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Re: LMB Novella: The Lord of the Oval
#119639 04/25/12 06:15 PM
Joined: Jul 2003
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Time Trapper
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Weber’s World,
The United Planets

Kar Em sat in the cockpit of the ship that Loser Lad had just emerged from. He was waiting. Letting them get their reunion out of the way. He scanned the group that was present, and was impressed by the membership that had assembled here. His son, Dev Em, was not among them. He had not expected him to be, but in the back of his mind, he had hoped.

After a few minutes had passed, he emerged from the ship.

Kent Shakespeare noticed him first, as the others were still talking with Loser Lad about what had happened on Daroon. The corner of his mouth turned up just a little, they were still hopelessly outnumbered, but every person helped.

Kent walked over to him, “It’s good to see you again Kar.”

“I, like so many others wish it was under better circumstances,” Kar Em said as he shook Kents’ hand.

Spellbinder noticed him and smiled his way. He knew most of the Weber’s World Legion members reasonably well, even though his travels did not bring him here very often. He tried his hardest to stay out of the political game now that he was retired…but things always seemed to keep him in the loop much more than he wanted to be.

“I am just here to help. I had initially stayed behind,” he told Kent as they walked towards the others, “but when we found out what was happening, I met up with your friends here and hitched a ride the rest of the way.”

“We will need all the help we can get.”

They joined the others and Loser took the job of introducing Kar Em to the others.

Active LMB character is still Beast Boy.

Re: LMB Novella: The Lord of the Oval
#119640 04/25/12 06:33 PM
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Dark Oval space

Dev Em and C.J. Taylor walked into the Doctors office and sat down at his prompting.

“You said you had something…” Dev said, questioningly.

“Several things actually,” the Doctor said. “First, the man you brought back to us is in perfect health, but with no brainwave activity of any kind. His body is functioning just fine. There is just nobody home.”

C.J. glanced over at Dev, who was slowly getting a worried look on his face. “What’s wrong?”

Dev held up a finger, “give me a minute. What else do you have for us?”

“Well good sir, since you asked, I took the liberty of running some tests on the dna samples that were on his environmental suit.”


“Yes. Yours, from when you brought him in. I knew where to look as you only used the rear air tank as a hand hold to transport him here. The second set of dna was his, from when he put the suit on in haste…got a nasty cut on his left hand, but that’s not really important.”

C.J. was about to say something when the Doctor continued, “the last set of dna is amazingly close to Mr. Em’s here. So close in fact, that most would assume that they were the same.”

Dev raised an eyebrow, “so it isn’t an exact match?”

“Not exact, but so close, that without the equipment I have here, I would have thought it yours. It is so close that you two could be different versions of the same person.”

Dev sat back in his chair.

“You don’t think…”

“Who else could it be C.J. It has to be him, and my double from Earth 4 is evil.”

“Not only that,” the Doctor said, but if I am reading his cellular structure correctly, he is quite a bit more powerful than you, and in full control of his Durlan abilities.”

C.J. glanced over at Dev Em again. He felt like he was in a sporting event, following the ball from one side of the field to the other.

“We never did see him before, the last time we encountered them. He must have been held back for some reason. It really doesn’t matter, he’s out there and he is no doubt waiting to attack us when he feels it is in his advantage.”

C. J. stood and thanked the Doctor as he and Dev exited the room.

“Do you really think that he…”

His words were cut short as the hull of the ship next to them exploded into what seemed to be a million pieces.

Active LMB character is still Beast Boy.

Re: LMB Novella: The Lord of the Oval
#119641 04/26/12 08:43 AM
Joined: Sep 2003
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Bold Flavors
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Bold Flavors
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Epsilon Sector
The Dark Oval

For the first time in a decade, Cobalt Kid felt tears streaming down his face. He thought the ability long lost—the result of this torture years earlier; he was wrong. He breathed heavily as salty, wet water blurred his vision and simply let the emotions flood out. The rage, the pain, the twisted feeling he carried with him all the time. And as he wept, he felt relief.

While Cobalt Kid lay crunched over in the sands of the Coliseum, Romaltus kneeled next to him and held his nephew, giving him support. “Let it out,” he said firmly yet softly. Romaltus looked up and the haze and mist of the arena had now cleared. All around them, the undead citizenry of Zerox had left their seats in the bleachers to descend into the arena itself. They were now mere feet away from the two Ggrrggians. Though their eyes were lifeless, there was a hunger in their movements. Romaltus gazed at them, considering his next move, and allowed himself a small smile at the turn of events. “Go,” he said softly to the undead.

With that word, the undead citizenry turned at once and began walking towards the exit. They were no longer needed here in the Coliseum. Instead, they would descend upon the dilapidated streets of Zerox and destroy Cobalt’s friends.

Cobalt’s breathing began to steady soon, though the tears continued. He felt the blood on his face from where he scratched his own cheeks and ripped out his own beard while wept. The blood was dry, and the sweat all over his body now felt cool against the chill air of Zerox. For the first time in his life, he mourned the loss of his parents. He mourned the loss of many loved ones that were now gone. Somehow along the way he simply stopped feeling those emotions. As he looked up, the last undead zombies were ushering out of the Coliseum and into the streets of Zerox. A light breeze kicked up more dust nearby, and Cobalt turned to see his uncle, patiently waiting and smiling.

Cobalt Kid felt as if a great burden had been lifted off him. For the first time in many years, he felt like himself. As the tears subsided, he gained a certain perspective of these last fifteen years. And with that, he let out a genuine, hearty laugh. Laughing at himself and laughing at the world; seeing it laid bare. He smiled back at his uncle. “There is a lot I just don’t understand anymore,” he said at last, “but I understand what you’ve done for me. Thank you, Uncle,” he added softly.

Romaltus stood up, and wiped off the dust from his robes. He then extended his hand to Cobalt, who grabbed it. It was a small hand but well used; it was covered in callus. He lifted Cobalt to his feet. “Healing is a process as you know. That was the first step. Think of it as unclogging a drain long closed up. There will be many more steps to come.”

Cobalt nodded. “I know,” he said softly. “Sometimes I’d try so hard to forget about what happened, that I’d actually convince myself those memories simply weren’t true. It gave them such a power over me. My mother, my home planet, the torture. But all that did was stop me from being free.”

“It stopped you from recognizing your potential,” said Romaltus. “What good is a healer that is so intent on being broken?”

Cobalt nodded. Romaltus truly was wise. “It all feels so dishonest now,” he said. “I couldn’t see that before.” He brushed the dirt off himself as he spoke. As he finished, he looked back at his uncle. “I’ve done some terrible things, Uncle.”

“We all have, Des,” said Romaltus. “All you can do is continue what you think is right.”

Cobalt Kid heard the words and looked out over the Coliseum, noticing it for the first time. He considered for a moment how he so abhorred violence as an expression of culture in his youth; yet he had become so good at utilizing it. His gaze caught a reflection where there was a nearby fountain. The water was running still, and he marveled at the craftsmanship. He walked over quietly and Romaltus followed, and Cobalt came to it at last. There, he looked into the water and saw his own reflection. He would be almost unrecognizable to those who only knew him from the holo-news. Long hair; a thick brown beard; scratches over his face; ragged clothing. And something else—a lack of tension in his face.

It was as he considered this, that Romaltus last words sunk in. All you can do is continue what you think is right.

“You’d have me join, Uncle.” A statement, not a question.

“Yes,” replied the older man.

“I can see in my mind the paradise you’ve described,” replied Cobalt Kid. He spoke genuinely now; between the two of them there would be no lies. “And it is truly beautiful. A place where peace reigns. Where life prospers. Where art and love can flourish unchecked by restraint. It’s a worthy goal.”

“It is.”

“But this nirvana exists because of one entity ensuring its survival. The Lord of this Paradise may even act benevolently,” said Cobalt, though his words implied this was a big if, “but so long as he is there to dictate survival with an iron hand, no one would truly be free.”

“Is that not what God does, Des? Doesn’t God exist to protect things that are good? Doesn’t God save?”

Cobalt was silent for a moment. “No,” he said, as he considered for the first time how he truly felt. “God gives you freedom. And freedom causes all kinds of pain. But you still have the choice.” He turned now to face his uncle.

His uncle looked at him, heartbroken.

“I’m sorry, Uncle,” said Cobalt. “But that is not paradise to me. That is tyranny. And the methods to achieve it, are simply not a premium I’m willing to pay.” As he spoke, Cobalt’s words were soft and his face was cheerless. It gave him no pleasure to say these words other than knowing he was being true to himself.

Romaltus closed his eyes for a moment and a lone tear ran down his cheek. “Then, I’m afraid, nephew, that you and I have come to a crossroads.”

“I know,” said Cobalt, as a tear ran down his cheek as well.

Re: LMB Novella: The Lord of the Oval
#119642 04/28/12 05:15 PM
Joined: Jul 2003
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Dark Oval Space

Dev Em reacted without thinking. He grabbed C.J. Taylor as he was already heading out into space and moved as fast as he could to get him to safety. He could not help the others being sent into the void. Things were happening too fast, even for his enhanced senses.

There were doors closing to seal off the breached area. He got to one as it was just about to close and held it open long enough to shove C.J. through the hole. He then let it slam shut.

The out rush of air was almost over. Dev felt a wave of nausea come over him as he saw one of the crew float by the gaping hole in the side of the Dragons Teeth. The thing was, he had been torn in half…and not by the forces that had ripped him from the ship.

Dev Flew out of the hole into space. He scanned quickly and saw his double floating about 40 yards away. The man was flashing an evil grin as he threw another crew member in to separate directions.

Dev Ems’ face grew grim as he began heading towards his other universe counterpart.

The Emissarys grin became a full out smile as he began towards Dev Em.

