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Re: LMB Novella: The Lord of the Oval
#119614 02/23/12 07:53 PM
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Time Trapper
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And the Star Song hurtled through the void closer, ever closer, toward the Heart of All Darkness. Judgement Day was nigh....

<span style="font-size: 36px;">End of Part II</span>

Still "Lardy" to my friends!
Re: LMB Novella: The Lord of the Oval
#119615 02/29/12 09:44 PM
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The Eye of the Dark Lord sees all.

It sees You: your fears, your insecurities, your weaknesses. It sees into your very Soul.

The Eye of Pornis sees what a pitiful threat you pose to It, and It does not blink.

This is the time when all will be judged, and even the Bravest among you may not be deemed worthy in the End.

Now is the time when you must gaze into the Eye and face untold horrors. Even worse, you must face yourself.

His Eye will not blink. Yours cannot either, or all will pay the Price for your weakness.

The Price is the End of all that is, was and will ever be.

One way or the other, the End approaches inexorably.

When the End comes...will You blink?

<span style="font-size: 48px;">The Lord of the Oval</span>

<span style="font-size: 36px;">Part III: The End of All Things</span>

Still "Lardy" to my friends!
Re: LMB Novella: The Lord of the Oval
#119616 03/01/12 08:23 AM
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Bold Flavors
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Bold Flavors
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Aboard the Starsong
Dark Oval Space, on the boarder of Epsilon Sector

The magic old pirate ship known as the Starsong sailed through the blackness of space without a sound. It’s centuries old wood frame would occasionally catch the light of a distant star and lighten the deck area, but the light provided no warmth. Since the departure of three of its passengers, the Starsong seemed empty to the remaining members. The adrenaline from yet another unattainable victory had all but receded, as the dread of another impossible challenge loomed over them.

Cobalt Kid looked outwards into space trying to push away the inner conflict he felt ever boiling towards the surface. He knew Power Boy was on the other side of the ship, choosing to distance himself from Cobalt. Lard Lad was over there too now, likely doing his best to bridge the gap between them. Cobalt did not think that was possible; Peebz was an immortal with a long memory used to holding a long grudge. All that mattered was they could work together to see this through.

Ameratsu was nowhere to be found at the moment, but nearby Cobalt was Tempest, sitting cross-legged and levitating as if in a trance. She had mentioned her intentions to create additional barriers and wards around the Starsong to stop them from being detected or attacked. Cobalt knew she was also use a scrying spell into the Epsilon Sector, namely Xerox, the Sorcerer’s World. She would have to be incredibly careful, but Cobalt trusted she would be. She was a master mage, some would even say Goddess.

Ever since the Hive planet, Cobalt Kid and Tempest seemed to have a quiet connection. Tempest laid bare her love for Lard Lad for Cobalt to see, a rare moment of vulnerability, and Cobalt had silently kept her secret, providing her strength and comfort. He had begun to see her now as a sister-at-arms that he could lean on when the time came. And they would both need it now more than ever.

The Epsilon Sector consisted of three major planets, all magically based: Orando, Naltor and most importantly, Xerox. On Xerox were the two most loyal and most deadly of the Dark Lord’s servants: Mala, the great Sorceress Supreme, and Romaltus, Cobalt’s uncle. Behind them was a legion of magical creatures and protectors, and a vast knowledge of spells and secrets that could not only destroy enemies, but destroy galaxies. Cobalt Kid and Lard Lad, as well-weathered and broad-minded as they were, recognized they were out of their depths now. So much of this would rely on Tempest.

Though Tempest and Mala had never met, the two hated one another. A quiet, subtle battle of wills had been raging ever since Tempest set foot into the Dark Oval. It had grown stronger over time, unbeknownst to Tempest’s allies, but now it was building with ever silent glide forward the Starsong took.

Cobalt looked at Tempest, her silent strength making her even more beautiful, and resolved to be strong himself. On the Hive planet something that happened: somehow he had begun to heal when he was on the verge of death. As if someone had reached out to save him, across the universe, and give him another chance. Cobalt knew it was Romaltus. For some reason, Romaltus had not wanted him to die, even though Cobalt was now on his way to end Romaltus once and for all. What does it all mean? he thought, struggling with the thought. He found it increasingly difficult to consider these questions logically when all the emotions of the past months—years even—were now beginning to flood his every thought. The Khunds and the Dominion; Goon Boy; Peebz; Lolita; Crujeckie. He even thought of his father and his home planet; Dr. Hoffman. Even, for the briefest of moments, his mother. Why did Romaltus save me?

He looked in a mirror near the Captain’s quarters and scarcely recognized himself. He had a thick black beard that made him look 10 years older and more weathered than ever. His hair had grown long, down past his cheeks. His clothes were old, worn out remnants from a forgotten civilization. Only his boots and his belt were in good condition, and even they had been through the ringer.

As if on cue, Lard Lad approached and saw him looking at himself. “Men with beards are twice as manly,” he said matter-of-factly. “After all these years with me, you’d think you’d know that.”

Cobalt Kid laughed. Lard Lad was like a new man now that the Lard-Force had returned. He was confident and bold. His old self. “We’re getting closer. The subtle way for us again, though I doubt that will last long. This one is just going to be end up being a hell of a fight.”

“Good,” said Lard Lad. “I remember pretty damn clearly how much of a fight I wanted to give them the last time I was on Xerox, and I’m ready for it. We’ll sneak in, but when shit goes sideways, each one of us has the firepower to make every moment count.”

“Onwards to Xerox, then.”

Re: LMB Novella: The Lord of the Oval
#119617 03/08/12 02:31 PM
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Power Boy walked barefoot on the deck of the ship, absorbing the starlight into his cosmically powered cells. His bare chest glowed slightly as he drank in the celestial energy. Everyone else slept below decks as the Star Song flew through space, on a collision course with Xerox.

“Xerox” That world trouble Power Boy. Sorcery could harm Power Boy more easily than other forms of attacks, but that wasn’t exactly why he didn’t like that planet. Power Boy was a creature of advanced science, to the point that he was nearly part of the cosmos. He could sense it around him with his innate understanding of the laws of physics. This helped him to navigate through space, use his abilities, and even sense danger. He didn’t understand magic; it was like a short cut to everything he knew.

Power Boy’s feeling of unease grew as the Star Song flew. It was true he had many reasons to feel unsteady. His rift with Cobalt Kid had left him disillusioned in their fellowship. Why had he joined himself with these fickle humans? Surely the Dark Lord would offer Power Boy a place in any new universal order, or he could deal with whomever the Dark Lord sent to kill him.

“BAH! These are foolish thoughts.” He spoke through gritted teeth.

He had hoped that recharging while the others were asleep would make him feel better but, as he soaked in the energy, he realized how much was wrong with the universe. The Dark Lord’s influence grew and seeped throughout the universe, making a mockery of the laws of causality. Power Boy sensed solar systems slightly askew, gravity itself varied slightly; soon it may be perceptible even to humans. World’s long extinguished flickered in and out of existence. It was enough to make Power Boy feel as if he was going mad.

That wasn’t all. He had a growing sense of paranoia, as if they were being followed, watched. Normally, Power Boy was sure of his enhanced senses but with the universe on the brink of an upheaval, and his loss of one of his closest friends … Power Boy lacked surety, he had spent the past few days becoming more withdrawn, more quiet, and more disturbed.

The Star Song continued through the Epsilon Sector, the seat of power for magic in the universe. They had sailed through easily so far, despite their enemies here, no small thanks to Tempest he presumed.

<span style="font-size: 24px;">< “GASP!!” > </span>

Power Boy’s head snapped in the direction of the sound “Now THAT was real.”

He seemed to disappear as he sped below decks.


CRASH !!!!!

Tempest flung her hand over her face as the door to her quarters exploded in splinters.

Her brow was sweaty and her breath still short but, she appeared unharmed as she stood in front of large glass that looked like a mirror except that it swirled with violet iridescent clouds.

A nude Power Boy, skin glowing with starlight, stood amongst the dust of what was once her door.

“Power Boy? What is the meaning of this …”

“I heard you cry out, are you alright Tempest?”

“Yes, I think I am, which is more than I can say for my door. ” and then Tempest mumbled “… I … I just received some bad news.”

“Well, we had better hear it.” Cobalt Kid said as he stepped passed Power Boy’s impressive physique. He was dressed in his sleeping clothes.

Ameratsu also rounded the corner behind him, pausing as he stepped over the rubble of the door. “oh dear.” his mechanical voice chirped.

Cobalt Kid gestured for Tempest to proceed.

“Very well.” Tempest sighed. “I have been using my scrying glass to gain information on Mala. I’ve been viewing Orando, Naltor, and Xerox of course … ”

Tempest straightened, her usual frosty composure returning. One would never know she was just panting and sweating with terror.

“ … When I saw Titus’ reflection in the glass.” She said quickly as if to get it out away from her. Then more slowly, “I heard these words:

<span style="font-size: 24px;">‘The lord of rape and murder returns’.</span>

It sounded like it came from the room.” Her face was impassive but she had to clasp her hands together to keep them from shaking.

“Except, his face, his face was like night, like one of his ghouls … strange that.”

“Then, I turned around quickly, and no one was behind me. He wasn’t there. I looked back to the scrying glass … and that’s when Power Boy …. ‘ahem’ … made his entrance.”

“Do YOU sense anything?” Cobalt Kid spoke directly to Power Boy’s face, momentarily forgetting their problems in the face of a new threat.

Power Boy was taken aback, he turned and spoke to the crowd, not to Cobalt Kid. “I sense nothing. I only heard Tempest cry out.”

There was a long pause. “However, my senses have been … unreliable … lately, especially as we grow closer to Xerox.” “Magic” … he nearly sneered, and Tempest raised and eyebrow. “Magic, replaces the normal laws of the universe here.”

“Normal?” Tempest giggled. She looked as if she would pursue the argument when Cobalt Kid said “Fine, we continue on as we are. If Titus appears, we will deal with that as it comes.”

“Just the same, I will stay nearby in case there is another incident.” Power Boy said.

“There is no need, I’m quite all right. Besides my own wards, I suspect the Star Song has defenses for us as well …. Although, maybe not Power Boy after this evening.” She teased.

Everyone filed out, the door of the Star Song already beginning to repair itself.

As Ameratsu left, he counted their numbers and chuckled to himself that Lard Lad must have slept through all the excitement.

Re: LMB Novella: The Lord of the Oval
#119618 03/19/12 03:14 PM
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ZEROX: Five Against the Epsilon Sector

The Starsong sailed on the Sea of Mists towards Zerox’s capitol city. The silent ship cut through the colored mists, sending the translucent vapors swirling around it.

The Starsong flew like an invisible and silent missile towards the ancient capitol of Magic. The once brilliant city was now grey and old. It looked ready to crumble at any moment.


Ameratsu waited on the Starsong, surrounded in mists like the Charon of ancient myth, on a ghost river, waiting to transport the dead.

His android fingers rolled Titus’ spear around in his fingers, sophisticated micro fibers in his golden skin found every imperfection. From Tempest’s premonition it appeared Titus may have returned to the universe. Would Ameratsu never be free of his captor?

Ameratsu observed and he waited for the right moment to act, to use the information gathered through his complex android sense, to his best advantage.

That’s what he did, and it had served him well.

Now he stood on the deck of the Starsong, tracking his new colleagues with his computerized android senses. He saw then through telescopic eyes, heard their footsteps through radio, and monitored their life signs through infra red sensors.

He watched and he waited for his moment in the plan.


Lard Lad made his way up the precarious steps of the high library tower, the supreme bastion of magical lore in the universe. He had easily avoided the younger mages on his way up through the rooms to the highest reserved areas where the most ancient and powerful texts would be. He also easily took out the older mages that he came across.

