their head into the makeshift sickbay. It was Commander Bond. “Shakespeare!” she yelled. “You’re needed.”

Kent nodded, and turned to the doctors and nurses. “Good luck everyone,” he said. “Save all that you can.” With that, he turned around and walked out.

One of the nurses was confused. “Why is he going? What is that all about?”

Gym’ll scowled at her even harder. “Don’t you know who that is? It’s Kent Shakespeare. LMBer…and a whole lot more…”

Kent followed Commander Bond down the hallway without missing a beat. He had tried to pitch in where he could: in orbit battling the Dark Army, and in the sickbay as a trained field medic. But where he was really needed was in the larger intergalactic political / spy world. “Is it Ambassador Helene?” he asked. He was pulling off rubber medical gloves as he spoke.

Bond nodded but did not say anything. Up ahead, they saw her posh figure waiting for them. She wore a splendid white cloak that did not show even the most remote trace of dirt or grime. “We have word of Legion World,” she said.

“Finally!” said Kent. For a moment he looked relieved but then looked at her with worry. “And?”

“And its been saved,” she said with a smile. “Your Legionnaire brethren and some allies have saved the day.”

“That could be just what we need…” he said.

“They’re much too far away of course. If they were to try and get here, we’d all be dead when they did, even with teleporting.”

“I know that,” he said matter-of-factly. “It’s the boost in morale that I’m counting on. Let’s spread word of this to everyone we can. See if it can give those that are running on fumes a little something extra to win the day.”

She nodded. “Excellent. Unless help arrives we’ll all be screaming soon enough. But if we can keep up the delay efforts, we may just make it through this yet.”


The entire planetside of Weber’s World was now consumed by attackers. Elsewhere, two other Space Knights helped assist in the fight directly in Weber’s World orbit: Tomar-Tu, one of the top commanders of the Space Knights, and Sir John, the Carrggite who now only had two bodies left, Purple and Red.

“Every one of these beasts I strike down helps relieve the pain I feel,” said Sir John Purple. He referred to the death of his brother, Sir John Blue. Where he was once as handsome and dashing as one could imagine, he now looked haggard and rough.

“I feel nothing but empty inside, brother,” said his other brother, Sir John Red, as he slashed another. “But I won’t stop killing them,” he added in anger. Red was known as the chaste one; a very spiritual brother.

Suddenly, Space Ranger flew right through them, smashing into two oncoming wyverns. “Watch your backs, Knights!” he yelled. “We’re not ready to lose you two as well!”

The two Johns looked at each, realizing they both almost ended up like their brother. “He’s right John,” said Purple. “Let’s see this day through, for Blue’s sake.”

As the other nodded, they heard a loud scream some distance away. It was one full of pain and suffering, obviously the victim of an attack.

It was Tomar Tu; who had placed himself directly on the frontlines. He was a Xudarian, renowned for his courage and selflessness. Among the Space Knights, he had risen to the rank of Lieutenant Commander, second only to Cobalt Kid and Eryk Davis Ester. It was he who volunteered to bring the Fellowship safety across into the Dark Oval. It was he who ordered the Space Knights to defend Weber’s World at all costs. And it was he who paid the ultimate price.

He fell slowly downwards towards Weber’s World; his body was lifeless and the blast that tore him apart had at least caused him no lingering pain.

Space Ranger flew at top speed and scooped him up, but as various heroes turned praying for some glimmer of hope, Space Ranger’s face said it all.

“Farewell, noble one,” said Space Ranger, flying down to place the fallen hero somewhere where his body would not be desecrated.


The battle continued to rage, and many more would fall.

Re: LMB Novella: The Lord of the Oval
#119707 07/19/12 12:04 PM
Joined: Jul 2003
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The Border of the Dark Oval and the United Planets

Shark Lad poured himself another glass of chum. In the days since Lolita had left on her mission, he had scarcely left the chambers he had shared with her but, now, in the dead of night, he had made his way to the commissary. It was well-stocked, but devoid of others, so Shark Lad was left alone with his thoughts. He glanced at his reflection in the mirror above the bar.

“Sprock, I look like crap,” he murmured.

Shark Lad sighed deeply. He chugged down his glass of chum. Wiping his mouth with his hand, Shark Lad stood and walked across the commissary towards the exit. Before he could reach it, a familiar voice broke the silence.

“I thought I might find you here,” said Timber Wolf.

“Just leaving,” Shark Lad said flatly.