The two hit with a force that would have shattered buildings. Dev threw the Emissary as far as he could, but he was headed back towards him before he could even turn to regain his orientation. Fighting in space was a tricky thing that took years to really get used to. Dev had had those years and more, and yet this man was already on top of him again.

Dev did something he had sworn he would never do again. He shifted his mass from where the Emissary was grabbing for. The Emissary flew past a longer distance than he had though he would. He had been moving faster than Dev had thought. That would have taken a nice piece out of my body.

The Emissary turned and stayed in that spot for a moment. Good. He hasn’t lost his meager abilities. This will be more fun than I thought.

Devs’ body recovered and he watched the Emissary floating there. He saw him mouth the words. You die first. Then your friends. Then your family.

Dev Em flew in a wide arc towards the ship and headed towards the Emissary. As he passed by the ship, he could see C.J. and Hrun screaming something to him. He ignored whatever it was they were trying to tell him and focused all his energy on what he had to do.

As he gained speed, too fast for those on board to follow, he started shifting every molecule in his body. AS he approached his opponent, he became invisible to the naked eye. The Emissary would have to shift through all the spectrums to find him, and by that time…

He hit the Emissary hard. So hard that the Emissary went flying, in a doubled over state, until he hit an asteroid. The asteroid was pulverized.

Dev immediately regretted his aim, as he lost sight of his enemy. He waited several seconds and then started spinning as fast as he could, shifting his mass outwards until he hit something.

The Emissary once again went tumbling far. This time though, he vanished the other way.

Dev waited and watched him go. He went out of even Devs’ eyesight. It was only then that Dev flew back to the ship.

- - -

C. J. met him at the airlock, “are you alright?”

Dev breathed in deep. “I think so…”

“That was a nice move Dev,” C. J. said as he offered Dev some water.

“Yeah, it’s an old trick I learned back before I met the LMB. It took a lot out of me though. He’ll be back…and soon. We have to get moving, and I need to talk to Hrun and make him very unhappy.”

Active LMB character is still Beast Boy.

Re: LMB Novella: The Lord of the Oval
#119643 04/30/12 11:32 PM
Joined: Aug 2005
Posts: 22,659
Fabulous and Sparkly!
Fabulous and Sparkly!
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Somewhere between Earth and Weber's World

Time-Teller Lad was feeling a little better, he was sitting with Rockhopper Lad, Rockhopper Lass and Hyvvie. Tim was a little unsure about what had happened back on Earth-4, so the Rockhoppers were filling him in as they sped towards Weber's World.

“So what happened to the Emperor and Blaine and Tempus? Where are they?”

“Eurdyptes and Blaine had married, making Blaine a Pyngwyny citizen, so they're both being extradited to the Pyngwyn Colonies where they will probably be treated with more mercy than they would receive anywhere else in any universe” Adelie explained. “Tempus remained in custody on his Earth,”

Turning to Rockhopper Lad, Tim asked, “There's no chance of them using their powers to escape?”

“None whatsoever.”

“How can you be sure, Eudyptes?” Adelie asked.

“I'm sure. They are, all three, utterly and completely powerless.”

“What exactly happened, Eudyptes,” she pressed. “What happened to their powers?”

Rocky bowed his head, then looked up to Adelie and Tim, his red eyes sparkling as they had been since he had defeated the Emperor. “I have them. They're within me.”

They both were stunned. “What do you mean, Rocky?” Tim asked.

“I absorbed every last bit of magic out of all three of them.”

Tim shook his head. “How could you do that? I thought you could only do ice stuff!”

“Tim, the Emp—the other Eudyptes—is my double in every way. He embraced magic that I haven't, but that doesn't mean I couldn't. It's against Pyngwyny tradition to use it, but I've always had strong magic in me. Before she died, Pagan Lass bequeathed to me a small share of her powers which has lain latent since then. That was my advantage. I used her gift, plus my own powers, to drain them all dry. With all those lives at stake, it would have been a greater crime if I hadn't done it!”

“But isn't that dangerous?” Tim asked. “All that evil magic within you? What if it turns you evil? It did to your double!”

“Tim, magic is like anything else. It's not good. It's not evil. It's all in how it's used. The biggest difference between the other Eudyptes and me is even the friendships he had were based on selfish motives. I have you, Adelie, Hyvvie, Fanfie, Lardy, Cobie, Lash, all the other LMBers, not to mention my family in the Pyngwyn Colonies. You're all going to keep me honest,” Rocky winked.

“But, Eudyptes,” Adelie cried, “Those were three very powerful beings. Even with the support you have, that's an awful lot of power for one person.”

“I know. It's a lot for me to deal with. It's sometimes hard to contain. I'm sure you've noticed my eyes. They kind of stare back at me when I'm grooming my feathers.”

“Is this the time to make jokes, Eudyptes?” Adelie asked. “You could hurt yourself—or someone else unintentionally.”

He nodded. “You both know me. Answer me this honestly: Is there anyone else you would trust not to use these powers in a destructive or trivial way? You both have my word.” Rocky took Adelie's hand in his left hand and Tim's in his right. “Unless it's a dire situation in which I have no other choice, I will only use the Ice Magic and my Super-Breath.”

Adelie and Tim were both silent. They knew he was right. Rocky always kept his word.

The only character in all of literature who has been described as "badnass" while using the phrase "vile miscreant."
Re: LMB Novella: The Lord of the Oval
#119644 05/02/12 03:56 PM
Joined: Jul 2003
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Lardy managed to erect an energy shield that deflected the dragon’s next huge flume of fiery death. He noted that the shield held up but wasn’t up to par with what he was usually able to create. Between this and his not being able to teleport, he was a sitting duck high up on this mountain peak with a foe that could fly.

Shit! he thought. Is the Lard Force pissing out on me again?!?!

The dragon lunged to take him out with a bite. Lardy barely dodged and hid behind a rocky outcropping to give himself a chance to think for a second. When the dragon had first arrived, Lardy remembered, he had gotten a reading off the creature’s aura and was startled to find a void. This meant that the dragon was dead, or undead to be exact. Something else else or someone had reanimated it.

Lardy stole a glance from behind his cover as the dragon circled below him to see what had become of its prey. With this moment to study it, Lardy marveled for a moment. He’d always been fascinated by dragons all of his life. And while living on Zerox years earlier, he’d taken advantage of the Sorcerer’s World’s extensive library to read all about them. Now, having a good look, he thought he recognized this species.

A Zhornian Green, he assessed. Though in its undead state, it was a grayish black, there was no mistaking its markings from what he’d read. Most dragons were hunted to extinction by the sorcerers of Epsilon over the past few centuries. The Zhornian Greens were one of the last to fall. They had an adaptation that allowed them to disrupt magic. My inheritance from my father, the so-called ‘Lard Force’, is a kind of magical energy—that’s why it’s pissing out! I’m fucked! Unless....

Just then, the Zhornian swooped up and located him. It blasted another flume at Lardy that very nearly hit its mark.

Wasting no time, Lardy followed up on the crazy thought he’d had. He stole a peek down and surveyed the relatively smooth mountainside below. Then, he withdrew his sword and was relieved to see his power was intact enough to ignite it with the sheen of Lard Force he’d need. He’d noted that the rock that had been shielding him was relatively flat. He hoped it would do.

Seeing the dragon swooping around for another go, he cut through the rock as quickly and precisely as he could under these circumstances. He placed the cut rock on the precipice, stepped on it and pushed the makeshift ski board and himself over the edge. He prayed that all of those ski trips he’d taken random girls on over the years had developed his skills enough to save his ass!

Still "Lardy" to my friends!
Re: LMB Novella: The Lord of the Oval
#119645 05/09/12 05:28 AM
Joined: Oct 2003
Posts: 83,955
Unseen, not unheard
Unseen, not unheard
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Posts: 83,955
Weber's World

The rooms were filled with a frenzied energy as LMBPers rushed around in preparation. There were so many gathered here now; many more than were usually sent on a mission, but perhaps far too few to handle the impending invasion.

Clustered in the middle were several of the LMB leadership. Not all held elected positions, but all were respected among the membership.

Perhaps suprising to those who knew him when he was the Youngest LMBPer Ever, Invisible Brainiac was among them.

"I still don't like it," he said grimly. "I understand that Legion World can't spare anyone else, but there are barely enough of us here to fill a Mark V Star Cruiser. We've sent out messages but haven't been able to raise any allies. None of the other UP worlds are in any position to aid us." He sighed deeply, the enormity of the situation hitting him. "There aren't enough of us. Many of us might die in the defense."

"And what do you suggest we do, evacuate?" Kent Shakespeare asked calmly. He likely already knew IB's answer.

"No... No, I know we can't do that. We have nowhere nearby to go. I just don't like sending us all out into battle like this. You should let me go alone while the rest of you protect Weber's World. I can weaken the army enough to allow the rest of you a better chance planetside."

Nightcrawler let out a contemptuous laugh. "You think we can't handle it, kid?"

"You know it's not that. I respect all of you immensely. But you heard our story about the black cloud of goo. I'm the only one so far who's immune to it."

"If I remember right," Kid Prime pointed out, "you were trapped by it at the beginning of your encounter. Your powers are not a foolproof defense against it."

As IB opened his mouth to protest, Saturn Girl placed a gentle hand on his shoulder. "The LMB has always been about strength in numbers, honey. It's sweet of you to worry so, but we can take care of ourselves."

Petty Officer Marvin nodded. "Trust me, the Dark Army probably has far worse."

Blaze squeezed his lover's hand tight. "They're right, you know. Besides, it's safer than you going out there alone. What if they have another weapon you can't handle?"

IB sat down with a sigh. "I know, I know. I just can't bear to think of anything happening to any of you. We've been relatively lucky so far, but..."

There was a pointed refusal by all to look at Princess Crujectra.

IB quickly moved on. "So, the Prime Minister will accompany us in addressing the assembly tomorrow?"

