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1 Legionnaires (Korbal, Korbal, Korbal, Korbal), 43 Murran Spies, and 4 Spider Guild Agents.
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Lois Lane's Lucky Legion Earrings...
by Korbal - 03/13/25 02:10 AM
5 Worst movies ever!
by Eryk Davis Ester - 03/12/25 09:58 PM
I'm Thinking of a DCU character Part 6!
by Chaim Mattis Keller - 03/12/25 07:08 AM
FL revisits The Transformers' post-animated-movie episodes
by Ann Hebistand - 03/12/25 06:55 AM
Kill This Thread LXIV - The Giant Checkerboard
by Ann Hebistand - 03/12/25 06:49 AM
Inane one word posts XXXIV - inanity
by Invisible Brainiac - 03/11/25 06:07 PM
The All-JSA (2024) Thread!
by Ann Hebistand - 03/11/25 05:49 PM
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The Dark Oval

The eight members of the Fellowship bound for Earth-4 had departed Hrykosia aboard Kalla Hrykos’s royal yacht three days prior but had a stop to Hrykosia’s most favored colony as part of its diplomatic tour.

Helena Handbasket was nearly overcome with emotion at the sight of this, her home planet, which her people had always known as "Elysia" over their official recorded history. She now looked at it with new eyes as Kalla had enlightened her of the history that had been erased by their conquerors. On Hrykosia she immersed herself in files Kalla had provided her as much as possible, barely getting any sleep because she couldn’t bear to stop looking over them.

When the yacht landed, all of the Fellowship debarked disguised in Hrykosian diplomatic robes with a few needing more extensive holographic disguises. Helena lingered for a moment with Kalla inside as Lon waited patiently for Kalla at the foot of the ramp.

Kalla held out some credentials to her. "You will need these to gain access to where you want to go." After Helena took them, Kalla handed her an Omnicom. "This has everything else you’ll need in it. Good luck to you."

"Trust me...I’ll need it," Helena replied. Despite herself, Helena had found herself softening her attitude toward this woman she had hated so completely. She didn’t entirely trust her yet, but Kalla had undeniably given Helena a priceless gift that no one else could have given her. Kalla smiled and started down the ramp. As she descended, Helena yelled, "Kalla...thank you."

Kalla turned, smiled again, then winked at Helena before joining her lover.

Helena lingered for a moment. "Well," she said quietly to herself, "here goes nothing." And she exited the yacht.

An hour later, Corporal Horatio Handbasket sat in his quarters going over G.E.M. orders for the Elysian contingent’s incursion into its designated United Planets sector. Try as he might, the Corporal felt their orders were simply bad strategy. What is the purpose of blockading that particular sector’s border with the Khunds? he thought. Do they think the Khunds are going to help the U.P. there? The Khunds have committed so many resources toward occupying Dominion space and defending any potential Oval retaliation that I hardly think so! It’s almost as if the Hrykosians WANT us to be ineffective! Is it--

Suddenly, his contemplations are halted by a large knife being pressed against his throat by an unseen assailant grappling his head from behind.

"Don’t try anything, Hor, or I’ll sever your windpipe," his assailant ordered in a whispered voice uttered directly and heatedly into his ear. "Nod if you understand."

Horatio barely managed a slight nod with his head grasped so firmly.

"Good," the voice urged, "now, disarm yourself and toss your weapons across the room."

Horatio, hands shaking, removed his sidearm.

"Stop playing games, Hor. ALL of them!"

Slowly and methodically, Horatio removed various hidden blades and sidearms from their hiding places in his fatigues and then removed the weapons from his desk at his assailant’s urging and tossed all to the far side of the room.

Satisfied, the assailant loosened the grip slightly and said, "I’m here to talk, Hor, but I knew you would try to kill me on sight." Horatio heard a humming. "That’s the sound of a powerful weapon built into my arm that can spray you all over these quarters, so I wouldn’t try anything funny. I’m about to let you go, so we can have that talk."

A moment later the knife and the vice-like arms were released from his throat and head. Horatio spun around and saw..."Hel?"

"That’s right, Hor," answered Helena Handbasket, "it’s your dear sister."

"Traitor!" Horatio yelled and nearly charged her before the sight of her cannon arm reminded him of her threat. Face red and expression seething with rage, he shouted, "the dishonor you have brought to our family by turning against Hrykosia and the General Elite Militia is unfathomable! How dare you return here!"

"I return, Hor, as a guest of our sovereign ruler, Kalla Hrykos!"

Horatio flinched slightly as she tossed him the credentials Kalla had given her. He examined them and knew immediately that these were not fakes. All of the security protocols were completely up-to-date. "You...must have deceived her!"

"No, I did not. I’m a member of her honored entourage, and she is here to grant me amnesty as a small addition to a much more significant agenda." Her faced lost none of its hardness as she asked, "How’s mother?"

"How do you THINK she is, Hel? Her daughter sided with the enemy in our great holy war with the Legion World Dragon! You dishonored our family’s proud history of military service and specifically our beloved father who gave his life for same when we were just children!"

"I never wanted to be a soldier, Hor! Our mother was so in love with the idea of being part of a great military tradition that she was obsessed with making us follow in father’s footsteps, so she could reclaim the glory she lost when he died!"

"And what did you do?" he bellowed. "You threw it all away! And not only for yourself--I was a Commander just as you were--then they busted me all the way down to private because of what you did! And that was only after they interrogated and tortured me so much that they were satisfied that I wasn’t also a traitor! I had to scratch and claw my way back up these past several years and have still only made it to the rank of Corporal!"

She bowed her head slightly. "I don’t regret what I did, Hor, but I never meant to get you hurt in the process."

"Well, you most certainly did! Mother lost our family house and has been doing work as a seamstress to keep a roof over her head! She--!"

"Horatio, stop! My sympathy for her is nonexistent. Have you forgotten how viciously she beat us as children over the years after father died?"

"She did what she had to to mould us into adults worthy of the family tradition without our father around."

"Father was a kind man," Helena said in exasperation. "He told us over and over again that he wanted something better for his children than death or injury on a battlefield. Surely, you remember this?"

"I..." Horatio couldn’t continue and just bowed his head.

Helena drew closer and put each of her arms on Horatio’s shoulders, retracting the cannon arm back into its regular state. "Listen, I know there’s no way to hash things out in the short time I have here with you, but I’ve learned many things about our heritage that I want to share with you. Our planet is about to be freed, Horatio!"

"Freed?" Horatio said as if he’d never heard the word before. "Why would Elysia ever want to be apart from Mother Hrykosia?"

Helena wept a few tears. "Because 'Elysia' didn’t exist until about three hundred years ago, Hor! This planet of ours was known as 'Lubahæfen' before the Hrykosians conquered it. Our people had abolished all war for over a millenium prior to that! 'Mother Hrykosia' wiped out everything that was unique in our culture, all of our history, our surnames, our language, all of our art..." She pulled out the Omnicom she’d brought with her and handed it to him.

"What are these pictures? I’ve never seen them before."

"These are paintings by one of Lubahæfen’s most renowned artists, Rafatæl! Many of them hang in Hrykosia’s museums and government buildings as evidence of their spoils. But no one from Elysia knows they exist or has even been allowed to see them! That Omnicom contains comprehensive data on our true history, our art, our music...everything they erased from us!" She wept openly just thinking of all she'd seen already and how deeply it affected her.

Not knowing how to comprehend all of this, Horatio simply managed, "how...?"

"Kalla Hrykos gave it to me, Hor. She’s giving this to ALL of our people--it’s why she’s here! We may never truly be the people we were again, but at least we will finally know!" She embraced him as he stood limply in shock. "I...I just wanted to give you this, so you would be among the first. No matter what else happens or has happened, I will always love you, my brother." She broke the embrace. "If I never see you again, then this is goodbye."

She turned around and headed for the door.

"Wait!" he yelled behind her. "Where are you going?"

She turned for a moment, the door ajar, and smiled at him lightly. "I’m going to fight one more time, so that Lubahæfen’s freedom will not be short-lived."

Then, Helena exited and closed the door.

Horatio stared at the closed door for a long, long moment. Then, his eyes looked down at the Omnicom and all the wonders it contained.

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Bold Flavors
Bold Flavors
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The Dark Oval

“That will about do it,” said Lard Lad to Cobalt, as he reached into his cloak to grab several copper pieces and then pay the clerk. The clerk hungrily accepted the coins and handed Lard Lad a bundle of supplies that Lard Lad and Cobalt Kid had picked up at this tent. Lard Lad had previously told Cobalt that on Haven there were traditional super-stores as in the United Planets, but there were also many neighborhoods full of street merchants with supplies just as good and at half the price. They also enjoyed being paid in actual coinage rather than credits, which meant no paper trail for either seller or buyer.

“That was a smart call on the rope,” said Cobalt nodding. “You never know when you might need some.”

“So back to the ship? I know Tempest is still around here somewhere, but Ibby and Peebs are probably back by now.” Lardy’s thoughts lingered on Tempest for a moment and how much still remained unsaid between them.

“No,” said Cobalt. “Now I can give you probably the only real surprise I have left.” He had a wicked smile that showed Lardy that for these few moments he was actually happy. As much as Lardy was weary of being left out of the loop on anything further, he did like that his friend was happy for a moment. “Follow me,” added Cobalt, and they started walking through several small streets and alleyways.

Since the Breaking of the Fellowship, Cobalt had a heavy heart. He did not say it, but he was torn inside and questioning whether he’d done the right thing. Truthfully he believed he had, and that it was necessary. But that didn’t lessen the guilt. His bitter farewell with Lolita hurt, as did the angry vibes he felt from Princess Crujectra via their telepathic link.

Lard Lad had picked up on it immediately and the two had basically been together the entire time since. Cobalt was leaning on Lard Lad, and he knew it—and he was thankful for it. The two had famously been at odds a few times before but there was no doubt they were best friends. Cobalt knew Lardy would understand without having to discuss the details of it, and Lardy lent Cobalt a quiet strength that helped ease is inner turmoil so they could focus on the task at hand. After all these years a lot was no longer vocalized between them but that didn’t mean it was unsaid.

“Here,” said Cobalt, as they found a small café that looked somewhat dilapidated.

“You take me to the finest places,” said Lard Lad jokingly, glimpsing a stray cat walking among the tables with muzzled hair and one eye missing. The tables had a small layer of dust on them and the place smelled like gasoline.

“Two coffees,” said Cobalt to the waitress, a gangly woman that was probably around 30 years old but looked 50 years old. Cobalt sat at a table, and Lard Lad did too. They waited for a moment in silence, taking in the view of the little tucked away street corner. It was clear that not just the café but the whole neighborhood was derelict.

“Two coffees,” said the waitress, setting them down and then holding out her hand for coin.

Cobalt paid her and gave Lardy a look that almost made them both laugh. “Dibs,” joked Cobalt when she was out of earshot. Now they both really did laugh.

“Some things never change,” said a voice suddenly behind them. Cobalt smiled immediately as Lardy went to turn around. Lard Lad recognized the voice but couldn’t quite place it. He then saw who said the words and a huge smile went across his face. “Of all the gin joints in all the worlds…” said the voice.

Lard Lad got up and walked over and gave the man a tight hug. Cobalt came over and also hugged him. Lard Lad had not seen him in almost 10 whole years. It was a former member of the LMBP, oft-forgotten in a bit of irony. With them now in the middle of Haven was Goon Boy, the LMBer.

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Bold Flavors
Bold Flavors
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The Tragic Tale of Goon Boy

In the year 3000, as if to christen a new millennia, an organization was formed that exemplified the highest ideals of civilization: the Legion of Message Board Posters. After the founding, the call went out and many answered. Among them in those earliest months was hero known as Goon Boy, the 8th member of the LMBP. In that first year he was a stalwart member that proved to be courageous, loyal and light-hearted. And then one day he was gone.

Good Boy hailed from Suburbia, a planet that had hopes and aspirations to join the United Planets one day except for one small problem: the planet had been long conquered by the Dominion. Yet, when the call went out from the LMBP, his location did not stop him from joining. During the days of his youth, amidst the harsh reality of the Dominion yoke, the Dominators frequently experimented on his children on his planet, and he was among them. As he grew older, it became clear that the Dominators experiments had many side effects. His shoulders, arms, forearms and fists had become enlarged; their use was amplified a thousand fold by a surge of power deep within Goon Boy’s nervous system. He had immense strength and it was soon proven as he could knock out a sentient twice his size with one punch. Yet, there were other side effects: chief among them was due to the experiments, Goon Boy’s brain lost its ability to make new memories. His short-term memory function was irrevocably damaged—this “ability” meant he could totally forget something told him within 10 minutes. Occasionally he did remember things with no rhyme or reason to explain why that was; his memory abilities remained a mystery to all and he could never remember to do something about.

Something else else must have stirred deep within him when new of the Legion reached the Dominion, however, because somehow someway he was able to leave the confines of the great empire and journey through the United Planets to Earth and join the Legionnaires. In his youth he strength was the envy of his peers and so they called him ‘Goon Boy’ as a slur to insult his ability to make new memories, believing it left as an utter dolt. He had forgotten that torment but not the name, and so when he was asked to chose a codename, that’s what he chose. Immediately, his brethren in the LMB loved him.

In those earliest days of the Legion, it was full of great adventures and one long party. Friendships and camaraderie were the most important thing, and they all thought Goon Boy, like all the rest of them, would be a major part of the group for all of its days. Goon Boy was the campaign manager for Lard Lad when he was elected the first leader of the LMBP. He was always among those first to compliment Beagle Boy for the many meals he’d cook for them during the meetings. And like so many of them, he loved to laugh at jokes and tell his own.

Beyond that, in secret, he also helped found an important part of the LMB: with Cobalt Kid and Lash Lad, he helped form the Espionage Squad. The first mission on Planet Cancun is well known with the three emerging to make the Espionage Squad an official part of the LMB and Cobalt the leader of the Espionage Squad for life. But the many subsequent missions remain a mystery in Legion lore, stricken from the record books. When the noble Faraway Lad joined the LMB at the close of its first year and took an interest in officially training the espionage squad in how to truly be experts in spy games, Goon Boy was one of the many students he took on.

Throughout this time, however, Goon Boy often forgot things. He forgot where he was, or what the mission was, or why they were being attacked. It had become a recurring scenario that at first was alarming but then became amusing. When it happened mid-battle, the LMBers would laugh heartily and sometimes it would actually ease the tension they felt. Never did they suspect that everything could be forgotten. And so when the day came that everything was, it stung bitterly.

One day, at the start of the LMB’s second year, Goon Boy forgot it all. He forgot the LMB, he forgot the United Planets and he forgot all the missions, and adventures, and laughs, and friendships he’d created. His memory once more betrayed him—and he was lost.

He was truly lost too; he disappeared from Earth and though the LMB searched for him for many long months—he never turned up. Some suspected he went back to the Dominion where they could never find him and some suspected maybe it was a secret espionage mission and he’d turn up. No one dared to assume the worst. After months the search began to fade and concern turned into grief and grief turned into nostalgia. By then it was a different LMB.