“Not so fast, Sharky. C’mon, you’ve been in hiding for days.”

“I wasn’t hiding.”

“Then what were you doing?”

“What do you care, dog?” Shark Lad growled.

“Forget it. I was just trying to help.”

“Help? Now you want to help? Where the sprock were you when Lolita agreed to go on that suicide mission?”

“Hey, don’t blame me for that. Lolita’s a big girl. She knew what she was taking on.”

Shark Lad grabbed Timber Wolf by the throat. “Did she? Did she really? Lolita’s never killed before!”

“Get off me,” Timber Wolf spat, knocking Shark Lad’s hand away. “Lolita’s never killed? But, all those years with Cobie, I figured for sure she’s been involved in wetwork before.”

“She’s not like you and me. She’s…” Shark Lad’s voice trailed off.

“Sprock it, Sharky, I really didn’t know. The way she carries herself, I guess I didn’t think she was—“

“Why not?” Shark Lad interrupted. “Why shouldn’t somebody still have some innocence left? Me – I kill people just for looking at me funny. And you? Do you even remember the first time you offed somebody?”

“Of course I do. You don’t forget something like that. It… changes you, in ways you’d never think.”

“Sprockin’ look at us. The master assassin and the perfect killing machine – it should be one of us out there with Zhiya.”

“Why didn’t you go?” Timber Wolf asked.

“I don’t go where I’m not asked. Besides, can you see my 500 pound ass on that kind of mission? I’m not exactly stealth.”

Timber Wolf stifled a laugh. “No, I guess not.”

“Even if she comes back in one piece, she’s not gonna be the same.”

“No, she won’t be.”

“This better be worth it.”

Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water...
Re: LMB Novella: The Lord of the Oval
#119708 07/19/12 08:35 PM
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Weber's World

Hrun laughed heartily. “I could not have heard you right my young friend!” He boomed to C.J. Taylor over the intercom. “Please say that again.”

“I said that we are coming up on Weber’s World. I also said that I was heading down to medical to make sure that everything is ready for when we land. I want to get Dev’s body off the ship and to safety as soon as we land.”

“Very well then, I will be coming to the bridge shortly.”

CJ ran through the halls. He wanted to see his friend one more time before they entered the fight.”

He opened the door to medical and the Doctor greeted him. “Hello Mr. Taylor. Your friend’s body is all ready for transport. You can go in if you would like. The capsule has a covering that can be activated once we land to save your friends from seeing the damage he sustained.”

“Thank you Doctor,” CJ said as he opened the door to where Dev Em’s body was.

He sat down on the single chair left in the room. He looked at his friend and sighed. “I know we didn’t know each other that well Dev, but I’m glad I was able to get to know you a little better on this trip. I feel…”

His words stopped as he heard Hrun bellow that they were dropping out of light speed and approaching Weber’s World fast.

“Well buddy, I’ll see you on the other side one day.”

He felt the ship decelerate a little and stood up to start moving the body to the hold, so it could be transported off as quickly as possible.

He placed his hands on the controls of the cart that the capsule sat on and screamed and threw himself back against the wall when he saw Dev’s eyes open.


The Doctor rushed into the room as soon as he heard CJ scream.

He was greeted with Dev EM holding C.J. Taylor by the neck, his feet lifted off the ground. “What in the…” he was cut off by a blast of heat vision through his head.

The Doctor slumped to the floor and CJ took the opportunity to wriggle free.

Dev Em groaned and that’s when CJ noticed that his eyes were completely black. There was no white or color to them.

“I don’t sprockin believe it!” CJ said as he ran as fast as he could out of Medical.

There were several of Hruns crew coming down the hall when CJ yelled for them to go get help..

The wall exploded behind him and Dev came crashing out into the hallway. It was obvious that whatever was animating his body was not fully in control yet, but it was gaining more and more control every minute.

The crew members pulled their weapons and ran towards the former LMB member.

CJ continued to run towards the bridge. “Hrun! We have a problem! As soon as you dropped out of light speed, something reanimated Dev. He’s loose and extremely powerful.

He heard screams behind him. He did not stop to look back though.

CJ heard Hruns answer as he ran for his life. “Get away from him if you can lad. I have men on the way. We are entering the atmosphere now. It’s going to get really bumpy in a minute.”

CJ came to a flight of stairs and started going up them three at a time. He was suddenly thrown to the ground as the ship lurched hard to his right.

