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5 Worst movies ever!
by Eryk Davis Ester - 03/12/25 09:58 PM
Lois Lane's Lucky Legion Earrings...
by Korbal - 03/12/25 12:14 PM
I'm Thinking of a DCU character Part 6!
by Chaim Mattis Keller - 03/12/25 07:08 AM
FL revisits The Transformers' post-animated-movie episodes
by Ann Hebistand - 03/12/25 06:55 AM
Kill This Thread LXIV - The Giant Checkerboard
by Ann Hebistand - 03/12/25 06:49 AM
Inane one word posts XXXIV - inanity
by Invisible Brainiac - 03/11/25 06:07 PM
The All-JSA (2024) Thread!
by Ann Hebistand - 03/11/25 05:49 PM
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The Loser Cave,

Helena passed her time catching up with Bat-Fem and Grev Mallor as both filled her in on the adventures of the Covenant as they travelled through the Dark Oval and of their time here on Earth-4 becoming part of the so-called Losers.

Helena couldn't have been more disinterested. When Rockhopper Lass returned, she had expected Seth Gaterra to be with her. Unfortunately, Seth had been given a side mission and would return indefinitely when the mission was fulfilled.

Sensing where Helena's thoughts were, Bat-Fem said, "he asked me to rig those lots we drew, you know."

Helena was surprised at the sudden turn in the conversation. "Huh? What are you talking about?"

Bat-Fem smiled. "The lots we drew back on Legion World that determined which of the Covenant would stay. Seth asked me to rig them somehow so that you would be the one who stayed. He feared it was a suicide mission, and he couldn't bear anything happening to you."

"How DARE you!" Helena said raising her voice, causing other Losers in the area to gawk. Grev suddenly wished he was anywhere else but couldn't slip away unnoticed. "You had NO right! Seth...had no right..."

"Relax, Helena," Bat-Fem said soothingly but methodically, "I didn't rig it for him. I rigged it for my own purposes."

"What's THAT supposed to mean?!?!"

"We would have never worked well together in such a small group...both too used to being in command. We would have been at one another's throats so much that the mission would have been doomed."

Helena thought for a moment at those words. She recalled the moments before the lots were drawn and thinking the same thing about the mission to come. She shrugged off her anger and irritation. Water under the bridge, she supposed. She just wondered where the hell Seth was and how much longer--

"Helena! Where is she?" came a voice from the far side of the cave that snapped her out of it.

Could it be--? she thought and at once stood up to look for the voice's source. Immediately, she spotted him. "Seth!"

Seth's bright pupil-less eyes flashed as he saw her. Then, the two ran toward each other and crashed together right into a tight embrace.

"Oh, Seth..." she managed while her head was wedged on his shoulder, tears streaming from her eyes. "I thought I'd never see you again...but I never forgot about you! Not a day went by..."

Simultaneously, Seth was saying, "my precious lady...beautiful, beautiful Helena..."

Applause erupted spontaneously around the Loser Cave at the sight of the two. In such bleak times the Losers knew that every shining moment they could get was worthy of recognition and celebration.

Moments later, the two sat at an empty table together.

"Seth, I just realized you're not wearing your containment suit!"

Seth's completely opaque features betrayed a bright smile as his lips parted. "I have been studying with a Loser named Val Armorr who has taught me the mental discipline to control the symbiants within me and, by extension, the destructive nimbus that had to be contained. I only have to wear the suit when I sleep or when I am in battle, now."

"You can be touched?"

"Why, yes...I can!"

She smiled. "Can I kiss you, Seth?"

He smiled back, and before he could respond to the question, her lips were on his. He was surprised but kissed her back. They embraced and occasionally gasped for air, but they didn't want to stop.

Neither had so much as openly expressed the depths of their feelings for each other in the very short time they had together before the Covenant's mission to the Dark Oval separated them. But they had a deep connection, nonetheless, one that never weakened despite years apart. This kiss was truly worth a thousand words.

Finally, Helena forced her lips from his long enough to ask, "so got a room here--or any sprockin' place more private?"

He grinned, nodded and took her hand. They practically ran to their destination.

An hour or two later, the couple lay naked in bed, their clothes and her robotic arm littering the floor. Basking in the afterglow, Seth lay on his back and Helena on her side, snuggled up against his pitch black body with her head on his chest.

"I love you, by the way," he said as he kissed her forehead.

Helena smiled. "I can tell. And I think I loved you the first moment I ever saw you."

"Whatever happens," he said, "I'm never leaving your side again."

"Better not," she retorted, "or I'll kill you."

The two laughed and started kissing and gearing up for another round.

Tomorrow might be a day filled with horrors beyond imagining, but this night, for them, there was nothing or no one but each other.

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The Dark Oval

Indigo was down to his last three throwing knives, and he still couldn't get a bead on his assailant.

Every time he threw one, he listened intently for a sound - any sound - that would give him a clue as to where the ghoul was.

Logic dictated that, with a dozen knives on his person and his back to a corner, there were only so many directions he'd have to throw something at before he got in a lucky shot.

But since when did ghouls and evil gods follow logic?

There was little time... the dark shadows were already crawling up his leg.

He closed his eyes and threw again. Nothing.

He did a quarter turn and threw once more. Still nothing.

The shadows were up to his waist now. It was cold. Very cold.

Desperately, he mentally reviewed where he'd already struck. It didn't make sense. He'd pretty much already done a 360-degree sweep of the area. He'd even thrown a few knives above him to be sure.


His body shivering so hard he could barely think, Indigo squeezed his eyes shut again. Think! Think! Perhaps the ghoul was crouching down. Perhaps it was flying above him. Perhaps it kept moving around and changing direction.

If it didn't... There was one direction he hadn't hit. But it didn't make much sense.

Of course, if everything made sense then he wouldn't be stuck in this mess in the first place.

The shadows were up to his chest now. He had to act fast.

Fingers shivering, barely able to close them upon the hilt of his knife, he lunged backwards and stabbed, half expecting to hit stone.

Instead, mercifully, he heard a soft crunch. Flesh.

A scream escaped its lips as the ghoul behind him began crumbling to dust.

Released from the shadows, Indigo slumped down, muscles failing all over.

He was unconscious before he hit the floor.

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Time Trapper
Time Trapper
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Earth 4

Dev Em was flying across the barren landscape of Earth 4. He was searching...searching for the group of rebels called The Losers. In his mind, there was never a more aptly named group of scum.

He slowed and hovered for a while, searching the land with a variety of powers her had. He could hear the sound of a fly's wings at a hundred miles if he wanted.

His communicator want off. He siged and pulled it from his belt. "Yes."

"The Emperor would have you know that he has captured your alternates brother. The man beast Timberwolf."

"Let the Emperor know that that one is dangerous. If he is half as cunning as my sister was, he is a danger as long as he can draw a breath, and possibly for several minutes after he draws his last."

His mind flashed back to his sister being ripped apart by creatures too terrible for words. His mind flashed back to his family being torn apart. His mind flashed back to his former team member Sharklad attacking his son and biting off his leg, and taking him somewhere else to feed on the rest of his body.

He crushed the communicator without even thinking about it, ending the conversation a second before he would have heard a series of explosions ripping through the Palace of The Emperor. He screamed and let loose with a barrage of heat vision at the ground.

The Emperor had helped him understand that the SMB had decided that he was too dangerous to live after he had slipped up a little one day and almost killed one of their enemies. They had also found out about Silverwolfs actions for the government, including assassinations and attacked them using creatures they brought in from another dimension. Only Sharklad had been bold enough to show his face in the attack, striking at Jon, his second youngest child.

"One day I will have my revenge against that..."

HE stopped and looked down at the ground he had scorched with his heat vision. There was something amiss.

He floated down and looked closer. There was the tiniest piece of metal in the dirt. Metal that should not be here.

Dev Em, The Emperor's Dark Emissary smiled as he stood.


Inside the Loser main security room, Super-Dense Kid and Legion Adventure Boy stared at the screen and then looked at each other with wide eyes.

Legion Adventure Boy turned and ran for the door, "I'll go try and slow him down, you alert the others."

"Don't go out there alone!" Super-Dense Kid yelled after him and hit the alarm button. He grabbed the intercom and spoke as slowly and clearly as he could, "The Dark Emissary has found us...I repeat, he is here!"

Active LMB character is still Beast Boy.

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Kalla set Lon's head down onto the floor and moved to the door. She could barely hear any commotion outside, which seemed odd. She cracked the door open and the noises rushed in. Individuals yelling for equipment, others running past, not paying any attention to who may be opening the door. She heard someone yell that The Emperor himself was needed at one of the sites, because the fires were not extinguishing.

She shut it again and activated the locking mechanism. The room obviously had some form of sound proofing, which meant that as long as the others thought they were still being tortured, they were safe for the moment.

She moved back around the table that contained all manner of tools that had been used on Lon and herself. As she passed, she grabbed a few towels.

Lon was stirring when she knelt beck down beside him. "Shhhh...easy does it Fuzzy."

Lon smiled at her, and slowly opened his eyes. "We have to...get moving."

"Give yourself a minute, we're alright for right now."

"No. If I calculated it right, we should have about fifteen minutes from when my leg blew out until he comes back here to kill us."

"Why fifteen minutes?" She asked as she helped him to his feet.

"The most dangerous of the devices will need his personal attention to extinguish. Once he get's done with one or two of them, he'll be back...and not with torture in mind."

She grinned to herself. "Where did you get the chemicals to pull this off?"

"Haven. Those and a temperature sensitive trigger, which has unfortunate side effects as well," he said as he got to his feet with Kalla's help.

They moved to the door, and Lon unlocked it. They were looking at each other, knowing that this could very well be their last true quiet moment together if things went wrong.

They both said "I love you." at the same time, and then they both smiled. Lon gave her a gentle kiss, and said, "stay behind me and use me for cover," he said as he handed her the two guns that the guards had. "Use these and save your own power for emergencies only.

He opened the door wide and shifted into Full rampaging Furball mode and charged into the hallway. He took down the guards within reach of him, and Kalla started blasting away at the guards further down the hall.

Furball did not slow at all as he tore through the ranks of guards and others that happened to get in his way on their trip to the outside. Kalla was amazed at the punishment that this form of Lons could take and not slow him down.

They finally hit the outside and were pleased that the guards were still occupied with the various fires raging around the Palace.

Furball stopped and reverted back to human form. Lon ran to the side of a stray building and starte digging into the dirt.

Kalla followed him and watched for any guards that may spot them.

Lon unburied a duffel bag and unzipped it. he handed Kalla a thermal jacket and put his standard uniform on with a little help from Kalla, since there were still parts of his body that were still incredibly messed up.

He looked at her, "can you get us over that rise there?" he asked as he pointed to the north.

She nodded and grabbed him under his arms and they took flight. Staying as low as they could to avoid as much unwanted attention as possible, she was also bending the light around them...rendering them invisible to the naked eye.

Once they reached the ridge and Kalla set down, Lon turned back to see if they were being followed. Amazingly, they were not. "Your cloaking is amazing," he said smiling at her.

Kalla had turned to the west and was concentrating hard. Lon watched her curiously until she at last raised her arms and fired a blast of energy in that direction.

"Signal sent huh?" Lon said as he sat down in the snow and ice.

"With a few minutes to spare," she said with a wink.

"C'mere..." Lon said with a grin.

She moved over to him and he gave her an embrace. She felt him slip his hand under the clothing on her back and that made her grin. She was smiling as he gently massaged her back.

"This is going to hurt," he said suddenly as she leaned in to kiss him.


He had scratched her...hard, and she thought she felt a little blood dripping down her back. "What are you..."

He slipped his hand out of her clothes and in his palm was a small transmitter. "They do not make it that easy to escape and do not not follow you if you are a prisoner of your stature."

He held the thing in his hand staring at it.

"You could have warned me," she said sharply.

"Yes, and I'm sorry for that," he said and hung his head a little, looking at her from under his brow. "It was just that, well...I started with the best intentions in mind, but then I couldn't sense something that I felt under your skin.

She grabbed him and gave him a kiss. "You know just how to say the sexiest things to a woman." She mumbled as she continued kissing him.