Kent nodded, his demeanor carefully hiding his opinion on whether that would help or hurt their case. "She will join us in about an hour to discuss our strategy for that meeting."

"Great. So we just have to finalize our battle plan. Maybe we can assign those with defensive capabilities such as Abin Quank into different squads, to increase everyone's chances of success..."

"HEY YOU! Am I seeing things, or is little IB chairing this meeting?" came a voice from across the room.

"Pov! And Vee, and dear, dear Sketchy!" Saturn Girl exclaimed. These three stalwart LMBers had been gone a long time. The heavy discussion forgotten, everyone rose to greet the new arrivals.

Vee moved forward to shake hands with IB. "So, are you going to tell me whether Pov's crack was right? You were chairing this meeting?"

IB grinned. "I guess I was."

Vee shook his head with a smile. "And to think, just a few years ago we had to keep waking you up at the Villa cause one beer would knock you out."

Blaze tried in vain to suppress a laugh.

Seeing Vee's raised eyebrow, IB quickly suppressed the evil glare he was going to shoot at Blaze. "Oh yeah, guys, I want you to meet Blaze. He's my boyfriend." IB said that last word with a big, shy smile. "Blaze, meet Vee, Sketch, and Pantsless Lad. We call him Pov, for short."

"Hello there, Pantsless Lad," Blaze said with an outstretched hand. Pov took it and shook weakly. He looked quite ill.

"Er, is something wrong?" IB asked. "Everyone else welcomed Blaze with open arms..."

"Um, it's not that," Sketch Lad said while shuffling it's feet. "It's more like we didn't come alone..."


As the shrill scream reverberated through the room, IB expression changed into one of horror. "You didn't...!"

"What's going on, hon?" Blaze's confusion was mirrored on his face.

Before IB could answer, a slim girl about his age jumped into his arms. "I've missed you so much! We haven't talked in like, FOREVER! You little brat, you didn't even tell me you'd be leaving Legion World! I had to beg these guys to let me come along!"

"Spelling Bee. Hi."

"So, I heard you're like some kind of bigshot now! What's my role in your battle plan, huh? Whose ass do I kick with my mechanical bees? And if I do good, will you take me out to dinner after, like old times?"

"Um, Bee, I have something to tell you... I'm with someone else right now..."

Spelling Bee threw back her head and cocked it sideways, still wearing a big smile. "Well, are you married to her?"

"No, but..."

"Good!" And she patted her stomach. "Because I wouldn't want to tell your unborn child that his or her dad is a no-good cheat!"

IB's eyes very nearly popped out of his head.

Re: LMB Novella: The Lord of the Oval
#119646 05/09/12 06:19 AM
Joined: Oct 2003
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Unseen, not unheard
Unseen, not unheard
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Weber's World

As IB struggled to speak, Nightcrawler tapped a stunned Blaze on the shoulder. Blaze whispered through gritted teeth. "Not now, please!"

"Yes, now," came Nightcrawler's reply. "You're burning up the carpet."

"Oh...! I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"

IB squeezed Blaze's hand tight. "Wait, wait, wait, are you serious? The last time was way too long ago, and we were careful. You have to be kidding."

Spelling Bee held his gaze for a moment.

Then, she burst out laughing.

"GOTCHA! You should have seen the look on your face! 1-0, yay me!" She leaned over and pinched IB's cheeks. "You know you were always so careful, even after I told you I didn't care if I got pregnant!"

IB set his jaw and counted to ten slowly. "Haha, good one Bee. Hey, here's an idea. Why don't you go and get your bees ready, and later we'll have someone check them out so we can assign you to a squadron?"

"That is a GREAT idea! I'll be in the courtyard!" Spelling Bee skipped happily away, oblivious to the numerous dirty looks being shot in her direction.

IB wiped his brow and turned to face the others. "I can't believe you brought her along."

Pov was looking straight down to the floor. "Um... she's not the only one we did."

Before IB could react to that, another figure came up. Her long auburn hair swept down to her shoulders, and her form-fitting suit showed a well-toned figure. "It's been a long time."

"Oh... Sara. It's good to see you again."

Sara's voice was melodiously husky, and it was making IB sweat. "I would hope so. We haven't seen each other in a very long time."

"You look very good. I mean it. Are you... taking up any combat training?"

"Yes, but you would have known that if you'd kept in touch this past year. I did call you. A lot."

IB's hand rubbed the back of his neck. Beside him, Blaze had his arms crossed, face a mask of stone. The only things giving a hint to his emotions were the foot he'd placed somewhat awkwardly to cover the hole burnt in the carpet, and the hair on his head that was now on fire.

"Listen, Sara, we talked about this early on. We'd go out to see if things worked out, and when we talked about it, they weren't quite going well. We never actually entered a committed relationship."

"Maybe we didn't. But I still gave myself to you. Don't worry though... I'm not shameless enough to claim that I have your child just to get your attention." Sara turned to walk away at that point, then stopped.

"You're not the only one who left me, you know. My sister did too, after she taught me the basics of fighting and espionage." She turned to face IB once more. "I never did find out why she died. And all you could tell me was that she'd taken the name Danger Damsel." She took a step closer to IB. "But I always knew her as Anne."

IB closed his eyes. He could still remember Sara clinging to his chest and crying as they lowered Anne's coffin into the ground. Sara's tears stained his shirt before being washed away by the rain.

"Sara, please... I don't exactly know what happened either. Even though I was part of the Office of Security. I told you that we should ask Cobalt Kid..."

"Like I'd get a good answer from him. And I think you're just like him. I can't get any good answers from you, either." She turned around again and began to walk away. "Just be glad we have a common enemy now. You do not want to be facing me in battle."

As she walked out the door, IB slowly collapsed in his char. Everyone around him was silent, and had stepped away from him and Blaze. Part of this was because of the awkwardness of the situation, and part of it was because Blaze was now a walking bonfire.

Vee spoke up gently. "I'm sorry, IB. We didn't know they'd react this... intensely."

IB heaved a sigh. "No, no, it's okay... we need them to fight for us. Don't worry about my personal life." He forced a big smile.

Nightcrawler whispered in his ear. "Good try, kid. But it might be more believable if you weren't glowing so brightly."

IB looked at his arm in surprise. No wonder everybody was looking at him. He mentally chastised himself as he lost the glow.

"Ah... Maybe we should take a break. Let's meet up with the Prime Minister in half an hour?" Saturn Girl suggested tactfully. Everyone nodded in agreement and headed off.

IB turned to face Blaze. "Honey..."

Blaze turned away. "You used to call them that too? Maybe that's what you call everyone, in case you forget their names."

IB jolted back like he had been slapped. "Blaze baby... Don't be like that, please..."

"So you really thought you'd made that... that... creature... pregnant?"

"Please don't be upset about that. You've done the same with your ex-boyfriends AND ex-girlfriends both..."

Blaze jerked his head back. "But they WERE my exes! From what I'm hearing, neither of those two girls were!"

"We've talked about this, please. I told you... It's different when I'm with you. With other people, it's just physical. With you, it's so much more special. If there's anyone who could make me monogamous..." IB took Blaze's hands in his, ignoring the heat from the fire. He looked right in Blaze's eyes. "It's you."

"Oh..." Blaze teared up as his flame went out. He looked right into IB's eyes. "I... I believe you."

IB smiled. "I love you so much."

"I love you so much too," Blaze replied as he leaned in for a kiss.

Most of the LMBPers in the room couldn't help but notice the two lovebirds. A collective sigh of happiness rose up.

Beagle Boy leaned in to whisper to Jerry. "Looks like IB's learned a lot from Cobie, alright."

Jerry whispered back, "Maybe he's one of his demonic offspring, too."

Blacula sighed. "And he used to be so young and innocent. Now he's all grown up."

Last edited by Invisible Brainiac; 02/04/14 04:32 AM.
Re: LMB Novella: The Lord of the Oval
#119647 05/09/12 06:33 AM
Joined: Oct 2003
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Unseen, not unheard
Unseen, not unheard
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Weber's World

An exhausted IB very nearly crawled out of the meeting room. The assembled LMBPers and their politician supporters had dissected their plan of attack sideways, front and back. They'd finally decided to call it a night.

As he trudged up the stairs to the room he shared with Blaze, he paused as he almost collided with a beautiful figure. She paused in shock, then muttered a quick apology and turned to leave.

Before she could, IB asked tenderly. "Princess, how are you? I... trust I haven't done anything to make you mad?"

Her beautiful face lit up in a small smile. "Oh sweetie, no... It's not you." She stepped closer to him. "Although I find it weird calling you sweetie, knowing that you have apparently been much more precocious than any of us ever imagined. I never did imagine that you'd actually USE the fishnet shorts we gave you as a joke."

IB blushed. "Well, you've seen Blaze. I had to be at my best." He cleared his throat as his cheeks blushed. "Princess, I... Cobie told me you'd probably be very upset with him." He quickly continued as the Princess' mouth opened. "Please, I bet you've probably been avoiding me because you don't really want to talk about him. You know he's safe, and that's enough for you right now because you're having mixed emotions. You love him still, but you're also really mad and disappointed at him, right?"

The Princess' mouth closed, and she stepped back a bit. "Now I see how you managed to get all three of them to fall in love with you. You always were very astute." Her face softened as she let some of her weariness show. "Please, I... I cannot allow myself to be distracted. We walk a fine tightrope right now. On one side is the Dark Oval's Army, on another is the Assembly. We can't even be sure we can trust all of them."

IB nodded. "I understand, Princess. But please, I know it must be hard on you. At least let me tell you one thing."

She fixed her serene eyes on his. "And what is that?"

IB stepped forward to gently squeeze her hand. "Cobalt Kid loves you very much. And he truly does care what you think. Believe me, I've never seen him worry so about anyone else's opinion. It's not easy for him too. Please, just remember that."