In the LMB’s third year, something odd happened: Goon Boy returned! For the briefest of moments, all his memories had returned. No one know how or why but it happened. He journeyed to the LMB and was reunited his friends. They were overjoyed and above all else, just glad he was alive and okay. They had a mission together like old times, laughing and smiling while fittingly, Goon Boy saved the day. And at the mission’s end, Goon Boy told them he feared it would happen again and that this would have to be their parting. That he loved them and would miss them and when he could remember things, it would be of them.

And they didn’t see him again for many, many years.

Time went on, and things changed. The LMB went to Legion World and grew and changed and many new faces came and many of those new faces went. Yet the LMB continued prosper even when the United Planets did not. Many LMBers never met Goon Boy and many even forgot.

…But the true story of those years was quite different.

Upon the creation of the Office of Security by Cobalt Kid and Space Ranger, Cobalt Kid transitioned his old role of Espionage Leader of the LMB to Security Chief of Legion World. He had not yet grown cold or calculating though he was on that road. Faraway Lad stepped in as Ambassador of Legion World, and the two worked with Cobalt’s other Triumvirs to support the United Planets military machine. Between them all, Legion World grew in increasing importance in the United Planets. Cobalt and Faraway knew it was time to extend the LMB’s reach beyond Legion World and into the United Planets political machine. But not overtly, as they many doing that already such as Princess Crujectra. They would do subvertly by extending their agents reach throughout known space.

Among the very first Cobalt turned to was his old friend and colleague, Goon Boy. Legion World had many geniuses in its capital city by then and he asked for their help and received it. A device was created that solved Goon Boy’s memory problem and restored it once and for all. It was mechanical and so Goon Boy had to rely on it, but at least his memories were returned. When Cobalt found him in the Dominion and restored his memories, he was forced to make an awful decision: invite Goon Boy back to Legion World as a member of the LMB which he knew was what his friend wanted most, or ask of him a great sacrifice: to work in the shadows as his agent in the Dark Oval.

Cobalt counted on something else too: the device restored all his memories, even the bad ones. The ones from his youth when the Dominators tortured and abused his kin and countrymen. Cobalt hated the Dominators; Goon Boy hated them more than even Cobalt. With a heavy heart, Goon Boy accepted the offer, and once more became a secret member of the LMB’s Espionage Sqaud.

For seven long years, Goon Boy has served as a spy in the Dark Oval for Cobalt Kid and Faraway Lad. He served the Office of Security, and when Cobalt left, he served Cobalt and Faraway as part of the Espionage Squad clause of the LMB. No one knew of his service beyond those two; no one had ever thanked him; no one had ever known what he’d given up.

But at least he remembered. And to him, that meant something.

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Unseen, not unheard
Unseen, not unheard
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The worst thing about waiting is not knowing whether there really is something to wait for.

Life on Legion World continued as it always had. Yet, for a very few people, the clouds of doubt were starting to creep in.

One could be forgiven for thinking that the biggest burdens of war are placed on those who man the front lines. Those who slip into enemy territory and risk their lives in combat.

Yet it is equally hard on those left behind.

That's what Invisible Brainiac's lover was thinking right now.

The night before he'd left, he hadn't been his usual impish, flirtatious self. It should have been a warning; IB couldn't resist making puns and quips. The first time they'd met, IB had knocked a glass of water right into his lover's lap. Whipping out a towel, he'd immediately started mopping up. With a straight face, he'd said, "Whoa. I'm sorry for making you so wet."

Ordinarily, that would have been met with a slap. Yet IB said it with just the right mix of innocence and slyness that one couldn't tell which interpretation to use.

It had been too, too long. "I should have asked him," IB's lover thought. But no. They'd gone out a few times, but it was too soon to ask whether it was something more.

Which was worse? That IB was risking his life in an unexplored place, with only a handful of allies and an unknown enemy whose capabilities were unknown even to him. Or was it the not knowing.

Oh, he hadn't said he was going to the Dominion... but it was obvious now, knowing the events the LMBP was involved in.

It had been weeks since IB's last transmission. He would use his fascinating light powers to send a message straight to the intended recipient. Purely visual, of course - IB would write his message down, "capture" an image of him holding the note, and send it as a hologram. Like one of those ancient stories where Daxamites could photograph light rays.

He was probably out of range by now. Or he didn't dare risk sending anything, both to protect the secrecy of the mission and to protect his loved ones. The less they knew, the better.

"I just wished I knew..." with a pang of guilt, IB's lover realized - what was more important? Knowing how IB was... or knowing whether IB felt the same way?

Up ahead, a shooting star streaked across the night sky.

IB's lover stared wistfully, remembering that IB had looked just like that when he'd flown off to who knows where. His last words were, accompanied by a wink, were, "Don't worry, doll. I'll be fine. I know you'd miss me too much."

He was right, of course.

Damn him.

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Time Trapper
Time Trapper
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Dev screamed again as he hit the ground. He had felt something crack in his left thigh. The red skies had pretty much dissipated again, but his strength was not back to full again.

Loser smiled wearily as he helped him up. "You okay?"

"I'm not sure anymore," Dev said so only Loser could hear him. "I should be stronger by now, but this pace is taking it's toll."

Loser nodded. He too had not slept in the three days since the King and Queen had died and the Hive made another surge towards where they had made their camp. "We're all a bit thin right now Dev," he said as they looked back toward where the others were.

Dev laughed a little. "I just hope what we did helped them."

Loser shrugged, and they both headed back to the ship that had brought Loser to the far side of the Hive army.


Kar Em flew in a tight arc and grabbed Faraway with about half a second to spare as the ground went out from underneath him.

A smile formed on Kar Em's face as the bugs were swallowed up in a huge cave in.

Faraway let a small smile cross his face as well. "The boys did it."

"That they did," Kar said, "are you ready?"

"I hope so."

Kar flew as fast as we could. He had recovered a bit better than his son due to his full Daxamite background.

They headed towards a decent sized hill. It was big enough that some of the locals called it a mountain.

Faraway concentrated and a portion of it vanished and appeared above the area that had just caved in.

There were screeches coming from the bugs that were crushed by the falling debris, as the portion of dirt and rock that Faraway was able to move came crashing down on top of them.


A loud cheer went up through the ranks of Queen Alyson's guard.

"Be prepared for their arrival," she said firmly.

Loser Lad set the ship down and he helped Dev Em walk out.

"He needs rest," he mouthed to the Queen as he helped Dev over to her.

"Thank you Bill," she said and smiled, "but so do you."

They were both handed flasks of water, which they drank.

Loser noticed it right away. The tired feeling was worse than ever. He grinned a little as two guards caught him and Dev and placed them on stretchers to be taken to the medical tent for observation.

Kar Em landed with Faraway and nodded approvingly. "They're of no use to anyone in their current state."

Faraway looked at him, and lifted his left eyebrow.

"Don't worry old friend, none for you...wouldn't do any good anyway. Too sprockin stubborn."


The next morning, Fes Te walked over to Kar Em, who was getting reports of the bugs movements throughout the night.

Kar Em looked up at him and motioned for him to come forward.

"I'm sorry sir, I just wish to know why you have had me sitting doing nothing while the rest of you push yourselves to unnatural limits."

Kar laughed his biggest booming laugh. "Fes, my young friend," he said getting up and putting his arm around Fes' shoulder, "your time is almost here."

"I don't understand? My time for what?"

"To save them," he said and waved his hand towards the cruiser that Loser had been flying around. Entering the cruiser were the the most gravely wounded of the Daroon people, as well as several children that they had managed to find.

"You want me to fly a ship?"

Loser Lad walked up to them, "No, that's my job. You get to protect us."

"Where are we going?"

"Xyler 7, the planet that we are orbiting," Kar Em said. "We're hoping that they will be able to help us once Loser and yourself are able to get word to them about what is happening here. We believe they know something has happened...just not the extent of what is transpiring."


A few hours later, Loser poloted the ship into the atmosphere, and Fes Te flew next to him.

Dev Em and Kar Em took to the skies as well and engaged any bugs that tried to attack from below.

A short while later, they returned to the encampment and verified that the cruiser had gotten off safely and was on its way.

Active LMB character is still Beast Boy.

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Bold Flavors
Bold Flavors
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The Dark Oval

In the midst of a planet filled with despair, three old friends enjoyed each other’s company and some laughs, soaking up the chance to be together again after many, many years. “I still can’t believe it’s you,” said Lard Lad with a big smile. “I mean, I know Cobie has spies throughout the Dark Oval, but I also have my own set of contacts too. I thought if we ended up meeting someone I knew, or even knew of, I wouldn’t be too surprised.”

“Glad to hear it, Lardy,” said Goon Boy with a smile. He picked up the large coffee cup in front of him and took a deep gulp of boiling hot coffee. His massive forearm covered his entire face as he did so. Setting it down, he looked up from his trademark cap. “Surprised we aren’t somewhere drinking something stronger,” he said with a grin. Clearly, he remembered the hard partying days of the early LMB.

Cobalt looked at Lardy, perhaps a bit too quickly, he realized, but Lardy took the comment in stride. “I don’t drink alcohol anymore, Goonie,” he said softly but matter-of-factly.

Goon Boy took the hint. “Got it. Probably would taste as watered down as this coffee does anyway,” he added, looking around at the dilapidated café they were sitting in. And trust me, this café is splendid compared to what we’re going to be seeing soon enough. If you two have never been to the Hive before…consider yourselves lucky.”

For a moment, the enormity of what was in store for the three of them hung over their heads. Goon Boy broke the tension: “So tell me about Lash. And Cru. And Beagz. And Seahorse. All of them!” he said with a laugh.

“Lash is Lash,” said Lardy with a smile, as he began to tell his friends.

Cobalt also smiled but stood up. “I’ve had the luxury of talking to Goonie a bunch of times over the years, but you two old friends have not. I’m going to give you a moment to catch up, while I take care of any loose ends we’ve got so we can get the hell out of here.”

“Sounds good,” said Goon Boy.

“Just be careful,” said Lard Lad, momentarily concerned that Cobalt was still not quite in the right mindset to be wandering off on his own. “We’ll see you back at the ship.”

Cobalt nodded and patted them both on the shoulder. Seeing Goon Boy and Lard Lad laughing together made him feel good and after he walked a few paces he could hear them both roaring with laughter again. It sounded like they were reminiscing about when Lard Lad was elected the very first LMB leader, and Goon Boy acted as his campaign manager.

Once out of earshot, Cobalt turned down an alley way. Alone, he stopped walking and leaned his hand against the stone building to his side and put his other hand to his face, rubbing the bridge of his nose and his eyes. He felt so weary…so heavy right now. He didn’t want to spoil the chance for Lardy to see Goon Boy again and figured he wasn’t good company at the moment. He tried to focus on the mission at hand but that made things all the more overwhelming. Lolita’s words at their parting rung in his ears still and he tried to block them out. He tried once more to reach out with his telepathic link to find Princess Crujectra, hoping for some kind of reassurance but all he received was a negative vibe from her—anger at his recent actions. And anger he deserved.

He sighed deeply and turned to keep walking. And suddenly all of those emotions slipped away and his heart turned cold. Before him was a lone Dominator with a big, wicked toothy smile, waiting for him to make eye contact. “The second your magnetism makes even the briefest of movements in the metals around me, Cobaltus, I will fry your brains just like I did your girlfriend all those years ago.” His words were clear and did not have the typical Dominator slither sound to it. And they also contained a smugness to it.

Outcaste. The mad Dominator genius who turned himself into an Unkillable and in the process had his rank and privileges stripped from him because he was no longer pure. And more specifically, the Dominator who essentially killed Cobalt Kid’s girlfriend Debauchery Damsel many years ago. In his hand was the “Brain Defiler” the not so subtly named device that could strip a brain of all thought and life while leaving the body completely intact for experimentation. It was aimed directly at Cobalt Kid.

Anger flared up deep within Cobalt Kid and his usual self-control over his emotions seemed to be slipping away—he was already too emotionally battered to stop them. He hated the Dominators with all his heart but out of them all, he hated Outcaste the most. He tried to smile but it came off as a vicious, ugly look. “I told you all I’d have my revenge one day, and look at your Dominion now,” said Cobalt, knowing full well Outcaste had him dead to rights.

“Not my Dominion Cobaltus,” said the Dominator. “When they broke that bond, they broke it forever. I say let them all burn under the Khundish torch.” Outcaste was very tall for a Domanitor now, standing eight and half feet. His body was well muscled and lean showcasing the Unkillable within. But his face still had that inquisitive, scientist look, like a shark biting something to see how it tastes rather than killing it at once. Where once there was a large red disk on his forehead, there was only now a large red “X” branded on. “It’s been over 10 years but I always knew I’d see you again.”

“I saw you not that long ago, on Xom,” said Cobalt. “I decided you weren’t worth my time. Not even worth killing.”

Outcaste continued to look at Cobalt, analyzing him. “Your mistake, then. You’re awfully far into the Dark Oval, I’ll give you that. I wonder who even knows you’re here? Certainly not alone…you Legionnaires always travel in packs. Quite a prize for your heads, I’m sure.”

Cobalt was using his magnetism to search for the metals on Outcaste’s person, subtly making sure Outcaste could not sense him doing so. One twitch of the finger and he was done for. He found them in his boots and among the pouches on his belt but not elsewhere. Even his legendary brain-defiler was made of plants somehow, which puzzled Cobalt, though he didn’t have time to think about it.

“What was her name?” asked Outcaste cruelly. “I know your United Planets media animals called her some kind of space slut or something like that, but surely you called her something a little sweeter? She was dear to you, wasn’t sure? She died for you, so I certainly hope so.”

“Her name was Erika,” said Cobalt, who seething anger was now turning into a cold calm. Cobalt could feel a thirst deep within him for blood—everything else was fading from view and all he knew was he wanted to kill Outcaste right here. He was silent for a moment, and then spoke. “You and I have unfinished business.

Several things happened next, so quickly that a sentient eye would be unable to tell: Outcaste fired, knowing Cobalt was planning an attack and it was coming now. Cobalt pulled metal from the trash along the alleyways towards him and shaped it into a makeshift shield, knowing his only way out of this alive was a defensive position; the brain-defiler ripped into the makeshift shield destroying it and moving on, but it redirected just slightly into the alley wall, where it dissipated. Cobalt rolled to the side, ready to rise up and fight to the death, as Outcaste recovered from the shock of his miss and reloaded his gun. Yet while all this happened, from the shadows came a bolt of lightning and electricity with incredible force, ripping into Outcaste’s back to knock him forward into the wall, the brain-defiler out of his hand and sear his uniform and unkillable flesh along his back, ass and legs. The pain was immediate and horrific and he passed out. Right after, his unkillable healing factor kicked in and he began to recover, albeit, unconscious.

Tempest stood revealed in the shadows, stepping forward majestically, her robes blowing in the wind and her hair falling over her shoulders. Cobalt looked up, processing what happened and just like he had many years earlier when he first saw the High Priestess Viviane, he thought to himself she’s a goddess. “Someone has to watch your back,” she said, “since you readily opened it up to attack,” she added, raising an eyebrow.