"We have to get moving..." he said as best he could with her lips against his, "they're going to notice that we stopped soon enough.

"No sense of adventure at all," she said with a smile.


The Emperor was awaiting the message from Blaine. He had finally attended to all of the fires that the man beast had managed to get started. He wondered how he had triggered them. The one that had not detonated had no timer, nor did any of the others that his people could see. And that meant that it had to have been a remote.

The creature had been stripped down and had no devices on him...his patrols had found no other trace of anyone close enough to detonate the primitive technology used to construct the devices. They would have had to have been within visual range of the Palace, and there was nobody.

They knew that the man beast would try and rescue the traitorous whore, and they allowed it to transpire to a point. The Emperor had not thought that the beast would have actually succeeded in doing the damage he had done though.

Blaine entered the room.

"My Emperor. They have escaped as you allowed, but the tracker has been found with this note," he said and handed The Emperor the paper.

"Really emperor bird brain? Did you really think I could not detect the undetectable?"

He ripped the paper into shreds and threw the tracking device against the very far wall of the room. "Send teams out in every direction...and get Dev Em back here.!"

Blaine nodded and ran out of the room.

Minutes later, a guard entered the room.

The Emperor looked at him, and waited.

"I was sent to inform you that The Dark Emissary has been out of contact for the better part of an hour. Since just before the explosions actually."

The Emperor strode over to the guard, who was visibly nervous.

"Who sent you to inform me of this?" He asked, his voice dripping with anger.

"M-m-m-my Captain..."

The Emperor nodded. "Very well, my new Captain," he said as he placed his arm around the guards shoulders, "let us go talk to your former superior officer."

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The Dark Oval

There are four necessary conditions for a dust explosion to occur. Combustible dust, large concentrations of said dust suspended in the air, an oxidant such as oxygen, and an ignition source.

Coming from a part of Prianopolis without any humans, the moth-like ghoul probably didn't know that.

All it knew was that the human male it had been sent after was standing before it defiantly, shooting light at it with much brilliance.

Orange's lasers had no effect, though; the dust spores being scattered around had light-absorbing properties.

All around it, death was being scattered by the spores. And Orange, protected as he was by the makeshift masks around his face, was starting to get affected.

If the moth could, it would have smiled at this easy task.

Not for long, though.

As it drew closer, Orange acted. In one fluid motion, he flicked open his lighter and threw it on the ground in front of him.

Ground that had been soaked with tree sap and dried twigs.

Ground that was underneath air thick with spores.

Ground underneath the moth that was the source of the dust.

The plains were lit up in a brilliant burst of flame.

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Unseen, not unheard
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The Dark Oval

The shapeshifter's form wrapped around Purple's legs. And his hands. And his arms. And his neck.

His eyes were blindfolded by a thick tentacle, and another wrapped around his mouth so he couldn't scream.

The ghoul was unnaturally resistant to light. Every time he blasted bits of it, it reformed quickly.

His mind was churning; something was upsetting his concentration. One thought did scream through his mind - "Oh god, I'm being crushed to death. Oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god."

This wouldn't have been a problem if he hadn't been caught by surprise.

It was a mental struggle, but Purple fought to calm himself. He closed his eyes - not to block out his sight, but to help himself concentrate.

Emptying himself of emotion and thought as best he could, he focused.

A blinding purple flash lit the room as Purple emanated light from his whole being.

After a second, the only thing left was a pile of dust and an unconscious figure on the floor.

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Bold Flavors
Bold Flavors
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The United Planets

Faraway Lad walked among the various resistance fighters, nodding at some and smiling at others, but purposely plodding along so he wouldn’t be stopped. There was a momentary lapse in the fighting and Faraway was experienced enough to recognize the proverbial “calm before the storm”. Though it seemed hardly possible, things were about to get even more chaotic. And difficult.

He found a makeshift tent sent aside where someone had been kind enough to find him a table, chair, some papers and an old fashioned pen. It was as close to an office as a commander in this battle was going to get, and having it available to him let him put his thoughts together more coherently. He was exhausted and needed sleep—he could hardly remember the last time he’d even had the chance to close his eyes for a few seconds. He was feeling run down and even running a bit of a temperature; a harsh sounding cough was developing that he hoped sounded much worse than it was. And he was starving. There was no food in sight, but he had a small bottle of port nearby and so he poured himself a drink. He sipped the glass and felt the warmth settle through his body as he sighed deeply.

Metternich. The Dark Oval General had thwarted them at every turn on Daroon. Just when they thought they had an edge, it was only to fall right into Metternich’s trap. The two had animosity preceding Daroon going back several years but never more than now—Faraway hated Metternich now. Truly hated. His words still hung in his ears: “but if I cannot have the children converted, and the oh so joyous ecstasy of seeing the child kill the father or the father the child…”

The Dark Oval General had done the impossible and gotten battalions from the Khanate of Sol Invictus to work side by side with the Hive for this attack, knowing it would weaken and possibly shatter the United Planets. Only someone as cunning in the political realm as he was on the battlefield could do this. Deep in his heart he feared that Metternich being on Daroon was purposely orchestrated so the Durlan could get revenge on Faraway himself. He pushed those thoughts asides—nonsense, surely. In a universe this vast, there was no way that could be the reason they wound up in the same theater of the war. It was coincidence. Wasn’t it?

“Ambassador Coulthard,” said a voice approaching. “Do you have a moment?” Faraway Lad turned to see three men walking over, or rather, three triplets all in similar armor with a different color scheme. They were tall and handsome, with black hair and a strong jawline & chin. By their sides were sheathed swords and it was clear these men were knights.

“I do,” said Faraway, still seated. He nodded towards the port. “A drink lads?”

“No thanks,” said one of the three, who wore a large cross on the front of his armor. Must be the devout one, thought Faraway Lad. “We are Sir John, Ambassador, and as you probably guess, we are a Carrggitte. Dev Em said we could find you here and thought it would prudent to introduce ourselves. We know your colleagues Cobalt Kid and Eryk Davis Ester quite well.”

“The pleasure is mine,” said Darden, “though I don’t take any pleasure in our meeting place. As you can see, the situation remains dire and while your arrival has lifted our spirits, we still have a very hard battle to fight.”

“Indeed,” said one of the Sir Johns, this one in blue & green. “But we’re ready to fight it. When the time comes, we hope it would be alright with you if we led the knights out into the field. I know Kar Em, Dev Em and yourself have all been leading in your own ways…”

Faraway understood immediately and respected their taking the time to make sure the chain of command was not going to be shattered by the recent arrivals. “Of course,” he said, “better your fellows have someone they know leading them out into the chaos. You’ll see the bugs are numerous and each wave has a different species at the head. It will be difficult to coordinate a proper defense since their lines are not uniform. So having a leader with his own special battalion may just be the right way to proceed anyway.”

The last Sir John, a man in blue & purple, with trimmings in pink, now spoke. “We’ll let you rest now, Faraway Lad. I’m sure you must be exhausted, and who knows when they’ll strike next. I just will also let you know that it was many weeks ago when we saw your colleagues in the Dark Oval. But when we did, they were alright. And by all reports, are probably still alright knowing them.”

That brought a smile to his face. “Then all hope is not lost,” he said. “Thank you for remembering to tell me.”

They nodded and turned around to walk away. Sir John the Carrggitte seemed to be a good man, or men actually. So many of them were good people, who stepped up when things were bleak. He considered how many good ones they’d lose tomorrow in the battle. And in the next battle. Rather than dwell on it, he poured himself one more drink before looking through his maps and plans.

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Unseen, not unheard
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The Dark Oval

Red had just made one of the riskiest decisions of his young life. He strapped his quarterstaff to his back and drew out his throwing knives, hurling them at the crystalline ghoul that was throwing darts at him.

He'd managed to grab a nearby piece of scrap metal to use as a shield, but it wouldn't hold long.

He tensed as he observed the ghoul's reactions to his strikes. Hopefully, he was posing enough of a threat for it to...

There. There was one spot that the ghoul instinctively crossed its arm to protect. He was sure of it - it had happened thrice.

It was time.

With a yell, Red charged at the ghoul, shield held high in his left hand and quarterstaff ready in his right. He would have spun it, but he was losing blood fast.

The crystal spikes came faster and thicker, but he ran on. He was bleeding too heavily to dodge much, so he prayed the shield would hold.

He was closing the gap. Other ghouls farther behind were starting to move forward to stand side by side with his current opponent. With a wave of his hand, lasers felled those others.

"No fair bringing on reinforcements, coward!" he yelled, partly out of fury and partly as a distraction.

The ghoul stopped letting daggers fly and formed a crystal sword, pointing it at Red's chest.

It struck.

Red used his shield to take the brunt of the blow; the sword shattered, sending crystal flying in all directions. He cursed as a couple of shards hit his side, and another his forehead. But he’d already lost so much blood, a little more wouldn’t matter. As the ghoul was getting its bearing, he struck too.

Red spun his quarterstaff around and drove it deep into the point he’d identified – midway between the ghoul’s neck and where its waist would be.

What passed for the ghoul’s eyes widened, and it shattered into a million pieces.

Too many, in fact, for Red’s shield to stop them all.

True to form, the last thing Red uttered before he went down, bloodied and cut, was “Crap!”

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Unseen, not unheard
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The Dark Oval

"Please tell me we're ready," Yellow thought to Blue as he dodged another kick. Yellow retaliated with one of his own, though Blue blocked that one with his arm. He failed to grab Yellow's boot, though, letting him swing back for another pass.

The two were setting up a fine balance between pulling their punches and letting each other gain enough cosmetic injuries. The ghoul controlling them was smart enough, sentient enough to be taking glee in their torture - it would be smart enough to notice if they fought against its influence too much.

Hopefully, though, it would also be enjoying itself too much to see that they were herding it, just as it was herding them.

Thankfully, it didn't seem to notice that they hadn't been speaking in a while. They did keep yelling and snarling to keep up pretense though.

"I think we have to get closer," Blue thought as he blocked another punch. He wasn't fast enough to block the next one, though - a punch to the gut which sent him doubling over in pain.

Yellow winced in sympathy pain - he could register that Blue felt it, but thankfully couldn't feel it himself. The awareness hurt, though. After all, Blue was him. "We're getting beat up pretty bad, and if the others are in as much trouble as we are...I think we're good."

"I can't tell from here." Blue thought.

"I'm the one facing it. Trust me."

Blue hesitated. Damn him, thought Yellow.

"I said TRUST ME!" Yellow screamed into their mindlink. "We don't have time - and even though I'm the irresponsible one, this is a fight dammit!" That last one came out as a scream. Damn. Mustn't lose control.

Blue's face blanked out for a moment, like he was thinking. "Alright," he thought back. "I'm sorry. I trust you." With that, he gave Yellow a kick that sent them hurling away in opposite directions.

"Damn you," Yellow screamed. "You're the part of me I hate most, you hesitant oversensitive sissy!" He barreled forward, with all the speed he could muster.

"Shut up, you vain little boy in a man's body!" Blue yelled back, teeth gritted.

At the last second before Yellow hit him, Blue turned around and brought his arms up.

Yellow tackled him, sending both of them careening straight towards the hooded ghoul below them.

It was a sight to behold - a yellow and blue streak zipping across the sky, colliding with a black figure, cloak billowing all around it.

Blue quickly closed his hands around the ghoul's neck and let loose to the limit of his powers. The last thing he saw before he lost consciousness was the shock on the ghoul's face before it too vanished in a burst of light.

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Space near Prianopolis
The Dark Oval

Green was thoroughly exhausted. Making his way to the nearby asteroid should have been a snap - but nothing is against the power of a black hole.

A pseudo black hole, anyway. If it were a real one, space around would have been warped and planetary bodies of all masses would have been affected.

Funny how, in the face of almost certain death, the most minute details sometimes come to mind.

Just like the designs on the ship the Fellowship had parked there.

Green could vividly see the LMB logo, shining like a beacon of hope in the darkness of space.

He paused at the ship's door, trying to use his light powers to see where the ghoul was. Luckily, it moved slowly, glacially. "Probably thinks it can afford to take its time," Green muttered. "And I can't - so open up, you stupid door!"

Bad, bad. Better keep calm.