“Old men, and children.” He complained to himself.

He climbed up through the highest floors, sweat appearing on his brow.


Lard Lad’s foot slip on something … he tumbled down a few steps and came to a stop as he fell against the corner of a landing with a loud …

CRASH! that reverberated up and down the ancient staircase.

“Sprocking …mutter … nass …. Grumble ….”

Lard Lad thought, ‘if he was wondering where everyone was before, that crash would bring them all running.’

“This place is a deathtrap! Must’ve slipped on a rock … This place is falling apart ... ” He mused to himself while patting his shoulder that had borne the brunt of his fall.

His eyes scanned the steps when he noticed what he had slipped on ….. “BONES!”

It all made sense now, why he had such an easy time gaining entry to one of the most secure places in the universe. Everyone who could put up a fight was either dead or gone. Leaving only children or old people to maintain the library, which was falling apart. This wasn’t natural decay. It would take hundreds of years to get this bad naturally, something was sucking the life out of the very building.

He looked around and noticed something for the first time. There were hardly any books on the shelves. Those remaining were covered in dust and spider webs. He had come here to use the ancient manuscripts at the top of the tower to find knowledge or a weapon to defeat the Dark Lord. That’s what he told his friends but, there was another reason. He wanted to know about his connection to the Dark lord.

Now he wasn’t so sure there would be anything left to find. Someone had looted the place of anything valuable, and left the rest to rot.

He hoped he could find some answers at the top of these stairs. He hoped there was still something, anything, left at the top that could be of use. He needed answers to stop the Dark Lord, and to figure out what was happening to him.

His feet fell more and more quickly as he climbed the stairs, sweat dripping down his face. He tried not to think about how empty the library was.


Cobalt Kid strode through the empty streets of what should be the most magical and opulent place in the universe. Now, bricks crumbled, rats scurried, and weeds flew in the dusty wind.

He kept a fast pace his boots hitting the dirt in a quick cadence. It was the only sound he heard. He reached his destination.

The arched walls of an enormous colosseum rose above him. Unlike the rest of the city, the colosseum looked to be in good condition. He could barley see the top in the glaring light of this dying planet.

He saw the front entrance. Grand arch large enough for a freight ship to fit through.

“If Romaltus is anywhere on Zerox, He’ll be here” He said through gritted teeth, the words sound like gravel coming out of his now dry throat.

He tossed his coat back, revealing his blaster on his right hip. He placed his right hand on it and moved inevitably through the darkened entrance arch.


Power Boy stood on one of Zerox’s moons, staring down on the pale orb that was Zerox.

He remembered Lard Lad’s words but it didn’t make him feel any better. “You’re our big gun Peebs, If this goes tits up you’re the only one that can get the job done alone. but, if those magic users see you coming they’ll be able to stop you.”

Power Boy hadn’t anticipated the swirling mists of Zerox obscuring his vision and hearing powers. This was already going wrong. He had no way of knowing what was going on until they called for him on their communications system. By then, it might be too late.


Tempest floated unseen past guards, servants, and mages. She passed through luxurious chamber after chamber filled with riches.

“This woman feasts while the planet around her rots.” She shook her head as a servant looked around in every direction wondering where the words came from.

“Tsk!” Tempest chided herself, she couldn’t let her anger get the better of her. She would need her wits when she faced Mala.

She moved invisible to the center of the palace, through courtyards and ponds. She heard the sound of music as she approached.

‘Nearly there.’ She thought.

Two very imposing and beautiful guards felt a breeze as she passed through them into Mala’s throne room.

The palace was a mess. Food overflowed the tables. Candles burned, almost naked servants scurried with their heads down trying to clear the tables.

SKREEEEEEE!!!! a magical blast fired.

Tempest slid behind a column preparing her spells. Her breath slowed as a second blast never came.

She looked from behind the column and saw Mala …. Lounging on top of the bodies of several muscular men. She used these specimens of human physical perfection as her throne. Her left hand was still glowing red from discharging a power blast.

A pile of dust laid smoking in front of her. A string instrument laid nearby.

“HAHAHAHAHA!” Mala cackled. “His music displeased me … but his death amused me.” … “only for a moment.” Her face manically happy one moment and sad the next.

“Lady Otoline!!!!!” She raged. “fetch me another musician!!”

A regal woman in white, with white hair and white skin attended Mala.

‘Lady Otoline?’ Tempest thought ‘She is one of the leaders of Zerox, or she was, and a powerful magic user. Is she in league with Mala or her captive?’

The white woman replied to Mala “Mistress … there are no more musicians … you have … been displeased … with them all.” From the woman’s composure it was unclear if she was a captive or a conspirator of Mala’s.

“BAH!” Mala screamed “Then fetch me a fool … to make me laugh!!!” “or YOU will amuse me Lady Otoline!”

The Lady Otoline looked ready to persist but then she faltered under Mala’s stare … “Yes Mistress.” … and left the throne room, presumably in search of a fool to make amuse Mala. Lady Otoline had obviously been taught not to disagree with Mala.

This scene enraged Tempest. Mala’s perversion, her waste of Zerox, and her breaking of the mages.

It would end now.

Re: LMB Novella: The Lord of the Oval
#119619 03/22/12 11:50 AM
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“Wow, real coffee,” said Lolita with a wide smile, inhaling deeply to take in every bit of the aroma. “I can’t remember the last time I had some.”

“I bet that sentiment is being shared by just about everyone on Earth right now,” said Shark Lad with a smile, as he handed her the cup. He was not much of a coffee drinker, but seeing her and others enjoy it made him happy.

Earth, or Earth-4 as it was known to the LMB, had been liberated. It was back within its proper universe, and the process of restoring it to greatness had now begun. It would not be easy and it would not be fast. But it had begun, and this was day #1. There had been tremendous loss, and the trauma of all they lost still hung over them, but many of them could not help but share in the optimism.

Lolita and Shark Lad, both relatively unhurt from the final battle, had volunteered to go out and walk among the others, providing coffee and good cheer to anyone who would listen. The planet was jam-packed all over with United Planets emergency services and military, but most importantly, with Earth citizens standing tall to rebuild. But most important among all of them on-planet were the small cadre of sentients known as the Losers, who fought and died for Earth. Who set it free.

They did not get far when Shark Lad’s senses began to put him on edge. It was a familiar sight and Lolita knew full well who was coming. “Job seems tailor made for you, fish lips,” said a rough voice that was instantly recognizable as Timberwolf’s.

“Laugh it up furball,” replied Shark Lad with a smile. “And get some hot coffee all over that nice pretty boy face you’ve got now.”

Timberwolf smiled his wicked grin. It was an uneasy smile to Lolita—always maintaining the aura of danger. “While it’s a nice sentiment you two are providing, I think its time we stepped back from the celebrations.”

“Excuse me?” said Lolita. She was a little taken aback by her good deed being looked down on.

“Let me be more blunt,” said Timberwolf. “It’s time to move on. Or have you forgotten, our job is only have done? Earth-4 is saved, but so what? The Dark Lord is still planning to crush us all and our friends could be dead right now?”

The words were harsh and laid bare all of the fears each member of the LMB shared. Shark Lad looked at Lolita and could see her thinking about Cobalt Kid for the first time in awhile, probably imagining him dead. “A little much, isn’t it, Lon?” he said annoyed.

“No, he’s right,” said Lolita. She dumped her coffee on the ground. “It’s time to get back and finish this.”

“How do we plan to do that?” asked Shark Lad, getting to the heart of the matter. They had all gotten very good at making sure plans were never vague or ambiguous—if something was going to be done, better to be clear about how from the onset.

“I’ll show you,” said Lolita, and she walked away. Her fear over her friends was quickly turning to anger at Timberwolf for having reminded her about it.

Timberwolf smiled at Shark Lad, pleased with himself for spurring it on. Shark Lad shook his head.


Rockhopper Lad and Rockhopper Lass were huddled together, overlooking the clearing away of debris and military equipment in what was now once more being referred to as Gotham City. Hyvvie the Wonder Beagle sat by Rockhopper Lad’s feet and got up to give a friendly greeting as Lolita approached.

“It’s time, Rocky,” she said to him. Her words carried a tone of please don’t disagree with me.

Rockhopper Lad frowned a little but nodded. “I know. I wish we could stay and celebrate. Indeed, I wish I didn’t have to go back. My major concern of this whole operation has been addressed. Earth-4 is liberated and I’m with my sister again. But as leader of the LMB, I have no choice.”

“No,” said Lolita softly. “You do not.”

“We’ll gather up our fellowship and make preparations today. We might be able to even leave by nightfall.”

“I think we’re all healthy enough to travel. Except our Faraway Lad. He won’t be going anywhere for a time. He’s far too sick to come with us.”

“This Earth’s Darden can send us back then,” nodded Rockhopper Lad. “Let’s make sure the Covenant knows too. They’ve lost so much. I’m not sure if they’ll want to join us, but they are welcome.” He turned to Rockhopper Lass. “Adelie, I had wondered if you were going to stay behind on your Earth—“

“—And you wondered wrong, brother,” she smiled. “I’m coming with you. Oh, don’t be so surprised. Of course I’m coming with you. You journeyed across the universe to help us defeat the Evil Emperor Penguin. I’ll be glad to help you return the favor.”

Rockhopper Lad smiled. “That gives me more comfort than you could know.”

“I’m not the only one, either,” she said.

“The rest of the Covenant is coming then?” said Lolita. She was thinking about Bat-Fem, who she expected would feel the need to fight on, and Seth Gaterra, who she figured would want to be with Helena.

“The rest of the Losers, dear,” said Rockhopper Lass with a smile. Now both Lolita and Rockhopper Lad were surprised. “What, did you think they would abandon you in your time of need? That they have gotten what they needed and now would rest forevermore, letting injustice prevail elsewhere?”

Rockhopper Lad smiled at the words while Lolita’s face grew red. “Of course not,” she said.

“We’ll all assemble together,” said Rockhopper Lass. The UP and the Terrans can oversee the reconstruction of Earth. The Losers mission will not end until all are free of tyranny.”


Late that evening, they gathered. Their numbers were robust and the camaraderie helped raise their spirits. Most of them were citizens of Earth-4, either former SMBers or a once novice group who rose up to become freedom fighters.

Lolita stood with the two Faraway Lad’s who were watching them. The Faraway Lad of Earth-1 was bedridden but demanded he be carried out to see. He looked gaunt and exhausted but his condition was slowly improving. The Earth-4 Faraway Lad was in better condition but he too was exhausted—he’d have one shot to teleport all of the Losers at once to Universe-1 again, and that would be it; he’d drain his power reserves for quite awhile after. It was for this reason he wasn’t coming either.

Lolita hugged them both; something about the Faraway Lad’s stirred a tender feeling in her heart. “I’m proud of you,” said Faraway Lad of Earth-1, and Lolita felt perhaps for the first time that she had made a father proud. A tear rolled down her eye as she told him to rest and get better.

She turned to see the assembled: Rockhopper Lad and Rockhopper Lass, leading the charge. Nearby, Kalla Hyrkos and Timberwolf, whose critical importance would increase only more from hereon. Helena Handbasket, who traveled with them on this journey, and her lover Seth Gaterra, who she was reunited with. And the last remaining Covenant member, Bat-Fem, who did not look like she was cheerful in the least. And how could she, after losing two incredibly close to her? Lolita felt no great affection for Bat-Fem, but did feel sympathy for her loss.

Time Teller Lad did his best to stay strong, but he was badly injured. He was sitting and bandaged up from the battle, with Hyvvie giving him as much love as possible. Tim would not be engaging in any further battles, but he insisted on coming with Rocky. Rocky acquiesced and no one dared question it. His powers are laughed at by many, but no one dare ever question his courage now, thought Lolita.