He tried to smile but again couldn’t force to façade; instead he was just genuine in his thanks. “Thank you,” he breathed deep. The realization that he was saved seemed to take the anger out of him for the moment but he turned back to Outcaste, he laid their unconscious. He walked over, first to the body and then to the gun. He picked it up and stared at it for a second as Tempest watched him, wondering what he thought about as he stared at it. He suddenly ripped it to pieces, using his magnetism to pull little debris into sharpened edges and cut it up. It fell across the alleyway, and its powersource rolled into a gutter.

He now turned to Outcaste and saw Tempest casting another spell on him. “Don’t,” he said, his thirst for his own revenge taking over.

“Do not presume to give me orders, Cobaltus,” she said. “I know what you intend. You want to kill this vile monster and I cannot blame you for that. But to do so now would be murder—for surely he can offer no resistance.”

Cobalt motioned to speak but held his tongue.

“My spell will erase his memory of these past minutes and he’ll be left wonder what happened. He must not be able to disrupt our quest. But I cannot let you kill him; not because I care what happens to him, or even because of the standards of the LMB. But because if we’re going to be on this quest together and have many light years to travel still, I cannot let you destroy yourself yet.”

In an instant, the spell was cast and a red aura encompassed Outcaste and then faded. Cobalt stood there, staring at the unconscious unkillable body. He felt different emotions twisting up inside of him as he wondered what to do next. He ached to destroy this monster once and for all—what if he did not see him again for ten more years? But he knew he had to focus on the quest and his friends. And more, he knew in his heart he wouldn’t have thought about murder in the old days.

“Take my hand and come,” said Tempest, offering out a beautiful gloved hand to him. She spoke firmly but there was a softness to it.

He nodded and took it, and they began to walk back to the ship. Cobalt said nothing, as if in a daze, only glad Tempest was by his side.

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Unseen, not unheard
Unseen, not unheard
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Fools anticipate the heat of battle; the wise anticipate surviving one.


IB's yell sounded in the cabin of their ship. Power Boy had gotten another shot in, and his side was smarting.

He grit his teeth and crouched down, watching warily as Power Boy circled him, his face blank.

Power Boy usually wore a small half-smile, like he was remembering something amusing. In battle, that smile sometimes turned into a grin.

Power Boy was taking their training seriously, though. IB supposed he should be proud; he had landed his share of blows on Power Boy and had even ripped a hole in his shirt. But the blows he was taking sure made it hard to appreciate his improvement.

IB stood up so that he could shift his position more easily. He held out the quarterstaff he was training with in a defensive posture. Power Boy was fast, and...

Power Boy leaped forward.

IB quickly threw himself backward while he swung his staff with his left hand. As expected, Power Boy dodged it easily. But IB was prepared; he brought up his right hand and let out a burst of light.

Power Boy was prepared too; he simply closed his eyes and swung again.

IB cursed and bent his knees so Power Boy's punch would miss. He brought up his staff again and used it to trip Power Boy. The young god caught his balance right away though, and pivoted to keep his momentum going.

His punch connected with IB's rib cage, and the young LMBer shattered.

"What..." Power Boy uttered, before collecting himself. Of course. IB's light powers allowed him to create holograms. Cursing, he quickly spun around.

Too late though. IB, moving at light speed, quickly brought his knee up into Power Boy's stomach. Using the momentum from the blow, he tossed Power Boy over his shoulder, causing the older man to land in a corner.

Power Boy was unhurt, of course, but that was enough of a victory for IB. Panting, he sank to his knees. "I... *huff* *huff* finally... got you." He wiped the sweat from his brow. "Man! It's been a while since I had to work so hard to evade an opponent."

Power Boy held out his hand, and IB took it, pulling himself up. "You are getting much better. I used to look down on those who specialized in evasion, but I can see its benefits." Power Boy paused to drink some water. "You actually made me break a sweat. Few can claim that."

IB smiled, leaning on his staff. "Thank grife I'm a decently fast learner, huh?"

"More than fast. Great going, IB!"

The two turned to see Cobalt Kid, Lard Lad, Tempest and another man stride into the room. IB's eyebrow raised. Lardy had a big grin, his arm around the newcomer; that guy also had an arm around Lardy's shoulder. He looked familiar somehow... Tempest looked calm and regal, as always. Cobie... he was smiling, but there was something. His smile wasn't quite as wide as it usually would be.

That was rare.

"Man, you've really gotten better, huh kid?" Lardy clapped him on the shoulder. His companion nodded, "Those were some good moves, alright." He reached out a hand to shake IB's. "Name's Goon Boy. I'm an old member of the LMB."

IB's mouth dropped open in recognition. "I've heard of you from the files! Wow... it's good to meet you, sir."

Goon Boy and Lardy both raised eyebrows. IB blushed a bit. "I know you were one of the early LMBers. It's always a rush meeting one of you for the first time. And besides, I haven't known you as long as Lardy and Cobie here - so I haven't lost any respect for you yet."

Both Lardy and Goon Boy laughed at that, and Goon Boy gave IB a high five. "You and I are gonna get along, kid."

"Well, perhaps we can catch up over dinner then?" said Tempest. "We leave Haven tomorrow, so I think we should prepare ourselves well. Besides, we have much to talk about." Everyone nodded; you didn't argue with that logic. Or with someone like Tempest, for that matter.

As Power Boy came forward to introduce himself, IB ducked to the side, towards Cobie. "Des? Are you okay? Did you lose a bet with Lardy as to who'd get more phone numbers at the bar?"

Cobie smiled, but it was slower than usual in coming. "I actually did - I told him I'd only win by 10 numbers, and got 23 more. I didn't want him to feel bad, though."

IB paused. Cobie probably didn't want to worry the rest of them, but he could use a friend. "Glad you're not letting the mission affect your mojo then. But... if you ever feel like venting, you know I'll listen."

"Thanks, pal. But don't worry about it. I can stay strong until we bring the Dark Oval down, at least."

"All right, as long as you remember that we'll all follow you even if you do feel like you need to stop being a leader for a while."

Cobie smiled in understanding, and IB smiled back.

"Let's head over to dinner, why don't we?" The two walked to the dining area to join in the booming laughter that was ringing.

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Unseen, not unheard
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"We all set?" Lardy called out.

One by one, the LMBers yelled assent as they finished their tasks. One by one, they gathered near the cockpit for takeoff.

"Man, I can't wait to get off this place." IB yawned . "It's way too industrial. Give me beautiful reefs or mountains any day." He broke off as a fly buzzed around his ear. "Ugh, and the only wildlife here are pests like flies and rats!" He muttered as he swatted the air.

Missed. Hmph.

"You might like the Hive then. Caves and valleys galore, and plenty of exotic bugs who want to have you for dinner," said Cobie. "Speaking of which, let me brief you guys on the next phase..."

IB tried to listen, but he wasn't used to waking up so early. He couldn't keep from yawning again, the sound drowning out Cobie's voice. He shook his head. "Keep your head in the game, man," he thought. "The stakes just got higher."

He leaned forward and forced himself to listen intently. When the stakes were this high, you didn't goof around.

He muttered as the fly buzzed around him again. It would be nice to get off this world, but given where they were going...

He'd take the flies and the smoke any day.

A few minutes later, the Fellowship members were strapped in their seats as their ship strained to break free of Haven's gravity.

IB looked out the window, taking one last look (and one last photograph) of the swirling mist around the planet.

Sometimes the most deceptively beautiful places were also the most dangerous.

He shuddered. There was much more to come when they reached the Hive.

Beauty is one of the best disguises danger can wear.

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The Dark Oval

"Approaching orbit of Earth-4, your Majesty," Kalla’s pilot informed his liege. "We’ve received confirmation to land."

"Very good, pilot," Kalla responded, "make sure you take the exact trajectory I specified."

"Yes, your Majesty."

As the royal yacht approached the planet, Kalla marveled as it became larger on her view screen. She’s been her several times previously, but the sight of a nearly-exact duplicate of Earth but with no green visible on its land masses was simultaneously breathtaking and horrifying.

She spoke into a short range comlink that connected her to the occupants of a lone escape pod located toward the far rear of the yacht. "Alright, Rockhopper Lad, we are moments away from jettisoning your pod as we fly over the designated coordinates. Your cloaking device should activate automatically. Gods willing, you should be undetected."

In the cramped vehicle, Rocky looked around at his companions, Helena Handbasket, Shark Lad, Lolita, Time Teller Lad, Hyvvie the Wonder Beagle and Timber Wolf, and smiled. "We are as ready as we are likely to be, Madame Hrykos!"

"Then, good luck to you all." She thought of her Lon for a moment, but they’d already said their goodbyes.

"We’ve entered the atmosphere, majesty," said the pilot. "Approaching drop zone!"

Kalla watched the instruments aligning with the coordinates and spoke into the comlink, "prepare yourselves, pod crew, in...3...2...1...escape pod launching!"

From outside the aft of the yacht a hatch could be seen opening for a moment. Then, a pod was visible for a split-second before seemingly disappearing from existence. Then, the hatch closed again.

"Pod launched and cloaked successfully, Majesty!"

"Very good, pilot. Now, wipe the launch completely from the ship’s log."

"Done! And the crew report that the replacement pod has been put in place, Majesty."

Kalla smiled, "yes, it’s best to not have to explain why there’s no escape pod if the Emperor has us inspected." Her smile faded as she thought of her lover. Be careful out there, Lon… she thought.

On the planet the escape pod landed very hard. They had to use a minimum of guidance and inertial controls so as not to leave a trail. All occupants were fine but each had moderate to heavy bruises all over them. But they landed exactly where they needed to: a desolate, icy desert near a known Loser contact point.

After they all exited, Rocky activated the pod’s imploding self-destruct. Then, he activated the GPS Kalla had downloaded into his Omnicom. Getting his bearings, Rocky told the others, "quickly--this way!"

As the others scurried after their leader, Timber Wolf paused as he watched the running lights of Kalla’s yacht disappear over the horizon. "I’ll be right behind you, babe," he said to himself, "after I make sure the rest of them make contact with the resistance."

Then, he turned and caught up with the others.

Moments later, Kalla’s yacht landed in the visitors pad at the Emperor’s palace. The palace was a beautiful, towering structure seemingly made entirely of ice. Though not the first time she’d seen it, Kalla never ceased to be impressed by its beauty.

Soon, Kalla and her royal entourage were escorted to the Emperor’s great reception and dining hall where they were greeted by the Emperor and his consort Blaine Fey. Kalla and her contingent bowed, as per etiquette.

Having spent so much time recently with Rockhopper Lad, Kalla was struck by both how much Rocky and his other-dimensional double the Emperor looked alike and by how an identical being could somehow radiate as much malevolence as Rocky radiated kindness.

"Greetings, your Highness," Kalla said as she approached the royal couple, "it is good to see you again."

"Yes, it is!" the Emperor said with a laugh. "I would like you to meet someone...enter, loyal one!"

Suddenly a blur flashed past Kalla’s entourage and finally took form next to the Emperor and Blaine.

Kalla looked shocked as she recognized the man. "Dev-Em?" she said in confusion.

"Yes," the Emperor confirmed, "but not the one from this universe. He originates from the dimension from which this Earth came. In fact he helped me subjugate this planet before it was swapped to your dimension to its current place in the Dark Oval. He is my most loyal agent, and..." The Emperor grinned a sickening, scary grin. "...he has been following you for some time!"

Shocked, Kalla yelled, "What is the meaning of--!"

"The 'meaning' is that you are a traitor to the Dark Oval, Kalla Hrykos!" Blaine laughed.

Kalla’s hands started to glow with her power, but the twisted version of Dev-Em struck her sharply on the head before she could even think. She fought to stay conscious as she heard her entourage screaming.

"You’ve made a grave mistake," said the Emperor, as he leaned down over her. He turned to her assailant and said, "go! Find her friends--and kill them!" And 'Dark Dev' flew off.

The last thing Kalla heard before she finally passed out was the Emperor’s booming, hateful laughter.

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Time Trapper
Time Trapper
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An Unknown Planet

Titus stood in a spherical room, inky violet robes hung from his shoulders. He stared out of the glass-like walls, out towards space. In the distance, a once opulent city could be seen under centuries of dust. It smelled like blood and fire.

Titus’ mind was out across space, peering into a small ship on a course for the HIVE. Not all of the ones he wanted were in this vessel. He wanted the ones who had humiliated him on HUL. These would do though. He ground his teeth as he thought of torturing them, breaking them, and either using them as his slaves or offering them to the Dark Lord.

A golden metallic android stood behind Titus. It finally spoke. ‘My Lord, everything is ready. The Top 40 of your servants are in place. ’

Titus’ mind returned to his body, and looked upon the android’s shining artificial body.

‘Thank you, Ameratsu’

Whenever he looked on the android, Titus smiled. Ameratsu had once been one of his most bitter opponents; A particularly troublesome one, because Titus was unable to dominate his artificial intelligence with telepathy. Ages ago he smashed the rest of Ameratsu’s artificial kind but, Ameratsu proved cunning and tenacious. Unable to turn Ameratsu into one of his ghouls – warrior slaves for eternity – Titus eventually developed a computer virus by using New God technology to force Ameratsu into servitude. Ameratsu retained much more of it’s personality than his ghoul slaves but, it had acted as a major domo for Titus ever since.

Ameratsu’s armored body had kept it’s shine after all these years as a slave, Titus never liked that. The light bothered his eyes but, control over one of his most implacable enemies pleased him.

Titus had to take what small pleasures he could lately. This modern era was so unlike times past. Change happened so quickly now, It was … unsettling for an immortal.

For centuries Titus had been the Dark Lord’s hand of fury. It was a beautiful relationship, the more he conquered, the more he killed, tortured, and maimed, the more power he gave to the Dark Lord and subsequently the more power the Dark Lord gave to him in return.

But in recent decades, there were many others who had grown in power … An Insect King, the Ice Emperor, and others who furthered the Dark Lord’s ends. Titus was now suddenly one of several servants. His centuries long war with the New Gods had also exhausted his resources. Titus had hoped to offer a race of immortal warriors to his Dark Lord's service but, they resisted too strongly. He was forced to hunt them to extinction.

Titus must find a way to become the Dark lord’s favored servant again, If it meant killing all of these other competitors to do it.

It was time for Titus to return to his former glory, as the Dark Lord’s general, with the universe under his boot. He would begin with this LMB.

“Ameratsu, bring me my armor, my sword, and my spear. There is blood to be spilt.”

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Time Trapper
Time Trapper
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Disaster Boy
[Linked Image]

Disaster Boy flew through space. He was pulled, unable to stop himself. He looked out at the stars as if behind a grey film, a passenger in his own body.

He couldn’t remember how long he had been like this. His old life becoming more of a distant memory as time passed.

Foggy images came to him as he grasped for consciousness. Leaving Legion World, getting into his time machine to travel to the future timeline where he is from, to fight the evil dictators there, which included his parents.

There was a portal as the time travel drive kicked in and … then … muscular arms reaching for him … the arms were covered with blood, no they were tattoos, that twisted and turned until the lines of the tattoos reached for him, slimy tendrils reaching into his mouth, eyes, and mind. And then a smile … Titus’ smile.