The Princess couldn't help but smile. "I know." She fell silent for a moment, and IB thought he could see moisture glisten on her face. She maintained composure all throughout, though. "Now, young one... we must go and rest. We have a big battle ahead of us tomorrow in the chambers." Taking his hand in hers, she smiled. "And thank you, sweetie."

IB smiled, and then they parted ways, walking silently along the moonlit corridors. Alone, yet not truly alone.

Re: LMB Novella: The Lord of the Oval
#119648 05/09/12 01:40 PM
Joined: Sep 2003
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Bold Flavors
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Epsilon Sector
The Dark Oval

The two of them stood there quietly for a moment, basking in each other’s presence for what they knew was one last time. Uncle and Nephew. Healer and healed. Kindred spirits. Blood enemies.

The air grew brisk as if to exemplify the mood around them. Cobalt Kid felt a tremendous longing in his heart—longing for a better world than the one he lived in now. But Romaltus’ way would not get them there. So it was to end the way Cobalt knew it would before he ever set foot in the Dark Oval. Despite all that happened…despite how much Romaltus had done for Cobalt in such a short time…they would have to fight to the death.

A tear quietly rolled down Romaltus cheek as he looked Cobalt Kid directly in the eyes. He felt equally as sad. Because he tried hard—harder than he’d ever tried anything before—to save Cobalt. And he failed.

A quiet thought lingered in Cobalt’s mind a moment. No one ever loved me like Romaltus before. Unconditionally. Protectively. Like a parent should. And a tear rolled down Cobalt’s cheek before—a warm, salty tear that felt so good to be released.

The two began to back away from one another slowly, taking each other’s measure as they did so, forcing themselves to see the other with a different set of eyes. A combatant’s eyes. “I wish you could see the world like I do, nephew,” Romaltus spoke, trying one last time.

“So do I,” said Cobalt, his voice hardening a little as he spoke. He knew he had to force himself to be the battle-hardened, calculating person he had been for a long time. Yet, after what felt like sweet progress, it hurt.

It happened in mere moments, though to either one it felt like an eternity. Romaltus acted first, throwing aside the façade of being an old man weathered and slowed down by age; he ran forth at Cobalt with a dagger slipping underneath his sleeve, and a whisper coming from his lips. <font face="Harlow Solid Italic"> “Crucio.” </font f> He’d spent decades on the Sorcerer’s World—there was no end to the knowledge he’d amassed.

Cobalt felt pain rip through every inch of his body mere moments after the awareness of the coming attack sent in. The pain caused him to involuntarily surge forward and grab downwards, leaving his body exposed.

Romaltus was on him in seconds with the dagger plunging forward, aimed right for the chest to pierce Cobalt’s heart. His smile was gone now, replaced with the determined look of one who knows what needs to be done for the greater good.

Cobalt was falling into it when he found his moment of clarity. A small part of him considered if dying was such a bad thing. But then Romaltus own words about death came back to him. It’s cowardly. It’s an excuse to stop trying. Romaltus was many things, and more often than not, he was right. The words cleansed him before and they reinvigorated him now.

As the blade came inch by inch forward through the air, Cobalt’s will returned. He reached out through the pain and grabbed the old man, pulling him closer. At that same moment he used his magnetism and turned the blade upwards, strait into the air. Micro-seconds passed as if the two were in a dance, each an active participant that included one other: fate.

At last, the blade sliced through Cobalt’s chest upwards…turning as if counter-clockwise…and then backwards…and lounged itself into the coming throat of the old man as he fell forward.

They fell; Cobalt backwards on his back and Romaltus on top of him, the dagger deep in his throat. Dark red blood rushed outwards over Cobalt’s chest and abdomen, as Romaltus gurgled blood. Cobalt looked strait up at the dreary sky for a moment, considering what just happened and letting it register for the first time. He breathed heavy for only a moment, before rolling over—Romaltus onto his back, and Cobalt to his knees, leaning over him. As he did so, he used his hands to gently set the old man down, and the action caused the red blood to run right over them, staining them darkly.

Realization set in for them both and the moment of aggression passed. Romaltus looked up at his nephew as the blood ran downwards his neck and into his chest, and his breathing was belabored. It had directly pierced the jugular. He stared at Cobalt and the warmth returned to his eyes.

“Uncle…I’m so sorry…” said Cobalt, and once again, hot tears ran down his cheeks. His aim had been too true. A direct hit to the jugular with that much damaged was far beyond the healing powers of either one of them.

“No, nephew…it is I who is sorry….” he started to say.

Cobalt felt his words struggling to come out. He struggled to catch his breath. All of a sudden he felt so damn tired. “Th…Th-thank y-you…” he said in almost a whisper, as he leaned forward.

The old man looked back at him with that familiar smile. Romaltus could only whisper now. “N-nephew…” he began. “N-nephew…know that…know that…I love you….”

Cobalt knew. He knew right then and there for the first time in his life beyond the shadow of a doubt he was loved. He knew it as Romaltus died in his arms, bringing an end to their opposition. Cobalt held him, letting the blood soak into his clothes and hands. The tears continued and Cobalt began to sob. He cried as he never did before and screamed upwards at the clouds. Many of his loved ones had gone un-mourned over the years. He would mourn for Romaltus.

For many minutes he continued on. And at long last, when the sobbing began to subside, he looked down at the man who assuredly had saved him from himself. “I loved you too.”

Re: LMB Novella: The Lord of the Oval
#119649 05/17/12 04:14 PM
Joined: Jul 2003
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Time Trapper
Time Trapper
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Elsewhere on Zerox

"Whoo-HOOOOOOO! COWABUNGA!!!" Lardy yelled as he plunged down the steep snowy mountainside, an undead dragon in hot pursuit behind and above him. The exhiliration Lardy felt was welcome as it overrode the overhwelming fear he should be feeling with death awaiting him with one wrong turn or a direct hit of dragonfire.

A he plunged down at unimaginable speeds, Lardy's mind worked just as fast as he aimed what blasts he could manage to create turns sharper than his feet could manage when he frequently needed to deflect his path from an obstacle he saw. These same course corrections often had the side effect of dodging the dragon's latest blast of fire.

The steepness of the mountainside created enough speed to his descent that it made it impossible for the Zhornian Green to overtake him. Though it was fierce and voluminous in its fire output, it was a very large species and not particularly fast.

If he made it all the way down, however, the initial problem he had would be renewed. Lardy would be exposed out in the open with the dragon's adaptation still inhibiting his powers in its proximity. The weak blasts Lardy could still manage had already proven ineffective against the monster. He'd have to plan ahead, or he wouldn't live long enough to tell Cobie about this exercise in exteme snow-surfing!

Lardy looked down and saw something that might just have a snowball's chance in hell of working. He looked back and saw that the dragon might just be a little too far behind to make the timing just right. He needs to be closer, Lardy thought. So he fired a pulse blast of his energy in front to slow himself a little. He looked back and saw the dragon gaining.

In the distance he saw the upward-curving cliff he'd observed approaching. Behind him hot flames burned so close that blisters raised up on his back.

Shit! he thought. If I'm off on this angle, I'm either charcoal, dragon chow or a red smear on the countryside! As he approached the cliff, he shrugged then grinned and yelled, "SWEET ASS SWEET!!!"

Again at full speed, Lardy hit the cliff and followed through on his makeshift surfboard as it curved upward. Everything went into slow motion in Lardy's enhanced senses. He let the surfboard fall and then grabbed his knees to pinwheel as his momentum continued to carry him momentarily upward. Below him, he could see the dragon catching up to where it would have been if Lardy had continued his descent. And then, all at once, Lardy'd upward momentum ceased and he fell downward, landing right on the dragon's neck. Before it could fully register its rider and try to shake him off, Lardy withdrew his sword from its scabbard, energized it with as much Lard Force as he could manage and plunged it straight into the monster's neck.

The Zhornian Green howled and crashed bellyfirst into the mountainside, Lardy holding on to the sword still wedged in the neck for dear life as the momentum carried them down the still-steep and slippery slope.

The dragon wasn't killed (or killed again), Lardy reasoned. Only a blow to the brain would do that. But for now, it was all he could manage to hang on with all the gees they were pulling, and the head was still a long, looong way up the part of the neck he hung onto.

Then, suddenly, Lardy had an instinct that he couldn't explain. As he hung onto the sword buried into the beast's neck, he felt a connection to what was driving the undead creature. Lardy closed his eyes and pushed what Lard Force he could manage through the sword and into the dragon. And as he did so, he felt he could pour more and more energy in. He felt then that he could now teleport off if he wanted to, but he resisted and continued with what he was doing instead.

Eyes still closed, Lardy could feel the dragon's aura changing, becoming vibrant. If anyone were observing, he would notice the dragon's cold gray scales transform into a bright, beautiful green hue. Smiling, Lardy withdrew his sword from the dragon's neck and watched as the wound healed itself.

The dragon flapped its wings and rose to a light glide. It no longer seemed to mind having Lardy on its back.

"Can you put me down now, girl?" Lardy said to the dragon gently. Somehow, Lardy knew then that the dragon was female.

Moments later, she landed in the flat plain below the mountainside and let Lardy dismount. She leaned down and allowed Lardy to stroke the side of her head.

"Don't know exactly how I did it, girl, but I was able to bring you back from undeath. I'm glad you're grateful because that trick left me too drained to teleport!" She made a soft noise almost like a purr. "It just felt like the right thing to do."

Just then, another smaller dragon came toward them from the distance, this one a yellowish color.

Lardy's dragon seemed unconcerned, but Lardy drew his sword. As it came for a landing, it shifted into the more familiar form of Juj the Durlan.

"There you are!" Juj said with a smile. "I came after you when you didn't respond to the chronometer alarm.

Lardy glanced at his chronometer. It was showing almost negative fifteen minutes. When it hit zero, Lardy, Juj, Power Boy and Ameratsu were supposed to regroup and find Tempest and Cobalt. Lardy had been a bit to busy to notice it had expired.