Shark Lad was nearby, and she was thankful for that. Though, truth to be told, the two had spent little time together. Was she relying more on him as a shield from others than a proper boyfriend? Is now really the time to be thinking about that?

Shark Lad was with the Earth-4 Shark Lad. Two Shark Lads ought to make for quite an offense if needed. Other SMBers were assembled as well: Lightning Lass, Danny Blaine, Portfolio Girl, Super Dense Kid, Infra Red Lass, Monkey Eater Lad Saturn Guy, Atypical Lass, Outdoor Miner, Beagz, Kid Heavyfeathers and Satan Claws Cramer. It wasn’t a lot of the SMB, but it was something. So many others were too hurt to continue on.

And last of all there were the true Losers. The ones who were not SMBers, but instead rose up because they saw a need to defend liberty and fight for freedom. These were perhaps the most heroic of all, thought Lolita. They included Hugh Taylor, Gear, Ghost Girl, Zhiya, Cuddly Beaver, Hummingbird and Saffron Kid. The Primary Colors Gang promised to look out for Earth while this band was away, but Saffron Kid decided he would see this thing through to the end before rejoining his uncle. Also with them was Karate Kid, originally from Earth-1 like they were. The liberation of Earth-4 had stirred something deep within him; a sense of defending those who could not defend himself. He’d always had it—but now he felt compelled to do something about it.

They were a mix of so many different people and groups it was hard to label them. So they did it themselves: the Losers. And they all felt great about it.

Lolita walked over to Zhiya, whom she had grown so close to in so short a time. “Is it time?” asked Zhiya.

“It’s time,” said Lolita.

Rockhopper Lad nodded at the Faraway Lad of Earth-4, who nodded back.

Earth-4 was saved. Now it was time to save the multiverse.

Re: LMB Novella: The Lord of the Oval
#119620 03/25/12 08:07 AM
Joined: Oct 2003
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Unseen, not unheard
Unseen, not unheard
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Goon Boy reclined in his seat and looked curiously at the package on his lap. It was a small round disk, about the size of a wallet.

It was plain and featureless, except for a small lens, and a message carved into the side. He read it again.

It said, "A story of heroism." Now who would give him a storybook?

And who could have left a message like this? The words were carved not by a knife or a tool, but by... What seemed to be a laser.

Suddenly, the disk reacted. Goon Boy watched as images flashed before him, like some kind of slide show.

"There once was a young boy from Suburbia. Scientists granted him great strength at a cost – his memory was impaired. He couldn’t form new ones.”

His breath stopped. Could this be talking about him? Then…

”But despite his handicap, he was still able to do a lot of good.”

Goon Boy watched as the disk showed images of great triumphs. He couldn’t remember any of them, but he appreciated the enormity of those scenes.

Founding the Secret Society of Comedy Based Heroes.

His marriage to Commonsense Queen.

Joining the Legion of Message Board Posters.

Defeating Whordru.

The infiltration of Kancun.

Becoming an undercover agent of the LMB Espionage Squad.

Working with the Fellowship in Dark Oval space.

Eliminating the threat of Wyandotte.

The final scene showed his comrades in the Fellowship – Cobalt Kid, Lard Lad, Power Boy, Tempest, Invisible Brainiac and Disaster Boy – bidding him a fond farewell.

“We’ll be back some day, pal. We’ll make good memories again.”

Goon Boy shed a tear, and closed his eyes. He’d long since accepted his condition. What was overwhelming was all the good he’d managed to do in spite of it.

Goon Boy opened his eyes, and looked at the package on his lap. He couldn't remember where he'd gotten it. He turned it around to examine it; one could never be too careful.

He had a good feeling about it, though. Maybe it came from one of his friends.

Re: LMB Novella: The Lord of the Oval
#119621 03/25/12 02:11 PM
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Lardy continued to climb the ancient staircase. It was longer and more spiralling than he'd remembered it ever being before. But he knew that the only constant thing about Zerox was that it was ever-changing.

He had spent the better part of a year on this planet with his wife Dru, foresaking his life with the LMB to support her and her role as one of Zerox's Council of Seven. Looking back, it was the most peaceful, happy time of his life. But it ended all too soon as three of the Seven had betrayed Zerox and all of Epsilon Sector to the Dark Oval. Dru died quickly as the Oval unleashed their weapon of mass destruction, Dru's father Mordru. Lardy destroyed Mordru, but nothing would ever bring his wife back.

He'd been through so much since then. He'd worked with the enemy in order to obtain his revenge. Then, he'd died saving Legion World until he was restored by a complex spell Dru had put into motion long before she'd died. He'd lost his powers, went over the deep end and finally embarked on this Quest in search of redemption...and truth.

And now here he was, back on Zerox, on the area that had been once called the Isle of Wisdom. There were no islands on Zerox anymore. The vast oceans were now mysteriously dried up, a great example of the terrible decay that had set in on the planet. Lardy knew Mordru's onslaught had ravaged the planet, but not to this extent. Something else else had drained the planet of much of its vitality in the intervening years.

As he continued to climb, he tried not to think of the life he and Dru had shared on this island. Their suite had been located just across the street, and next to the Great Library was the Magical Artifacts Division where Dru's fate had been sealed. He remembered the last time they'd made love and how they had just started talking about starting a family.

Lardy shook his head. If he let those memories keep seeping in, he wouldn't be able to continue as they would overwhelm him. He wished he could 'port to the top, but he knew the Library's magical nature would fuck with his energies and cause unpredictable results.

He turned his thoughts toward Tempest. He could feel himself and her getting closer, coming together in the midst of their Quest. Some might think that he was attracted to her because she, like Dru, was a sorceress. He knew better. There were some obvious similarities, but he could feel the differences and the uniqueness of their connection, even if he couldn't put it in words. If they could both make it out of this somehow, they would be able to build a life together. He was certain of it.

Finally, he reached the top of the seemingly endless flight of stairs. His eyes darted around for the thing he instictively knew would be there. He didn't know what it was, but he would recognize it when he saw it....and there it was.

He walked up to a shelf and was drawn to one particular musty old tome among many. He reached for it and looked at the cover. The inscription read: The Book of Priapus by Arun Nal.

"Arun Nal," Lardy whispered. Arun Nal, he knew, was the High Seer of Naltor and Prime Councilor of the Seven. Kalla Hrykos had told them that Arun had conspired with Romaltus and Mala to overthrow Epsilon Sector. Arun, however, was demanded as a sacrifice by the Dark Lord to consecrate the Oval being complete. Kalla said that all the Oval Elite had drunk his blood for the ritual.

"Arun Nal was the greatest Seer ever known," Lardy said to himself. He thumbed through the book. "This looks to have everything we ever need to know about Pornis, or 'Priapus' as he is also known. I've gotta find the others!"

Knowing he could safely teleport from the Great Library's apex, Lardy clutched the book and 'ported to parts unknown.

Still "Lardy" to my friends!
Re: LMB Novella: The Lord of the Oval
#119622 03/26/12 09:07 AM
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Bold Flavors
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Cobalt Kid walked under the marble arches of the once magnificent coliseum. Though there was little light beyond the opening, Cobalt could clearly see this was where he was meant to go. The coliseum was in better condition than most of the rest of Zerox—he could only assume for the worst reasons.

It made sense to Cobalt that Romaltus would be here. The two of them were so similar…both had turned their backs on the violent and cruel life of Ggrrgg, which was so often represented by the spectacle of the coliseum. Romaltus had desired peace and higher learning, just like Cobalt did. Somewhere, each one had lost their way.

Cobalt watched his boots, expected each step to reveal some magical trickery as the planet itself worked against him. But such tricks never came. All that moved under his feet was dust and dirt. For a moment, Cobalt considered his boots and his utility belt were the only things he still had with him from Weber’s World. He looked up and could see through the murky haze a figure not far away. He knew instantly it was his uncle.

For as long as he remembered, Cobalt felt an incredible isolation. A loneliness he could never overcome, no matter how hard he tried or ignored it. He had always been different from his Ggrrggian kinsmen. He knew Romaltus had been the same and when he finally was able to meet him, it was if a light bulb flashed in his head for the first time. Here was another son of Ggrrgg, somehow able to escape the cruelty of the planet and so some real good in the galaxy. Here was someone who understood. Who saw the ways things were, and knew they could be healed. Yet the motives might have been different from the rest of Ggrrgg, but modus operandi employed by Romaltus was all too similar, and far worse than Cobalt could ever have imagined.

“Nephew,” he heard as he approached, and Romaltus pulled back the hood from his cloak. Much like Cobalt, Romaltus was dressed modestly. He had a welcoming, friendly smile that spoke of a kindness and piousness in his character. His head was bald, and he had a graying beard to compliment his tired, weather-worn face. There was genuine relief on his face to see Cobalt.

“Uncle,” said Cobalt Kid coldly. The warmth Romaltus was showing brought a seething anger to the surface for Cobalt. For weeks his emotions had been raging unchecked for the first time in his life. This close to his uncle, he could no longer hide them. “I’ve thought of you often these past many years,” said Cobalt. “Since the day your co-conspirators and you murdered a citizenry.”

Romaltus would not be baited. “I’ve thought of you often too, Desmonius. I hoped you would one day come here. Prayed, even. I saved you that day, years ago. And I will save you again.”

The words caused Cobalt to smile a wicked, hard grin. “There’s no saving for me, Uncle. And you either. You may not believe it, but neither did your colleagues in the Dominion or the Hive.”

Romaltus shook his head with a smile. “Non-believers and monsters,” he said. “You’ve done us a great favor, nephew, to rid the Lord of those most unworthy subjects. The new age is upon us, and only the most worthy should remain. It is going to be a beautiful, glorious age of peace and true prosperity. I would see you live in such an age, as well.”

Cobalt felt his patience diminishing. He had been sizing up his uncle and his surroundings. The haze was preventing him from seeing the full scope of the coliseum, but he could manage. There was not much metal on Zerox, given the natural enmity between magic and iron and other metals, but he could feel some metal beneath them as part of the structure of the coliseum. “You truly believe this nonsense, then?” said Cobalt. “You wouldn’t be the first, I guess. I’ve seen motivations of all kinds, usually inspired by greed and the inability to control an impulse. Some part of me expected that here. But no, you truly believe Pornis is the answer to the galaxy’s problems.”

“I know he is,” said Romaltus, this time extending his hand so it fell on Cobalt’s shoulder. “The galaxy is a disgusting, broken place. The Lord will heal it.”

The touch felt soothing and comforting, but Cobalt slapped his hand away in a violent motion. Was Romaltus using his healing power on him? Both of them had healing powers, though Cobalt hardly understood how anymore. “By destroying those who won’t follow him,” said Cobalt, though his voice had softened. “Uncle, how could you buy into this?” he asked, his anger subsiding.

“I know you think you gained your powers through some other overcomplicated ordeal,” replied Romaltus changing the subject. “But you are beginning to see that is not true. You’ve always had them, and your magnetism too. They are extensions of the same thing, expressing the same concept. My own work on the same basis but differently. You and I have a tremendous gift. We can restore. We can realign. We can heal. Haven’t you dedicated an enormous part of your life to achieving these things for the universe? Hasn’t it been for the same goal? Think of all you’ve lost and all you’ve suffered. All the broken relationships you’ve left in your wake, to heal this world. I know, because I’ve done the same. And now there is a chance it can finally all work. You have to trust me, nephew,” he said, once more extending his arm and putting it on Cobalt’s forearm.