Hrun was laughing over his communicator. “That wasn’t expected. CJ, prepare for a crash landing…we just lost our main engine, it will be a while before the others can be brought up…and nowhere near in time.”

CJ looked around frantically for somewhere to brace himself. He raced out of the stairwell and into the security area. He found a chair and strapped himself in.

“MEN!!! We are going down. Prepare yourselves for battle and get to the pods! Launch as soon as you are ready, and be prepared to fight like you have never fought before!”

CJ could hear howls of the men as they ran through the halls to suit themselves up. They were ramping themselves up for the fight to come. This is what they lived for, and they would gladly die…as long as it was in a fight.

As he sat there, he realized that Hrun was singing a song over the ships PA system. That meant he was planning on going down with the ship. He cursed under his breath, and ran to where they had the Emissary’s body (the mind was absent.)

He hit a few buttons and the cell disappeared, to be ejected to the nearest facility on Weber’s World.

After that he ran as fast as he could, as he was being tossed around as the ship took hit after hit from Ghouls and others fighting. He finally made his way onto the bridge to see Hrun and a handful of crew members plotting the best course they could to take out as many of the ghouls as they could. They had found a portion of Weber’s World that seemed to be a staging ground for the ships hat they had been able to land.

“We land there boys!” Hrun bellowed.

The crew members cheered and ran to their posts.

“What can I do?” CJ asked.

Hrun turned and smiled from ear to ear. “HOLD ON TO SOMETHING!!!” He said in the loudest voice that CK had ever heard.

Active LMB character is still Beast Boy.

Re: LMB Novella: The Lord of the Oval
#119709 07/19/12 08:37 PM
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Weber's World

Saturn Girl was watching what was happening. Redirecting some forces out of the way, and others she sent to help.

“Kar Em. Space Ranger. I need both of you in sector 46 now. Whatever you’re doing can wait. Hrun is here and his ship is going down.”

“On my way.” Space Ranger shot back.

“That means Dev Em should be with them…” Kar Em said, “can you patch me through to him?”

“I’m sorry Kar, but I cannot register his thoughts.” She said to him through their mind link. She could not tell him the truth just yet…she was fighting back the tears in her eye, and trying to keep her thoughts from broadcasting out.

If this got out now, it could reverse the moral boost they had all gotten that Leegion World was safe.

“What aren’t you telling me young lady?”

Saturn Girl tried harder to figure out what was happening on the ship. That’s when she caught a glimpse into what was occupying the mind of the man who had once been her team-mate.

“…oh dear…” she said as she fell forward a little, catching herself on the console in front of her.

Spellbinder looked over at her, “are you alright…” and then she knew. Tears welled up in her eyes. She thought quickly.

“Kar Em. Whatever you see. Whatever you hear. Know that that is not your son.” She said to him as he saw the ting that had once been his son coming towards him.

“By the gods…what happened to you boy”


Space Ranger flew past Hruns ship as it plowed through buildings toward it’s target.

“HOLD ON LADS!!!” Hrun bellowed as he hit a button on his console.

CJ felt the world drop out from under him as they were ejected from the ship.

Space Ranger had plotted their trajectory and found that Hruns plan was solid, and there were no innocents in the path of destruction.

He raced and caught the bridge portion of the ship and set it down.

Hrun and his crew shot out and ran from the ship screaming about glory and honor while racing towards the heaviest of the fighting that they could find.

Space Ranger poked hi head in the ship, “you okay in here?” He asked CJ, who was still sitting staring out where the view-screen had once been.

“Yeah. I’m alright.”


Kar Em braced himself for the hit and rolled with it. Throwing the ghoul that had been his son to his left. By the gods…the boy is like ice.

“That’s because your son is not in there anymore Kar.” Saturn Girls voice echoed in his head.

“I realize that young lady. Just give an old man a minute to process that his son is now an undead creature.”

“I’m so sorry, I just…”

“It’s quite alright. We are all under tremendous stress right now,” he said as he blocked a series of punches.

One connected to his right cheek, and he felt a tooth crack.

“Grife boy, I hate to do this,” he said as he struck back, knocking the ghoul off balance.

Heat vision caught Kar Em off guard and there was a burn across his chest.

“Sloppy old man,” he said to himself as he launched and tackled his son.

Dev Em used the momentum and drove Kar Em through a series of buildings.

Kar Em would have been fine any other day, but the strain of the fighting had taken it’s toll on him. He was battered and bruised when they finally hit the ground.