"Crap!" Lardy exclaimed. "And neither Temp nor Cobie signalled?"


"Then, let's get outta here!"

Lardy, still to weak for a 'port, prepared to climb on Juj for transportation when the Zhornian Green growled.

They glanced over, and Juj said, "I think she doesn't want to let her pet human go."

The dragon bent her neck down, and the two recognized her intent.

"Looks like we're riding in style, Juj!"

Juj and Lardy climbed aboard, and the three took off, the dragon knowing instictively where Lardy wanted her to go.

Lardy grinned ear to ear and thought, Des is gonna be so jealous!

Still "Lardy" to my friends!
Re: LMB Novella: The Lord of the Oval
#119650 05/29/12 04:09 AM
Joined: Sep 2011
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Weber's World

"Invisible Brainiac!" a voice called out behind him.

He turned trying to hold in a sigh, he really needed to get some rest.

Angdar Fel approaching him from the opposite way. The moonlight peeking through the feathers of his wings. "How can I help you..." geez, just met him...his name is... "...Angdar?" he said without missing a beat.

"I'm sorry to come to talk to you like this, but I needed to speak with you as soon as I heard of the plans."

"Word travels fast," IB said with a grin forming on his face, "so, what did you want to talk to me about?"

"I would like to accompany you on your mission sir," Angdar said plainly, his military training shining through. He was all but standing at attention, like he would have for a superior officer in the Thanagarian Wingmen.

"Please do not call me sir," IB said, "and I really appreciate the offer..."

Angdar didn’t wait to see what IB would say next, he took his mace from his waist and flipped it to hand it to him, handle first.

IB stopped talking and looked at the weapon curiously. He knew what it was, but why was he handing it to him. He grabbed it and was amazed at how light it felt. Then Angdar let go.

IB felt like he was holding on to the heaviest thing he had ever felt as the mace fell to the ground, leaving a small dent beneath where it hit.

"What the...?" IB said. He looked back up at Angdar. Sure he was built better than anyone he had ever seen, but there was no way that he was that much stronger than he was.

"It's Nth metal," Angdar said as he picked the mace up with what seemed to be no effort. "Most of the weapons I use are made from this material…and unless you have the proper training and," he thought for a second before continuing, "abilities, you cannot move them from where they lie. Sure, there are some who could move them, but those are few and very far between."

IB was listening as he talked, even while he kneeled to look at the ground where the mace had hit. "That's impressive, but I'm not sure that will make a difference in what we are going up against..."

"Nth metal has a strange effect over things of a ‘mystical’ nature. It somehow disrupts them when it makes contact. Outside of that, I am also trained in handling situations like the one you are going to be in. I can also offer the use of my Wingman cruiser to get us there, conserving our energies for the battle to come."

IB stood and smiled. "Very well then, welcome to the party."

"Thank you. I am here to help and to learn. Thank you for giving me this chance."

Angdar held out his hand to IB. IB took it and they shook hands. Angdar smiled, turned and headed back the way he had come, saying something about seeing him at the appropriate time to leave.

IB turned again and a smile formed on his face. A powerful young hero looking to get in on the who does he remind me of... He laughed as he began to walk down the Corridor again.

Re: LMB Novella: The Lord of the Oval
#119651 06/01/12 07:16 PM
Joined: Sep 2003
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Joined: Sep 2003
Posts: 353
Oval Space: En-route to Weber's World

Timberwolf sat in his small room as they headed for Weber's World. Kalla Hykros was lying next to him, asleep. Possibly for the first time in days.

He was feeling anxious. He wanted to be moving forward into the Oval, not going back to Weber’s World, even though he agreed to this course of action being the best. If they lost Weber’s World, the rest of the United Planets would crumble under the lack of leadership. It just wasn’t in his nature to go against where he felt he needed to be.

He was playing with his main Omnicom, going over data coming in from his operatives. Things were grim, but slowly turning throughout the U.P.

His brother, Dev Em, should be with Hrun and C.J. by now. Cobalt Kid had been insistent that he was needed to protect C.J., and that C.J. was instrumental in their plan. So he had asked his brother to leave his family once again and help the greater good.

He set the Omnicom on standby, and balanced it on his left knee and closed his eyes. He needed to rest, he knew that, but something was nagging at him. He stole a quick glance down at Kalla. Sleeping peacefully, the most peacefully he had ever seen her sleep. A smile formed at the corners of his mouth and his head jerked back and slammed into the wall behind him when his Omnicom beeped that he had an incoming transmission.

He looked at it for a few moments. Only a select few people had the means to contact him…and it was never for a social call.

He glanced back down at Kalla to make sure she was still asleep, and then answered the call.

Ambassador Mirenna Helene was looking back at him. Her face was stoic as always when she contacted him.

“Yes Ambassador,” he said quietly.

“Lon, Belisarius has gone rogue. We need this situation taken care of, as soon as possible.”

Straight to the point. “I see. Why? He’s not a threat at this moment, and my talents are going to be needed elsewhere. He can be dealt with later in a more public fashion.” he said plainly.

“This is not my request Lon, this is from others that are positive that the fleet will be needed for what is coming.”

He knew immediately who had made the request, and why the Ambassador had been selected to deliver it.

“I guessing that it wouldn’t change any minds if they knew that Hrykosia has formally parted with the Oval and is pledging a significant portion of its fleet to help us defend Weber's World. Or that Helena is also working on rallying a significant portion of the G.E.M.?”

”That is helpful and will be greatly appreciated, but the order is not going to be rescinded.”

Lon closed his eyes for a moment. As he opened them, he snuck a glance at Kalla again, still sleeping. “All right then…no.”

In all the years he had known Ambassador Mirenna Helene, he had never seen her surprised by anything he had said to her. This time however, he saw a slight movement of her left eyebrow that betrayed her surprise.

“Did I hear you correctly Agent Timberwolf?”

It was his turn, and he didn’t even try to hide anything. His mouth curled into a grin. “Yes Ambassador, you did. You can tell the Prime Minister that she will need to find someone else to do her bidding this time.”

“Lest you forget your place Agent Timberwolf, you continue to operate due to certain people making sure you are not noticed.”

Lon sighed. He hit a few buttons on his Omnicom and laughed a little. “I have no worries about that, or of anyone trying to let me know how disappointed they are in me. I know you understand this, and I know my old man…who I’m guessing is smiling like a Cheshire cat somewhere to your left, will appreciate this one. In about 30 seconds, I will no longer exist to the United Planets. My entire network will no longer exist as it currently stands. My agents, whom none of you know of are cut loose from me. They know what to do, where to go, who to report to now and how to survive. I plan on extending my thanks the Prime Minister in person for finally pushing her perceived authority too far.”

The Ambassador looked to her left at Kar Em, who was indeed smiling as he mouthed the words I told you.

“Very well Lon,” she said, “I’m sure there is someone else to take up the assignment. I will miss working with you,” she glanced down for a brief moment, and then back at the camera, “and look forward to doing so again in the future.”

The Line went dead.

Lon tried not to laugh so he wouldn’t wake Kalla up. He had finally done it. Cut all ties. No matter what the United Planets tried, they would never find a shred of evidence that he had ever even existed, let alone worked for them.

“Did you just do what I think you did Fuzzy?” a half asleep voice from next to him said.

He slid down in the makeshift sleeping arrangement they had and slipped his arm around her shoulders. “Yeah. I did.”

She nuzzled her face into his chest and smiled. “Thank you…”

He kissed her forehead, “no darling. Thank you for giving me something else to live for,” he said and closed his eyes to finally get some rest.

Re: LMB Novella: The Lord of the Oval
#119652 06/02/12 01:45 PM
Joined: Nov 2004
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Time Trapper
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ZEROX: upper atmosphere

Power Boy appeared frozen like a statue in orbit high above Zerox. His features, like marble, betrayed no emotion.

Inside, Power Boy’s superior intellect combined with his super speed to race worry and anxiety through his head. He thought of his teammates on the surface of the planet.

The mists of Zerox obscured the planet from his long rang vision. He could hear bits and pieces, even from this distance. In the meantime, he waited for a telepathic signal.

They had planned several contingencies on the flight to Zerox. Power Boy was one. Ameratsu down below on the Star Song, was another.

Power Boy waited for a signal, any signal … in the darkness of space …

… and DUCKED! His danger sense warning him briefly before a giant tentacle sliced through space where his head was.

Power Boy spun to see an enormous starfish like creature floating in space. Its tentacle had the grey hue that all of Titus’ zombies had. As Power Boy surveyed the starfish he saw other monstrosities floating through space at him, two giant ghoul dogs, a large grey snake, and a giant zombie lion with wings.

The starfish threw its giant tentacle at Power Boy, who dodged each with ease.

Power Boy only had seconds before the lion, dog, and snake zombies were on him.

“Where are these coming from?” He said aloud to himself.

“Zerox.” The Mother Box chirped from his arm. “Naltor” it chirped again. After a moments pause …. The Mother Box chirped “Orando” into the silence of space.

Power Boy’s brow furrowed. The Dark Lord had taken over the entire Epsilon Sector right under their noses. This was worse than they had imagined.

Then the zombie monstrosities were upon him.

Re: LMB Novella: The Lord of the Oval
#119653 06/03/12 01:15 AM
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The Starsong
Moments After the vision of Titus

After everyone had left her quarters, Tempest waved her hand over the scrying glass, ending it’s magic for the night. She walked over to a wall with a small mirror on it. She could barely see her entire face in it, her blue eyes staring back at her. The mirror than grew into full length. She smiled and tossed back her dark gold hair.

“Thank you, Ship.”

As she looked herself, taking in a moment of vanity, then she felt it. Her eyes were possessed with a vibrant gold light.

“Where are you?”


“I’m coming to you.”

Tempest’s eyes returned to normal. Her body glowed white as she vanished from the ship.