Cobalt felt the inclination to pull away out of instinct but did not do it right away. Instead, he felt tired. Exhausted. The journey had been so long, and in fact, Cobalt saw now the journey did not start at Weber’s World or even Legion World. It started so long ago. Had Dr. Hoffman’s torture broken him all those years ago? Or was it really his mother? Did Romaltus truly see the world as he did? “Uncle…” he said. “…You must know, I would never join you…I would never let Pornis destroy the galaxies and all I hold dear. I would rather die, than…”

“You would rather die, period,” said Romaltus. “It’s time you admitted that to yourself. You’ve been prepared to give up everything you love—your possessions, your titles, your loved ones and your friends. And for what? For the better good? It’s cowardly. It’s an excuse to stop trying. It’s simple misdirection and while you see yourself as the trickster, you’re truly the one being played. How long must this charade go on? How long will you be stuck in this never-ending cycle of spy games and sacrifices while your soul languishes?”

Cobalt felt his body weakening. The words came crashing into him like buckets of ice cold water. “I don’t know,” he said to Romaltus. “I want to feel something…” he said softly, “…but all I feel is pain…” he said breathing hard.

“It has not been an easy road for you, nephew. It was not easy for me either. You’ve been betrayed and disillusioned at every turn. You’ve had your dignity stripped from you in the most vile of circumstances. You had your sense of self lost. You’ve known what its like to be helpless. And you’ve know what its like when no one loves you." Romaltus' words softened as he sopke. "But I can tell you that you are loved. That within you, no matter how small, there is an inch of self-worth. Focus on that, and let the rest go.”

Cobalt felt himself falling forward, into the dirt. Was he being poisoned? Mind-controlled? Worse? No. He was simply facing the truth. He felt everything he had been holding back his entire life. The shame of the torture. The loss of his father. The guilt of the secrets he kept from his friends. And the rage…the rage he felt about so much. The rage he felt about his mother.

<span style="font-size: 28px;">AAAAAAAAAAAAARGH!!!!!!!!!!</span>

He screamed out in rage, and pieces of himself he long closed off came out. He ripped at his own beard and pulled hairs out, slashing at his own face in fury. He felt himself breathing heavy and his vision blurring. He felt nausea and he yet, he felt a sudden bit of relief.

Romaltus held him, and gave him comfort. “Everywhere you go, you carry this tremendous burden on your back. This weight, that holds you down and chokes you. It is so hard to even catch your breath. The world depends on you, and you can’t even trust it to do the right thing. It’s time to be free of these shackles. It’s time to set this burden down. Forgive yourself, Des. Love yourself again. They took that from you a long time ago. But you can still take it back. Set the burden down.

Cobalt stopped screaming for a moment, and looked down at the sand. For the first time in 9 years, he saw tears running off his face into the sand. He’d believed the ability to cry had been taken from him through the torture. He told his friends it was physical though he knew it was psychological from the start. But now he felt the tears running down his cheeks as his eyes went blurry. And instead of pain, he felt a tremendous release as he cried.

And as Romaltus held him, the haze began to drift away and the coliseum became clear. They stood in the center, and the air became thinner around them. And all around them, in the seats of the coliseum watching, were the undead citizenry of Zerox, looking on with empty hunger in their eyes.

Re: LMB Novella: The Lord of the Oval
#119623 03/26/12 06:07 PM
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The border of the United Planets space.

Dev Em flew and scanned the scene in front of him. At most, he was about an hour ahead of the “Dragon’s Teeth' and was in shock at what he was seeing.

He reached up and adjusted the headset he was wearing as he slowed a safe distance from what he was witnessing.

"Ceej? Can you guys hear me?"

"'s a li..le garbled but we c.. hear you pre..y well."

Dev shut his eyes for a second and sighed. "Okay then, sorry Ceej, you're gonna have to tell Hrun to stand down."

"What? Why?"

Dev could hear Hrun ranting in the background. He actually really felt sorry for C.J. Taylor at this moment. Telling Hrun that he couldn't engage in battle was not a fun thing.

"I'm going in closer for a better look, but I am seeing total devastation, not a ship that looks like it has a power source active. Scanning for any survivors, but so far nothing."

"Be careful Dev. We're right behind you."


Dev flew in closer to one of the ships that had been running a symbolic blockade against those trying to enter, or leave, the United Planets. There had been ships from both sides of the border standing off and engaging anyone that came too close to them from their own sectors.

Of all the useless and senseless things to do. Destroying each other over things that....

He cocked his head to the right a little bit as he looked at the hull of one of the ships.

He hit the headset again, "C.J., this is really odd. The hull of the first ship looks like it was ripped hand."

Dev slowly approached the tear in the ship and placed his hands on the indentations that were clearly visible. Definitely made by someone, and not a something.

AS he scanned several other ships in the area, he could see puncture holes in various ships. Holes that were about the size of a man. This was not good. The type of strength that it took to accomplish something like this meant that it was a Daxamite...or worse.

"Dev...we're getting close enough to pick up a life sign in the ship to your left. It seems to be moving your way."

Active LMB character is still Beast Boy.

Re: LMB Novella: The Lord of the Oval
#119624 03/31/12 11:50 PM
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Unseen, not unheard
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Deep Space

"How much longer until we get to Weber's World?"

Invisible Brainiac rolled his eyes at Disaster Boy's question. "Light travels at a speed of 299,792,458 meters per second, so even given the long distance we have to travel, it'll be fast. The problem is, I can't keep both you and me turned into light all the way we have to travel. Else I'll burn myself out way before we get there."

Sensing DB’s frustration, IB added, “It won’t matter that much in the long run; we’re still moving really fast. Traveling in this light bubble will only add a few days to our travel. I know the stakes. I’m going as fast as I humanly can so that we’ll both get there safely.”

Disaster Boy leaned backed in the hard-light sofa that IB had created (which was, inexplicably, actually quite “soft” – but of course it was, IB had molded it to the contours of their bodies), and sighed. “Can we at least do something else besides play Spaceopoly? I’m getting sick of looking at the board.”

“Take your pick – I have a deck of playing card with pics of Venturan women on the back, Taboo, and Spaceopoly Deal.”

As DB eagerly reached for the playing cards, something came in front of their bubble without warning. Even IB’s light-speed reflexes weren’t enough to avoid it in time. With a sound resembling a *goop*, their bubble embedded itself in some sort of gooey substance.

“Hey, watch it pal!”

“Not my fault – that thing came out of nowhere. And I… what?” IB looked up to see goo seeping through his bubble. “Ew.”

After much cussing and gathering of supplies, the two blasted themselves out, clothes soaked and dirtied.

“Did we get everything?” DB asked. “I don’t want to get bored the rest of the way because we left something.”

“I’d be more worried about whatever created that goo, DB. It was able to penetrate my light bubble. Granted, I lost control for a second, but…”

His next words were drowned out by a furious howling. IB’s blood chilled. It was unearthly, and nothing like anything he had ever heard. He felt like his very soul was being eyed by a predator who would rip it to shreds.

From the look on his face, even the hardened Disaster Boy felt the same. This was the first time IB had heard his voice tremble so. “We have to get out of here, now.”

IB nodded and turned to fly, when he caught a glimpse of something dark moving extremely fast. Before he could react, it slammed into him.

It wouldn't have mattered if he had been able to think. All he could feel was darkness and cold...

Re: LMB Novella: The Lord of the Oval
#119625 04/14/12 02:29 PM
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The border of the United Planets space.

Dev Em turned in space. The motion was odd, he had never really thought about how he propelled himself through space. It just came naturally to him once he had left the red sun of Daxam. The best he could describe it was a cross between the sensations of swimming and free falling.

He was turning to check out a life form that C.J. Taylor had told him was moving in his direction on a ship in his direct vicinity. He scanned the ship with his X-Ray vision, and saw a person in a pressure suit coming through the hallway. The man was moving slowly, and was obviously injured. Dev scanned a bit further and saw the remains of the rest of the crew. Whoever did this wasn’t as thorough as they thought I guess.

Dev started towards the hole in the hull of the ship. “C.J., how close are you guys? This man is going to need medical assistance, and I do not think he can wait for another ship to get here.”

“We should be there in a co…le minutes Dev. We are g… some odd messages coming in from the Uni…Planets though…”

“Hold on Ceej, you’re still spotty and he’s getting to the rip in the hull.”

“Dev, you ma… want to…”

The man exited the hull and looked up at where Dev Em was floating.

Dev smiled, “I’m here to…”

C.J. blurted back in his ear, “Dev…he thinks you…”

A look of sheer terror came over his face as he saw who was waiting for him. He pulled the blaster from his holster and fired it.

“What the hell…” Dev said as the man blew off his own head.

“C.J. finished, “…did this to that fleet.”

Dev stared disbelievingly at the carnage before him.


C.J. Taylor was trying to make sense of all the information they were receiving. According to the reports, Dev Em had come upon the blockade and destroyed it, and murdered everyone present.

He, Hrun and the rest of the crew were watching video of what definitely appeared to be Dev Em tearing through the ships and ripping crews member limb from limb.

"This isn't possible," C.J. said. He knew Dev Em had been with him while this was going on.

“What has he got there?” Hrun bellowed as they saw Dev Em pull a weapon from his waist and fire it at a crew member. The crew member fell to the deck of the ship he was on, and was still clearly breathing, but not moving.

“I’m not sure,” C.J. said, “but I want to say it looks familiar somehow.”

He opened the link to Dev Em again.

“You need to go aboard a ship called the Tylium and grab a crew member that appeared to still be alive…and then we need to get out of here. The U.P. is on the way.”

“Okay Ceej, but what the frack is going on around here?”

“Not entirely sure yet…working on it. Just get that crew member and get back here as fast as you can. We can worry about the other things later.”


A ways away, a man floated in space and laughed to himself.

Active LMB character is still Beast Boy.

Re: LMB Novella: The Lord of the Oval
#119626 04/15/12 12:03 AM
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Invisible Brainiac woke to find that everything around him was hazy. It was like a dark cloud had settled on the world.

He raised his hand and cast a gentle glow around him. His arm flared up, but suddenly began to dim. It was like his light was being absorbed by something.

He shrugged his shoulders and began walking. “I should be more worried about this,” he thought in passing. But even that thought soon faded away too.

All he felt was a cold, calm serenity. All his worries faded away, without a care in the world.

He began ambling along aimlessly. He came across a stream. The gentle flow of the water reminded him of Disaster Boy. “I wonder if he’s around here? I should go look for him…” But before he could act on that thought, it was replaced with a sense of contentment. “Nah, I bet he’s just enjoying the scenery too…”

He laid down by the bed of the stream, daydreaming of simpler times. For some reason, his mind gravitated towards painful memories. Scenes showing accusations from the time when he’d primarily used his powers for invisibility flashed through his mind. That incident when he’d first discovered he could shoot lasers; the aurora he’d accidentally created at school; his first battle with a villain; the torture he’d experienced at one of the LMB’s top foes.

Yet the pain he’d felt from those memories was gone, oddly enough. He didn’t feel a tinge of sadness or anger. Nor regret.

He settled back into his shady spot comfortably and let loud a pleased yawn. It was as if nothing existed apart from this little corner of peace.


Weber's World

The young man walked through Weber’s World hurriedly. It was normally a safe place, but sentients all over the UP were on edge now. Even the gleaming buildings surrounding him didn’t change the fact that sentient nature was unpredictable, and some sentients were truly foul indeed.

His thoughts were interrupted rather rudely by a commotion. A man was screaming at the top of his lungs.

“We’re all going to die! They took out the Dominion – you think we can stop them? Let me go kill myself! It’ll be more merciful!”

The young man shook his head. Paranoia was increasing by the day, though this was quite rare. Harmless though.

