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Joined: Sep 2003
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Bold Flavors
Bold Flavors
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Disclaimer – This story is an “LMB Novella”, similar to a tag team thread but quite different. Like a tag team thread, it is a collaborative effort between multiple posters to tell an LMB story. Unlike a tag thread, each author has specific authority over their characters and storyline, working towards a common goal in terms of overall plot and ending. There is no picking up on cliffhangers and previous posts, as in the tag threads. Additionally, while there will be some humor, this story will have a much more serious tone. For a traditional tag team thread, I highly recommend Beware the Octupii .
However, to be clear, in this Novella approach, additional authors are encouraged to join in and add their own twist and side story to the overall plot! This is a collaborative effort and we encourage collaborators. If there is a need for editorial guidance as to how things match up with everything else, there is always Critic\'s Corner . For those just looking for a great story, sit back and enjoy!<span style="font-size: 48px;">The Lord of the Oval</span> <span style="font-size: 36px;">Part I: The Fellowship</span> PrologueSix weeks ago…Lolita sipped a cup of coffee at Café Cramer, savoring the bold flavor and the soothing heat like a kiss from an old boyfriend. Things had a tendency to get very weird very quickly on Legion World but when all was said and done, whoever was left standing would have to find a way to find some semblance of normalcy I their lives again. Enjoying life’s little pleasures—like a good cup of coffee—was a solid first step. In an instant the tranquility of the moment was gone as the seat across from her own was filled. It was someone she hadn’t seen in weeks, or perhaps months: Helena Handbasket. Originally of the Dark Oval invasion force, turned freedom fighter, turned Legion World citizen for the last several years. Helena had a tendency to look grim and totally focused on the business at hand, but her current demeanor seemed to take it to a new level. “Helena.” “Lolita, I’ve been looking for you,” she said with an urgency but then quickly looked around to lower her voice and give the appearance of casual conversation. “Well…here I am,” said Lolita, unsure where this was going. She and Helena had been acquaintances for a number of years after fighting side by side in defense of Legion World. A sense of sorority existed between them because of that event, but in recent years Helena had been through many ups and downs. First, a dark time spent mostly in the bottle; second, in the service of the LMB’s leaders as an administrator who oversaw the reconstruction of Legion World following the inevitable crisis that arose on the LMB’s home planet. These ups and downs put some distance between Lolita and Helena, though Lolita admitted to herself this was partially her fault as well given her recent unavailability. Helena made a quick face as if to suggest let’s move past the pleasantries. “Lolita, they made contact. At long last…they finally made contact.” Helena’s voice betrayed some very real emotion behind it. “Who…?” said Lolita almost by habit to get more information but the tone of Helena’s voice told her everything she needed to know. “Oh,” she added. “Them.” “Yes, them.” “We have some new intel on the Dark Oval too, you know. A lot of new intel. It’s…it’s bad Helena.” Helena’s face suddenly showed a smile, which to those who knew Helena, was almost alarming. “It’s not all bad.”
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Bold Flavors
Bold Flavors
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Weber’s World – Present
Weber’s World, the capital planet of the United Planets, exists as the political hub of the universe, where both the UP Government and Ambassadors from multitudes of planets live and work, brokering deals in committee meetings and backrooms. Whether issues of diplomacy, economy, or society, the fate of the known galaxies is constantly in discussion here. – Encyclopedia Galactica, 3011 Edition.
In history, the evolution of the known galaxies has occurred gradually by forces in society ushering sentient life forward…whether it willed it or not. Yet, history can also move forward when it is pushed by the hands of the few; some decisions made by a single sentient can change the course of all of sentient kind. The ambitions of very few can altar the known galaxies—such is the majesty, and tragedy, of the ambitious. Here on Weber’s World, events in motion for many years begin to gain momentum at long last and such a turning point draws ever closer...
As various cruisers approached Weber’s World from all directions, the United Planets Starfleet soldiers monitor them carefully, ensuring no malcontents approach a place of such importance. It is with great concern then, that a soldier suddenly yells to his commanding officer: “Sir! Look at the screen! That small blip! Something else else is approaching Weber’s World at tremendous speed!”