How long ago was that? What has Titus done, what has Titus made him do?

He’d been used before by villains, controlled, manipulated. In fact, it seemed like he was always being used by somebody.

One disaster after another.


Disaster Boy reached his destination, a forgotten planet, of a forgotten civilization. Ancient ceramic buildings stretched in every direction with winding streets.

The perfect place for an ambush.

Disaster Boy pressed a button, as tears streamed down his face.

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The Dark Oval

“Bloody Liberty, it’s cold,” said Lolita as she put wrapped her arms around her chest looked off in the distance only to see nothing but flat icey desert. No matter what though, she kept moving.

“Probably should have dressed a little warmer,” said Shark Lad jokingly. She made a face at him. After all, he was used to the temperatures of the deep ocean and the cold did not bother him at all. She was in her trade mark tube top and micro-skirt with boots and while it showed off her incredibly physique, it didn’t exactly keep her warm. At least she had the trench coat on over it and that had built in microscopic fibers that kept it relatively warm.

All around them was a vast desert made of ice and snow, totally barren of life. It had made hills but even when climbing the highest; it was difficult to find anything worth seeing. Far, far ahead of them lay a great mountain path that they knew would lead to the Evil Emperor Penguin’s Palace in the Terran land known as Siberia. Back behind them was a vast desert plain that stretched further than the eye could see. The Evil Emperor Penguin had turned the once diverse and lush landscape of planet Earth, albeit in the ‘4th Universe’, into a cold tundra planet-wide.

“Keep quiet,” said a voice ahead of them. “Our voices travel far along the great plains.” Helena Handbasket led them through the ice desert, using her military tactical skills to find the best path that kept them hidden from view. They had on white clothing to blend in but on a planet full of super-beings it would not be too difficult to find them.

Their leader, Rockhopper Lad followed her with Hyvvie happily walking by his side. Time-Teller Lad also stayed close, constantly updating Rockhopper on their time table and where & when they should be to encounter the resitance. Lolita and Shark Lad followed and behind them lurked Timberwolf. Lolita checked behind them occasionally to make sure he was still there; she half expected him to take off and make sure Kalla Hrykos was alright.

They knew roughly that the Losers, the resistance force on Earth-4 had a contact point near here. Not an actual base, but some sort of bunker or hidden place to escape the cold and meet in secret. Given the proximity to the Evil Emperor Penguin, Lolita suspected this was probably the last contact point they had before reaching the Palace, unless they had one there as well. She had no idea what kind of progress they had made but she hoped they had some sort of access to the Palace already. That thought suddenly froze her with the sheer scope of what they were trying to do—liberate an entire planet—but she pushed those doubts out of her mind. She looked forward at the noble Rockhopper Lad, a prince and true hero, who walked calmly forward as if this was exactly what he was created to do. It gave her some comfort.

From what Kalla Hrykos told them, the resistance was called “The Losers”. One might think the moniker had a self-depreciating intent but that was not the case; it sprung out of a tribute to the great hero Loser Lad among Earth-4’s Society of Message Board Posters, who had passed away in earlier years. His son, Louie Banzer, had taken up the charge to lead the resistance and that further caused the name to stick. She wondered if she’d have the chance to meet this Louie. She was curious how Loser Lad could have a son that was almost Lolita’s age. Likely one of those Earth-4 anomalies. Earth-4 was the closest analogue to Earth-1 among all the parallel Earths, containing a multitude of similarities, such as each Earth having its own Loser Lad. Yet there were major differences too—the most major of them all being the Rockhopper Lad on this Earth was a horrific tyrant bent on killing them all.

They continued to walk through the snow and ice, their breaths growing hot and showing in the cold air. Their legs grew tired but the only thing to keep the cold at bay was their movement. Lolita suddenly noticed Shark Lad stop. It was almost impossible to see, but she could tell he was sniffing.

“Smell that, Furball?” he said out loud as Timberwolf moved forward.

“Yup. We ain’t alone.”

Up ahead Helena turned back to see why the line had stopped following. In that instant she realized something was wrong but by then it was too late. She rolled to her side, pulling out her sword and arming her gun-arm. A bolt of lightning flashed where she was a moment earlier. She fired a round to where the lightning came from, but suddenly another attacker came from her side.

This time, she went down fast, as Lolita looked on in shock. Her attacker moved with incredible speed but did not appear super—just proficient. He had no weapons. His costume was a mix of browns and tans and he appeared to be using some form of super kung-fu. None of his blows were lethal but he was disarming her.

More lightning blasted towards Rockhopper Lad and Time-Teller Lad as their attacker came into view: a woman who looked startlingly like the LMBer Lightning Lad. Rocky returned the volley with a blast of frozen breath as Time Teller Lad stumbled for his blaster.

Lolita turned to see Shark Lad and Timberwolf both taking off to either side of the conflict, hoping to outflank their enemies. Timberwolf disappeared from view but she hoped he was going to take out that karate kid, whoever he was. She followed Shark Lad, who ran up the side. Suddenly he was knocked back off his feet into the snow, as a huge bouncing ball came out of nowhere and was deflected backwards. She watched as the ball seemed to deflate and then amazingly turn into a person. “Stay down!” he yelled, and Lolita could see he was a young man.

Lolita struggled for her blaster, trying to move as quick as possible. From beyond their line of sight she could see several dots on Shark Lad’s chest as he rose back up, growling at the top of his lungs. She knew immediately it was the dots of a sniper-rifle. In all of the confusion, though, she could swear they were actually polka-dots. “You either miss, don’t move!” yelled the young man.

Lolita tried to fumble for her blaster but suddenly she felt a sharp blade at her throat. She didn’t even sense her attacker was on her. A hand reached over her mouth to cup it if screamed but Lolita was not screaming. The attacker’s hand was smooth and Lolita immediately knew it was a woman’s. She could tell the blade was not a sword or knife but rather a sai, one of the ancient Japanese weapons. The woman was light as a feather, and Lolita realized she was actually on her back, holding the sai to her throat; yet her grip was firm and deadly. “Tell the shark to calm down,” she said quietly, “or I’ll slit your throat.”

“Zhiya, no!” said the young man who had done all the talking. Behind him, the sniper came into view. He was dressed in full army gear with the odd mix of it all being polka-dot colored. They could hear fighting in the distance where Rockhopper Lad, Time Teller Lad, Helena and Timberwolf were. Shark Lad was breathing heavy now, on the verge of going into a rage, and they could all sense it. “Shark Lad, stop!” said the young man. “Everyone, stop! This is Shark Lad! He’s just like our own Sharky!”

“They can’t hear you, Hugh,” said the polka-dotted young man.

Shark Lad turned to them both, ready to lunge for their throats.

“Take one step,” said the woman holding the sai at Lolita’s throat, “and she dies right now.”

“Everyone stop!” yelled Hugh at the top of his lungs. “This is the LMB! They’ve come here to help us!”

Hugh’s words, though drowned out by noise all over, seemed to have a gradual calming effect. All of them, trained as they were to listen even in the heart of battle, realized what he was saying.

Shark Lad seemed to be calming down, though Lolita knew better. No one should get close less they risk being eviscerated. “Are you the Society of Message Board Posters?” said the massive LMBer at last.

Hugh’s face went into a wide smile. “We’re the Losers,” he said, putting his hand to his head in the shape of an “L”.

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After the initial confusion, Fellowship members and Losers began to move towards the center of their now ended conflict. “Hell of a way to make an introduction, kid,” said Shark Lad, still feeling the adrenaline of battle.

“I know,” said Hugh, “and I’m sorry for that. We have to be careful…we’ve been tricked before.” Hugh’s words carried a certain weight to them that told Shark Lad he’d seen some horrors that only war could bring.

“How’d you know this ain’t a trick then?” said Shark Lad.

“Because of you,” said Hugh. “The SMB have our own version of Shark Lad and from our past meetings, it’s become clear that the two Shark Lads are one of those rare occurrences where the alternate Earths match up almost exactly the same. The Faraway Lads and Cobalt Kids were the same thing. You almost can’t tell the difference, though there are some small differences. You’re so similar to him that I knew it had to be you, the LMBer.”

Lolita rubbed her throat, now feeling anger flood her face now that the adrenaline was wearing off. She was not happy at all. “I’m glad you realized that then,” she said, perhaps a bit too feisty, “since I happen to like having my head attached.”

Hugh felt embarrassed. “Sorry about that. Like I said, we can’t take any chances. I’m Hugh Taylor, by the way. Former SMB Academy member that helped form the Losers. With me is Polka-Dot Kid, a bonafide SMBer and that was Zhiya you had the pleasure to meet miss.” Lolita looked back at the other two SMBers, to take their measure. Polka-Dot Kid was dressed in full military gear with a two-handed big laser-canon in his arms and vest full of pouches and grenades; yet his entire uniform and even skin were covered in polka-dots. Beside him dressed entirely in black was a petite Asian woman, who was beautiful as she was quiet. It took Lolita a minute to realize that the woman was blind.

Before she could say anything further, they came upon the others. Evidently, they were not so willing to accept one another yet. On one side was Rockhopper Lad, Hyvvie the Wonder Beagle and Helena Handbasket, all poised for an attack. Apparently, Helena got that sword back. On the other side was the lightning-caster who looked like Lightning Lad and the super kung-fu master. In front of the lightning caster on his knees was Time Teller Lad, who was obviously a captive.

Hugh spoke up immediately and stepped between the two groups. “Val, it’s okay!” he said. “They’re here to help! This is the LMB!”

The man known as Val considered, while the girl spoke up. “Hugh, honey, I appreciate your attempts at a peaceful solution but take a look over there and tell me didn’t just find the actual Evil Emperor Penguin on a secret trip to or from his Palace? Tell me we didn’t just stumble into a chance to end this for once and all? Because I’m feeling today is my lucky day.”

“Ayla…” said Hugh, inhaling deeply as if he was about to make an argument.

“Notice someone missing?” said Lolita to Shark Lad.

“Oh shit,” said Shark Lad suddenly. Timberwolf was nowhere to be seen. That was not good.

“Furball! Er, Timberwolf—screw it, Lon! Lon! Come on out, man! Don’t do it! These guys are okay! They’re our friends!” Shark Lad had a desperation in his voice as if he knew something terrible was about to happen.

The one known as Val sensed it immediately. “Ayla, back off. Stop pointing your hands at the clock watcher. Something else else isn’t right.”

As chaos began to overtake them again, it was suddenly Rockhopper Lad who spoke up at last and his voice boomed out loudly. “My name is Prince Eudyptes Chrysochome of the House of Rockhopper, heir to the throne of the Pyngwyn Colonies of Planet Hyustyn. I hail from this Universe, what we call Earth-1, and you are doing me a grave disservice by confusing me with my counterpart from your universe. We have come here across many light years and through many perils to lend you aid and assistance in overthrowing my evil counterpart. And dare I hope, to also give me the chance to see the one I’ve come to love as a sister once more.”

They were all silent for a moment, and Lolita was reminded again that Rockhopper Lad was truly a Prince. When he needed to, he could speak with authority that made sentients stop and take notice.

Hugh spoke to them now. “It’s true,” he said, “Adelie told us they’d come. Some of us never believed her and some of us lost hope but she said he’d come to help. And now he’s hear.”

The woman known as Ayla lowered her hand and nodded. A half smile came to her face and she moved in front of Time Teller Lad and extended her hand. “My apologies then,” she said. “welcome to Earth, or as you call it, Earth-4. We tend to call it Hell nowadays.”

Val looked backwards to where a large hill made it hard to see. “I do hope your friend will join us, now,” he said.

Lolita looked at Shark Lad and they both prepared to yell again but they saw slowly a figure emerge. Timberwolf walked calmly towards the group and flashed a wicked smile at Val and Ayla. “Sure glad you didn’t zap my friend there again,” he said to Ayla. “I’d hate to do what I intended if you did…”

Ayla thankfully dismissed the comment.

Hugh spoke up again: “Before you are two more of number: Lightning Lass, one of the SMBers we were able to free, and Karate Kid, who is actually from your universe, which you arrogantly call Earth-1.” The last part he added with a smile to try to break the tension, and it worked, as both Shark Lad and Timberwolf flashed a grin.

“You are all from my universe?” said Val, repeating what he just learned. “Tell me, if you are Legionnaires, how is my old friend Lard Lad? Well, I hope?”

“We hope too,” said Helena, answering for the others. “He’s playing his part in all of this as we speak. We’d be glad to tell you more about it. But before we do, I have to ask. Where is Rockhopper Lass? Bat-Fem? Where is Seth?” she asked the last one the loudest, as if it was the most important.

Hugh smiled. “They are all well. Or, as well as could be on this cold, frozen hell. Come on, you’ve come a long way and could use a warm rest. And after that, we’ll take you to the others.”

They began to walk, with Hugh leading the way as the adrenaline now began to subside in them all. “The signal you did with your hands,” said Lolita, “what was that? Some sort of symbol?”

Hugh smiled again. “That’s our signal for the resistance,” he said proudly. “Welcome to the Losers.”

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Joined: Sep 2003
Posts: 353
Lon watched the group as they traded questions, and shared quick stories. He smiled a little bit.

"What's going on in the pea brain of yours?" Sharklad asked as he wandered over to Timberwolf.

"Well, if I have to tell you...then you are dumber than I thought," he said in a tone of voice that told Sharklad all he needed to know.

"If it was Lolita...I'd do the same thing. Don't understand what you see in her, but you gotta do what you gotta do. This whole sprockin planet scream trap."

Lon took his coat off and handed it to Sharklad.

"What the hell..."

"I'll be'll know who to give it to soon," he said and shifted his eyes to the Losers.

"How the hell am I going to..."

"It'll be really obvious in about ten minutes."

"Grife. You drive me nuts. You'll freeze without..."

Lon laughed a little. "I need my core temperature to drop to do what I need to."

Lon grabbed his backpack and threw it out of site of the others. "Be well Bruce. Fight hard. Take care of her."

Sharklad looked at him and grinned. "You got it."

Lon walked over to Karate Kid. "Val Armor?"

Val looked at him with a slight bemused look on his face.

"It's a pleasure to meet you. I've admired you for years, glad to know that you're still alive and fighting."

Val stood and bowed to Lon. Lon returned the favor.

Lon mingled for a while longer and silently slipped away at some point. It may have been five minutes or an hour before anyone really noticed he was gone.

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Time Trapper
Time Trapper
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Space Between Haven and the HIVE.

“A distress signal? Power Boy please talk some sense into them, I can’t be the only one that sees this for what it is.” Tempest stood in the center of the small gathering in the ship.

Power Boy crossed his arms and gave Cobalt Kid and Lard Lad a stern look. “I don’t have to say that this is a trap, do I?”

Cobalt Kid shrugged “You can say it, it won’t change anything. We have to investigate. It’s one of US.”

Lard Lad, raised his hands and interjected “I’ve checked the signal three times through various encryption softwares, the signal is authentic. It IS an LMBP signal device.”

“It could be anyone!” Tempest continued, “We are at war with countless enemies, on a mission of vital importance, so vital I have allowed myself to follow your leadership in this metal canister across light years. Even if this isn’t a trap, why not leave them on their own, let someone else rescue them. This will take us hours from our course.”