He was turning to leave when noticed with some small surprise that what appeared to be a jagged piece of metal was levitating along the man’s throat. He must be a telekinetic or a ferrokinetic, then. A police officer was attempting to calm the man down, but a trickle of blood already stained the otherwise pristine metal.

He hesitated. If Invisible Brainiac or any of the other LMBers were here, any of them would have acted. Yet his own powers were too untested. He might accidentally burn the man he was trying to save.

The blade dug deeper.

He was confident he could burn the man without killing him, or at least put out the fire before it did. But that might provoke him instead. His only choice was to burn the metal and hope it weakened the man’s control. It wouldn’t help if he were a telekinetic though.

The officer was visibly sweating. Behind him, another man was pleading, tears rolling down his face. The metal dug even deeper.

Invisible Brainiac had cautioned him against using his powers in public. He knew about his own control issues back then. But he also said that when a life was being threatened, he’d taken reasonable risks. Even being horribly injured was worse than dying.

And if he had been in that position, Invisible Brainiac would have tried to save him.

The young man took another look at the man in the crowd who was crying. Definitely a lover. Just like…

The young man said a little prayer, and focused his attention on the metal. Would it work?

He was answered by the yelp of pain from the man. The metal, now glowing, dropped to the ground with a clang. Thank grief, he had been a ferrokinetic. The officer quickly leapt forward to subdue the man, while the man in the crowd who had been crying fell to his knees in relief.

Wiping his brow, the young man walked hurriedly away before anyone realized what happened.

He let himself smile, though, as he imagined IB’s reaction when he’d tell him the story. When, not if, he came back.

Re: LMB Novella: The Lord of the Oval
#119627 04/15/12 12:31 AM
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IB was playing with himself. Or rather, he'd split into his seven selves and had gotten out his Spaceopoly Deal deck. Green, Indigo and Violet were playing that game, while Red and Orange were playing cards to the side. They were tied, yet their normal cussing and taunting was absent now. They were just enjoying themselves. Orange and Blue were dozing off to the side.

Life was good in this idyll. He'd lost track of how much time he'd been here, but he didn't care.

"I think I'll take a nap too," Green announced as Indigo won the game. He promptly plopped down in a field of soft flowers and closed his eyes...

This is unacceptable.

"I don't care," Green mumbled. "We don't have anywhere to be."

You are our champion. You are stronger than this.

Green raised an eyebrow. That wasn't...

Open your eyes.


It is worse than I feared. It will not work until he wishes to escape from this.

Green turned over. Whoever this was, he didn't care. He just wanted to rest.

Has this creature sapped your will so?

"I... I just enjoy being free from worry."

And are you not concerned for your friends?

"They should be fine. I'm sure they're just around here somewhere..."

Even those who went to the world of the sorcerors?

"Maybe they came here. They're powerful enough. They do not need my help."

They need you more than you know. Your comrade Disaster Boy needs you. And what of the lover you left behind?
IB's breath caught, and he opened his eyes. Not with as much urgency as he normally would have, but still.

"Has anything happened?" It was Blue who spoke, this time. All seven of his selves were awake. Red and Orange were standing.

Nothing... yet. But only you can prevent that. We can release you, but only if you have the will to help us.

"I... how do I know I can trust you?"

We are the entities who allowed you to have your powers. We chose you. You are pure and worthy.

"I don't understand..."

Just know this - your use of your powers honors us. We are greatly pleased. And do not pretend you dislike them. Though they have tested you in the past, you now use them with much joy.

IB nodded. Though he still occasionally felt pangs of pain at his past, he had for the most part put it behind him. For the first time since he first awakened, he felt a glimmer of joy at the thought of the first time he'd soared in the sky.

You also honor us with the one you have chosen as your lover.

IB blushed slightly at that. "He is something, all right."

And you do wish to see him again. Even though being with him may mean you cannot return to your first home.

"I... yes. Yes, of course."

So you wish to be free.

"Yes. I need to go back."

Then it is done.

IB gasped as he felt his light powers blossom. It was like a wave of energy was threatening to pop from within his body. He screamed, not in pain but in pure joy, as a burst of light illumined the area.


IB tried to clear his head. His seven selves were floating in space. Around him was the same black goo that he and DB had encountered. It was everywhere, though a small radius of a few feet around him was clear. The edges were translucent, and he could see Disaster Boy floating beside him, eyes likewise closed.

"Did I just dream all that...?"

You did not. We saw that you needed assistance.

"Great. At least I know I'm not crazy. But who are you, and why...?"

You are our champion.

"I... I won't be a puppet on strings."

As long as you continue to honor us with your use of your powers, we shall have no further reason to step in.

"How can I be your champion though? I almost got caught in this..."

Your will was sapped, but you retained enough to desire to free yourself. That was the only reason we were able to free you."

"I... thank you."

Our gratitude is with you as well. Fare thee well.

IB wanted to call out again and get more answers, but he knew this was the end of that particular conversation.

Turning his sights on the bubble around him, he began to charge up. "Here goes nothing," he thought as all seven of him fired a concentrated laser. It didn't work last time, would it now?

Re: LMB Novella: The Lord of the Oval
#119628 04/18/12 09:22 PM
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Deep Space

It wasn't working. IB had tried different angles; different frequencies; and had even recombined to see if a more focused lightburst would work. Zilch. He was still trapped in his little bubble of "shadow" (for lack of a better term), and it was taking a lot of energy just to keep the viscous, absorbent, inky black substance from touching him again. Turning to light was out of the question - if his light blasts were being absorbed, he didn't want to risk the same thing happening to him.

He closed his eyes and began thinking. What else hadn't he tried?

There was only one more option, which he would never have considered before. That was to remove the earring limiting his powers and let loose, full blast.

This was the first time he really needed to, though. No one around could help him, and it was urgent he reach Weber's World. Who knows how much time he'd already wasted?

And there was something about the voices that had spoken to him that made him think he could handle them.

He was more confident in himself now.

Eyes still shut, he took a deep breath and focused on the "shadow". He had to make sure he used the right wavelength, or else he'd destroy Disaster Boy and anyone else trapped inside.

"Here goes nothing," he thought as he removed his earring.

Re: LMB Novella: The Lord of the Oval
#119629 04/18/12 10:51 PM
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Unseen, not unheard
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A burst of light erupted in space as Invisible Brainac revelled in the sheer power that was coursing through him.

Using his powers was always a rush, but this... it threatened to sweep him away. It was as though, for the past few years, he'd been rafting on a still river. Now the river had flown into a raging waterfall. Or perhaps more like a large pipe - though it required concentration, IB was able to control his beams' intensity and direction.

IB grinned in satisfaction as the massive burst of light penetrated the shadows surrounding him. The inky black substance disappeared. He turned his attention to Disaster Boy, and unleashed a beam that ate away at the shadows around him without actually touching him.

In only a few minutes, the twinking stars came into view once more. All that was left were a handful of floating ships which had been caught.

IB surveyed the scene for a while, then decided to tow all the ships to a nearby asteroid. As soon as he could make arrangements for any survivors within, he'd go.


Disaster Boy opened his eyes slowly. It felt like he had been sleeping on a bed of snow, chilled to the bone, and now someone had cloaked him in a comfortable blanket that was thawing him out.

"Welcome back, pal." IB stood above him with a grin and a hot mug of coffee.

"What happened?" DB rubbed his head. "All I remember is fighting to my heart's content and... feeling oddly peaceful at the same time."

"It's a loooooong story. I don't fully understand it either, but remember that black squishy thing we crashed into? Seems it was some sort of parasite that feeds on people. And get this - we have proof that it's Dark Oval work."

"How do you know that?"

"We weren't the only ones caught in it." For a second, IB looked grim, and DB knew it meant that not everyone who was caught had been lucky enough to survive. "I met an old friend who got trapped about a day before we did."

A short humanoid with black skin, large white eyes and an odd helmet stepped out into view. "Hi, I'm Petty Officer Marvin. I've already arranged for rescue services to pick up the rest of the survivors. If you're ready, we should leave now."

Re: LMB Novella: The Lord of the Oval
#119630 04/19/12 06:17 PM
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Weber's World

Nightcrawler stared at the message he received. It was an oddity; a hard light "postcard" with Invisible Brainiac's symbol on the back.

His fellow founders were with him, and all had differing emotions. They did have one in common, though - anticipation. Or rather, impatience.

"How long did he say it'd take him to get here?" Crujectra asked for the third time.

"Noon today, or about an hour from now," Nightcrawler replied.

"Exactly 9 minutes and 37 seconds from now," replied Kid Prime. He turned back to examining the message. “Invisible Brainiac has gotten more skilled, more powerful, or both. I have never known him to perform anything so sophisticated before.”

“Just as well, we will need his power. The way thing are developing…” Saturn Girl closed her eyes momentarily. "Abin's met the latest ship from Legion World. Good - we have enough LMBPers on-planet to handle the growing unrest. I imagine it will take quite a while for IB to debrief us. And I'm sure we have a lot of questions for him."

Beside her, Princess Crujectra merely sat silently. Her emotions were largely unreadable, though all the others knew she would be both worried for, and furious at, Cobalt Kid.

Nightcrawler thought of saying something, but before he could, a young man popped his head into the door. "Um... Are you the Legion World founders?"

"We mustn't be disturbed right now," Saturn Girl said, in a voice that would have quashed complaints from almost anyone.

"Oh, I'm sorry but... Invisible Brainiac asked me to meet you all here..."

Crujectra stood up, still regal but, to her old friends, obviously somewhat on edge. "What do you know of his whereabouts?"

Nightcrawler gently touched her shoulder. "It's okay. I know of this kid." He BAMFed over to the side of the young man. "IB's told me a lot about you. You know, you're a bit skinnier than I thought you'd be. IB’s description really built you up." The young man blushed at that.

"So, if you are you, what did IB give you on your first date?"

"Ah... nothing. But he brought me homemade pasta on our fourth."

"And you should now that that makes you very special," Nightcrawler said, not unlike a big brother encouraging a younger sibling. "Come on, sit down, we won't bite. I think IB's the only one allowed to do that to you."

The young man turned a shade deeper.

“Now, you wouldn't mind if Saturn Girl and the Princess her mind-scanned you just to really prove you are you?"

"I... I guess not."

The two perplexed founders looked at each other for a second, but they quickly went to work - first pulling information from Nightcrawler's mind, then from the new arrival. Seconds later, they both nodded. "Clear," the Princess said. "Though I was rather surprised that Invisible Brainiac's fishnet shorts made such an impression on you."

The young man was a deep crimson now. "I, uh..."

He was saved from having to explain himself by Kid Prime. “Invisible Brainiac should be appearing any second now.” At that very second, a bright beam of light shone from the sky, like a pillar of pure energy. It touched down on the balcony outside their room. Everyone shielded their eyes as three figures suddenly solidified – Invisible Brainiac, Disaster Boy, and Petty Officer Marvin the Martian.

“Hi everyone,” IB said with a grin. “It’s good to be back.”

The young man stood up. “Hi.”

IB’s grin grew even bigger. He ran to his lover and gave him a big hug. “I’ve missed you.”

“So have I,” said the other young man as he hugged back. “And… isn’t there something else you promised you’d say?”

“Fine, I knew you’d make me.” IB turned to face his now-captive audience. “Everyone, this is my… my boyfriend.” Without waiting to see their reactions, he turned back to his significant other. “I love you.”

“I love you too.” The words were barely out of his mouth before IB leaned in for a very deep kiss.

"They grow up so fast, don't they?" Saturn Girl said with pride. Nightcrawler nodded with a smile. "And he has good taste, too."