“Calm down ensign,” replied the commander, obviously annoyed what was happening. “We were just told its one of those blasted LMBers.”
“Oh, really?” said the young man, suddenly now curious. The LMB, after all, were great heroes and perhaps the most famous sentients in all of the UP. “Which one?”
The commander shook his head, as if it to indicate one of the ones he found most distasteful. “Cobalt Kid.”
Cobalt Kid flew at top speed, using his magnetism to propel him forward through space, as he approached Weber’s World. In his strong arms was Lolita, his long time partner and friend. Cobalt Kid’s looked determined and serious, with his muscular form very tense.
“Oh, stop showing off,” said Lolita, in his arms. “It’s embarrassing enough having you carry me in like this.”
“They’ll expect me to be carrying in a beautiful girl,” he grinned, “and luckily enough, I’ve got one.”
She smiled back playfully. “That would sound charming if I didn’t know you so well. I know this is for show, but its still a bit much for me. I hate the spotlight like this.”
“We’ve got to make sure they remember us flying in. And I know how to do exactly that,” he added. He turned on his omni-com. “Commander, requesting a fly-by,” he added and Lolita shook her head forcefully to say ‘NO!’.
“Negative ghost rider, the pattern is full,” came an annoyed commander.
Cobalt just smiled at Lolita and proceeded to do a fly-by, as the politicians and soldiers cheered below. They loved their heroes, and they’d certainly remember this for a few days.
Several weeks ago, on Legion World, preparations for this undertaking had at last been finalized. A small group of LMBers would set out on a quest of such immense ambition that if the true nature of it got out to the rest of Legion World, it could stop the mission dead in its tracks. Secrecy was of the utmost importance and so it was decided that quietly, all of the various LMBers would leave on their own accord, and then meet back up here, at Weber’s World.
Weber’s World was an excellent rendezvous point because there were a variety of reasons for the various LMBers to arrive separately; it was also much closer to the Dark Oval in terms of logistics. But a secondary reason existed—Cobalt Kid had to be sure his high-ranking UP contacts would okay the mission in the first place, so he had their support if things went sour.
And so, the LMBers began to arrive in small groups, little by little. They would gather in secret and set out from there.
“Remember,” said Cobalt to Lolita, “Relnic is our friend but he can’t know about this. He wouldn’t like it. Hranzer, the Gil’disphan Ambassador, will likely be there to greet us as well and I believe he’s been coordinating our meeting with the other LMBers who have already arrived.”
“Whose here already?”
“Not sure, but we’ll find out soon. I’m confident Crujeckie is here, so Timberwolf has the perfect excuse to arrive as Furball. Hrun is coming in his battle ship on ‘official’ business and Helena is stowing away on the ship. You told her to bring the plant, correct?”
“I did. Though your secrecy about ‘the plant’ is alarming. I thought there would be no secrets among the Fellowship?”
“There won’t be,” he said, then pausing. Finally he added, “…well, not to many.”
They touched down on Weber’s World as Ambassador Relnic and Ambassador Hranzer greeted them. “Okay, Lolita. Let’s get started.”
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Time Trapper
Time Trapper
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planetoid ColMet-One
His heart pounding, LMBer Lard Lad brought his cruiser in for a landing near a residence he hadn't been to in in nearly five years.
Gods, I need a drink, he thought. The other night at Cobie's Midnight Lounge and Vee's Villa was a HUGE mistake! Years of sobriety flushed down the toilet for a night of drunken debauchery. I never really swore off the debauchery, but a full-blown alcoholic like myself has no business falling off the wagon.
He exited the cruiser and started walking toward the home he knew was nearby. As it came into view, he really started craving that drink so badly that he thought he might pass out.
But just as he thought he could step no closer, the doors to the old-fashioned home flew open, and out stepped a woman holding hands with two small children. They faced in his direction and slowly came toward him.
Tears streaming from his eyes, Lardy whispered, "oh...my...God..."
Just then, the two children broke from their mother's grasp and broke into a run yelling, "daddy"! Before he even knew what he was doing, Lardy knelt down to one knee and stretched his arms out. A moment later, they flew into his arms. He hugged them so hard, he thought he'd never let go. He couldn't even speak...he just cried.