“Ranger! I need you over here now!” He yelled.

As he waited for Space Ranger to arrive, they traded blows. One shattered all the glass in a three mile radius. It also broke Kar Ems left arm and fractured three of his ribs.

“Damned sloppy,” he mumbled to himself.

He took off, trying to get a moment to regroup.

That’s when he realized he was becoming weaker again. “Not now…not another red sun radiation spewing monster.”

Then it stuck him. A way to end this.

“RANGER! Stay back and fire your heat vision on this spot!”

“But I’ll hit you as well.”

“So be it young man. This one cannot be allowed to continue its rampage.”

Saturn Girl listened to everything, and reacted with the speed of thought.

“Beagle Boy, follow my lead and run as fast as you can…NOW!”

With Beagle Boy on the way, she set her thoughts to another member of the LMB.

Space Ranger heard the command and fired his heat vision towards Kar Am and the possessed body of Dev Em.

Beagle Boy saw the beam hurtling towards them as he raced across the city.

He was not going to make it…


That’s when he was both Dev Em and Kar Em go flying backwards. Kar Em pushed with everything he could as the shotgun blast ripped through his sons body and into the armor he was wearing.

Beagle Boy grabbed Kar Em and was half a mile away when the Heat Beam hit and incinerated the weakened body of Dev Em.

Rickshaw frowned a little. “Nevah want to have to do that again,” he said and turned around to fire at some other ghouls that had been attracted by all the noise.

Kar Em fell to his knees, and Beagle Boy was leaning over panting.

“You did good son,” Kar Em said as he looked at Beagle Boy. “Thank you for saving this old fools life.”

Beagle Boy looked over at the husk that was once Dev Em. ‘I…”

Saturn Girl all but blitzed his mind with other things that needed to be done. Beagle Boy nodded and ran off. He was fighting back tears at what he had seen.

Space Ranger landed next to Kar Em. “I’m so sorry for…”

“It’s alright lad. What’s done is what had to be done. The young lady showed me what happened out there, what happened to him. That wasn’t him…he’s gone.”

Space Ranger helped Kar Em up and took him to a medical facility.

CJ Taylor found Rickshaw and set out with him to get to the command base to tell the others everything he knew.

Active LMB character is still Beast Boy.

Re: LMB Novella: The Lord of the Oval
#119710 07/19/12 11:48 PM
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Space near Weber’s World

A few undead couldn’t keep Stella Ah down.

Unfortunately, she faced nowhere near “a few”. Stella had been fighting for what seemed like hours. She had gotten turned around and now had no idea what direction Weber’s World was. All she saw was enemies all around her in the darkness of space. She suspected that during the fighting she had been pushed further and further inside the enemy army. Her bob of hair was unruly now, her cape torn. From far away, she looked like a little yellow glowing speck of light within a huge dark grey cloud.

Only her glowing force field kept her safe. Her brother had never understood their powers. As a scientist, Stella was starting to figure it out. The glow around her was a shield that protected her from harm. It made her seem invulnerable. It also made her seem super strong but really it was her force field that she pushed with as she threw a zombie into a crowd of skeletons. By pushing her force field out through her hands she could fire blasts … shattering more skeletons. Her force field even reflected light. This seemed to pain most of the lesser zombies that floated around her in space. Every once in a while a stronger one would get close enough to hurt her. Then she’d smash its face in.

But she was getting tired, and the more she was pushed into the crowd, the less light her force field had to reflect. It was only a matter of time before she was overwhelmed by the horde.

She started to doubt herself. “This wasn’t a very strong showing for my LMBP tryout.” She said with a frown.


“STOP!” Disaster Boy shouted as the Drinking Buddies flew towards the huge mass of the invading army.

One by one the Drinking Buddies slowed to a stop. Atomik was last, he was always at the front of the pack as if he couldn’t contain his speed, or didn’t want to.

“What is it?” The stone-faced Nike asked directly. Her stone sword was out. She seemed thirsty for battle.

Nam’Lor patted Disaster Boy on the back roughly. He was trying to be encouraging but his enormous figure dwarfed Disaster Boy.

“I have something to tell you.” Disaster Boy said in a meek voice.

“I lied.”

“Go on little Disaster, Nam’Lor is here.” The big guy behind him said.
Disaster Boy sighed and continued. “We’re not on a mission to search and destroy the leadership of the army, I am.”