Re: LMB Novella: The Lord of the Oval
#119631 04/19/12 06:53 PM
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Weber's World

"So what's our next move?" IB asked as he followed Nightcrawler. Their debrief has just broken up, and IB hadn't had time to rest as he had insisted they begin right away. "We don't have much time. I've already seen an advance force. Almost killed us."

"Patience, kid. Yes, you and Marvin have evidence that what you encountered were Dark Oval forces. Yes, Disaster Boy can stand as proof once we present records of his brainwashing. But we're dealing with politicians here. It'll take some time - and a bit of planning - before we can convince them to move."

"But we don't have time! I don't know how soon they'll get there!"

Nightcrawler placed a hand on IB's chest, as if pushing him back. "Easy, kid. We work fast, you know that. This can wait a few hours, at least. I share your impatience, but better to plan a strategy than mess things up going half-cocked, okay?"

"He's right, you know." IB's boyfriend patted him on the shoulder. "Mmm. You've been working out in space, huh?"

"That's my cue," Nightcrawler smirked as he opened the door to a room. "Now you," he pointed at IB's boyfriend, "help you," he pointed at IB, "relax a bit. We'll meet again in 3 hours." With that, he BAMFed away, leaving the two alone.

"Hey hon, I know you're worried and all, but... this will be better. They know what they're doing."

IB relaxed a bit. "I know, I know... It's just frustrating. The things that I've seen..."

"Tell me all about them."

"That'll take a while. I think you should talk first about what you've been up to." IB grinned suddenly. "But before that... This is the first time we've seen each other since we became official. Know what that means?"

With grins on both their faces, they quickly shut the door behind them and got down to business.


IB smiled as he fingered his boyfriend's hair. "So, have you thought about your codename? They can't keep calling you 'IB's boyfriend', you know."

"I liked your Hotshot suggestion. Or how about Inferno? Or Super Hot Lad?"

"How about Flamer? Ow!"

"Hmph! Just because you're sexier than ever. Although, your abs aren't as tight as they used to be..."

"Hey, I can't do crunches in space, you know."

"Anyway, I think I'll go with Blaze. What do you think?"

IB smiled. "Suits you. So, are you ready to make your public debut? You know, come on out and all?"

"Ha, ha. But yeah, I think I'm ready to use my powers in public. I feel ready, anyway."

"I'm glad. We could use you when everything goes nuts. Just... just be careful, okay?"

"I will. You too, please?"

A meaningful silence passed between the two boys.

Before it dragged out, IB smiled. "Maybe I should change my name to match yours. Invisible Brainiac IS a pretty long name. How about Radiant, or Wavelength?"

"Wavelength? You're so full of yourself. How about Lightweight... OW!"

"Oh, you're gonna get it when we initiate you..." IB glared. "Come on, let's get dressed. We have work to do."


Petty Officer Marvin was in his room, though he wasn't resting. He furiously reviewed reports and documents he had collected. He liked the LMBP and the United Planets, and had always been a staunch ally. He would have stayed on Legion World if he hadn't felt he could do more good by watchign over the Brood - after all, he used to be one of them before being transformed into a Martian.

He liked his current form - that of Marvin the Martian. Invisible Brainiac had shown him old cartoons of the character.

This sense of liking and respect was relatively new to him (the Brood didn't have that), and he quite liked it. He'd do his best to honor his new allies.

Re: LMB Novella: The Lord of the Oval
#119632 04/19/12 10:09 PM
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Weber's World

It was all a bit much for Disaster Boy.

There had been some minor fanfare as he and Invisible Brainiac appeared on Weber’s World. The founders were … really glad to see him. Nightcrawler had even given him a hug. For some reason that surprised him. They were under the assumption he had gone back to his alternative future timeline to fight in the resistance on Qward. They hadn’t liked it, but they respected his wishes to go alone. And he really didn’t give them a choice when he stole a time bubble in the middle of the night.

They had no idea he had been kidnapped and turned into a zombie. This was a testament to the power of Titus and the Dark Lord. They were able to toy with the LMB, even without their knowledge. As Invisible Brainiac debriefed the founders on Disaster Boy’s torture and possession, Crujectra’s eyes moistened, Nightcrawler’s face grew dark, and Saturn Girl stated forcefully “One of our own! This will not stand.”

There was talk of telepathic therapy but, that would come much later, for now Disaster Boy made his way to the infirmary. As he walked through the halls, he noticed the agitation and blatant fear of the people. Still, more than he would have expected stopped to say “hello” or whisper “that’s Disaster Boy” as he passed.

The kindness from the founders and now the people of Weber’s World stirred something inside of him, something that was hard to remember. He remembered bits and pieces of Qward, and his conflicts with the LMB when he first came to this timeline but, these feelings reminded him of more recent times. The people happy to see him reminded him of a time before he was abducted by Titus and forced to do horrible things. He remembered being a hero.

“Ah, screw the doctor … I need a drink.” He made a move to turn away from the infirmary to a corridor that would lead him to the bar district.

“No, that’s the old Disaster Boy talking.”

Disaster Boy paused, and thought about the uncomfortable feelings he was having. Titus had used him. Worse, he had used him to commit atrocities. It wasn’t the first time he had been manipulated but, hopefully it would be the last. Disaster Boy always thought his code name was a sick joke, like he was the disaster. Villains for parents. A losing resistance effort on Qward. And then he travelled back in time for help ... and didn't even get the right timeline!

He was suddenly furious! He clenched his fist and felt the power of the elements surge through his body. He looked around and saw the people of Weber’s World passing him in the halls. “Not just military, so many civilians.” He made a vow then and there. He would protect these people. He would be a joke no more. There was another reason he was called Disaster Boy. His ability to lay waste to enemies.

“The Dark Lord will learn why I’m called Disaster Boy.”

The infirmary doors made a swish as he walked through them. He would get healthy, repair his body from Titus’ torture. That was the first step. Then he would make the Dark Lord regret attacking Weber’s World.

Re: LMB Novella: The Lord of the Oval
#119633 04/20/12 05:10 PM
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Lard Lad found a high mountain top where he could both be alone for a while and have a good vantage point to see what was going on below and around him. Cobalt had told him very strictly that he had wanted to confront Romaltus alone, at least at first, before anyone else could intervene. The same was true for Tempest and her pursuit of Mala. Both would signal himself, Power Boy, Juj the Durlan and the android Ameratsu if and when they were needed. Lardy only hoped that they would be able to do so because he knew that these were fierce foes.

In any case all had synched their chronometers to an agreed-upon point that the three would move in to aid Cobalt and Mala if they were not contacted. Lardy glanced at his and noted that there was nearly one terran hour left until they were to mobilize. Though it made him uneasy to wait, he still found himself grateful for the extra time to read from his prize, The Book of Priapus, which he’d just obtained from the dilapidated remains of Zerox’s Great Library.

He opened the book, and instead of starting at the first page, he opened to a random page toward the end. He began to read.

Greetings, Anthony! it read.

Lardy gasped and involuntarily looked around as if someone were pranking him. He reached out with his senses and confirmed he was alone. Remembering that the author Arun Nal had been a great seer, Lardy realized it was absolutely likely that Nal had foreseen his reading the book.

A little unnerved, nonetheless, Lardy continued reading.

I apologize for the shock, but as you have surmised, I foresaw that you would read these words, albeit many years after my own murder.
I wrote this book for you, even knowing that you would never be able to read it beyond this chapter.

Lardy’s expression showed utter confusion at that.

Yes, it’s true. The book will be destroyed within the hour. But that’s not important. I will get to that later.

For now, I need to tell you what you need to know, as well as some of what you [i]want
to know.

As your brother and half-sister have already confirmed to you some time ago, you are indeed one of the twin sons of Priapus and Una, whom your Legion know as Pornis and the One. Una knew when the two of you were in her womb that she could never allow Priapus to raise you. She already knew that her détente marriage with Priapus would not work and had decided to leave him shortly before she was to give birth. Further, Una knew that she would have to hide yourself and your brother from him. She knew that Priapus and her would be constantly at war and that the two of you would never be safe with her. So she separated the two of you in time and space and took measures to shield both of you from his all-seeing Eye until both of you would be old enough to inherit your gifts.

Though Una knew that you’d inherited your father’s gifts while Eryk would take after her, she did indeed love you both equally. She named you Anotaylus and left you on the industrial planetoid of GusCrek on the steps of an orphanage with a note that gave you your name. The terran who ran the facility called you “Anthony Taylor” and took you in.

Like most in the facility, you were never adopted. When you were of age, you were released and found work at the planetoid’s grocery tesseract. Shortly after, your power first manifested itself in a way that you thought was an accident that empowered you. No ‘lightning’ ever struck a display of ‘lard’; it was the power erupting within you all along.

Soon, you left GusCrek and joined the Order of the Lard Knights when they sensed your power manifesting. What they never realized was that you, who would become their greatest Knight, would be so because you were descended from the source of the energy they all wielded.

You see, Anotaylus, there is no ‘Lard Force’ at all. All so-called ‘Lard Knights’ tap into the power of Priapus himself![/i]

Lardy gasped. In a way, though, Lucy and Eryk had told him this before, but not in these exact words.

Yes. All of you draw from a power source that is inherently chaotic and selfish. In a very real way, the existence of the Order has unwittingly spread his influence and increased his power since it was formed. No matter how benign and altruistic their intentions, the Order of the Lard Knights has helped spread a great evil throughout this and parallel universes.

For you to have a prayer of defeating your father, Anotaylus, the Lard Knights...must cease to be.

Lardy looked up from the book. He didn’t know if he could read another line. How could he possibly do it? The Order meant a lot to him, even if not nearly as much as the LMB. Still...Serj, many others...was Arun telling him he’d have to end their lives?!?

Still "Lardy" to my friends!
Re: LMB Novella: The Lord of the Oval
#119634 04/20/12 05:39 PM
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Dev Em boarded the Dragon’s Teeth with the unconscious crew member he had retrieved right where C. J. Taylor had said he would be. Dev had tried to wake him up on board the vessel, but to no avail.

He carried the man to Medical, I wonder what Hrun actually calls it?” The Doctor there took him and began removing the suit that had kept him alive in space.

“There’s nothing else you can do Mr. Em, you might as well go get some rest yourself.”

Dev nodded and left, wanting to find C.J. and find out what he had been talking about, and why he thought the other man he had found had killed himself.

- -

C’J. Taylor was in a room filled with equipment, scanning all the broadcasts he could, trying to figure out how Dev could have been in two places at once.

“Any luck?” Dev asked as he walked in the room.

“What…” C.J. inadvertently whipped his head around to Dev and then sighed, “sorry, just startled me.”

Dev looked past C.J. at the monitor that was showing a scene of Dev Em ripping apart the hull of a ship, and grabbing crew members as they flew out due to the decompression. What he did to those crew members was horrific to watch.

“There are multiple angles of this, multiple attacks on different ships, and the dna code that the first ship that encountered him was able to obtain and broadcast before being destroyed herself matches yours. The odd thing is, it’s almost as if…whoever it was, wanted them to know ‘who’ it was. He let them have enough time to obtain a sample and send the news out that they had found you floating in space.”

“It makes no sense though; it can’t be a Durlan…at least not a full blooded one, because no other Durlans are as strong as I am. Let alone as strong as whoever this is.”

“Regardless, we’ll have to worry about that later. We’re in Dark Oval territory and moving as fast as we can. We have to meet up with the others.”

“Right,” Dev said as his communicator rang. The Doctor informed him that he had come to a conclusion on the crew member, and that they should come down as soon as possible.

Active LMB character is still Beast Boy.

Re: LMB Novella: The Lord of the Oval
#119635 04/20/12 08:00 PM
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Lardy shook his head and mustered up the courage to continue reading The Book of Priapus where he’d left off.