Composing himself, Green got the door open and entered the ship. They'd only left it there a couple hours earlier, but it seemed like days.

He started the ship, praying that his timing was right.

No more mistakes.


The problem with ghouls is they have tunnel vision. They do have some measure of intelligence, but death has a way of dulling their instincts.

If it had been as canny as it were when it was still alive, the ghoul would have wondered why its target had chosen to head to a nearby asteroid where he wouldn't have been able to hide.

The ghoul would have known to watch its back.

Instead, it was still making its way slowly to the asteroid when the ship blinked out of hyperspace.

In seconds, Green had lasered himself out of the ship's window and had decapitated the ghoul with a laser beam.

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The Dark Oval

"IB, we need you." Power Boy was reaching out telepathically. "Tempest is blocking Titus' telepathy, but I don't know how long she can hold out."

He got one thought to acknowledge the message, but it was faint. One thought, where there should be seven.

As for the rest... nothing. Just silence. Power Boy feared for the worst.


That one thought came from Green, who had entered the atmosphere of Prianopolis. Good. They could safely establish the mindlink, and head to battle.

"Boys? I almost crashed the ship into a black hole. Otherwise, I'm fine. All of you?"

Odd. He could feel his other selves, like knots in the back of his mind. They lived, that much he knew.

But no message came from Red. Nor Purple. Nor Indigo.


Orange's message was barely coherent; all Green could sense were visions of... Rockhopper Lad somersaulting over Ram Boy, who was dancing a jig with cleome while Lash Lad threw potpourri and Lash Lad flicked his lighter flirtatiously at Caliente who was massaging banana cream pie on Poverty Lad's bare leg? Oh, and Pov finally had pants on.

"Is anyone conscious? Please, let me know where you are!" Green sounded desperately.

"Blue's down!" Yellow's sending was weak, but urgent. Almost panicking. "Dammit, wake up! I didn't mean what I said, you know that!"

"I know..." came Blue's signal, faint. "I didn't... either..."

Damn. They'd never been in such bad shape before.

"You two, merge yourselves. We need to be conscious - I can't get a read on anyone else. I don't know how bad a shape you're in, Yellow, but it can't be any worse than what Blue is in."

This was risky at best. When two of his selves merged, the integrated self averaged out the level of health and stamina of the two. Knowledge and experiences were kept, but physically they leveled out.

If too many of them were injured, even with Green at full health, the whole IB would be weak as a baby.

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Unseen, not unheard
Unseen, not unheard
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The Dark Oval

Whole for the first time in what felt like days, Invisible Brainiac steadied himself with one hand as he took stock.

He had one black eye, bruises on his chest and side, what seemed like a broken wrist, a cut on his lip, a bloody nose, and he shivered while nursing a fever. His throat hurt and so did the gashes on his leg.

Slowly, he stood up. He barely made it, but he did stand up straight.

He'd live.

He stripped of his shirt, trying to see the extent of the damage. Luckily, his internal organs seemed alright, and his reintegration had stemmed the blood loss.

Gritting his teeth, he flew off, ignoring the pain. His friends needed him.

And after that, he'd need them. After the beating he took, and the battle yet to come, he doubted he'd be able to even sit up at the end of the day.

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The Bowels of Titus' Palace


Power Boy and Titus tumbled through the lower regions of the palace. They fought, as they smashed through floors and walls, the palace shaking with the violence of their struggle.

Titus thought ‘The boy is much stronger than he let on, on HUL.’


Just then Titus found himself transported in time and space to a room, if it could even be called that, of utter darkness and black flame. He knew where he was immediately as the terror washed over him. He prostrated himself.

A voice spoke, all around and through Titus.


Titus’ reeled, trying to think of what to say.



Titus was forced back into his body at the moment he left. A glow of darkness in his skin causing Power Boy to pause momentarily … Titus bit down, razor teeth chomping into Power Boy’s arm that held him.

Power Boy recoiled in pain. Titus flew up, towards the wind witch.

He would forget Power Boy for now, he needed a victory to hand to the Dark Lord after so much failure, It was too late for tools, too late to twist and use this fellowship. It was time for bodies, dead bodies.

Power Boy sped after Titus, grabbing his ankle with his good arm, Titus kicked free and rocketed through the ceiling towards Tempest.

… He caught her by surprise, shattering the floor beneath her and grabbing her roughly by the throat. It took her a moment to realize where she was … one moment riffling through Titus’ mind and the next held in is vice like grip, the breath being crushed from her body.

Disaster Boy moved to blast Titus away but was caught first. Titus held him with mental domination and an upraised hand in a claw like shape. Disaster Boy resisted his mental domination, held like a fly in amber. Blood spurted from his nose and mouth as Disaster Boy collapsed beneath the mental struggle. Disaster Boy fell to the ground forcefully.

“Now sorceress, I wish we had more time to be alone but, I can already hear that gnat Power Boy chasing me like a pup.” Titus rubbed his tongue across his razor sharp teeth.

Tempest struggled to summon her powers.

“GAHH!!” Titus grasped his wrist, dropping Tempest, who quickly used a burst of air to push herself away, holding her throat.

Blood splattered from the wrist that held Tempest. Ameratsu stepped from the shadows, his bronze robotic chest bearing a gaping hole where Titus impaled him. In his right hand he clenched Titus’ own spear, the tip bloody from slashing Titus’ wrist.

“It seems an android heart is more resilient than a human heart.”

“… and that your own weapons can do you harm.” “I always wondered that.”

Ameratsu closed on Titus.

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Titus' Palace
The ancient ruins of Prianopolis,
The Dark Oval


Titus fought like a cornered animal, slashing at Ameratsu with a short sword from his belt. He had lost his sword somewhere in the battle with Power Boy.

Ameratsu’s robotically increased reflexes and deft use of the spear did not fend off Titus for long. He blocked with the spear but, as time went on, Titus was slashing more and more of the robot’s metallic skin.

Ameratsu backed away under the onslaught, the short sword clanging against the spear …

… When the stone floor exploded beneath them.

Power Boy erupted violently through the floor, destroying it. Walls tumbled down into the chasm he made. He surged with energy as he floated in the once opulent throne room where Titus fought the android. The impact sent waves through the floor, cracking it, and sending everyone to their knees or worse.

Power Boy sucked in energy from all around him. His senses were amplified by this influx of power.

He surveyed the scene quickly. He saw Tempest, her cape raised in front of her protectively as the palace shuddered. He saw her caress her throat with her other hand. He also saw Disaster Boy lying in a heap, breathing shallow, with dried blood all over his face. Then, he heard the ring of Titus’ blade on metallic flesh as Titus attempted to finish off an artificial humanoid.

There was no sign of Cobalt Kid or Lard Lad. In his already frenzied mind one powerful thought overwhelmed him.

‘We were too late, they are already dead.’

He cocked his head at Titus like a hawk inspecting its prey.

“Titus.” Power Boy said in a quiet voice as he pulled more power into him.

Titus turned, leaving the android to fall to his knees.

“Burn. Burn you.” Power Boy whispered like a cold wind.


Light and energy erupted from Power Boy, blinding Tempest. She felt the shockwave of the huge blast of energy as it struck Titus like an avalanche. He disappeared under the bright onslaught and the blast shattered through the walls of the palace. An entire face of the palace wall was obliterated leaving a hole several stories tall, letting in the outside air and light.

But, even the sunlight dimmed as Power Boy called on its energy.

Tempest had clasped her hands over her ears during the blast. Now she looked back at Power Boy, who floated, shining with energy. She looked around, and was surprised the building still stood. Floors and walls randomly disintegrated by the battle. It wouldn’t be long before this shattered building fell in on itself.

On shaky legs, she assessed Power Boy, and felt a chill. She hypothesized he could reach this level of power but she hadn’t thought for many more years, if not centuries. She knew, very well, the temptation of such power. Worse, he looked crazed from the savage battle with Titus. This was not the Power Boy they knew.

‘Who knows what happens when an immortal is faced with death?’ She thought of Titus as well, and his animalistic intensity during this battle.

Well, she was not exactly young herself, though no one knew how old, and she had far more up her sleeve than the winds. If it came to a battle with this young god engorged with power, she would see herself out of this situation.

She clenched her jaw at the thought of facing Power Boy now; had he gone mad, and what it would take to survive a confrontation?


Invisible Brainiac flew across the city, a trail of light marking his path across the sky. He flew, towards Titus’ palace. Decayed buildings spread out below him, the ceramic shapes without their roofs looked like hundreds of large shattered bowls covered with dust.

IB flew as fast as possible in his current state, tired from the battles with the ghouls, and saw a brilliant blast of light in the distance. So bright, It lit up the entire horizon. It came from the coordinates of the palace. The battle had already begun.

As he flew closer, he saw the palace come into view, or what was left of it.

The side of the building had been destroyed, giving him a clear view of the ruined battled scene.

“I’m too late, oh no, oh no, no, …” He repeated to himself over and over again, worried for his friends.

From the outside, he could see that a glow still emanated from the palace.

IB floated inside cautiously, what he saw made him pause.

Power Boy filled with light, sucking in the light all around him, even the sky had gone dim. IB could feel the tug of Power Boy on his own energies.

But it was Power Boy’s face that gave him pause. Besides the obvious marks of battle, his face was serene in a cold way. He couldn’t recognize his friend behind that face. Power Boy seemed so alien.


Titus vanquished, Power Boy let out a sigh. His rage at Titus had anchored him in this plane but now, so full of the energy of everything around him, he felt like he was fading away. He looked around and noticed his colleagues, as if a great distance separated them. His enhanced senses amplified by the energy that he pulled in from all the sources around him.

The sorceress clenched her jaw, she was like a spring ready to snap. 'Was she scared?'

Goon Boy appeared through a hole in the wall, and helped Disaster Boy to his feet.

Power Boy looked at Invisible Brainiac, who just arrived. He saw himself in his friend’s eyes, and he didn’t like what he saw. IB was confused and a little scared at the amount of destruction Power Boy had caused during his rampage with Titus.

The plan was to keep Titus off balance until they could deal with him, not to actually execute him, of course. In the heat of battle, Power Boy had been forced to fight harder and harder as Titus raised the stakes.

'It even seemed like there was a voice egging him on, playing with the adrenaline of battle, making him more and more bloodthirsty.'

Now, his friends look on him with fear.

Power Boy powered down, releasing the energy he was drawing on, the sunlight returned. He dropped to the cracked floor of the crumbling palace as the sky returned to its natural luminance. He was extremely tired, amping his abilities that way had left him strung out like a drug addict who was coming down from a high. Cuts ran all over his body and glowed as energy leaked from his cosmic anatomy. His costume, which was as durable as body armor, was unrecognizable, and the left side of his hair had been ripped out or burned away.

As the intoxication of energy left his body, Power Boy slumped with the fatigue of the battle ‘Was this how Titus began, drawn to more and more power, distrusted by friends?’

The five of them stood there as the dust settled.



The City Surrounding the Palace
The ancient ruins of Prianopolis,
The Dark Oval

The battle could be heard for miles. A humble procession of Titus slaves, former soldiers, and prisoners walked away from the palace through the old city. Lard Lad looked over his shoulder, “We need to move faster Juj!”

Juj had taken the form of a giant green and gold centipede to carry many of the children and elderly servants on his back as they escaped from Titus’ palace. They wound their way away from the palace. It was a slow pace as the older slave children walked. Fortunately, many of Titus’ own guards chose to defect with them rather than remain with Titus. Most at least, they had been forced to fight some of the more loyal soldiers.

“Juj, How many can you carry if you fly?” Lardy asked hurriedly.

“Not many, 10 maybe 12 children if I took the form of something like a dragon, less adults. It would be strenuous, I’m not sure how many trips I could make.” Juj replied as the implications of Lard Lad’s question settled in on him.

Lardy studied their numbers, about 30 children of varying ages, about 10 more older slaves, a few of Titus’ personal concubines, males and females, and about 10 more guards who escorted them.

‘Damn you for putting me in this situation Titus! Who should I send first?’

Lard Lad ground his teeth and said “Juj, here’s what we do, take the smaller children first, get them out of the way, then come back for the other children on the second trip. We’ll pick up the pace to a trot in the meanwhile. Be quick.” He patted the caterpillar on the back.