Atomik and Kid Gravity looked confused, they turned to Nike, the statue just shrugged her shoulders … her wings rising and falling.

“I was held captive by a … creature … called Titus. He did horrible things to me, made me DO horrible things.” Disaster Boy swallowed hard and looked away in shame unable to meet their eyes.

“He’s out there. I know it. I won’t let him do to any other LMBP’er what he did to me. So … I begged Nightcrawler to let me find him, to let me take him out. Nightcrawler said no. So, I asked if I could do a recon mission to find where he was, where all the leadership of the army were. It made some sense, he knows that I am skilled at subterfuge. He consented but, only if I took some help. Then I asked who I could take and he said everyone was busy repelling the horde, injured, or running support services.”

“Then I asked for you.” Disaster Boy paused looking at Nam’Lor, the Minotaur, Kid Gravity, Nike, and Atomik.

“Nightcrawler said ‘ok.’”

They group floated in space, as Disaster Boy’s story sank in.

“Ah, Yes …. You knew we would never come for a simple recon mission. A calf’s mission!” The Minotaur joked after several moments.

“I warn you, I warn you all, Titus is dangerous. He could kill us all.” Disaster Boy replied in seriousness. “Pray we don’t find him.”

“Do we look like the type that pray?!” Kid Gravity said with a smile, and gestured to his revealing outfit.

"It's not like we are LMB or anything." Atomik said with some disdain. He had been rejected twice on account of his attitude. He was used to being a planetary champion, a diva, not a team player."We don't have to do what they say!" He finished petulantly.

“If this Titus is as dangerous as you say … then we MUST decapitate him!” The stone warrior woman said with a voice like an avalanche. Her fist shook with her sword inside it.

Nam’Lor smiled “See … that wasn’t a disaster, Nam’Lor told you Disaster Boy.”

Atomik crossed his muscular arms “Hey … how did you know?” He pointed to Nam’Lor.

“Nam’lor have very very good ears like mouse!” Nam’Lor said with a self-satisfied grin.

The man-bull asked “BAH! Where IS this cretin?” in a loud boast.

Disaster Boy pointed toward the huge army laying in wait, as it rained down invaders on Weber’s World. He pointed to the center, deep within the horde. “I can feel him.”

“Grife.” The Minotaur cursed. Then he undid his cloak so it fell down his back like a cape. He held his Large axe out to the side and said.

“This looks like a job for Taur-El.”

The man-bull flew off toward the center off the army of ghouls, zombies, skeletons, and monstrosities. The rest of the Drinking Buddies followed suit. Kid Gravity and Atomik raced to catch up with Taur-El, the Nike spread her wings, and Nam’Lor flew behind with Disaster Boy.

They acted like this was some mad adventure, like riding a roller coaster. Disaster Boy thought it was more like jumping off a cliff.

Re: LMB Novella: The Lord of the Oval
#119711 07/20/12 01:03 AM
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The edge of our Universe

The end of the universe was indescribable. Power Boy focused his eyes at the edge of space and for a moment he saw blinding white colliding with the onrush of stellar gasses and the night of space. Power Boy’s eyes were quickly directed elsewhere, it was hard to focus on that which was not yet made.

Space as we know it, was always moving, pushing outward, more and more rapidly. Standing at the edge, gave even an invulnerable immortal a feeling of intense sea-sickness.

“What do you see Power Boy.” Ameratsu asked in his electronic voice. “My eyes can not process the information they are receiving. I see only a rush of data outwards but, no data beyond that.”

Power Boy responded “That is more or less what I see, except I see the crush of reality against the not yet with my enhanced sense of the cosmos. It is … not easy to describe. It is like seeing the tide but not the beach it crashes against.”

Power Boy waited at the edge, his muscular frame once again filled his skin tight black costume to bursting.

The silver wolf Trickster paced back and forth impatiently.

“It’s time uncle Trickster.”

“Are you sure about this” the wolf replied.

“We should have done it earlier. Begin.”

With that, the wolf’s figure flashed and faded, it grew and reshaped until it was a tall lean man, naked from the waist up, with iridescent skin, shining in the light of space. Trickster stood, a head taller than Power Boy, with lanky limbs. Above his eyes, was a silver wolf pelt worn like a headdress. It was Trickster’s true form.

The three, Ameratsu, Power Boy, and Trickster waited for a few moments … and then a shadow fell over them, dimming everything.

Trickster spread his arms wide, palms up, he bowed his head a bit to Power Boy. “It is done.”