She reappeared above it, beyond the wards of the ship and her own spells, hidden from others.

“Where are you? Don’t prolong this.”

Then, in the fabric of space, liquid gold light swam towards her. It took on the form of a winged woman. She is no stranger to the LMB, though she has not been active for some time. Her hair is white, long and loose, her eyes are like topaz, her wings majestic to fit her regal form which glows with the golden shine of the sun. For all her splendor, Tempest is not impressed at the moment.

“Marvelous entrance, Whitelighter. ” Tempest said with an air of impatience.

“I do not like it here. The magic in the place is so dark. To meet you here is almost painful.” Tempest noticed there was anger in Whitelighter’s voice.

“Have I angered the Sun Goddess?” Tempest snapped.

“Why are you so cross with me?”

Tempest held her anger, she had kept in her thoughts during this quest of the years that she lost in that cocoon. Waiting to be found. Whitelighter is a mystic with the ability to track and find objects and people for vast amounts of space, but she couldn’t find her while she laid in a coma!!

Tempest had to remember, Whitelighter cannot find what she does not know to look for. Whitelighter is not to blame. That is why Tempest joined in this journey. To find who was.

“Sorry. You found it?”

“Yes. I found it. It is very special. I didn’t know you had one. There is only five in…”

“I know the history, Raven! I don’t know where the damn thing is. Please, I have to get back.”

Whitelighter looked at the sorceress with sadness. The very light of her being usually calms another, Whitelighter didn’t know if it was dark presence looming over this area or Tempest’s intense rage, but her power did not seem to be working.

Tempest continued, “It could hold a lot of answers for me, if I have to leave this Fellowship to get it back, I will. Now tell me, where is it?!”

Whitelighter’s eyes glowed the same gold light that Tempest’s did in the ship as she spoke, “It is on Zerox. In the possession of a woman of depravity.”

Whitelighter held out her hand and an image the woman appeared.

Tempest smiled and clenched her right fist. “Mala.”

And to show I bear no ill will, I, too, shall bestow a gift...
Re: LMB Novella: The Lord of the Oval
#119654 06/07/12 05:35 PM
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The Present

Most of Zerox had been ravaged to were there was little thought of beauty left. As Tempest followed Mala as she walked to her private chambers, she passed gilded halls and pillars. All that was once opulent in Zerox is now horded here. Mala walked through two towering doors at the end of a long hall and shut the doors behind her. Tempest peered at the doors and sprinted to them. She placed her hands on them, feeling the door for any traps. Tempest stood back, released as white swirl of energy on the door and walked through.

As she appeared on the other side, she saw a large circular room with Grecian pillars and red silk cover every piece of gold furniture. The room was lit by thousands of candles and the three fire places dispersed along the wall. Mala was standing the middle of the room, looking over something on a large table. She used her left hand to flick her hair back. Tempest saw them. On her hand, five rings. Anger began to build up, but Tempest quickly focused herself. Tempest turned her palm up, brought it to her left side of her body and extended to her right as if giving a bow. As her hand moved across her body, all the fires were smothered by a gentle breeze that over took the room. Then she re-lit all the fires, each flicker of flame left it’s home and hurled at Mala.

Mala push her hands forward as the flames erupted into an explosion. Tempest waved her hands over her and a white mystic shield protected her as the entire room was set on fire.

Mala smiled, “Oh dear. Not problem, though.”

She raised her left hand and the red jewel on her index finger glowed as fires simmered. She looked at Tempest. “I knew you would come to me. I suppose you would be wanting this back.” Mala held her left arm straight in front of her and raised her middle finger, which held a white gemstone ring.

Tempest composed herself and walked closer to the center of the room. “How did you get those?”

“Oh, it was simple. The first,” Mala pointed to the pink on her thumb, “I won in battle with it’s owner.”

Tempest’s eyes widened.

“Of course the little braggart ran off before I could finish her off. Then this one led me to the others, all of whom should have been killed had it not been for some freak act of luck saving them.” Mala coiled her neck towards Tempest. “But yours was the most interesting to get. It was still on your cold hand when you were in that cave.”

Tempest panicked. She took it from me while I was in the cocoon!

“It was so easy to get compared to the others. Something else else powerful kept you in there. It let me take it from you. The ring was keeping you alive. And yet... when I tried to kill you after I took it off, the darkness attacked me. Not that it matters now, because here you are, ready to have me finish the job.”

Mala summoned her magic, it was a red energy, but it seemed to drip like blood. She threw a blast at Tempest, whose shields protected her. Tempest then caused the sheets of red fabric to wrap around Mala, covering her from head to toe, squeezing her tighter and tighter.

Tempest enchanted her voice, so that Mala could hear her through the silk. “You reprehensible violation of life. I came on this damned quest for one reason. To find my ring. To see it on your bony finger, along with the others... More so than ever do you deserve to die!”

Tempest felt the power of one of the rings as she heard Mala’s voice in her head, pain surging in her mind as Mala forced through her mental barriers with the ring. “Better foes than you have tried. Perhaps we should leave my palace in tact.”

Tempest felt her mind being pulled from her body, in a rush of pain, Tempest next found herself on the Astral Plane. Across from her, Mala, her left hand glowing pink from the ring.

And to show I bear no ill will, I, too, shall bestow a gift...
Re: LMB Novella: The Lord of the Oval
#119655 06/08/12 03:08 PM
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High Orbit

Power Boy beat the last zombie monstrosity to pieces with a torn off tentacle from the large zombie starfish.

‘ARCCHHHHHHH!!!’ He felt in his mind. He felt nauseous.

“Tempest?” He said to himself. She was in agony, and the light telepathic link he kept to monitor his colleagues on the planet projected her pain.

As the tentacle hung in his hand dripping gore from the zombie lion he had thrashed, Power Boy thought, ‘This is why I’m here floating in space, this moment, to fly to the rescue in case the plan went tits up.’

‘But … Orando ... Naltor … covered with ghouls?’

His long range vision confirming this as he scanned the surfaces of Ornado, and then Naltor. The scenes were disgusting. Ghouls were everywhere. The people of Orando and Naltor were nowhere he could see.

He spared a glance down at the planet Zerox … wondering what torments his colleagues were going though.

He couldn’t leave them, but he also couldn’t leave Orando and Naltor, the ghoul armies there must be preparing to invade the United Planets. If left unchecked they would slaughter thousands … if not more. Not to mention the people of those planets. What horrors must those people be undergoing? Were they all dead?

His colleagues would have to be enough to deal with the despots of Zerox, there was no one else to stop the hordes on Orando and Naltor.

He looked one more time at Zerox, Tempest’s pain fresh in his mind. Cobalt Kid, Juj, Ameratsu, Lard Lad, and Tempest would have to be enough.

Tempest was a ruthless warrior, she would understand. Or so he told himself.

And he flew off through space for Naltor, he would decimate the ghouls there first just in case they were taking advantage of the resident precogs, and then he would finish the ghouls on Orando.

… he could do it fast, fast enough to return and help his friends on Zerox. Sure he could, he was Power Boy.

He flew faster than he ever had before.

Re: LMB Novella: The Lord of the Oval
#119656 06/08/12 10:37 PM
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Astral Plane

Mala cackled and it echoed through the atmosphere.

“Isn’t this rich! You’ve come here to kill me, and I’m going to destroy you with your own weapons.”

“Why don’t you take off those rings and see how well you do against me?”

“A sorceress always has her tricks and tools, don’t treat me like a fool.”

Mala than hurled a blast from the ring at Tempest. Tempest ran and hid behind what appear to be a boulder.

Mala laughed, “You can’t win. You can only make this fun for me!”

Mala disintegrated the boulder, Tempest looked at her, sending psychic waves at Mala. Mala erected a shield that protected her.

Mala grinned, “That’s right, little mouse.”

Tempest created walls between the two of them. She’s too strong. Especially with that ring. Have to think, I have to keep her off balance long enough to---

Mala blasted straight through the walls and directly into Tempest. Mala pounce on top of her, knocking her down. Mala took her left hand and began to choke Tempest, covering her face with a pink energy sphere. Tempest screamed, she felt her astral form began to deteriorate, it wouldn’t be long before she was nothing more than an empty husk. Just like before, just like those seven long years when her body lied still and did nothing. That would not happen again. Tempest reached her hands up to Mala’s throat and yelled in her face. A wave of energy came from her and knocked both of their astral forms out of the Astral Plane and back to Zerox.

Tempest awoke in her body, she looked and saw Mala hanging in her coat of red fabric. Tempest tried to gain control over the fabric again, but before she could they were shredded to pieces as Mala fell from them.

Mala, tired, looked at Tempest, “KILL HER!”

And to show I bear no ill will, I, too, shall bestow a gift...
Re: LMB Novella: The Lord of the Oval
#119657 06/08/12 10:58 PM
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Four women and two men dressed in red and gold came in carrying swords. Tempest looked at Mala in disgust that she would send her slaves to finish her off. Two of women and the two men charged at Tempest, she raised her right hand up and they levitated to the ceiling so hard they were knocked unconscious, not that their bodies plummeted down as Tempest mystically glued them to the wall. The other two women dashed towards her from opposite sides, their blades hit her shields. Two mystic bolts of lightning shot from Tempest and shocked the women, when they dashed towards her again, Tempest was engulfed by a white light and was gone, the two women stabbed each other in the abdomen.

Tempest reappeared behind Mala.

“You preyed on me. You came to my comatose body and robbed me. You took the very thing that kept me alive for so long in that wretched hole. Then you tried to kill me. You bastardized those rings to your will, keeping you from my sight.

I was so pathetic to you. So weak. This is my only lesson for you, Mala. Tempest is NOT WEAK!”