The answer to your unspoken question, Anotaylus, is ‘no’. You will not be asked to exterminate your fellow Lard Knights. You will, however, have to permanently sever their connection to what they refer to as the ‘Lard Force’. Once you do so, only yourself and other descendants of Priapus and his father XXXauron who have inherited their power will retain it. This is necessary because so long as the power of Priapus is wielded by someone not of the bloodline, then Priapus can never truly die.

Regrettably, this is also true of yourself. Though you never realized it, it was not truly your deceased wife Dru’s spell which brought you back to life after you died in Legion World’s fusion powersphere years ago in your time. True, the spell certainly helped things along. But you were always going to resurrect, so long as the Lard Knights existed. So you will be sacrificing your own immortality as well as the powers of your fellow Knights.

Lardy felt a chill. He shrugged it off and continued.

I am sure that was disturbing for you, but you have willingly laid your life on the line over and over again without knowing this, so it is a trifle for you in the end.

As to how you can achieve this, the answer lies within the locket you wear.

Lardy fingered the locket that contained the Eye of XXXauron given to him by Lucifer Lass months ago.

Your brother and half-sister read the prophecies incorrectly about the Eye, but it is no less important. The locket will only open in the realm of Priapus which lies beyond Epsilon Sector. The Eye within can then only be destroyed by you, and only you, dipping your sword in the Moat of Doom surrounding his palace--which will then empower your sword to destroy the Eye. This is just as they told you, but the results will be to depower the Lard Knights...along with one other side effect that is unimportant. It will not destroy Priapus, but it will ensure his death, should you bring it about, will be permanent.

And, yes, that means that I haven’t foreseen the outcome, whether it be victory or utter defeat. I know only that you and your friends are the only hope the universes have to destroy Priapus. Should you fail, all will most definitely be lost.

I know that you have heard that I conspired against Epsilon with Romaltus and Mala. This is true. And as such, I am just as responsible as they for the death of your wife. For that, I apologize. You see, I did what I had to do. I had to play the part, so that events could play out the way they have in order for you to one day have the chance to destroy Priapus. Sacrifices had to be made, and many more will be to achieve his final end if indeed it can be achieved. I knew all along that my own life would be forfeit and gladly gave it.

In fact, I am certain that one additional sacrifice will have to be made by you at the end for you to have a chance at victory. I am uncertain as to what that sacrifice will be, but I know that it will be something very precious and dear to you and that the same sacrifice will have to be made by another.

I wish that I could tell you more, but that is all I have foreseen.

I am sorry that you will be unable to read beyond the next few lines, but know that there is another who has read this book and will be able to guide you to the realm of Priapus. You will find her on Naltor.

Now, DUCK before you are burned alive!

Startled, Lardy jumped from his perch just as he felt a tremendous heat and heard a WHOOOOOSH! sound accompanying it.

He looked back to see a towering flume of fire annihilate the place where he had been. In an instant he realized he’d dropped the book in his haste and saw its outline disintegrating in the heat.

Then, he looked toward the source of the flames. It was a giant gray dragon beating its huge wings and turning its head towards him. As if that weren’t bad enough, Lardy used his powers to observe its aura. He gasped at what he sensed and tried to teleport, but he couldn’t. Something else else was blocking his ability to teleport.

Pornis would have to wait. He’d first have to fight for his life against a...zombie dragon!

Still "Lardy" to my friends!
Re: LMB Novella: The Lord of the Oval
#119636 04/25/12 08:42 AM
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Bold Flavors
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Weber’s World
The United Planets

When it came, it was if the flood gates were opened. After weeks and weeks of pent up fear and anxiety, the arrival of Invisible Brainiac and Disaster Boy set off a chain reaction on Weber’s World. There were two options: be consumed be fear and despair, crawl into a ball and wait to die was the first. The second, much harder option, was to stand firm with resolve, and set out to defend the universe.

Ambassador Mirenna Helene had watched as Invisible Brainiac arrived in a burst of light, which came upon the capital planet of the UP like a sunburst. The entire population watched with great awe as Invisible Brainiac—quite smartly, she thought—made several rounds in the skies before landing. He was obviously rippling with energy and using his momentum to siphon some of it off. But there was more to it than that; there was an enthusiasm, which was infectious. With every pass over the citizenry, cheers erupted from the streets and emotions were rampant. For the first time in a long time, the people were rallying. This boy is a leader, she thought. She’d seen many of them rise in the ranks of the LMB. Perhaps that is its greatest function, she considered, the way it breeds true leadership.

But while the population cheered, she knew his coming here so quickly and such a ad hoc manner meant something was wrong. Word quickly spread of the approaching army. So large, it was said, it could plot out the light of the surrounding suns. Cobalt Kid and Lard Lad were right after all. This was far more than a World War; there truly was a Dark Lord, and he was awake. And now he was coming for them.


While the elected politicians continued their never ending debate and the Prime Minister carefully and crudely manipulated them into following her lead, Mirenna had more clandestine intentions. The Legion World Founders were now discussing defense strategy with Invisible Brainiac, and that involved heading out for an offensive attack that was destined to fail but would ultimately buy them some time. She had to be sure the time was spent wisely. She moved quickly with her private guard—each one hand-picked after years of due diligence—into the labyrinth of back alleys and private quarters on the mechanical planet. She moved firmly: twist, turn, side alley, twist, basement, secret exit, another side alley, turn, twist, turn. And at last, she arrived.

“Ambassador,” he said as she approached. She smiled. Of course he’d arrive first and be waiting for her. He had a tendency to do that. She wondered how many of his allies truly knew how clever Kent Shakespeare was.

“Mr. Shakespeare,” she said with a nod. She’d dispense with the formalities and pleasantries. “I assume you’ve heard.”

“I have,” he said. Before he could continue he nodded to the dark corner, where another stepped out. She recognized him immediately: it was the LMBer, Space Ranger. “Space Ranger has joined me en route. Our other colleague, My Whee Fem, is assembling with the other Legionnaires.”

“Madame,” said Space Ranger with a courteous nod.

“A pleasure,” she said, adding, “I’ve of course heard all about your exploits. We welcome your gallantry…and your power.”

He smiled as a reply, thankful for the frankness.

“The Dark Army descends on us,” said Kent. “The only real intel at this point is from Invisible Brainiac. The Dark Lord no longer trusts most of his subjects, and so how large it is none can say. I’m hearing all kinds of crazy rumors though. Not only the Hive, but things like dragons and undead legions.”

“I’ve heard these rumors too,” she replied. “They march on Weber’s World, to cut off the head so the body might die. That leaves us in quite a bind.”

“Indeed,” said Kent. “The Khunds continue to sack Elia without mercy. They won’t be coming to our rescue. That leaves our General Belisarius in perfect position to claim the glory he’s always wanted. Let’s hope he’s up to the task.”

With these words, Ambassador Mirenna Helene did something she rarely ever did. She sighed deeply, and let the emotion and weariness show on her face. He doesn’t know yet she thought, and the realization she’d have to actually explain exhausted her.


“Our great general, Belisarius,” she said, her voice oozing sarcasm and fury, “has lost his bloody mind.” As she talked, she walked quickly through the corridors to some other clandestine location on Weber’s World. Kent followed while behind him Space Ranger easily kept the pace, though he was incredibly uneasy. All around, he let his X-ray vision reveal what exactly this dodgy part of the planet was hiding.

“What are you saying, exactly?” said Kent, still not quite believing what he was hearing.

“I’m saying we’re on our own, Kent. The bastard won’t be coming to our rescue. We’ve been left here to be martyred.” She stopped and suddenly opened a door along the wall that even Space Ranger hadn’t noticed. “But I’ll let your friends tell you.”

As she walked in, Kent and Space Ranger followed, and immediately heard a familiar voice.

“Kent? Ranger?” said Dedman in a tone that could only be relief.

“I told you they were coming,” said Kid Vudoo, who obviously was using his powers as they approached.

“Deddy! Vu! What are you doing here?” asked Space Ranger incredulously. In recent times, there had been many Legionnaires that had gone off the radar. So many feared dead. Every reunion, no matter how small, was a blessing.

“They arrived in secret twelve hours ago,” said Mirenna. “Only I know of their arrival, thank Rao. Their journey here, to use a cliché, was quite perilous,” she said, looking at them, as Kid Vudoo gave a shrug as if to say you ain’t kidding. “But quite appreciated. They are the ones who brought me the news. They are the two Knights.” As she said that, she nodded to the corner of the room, where two Knights were sitting.

Space Ranger and Kent had noticed them but were waiting for their introduction. Both Legionnaires knew of them by name because of their long term associations and work with Cobalt Kid: they were Knightress, and Captain Tomar-Tu, two of the Space Knights Templar. “Greetings, sentients,” said Space Ranger.

“Greetings,” said Tomar-Tu.

Knightress simply nodded; she could barely conceal her ongoing anger at the predicament they were in.

Kent nodded abruptly and then turned back to Mirenna. “Let me get this right,” he said very clearly. “General Belisarius has now occupied the crippled Dominion Empire. Instead of returning to the United Planets to defend Weber’s World, he has chosen to remain on the liberated planets with the vast majority of the UP military?”

“Yes,” said Dedman, his face in total seriousness. “Weber’s World is undefended as the largest army in the history of the universe descends on it. You better hear the whole story…”


The Legion World Founders had set-up a makeshift headquarters in a series of rooms allotted to them in the prime part of Weber’s World. It was quickly becoming a central hub for LMB activity as the number of Legionnaires on-planet increased. Nightcrawler was there making plans with Invisible Brainiac and Blaze, as My Whee Fem looked on, lamenting that two more hotties were now batting for the other team. Meanwhle, Abin Quank was greeting the new contingent of Legionnaires who had arrived: Lance, Beagle Boy and Jerry, all fresh from the planets Phlon and Illiad, which had now been secured against the Dominators and the Hive. All around the universe, the piecemeal fighting was drawing to a close as the warriors of the universe appeared to be drifting towards Weber’s World as if a bottleneck.

It was this moment that Space Ranger arrived in full force through the windows, carrying Kent Shakespeare, Dedman and Kid Vudoo. Their arrival was greeted with a welcome surprise by the assembled LMBers, but their faces remained incredibly grim.

“Fancy seeing you here, Bart,” said Abin with a welcome smile to his brother.

“Wish it was under better circumstances,” replied the great hero. His words were met with a questioning, anxiety induced look by all of the Legionnaires.

“What’s the matter?” said Nightcrawler immediately. “What’s happened?”

Kent Shakespeare took a deep breath. “What I’m going to ask you is something none of us would ever want to ask you on their worst day. I’m so sorry Nighty.”

The air in the room seemed to be sucked out. Nightcrawler coldly replied: “What’s happened?”

“We need every LMBer that is in any kind of possible proximity to get to Weber’s World as quickly as possible. Otherwise, the United Planets isn’t going to make it.”

“That should be no problem…” said Abin, not thinking it through at first, but then trailing off when he realized.

“Legion World will have to go undefended,” said Kent Shakespeare getting to the point. “I’m sorry, Bal. I know Legion World is in great danger right now. But we have no choice.”

Thought they wished they had somewhere else to look, each one of them looked at Nightcrawler. And in that moment, Nightcrawler did the thing that most defined a hero. Sacrifice. “Yes, you’re right. I will give the order myself.”

Re: LMB Novella: The Lord of the Oval
#119637 04/25/12 08:43 AM
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Bold Flavors
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Legion World,
The United Planets

When the word came in, Fanfic Lady, the deputy leader of the LMB, never once complained. She knew the simple fact of leadership: your real role is to take one slap in the face after another without complaint, weathering the shit storm until it passes.