“Let’s go.” Power Boy said with finality and raised his Mega Rod towards the edge of the universe.

BOOM! a circular portal opened. This time it was an unusual scene for a boom tube portal, there was a stillness and a light. Normal boom tubes gasped and blew winds from the vacuum between the places it opened portals.

Power Boy recognized the strangeness. Even the brave warrior god had to hold his breath as he stepped through. Trickster and Ameratsu hurried through after.

Re: LMB Novella: The Lord of the Oval
#119712 07/20/12 01:50 AM
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Space above Weber’s World

Disaster Boy had finally convinced them they would need a plan. They couldn’t just go charging into an immeasurable number of enemies. DB scratched his chin, Power Boy was good at coming up with plans, most of the LMBP were …

DB wasn’t but, He had come up with the best he could.


16 minutes later.

Dozens of asteroids, chunks of earth, large and small, barrelled into the armies of the Dark Lord that waited in space for their chance to feast on Weber’s World.

The wave of rocks split the horde and caused chaos as it smashed into unsuspecting zombies, ghouls, and skeletons. It obliterated hundreds.

More importantly the huge rocks floating through the crowds concealed 6 determined warriors as they clung to the underside of a large asteroid that moved towards the center of the army.

Nike flew around to the top of the asteroid to get a better look at the scene. She perched like a stone hawk, in between mounds of the space rock. She didn’t see anyone matching the description of Titus.

She moved her head from side to side searching. She did see a flashing speck of yellow, far away. The mass of the army was enormous, fields and fields of gross warriors floating in space.

Ships joined the armies, some of the humanoid races from various planets had joined the Dark Oval, preferring to be on the winning side of the United Planets conquest.

Monstrosities of all sizes roamed the space above Weber’s World. Dark wraiths flew around the crowds.

So far, the LMB had been able to hold off the majority of the horde. Only groups had gotten through their defenses down to the planet’s surface. Even that was wearing on them. The LMB couldn’t hold Weber’s World forever.

As Nike revolved her head around, she saw a curious thing. Nam’Lor, large and in his yellow suit … was flying away from the asteroid they were hiding under … towards the yellow flashing speck! Nike focused her vision and saw … the flashing light … was a girl, fighting alone against hundreds.

“Fraking Nam’Lor!” She said, as Kid Gravity motioned for her to follow. The Drinking Buddies flew after Nam’Lor, above an enemy army, that was now mostly confused to see 4 super-humans, a Minotaur, and statue, flying over them from out of under an asteroid.

Re: LMB Novella: The Lord of the Oval
#119713 07/20/12 08:31 AM
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Bold Flavors
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The Realm of the Dark Lord

Footstep by footstep, the two companions made their way up the never-ending hill. Their muscles tired, and their heads pounded; even their bones felt like they were screaming in pain. “Hill…?” said Cobalt to himself. “More like a mountain. One that never ends…” he added, as he turned back to help Lardy up to the next step.

Every step had to be carefully placed as the hill was compromised of a series of jagged rocks embedded into the landscape. They were sharp, and could instantly cut through leather right into skin and bone, as both Lard Lad and Cobalt Kid found out. Still, the companions moved forward slowly, step by step. At this moment, Cobalt took the lead, turning around to help his friend up when the trek became difficult. Soon, they would reverse roles, to alleviate the exhaustion and boredom of the journey.

Yet both of them felt an easy peace. The peace that comes with laying your soul bare to the other, and harboring no secrets. That type of opening up is accompanied by relief and cleansing. And they were so close now—soon enough, this journey would conclude one way or another.

“When this over,” Cobalt said to Lardy after some hours of silence, “I’d like to come back with you one day.”

“Where’s that, Des?” said Lardy, not catching what Cobalt was talking about.

Cobalt clarified, realizing he was so wrapped up in his own thoughts that for a moment he figured Lard Lad knew exactly what he was talking about. “Right before you came to Weber’s World, you told me you stopped by and saw the kids. Hugh and Helena. You were so happy when you talked about them. A happiness that is too hard to even describe. I…” he looked back, almost sheepishly as he realized this was an odd request, “…I’d like to come back with you to see them. I’d really be honored. Just to be around your kids…and see you as a father. I don’t know if I’ll ever be a father, Lardy. I’d really like to meet these two incredible people.”

Lard Lad’s face broke out into a big smile that was consumed with pride and happiness. “Des, I would be the one who would be honored. That sounds like a fantastic day. When this is all over,” he added, “let’s make a plan of it.”