Juj pointed with a caterpillar arm, to a few hills in the distance beyond the city’s edge, “I’ll fly them to the valley between those hills, hopefully we can hide there. Make your way through the city on a direct line and I will find you on my return.”

Juj transformed, caterpillar form spreading until wings expanded and a neck elongated, after a few moments a long lean dragon stood before them.

The children on Juj’s back during the transformation squealed while the others watching dropped their mouths in awe. The dirt on their faces, the rags they wore, couldn’t hide the wonder they saw, for a moment they were children again.

After a few moments of reorganization, Juj took flight, he flapped his wings hard at first to gain flight. He insisted that as many children as possible were put on him but, it seemed he was having a hard time with the weight. He flapped harder and harder, burdened by the weight.

Lard Lad watched as Juj, slowly flew higher and higher, eventually in a more stable fashion.

As Juj’s dragon form faded to a shadow in the distance, Lard Lad felt cold.

‘It can’t be sunset already.’ Lardy looked to the sky and saw the sun still high above but, it looked dim, as if it shined less bright, or if less sunlight was reaching the planet.


The screeching sound of an explosion knocked Lard Lad face down on the ground. The earth shook as blinding light emanated from the palace. After several moments, his vision returned. Lard Lad saw the slaves and children strewn about the street. Everyone looked fine besides being disoriented. These kids were used to being scared, they took the explosion relatively in stride.

The palace could be seen clearly from this area of the city. Lard Lad’s group hadn’t been able to get very far away from the palace.

Lard Lad saw the palace, cut in half, light streaming from within, as the battle had clearly intensified.

‘They’ll be allright, they have to be, I can’t leave these kids.’

As Lardy gave the orders for the soldiers to carry the children and run to the rendezvous with Juj, he felt like he had the wind knocked out of him from choosing between aiding his friends in battle, and getting these kids to safety.


Clearly frustrated, Lard Lad directed his group around yet another building that had collapsed into the street, cutting them off from a direct route to the rendezvous with Juj. They had to make several of these detours since the city was in shambles, and looked like it had been for a century.

'This is taking too long.’ He fumed. He wanted to get back to his friends as soon as possible. He had no idea how the battle was going.

“Hurry Juj.” He said under his breath. Lard Lad decided once Juj got the children to safety, he would double back to the palace. The older slaves could find their own way there.

Lard Lad looked into an alley for a way to circumvent the latest roadblock. He saw two eyes look at him from the shadows. The group of slaves and soldiers waited behind in the street as directed.

Lard Lad moved closer, it wasn’t his imagination, there were eyes … 'Those eyes.’ Lard Lad knew them.

“Come. Come closer.” A voice said, in his mind as much as his ears. Lardy inched closer. Curiosity overtaking Lard Lad, he stared into those eyes. Before he knew it, he was with an arm’s length of the creature in the shadows.

A grey sinewy hand reached out from the shadows, and Lard Lad instantly recognized this creature.

The fingers were long now, like claws, the arm looked like a thin branch of a tree but, it was covered with blood red tattoos … the same that Titus wore. It was too late, Titus grabbed Lardy’s arm and gazed deep into his eyes.

‘I should’ve known, those eyes are the same, cruel, like I’m being dissected.’

Titus was desperate, he held Lard Lad tight, and began to drain his life force. Lardy was entranced by Titus’ mental power. Titus had lost almost all of his power, and his very life in the battle but, possessing others was his first and foremost ability.

Lard Lad failed to struggle, he knew this was IT, ‘I did some good.’ He thought, and he thought about joining his friend Cobalt Kid, they’d have adventures in the afterlife.

Lard Lad tried to resist but, he was so tired from the torture and the long campaign against the Dark Oval. A voice in the back of his mind shouted ’NO, NO’ but his body and mind had no reserves of energy to call upon.

Lard Lad blacked out.


Or so he thought. In actually he found himself in complete darkness. It was as if the entire world had been replaced, with a black nothingness. All around him everything was gone but, he could clearly see HIMSELF. He didn’t like this place, it emanated terror, it took him long moments before he could overcome the paralysis of such palpable fear. Titus? Where was Titus ?

‘Am I dead?’ was his next thought.

Somehow, he knew he wouldn’t have to worry about Titus, Titus was being punished. He didn’t know how he knew this information. All he knew was that there was a seed of awareness growing inside of him. He felt connected to something, powerful. He felt chosen.

Before him in the shadows, he saw an oily shimmer of a body. As he looked for the head, he saw black flames, he could feel their cold from here.

‘Oh shit.’


“LARDY!!!” “WAKE UP!!”

Cobalt Kid struck Lard Lad across the face hard with an open hand.

Lard Lad seemed to be gaining some lucidity, finally.

“cobie …” He said in a small voice.

“am I dead?” he asked.

“No.” “Not as far as I can tell.” Cobalt Kid said.

Awareness dawning on Lard Lad “then … that means … your …”

“Alive. Yes” Cobalt replied warmly. He was a bit surprised but, he was glad to be alive.

“HA HA HA HAH !!! HOOOOO HAAAAAAAAAA!!!!” Lardy smacked Cobalt Kid on the back several times and then lifted him in a bear hug that neither of them were prepared for.


Seeing if the others were ok, figuring out what to do with all these refugees, finding out where Titus had gone, understanding what just happened to him in the darkness ...

That would all have to wait just a little bit longer.

As Lardy hugged his friend, he was just grateful they were both alive.


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Lardy eased his friend to the ground, realizing that Cobalt, though alive, was in a lot of pain.

Tears welling in his eyes, Lardy said, "gods, I really, truly thought I'd lost you this time! Even when you were missing so long when Dark Conan and the Pious One took you, I never..." Lardy's voice trailed off as he wiped his eyes.

Wincing but managing a wry smile, Cobalt replied, "c'mon, Lardy...didn't think countless stabbings, near-drowning and g-giant sharks...would do me in...d-didja?"

Cobalt staggered a bit and held his chest, as if he were trying to hold his guts in. Lardy caught his friend and put Cobie's arm across his shoulders to hold him up. As beat up as Lardy felt, he could see his friend was pushed to the edge of his ability to self-heal.

"Des," Lardy said softly, "you've got to rest and let your healing powers do their thing, or you might yet be a goner after all."


"Titus is defeated, Des. The rest of us can set up a camp for the refugees." He eased Cobalt to the ground and knelt down to look him in the eyes. "You trust me, don't you?"

Cobalt's eyes brightened, and he replied, "with my life, buddy." He looked towards the children off in the background. "And with theirs."

At that moment Lardy knew that Cobalt understood and approved of the choice Lardy had made to save Titus's captives. More tears welled in his eyes.

"Think I'm ready for a cat-nap now, Lardy..."

And, just like that, Cobalt fell into unconsciousness.

Lardy smiled, realizing he and Cobie had come a long way indeed.

"Goony?" Lardy called out to Goon Boy who had been watching nearby.

"I'll get 'im to some shelter and make sure he's undisturbed."

Goon Boy picked Cobalt Kid up and gently carried him off.

As Tempest, Power Boy and Invisible Brainiac worked together to build a large shelter for the refugees, Lardy approached Juj.

"What are we gonna do with these refugees, Juj? We have no means to evac such a large group, and this planet is too inhospitable to leave them here for a long period of time."

Juj smiled. "I still have my transmitter for contacting Phe'Be on Hrykosia. Normally, it wouldn't have the range for this distance, as it didn't have on Haven, but the radiation levels on this planet from its centuries of warfare have created a perfect storm, if you will, to boost the signal. I've already spoken to her--she's sending a G.E.M. rescue unit. It'll be here within two days!"

"Excellent, Juj! I couldn't bear leaving these children to fend for themselves, even with some able-bodied Titus defectors to watch over them. We'll have to leave before they get here. Give Phe'Be my best when you see her..."

Juj shook his head. "I'm not going with the refugees. I want to go with you all."

Lardy was genuinely surprised. "Really? Why?"

"I've been a literal fly on the wall and watched you guys closely. You stand for something...a desire to change the universe for the better, whatever it takes. On Durla we believe, foremost, in change and effecting it in whatever manner yields the best results. I want to be a part of what you are doing."

Lardy grinned and patted Juj on the shoulder. "I'll see what strings I can pull with the others--hell, they may ditch me here in favor of you!"

And the two shared a hearty laugh.

Later, Lardy watched as the children played in and around the makeshift shelter. Juj was transforming into various imaginative shapes to entertain them and give them rides, and Invisible Brainiac dazzled them with a spectacular light show.

Before he realized it, a beautiful woman approached him and said, "bless you, sir knight." Then, out of the blue, she kissed him passionately.

Startled, he enjoyed the kiss for a moment before breaking it up. Looking her over, he realized she was one of Titus' concubines they had freed.

"You are my new Lord, now. How may I please you?"

Lardy stood agape for a moment. He knew what the old Lardy would do in this situation. He smiled, realizing that he'd come a long way since then.

"Sweet lady," he said gently, "as your new Lord, it is my fondest desire that you, and the other ladies and men, be freed to seek your own destinies and your own pleasures."

Confused, she managed, ""

Gods, he thought, she reminds me so much of Pru... His mind formed an image of Hummer Lass, who he hadn't seen in so long. "I would be deeply honored if you'd abide by my request!" he said, bowing.

She bowed back and ran to the others.

As he watched her and then looked back around at the children playing, Lardy felt pure elation. For the first time in this mission, there was no grey area. These people were free and would have a chance in life they would otherwise have never had.

He beamed. It's really gonna be worth it!

Still "Lardy" to my friends!
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The Dark Oval

As others scurried all around her, Lolita saw Faraway Lad exiting the main cavern of the Loser Cave to go off on his own. She had been keeping an eye on him for several days now and she figured that now was the time to make her move. She watched as he moved slowly, his body almost sagging as if he held up a tremendous weight. The Earth-1 Faraway Lad had been a long time mentor and friend to Cobalt Kid; that meant that she had gotten to know him over the years and in an indirect way, was also one of his students, since Cobalt often took the role of mentor to her.

The Faraway Lad’s of the multiple Earths usually looked almost exactly the same as each other in one of those rare instances of extreme similarity. Their personalities were also similar, and Lolita always wondered if this was by design since the Faraway Lads were the most critical beings in the multiverse when it came to inter-universe travel by the nature of their powerset. Yet this Faraway Lad was different and she knew the reason why was due to recent events: he’d been beaten, imprisoned and malnourished for a long time before he was freed by the Losers. On top of that, his powers had been stripped of him, meaning he lost a connection to the universe that was natural and ever-present; it would be akin to someone losing their sight or hearing. He wasn’t beaten yet, but he was weary and worn out.

As she followed him, she noted he entered a room she hadn’t been in before. It looked to be like a large storage unit with odd items on shelves along the walls and in a grid throughout the room itself. The lights were dim and she instinctively clutched her trenchcoat over his micro-skirt & halter top. A smooth, kind voice to the side of her indicated where he’d gone.

“Can I help you, young lady?” he said quietly. His voice made her relax briefly and she realized this was a technique the Earth-1 Darden had as well; it was something that served him well in his diplomatic missions. “Perhaps a drink?” he added and she saw he’d poured himself a glass of port and was already pouring her one. So much for being sneaky.

“We haven’t had much time to talk,” she said, “though you probably don’t find that odd.”

“Nonsense,” he said. “Darden has told me much about many members of his LMB, including your colleague Cobalt Kid and of course you. I won’t claim I know everything about you, but I know enough to wonder why you hadn’t approached me. I take it you have some sort of plan? And your usual connection to your own Darden means you’re more comfortable telling me than Adelie or Hugh or the others?”

Lolita thought it over and it did make sense. “I would have probably told Rocky,” she said though, indicating a ‘no’ to his question. “But I will take the port,” she added, taking it and sitting. She walked over to a desk and sat on top of it, facing him. “I know its been a tough road for you guys…” she began.

He started laughing. “I don’t look that bad, do I?” he smiled.