Power Boy raised his hand, “I could investigate on my own and meet up with you later. I am capable of near light speeds.”

Cobalt Kid obviously weary, nearly shouted “NO, no, no, … We stick together, If it is a trap we can’t afford to lose anyone. We’ll figure this out together, whether it’s a trap or an ally it’s too suspicious to be coincidence." He made a short sigh "If it is a trap I want us ready to surprise anyone who thinks we’ll be easy to ambush.”

The matter at rest, Invisible Brainiac watched his companions turn back to their various stations. Tempest and Power Boy were unused to being penned in for so long, while Cobalt Kid and Lard Lad were sustaining heavy burdens. Finally he said rather lightly …

“It might be good to stretch our legs”.


“At least let me go first.” Power Boy joked dryly, breaking the silence that had fallen over the group as they neared the small grey planet.

Until now, the flight to the mysterious planetoid was uneventful, besides the growing sense of paranoia the closer the group got to this unremarkable planet in the middle of an asteroid belt near HIVE space. The closer they got the more questions they had. A large fog even obscured the long-range sensors from examining anything on the surface. Small peaks of ruined ceramic towers could barely be seen jutting through the mist sporadically.

The ship touched down in an opening in the south west of the ruins that seemed to cover most of the surface. The bay doors to the ship opened with a <gasp> shining a sickly foggy light onto the group of heroes.

Power Boy stepped out into the clearing through the mist, feet not touching the ground, eyes and ears out as far as his superhuman senses allowed. After several minutes … He shook his head. With a flick of his wrist his mega rod grew to a baton length for fighting.

To Cobalt Kid’s eyes, that was all he needed to know. This was indeed a trap.

A moment later Power Boy communicated telepathically:
‘Be wary, this fog plays with my senses, sounds and lights are distorted making navigation … frustrating.’

The others filed out of the ship, forming a loose circle. “Temp, can’t you do anything about this fog?” Lard Lad asked.

“I am. It is only because of my powers that we are even able to see each other. (she paused and hugged herself as if to keep herself warm) This fog is unnatural ... I may be able to do more but, it will attract considerable attention.”

“Let’s be about our business then” Lard Lad commanded and struck off in the direction of the distress signal. He had adapted his armor to track the distress signal via a screen on his wrist that showed a positioning system formed from a series of lights. “At least my technology seems to be working properly.”

The group gathered themselves and left their ship behind. Invisible Brainiac watched the shuttle doors close as the ship sealed. He couldn’t help but shine a little bit brighter than normal in this oppressive grey fog.


Even Power Boy felt a chill by the time the small procession met with a plaza and what appeared to be the remains of large domed municipal building.

Goon Boy went over to a crusted plaque that remained on the building. He read “Ecumanopolis IX, Colony of Prianopolis.”

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Unseen, not unheard
Unseen, not unheard
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"Is this where the distress signal is coming from?" IB asked, scanning the area intently. "We haven't seen any living being yet, nor even any sign of life."

"A little bit over here," Lardy said, pointing to the side.

Suddenly, IB gave a little jump. The rest of the fellowship quickly flowed into combat stances, looking around warily.

"Sorry," IB said sheepishly. "Thought something was crawling on my arm. Must be my imagination - I don't think there are any flies or bugs around here."

"It's okay, pal. This is the kind of place that could give anyone the creeps." Goon Boy said.

"You sure you didn't actually feel anything?" Cobie asked.

"If I did, it's probably been fried by my light powers now."

Power Boy walked towards the plaque, a curious expression on his face. He quickly turned to the others. "Do any of you know anything about Ecumaopolis or Prianopolis?"

"I think this is hardly the time for a history lesson," Tempest said. "Let us stop tarrying and be on our way, and we can discuss these places later."

"I feel it's important, somehow." Power Boy said.

"Important and urgent are two different things," Tempest replied, not unkindly. "If this is indeed a trap, let us not increase its chances of claiming us."

Before Power Boy could speak again, Lardy cut in. "My armor's having trouble reading the signal. I think I can fix it, but it'll take a few minutes. We do have some time to at least share any information you might have."

Everyone looked at each other, as if to see if anyone in the group knew anything.

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Bold Flavors
Bold Flavors
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As Cobalt Kid prepared to say something, he suddenly felt an immense pain shoot up through his head and explode out of his eyes and sinuses. He’d had headaches before but not quite like this. A stopped for a moment and then cleared the cobwebs, trying to ignore the pain. For a second he thought he might vomit, and he realized he’d broken out into a cold sweat. Am I getting sick?, he thought. Now would not be the time to get feverish. A second, more likely and more deadly reasoning also flashed through his mind. He turned to Goon Boy and said “Goonie, tell them about Prianopolis.”

Goon Boy nodded, though he realized it was odd for Cobalt not to take this opportunity to discuss the history of the Empire. Perhaps he realized Goon Boy knew it much better—still, Cobalt loved to talk history. “The Dark Oval is now five territories as you all know, with one additional ‘common territory’ in the middle for the General Elite Militia and other bureaucratic functions. There’s also always been rumors of yet another secret territory where the Dark Lord himself is, but I don’t know anything about that.” At that comment, they all looked to him with interest. “But it wasn’t always this way. The Dark Lord’s presence in this area of space has been a recurring part of its history, but before it was “The Dark Oval”, it was other things. About a thousand years ago, there was a great Empire here called Prianopolis. As the name suggests, it was based out of one specific city on one specific planet. I’ve luckily never had the luxury of going there, since most of the former empire is now overrun with bugs.”

“Prianopolis,” repeated Invisible Brainiac. “Then this planet we’re on, Ecumanopolis IX, was one of its conquered planets, a colony.” IB didn’t mind stating the obvious since it would get Goon Boy to continue.

“Correct,” said Goon Boy. “This whole area of space was colonized by Prianopolis. The borders aren’t exactly the same as the Dark Oval; for example, the Dominion was never conquered by Prianopolis, and as we know, its existed for tens of thousands of years, if not hundreds of thousands. But I suspect most the rest, before the Hyrkosians migrated here and such.”

Lard Lad smiled. “Goonie, you’re quite the history buff,” he said, surprised.

“Gotta find out something while I’m deep undercover here,” he replied matter-of-factly. “Prianopolis began as a shining beacon of civilization and progress but I’ve wondered if that is just propaganda. Ultimately it was known to be incredibly cruel and ruthless to not only the planets it colonized but its own citizenry. They had an Emperor who was supposedly an immortal but whether that’s true or just myth, I don’t know. He would delight in building up the city-state and then delight even more in tearing it down. Great heroes would be made Senators and then become corrupt, devious sloths who ultimately would meet some horrible end at the hands of the Emperor, who also made sure to punish their wives, children and slaves. It’s a common theme among the Prianopolis myths.”

“Why the name Prianopolis?” asked Cobalt, curious. Tempest scoffed a little at the question, growing impatient.

“The city, and planet, which also took the name, worshipped one Dark Deity known as Priapus. They built great monuments in his honor. He was something of a mixture of a fertility deity and war deity. Supposedly he had a giant penis that he could wield like a club or hammer and kill people.”

Cobalt laughed. It was funny but given the seriousness of the situation, Power Boy looked at him surprised. “Is that amusing to you, my friend?” he said with a bemused look on his face.

“No, not really,” replied Cobalt. “It’s just that on my home planet of Ggrrgg, the Ggrrggians used to worship the same exact deity.” He shook his head. “All this time I’ve considered the scope of this thing but it’s hard to wrap my head around how far it extends into space and how far backward into time.”

“You think this deity might have actually been a person?” said Goon Boy.

Cobalt did not smile when he replied this time. “I think it’s the Dark Lord.”

“Makes sense,” said Lard Lad. “You’re home planet was consumed with aggression and war, and it appears so Prianopolis was too. Before the Black Sun, many of the Barbarians worshipped a deity known as Mutunos Tutunos, who also sounds similar.”

“Mutunos Tutunos is also the patron saint of pirates,” replied Cobalt Kid. “He absolves them of any sin they commit when they overtake another ship. Any raping and pillaging they do,” he added with disgust.

“I’ve noticed some other things,” said Lard Lad. “Look at the statues.”

It was hard to see through the fog but around the municipal building they could see lots of statuary. Even on the buildings there were murals carved in stone. They had many familiar themes. Paramount among them was the theme of gardens, with trees, grass and leaves, of with fruit. “This one has a snake,” said Invisible Brainaic.

“They all do,” said Cobalt, looking at another stone mural. “They appear to be hidden, as if you have to find them. Like the Terran mythology of the Garden of Eden,” he said.

“More phallus symbolism,” said Tempest, somewhat in disgust.

“Exactly,” said Cobalt, nodding as if she said something of intellectual importance.

“There’s something more than just the gardens,” said Lard Lad, standing in front of a weird looking statue.

They all looked at it. “Bees,” said Power Boy. They could see now, it was a honeycomb littered with bees—a very odd thing to carve into a statue.

“They’re everywhere,” said Tempest as they all looked around.

“Even before the Hive,” said Cobalt, “it appears the Dark Lord had a thing for bees.”

“Don’t forget about our friend on Legion World who recently put us through our paces,” said Power Boy. He was referring of course, to the Red Bee, who recently terrorized their entire home planet and in the process killed several innocents and one ally of the LMB, Sir Roy.

“We suspected he was sent by the Dark Oval,” said Lard Lad to Power Boy. “This may not prove it, but it certainly helps the theory.” Suddenly he stopped. “Bloody Liberty, look at this…” he said, nodding towards a poem in front of them. It was an ancient language, but the universal translators they had was able to translate it.

“Disgusting,” said Tempest.

The poem read:
I warn you, boy, you will be screwed; girl, you will be fucked;
a third penalty awaits the bearded thief.
If a woman steals from me, or a man, or a boy,
let the first give me her cunt, the second his head, the third his buttocks.
My dick will go through the middle of boys and the middle of girls,
but with bearded men it will aim only for the top.*

“This is getting creepy,” said Goon Boy. “Maybe its time to focus on the task at hand.”

“Agreed,” said Tempest.

“Have we zeroed in on whose homing device it is?” said Cobalt Kid.

“I believe we have…” said Power Boy as once again, with a flick of wrist, his mega rod grew to baton length and he tensed up ready for a fight.

*Note – this poem is a real historical poem about Priapus, who may not only be the Dark Lord in fiction!

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Joined: Jul 2003
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New Wystuv’ryy (formerly Gotham City),
Earth-4, The Dark Oval

“It really does look like a cold hell hole,” said Lolita as she took a moment to view the wide cityscape of the sprawling metropolis once known as Gotham City. “This was once one of the most famous cities on Earth. Both ours and theirs.”

Shark Lad didn’t say anything but motioned her along. Walking through the back alleys of the city was dangerous and they were almost at their destination now. They had traveled for some time, flying on off the radar cruisers decades out of date to get to Gotham. After the long way they’d come, the Fellowship didn’t mind waiting a few more hours.

“You should see Old Metropolis,” said Polka-Dot Kid. “It’s nothing but a vast concentration camp now.” Lolita, and most of the Fellowship, had quickly realized they liked Polka-Dot Kid. He had an agreeable personality. Before all of the war he’d face, there was no doubt he was one of the sillier members of the SMB, much like the LMB had their own members who specialized more in laughs than adventures. Now he’d become battle-hardened and militarized, but he hadn’t lost that light-hearted sensibility.

They hurried along now, following Hugh Taylor who took the lead. At the back of the group were Karate Kid and Zhiya, both experts in espionage and with keen eyes for trouble. Both were quiet types but were clearly different. Karate Kid had a noble quality about him that was apparent from the onset of meeting him; and despite having no superpowers, he clearly could master almost any opponent. Zhiya appeared delicate and petite yet there was an air of deadliness to her—there was no doubt she would cut her opponents down without a moment’s hesitation. For some reason, Zhiya seemed zeroed in on Lolita. Shark Lad told her she was imagining things, but Lolita could swear she thought Zhiya perked her ears up when Lolita talked, and she seemed to always stay close by her. Lolita wondered what she’d done to offend her—hadn’t Zhiya almost slitting her throat been enough? The Asian woman was blind, but it was clear she had some super-abilities. Her other senses had some degree of enhancement by the way she moved and her hearing was incredibly acute. Lolita had begun wondering if she could tune in to their whispers from even a great distance away.

They caught up to the rest, as Helena Handbasket, Rockhopper Lad, Hyvvie the Wonder Beagle and Time-Teller Lad stood with their new allies Hugh Taylor and Lightning Lass. Beyond them appeared to be a dismal looking boiler room in the middle of some abandoned, dilapidated old factory; it was an excellent cover. “Welcome to the Loser Cave,” said Hugh with a smile.

On the way over they’d had plenty of time to talk. Helena had warned them not to say too much about the other half of the Fellowship out of fear that there may be traitors about. Bad enough they could be discovered, but there was no need to risk the other group as well. Still, Rockhopper Lad was glad to assure Karate Kid that his old friend Lard Lad was alright and would hopefully see him again. Apparently the years between their last meeting had been more unkind to Val than they’d been to Lardy.

There was some concern when Timberwolf slipped off but none of the Fellowship besides Time Teller Lad were surprised. They knew he’d be going to make sure his newfound lover was alright. Shark Lad only shook his head but Lolita could see there was some real concern there. The two had gone from years old arch enemies to being almost as close as brothers. She knew sentients like Timberwolf and Shark Lad didn’t make friendships like that easily.

Lolita had asked Hugh if they would be meeting Louie Banzer soon, as she couldn’t quell her curiosity over how Loser Lad could have had a son their age before he’d died years earlier. Immediately, she knew she shouldn’t have brought the topic up. Hugh was caught off guard and his eyes teared up immediately; Rockhopper Lad laid a hand on his shoulder. Hugh explained, almost forcing himself to confront the awful truth again, that his best friend had been killed several months earlier in one of their most important missions. It was a major turning point for the Losers: they’d arranged a massive prison breakout that led to the freedom of a multitude of SMBers, however, it cost them dearly. Over half the SMB membership was freed, and immediately following, joined the Losers resistance. For the first time, the Losers had a real fighting chance. But Louie was a casualty of war; Hugh and Seth Gaterra carried him back to Doc Juan but it was too late. Hugh was there when his friend passed.

What followed was no less tragic. The Evil Emperor Penguin, hoping to crush any spirit of rebellion acted in kind. He first ordered that all prisoners still held would be executed; soon he realized that some of his prisoners were much more special than others and worked better as hostages and slaves. Longtime SMB Leader Seahorse, and SMB Deputy Leader Ratmage were two that would be kept as hostages; another was former UP President, Numf-El. Meanwhile, those he deemed lesser beings, would be put to death.

He had political prisoners, resistance fighters, Earthgov politicians and science policer officers all impaled and they littered the road from his new capital to Old Metropolis. Every 20 paces, another body was seen rotting upon a giant wooden stake firmly in the ground and 15 feet high. Because of the intense cold, the corpses rotted very slowly.