They both smiled at that, and continued on. For a moment, the two considered planning that day in the future, as if they were sure there would be a future when this journey concluded. Only later did the realization set in on them that neither would probably live through this.

Later, they took another break to catch their breath. “Dinner?” asked Cobalt, nodding towards an alarming near empty pack of rations.

“We better skip it,” said Lard Lad regretfully. They were almost out of food. What little they had left they better save for when the pain became unbearable.

“I have this ongoing urge to vomit,” said Cobalt. “I think it’s the air quality here.”

“Yeah, brimstone and piss isn’t exactly filling my lungs with joy,” said Lardy.

Cobalt grinned. The gallow’s humor had always served them well and here it was one of the few things they could hold onto. “If I close my eyes for a few minutes, I can picture Nura Nal again,” he said. “I called dibs on her, right?”

“I think you called dibs on the dragon,” said Lardy with a laugh, as he rubbed his sore feet and changed some of the dressings on his cut foot. Suddenly, he stopped doing what he was doing, and listened closely. The landscape was barren but on the steep hill, their vision was cut off in several directions. “Do you hear that?”

“Yes,” said Cobalt, standing up. He had a makeshift walking stick in his hands but that was about it. “Damn this no powers bullshit…”

“Tell me about it,” said Lard Lad. “I just got ‘em back too…” he added in a whisper.

And suddenly, it was on them. A large Hellhound, the size of Cobalt, came barreling down the hillside towards them. Somehow it had gotten lost, straying from its pack and then wandering off into the distant landscape. It was the first living creature either had seen; in fact, both Lardy and Cobie had begun to think there were no living creatures in the Dark Realm.

Foam bubbled at its mouth as steam rose off from its eyelids. It was haggard and mangy, but there were finely tuned muscles underneath the dirty façade. The hellhound was starving and dying, and this was its last chance at a meal. It was kill or be killed…and instantly, all three of them knew it.

“Des, look out!” said Lard Lad, standing up with his boots off and diving into Cobalt Kid, knocking him out of the way, as the hellhound came down on them in a dive. With microseconds to spear, Lardy got Cobalt out of the way and the dog over-jumped them. “Here he comes again,” said Lardy as the two scrambled to get to their feet, both cutting their hands on jagged rocks.

“I’ve got him!” said Cobalt, choosing in that moment to run forward towards the hellhound rather than back away, to surprise it. He cocked back the staff and hurled it forward like a spear, as he had done a thousand times before as one of the premiere spearmen in the galaxies, and caught it directly in the ribcage. It went down in a fury, howling in pain. “Got ‘em,” said Cobalt relieved.

But the hellhound was full of piss and vinegar. It would not go down easy. It was starving, and it would have one last meal. It got back up and ran at Cobalt with a fury that only a dying predator has. Cobalt fell backwards in surprise and it was on him, biting down on his left forearm. Cobalt cocked back his fist and punched it as hard as he could in the snout, but it clamped down hard.

“Off him!” yelled Lard Lad, swinging a large rock down on the creature’s back. The pain was instantaneous and it caused the hound to let go of its grip, rolling over in pain.

Lard Lad pressed forward, not wanting to lose his advantage, but at that moment, his bad foot—now infected and in agony—caused him to step awkwardly, so he lost his balance for just a second. It was all the hound needed, and it turned around, now jumping towards Lard Lad to scratch out his face.

“Ugh!” yelled Cobalt, kicking it in the ribs, as he held his forearm against his side.

The kick from another direction confused the hellhound, who was now feeling the effects of the various blow.

“Rahr!” yelled Lard Lad, coming at the hound with a giant rock in his hands—cutting both hands as he hurled it—and smashing into the hellhound’s neck.

Again the beast went down. And again the beast stirred…and rose. But this time, feeling tremendous pain, it had lost the heart for battle. The prey was too difficult…he would not survive another round. The hellhound ran off howling, knowing he had failed and death would surely follow.

Lard Lad and Cobalt Kid laid on the hillside for a moment catching their breath and feeling the pain from new cuts and bruises. Neither spoke. Yet, they both shared the same thought. Pity. And empathy. For the creature who just tried to disembowel them was trying to survive the only way it knew how.

It was mangy and bent and grey and old. But it was full of fight. It would not go down. It would not die quietly.

Nonetheless, they assuredly saw it go off to its death.

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