The truth was he did. She had to be sure. Sure that he wasn’t already broken. “I’ve noticed you tend to let the others make the major decisions around here, though you occasionally offer counsel,” she began. “I was wondering why? You’re a natural leader on all Earths. I’m partially surprised you’re not leading the Losers.”

His reaction was carefully measured and she was worried he was suddenly taken aback. Instead, he said, “I’ve lost my powers, Lolita. And diplomacy isn’t really an option at this point. But when the time comes, I’ll be there to battle the Evil Emperor Penguin and win back our home. And help pick up the pieces from there.”

“All good points, and I’m glad to hear it,” said Lolita. She realized she was perhaps being too feisty with this iconic member of the SMB but couldn’t help her self. Time was of the essence. “But I think there’s more important work for you to be doing right now.”

This time he did not let his façade continue and she could see he was annoyed. Still, he did not respond right away but took a slow sip of his port and savored it for a moment. At last, he simply said: “go on.”

If The Evil Emperor Penguin is defeated, and if Earth is liberated, no one has yet to ask what is next. Because there is an assumption regarding the order in which these things may happen. That assumption may be false. Perhaps we’re getting our steps out of order here.” She purposely was not laying it out clearly to make sure he was engaged.

Yet clearly, he was. “Interesting,” he said. “You mean to restore our Earth to our Universe. Which could have many benefits…” he added, thinking on it. “Of course, we’ve all thought this step was something that had to happen but were so caught up in battling the EEP that we haven’t really given it enough thought regarding how it can be done. Have you?”

Lolita smiled. “Yes. From the minute Kalla Hrykos told me Earth-4 was in the Dark Oval that is all I’ve been thinking about. And I think I’ve figured it out. I may need someone with the engineering skill to do it, and I sure as hell need a power source, but I think I’ve come up with a plan. But most importantly, I need you.”

Darden put down the glass of port and began walking around the room a bit, thinking. “We have an expert engineer here that would be able to do what you needed,” he said, “so make sure you introduce yourself to Gear as soon as possible. I’d have to ask the others about a power source. But that leaves me. Except right now, I’m not Faraway Lad. I’m simply Darden with no powers.”

“If we’re going to transport an Earth across a universe, we need the one person who specializes in transporting anything across universes. I fail to see how a Darden without powers is not the famous Faraway Lad,” she said in mock-flattering tone that had elements of truth to it. “So the question is why haven’t you gotten your powers back?”

“Indeed,” he said, starting to lose where she was going with this. “Why haven’t I?”

“Because,” she said, hoping beyond hope that she was right, “while you were imprisoned, they handicapped you with power dampeners preventing you from using them. During that time, they tried to break your spirit and likely came close.” He made to interject but she held her hand up, as her voice now began to rise. She jumped down from the desk so she was standing across from him. “When you were freed, the dampeners were gone, but you still didn’t have your power. In my summation, the only logical explanation is the lack of powers is psychological.”

“Now listen here,” he said, getting angry.

“Clearly you were distraught, disheartened and dismayed at what was done to you, your friends and your home planet. But even then, your experience and fortitude would have caused those powers to gradually come back. Except for one thing: your sense of duty.”

With those words, Darden stopped to listen before he yelled further.

“If there was one thing you didn’t want to do, it was go far away. You were needed here and so you stayed. Your sense of duty meant if Earth and the Society of Message Board Posters were going to die, you were going to die with them. Your powers by their very nature were anathema to your sense of duty in this scenario.”

He stared at her, shocked and silent.

She continued. “At first they took your powers away mentally. Then they didn’t come back because your trauma. But now they aren’t coming back because you aren’t letting them. Its okay, Darden. You don’t have to go far away right now. But you need to use your powers.”

He stood there before her, looking right at her, but not seeing her. In his mind, he comprehended all that she said, and wondered how it could possibly be so. But a small part of him immediately knew she was right the minute he heard it.

“Then all this time…” he started to say, leaning forward as if he might fall.

She ran over and caught him. “All this time you were recovering from your imprisonment,” she said assuring him. “But you’ve recovered now.”

He looked at her, seeing her again for the first time. “I could have helped…”

“We all could have done so much,” she said, “but what matters is what we do now. And we need you, Faraway Lad.”

As he looked at her, he smiled. He put his head down, shaking it, almost laughing. She backed away as he stood up on his own, and walked over to the port. “You are a feisty one,” he said, “and the shy bit helps in bringing down people’s guards.”

She looked on, unsure of what he’d do next.

He refilled his glass and drained it. Turning around, he immediately threw the glass at her. She jumped back and began to yell but then he raised his hand and she could see a beam of light come out. In an instant, the empty glass vanished, as droplets of port landed a few inches from her feet. “By damn, you were right.” He was smiling widely.

“Thank God,” she said with a sigh. “You’ve all been through so much…” she started to say, realizing she was getting a little emotional. Stop that, he’s the one who should be emotional. “You can reclaim all that was yours. I know it.”

He walked over to her, seeing tears in her eyes, and pulled her close for a hug. He kissed her forehead in a gentle, fatherly fashion, as if he was providing comfort to his own daughter. “You’ve done something incredibly special for me today, Lolita. And you’re right. We can—and we will win this war. Now let’s talk to Gear about this plan you have.”

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Time Trapper
Time Trapper
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Earth 4

The Emissary looked into the Losers Cave, he saw more people than he would have thought running towards the entrance to confront him. "COME OUT AND FACE YOUR DEATHS YOU SORRY EXCUSE FOR LIFE!" he bellowed at a loud enough volume to cause a few of those racing towards him to stop and cover their ears.

"Inyuk Chuk!"

Dev Em heard someone behind him say something. He turned and was greeted by a fist attached to a 50 foot Sharklad.

"You..." was all he could say before he flew into a hill from the force of the blow.

"Sprockin jerk gonna look like Dev...he's gonna pay for this one." Sharklad said as he prepared for The Emissary's return.

The Earth 4 Dev Em was stunned. Not so much from the hit he had just taken, but more from the person that had delivered it. "He should have never came into my presence," he muttered. The venom in his words dripping with hate. He stood and took off, picking up speed until he was almost within range...his vision powers were not good for this kill, he wanted to rip Sharklad apart limb from limb.

As he approached, he noticed a lone figure running towards him on the ice. He flew a bit lower and decided to take this one out as well.

Karate Kid stopped and set himself for who was coming at him.

Dev flew in low and was surprised when the man moved at what seemed impossible speeds for a human and used his own velocity against him and sent him spiraling towards Sharklad.

He was then suddenly hit with a sticky webbing like substance and his arc changed yet again. Kid Spider grinned at his accomplishment.

By the time he reached Sharklad, he was totally out of control and trying to regain it when Sharklad hit him with two fists in the back and drove him ten feet into the ground.

A cheer rose from the ranks of those that were now outside and positioning themselves around to be able to take shots at the insane former member of the SMB.

The Emissary was enraged further by the fact that they were cheering against him.

Deja Boy and Copy Cat were running toward the hole where he had gone down. Hoping to confuse him as he emerged from where Sharklad had sent him.

Dev Em erupted from the ground below them though. Copy Cat screamed as he tried to use his powers to mimic Dev Em's Daxamite strength, speed, invulnerability...anything. It was too late however, as he saw his lower half falling to the ground as his torso was sent flying toward the pit that had formed when Dev had emerged fromt he ground.

Deja Boy tried to say something to Dev Em to confuse him, as his ower was to make you think something had already happened. He found however that he could not speak because Dev had his hand over his mouth, and he was about 300 feet in the air.

A tear rolled down his cheek and touched Dev's hand. "How precious. You shed a tear for yourself...but you side with those that slaughter innocents."

Deja Boy's eyes went wide and he tried to understand what was meant by this.

"You don't know what they you. They slaughtered my family!" Dev screamed and Deja Boy felt his eardrums explode. His mind raced, and pain and fear washed through his body.

Dev Whipped his arm back and forth, breaking the neck of the young hero in his hand. He let the body fall and looked down at the specks below him. "Those fools running about screaming and yelling because two idiots had been put out of their misery, he mumbled to himself as he repurposed himself.


Inside the Loser Cave, Gear worked feverishly. His hands flying faster than Clark Marlowe's eyes could follow.

Gear stopped and looked up at his friend. "Clark. I need you to go and slow him down."

Clark nodded. As he looked at the young man in front of him, he thought he saw a tear forming in his right eye.

"I can't ask you to though. There are at least a few dead already, and more are about to die. If you go out there, you may die too."

"It's what we do Jon." Clark said as he put his hand on Gears shoulder. He had made sure to place his hand on Jon's flesh and blood shoulder.

"Thank you Clark. Be careful."

Clark nodded and ran out of the room. His mind racing at what was about to happen.

Gear returned to work on the machine he was trying to finish as fast as he could. He had just sent a man that was like a brother to him to what would probably be his death. He shut his eyes and breathed deep. He calmed himself and refocused on his machine. The sooner he finished it, the better chance he had of saving more lives.


Dev floated high above the Losers. Laughing. He focused his sights on two of them standing near each other. A sickening grin flashed onto his face as he felt his eyes heating up. "Goodbye..." he whispered.

Down below, the Losers ran about trying to see if there was anything that could be done for their teammates that had been hit hardest. They realized that there was nothing that could actually be done, but they tried anyway.

Legion Adventure Boy was comforting Lunar Lass, when a flash of something went through them.

"Nooooooooo!!!" Kid Spider screamed as the two of them fell over, gaping holes where their chests had been.

They all looked up and saw Dev Em circling getting closer and lower...he was coming in for another kill.

Active LMB character is still Beast Boy.

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Bold Flavors
Bold Flavors
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The ancient ruins of Prianopolis,
The Dark Oval

As the Fellowship parted with the newly freed community of former slaves, prisoners and concubines, the uplifting feeling continued. Lard Lad had insisted the Legionnaires leave them as many of their supplies, food rations and technology that they could spare and all agreed that was the right decision.

“On our way back,” said Invisible Brainiac, feeling the moment, “we’ll check in on you.”

“Quite the commitment,” said Goon Boy quietly to the side to Cobalt Kid, who was now able to move about on his feet, albeit slowly.

Cobalt was unsure if Goon Boy meant the actually promise to return to them, or the idea that Invisible Brainiac was so confident that they actually would return. Goon Boy had a very frank, realist point of view.

“Tell me,” said Cobalt to his friend, “were you there when it happened with Power Boy? And how well have you gotten to know him?”

Goon Boy eyed his friend. “Not too well, to be honest. Just the kind of bond you get when you fight in battle. But I like him quite a bit. But to answer your first question, I wasn’t right there for a lot of it. Having any doubts?”

Cobalt shook his head. “No,” he said firmly. He couldn’t afford to doubt his colleague now. “But I want to make sure none of you do. I’m hoping Invisible Brainiac and Tempest feel the same way.”

Cobalt nodded to where Lard Lad had placed all that remained of his things. “Can you pass me my boots?” Since the end of the battle, Lard Lad had not only made sure the captives were taken care of, spent time with Juj to assess whether him joining was a good idea, but he also found some time to go get the remainder of Cobalt’s things from where they were discarded at the harbor. Sometimes I take for granted how much he’s really there for me, he thought. I might have forgotten who I am…but he never did.

“It’s not much,” said Goon Boy, handing him what was left. His boots were the still there, as was a belt and some pouches, but his supplies, food rations, rope and tool kit were all gone. Also gone was his Elven Cloak, as was Lard Lad’s; Titus had proclaimed he sent them as a gift to the Dark Lord to confirm he held them captive. Cobalt looked at himself and was reminded his costume was in tatters too—the transuit, uniform full of unstable molecules, his gloves and other things. In its place was now common clothes given to them by the former prisoners: pants, a cotton tunic and a wool overcoat. All of which was a frayed tan color. Goon Boy could see what Cobalt was thinking. “So much for technology keeping you warm in cold climates or shielding you from attacks.”

Cobalt shrugged and said nothing. He didn’t want to dwell on it. He looked through the pouches. Among the items was the pipe, and some tobacco, that was given to him during the journey through the Contested Territories when they came upon a band of wayfarers. That was a good night, he thought. At least I have this, to remind me of it.

“The big question is, how the hell do we get out of here,” said Cobalt at last.