Among those executed, he saved several SMBers to adorn the very the front gates of his new capital. This included Insanity or Madness!, who unlike his Earth-1 counterpart never gained "Glitch", which might have saved him; Sonnie Bloke, the hero credited with stopping piracy near Earth, bringing to justice both the Bronze Buccaneer and the Red Pirate, Renly Fox; Awkward Question Boy, who was beloved at the LMB / SMB meetings for the laughs he'd bring; and Myriad, who not only was a famous hero, but was also the UP Goodwill Ambassador to developing planets. Now all of them adorned the entrance to the capital city now. And set aside with even more distinction was an SMBer who had the gall to scream an obscenity at the Evil Emperor Penguin, named Liberty Monkey. The monkey had been flayed alive, and his skinless corpse remained there for all to see.

These brutalities served to remind the Fellowship just what they were facing, and what the Losers had faced day in and day out. It disheartened Rockhopper Lad to know his counterpart was capable of such atrocities and he could forgive the SMBers for looking at him funny. This was much harder on Time Teller Lad however, who had trouble getting used to the scornful looks pointed towards his way. His own counterpart, an SMBer named Tempus, had been the one to betray them to the Evil Emperor Penguin and set all these events into motion.

These thoughts faded as the sheer majesty of the Loser Cave came into view. Lolita had expected a run-down, dumpy headquarters. Instead she found herself inundated with advanced technology, a plethora of people going about a series of endless tasks and a full on sense of energy, as if the room was a living pulsating thing. The resistance was alive and well here.

Slowly, the room grew quiet and they all turned to see Rockhopper Lad and Time Teller Lad enter. Hugh had radioed ahead in code to let them know they were coming but they all still expected this. Soon the silence became almost deafening. A soft, familiar voice broke the silence. “Welcome dear friends,” he said, “you’re arrival is the most pleasant surprise we’ve had in quite awhile.”

“Hello Darden,” said Rockhopper Lad, walking over to extend his hand. Before them was the Earth-4 Faraway Lad, who was a dead-ringer for his Earth-1 counterpart. The only difference was this one looked much more battle weary and tired; he had deep rings under his eyes and his face and body looked slightly gaunt. But there was no mistaking that charm. The Faraway Lads of the multiple Earths were the most important beings for inter-Earth travel due to their powers; this meant they were also the most well-traveled and so the Earth-4 Faraway Lad had met several of them a few times before. “We’ve come a long way,” said Rockhopper Lad, “and I just hope its not too late.”

“It’s never too late,” said Faraway Lad, “and we’re glad you’re here. Before you ask, your sister is not with us yet. She’s currently on patrol but we expect her back shortly. She doesn’t know you’re here and we’re hoping the smile it brings here will lift all our hearts.”

“What about Seth Gaterra,” said Helena suddenly, interrupting the reunion. “Is he here?” she said, looking around.

“He’s with Adelie,” said a voice as Helena turned. They saw another shape, familiar to Helena and Lolita but not to the others. It was Bat-Fem.

“I thought she was just an urban legend?” said Time Teller Lad.

“Welcome to Earth-4,” said Bat-Fem, whose demeanor was deadly serious. “We feared you’d never come.”

Helena walked towards her, and Lolita watched closely. She was unsure of what their interaction would be. “It took awhile for the message to reach us, but we got it. We’re here now.”

Bat-Fem extended her hand and Helena took into her own, and a small smile crossed over lips. “Yes, you are,” said Bat-Fem softly, enjoying the moment. Lolita couldn’t tell for sure, but she suspected that a lot of sacrifice had been put into getting that message out and Bat-Fem was now realizing it was all worth it.

“Jailbait Lass,” said Bat-Fem to Lolita in a way that was a semi-polite hello.

Lolita hated the name but wasn’t sure if it was a jape or if that was just how Bat-Fem knew her. “Hello Jada,” said Lolita.

Bat-Fem smiled. “You know as well as I do that name was fictitious.”

“A giant shark and a clone of the EEP I can understand,” said a rugged female voice, “but shit, the rest of them don’t look like much. Don’t fucking tell me this is all the UP sent us?” They turned to see perhaps the most feral creature they’d ever seen before. She wore a vest and ripped pants but beyond that, her bristly fur pointed out everywhere else. Her hands and feet had sharp, dangerous looking claws pointing out and her face was curled into a snarl.

“Easy Cramer,” said Faraway Lad. “They’ve only just arrived. Please give them a night or two before you insult them.”

“Cramer?” said Lolita, not able to control herself and suddenly she wished she hadn’t.

“Satan Claws Cramer to you, princess,” she snapped back. “Don’t know why they’d send a little girl unless you’re here to get someone’s prick hard. Here’s some information: the EEP don’t swing that way.”

“Okay Cramer, that’s enough,” said another voice. This was clearly garbed in the pink & white uniform of Saturn’s moon Titan. He was muscular and handsome with a full blond beard. “LMBers, welcome. I’m Saturn Guy, the resident telepath. And you no doubt are curious about the dozens around you. You’ll meet them all eventually, let’s get you settled in.”

They looked around and there were too many present to meet all at once. Lolita recognized some from the LMB files and holos: Outdoor Miner, who looked just like the Earth-1 version; Portfolio Girl, Atypical Lass, Infra-Red Lass, Super-Dense Kid, Danny Blaine and Monkey-Eater Lad she knew as former SMBers. Hummingbird, Safron Lad, CuddlyBeaver and Ghost Girl she knew from Kalla Hrykos’ description of the Losers. Yet all she knew about most of them were codenames and power-sets. Dozens of others she didn’t recognize or know anything about. It was overwhelming and yet it felt good to know there were now many of them.

And yet Satan Claws Cramer’s words hung in the back of her mind. What did she hope to do while here? Her thoughts turned to those the Evil Emperor Penguin so ruthlessly executed. Would she end up among their number soon enough?

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Time Trapper
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Sharklad stood there holding Timberwolfs jacket. He had no idea who he was supposed to give it to, and Lon's statement of ten minutes seemed really odd to him.

He set the jacket down on a table and was watching everyone mill about and talk. He looked at the technology around him and thought that it seemed somehow familiar. He shrugged off the thought and moved forward as Lolita led him towards another part of the room.

They had been in the headquarters of the Losers for ten minutes when a door opened behind them and a lone figure entered.

Lolita whipped her head around because Sharklad had sniffed and said, "No sprockin way..."

"You look exactly like him you know," the young man said as he moved forward into the light. There was the sound of gears whirring and buzzing as he walked. Predominately when he stepped with his left leg.

The other LMB members present looked at the strawberry blond hair on the young man, and were amazed at how much he looked like one of their own members, and in turn his son, and that there was only one person that this could be.

"Jon?" Sharklad said almost inaudibly.

Jon Em looked at him and shook his head. "I do not go by that name anymore. I am called Gear now."

As he moved fully into the light, they all saw that he was missing his left leg from mid thigh down. His right arm was also mechanical, and the left side of his face, and most of his head was also mechanical.

"What happened to you?" Sharklad said as he moved forward.

Gear grinned a little. "So much, but thanks to you...or at least the you I know, I am still alive. Our Sharklad was there when we were attacked. He was there when my mother, sister and brother were killed. He was there to save my life by doing the unthinkable for me to save my life," Jon said, and they could all see that he was fighting back a wave of emotion. "He was there as my Aunt and her son were slaughtered so he could get me out of the strike zone that The Emperor had set up. He is the greatest man that I have ever known, and it is an honor to meet his equal from this universe."

Sharklad looked at the young man. "Your Aunt, was she..."

"Yes. My fathers twin sister. One of the greatest fighters our universe had ever known. Aunt Loni was a quiet woman, and my Sharklad was her best friend."


"My father was led to believe that we were all killed by his fellow teammates in retaliation for some lie or another. Sharklad saved me and kept me hidden while I recuperated and everything went to hell. We were some of the first casualties, as The Emperor knew that he needed the power of Dev Em, the Daxamite, on his side. In time I was able to craft these enhancements to get me up and about. They run a little rough in the snow and ice like this. I had planned on meeting you all back with the others, but things happened that required my attention and I had to wait until now to see you."

Jon looked over at the table, "is that..."

Sharklad looked at the jacket. "Yeah, he said that I'd know who to give it to, and now I do."

Jon walked over to the table and picked the jacket up and started to cry from his one good eye. "I take it he's off to save the others that dropped you here."

Sharklad nodded.

"Sounds like him," he said as he slipped the jacket on. He paused for a second and tilted his head. He reached into the pocket of the jacked and pulled out a note. He unfolded it and read it.

He smiled a genuine smile and walked over to Sharklad and gave him a hug. "Thank you. It may not seem like much to you, but this is everything I needed to know that what is to come isn't in vain."

Gear walked past most of the rest. He smiled at Lolita, and glanced at Rockhopper Lad for a moment and then walked over to him and shook his hand. "I am very pleased to meet you sir."

Hugh placed his hand on Gears shoulder and whispered something in his ear.

"I know, I'm on my way. I just had to meet their Bruce."

Hugh slapped him on the back, "let us know when it's time."

"I will...and he'll never know what hit him."

Jon Em, Gear, then exited the room. Leaving Sharklad speechless for the first time in quite a while.

Active LMB character is still Beast Boy.

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Bold Flavors
Bold Flavors
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Weber’s World,
The United Planets

Ambassador Mirenna Helene slipped away quietly while the newly arrived Legion World Founders argued with the Prime Minister of the United Planets, Maya adi Lva. The Legion World Founders were incredibly important to the welfare of the entire galaxies and they knew it, so Maya had to take them seriously despite her inclination not to do so. Maya was an incredibly capable politician and Prime Minister, but Mirenna was glad there were more individuals around to keep her honest. She perhaps a bit too capable at being a master politician.

Mirenna had far too many matters to concern her now to be caught up in the Prime Minister’s ongoing power struggle to utilize the LMB as an arm of the Executive Branch of the UP. She was desperate to get an update on Darden and the battle on Daroon but knew first she’d better check with her colleagues on the rest of the UP. She entered her quarters, which had become a makeshift battle center and immediately all of her assistants and advisors snapped to attention.

“I need updates, and I need them now,” she said in her clear, calm voice that was firmly authoritative but never offensive. She had been a UP Ambassador for over (50) years, and likely would be one until her dying day. There were two kinds of important positions on Weber’s World in service to the United Planets. There were the Senators, who were elected by their own home planets; every UP member planet was allowed to elect two Senators to the United Planets Government. And then there were the Ambassadors, who were not elected, but rather appointed by the United Planets Prime Minister for a (10) year period. Since the UP Prime Minister was a term of only (4) years, this meant the Ambassadors would end up serving longer than the Prime Ministers who appointed them. They critical element was the UP Prime Minister was in charge of where the Ambassadors would render their services; the PM could send them somewhere where they could be of value, or if the PM had no desire to use them, they’d be stuck on Weber’s World doing almost nothing. Throughout her illustrious carreer, Mirenna never had that problem.

“The Imsk situation continues to worsen, Madame,” said one of her adjuncts. “Ambassador Relnic is there doing what he can but the situation is dire. Imsk and its four allies who have officially seceded from the UP have now officially declared their allegiance to the Dark Oval, and have begun the invasion of Braal. War is fully underway and the UP Military can only deploy a small contingent.”

“Damn those Imskians,” she said. “What about Hazar?”

“Hazar remains a member-planet of the UP but has declared strict neutrality. However, its clear hey are marching to retake the Vespassian asteroid belt from Braal while its defenses are otherwise engaged.”

“So predictable,” she said, adding, “Get me Kent Shakespeare on the line. Do we know if any Legionnaires are present?” she asked.

“They’ve deployed Varalent, Sketch Lad and Poverty Lad,” he said.

“Hm,” she said, pausing. “Very astute, Fanfic Lady,” she said to herself. “I trust you’ve been in communication with the Legionnaires throughout this?” she asked.

“Yes Madame, per your request.”

Mirenna nodded and the adjunct ran to continue his work as another spoke up. “Madame,” this one began, a younger purple colored girl, “The barbarians fleeing from the Khanate remain on the move within UP border-space,” she began. “It’s chiefly three tribes, the Allanii, the Skirrian and the Marcomanii, though we are unsure of the Micromanii are also with them. The three have now split up and are invading various planets. The Allanii attempted to invade Touston but were rebuffed by Touston’s disconater technology. It seems to be holding for a time but we’re unsure if the Allanii will resume their invasion or try elsewhere.”

“And the UP Fleets are too far away to do any good?” asked Mirenna.

“Yes,” she answered. “However, Bismoll, New Japiapur and Psyonia have both pledged to send in support with their own personal navies if the attacks resume.”

“They may be the only totally loyal UP members left that have armies of their own,” said Mirenna rubbing her eyes.

“Ambassador Hranzer sent word form Rimbor,” said another. He was referring to the Gil’Disphan Ambassador that was well liked and some thought a shoe-in for the next UP Prime Minister come election time. “The gang situation is under control and order is being restored on Rimbor. In his personal note to you he mentioned his disgust at using bribery as a way to win over the gangs but recognizes you were absolutely right that it was the only way to make it work.”

“Of course,” said Mirenna, “gangsters are Corporations, they only care about money. Where are with the war?”

“The Alpha Centurai planets are under siege by the Dark Oval forces and we’re now locked in a stalemate. While Belisarius is having victories within the D.O., the UP theatre of war remains locked. The Skirrian and Macromanii barbarians may be getting armed by rogue Dominators who don’t want to return to the their home planet and face the Khunds. Those tribes are continuing to raze Illiad and Phlon.”

Mirenna thought about it for a moment. “What was the name of that pirate Cobalt seems to enjoy so much. The pretty brunette one?”

“Captain Frakes, Madame,” said one of her assistants from a computer screen in the back.

“Harold, I should have known you’d know,” she smiled. “Let’s make contact with her. All of them in fact. The Bronze Buccaneer, the Red Pirate, all of them. Cobalt’s prior offer to them still stands, except instead of stopping trade between Earth and the Khanate, the goal is to destroy the Dark Oval and Barbarian forces in the UP. Full clemency for any supporters and they’ll be made retroactive defenders of the realm. Before we do so, however, make sure any pirate ever accused of rape or harming children is not given the offer; Cobalt takes issue with those two crimes in particular.”

“What about murder, Madame?” asked one of her assistants.

“What about it?” she said sternly. The matter was dropped.

“Some good news Ma’am,” said one of the assistants. “Kent Shakespeare is on the line and he has an update on two of our problems.”


Dragon’s Teeth, Viking Ship
Somewhere in United Planets Space

The four Legionnaires stood quietly on the platform of their own smaller cruiser while the tractor beam overtook them and began pulling them upwards to the much larger Battle Cruiser above them. It was the legendary “Dragon’s Teeth”, captained by Hrun the Barbarian and the LMBers had heard of it numerous times but had never seen it.

They arrived and Raging Bull was the first to speak. “At last. Man, its been a long trip.” The other three Legionnaires, Space Ranger, My Whee Fem and CJ Taylor were all in agreement. It had been a long trip. But now at least they might be getting some answers.

“So were are all the barbarians and Vikings?” said My Whee Fem looking around as they arrived. “No one to greet us?” she followed up.