Tempest’s eyes glowed white with her magic, she raised her hands above her head and released a wave of pure force, the entire infrastructure of the building cracks from the power. She lowered her hands down to blast Mala, but Mala lifted her left hand, all the rings a glow and blasted back. The roof crumbled, the ground quaked, the elements roared! The blasts combined and shot both women back across the room.

Mala was the first to stand. “Thought you had me? And yet, it will be your own little trinkets that do you in.”

Tempest rose to her feet. “You bitch.”

Mala laughed at the insult as the two began again, eldritch fire, mystic shields, psychic assaults, red blood energy against streams of white magic. The building falling to rubble, the four slaves still suspended in air! The women would get close, punching and kicking, then distance themselves for each blast and defensive spell. Mala kept firing blood-like blasts at Tempest, getting closer and closer.

“You won’t win!” Shrieked Mala. “If my magic won’t kill you, these rings will!”

Mala was getting closer and not letting up, Tempest was loosing ground. But had one more precious treasure on her that every good sorceress carries and now was the time to use it. As Mala got closer, Tempest removed her shields, pulled her silver dagger from her cloak and swiped it through Mala’s left wrist, sending her entire hand sailing through the air. Mala screamed and Tempest stabbed in her chest, puncturing her right lung. Tempest free left hand swirled with magic as she blast Mala. But, Mala’s shields kept up. She instead blasted Tempest and sent her stumbling back. Tempest got to her knees, thrust her right hand forward, yelled a mystic word and Mala’s head was set on white flame. Mala screamed, but extinguished the flame, her face horribly disfigured, she used her right hand, released a blast, Tempest met it, red and white light was all that could be seen.

When the light was clear, the four servants had fallen down to the floor, Tempest was unconscious and Mala stood panting. The four servants looked to their mistress and turned to run. But, Mala lifted her hand and their skin, then insides and finally bones flew towards Mala and clung to her as they repaired her broken body. Mala grinned, she saw Tempest’s dagger, picked it up and crept toward her.

“You put up a great fight, little harlot. I'll give you that. But I am a servant OF THE DARK LORD!!! With all I have at my disposal, you could never defeat me!”

She drew closer and raised the knife. Then, behind her, a green light flashed. Mala turned around and saw her. Tall, beautiful, with pointed ears, pale blue skin and dark earth colored hair, dressed in elegant blue robes. Her ice blue eyes pierced Mala as she looked at her. Mala shot a magic blast at her, the woman’s green magic shield protected her. The woman pointed at the dagger and it flew from Mala’s hand. Then the woman spoke.

“Haven’t you killed enough daughter’s in one lifetime?”

The woman put left hand on Mala’s left shoulder. Mala’s face grimaced in pain at the touch. The woman tossed Mala onto the last bit of rubble standing, landing with a earsplitting splat as many of her bones broke. The woman turned her back to Mala and walked away, bent down and pickup Mala’s served hand, then turned and walked toward Tempest. Mala, peeled herself off the building, screamed and sent a magic attack at the woman, who merely pointed at Mala, release a straight beam of green power that once connected, eradicated Mala’s body. Mala was finally no more.

The woman walked to Tempest, clutching the hand in her left hand and reaching for Tempest with her right. Her body begins to glow.

“No, milord! Not yet! DAMN!!!”

She throws her right hand above her, sending green flare into the sky with a mental message to the other LMBPers with the sound of Tempest’s voice.


The woman faded away.

And to show I bear no ill will, I, too, shall bestow a gift...
Re: LMB Novella: The Lord of the Oval
#119658 06/09/12 01:38 PM
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High Orbit

Power Boy floated high in the atmosphere of Naltor. His eyes flashed red up in the firmament. Down below, ghouls were incinerated by the dozens, by the hundreds. He combined super speed with energy vision. Ultra fast blinks targeting ghouls miles below, bursting enemies into flames by the nano-second. He hurried, like an obsessed adolescent playing a game. If he could sweat, there would be buckets.

After several minutes, several long minutes as he worried that every second was time his colleagues could be dying on Zerox, grey ghouls appeared in the space near Naltor.

They flew up toward the god reigning destructing down on them.

The strongest ghouls of Naltor flew up into space, to attack Power Boy.

He said mere words “Mother Box” … and a Boom Tube opened … teleporting these ghouls capable of space flight into the sun of the Epsilon Sector. That was that.

“Ghouls on Naltor at 95% of original capacity” The Mother Box chirped from his arm.

“That will do.” Power Boy replied, and said “Orando.”

A Boom Tube opened in the starry night of space, teleporting Power Boy to Orando.


High Orbit

The ghouls of Orando were ready for Power Boy.

Re: LMB Novella: The Lord of the Oval
#119659 06/09/12 02:07 PM
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The Surface

The ghouls piled onto Power Boy. His struggling form disappeared under dozens of grey zombies pushed him down.

For long minutes it was quiet, it appeared he had succumbed, stopped struggling.

The Epsilon Sector was filled with magic, it interfearred with his ability to absorb and store cosmic energies. Everything in the Epsilon Sector, especially on the planets was poisoned with magic.

The mound of zombies covering Power Boy was quiet. Underneath, everything had gone dark for Power Boy. They were ready for him, they must have some sort of communication or awareness of the ghouls on Naltor. They seemed endless. He destroyed dozens if not a hundred before they began piling on him.

“Power levels at 33%” The familiar chirp of the Mother Box technology said from his arm. Even that sounded muffled.

Power Boy laughed despite the masses of zombie ghouls piled on top of him. The closest ones were biting and clawing trying to get at him. ‘Today is a good day to die’ he thought.

And then …


It was as much a command as a cry for help. It was imperative. Something else else powerful called out across the cosmos.

“RRRRAHHHHHRHHHHRRR!!!” Power Boy roared from beneath a mound of zombies!

White hot light burst from all of his orifices! Energy from his mouth and eyes incinerated all the ghouls on him in a brilliant display.

He had rarely used his powers this way, it consumed a lot of energy, to use the cosmic energy his cells absorbed and emit it in it’s pure form. It was much more economical to use the power of the stars to fuel effects like super speed or strength.


He could barely hear the Mother Box announce “Power levels at 29%, 27%, 26% ..” in a deadly countdown. What would happen if he ran out of energy? Would he die, sleep, vanish?

He roared on “RAOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!” White hot flame from his mouth and eyes swept over the surface of Orando, like the breath of some ancient dragon.

Ghouls, Zombies, and buildings were incinerated as if they had never been.

The display was staggering, easily seen from space …


and then it stopped, like a light being switched off.

The ghouls of Orando were no more, and a smaller, thinner Power Boy stood on wobbly knees, mouth dry.

<span style="font-size: 9px;">“Zerox.” </span> He croaked

A boom tube opened (even that seemed to flicker) … and a diminished Power Boy stumbled through the portal to Zerox.

Re: LMB Novella: The Lord of the Oval
#119660 06/10/12 03:21 PM
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United Planets Space, somewhere between Daroon and Daxam

A massive Daxamite medical ship transporting thousands of critically-injured patients from Daroon travelled toward Daxam. It was flanked by several dozen Daxamites who were ready to defend the ship from any potential enemy attacks.

It had been a surprisingly quiet journey. Word had reached throughout the U.P. that the insect hoardes of the Hive had inexplicably withdrawn their forces. Combined with the early defeat of the Dominion, the switching of sides of the Hrykosians and the downfall of the Emperor Pyngwyn, there seemed ample reason to believe the tide of the war had turned. But among the higher ranks came word of a greater, more powerful force that had been held in reserve by the Dark Lord all this time. This and all that had come before were feared to merely be the calm before the full terror of the storm.

Serj Ontonik, Space Knight Templar, sat in one of the ship's communication hubs. He was talking with the head of the Lard Knights, "Guru of Lard" Dom Deluise XXVII.

"You were right to leave our ranks, Serj," said Dom. "Like Lard Lad, you had the wisdom and courage to defy the isolatist views of the Lard Council."

"I'm sorry to report, Master, that only four of the dozen Lard Knights you sent to Daroon survive," Serj said somberly. "They fought valiantly."

Dom bowed his head for a moment. "As any Knight should. The fallen will always have a place of honor."

"Master..." Serj started hesitantly.

"You ask for more," Dom finished for him.

"Yes, Master. The enemy plans to sack Weber's World. If it falls, the United Planets will follow."

"Relax, young Knight. The Council has taken their blinders off and committed our entire force of Lard Knights to the war effort. We are bound for Weber's World before the day is out."

"It will be an honor to fight beside you, my Master."

Dom smiled. "The honor is mine, Lard Knight Ontronik. I will see you soon. Dom out."

Serj grinned as the image of his Master faded out. As much as he loved being a Space Knight Templar, his heart had ached for his brethren in the Order of Lard Knights. It would be great to fight again as one of them at long last.

He then checked his messages for any update on Helen Taylor. She was in intensive care after undergoing an emergency procedure in an effort to save her life. Serj wanted so desperately for her to survive and felt tremendous guilt.

Serj felt this guilt not only because he had not been there to defend Helen when she was attacked but also because he and her had shared a moment before the final Hive attack. A kiss. And a very passionate one at that. The two had spent much time together between the conflicts at Daroon and had grown very close. In that last moment they had together, they realized they had fallen in love.

The moral quandary in all of this was that Helen was the mother of Lard Lad's children. Anthony was one of Serj's great friends and would undoubtedly feel betrayed by this, even though Helen and Anthony had not been together in a long time. Serj hoped his worrying would not be a moot point and that Helen would pull through.

Just then, Serj realized it would be a good idea to check on the kids, Helena and Hugh, who were healthy and being cared for along with many other children whose parents were injured. They had insisted on staying with their mother even though the Daroon royal family wanted them to stay. The ship was approaching Nullport within six Terran hours. At that point he would have to part from the Daxamite ship and rendezvous with U.P. forces heading for Weber's World. Very little time to say goodbye to the kids, Helen and.....