“I think your sorceress friend is taking care of it…” said Goon Boy


Though worn out and preoccupied with various matters, the assembled fellowship began to gather close together in the center of town. At first they walked over what was going on, but soon turned their gaze to where Goon Boy and the rest were looking.

Not far off, Tempest levitated slightly off the ground, her body standing strait up and her arms extended. Her richly colored cloak flapped around her with wind as did her magnificent raven colored hair. She looked like a Goddess. Her concentration was complete and though her eyes were closed, it was clear she was seeing something the others did not.

At last, they began to see it in the distance.

A small ship came floating to the sky towards them. In the distance it was hard to see but as it grew closer they made out its structure and were confused and surprised. This was no space-fairing vessel; rather, this was an old-fashioned pirate ship made out of wood, with tattered sails and even oars hanging from the side. It was clearly made for traveling over oceans, not space. The most technologically advanced piece of it were the ornate glass windows to the Captain’s quarters.

“Someone is going to have to explain this to me…” said Goon Boy. He looked at Invisible Brainiac, who shrugged.

“Clearly, you do not see my friends,” said Power Boy with a large scale. “What else would our wind goddess be acquiring for us other than a magic ship? This vessel is thousands of years old but sturdier than anything your United Planets could produce. I can feel its power from here!”

“A magic ship?” said Cobalt with an eyebrow raised. He looked at Lard Lad, who didn’t seem too against the idea. “I guess it beats the monotony of space cruisers…” he added.

Tempest placed the ship before them in the middle of the ruined city streets, and now turned to them with eyes open and a smile across her face. “Her name is The Star Song and her history would take much too long to explain,” she began, obviously very pleased by this turn of events. “She called out to me to assist us and I’ve gladly accepted the gift. She requires no crew, only a Captain, and she can take through space, where we need to go.”

“We’ll be able to breath in space aboard it, then,” said Juj, getting to the point.

“Indeed,” replied Tempest, “and she has many other amenities on board to meet our requirements. We’ve just been through an incredible battle and yet now we face an even tougher one ahead of us. Trust in the Star Song and trust in me, and we can at least spend the journey between the two battles with some level of comfort.”

“I’m sold,” said Lard Lad with a laugh and they all laughed too. They followed Lardy over to Tempest and soon began the boarding process.


The Star Song sailed through Dark Oval space with relative ease, giving the Fellowship a clear view of the stars and planetary systems beyond. It was breath-taking beautiful, to experience space as if on the open ocean.

“I’ve never space-traveled like this before,” said Goon Boy to Power Boy and Juj.

“Few have,” said Power Boy with a nod, as he also spent a moment taking in the wonder. “Tempest says the ship has magical cloaking mechanisms as well. We should be able to approach the Hive mother-planet in relative peace.”

Goon Boy noted the way in which he spoke—as if he was anxiously awaiting the next battle.

Farther along the ship, there was a special place carved into the hull. There were wooden benches for seating and in the middle, there was a firepit. The fire was magical and so did not burn the wood, yet it emanated a warmth from there that was soothing. Many of them had made their way over there during the first several hours before getting up to further explore the ship. Often, they would return, drawn to the comfort it provided. Sitting there now were Lard Lad and Cobalt Kid.

Both were silent for a long while, looking into the flames. Cobalt looked at his friend and considered what he must be thinking. Something else else had happened on Priapolis in the final moments. A last confrontation with Titus had given Lardy some unease. Cobalt also knew nightmares had been haunting his friend for weeks now. I’ve been so caught up in my own guilt and grief that I haven’t even asked him about it… he thought.

“Lardy,” he said, breaking the silence. “We’re close to the Hive now. To Wyandotte. We’ve both thought about this for quite awhile and it’s almost here. But something I sometimes forget is that Wyandotte is, well, you. I know that must be weighing on your mind.”

Lard Lad nodded slowly, as if he was thinking about it for the first time in a long time. Evidently he had bigger fish to fry at the moment. “It bothers me, of course,” he replied. “In all our years when there is travel between universes, we always end up finding a Lard Lad that just hasn’t gotten his shit together, you know?” Cobalt nodded. Often, Lard Lads in other universes were down right evil. “This has made me think a lot about Lard Lord—Tony from Earth-4. He was bad, all right. But in the end, he redeemed himself and did some good. I remember when I learned about his sacrifice that it gave me some hope.” He was silent for a moment and Cobalt knew so much of what Lardy said reflected his own doubts about himself. “But then I think about Wyandotte…”

“Wyandotte is an extreme,” said Cobalt in an agreeable way. “Just like you are,” he added. “Wyandotte is the worst possible Lard Lad of all. And you’re the best.”

Lardy looked at him, a little surprised at the words. For a moment it was if he viewed Cobalt with new eyes; a lot of time had passed since they began their quest and it showed. Cobalt now had a full beard, no longer even stubble, and its color matched the jetblack hair on his head. Even his hair was growing longer, probably longer than it’d ever been before. He suddenly wondered how he looked. It was Cobalt’s body language that seemed different tonight. The two were best friends and had been for years. To compliment one another in such a way was not too unusual. But Cobalt said it with such firmness that it had finality to it. It meant a lot.

“Lardy,” said Cobalt, his voice growing a little softer. “I’m sorry for what happened during the Red Bee’s last attack on Legion World. For the breakdown in communication between us. I know I’ve never apologized…” he said, trailing off, looking into the fire. There was something different about Cobalt right now, Lardy realized. It wasn’t sadness, or even the guilt. There was a true vulnerability. “I want you to know that I am sorry for how that worked out.”

Lard Lad put his hand on Cobalt’s shoulder. “I always knew you were, Des,” he said firmly. “We both can get a little over-zealous at times. Hell, that probably ensured there was an LMB to begin with.”

Cobalt smiled at him. “I’ve no doubt about that,” he replied. He leaned back a little, more relaxed, as if he was feeling better. “I know you visited Hugh and Helena before this all began. How are they?” he asked, genuinely curious.

Lardy smiled wide a huge cascade of pride came welling forth. He gave Cobalt the full details of his time with the kids before the quest and how much it meant to him. His enthusiasm was so infectious that both were smiling and laughing soon enough. Several minutes stretched out into over an hour.

Both were feeling good as the conversation began to dwindle and Cobalt added one last bit. “When this is all over,” he said, quasi-serious, “and if we both make it. Maybe I can come with you one day and visit your kids. I’d love to meet them…and…well, it would mean a lot to me.”

Lard Lad smiled again, a genuine, subtle smile and looked at his friend curiously. He was really seeing a different side of Cobalt tonight. Or maybe it was the older side coming back to the surface? “Des, that would mean a lot to me.”

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Time Trapper
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Clark Marlowe raced through the corridors of the Loser Cave toward the commotion that was up ahead.

As he ran, he rubbed the clear crystal embedded in his neck as if it were a magic lamp. What am I going to do? he thought. I'm powerless and have been since the 52 Affair when this crystal granted me the powers of a Kryptonian! Engine Joe Brande told me it may yet reactivate in a time of great crisis--well, now would be a great time...

He was startled from his thoughts as he heard a voice yelling from behind. "Clark!", it said.

Panting, he slowed and turned around. It was several of his fellows from the former Covenant: Grev Mallor, Helena Handbasket and Seth Gaterra.

As he stopped and caught his breath, Helena said, "it's chaos down here! What's the nature of the threat, Clark?"

"'s a really twisted version of Dev Em native to Earth-4, Helena. He's the Emperor's Emissary. We've already sustained massive casualties! Gear's working on something--we've got to buy him some time!"

"Have your powers come back, Clark?" she asked.

"No, but I'm going--end of discussion!"

"We're coming with you!" Grev asserted, and all four ran toward the battle.

Moments later, the foursome climbed out of the exposed portion of the Loser Cave's tunnels to see Kid Spider staving off Dev Em as best he could with constant streams of webbing. Behind him, they could see the several injured and dead he was attempting to protect.

Before they could even react, they saw the web shield buckle and a moment later, the Emissary was holding a strange object in his hand. Kid Spider suddenly realized that the object was a human heart and that his own chest had a large hole in it that wasn't there before. A second later, he crumpled to the ground, lifeless.

The Emissary spit on Kid Spider's corpse, and then his eyes began to glow to prepare to finish off those he'd been protecting. Before he could do so, he was hit by a massive energy discharge. It had come from Helena's robotic arm, now in full plasma cannon mode. He was momentarily stunned.

"Now, Grev!" Helena barked.

Grev nodded and focused his shadow power on the Emissary's head. They were gambling on the shadow inhibiting the Emissary's Daxamite enhanced vision powers.

"Aaargh! can't see!!!" bellowed the Emissary. As he did so, Seth was maneuvering himself behind him in hopes of getting close enough to use his power of disintegration to end this quickly. Seth could only do so by touching him directly. Helena kept firing plasma blasts to keep him busy.

Unfortunately, though blinded and distracted, the Emissary was able to detect Seth with his enhanced hearing and used his super-breath to knock Seth about 100 feet away.

Helena gasped but kept firing. She prayed a silent prayer hoping that Seth's armored containment suit would be enough to save him. Her mind raced as she now knew in any case that their plan of attack was now foiled. Their only hope now was for more reinforcements to arrive--and quickly!

Just then, the Emissary snarled and thrashed violently at the ground in front of him. The force of it exposed another portion of the Loser Cave's tunnels right beneath where Clark, Grev and Helena were. All three fell about two stories down into them and were stunned.

With his vision now restored, the Emissary walked to the edge of the hole he'd just made.

"I think I'll do you three reeeal slow!" he laughed evilly. The other two were unconscious, but Clark staggered to his feet. The Emissary regarded him. "Guess I'll start with you, four-eyes! Maybe I'll tear off your right arm and weld it to the lady, so's she can get rid of that metal contraption..."

The Emissary grabbed hold of Clark's arm and pulled--but it didn't budge. Startled, he looked at Clark and saw he was grinning. Clark shook off the Emissary's grip and gave him a powerful right cross that sent him flying through the exposed tunnel into the frosty night.

Clark fingered his crystal and could feel the warmth from it glowing. About fuckin' time! he thought. Clark turned to check on Grev and Helena. He couldn't rouse Grev, but he was breathing. Helena woke as soon as she felt Clark's touch.

"Wh-where?" Helena managed.

"I knocked him for a loop, but he'll be back in a moment. Can you get Grev to safety?"


Clark used his Kryptonian vision powers and looked away. "He's alive, Helena. Vitals are strong. I'll keep the Emissary busy--I'm a match for that bastard now!"

Helena understood immediately that Clark's long-dormant powers were now in play. "Understood," she said grimly and picked Grev up with her robotic arm. "I'll be right back and send for more help."

"Negative, soldier," he said. "Evacuate the Cave while I'm distracting him. regardless of whether I take him down or not, the Emperor's forces are on their way. If I fail, Gear should still have his machine ready with the time I give him."

She nodded. "I will do that Clark. But I'm coming back for you."

He smiled and took an Omnicom out of his pocket. "This is my journal. Keep it safe for me."

She secured the Omnicom, nodded and rushed off with Grev over her shoulder.

Clark used his telescopic vision in time to see the Emissary charging toward him from above. Clark grinned and charged in his direction. "WOO-HOOOO!!!"

The two collided with such force that all the trees within about a 50 foot radius of them crashed to the ground. Both were momentarily stunned, but Clark recovered more quickly. Clark flew behind the Emissary and secured him from behind, arms looped across the other's chest.

"What ARE you?!? Another Daxamite?" roared the Emissary.

"Nah, I hail from Kansas, Earth-1--but this bear hug was brought to you by the Krypton Preservation Society!"

"Krypton?" the Emissary shrieked as he struggled in Clark's grasp. "I'll make you as dead as that planet is--deader, if I can!"

Then, in a burst of animal fury, the Emissary shook Clark loose and kicked him away into an abandoned building. He flew after Clark and came straight into a haymaker Clark had waiting for him. Afterwards, both stood their ground and exchanged blow after crushing blow.

About a half hour after the two had first come to blows, Helena made her way back to the surface, having made sure that Grev was cared for and that the evacuation was underway. She quickly found Seth.