“Someone is,” said Space Ranger, whose Daxamite senses let him know another was with them.

“Indeed,” said the voice as Kent Shakespeare came out of the shadows. “Hrun has told his crew to give me a moment with you before we bring CJ to see him. I’m glad to see you’re all doing well. Ranger & My, you have our thanks for accomplishing this so quietly. CJ, I’m sure you’ve got questions and we’ll try to get you answers…soon.”

Both CJ and My Whee Fem rolled their eyes as Raging Bull laughed. “I’ll never learn what this is about, will I?” said CJ with a half-laugh.

“I agreed with Cobie we’d get you into the Dark Oval when the time was right. That time is quickly approaching,” said Kent.

“Is this official Bureau of External Affairs business, then?” asked My Whee Fem, curious. Kent Shakespeare was a high-ranking member of the Bureau of External Affairs, perhaps the most secret organization in the entire galaxies, even beyond the United Planets.

“We have no official business, as you know,” he said with a rueful grin. “But yes. I’m going to oversee CJ’s journey to the Dark Oval with Hrun. But I’m afraid for the rest of you, this is going to be goodbye.”

“What?” said Raging Bull and My Whee Fem at once.

Space Ranger just nodded. “What are our orders? I assume Fanfic Lady wants us somewhere, since we’re so far out here.”

“Indeed,” said Kent. “She’s working around the clock to utilize the LMB to protect various planets under siege. This is one of those times I’m glad I’m not LMB Leader. We’re spread pretty thin and getting thinner. He handed Raging Bull, My Whee Fem and Space Ranger each a drive to plug into their omni-coms.”

“The Aarokian Krebble Ribbon?” said Raging Bull in annoyance. “That’s waaaaay out in the boonies, man!”

“Preztor thinks for some reason this conflict is a good time to resume its old war with Aarok over the Ribbon,” said Kent. “They are on the cusp of a full-fledged war which is something we just can’t have. Blacula, Mattropolis and Rickshaw are already there, and you’ll join them for support. My colleagues in the Bureau are hoping to prevent war, but you four are there to defend the people of the Ribbon if Preztor starts to invade. They’re officially Aarokian nowadays but they really just want to be left alone. I’m sure they think that because of this giant conflict, everyone has forgotten them. Well, the LMB hasn’t.”

Raging Bull smiled. “Sure Kent, I get it pard.” The words seemed to do the trick. He turned to CJ. “Guess this is goodbye then,” he said, opening his arms to give him a big country hug.

“Guess so,” said CJ with a little bit of reluctance in his voice. Since he found out he was important to these grandiose events, he’d had Raging Bull with him. Losing him now made him temporarily feel like he was completely on his own. “Be careful,” he added.

“You take care now, pal,” said Raging Bull. “Don’t worry about us.” Raging Bull’s words didn’t acknowledge what they were thinking but it was clear: CJ had the real dangerous mission to come.

My Whee Fem looked at Space Ranger. “Are these orders correct?” she said with an eyebrow.

Space Ranger shrugged. “Fanfie wants us there, we go there,” he said. Then he turned to CJ and Kent. “Best of luck Legionnaires. See you at the big party once this is all over,” he said with a smile.

And soon they were all off.


Legionopolis, Legion World,
The United Planets

Fanfic Lady was exhausted but yet another wave of adrenaline hit her and she continued on. In the room with her was just Ram Boy now, all the others temporarily dismissed with to either complete their given missions or take a few moments to rest. She found herself again wondering if she ever considered when she was elected Deputy Leader to the LMB that she would be on the hook in one of their greatest crisis to coordinate the entire membership across the entirety of known space. She was just thankful the previous LMB Leader Ram Boy was able to lend her assistance.

“So Raging Bull will join the others at the Krebble Ribbon and try to enhance the diplomacy there,” said Ram Boy. He pressed a few buttons and the monitor screen changed again.

“Vee reported in from Imsk and he’s making some progress. We needed a powerhouse there and luckily we have him,” she said.

“It was a stroke of brilliance,” said Ram Boy. He had been peppering her with compliments when the moment called for it to keep her spirits high. She saw right through it but that made her appreciate it all the more. “What about Alpha Centurai?” he now asked.

“I’ve dispatched Reboot and Actor Lad there,” she said with a sigh. “Reboot wasn’t keen on taking any type of order whatsoever but once I showed him what’s happening to the innocent people there, he rushed off. He’s not a fan of LMB or UP power structures, but he’s passionate about helping the disenfranchised. And he’s powerful enough to do something about it.”

“Good, good,” said Ram Boy. “Another good move. I see Lance, Beagle Boy and Jerry have now departed for Phlon as well, so we can log that in now.” Ram Boy leaned back.

Fanfic Lady smiled. “Whew,” was all she said. They both smiled. “I don’t think I’ve eaten anything since I was almost poisoned she laughed.”

“Me either,” he said, realizing it. “Not many left around here to make us something,” he said bemused. “Not many on Legion World in general.”

“No,” she said, “so I’m hoping Lightning Lad’s usage of the Security Office can do the job short-handed. The youngsters may not be super-experienced but they are skilled.”

“Red Arrow, Question Kid and Everyday Girl,” said Ram Boy, checking the Mission Monitor Board. “And Sam Pureheart is pitching in. Plus Arachne, Caliente and Outdoor Miner are around,” he added.

“And Tamper Lad and Nova Girl, working on something secretive that they think will help us. Plus we’ve got Dr. One ready to address anything that needs him and Fat Cramer is out there keeping the population calm.”

“Lash Lad and Matlock are working on the mission you gave them, tracking down Umber. And that about covers it. That is all the Legionnaires left on Legion World. Talk about short-handed! But we do have our allies if we need them…”

“You do indeed, cretin,” said a familiar voice, though it sounded much friendlier than usual. They turned to see Thora of Taltar.

“Thora?” said Fanfic Lady surprised. “Why are you here?” she asked, wondering what interest Thora may have in these events.

“I, Thora of Taltar, bring you some news that you’ll enjoy and may find surprising! You can relay it to your friend Princess Crujetra and the rest of the UP. I’ve convinced my kin on Taltar that though we now hold the Tor G’ibral, it is paramount to our continued welfare that we support the United Planets. Therefore, we will allowing UP trade to continue while stopping any Dark Oval attempts to lend aid to Imsk and their new found allies. Further, the problem of Darzyl, or should I say the newly created Grand Master Duchy of the Darzyl Oval Order, is being addressed as we speak. Taltar has no intention of allowing a traitor planet utilize the trade routes it controls; so long as Darzyl remains neutral in this conflict, we will create a blockade.”

They were both tired so it took them a minute to understand what was happening. Finally it occurred to them: this was Thora doing what she could to help the LMB. Despite all their animosity, after all these years she had become more than a casual acquaintance…she had become their friend.

“Thank you Thora,” said Fanfic Lady, standing up. “You do us a great honor,” she added. “And we will remember it.”

Thora smiled and nodded. “My pleasure,” she said and left.

“Will wonders never cease…” said Ram Boy.

Fanfic Lady took a seat again. “You know,” she said, “all of this means nothing if Rocky and the others aren’t successful. So let’s hope to whatever deity you might have that things are going their way…”

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Time Trapper
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The Battle of Ecumanopolis IX: Part 1

Power Boy stared straight ahead into the fog as the sound of Lard Lad’s sensor ‘beeped’ louder and louder as the entity responsible for the distress signal came closer and closer.

Beep Beep BEEP … Beep Beep … BEEP BEEP … BEEP BEEP

PB turned his head inquisitively as the beeping increased. He saw the others behind him huddled in a frantic discussion. They were in a clearing near the steps leading up to what was the remains of a grand civic building.


“Two signals. One in front and one behind, both closing in” Lard Lad explained in a hurry.

The thick fog of this deceased planet swirled around the group like massive snakes.

Cobalt Kid turned to Tempest who suddenly stood apart. “Can you sense anything?”

Tempest stared ahead “Someone familiar moves towards us, I know him well … ”

She whispered a name “Disaster Boy”. Recognition lit up Cobalt Kid’s eyes.


An explosion hit.

Power Boy didn’t feel anything. A moment ago, he dove for the incoming fireball. Now he found himself on the ground, covered in flames, dust, and rubble. The world was silent.

Everything was so quiet. Power Boy rolled over, debris was everywhere, fog replaced with dust from the impact.

'Fool. You should’ve absorbed the energy of the fireball, or used a telekinetic force shield. Not dove in front of it like an amateur.'


Invisible Brainiac stood, shocked. He saw the fireball coming right for them, and the next thing he knew was Power Boy in the air in front of them, only a shadow against the bright light of the fireball, and then a huge noise followed by a rush of wind as the clay buildings around him shattered.

Clearly shaken, Invisible Brainiac went into an auto pilot mode. He monotonously recounted everything he knew about Disaster Boy from the LMB files.

“Disaster Boy is an extremely powerful elemental. He is most proficient in Fire and Earth but is able to command all of the classical elements. Fined tuned uses of his powers have thus far escaped him. He has previously shown a basic level of magic use. Disaster Boy was a troubled individual due his origin in a dark future timeline where evil tyrants had exhausted the resources of their universe. In time, He became a valued and heroic member of the LMB. Disaster Boy was last seen returning to his own timeline to fight the despotic tyrants that ruled there.”


Cobalt Kid scrambled to his feet. Invisible Brainiac’s ongoing report hung in the air.

'The kid kept it together.' He thought.

Lard Lad made it to his feet first. Looking the worse for wear. He was the first to notice Disaster Boy walking into the clearing. Dust and smoke obscured his vision but he could make out the young man walking toward him. He looked unnaturally grey as if all the color had been sucked out of him.

“He has that damn hood up.” Lard Lad growled.

CK recognized the observation. Way back before Disaster Boy joined the LMB, He played both sides of the fence, working with villains, and falling into their plans. Eventually, he came to be a trustworthy member of the LMB. This honesty was symbolized when he retired his hood and mask. “Blast! Try not to hurt him.”

Lardy paused for a moment to show the shock on his face. “I’m not worried about HIM!” With a shake of his head, Lard Lad was the first to return fire.


More fireballs flew through the air overhead. The sound of the flaming orbs burning through the sky alternated with the sound of a volley of exo-blasts from Lard Lad.

Tempest miraculously stood in the middle of the chaos. She called her powers to her. She remembered Disaster Boy well. He was her friend. His loyalty was hard to gain but once you had it he was stalwart. She had to know how he came to be here. Has he fallen so far? Or was something amiss?

She saw Disaster Boy, with her special sight. She saw the friend she knew but pushed aside, in turmoil, struggling. She saw another, who held a curtain of grey over Disaster Boy’s mind. She knew this villain, who manipulated Disaster Boy like a puppet. He barred her way to her friend … and Tempest would not be denied.

Her voice booming like trumpets “TITUS! I KNOW YOUR STENCH!!! RELEASE HIM OR PAY!!!!”

She glowed with blue light as the strange fog cleared and the winds above her coalesced. She stood in the eye of her own hurricane, her cloak and hair supernaturally still.


Titus’ reply was a wave of Disaster Boy’s left hand. The Earth shook, the ground rippled and grew in a massive wave sweeping towards ….

Lard Lad and Cobalt Kid ?

A tide of earth, increasing like a snowball of rubble from the broken buildings amassed into an immense mound. The wave broke washing away Lard Lad and Cobalt Kid. The earth wave left a wall of earth and debris many storeys tall separating CK and LL from the others.


Power Boy was about to shout for Goon Boy to get after CK and LL but, he noticed Goon Boy was already in motion, tossing aside large rocks that were in his way, and hoping up the earth wall to get over to CK and LL as quickly as possible.

'I guess you don’t last very long undercover if you’re not resourceful. ' Peebz thought.

He also saw Tempest locked in combat with Disaster Boy. Her blue winds streamed from the sky and arced towards Disaster Boy. Her winds ended in a wall as they struck Disaster Boy’s flames. The result was a face off between Tempest and Disaster Boy, separated by a wall where wind met fire.

Power Boy calculated as he watched the battle. The planet rumbled as the elementals fought. 'We need a plan. Titus will burn out Disaster Boy and destroy this planet to get at us. '


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Unseen, not unheard
Unseen, not unheard
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Invisible Brainiac took to the skies. It looked like Tempest and Disaster Boy were at a stalemate, so maybe he could help even the odds.

Goon Boy could take care of Lardy and Cobie. He trusted in that.

IB was shaken because he'd met Disaster Boy before. It was always a shock when an LMBer turned against old teammates, but having it be someone you'd met...

Maybe they could shake him out of it.

He zipped around Disaster Boy's back, dodging columns of flame and rock, preparing to strike. Closer, closer...

He never made it. A wall of earth suddenly erupted right in his path, clipping his arm and side. He barely had time to cry out before another slammed into him from behind.

"Stupid," he thought. He quickly turned into light . "That was the first thing I should have done," he cursed.

Flying towards DB again, IB began to weave between the columns spurting from the ground. He had to be careful - he couldn't risk being refracted or absorbed. There was no time.

DB, or whoever was controlling him, seemed to realize what IB was doing. Suddenly, the columns of dirt became a dust storm, engulfing IB's form. He was protected from harm, but he couldn't see, and the storm risked scattering his particles all over.

He paused, hesitating. He had to look for an opening. "Power Boy," he yelled. "I'm fine but I don't know how long it'll take me to get out!"

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Time Trapper
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The Battle of Ecumanopolis IX: Part 2

The world finally stopped moving.

“cough, cough!” “That you CK?” Lardy said after several long moments waiting for the deafening noise of the earth wave to stop, and the dust and dirt to settle.

He could still only see darkness. Dizzy didn’t begin to describe how he felt after bouncing along underneath a mountain of earth. He couldn’t tell yet how far under the rock and rubble they were. He was happy to find himself safe within a bubble structure composed of building wreckage.

Cobalt Kid replied to Lard Lad's unspoken question casually “Yeah, these clay buildings all have a substructure like a web holding them together. Fortunately that net underneath the clay … is ferrous.” Lard Lad could barely make out a grin on his friend’s face.

“It even looks like I’m manipulating the ceramic walls and materials but really it’s the metallic sub structure”

“OK, well done” Lardy said. “Now get us out of here.”

“It'll be slow, We’re buried under a lot of earth and building material.” With that, Cobalt Kid spread his hands and the defensive bubble he had made from the wreckage began to rise up through the mounds of earth and rubble above them.


Telepathy has it’s advantages, Power Boy thought. Developing a battle plan covertly in the middle of a firefight is one of them.

The first order of business was to rescue IB.

'Tempest ... be ready' He transmitted to her mind.

Power Boy slid to flank Disaster Boy. Next, Disaster Boy was knocked back as a telekinetic force bolt crashed into his solar plexus.

This ended the rolling stalemate between Tempest and Disaster Boy. Flames and winds both died down.

'We need a moment Tempest. Last time IB met Titus, he was able to hurt him with light. I'm bet he will be able to again.'

Tempest waved her hand towards the dust storm imprisoning IB. Her control of the air reduced the dust storm and it moved slowly across the battlefield towards Disaster Boy.