Serj heard loud footfalls behind him and spun around to see the other person he was thinking of: "Lumber Fox?"

The hulking, barely recognizable figure managed a smile, even as half of his face was now metallic. "More appropriate to call me LumBORG Fox, now, eh?" And the man roared a tinny robotic laugh.

Serj looked his friend and former LMBer over. Foxy's lower legs were now robotic prostheses as were his left arm, tail and half of his head.

"Worst scrap I ever been in, but ya can't keep a good Fox down! The docs couldn't save my parts or replicate 'em, but they did the best they could. I'm comin' with ya to Weber's World!"

"Are you sure, my friend?"

"I'll kick yer ass if ya try to stop me!"

Serj smiled and put his arm on Foxy's shoulder. "I wouldn't dream of it, friend. I'll see you on the transport!"

Hours later, after Serj had seen the kids and gathered all his belongings, he saved visiting Helen for last. He entered her ward and knelt by her bedside.

"Oh, my love", he said, "I don't wish to leave you, but I can't sit by while all that exists is at risk. I only hope I'll some day see your smile again."

A long moment passed as he knelt with her hand against his forehead.

Then, the hand began to twitch.

"...Serj?" Helen said weakly.

Two hours later, Serj and LumBORG Fox set off from Nullport in a U.P. carrier.

"What are ya grinnin' about?" Foxy asked of his friend.

"Helen's going to make it, my friend. Whatever happens, I'll be at peace knowing that...and knowing she loves me."

Foxy laughed and gave Serj a hard pat on the back as the two prepared for the battle for all existence that was to come.

Still "Lardy" to my friends!
Re: LMB Novella: The Lord of the Oval
#119661 06/16/12 05:56 PM
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Dark Oval Space

“GET OUT OF MY MIND!!!!” screamed the Emissary. There was nobody to hear him of course, and nobody could have in the deep darkness of space. But scream he did anyway while clutching his hands to the sides of his head.

Calm yourself… a voice echoed in his head.

What do you want from me? He thought. Hoping the voice in his mind would hear him.

I want you to continue to do what you are planning…but I have something special to help you.

The Emissary felt a chill, which was weird for him. He hadn’t really felt cold or heat much since arriving in this universe. Something else else about it made him even more powerfull than the confines on his own reality.

He turned and saw hundreds of ghouls moving towards him.

They are your to command. Have yourself a grand time. The omly thing I ask in return is that you kill everyone aboard…

The Emissary smiled and turned toward where the ship was moving somewhere directionally below him.

He once more looked backwards and felt revulsion at the ghouls as they all but tore at each other waiting for his command.

He shot a mental image of Hrun, C.J. Taylor and Dev Em to the ghouls. The rest of them are yours…these three are mine.

With that, he began moving towards his prey…hundreds of ghouls of all shapes and sizes swarming behind him.

Active LMB character is still Beast Boy.

Re: LMB Novella: The Lord of the Oval
#119662 06/19/12 09:09 AM
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The Border of the Dark Oval and the United Planets

“I wonder if we knew about this way in and out of the Dark Oval, if it would have changed our plans,” said Shark Lad, gazing out at the stars.

“It wouldn’t have,” replied Lolita, though her voice was a thousand miles away. “He was intent on destroying the Dominion first and foremost.” He meant Cobie, and Shark Lad knew it. For some reason her assuming that annoyed him.

“What has you so distracted?” he asked. Despite being through hell and back—a few times now—Shark Lad was in a pretty good mood. First, there was the Earth-4 Shark Lad with them and the two hit it off better than just about any two ‘inter-world twins’ had before. And second, they had been to hell and made it back. He felt the momentum on their side.

“Timberwolf,” said Lolita finally.

Now Shark Lad was curious. “Furball?” he said with a half, ribbing his kinsman even when he wasn’t there.

“More than just the master assassin,” said a voice, as Zhiya entered Lolita’s chambers.

“Could have knocked…” said Shark Lad under his breath, considering if Zhiya entered while they were in the middle of something.

“Zhiya…” said Lolita, turning to say hello, “I take it you haven’t been able to stop thinking about it either?”

“No,” said the petite blind woman.

Hours earlier, word had begun to spread around the larger company—who by extension, was continuing to call itself the Losers. Timberwolf had gotten the call from Ambassador Mirenna Helene with orders to assassinate Belisarius. He had declined. And following that, he made no effort to hide this fact getting out among the rest of them. Timberwolf and Kalla Hykros were adamant about changing their lives. She respected them for it. But it put the in a quandary.

The Ambassador immediately after contacted Lolita. It startled her to know that her communicator could even pick up UP signals again, after the work of the General Elite Militia put an end to the information blockade around the Oval. What did she expect me to do? thought Lolita. But the Ambassador expected something. They had met dozens of times when Lolita was with Cobalt, but the Ambassador never had more than two words to hear to say to her, as if she was beneath her notice. Maybe she’s jealous joked Cobie to her about the infamously implied relationship but Lolita did not believe that. Her conversation with Lolita was short and to the point: “The United Planets is in great peril; if Weber’s World is lost, all hope is lost with it. We need the UP military.”How did that fall to her? She wasn’t Cobalt Kid. She did not order assassinations.

“It still will not be enough,” said Zhiya, breaking the silence.

“What won’t be?” said Shark Lad.

“Us,” she said. Rockhopper Lad was pushing their ever-growing company to give them the support they needed. It included two key allies: large portions of the General Elite Militia and large portions of the Hyrkosian army. But by all reports, the army being amassed to take Weber’s World was the largest in the history of the galaxies.

“We’ve been in worse spots,” said Shark Lad. But even the rugged hero did not sound convinced. This might be the worst spot they’d ever been in.

“No, it won’t be enough,” said Lolita at last. “It’s certainly not worth betting everyone’s life on it. No…Belisarius needs to be stopped. And the UP military needs to play its part.” She considered when she last saw Belisarius and he could not stop looking at her legs and micro-skirt. She found him to be an overgrown boy at that moment. Hard to imagine that man now controlled the fate of everything.

“I will do it, then,” said Zhiya. “It needs to be done, and if Timberwolf will not, then no one else other than I has the skills to get the job done.”

A silence overtook them. Shark Lad nodded and put his hand on her arm out of respect.

“Then I’m coming with you,” said Lolita, catching them both by surprise.

Re: LMB Novella: The Lord of the Oval
#119663 06/23/12 09:59 PM
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Unseen, not unheard
Unseen, not unheard
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Weber's World
The Senate Hall

On another day, Blaze would have marveled at the wide array of beings all around him. There was more diversity here than any he’d seen on Earth – besides the “normal” skin colors, he saw humans with green, blue, orange, purple skin tones, and even some with stripes or polka dots! Besides that were the more alien ones – large bugs with glowing green eyes, fishlike aliens whose voices echoed in his brain and not his head, hissing catlike figures that stalked with serene grace, winged creatures of all shapes and sizes, and more he could not describe. Even the human-looking ones were clearly not – one woman beside him was levitating, and another suddenly split into three different bodies.

His eyes met that of a handsome blonde man whom he guessed was about his age. He was wearing a uniform which clung to his form quite well and made Blaze want to see more. The blonde smiled back, flashing brilliant white teeth. Blaze allowed himself to return the smile - it was just a smile.

Another day, he might have chatted the blonde up. After all, he and IB were open to adding a third - a very hot third, they had high standards - to their "sessions". But he didn’t much feel like gawking or flirting now – the LMB had just unveiled their battle plan to the assembled UP council… and it was not going well. Sentients all around were muttering angrily, and there was a flurry of activity. Another man beside him suddenly shrank out of sight, and there was a general movement towards the door.

Blaze gave a start as the blonde he’d been eyeing suddenly turned and walked right through him!

“I’ve had that happen to me before, and I’m still not used to it!” came a chuckle.

Blaze gave a start as he looked around. There was nobody beside him. Was IB playing a prank on him?

“Oh, I’m sorry. Didn’t realize you might not know all our powers yet. I’m Vee, and I’m using my powers to “grow” the sound waves from me so they’ll reach you.”

Blaze turned to see Vee, whom he recognized, waving at him from afar. Wow, he thought, they’re all so skilled at using their powers..

Vee spoke again. “We’ve decided not to spread out to maintain security anymore. Given their reactions, we feel we need to have everyone gathered. The Daxamites can handle security around the area. Would you come over here and join us?”

Blaze nodded and signaled his agreement. As he made his way to his new friends, his heart began pounding. What had they all gotten themselves into?

“I’ve checked the doors. They’re all locked,” Beagle Boy reported as he sped back into the LMBers’ waiting area. It was a small room just beside the podium where they were speaking.

Kent Shakespeare opened his mouth to reply, but held off as the Prime Minister’s voice came over the speakers. “We request all ambassadors to remain in the hall for security reasons. Given the recent attempts on the lives of some of our number, we cannot say that there are no Dark Oval agents outside of this chamber.”

As she stopped, Kent turned to Saturn Girl and Pov. “How goes the thought-screen?” Saturn Girl opened her eyes for a moment. “All is well, and we are detecting minimal resistance. All from inside the chamber, so we know nobody is trying to listen in.” She closed her eyes again. It was a strain, but they needed Princess Crujectra out front with the others.

“I’m monitoring them. They shall be able to handle it,” Kid Prime added. “On my end, I have modified some tools lent by Reboot to create a firewall around the area.”

“I haven’t seen anything suspicious,” Kid Vudoo added, “although I will continue scanning the area.”

“Ring bubble’s tight, too,” Abin Quank replied. “And I remembered to keep it invisible this time!”

“And the Daxamites are keeping the area covered,” Kent mused. “That leaves Dedman.”

A portal opened at that, and Dedman peeked through. “I am here, watching from the Poltergeist Area. If any of the departed try anything, I shall stop them.”

Kent nodded. They were doing their part; now to
leave their allies to do theirs.

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