"Seth, are you okay?" she said soothingly.

"I...will live, my love," he replied woozily. "Where is the Emissary?"

She listened and heard the loud booms of struggle in the distance. "Clark is keeping him busy. He has his powers back. And at a very opportune time, I might add." Another large boom caught her attention. "Can you move, Seth?"

He steadied himself. He took a shaky step, but it was a step. "Yes, I think I can."

"Good. Go to the escape tunnels, and I'll be right behind you."


"I have to help Clark. You may be concussed, Seth. Get out of here while you can." She stroked his armored chest. "I promise I'll be right behind you."

"I will hold you to it. I love you."

"And I love you."

Seth watched her run in the direction of the sounds for a moment and then made his way to his destination.

The abandoned building where Clark and the Emissary fought was now all but disintegrated, but the two continued to exchange blow after blow. Both were visibly nearing total exhaustion, but neither would let up.

In his haze, the Emissary noticed something below the tattered remains of Clark's shirt. A strange crystal embedded in Clark's throat, right on the Adam's apple. Could that be...? he thought.

All at once, the Emissary put his left hand's fingers in Clark's mouth and forced Clark's head up. He zapped Clark's left hand with as strong of a heat vision blast as he could manage to keep that hand away. Then the Emissary grabbed the crystal with his free hand and pulled on it as hard as possible.

Clark felt blood rush in his throat as the Emissary pulled the crystal loose. Gasping, Clark fell to the ground.

"F-found your weakness, m-mongrel!" The Emissary staggered a little and steadied himself against some wreckage. "B-be a watch you ch-choke on your own bluh--!"

His taunt was interrupted by a powerful plasma burst that sent the severely weakened Emissary far across the countryside.

Helena rushed to Clark's side and allowed her plasma cannon to morph back into her normal armlike appearance.

"Clark! My God--I!"

Clark gurgled as blood filled his lungs. "'Sokay..Helna...mishn...acc...comp...lisht..."

He grasped her flash and blood hand as tightly as he could manage. She squeezed back and caressed his face.

"You're the bravest person I've ever known," she said.

Clark smiled. Then, his grip loosened and his eyes went blank.

Tears flowed from Helena's eyes as she checked his pulse and confirmed the worst.

Clark Marlowe was dead.

Still "Lardy" to my friends!
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Posts: 353
Kalla Hykros flew as fast as she could across the countryside. She was carrying Timberwolf, also known as Lon Talbot Em. They were in love, and if this was any other planet, they would be having the time of their lives.

"Set us down on top of that rise darlin'," Lon said, leaning his head back so she could hear him.

She nodded and set them down.

Below and behind them, they could see tha the Emperor's forces were indeed on the move.

They're not following us," Kalla said, knowing that her ability to bend light around them had made them invisible to any eye they had, and the fact that they had flown low insured that they were not tracked.

Lon was sniffing around the air.

She watched him closely...there was something happening to his features that she had never had the opportunity to see before. In fact, no other sentient aside from Lon's own father had seen him change form at this slow a rate. His normal transition took him milliseconds. He was purposely shifting slowly to retain his full mental faculties and be able to utilize the hyper sensitive senses that his Furball form allowed him.

He shifted back to full human form and hung his head, shaking it gently side to side as he did.

"What's the matter love?" she asked himtaking his face gently in her hands. She could tell that there was something deeply troubling him.

He let her lift his face to her. His hair was hanging in his eyes, and he had a look in his eyes that she had never sen before.

"It's faint on the air...but something terrible has occurred. There's death hanging in the air."

She knew that death was not something that bothered Lon. Death was part of what he did, part of the price he paid for being hwo he was...this was something else.

"What is it Lon...what is wrong."

He looked at her, sighed and shut his eyes. "The presence I felt back on Sumra?"

She nodded, remembering that it was the first time he had ever seemed even remotely worried.

"He's here, and I am getting a distinct read on who he is, and why he was following me, letting me know he was out there...but not letting me know who he was. I smelled him at the Emperor Palace..."

"I'm so sorry Lon. With everything that has happened, I have not had the time to think of the fact that he was not there when I awoke being tortured."

"I'm not upset sweetie...just...we have to get going, I had hoped we could get there before he found them. Maybe we can stop him from slaughtering all of them."

She picked him up and they took off, headed towards where a twisted version of Lon's brother, one of the LMB's most powerful members was ripping through The Losers.

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Time Trapper
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Gear raced through the corridors towards the battle. He could hear screams, could see the wounded being carried into the corridors away from the fighting.

C'mon can do this. We'll grab a Silverale later and you can tell me all about it. He thought as he came upon the opening.

He looked out into the brightness of the day and shut his one human eye. "Activate," he said in a monotone voice. As he relaxed his body, just inside the cave, armor formed around him. Encasing him in a full battle suit.His eye was still closed but he could see that there was massive devastation outside. His internal equipment was picking up life readings, and...

"No. By all that is sacred..."

He ran out of the cave and towards where Helena was cradling Clark Marlowe's lifeless body.

He landed behind her and she turned her head towards him. "He's gone Jon," she mouthed, not wanting to give away his true identity. "He bought you the time you needed with his life...make sure that this wasn't in vain."

He nodded and turned toward where The Emissary, Dev Em was. He had recovered enough and was starting to stand, looking around for another victim.


Gear raised his left arm and it morphed into a rifle. His internal aiming system locked on and he fired. A beam of red light slammed into Dev Em's right arm and he was knocked off his feet.

Gear looked back at Helena. "It wasn't," he said and took off towards his father.


Sharklad had been trying his best to get the others to safety, using whatever he could to deflect The Emissary's heat vision and random things that he had thrown towards the fleeing Losers. He saw Gear flying towards Dev Em and he threw down the part of the roof he was using to shield the others and started heading that way as well. "That kid is not doing this alone," he said as his feet thundered against the ground. He was picking up speed in his 50 foot form and was able to kick Dev Em as he got up from the blast Gear had hit him with.

"Gonna kill you, you spineless shark..." Dev hissed as he turned his attention to Sharklad. "Then I'll kill whoever it is in that little toy suit."

"Sharklad...NOW!!!" Gear screamed as he let loose with a flash of red light.

Sharklad swung as hard as he could and Dev Em went flying further than even Sharklad would have thought possible.

Gear landed next to Sharklad as he shrank down to his standard size.

"What did you hit him with?"

"It took too long...but I finally was able to figure out how to duplicate the power of a red sun and harness it. Only had enough for that shot should have been enough to take the fight out of him for a while. He's still stronger than most of us...but not all of us combined."

Sharklad slapped Gear on the back. "Good show little man."

Inside his helmet, Jon Em smiled a little. "The other you calls me that as well. Thanks."


The Emissary stood to his feet. He put his hand to his face and when he drew it away, for the first time in years, there was blood on it. How did they do that? How did they hurt me...?

He frantically looked around and saw the shark and the man in the tin can standing talking. He couldn't hear them though. He tried, but his hearing was not able to pick them up.

He shook his head and started toward them...with one purpose in mind...destruction.


Sharklad looked up and saw that Dev Em was headed towards them. "I'll take this..."

Gear placed his hand on Sharklads arm. "No. This is mine."

He walked past Sharklad and towards Dev Em.

Soon they stood about ten feet apart.

"I don't know what you did to me...or how. All I know is I'm going to kill you, and then your friend there. Then I'm going to kill the rest of them. One by..."

He stopped talking as Gear said "helmet, retract."

Sharklad could see that Jon had retracted his helmet, and that Dev Em's eye;s were growing wider than should have been possible, until he remembered that Dev was part Durlan.

"NO." Dev Em said. "It can't be..."

"Yes Father. I am alive. I can and will stop you. I will kill you if I have to. But know that your reign of terror is at an end."


"Sharklad...your old teammate saved my life that day. He had to bite my leg off to get me away from the creatures that your Emperor sent to kill us."


"I wasn't strong enough until recently to even think about making contact with you, and imagine my surprise when I found out that you have been helping the very creature that slaughtered your family."


"You've become the very thing that you set out to protect the innocents against."


"Clark died so I could stop you..." Jon screamed at his father and hit him in the face with a fist.

Sharklad saw a slight flash of red energy when he did.

Dev stumbled back.

"So many others have died under your Emperors..."

Dev lashed out and hit Gear back. Parts of his armor flew everywhere and Gear landed on his back and was still.

Dev Em stared at his son.

"GRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" was all any of them heard as the Daxamite flew into the atmosphere and out of site.


Sharklad ran over to Gear. "Jon...kid...c'mon..."

Gear was laying motionless on the ground.

Sharklad looked around. "How in the hell do you tell if he has a pulse?" he said to nobody in particular as he felt around for one...the armor Jon was wearing blocked any attempt he made to find one. There was too much death in the air for him to be sure of anything at this point.

He picked him up and carried his body over to where Helena was still holding Clark.

"I can't sense anything from him."

Helena gently put Clark down and moved over to Jon. She looked at him and while she was now in control of her tears, she feared the worst and felt them trying to flow again.

"I know he said..." she felt around under a few pieces of armor.

After what seemed like and eternity to Sharklad, Gear's armor retracted and he suddenly coughed and sat straight up.

"...Clark..." he stammered out as he looked at his friends lifeless body and then went unconscious again.

Sharklad and Helena looked at each other and both sighed.

Sharklad stood and looked around at the devastation and loss of life that one man had inflicted upon them. There were close to a dozen dead, and many more injured.

Active LMB character is still Beast Boy.

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The United Planets

The morale-crushing, brutal assault on Daroon had been a plan of the Dark Lord for a long, long time. To oversee the razing of the planet was a great honor, and the responsibility of it had not been lost on Angra Metternich. The Dark Lord had chosen him, as he had in the past, to do his bidding, and Metternich planned on proving to his master once again why he was long considered one of the Dark Lord’s favorites.

Metternich viewed the mauled planet-side of Daroon. Whatever it was before was gone now; all that was left was long fields of chewed land and collapses structures. It was uplifting for him to see. The planet itself was just about broken; all that was left now was the people.

Angra Metternich was not a citizen of any of the five Dark Oval powers. His long career was a continued rise in the General Elite Militia showcased how deadly and capable he was and soon all five powers coveted the chance to utilize his skills. When the Dominion and Hrykosia embarked on an invasion of Legion World in 3006, it they who approached him to lead the assault. He was a master strategist, a cunning politician and a ruthless enemy.

But it was the Invasion of Legion World that marked his first real defeat and his downfall. The blasted Legionnaires overcame the Dark Oval forces and he personally was beaten in battle. Still, he bided his time, hiding on Legion World in secret and eventually revealed himself to bring Legion World once more to the brink of destruction—initiating the war of the Five Faces of Death. But once more he was beaten in humiliating defeat; this time he was stripped of his Composite Durlan powers—which had given him all the abilities of the LMB—and tricked into being trapped in a never-ending time loop of which there was no escape.

All that remained of him during that time was his hate. His all-consuming, never-ending hate. He prayed to the Dark Lord that one day he would be free to obliterate his enemies and to his great surprise, the Dark Lord answered him. The inescapable trap Faraway Lad had put him in was broken by the mighty power of the Dark Lord. He was raised up once more as the Dark Lord’s dark ambassador and given this great opportunity. Upon his victory, the Dark Lord promised further pleasures: the return of his Composite Durlan powers, and eventually, Legion World itself, where he would be made King.

In his arrogance he felt this was something he deserved. Who else could broker an agreement between the Dark Oval and the Khanate of Sol Invictus, two mighty powers that hated one another? He not only created a perpetual cease-fire, he arranged for the Khanate to supplement the Hive forces—sending their Exarchs into United Planet space and on Daroon. Who else would ensure that the Dark Oval army had an arsenal that could neutralize the power of Daxam?

And who else would ensure that the one he hated the most would be here: Faraway Lad. Metternich had lived a long time and while the United Planets may not have been aware of him, he was aware of them; he knew about the wars of old and Faraway Lad’s horrifying experiences. He knew what would push him to the edge of breaking. He hated Faraway Lad for trapping him in the time loop and exposing him as a failure; now he planned to trap Faraway Lad within himself, in his own guilt, exposing him as a monster.