The former leader, Ram Boy, who was assisting her, voiced her thoughts for her. “This sucks. Just when a situation can’t get any worse…”

But the two of them had to grin and bare it, and so they did. Legion World was severely lacking it’s traditional defenders, the LMB; word had just come in that not only would no more support be coming back, but any Legionnaires that could be spared were to be sent to Weber’s World. And while all of this was going on, Legion World had reached a crisis point.

“Legionnaires, this is Fanfic Lady on an open frequency. I need you all to check in.”

“Roger that,” said Lightning Lad, checking in first. He had stepped up to assume temporary command of the Office of Security while Dev Em was off-world. “The teen titans have done a great job,” he said, referring to what was left of the Security Office elite guard: Red Arrow, Question Lad, Everyday Girl and Sam Pureheart, the EMT. “We think we’ve traced the problems we’ve been having to one individual. He calls himself the Eraser.”

“Excellent,” said Fanfic Lady, feeling some relief. For weeks since the troubles began on the other side of the galaxy, Legion World had experienced an uptick of terrorist activity and political related crimes. The theory—now accepted to be fact—was that Legion World had been infiltrated by Dark Oval agents. The full plan was still unknown but knowing there was on individual leading the terrorists was a good start. “Any leads on his whereabouts?”

“Yes,” said Lightning Lad. “Sebastian has some thoughts on where she is and they actually make quite a bit of sense. We’re following up.”

“Don’t be afraid to use Matlock,” she replied, referring to the galaxy’s greatest detective. “Speaking of which, any word?”

“Not yet,” said Matlock over the comm-link. “Our girl still doesn’t realize she’s being followed,” he added. Both Matlock and Lash Lad were also present on Legion World with a specific directive: follow Umber, the daughter of Cobalt Kid and Thora, and make sure she was okay. Various Legionnaires had bounties placed on their heads; this was alarming but part and parcel of being a galaxy famous hero. However, Umber was just a normal citizen who loved to shop and gossip; she had a bounty on her head because somehow the secret information that she was Cobalt Kid’s daughter had made its way to the Dark Oval.”

Fanfic Lady regretted using two LMBers for such a small task but there was no doubt the girl was in danger. “What about you, Cali?”

“All seems pretty calm,” she replied, “though people are on edge.” Caliente, Arachne and Outdoor Miner were the reserve crew on Legion World, and they joined their fellow LMBer Fat Cramer at Café Cramer. FC had put out a free spread to the public to help ease the anxiety the galactic war was causing. It also helped keep most of the population in Legionnopolis in one place. “The waiting is killing me,” she added.

“Me too,” said Fanfic Lady. She turned to Ram Boy. “That leaves Dr. One, Tamper Lad and Nova Girl, all in the labs but also on reserve. And that’s it. Let’s hope this passes…”

“What’s the old saying about wishing in one hand, and shitting in the other?” said a voice suddenly and they both turned alarmingly. In front of them, slipping through the wall, was the Ghost of Numf-El.

“Numfie!” said Fanfic Lady. “We haven’t seen you in awhile.” Since dying in the line of duty years earlier, the Ghost of Numf-El remained an apparition stuck in the land of the living and stuck on Legion World.

“Wish I had some better news for you, boss,” he said, since he still considered himself on active duty since he was technically present. “But the shit if about to hit the fan.”


“The Battle of Legion World”, as it would be called, was not so much a battle but a series of skirmishes between the Dark Oval terrorist known as the Eraser and his elite assassin squad, the members of the LMB. Yet, it quickly escalated as a squadron of Hive drones were teleported into Legion World space, threatening to consume the population below. Daroon was fresh on the minds of every citizen and every Legionnaire. Many believed this would be their final moments.

And as the Legionnaires fought for their home, they found help in the oddest of places. At first, it was the citizenry who stood by them: Dr. Mayavale, beloved for his eccentricities, became more beloved that day for defending his neighbors. Umber, rather than a victim, was more than eager to join her defenders in fighting back the enemy. And Thora, who already once proven she was an ally of the LMB after all these years, this time did so not with political machinations but with her bull whip.

But the casualties began to pile up, even as Question Lad, Red Arrow and Everyday Girl at long last cornered the terrorist known as the Eraser. They had him in their sights, but Sam Pureheart considered the question no one wanted to say aloud: “what’s the point of stopping him if so many Legion Worlders die?”

And as if on cue, his question found an answer. There was one Legionnaire who came and went as she wished; whose power was immeasurable and unrivaled; whose very nature was almost impossible to understand. She was the LMBP Spectre, and when the blood of Legion World citizens ran red in the streets, those who spilled it would know her wrath. As the other great powers—Mearl Dox, Lucien Lad and the Phantom Stranger—gathered in secret to stand outside these events, the Spectre deceived them. For her vengeance would know no limitations.

Yet, still the battle raged. The Eraser’s assassins and the Hive menace were matched evenly, but it still not enough to curb the brutal assault on Legion World. Yes, perhaps the LMB could beat them…but at what cost?

And it was at that moment, the most unlikely ally revealed himself.

He had many names over many millennia. What he was truly was remained unknown. But those who knew him simply called him ‘The Eternal Man’. Those who only thought they knew him, called him Zardi. For two long years his Castle floated in the sky over Legionnonopolis, causing any who gazed up at it to feel dread and terror. Though the threat was constant, tension between Legion World and Zardi had evolved into a cold war. Each patiently waited for the other to make one wrong move in a never-ending chess game. But there was no doubt Zardi was their enemy.

Except today. Today, Zardi was their ally, and he let himself be known.


When sentients looked back on the days of the war, they’d remember the heroism at Weber’s World and the great deeds of those behind the Dark Oval line. Few would remember the heroes who saved Legion World that day. But the citizens of Legion World would remember, and so would the LMB.

The Eraser was defeated—hauled in by Question Lad himself. Lightning Lad and the rest got a kick out of Question Lad reading him his rights.

Umber was saved, and in the process, snuck off with Lash Lad’s trademark shades.

Zardi’s efforts tipped things in Legion World’s favor. Never once did he explain his actions; never once did he discuss what happened. But just so he knew, Fanfic Lady sent him a thank you card anyway.

Fanfic Lady breathed a sigh of relief. They’d been tested and they’d survived. Legion World was safe. The heroes had a home to return to after all. The question was now: would any of them actually return?

Re: LMB Novella: The Lord of the Oval
#119638 04/25/12 09:11 AM
Joined: Sep 2003
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Bold Flavors
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Weber’s World,
The United Planets

On Weber’s World, the fate of Legion World remained unknown. The Eraser had cut off all communications outgoing from the LMB’s home planet, and that was taken an ill omen by the Legion World Founders. Still, they silently lent each other support, and watched as a small assemblage of Legionnaires gathered in their quarters.

“Rick! Welcome,” said Invisible Brainiac as a new quartet arrived, lead by Rickshaw. “Try to settle in where you can,” he added, “and we’ll get right to work.”

“Never been to Weber’s World before…” said Rickshaw with a grimace, “…bit out of my element, you ask me…”. This caused Nightcrawler to smile.

The other founders, however, focused on something else. “Someone is stepping up,” said Spellbinder to Kid Prime as they watched Invisible Brainiac taking charge of the room. “Nothing like a man taking charge,” she said with a quiet smile.

Behind Rickshaw was Blacula, Mattropolis and Raging Bull. The latter saw Space Ranger and My Whee Fem and them looked around to see if CJ Taylor was there, but found that was not the case. He wasn’t surprised.

“So we’re engaging in a bit of a sorrey, then?” asked Dedman.

“Yes,” said Kent Shakespeare, who was also helping plan their next move. “We’re to engage and annoy, but keep our expectations in check. This will not stop the approaching army, even with the power wielded by Abin and Kid Prime and some of the others. This is to slow them down, and pick them off one by one. It’s guerilla tactics until they arrive at Weber’s World.”

“What then?” asked Jerry.

“Then we try to survive,” said Lance, frustrated at the predicament they were in.

As Lance walked away, Kid Vudoo nudged Invisible Brainiac once again. “New entrants,” he said, using his vision powers to see who was approaching before they actually arrived. Invisible Brainiac got his hopes up but hid his disappointment when it was not more Legionnaires. Still not enough… he thought.

It was the two Space Knights Templar, Knightress and Tomar Tu. They had quickly become major allies of the LMB on Weber’s World and were spending most of their time with the LMB. With them was a third individual none of them had ever met before. He was a magnificent looking young man with a ripped physique and beautiful, powerful looking wings. “Legionnaires,” said Knightress, “let me introduce Andgar Fel. Ambassador Helene asked that we bring him over to meet you; she says he’s rife with potential and we could certainly use his help. Oh,” she added, “he also seems to have some pretty complex politics going on about him.” Knightress was known for not carelessly discussing private business in the open.

Andgar Fel ignored the last comment. “I’m hoping I can lend a hand,” he said.

“I’ll take both hands,” said Beagle Boy to Jerry and both smiled. The fact that the winged warrior was an Adonis had not escaped most of the Legionnaires present.


The Prime Minister of the United Planets was renowned for being a master politician, who could move pieces across the chess board with calculated ease while playing several different games. She was cold and ruthless when she needed to be, but she hardly ever let anyone see her be emotional. Today, she allowed Mirenna that privilege. “I’ll have his fucking head a spike if I need to,” she said crudely.” She gritted her teeth and slammed her fist hard into her desk.

Mirenna, who felt those exact emotions hours earlier, simply nodded.

“There’s no getting around this. His actions are treason. In our time of need, Belisarius has betrayed us.”

“Yes,” said Mirenna.

“Even if the Legionnaires keep us alive a few more days, there’s no doubt we’ll all be killed. Well, perhaps not you and I. I know firsthand the horrors of war. They’ll probably keep us alive for something worse.”

Mirenna was all too familiar with what she was implying. “Yes,” she simply said.

“We need to take action against him immediately. And not send another army, which we don’t have anyway. I need your best assassin, and don’t pretend you don’t have one exactly in mind right now. I need someone over to remove Belisarius from the playing field immediately. As long as he remains in command of the army, we all die.”

“Madame Prime Minster,” she said, “I understand implicitly.”


“It doesn’t look too good,” said Princess Crujectra, as she looked out over the sunset. The LMBer called Spellbinder was at her best when the chips were down and strength & leadership were required. She provided that in spades now. But in private, she had her doubts about what was to come. “Mikaal is somewhere in the Dark Oval now,” she added. “I can only hope he’s in a better predicament.”

Kent Shakespeare didn’t respond. It was very likely he was not. But both scions of the House of Jectra could take care of themselves like few others. “I’m getting an update,” he said, as a private device went off. Crujectra noted it was not an omni-com, nor anything she had ever seen before. Where does he get those wonderful toys?

“It looks like we’re getting a little help we hadn’t counted on,” he said with a smile. “They’re docking now.”

“Who?” asked Crujectra in surprise.

“The lost contingent from Daroon. Looks like they made it after all. And if all that fighting wasn’t enough, they’re ready to pitch for another round.”

As the small armada of ships began to dock, Senators, Ambassadors, soldiers and Legionnaires came down to greet them. Spellbinder was delighted to see Loser Lad emerge from the main ship with a smile on his face. “You’re a sight for sore eyes!” he said, picking her up and hugging her.

Kent felt a little relief. “I can second that thought,” he said.

“It’s not much…” said Loser Lad, referring to the size of the fleet.

“It’s huge,” said Kent. “Is Darden with you?”

“No,” said Loser. “We’re not sure where we went after Metternich fell.”


“Brother, we’ve been to hell and back.”

“Yeah,” said Kent glumly. “Well, now you’ve gone back to hell again. C’mon, let’s get you guys set up.”

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