Temp couldn't help but giggle at the situation, DB trapped in his own dust storm. He'd be scraped and bruised from the dust battering him but should but not seriously injured.


A huge pile of rubble began to shake … rocks falling off. Then, pieces of debris began to float away magically as a hole appeared.

Out of this hole, stepped a very dirty Cobalt Kid and Lard Lad.

The two of them looked around at the strange ruins of 5 or 6 story buildings all around them, and had no idea where they were. More importantly, they didn’t know where the others of the fellowship were or how they fared in the battle with Disaster Boy. The earth wave had obviously pushed them across the city and Cobalt Kid had no way to know which way was back to his team when he was digging them out of the rubble.

They looked around bewildered for a moment and Lard Lad said “Maybe my armor can get a read on them.”

Just then, the faint noises of explosions sounded in the distance followed by slight tremors.

“Nevermind, let’s follow that!” Cobalt Kid smacked Lard Lad on the shoulder jovially as the two began to jog towards the sound of the fighting.

It did sound very far away though.


Power Boy watched as Invisible Brainiac, the youngest and most innocent member of the LMB, filled himself with purest light. A second later the white light erupted towards Disaster Boy.

Light overwhelmed Disaster Boy, it burst into him, saturating him so much that brilliant light leaked out of his eyes, mouth, and ears.

IB continued pouring pure light into Disaster Boy, exorcising the grey shadow that hung over him and his mind. It looked as if a shadow figure was being pushed out of Disaster Boy by the light.

Just when it looked that the shadow was completely out of Disaster Boy, Power Boy lunged … so fast that he was on top of Disaster Boy before the eye could register he had moved. He grabbed Disaster Boy’s face and clasped a telepathic shield completely around Disaster Boy’s mind, preventing the shadow from reentering.

Invisible Brainiac relaxed his generation of light, as they all looked at the now separate shadow. It took only moments to fade away but everyone recognized it’s silhouette. Titus

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Xyler 7

Loser Lad piloted the ship down to the planets surface. he landed it as gently as he could on the hospital roof, and was met by a team of medics.

They were on board even before he could unbuckle himself and move to the back of the cruiser. People were scrambling about yelling back and forth, but somehow not tripping over each other.

Loser took the emergency exit near the cockpit as to not get in anybody's way. Fes Te landed and shook his head. "There was a lot of traffic on the way here, but thankfully we were able to get through.

Loser nodded. "Yeah, there seems to be more ships on their way in as well. They're going to be overwhelmed soon if something doesn't change soon.

Fes looked past Loser Lad and made a slight upward head nod indicating that someone was approaching them from behind Loser.

Loser Lad turned and saw a fully armored Guard walking towards them. "Well, we expected to meet the Queen, and I guess this is our escort."

The Guard stopped several feet from them, and saluted. "Thank you for helping our the people of Daroon. Queen Ayva requests your presence as soon as possible to discuss the situation there."

They looked at each other and nodded. The Guard turned and started moving back the way he had came, heading towards the vehicle that would carry them to the Queen of Xylar 7.

Queen Ayva was reviewing the positions of her armed forces at strategic point around Xylar 7, both on the ground and in orbit. they had been kept busy by the bugs. Not a full out attack upon them, but enough of a threat to keep them from mounting a full response to help Daroon.

The doors to the office opened and Queen Ayva looked up. Loser Lad and Fes Te entered with the Captain of the Guard.

"Your Majesty, Loser Lad of the LMB, and Fes Te of the Daxamite contingent on Daroon," he said in a loud voice.

"Thank you Capt. Jyffry," she responded as she stood and walked around the table.

She stopped them from bowing and simply shook their hands and thanked them for all that they had done to this point.

Loser Lad moved around the room, taking in the layout. There was a large table in the center of the room with a holographic image of the planet hovering over it, with areas where the armies were located. Above the planet were symbols showing the location of the space fleet.

Along one side of the room were shelves with books, scrolls and other writings. there were breaks in the shelves for portraits. Previous Kings and Queens, various Heads of State that had served.

Another wall was composed entirely of windows. Loser Lad could tell that were extremely thick and sturdy.

The wall they had entered through only had a few antiques displayed and a modest sized portrait of someone that Loser could not make out through the image of the planet that was now between he and it.

The last wall had a large desk, that was where the Queen worked on a daily basis. Papers and other items were strewn about her desk.

"We have been trying to contain the threat long enough to be able to send part of our fleet to help Daroon against these monsters, but have not been given any type of break so far.

Loser nodded. They had only really been able to get here due to the power of Fes
Te, and a bit of his own power thrown in for good measure.

"We may be able to help there," Loser said, "how large of a contingent can you send?

"About a third of what we have available. That includes ground forces as well as ships."

Loser nodded again. There would have to be enough, he could tell by the slight strain in her voice that she was struggling to even send that many troops, and risk more of her own planets people...yet knowing that she had to do something.

"That will be a great help to us. We're hoping that some of our transmissions were able to get through to the outside, and that other help may be on the way."

"Not much is coming out of Daroon. We have been monitoring all communications in and out, and received one transmission from a Dev Em, that was pretty garbled, but told of whatwas happening there. We're having enough problem keeping communications up for our own fleet in orbit right now."

Fes paced around the center table looking at the concentrations of the planets fleet, and the position of the bugs ships. He started concentrating on one particular area and squinted his eyes.

Various members of the Queens staff were milling about, bringing her in communications and other things that required her attention.

Loser noticed the Fes was starting to grin a bit. "What is it Fes?" Loser asked as he walked around the table to where the young Daxamite was standing.

Fes motioned to one area. "Look here," he said, "they are creatures of habit. Notice how all the ships make the same moves...even if they go in at different points. Even when they come out, they follow a pattern."

Loser looked at another grouping of bug ships moving towards Daroon, confirmed the same thing. "Can we get one of these areas enlarged?"

The Queen nodded and looked to one of her people standing near the controls. Immediately they image zoomed in and they saw a definite pattern form.

"That can be exploited for a short time," Loser said. They all knew, as he did, that the bugs would adapt quickly...but it would give them a chance to inflict damage and get some ships of their own on the ground as the bugs scrambled to change tactics.

There was more talking about strategy, and distribution of troops once they hit the surface of Daroon. Once they completed the strategy session, Loser Lad and Fes Te thanked the Queen and turned to go.

As they left, Fes noticed a portrait on the wall to the left of the door. "Why does Dev Em's brother have a portrait here?"

Loser looked at the painting closer, below it was a plaque that said that the man 'Mykyl Reyse' had given his life for the betterment of Xylar 7. "Not sure, maybe it's just someone that looks like him."

They both shrugged and left the room, headed for the ship that had brought Loser and the wounded here.


A few hours later, they departed Xylar 7, along with hundreds of other ships. Fighters and carriers alike. All the men aboard the ships had volunteered for the mission, in fact men had been turned away due to the overwhelming response from within the ranks of Xylar 7's armed forces.

Loser was at the head of the convoy. Fes was riding shotgun with him inside the ship, ready to leave for quick response if needed.

As they reached the first wave of bug ships the proximity alert want off warning of something else coming in fast from an entirely different direction.

Loser did some quick checks on instruments and let a small grin flash onto his face.


The throne room of Xylar 7 was quiet once again as Queen Ayva had finished her speech to her people.

The door at the far end of the room flew open and a young boy ran through the room. "Mama!" he yelled as he jumped into her arms, "are we going to be okay?"

"Yes Mykyl, we are," she said and gave her son a kiss on the forehead. "We're going to be just fine."

Active LMB character is still Beast Boy.

Joined: Nov 2004
Posts: 10,929
Time Trapper
Time Trapper
Joined: Nov 2004
Posts: 10,929
The Battle of Ecumanopolis IX: Part 3

“It looks grim doesn’t it” Cobalt Kid said with a short laugh.

Lard Lad looked at him and said wryly “You’ve been hanging around Power Boy too much. His sense of humor is rubbing off on you.”

Lard Lad had to admit though, it was funny. They dig themselves out of a mountain of rubble. Only to pop out of the ground surrounded by Titus’ Top 40 ghouls. Grey cloaked figures of varying, shapes, sizes, and super powers surrounded them in a loose circle. They had faced several of them before, first at the battle of the fort, and then on Hul. Never this many though, never all of them. Titus must have some power to reanimate these zombies since he saw several of them destroyed before.

“What are they waiting for?” Lard Lard whispered to CK, never taking his eyes off the ghouls. Cobalt Kid pivoted around so he was back to back with Lardy.

“I’m not sure I care.” CK said flatly.

Lard Lad drew his sword. Several of the ghouls responded by hissing and showing their teeth.

Cobalt Kid reached out with his power, taking command of the metal substructure of the buildings around them. He caused them to bend and shake as the ghouls rushed for them. The 5 to 6 storey buildings all around them shattered, covering ghouls in dust and rubble.

In the confusion, Lard Lad and CK ran for a weak link in the line of ghouls. Some ghouls gave chase, many were super strong, the collapsed buildings wouldn’t hold them long.

Two stepped in front of Lard Lad … and he cut them down with two efficient slices of his sword. They kept moving, not even time for a bad pun.

They fled through the streets, zig-zagging around corners, cutting down ghouls when they could.

Eventually, they hid in one of the abandoned buildings. “Where the f*c# are the others!” Lard Lad demanded as they huddled below windows that looked out onto the street. They kept watch for more ghouls.

“I don’t know.” Cobalt Kid replied. He had tried to contact the others telepathically but it seemed that no one was listening, likewise with their communications system. There was no way to tell if Titus got them, or if they were just cut off.

Just then, two robed ghouls walked in the street searching for Lard Lad and Cobalt Kid. The two Legionnaires shared a look and Cobalt kid moved some rubble magnetically across the street. When the ghouls turned to look, Lard Lad blasted the two with Exo-blasts. They didn’t go down.

“These are tough ones.” He fired again but with stronger bursts, knocking the ghouls down.

“Out the back.” Cobalt said as he pointed towards the rear with a thumb.

The two went on for some time like this. Leading groups of ghouls into an ambush, sometimes striking them from roof tops. Sometimes Cobalt Kid would spear or bind them with the metal that under laid the ceramic buildings.

Somehow, they managed to make it to the municipal building they were at before. They were in the street behind it. Just around the building was where they left Power Boy and the others. Unfortunately, the building was huge, about two city blocks and 10 stories tall before the crumbled dome sat on the roof. Smoke filled the sky on the other side of the building, the front where the fellowship might still be. On the left side was a huge mound of earth and rubble, the same mound that had sent them across town in a wave. Cobalt and Lardy paused for a second, breathing in deep. They were almost there.

'Through the back or up around the right side? The inside of the building may provide more cover but, it was also an excellent place for an ambush. They would have to run around the side up to the front.'

Just when Cobalt Kid was going to tell Lardy they need to go around the side street.

A huge figure walked out of the rear entrance. He floated off the back porch. His long black hair floated in the desert winds of this planet. He was clothed in an iron-grey armor, blackened in some places. Jagged spikes jutted out of the joint areas at the shoulder, the elbows ended in blades, the knees were padded with spikes. The armor had the effect of a once resplendent armor that had been blackened, twisted and distorted. It almost looked like it was in pain.

“Your friends are dead” A voice spoke from the floating man. It also spoke to their minds and hearts. But, it felt like a lie.

Titus stared into them. “Surrender. Surrender to me. Surrender to the Dark Lord.”

CK and LL both found themselves moved to do so. Fortunately, they both had strong wills and rudimentary psychic defenses. The result of resisting Titus’ mental prompts was a distinct feeling of nausea. CK said a silent thank you to Crujectra for her tutoring in psychic defenses. Cobalt looked over to Lard Lad; He had dropped to his knees and his hands were shaking, sweat dripped from his brow. Lardy was having a harder time resisting, as if Titus’ words were resonating with something within him.

Ghouls draped in their dusty cloaks began to gather around them. They stepped out of all the streets around, and some from behind Titus. Cobalt Kid felt dizzy, the grey capes swirling all around him, closing in.

‘NO!’ He shouted ‘NO!’ His denials became softer and softer as the ghouls overwhelmed them, He looked for his friend Lard Lad in the confusion.

But the blackness came first.


Goon Boy had some trouble tracking Cobalt Kid and Lard Lad, they had gotten really good at evasion since he last worked with them. It made it hard for Goon Boy but, Goon was a clever tracker after all his time in the espionage squad. He even took out a few of the ghouls, there were so many though. It had been awhile since he’d last engaged super powered opponents in battle but fortunately, if you snuck up behind them, they fell the same as non powered opponents. He caught up to Cobalt Kid and Lard Lad but, too late, Titus had overwhelmed them, they were surrounded by ghouls. All Goon Boy could do was watch from behind a mound of rubble as Titus and his remaining ghouls flew off with his friends. A black knight surrounded by a dark cloud of ghouls, carrying his friends away.

' I just got them back, You won’t have them for long Titus. ' He thought.


Goon Boy trotted up to the others surrounding Disaster Boy, who still sat on the ground. It looked they had subdued Disaster Boy and even freed him of Titus’ control. At least someone was successful. Goon Boy said to himself.

They all turned and looked to him for answers.

“He took them.” He said. A bit of embarrassment and responsibility flashed across his face. Goon Boy obviously thought he should’ve been able to rescue them. No one blamed him, they all knew what they were up against.

“I have an idea where they went though. Prianopolis.” Goon Boy pointed to the plaque that described Ecumanopolis IX as a colony of Prianopolis.

Invisible Brainaic, felt the news like a punch in the gut, He looked around at the others. Tempest seemed removed, even more far away than usual. Closing off her emotions to the news. She cared for both Cobalt Kid and Lard Lad.

Power Boy’s face raged with anger barely held in check, his fists clenched. He had had enough of Titus. That demon had taken one of their members and twisted him into an enemy, violated his free will and beliefs, He’d harried them all across the cosmos, fermented chaos on destruction on an interplanetary scale, and now taken their leaders to no doubt twist them into his evil servants. And all the while, we ran and defended. Power Boy despised being helpless. It was time to stop running.

Disaster Boy finally got up, expression sensitive and caring. He broke the sadness and sense of defeat that oppressed his teammates.

“Let’s go get them.”

Tempest broke from her melancholy. “ We… are not doing anything. you are going back to Legion World.” She pointed at DB.

She softened a bit. “We’ve separated you from Titus’ control but there is no telling what the long term effects of his possession may be. There are still pieces of darkness scattered around your consciousness. On Legion World, Saturn Girl and Crujectra can help you recover. They’re the most skilled telepaths we have. Besides you still look like death, did Titus ever have you eat while he control you?”

Power Boy put a hand on Tempest’s shoulder, she honestly didn’t look like she liked being touched.

“Let him come, he has reason to see Titus destroyed, maybe more than any of us. Let him fight for his spirit.”

It was decided then, in the subtext of Power Boy’s words. Silently, they made a pact as they looked at each other.

They were going to get back Cobalt Kid and Lard Lad.
They were going to make Titus pay for what he did to Disaster Boy.

They were going to destroy Titus.

Invisible Brainiac felt a chill.

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