In one fell swoop, he would eliminate the one he hated most and obliterate Daroon. The Dark Lord would be victorious and Metternich would continue to gain everything he desired. His old powers. The deaths of his enemies. Legion World.

He watched from under his hood with a mounting sense of glee as the Hive army and Exarchs began to march out into Daroon once more. The final assault would begin now.

We are a prowling lion, and we will devour you.
Joined: May 2007
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Joined: May 2007
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The Losers had retreated to a backup base suggested by Zhiya: a Security Office annex that this world's Cobalt Kid had built in a cave on the outskirts of Gotham City. It had never been used but was fully equipped, operational and completely off the books and thus unknown to the Emperor's forces who occupied the main site in Metropolis.

After setting up shop, they held a memorial for those lost in the Emissary's brutal attack, twenty in all. An additional eight were missing and presumed dead.

When the service was complete, several lingered behind around one particular coffin. These were the remaining members of the former Covenant who had journeyed from Legion World to help liberate this planet: Helena Handbasket, Seth Gaterra, Rockhopper Lass, Grev Mallor, Bat-Fem and Lolita. Inside the plain, wooden coffin lay Clark Marlowe, who helped save them all by buying Gear the time to perfect his red sun device.

"He was so brave," Rockhopper Lass said. "And very kind. As passionate as he was about his journalism, he was never content to remain professionally detached from what was going on around him. He was determined to make a difference."

"He was also a fierce friend, Adelie," Seth added. "All of us here were touched by him. He was well beloved by the other Losers, as well."

Seth's comment reminded Helena of something. "Gear...I didn't see him at the service. He and Clark were close...he should be here..."

"Gear's dealing with a lot right now," Lolita interjected. "He sent Clark out there, so he's blaming himself. On top of that, he's dealing with the encounter with his father."

"Our Hrykosian eyes have reported that Dev Em has left the planet for parts unknown," Bat-Fem said. "He may have even left the Dark Oval."

"Well, that's a relief," Grev muttered. Grev stood shakily on crutches due to the injuries sustained after taking a bad fall in battle with Dev Em. He could barely manage to walk on them but insisted on doing so for the service. "That psycho really did a number on us..." He began to tear up. "If only I hadn't fallen through, Helena wouldn't have had to carry me off. We could've helped Clark. Maybe..."

"Maybe we'd all be dead," Helena finished for him. "Grev, Clark not only bought time for Gear--do you realize that not a single Loser was killed from the point after Clark engaged Dev Em?"

Grev shook his head. "Other than Clark himself, you mean."

Helena put her hand on Grev's shoulder. "Clark proved himself a true warrior, Grev. He died a hero and had absolutely no regrets in the end. As sad as I was to see him go, I honor what he sacrificed. And so should you!"

Grev nodded and grasped her hand. Helena embraced him as he let his tears flow over.

As the rest regarded the moment, Lolita took a moment to quietly speak to Bat-Fem. "I wish you had faith in me, Jada. I should've been among you on the original mission. I feel like you took something away from me."

Bat-Fem smiled. "That's not my name." Then, she frowned. "But I stand by our decision. It was not made by myself alone. But it was the right call. Cobalt couldn't know until he needed to know, and I don't think you would have left him out of the loop. Correct?"

Lolita frowned. "I guess we'll never know for sure, will we?"

A moment later, Adelie spoke up again. "As you all know, all Losers logged our final wishes as we signed up. Clark's were to have his account of the Loser's efforts published if we are successful and return to the United Planets...and he wishes to be buried in this Earth's Kansas if possible."

"I'll do it," Bat-Fem said. "This cave has a small, cloaked aircraft that can get me there. I won't be caught."

"Fair enough," Adelie agreed. Her face darkened as she said, "and then, there's this..." She held up her hand, opened her palm and revealed a small clear crystal. "This was found at the site."

"Clark's crystal," Seth noted.

"Yes," Adelie continued, "we need to figure out what to do with it."

"Simple. We bury it with Clark." Bat-Fem asserted as if the matter were closed.

Before Adelie could counter, Helena drew close to Bat-Fem. "It's a weapon we could use against the Emperor's forces, Fem, if Gear can figure out how to unlock its secrets."

Bat-Fem got in Helena's face. "Gear examined it while it was on Clark. He couldn't figure it out. Even if he did...even if he could...even if he wanted to--I won't allow it to be with ANYONE other than to whom it belongs!"

"I watched him die, Fem! How dare you presume to speak for Clar--!"

"ENOUGH!" Adelie yelled as she forced herself between the two. Softening her voice, she said, "Fem is right, Helena. It was a part of Clark--it gets buried with him." Adelie turned to Bat-Fem and gently placed the crystal in her hands. She could see more than anything that the gruff, stoic heroine was hurting deeply over their loss and was dealing with it in her own way. Adelie touched Bat-Fem's arm to show her compassion.

Helena, angered at first, suddenly saw things as Adelie had. "Of're right. I apologize," Helena said to both.

Helena turned to the coffin of their fallen friend and placed her left, real hand on it. One by one, the others put their hands on top of hers.

"Farewell, Clark," Helena said, and then the rest repeated.

Hours later, Bat-Fem and Seth Gaterra arrived in a quiet, isolated part of the territory once known as Kansas. Seth had insisted on accompanying her as a way of thanking Clark for saving his life.

Seth used his nimbus to disintegrate a small area of built-up snow and ice. Then, the two worked with simple shovels to dig Clark's grave. After it was dug, they opened the coffin. They silently regarded the body for a moment, noticing how Doctor Juan had worked to stitch up what had been a gaping hole in Clark's throat as best he could. Bat-Fem removed the crystal from her belt and placed it in Clark's hands. Then, she removed his ocular lenses from another compartment and placed them on his nose.

"Rest in peace, Clark," Bat-Fem said and closed the coffin.

After they buried him, Seth planted a special marker that Gear had prepared for the site. It radiated a small forcefield that would keep the site free of snow and ice.

The marker read, Hear Lies Clark Marlowe: Brave Hero, Pulitzer-Winning Journalist and Beloved Friend. 2980-3011. Not in Vain.

Seth and Bat-fem lingered for a while longer, than left in their cloaked aircraft.

The Losers knew Clark wouldn't be the last of them to fall, but they would do everything they could to make sure their lives would buy Earth-4's freedom.

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Unseen, not unheard
Unseen, not unheard
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The Star Song

A magical ship has many comforts. This one had lounges, saunas, baths, a games room with a pool table, a well-stocked tavern, a library filled to the brim with ancient books, and viewing decks that allowed a passenger to stare off into the beautiful starlit emptiness that hung outside.
Invisible Brainiac cared only for one amenity, though: the training room.

He had asked Tempest to help him set one up, even though she’d said that she ship would respond to his wishes. Magic was one tricky mistress, and he didn’t want to take any chances.

Beams of light pierced figures all around. An attacking troll was pierced by a laser through the chest. Two vampires were reduced to dust by a bright flash. A golem was blinded by a dazzling aurora, then blasted to rubble.

IB danced in and out of hordes of magically generated enemies, bursts of light punctuated by throwing knives and his spinning quarterstaff. A knife blossomed in a minotaur’s throat. Two more punctured a wyvern’s wings, sending it plummeting to the ground.

A large dragon came up behind him. IB ducked as a fireball blasted over his head. He quickly turned around and blinded it with a flash of light; then he launched himself into the air with his staff. His boot connected with its nose, and he let a laser loose through its nostril.

Satisfied that it was defeated, he turned around to face the battlefield. More hordes of enemies appeared. Fireballs and arrows began flying towards him. He charged…

…and ran right into Tempest. The hordes vanished around him.

“Careful now. Do I look like an enemy, to you? What will the others think if we come out of here looking so disheveled?”

“Well, this wouldn’t be the first time you’ve gotten me all sweaty.” IB smirked, even if he didn’t feel like smirking. Force of habit.

Tempest raised an eyebrow, and crossed her arms under her breasts. IB tried not to stare. Tried.

“You are pushing yourself far too hard because of what happened on Prianopolis.” It was a statement, not a question.

IB sighed. “Can I get back to my workout, please? You’re welcome to join me.” He snapped his fingers to run the simulation again. Nothing happened.

“You blame yourself for being inadequate and almost failing us.” Another statement.

IB began rapping on the talisman that generated the images of his opponents. “Why doesn’t this thing work? I’ve only been using it for the last two hours!”

“You wish you had arrived to battle Titus on time. Then, maybe you could have prevented me and Disaster Boy from getting injured. Maybe you could have prevented Power Boy from touching such large amounts of power.“

IB was sweating now, but not from physical exhaustion. “Maybe if I fiddle with the WHY WON’T THIS SPROCKING THING WORK!” He smashed it against the wall, where it cracked and dissolved into mist. He fell to the floor, panting. “Oh grief. I broke it, didn’t I?”

“It was a magical creation by The Star Song, to allow you to channel her magics more easily. It has no power in and of itself. And yes, she isn’t particularly happy with you right now.”

“Light, I’m sorry, I… What you were saying was all true. I can’t stand it. I’m useless.” IB tried to push himself up and winced. Grife, his muscles were sore. He shouldn’t have pushed himself so hard. Or maybe he should have pushed himself harder before. He tried to push himself up, but his legs buckled.

Tempest offered him a hand. “Punishing yourself won’t do any good. Discussing it might.”

Raising himself up, IB stammered. “What do you have in mind?”

“I’m inviting you for tea in my room. We have much to talk about.”

It was IB’s turn to raise an eyebrow. “Should I shower first, or do I go there as is?”

“Shower first, then meet me in an hour. Do not get any ideas.” And with that, Tempest walked away.

“…well, it was worth a shot.” IB muttered, rubbing the back of his neck. Bad idea – the bruises hadn’t quite healed yet. He winced in pain. Maybe he should hit the saunas first.

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Time Trapper
Time Trapper
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Loser Lad came out of his tent to find Dev Em walking towards him.

"C'mon Loser," Dev said solemnly.

Loser Lad looked at Dev and opened his mouth to say something witty and then thought better of it. Dev had already turned and was walking towards a group of soldiers from Xylar 7.

They stood at attention as they approached, Loser Lad having finally caught up to his friend. "Could you maybe move a little slower for us non super speed people?"

Dev turned and laughed a little as Loser Lad feigned being out of breath. "Sorry...I just am..."

He was cut short by Loser Lad motioning his eyes towards the troops.

"Right then," Dev said and turned back to the troops. "This is Loser Lad, a valued friend. He's going to be your Commanding Officer for the foreseeable future."

Loser Lad Slapped Dev opn the back and hid the wince of pain from his face as he rubbed his hand. "Thanks Dev. Our job is going to be protecting the Queen. We have the remaining Royal Guard with us," he said looking towards the small contingent of Daroon Honor Guard that were still alive. "Nobody...or no thing get's to the Queen, or those she keeps close to her."

They all knew that they were guarding not only the Queen and her two children, but also the children of another LMB member and their mother.

As they took their positions, they heard an alarm sound...indicating that there was movement in the enemy camp.

Dev looked at Loser. Loser Lad shut his eyes briefly and nodded. "They'll be fine...just take care of yourself, don't push yourself too hard."

Dev smiled and took off.


Dev flew up to get a better view of the field of battle. He was met by two others.

Kar Em floated up next to his son. "Fes is going to go take up a post with the Queen."

Dev grabbed Fes Te's hand. "Thank you."

Fes Te flew off to join Loser Lad and the others.

"He wants in on this something fierce," Kar said as they shifted their gaze at the approaching army of insects, "but he realizes that sometimes there are other things that take precedence."

Dev looked at his father and shook his head. "I am where I need to be. We all agreed on this, don't start this with me now."

"Not starting anything son, just making sure you know what really matters."

"What matters is stopping these things before they can ever get to them."

Kar threw his head back and laughed a deep booming laugh.

"You ready old man?" Dev said as they looked at each other.

"In case things go...well..."

"I know dad."

The two of them turned and pushed off of nothing and sped towards the most concentrated parts of the enemies approaching forces.

The troops below let up a loud yell when there were twin sonic booms as the two dove into the bugs.

Active LMB character is still Beast Boy.

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