Moments later, as he was still hugging them tightly, their mother joined in on the group hug. "Oh, Anthony...", she managed while sobbing herself and kissing his forehead. Part of him never wanted to let go.
Later, after they had some of her gourmet-level cooking, Lardy and the children's mother Helen sat on the couch together and watched the children play. It was a three-person couch, and the two were seated at opposite ends.
"I can't believe it, Helen," he said, "they're so big! And...they know me!"
"Yes, Anthony," Helen smiled. She always called him by his real name, never having cared to call the man she fell in love with many years ago 'Lardy' like practically everyone else. "Helena is six, and Hugh is four. And I've gone through great pains to make sure they know who their dad is. I let them watch holos of your exploits all the time--they can't get enough. I talk about you every day and tell them how much you love them. When they heard you were finally coming to visit them, they were beside themselves."
Lardy blushed a little. "I'm sorry I never visit, Helen. I.."
"You haven't been by to see them even once since you gave them to me, Anthony," she said as evenly as possible but fighting to hold back fresh tears.
"I...I know, Helen. I'm...I'm lower than slime...but, I..."
"Yes, I know. You got married to someone else right after you impregnated me. And not only someone else, but the same someone who disfigured me once upon a time!"
"God, I know...But she changed, Helen! She became good, but--"
"Then she died," Helen finished. "Killed by her father. And, yes, I know it wasn't long after that that you 'died' yourself and were gone for a while and--"
"And it's been one long roller coaster ride, ever since, Helen. Just like it always is. World-shattering stuff, as usual. And, yeah, I've already been in and out of another relationship since then. And, now..."
"I can see it on your face, Anthony. Who is it now?"
He thought about Tempest. What could he tell Helen about her? They were not a couple. He was really into her, but she was apparently not so into him. Or was she? They had sex one night. He was sure Helen didn't want to hear about that! What were he and Tempest? What could he tell her?
"There's somebody I've been seeing," he finally said. "I don't know if it's serious."
"It is for you," she said looking in his eyes. "It never will be me, will it?"
"I...don't know, Helen. I do love you. I always have, but...I don't know."
She closed her eyes tightly and said, "I've always known in my heart it would be this way." She opened her eyes, and some tears fell out. "But I always hoped you'd come back to me."
"If I had any sense," he said, "I would."
She wiped her eyes. "Why are you finally here, then?"
"I'm...about to go on a dangerous mission. I don't know if I'll survive, so..."
"So you wanted to see us...in case you die?"
He smiled weakly, "yeah. This one's a real dangerous one. I mean, pretty much all of them are, but this may be the biggest, most dangerous one yet. I know it's a jerk move, but I wanted to make sure I saw them. Helen...they're so beautiful!"
"Yes, Anthony. They are. Hugh looks just like his father."
Lardy looked between Hugh and Helen. "Nah, he's got his mother's eyes."
His gaze turned to Helena. He was struck by how much she looks like her birth mother Mordra. He was amazed, though, by how Helena's eyes lacked any hint of Morda's malevalence. It was almost as if she was instead the child of Earth-4's Mordra, whom he met in the guise of the heroic first Bat-Fem.
He then asked Helen for as many details about his children's lives as she would share. Helen's eyes sparkled with love as she told him story after story about their school, their friends and so many details of how their personalities were developing. Lardy listened with rapt attention and frequently laughed. He just couldn't get enough of her stories, and he tried to soak in everything about them. He wanted to remember every detail of this visit and about his children, so he could hang on to these memories during the tough times ahead.
Throughout, he played as many games with them as they wanted to. He gave piggyback rides, swung them around in circles, played tag and hide-and-seek with them, blew belly farts on them (and received some himself in retaliation!) and did everything else they could think of.
Of course, they had to play superhero. How could they not with a galaxy-famous superhero for a dad? Towels were tied around necks, and Hugh and Helena both had to take turns being Lard Lad. Once, Hugh was Lard Lad, and Helena was Fanfic Lass and they battled their father who portrayed the great Lardzilla Robot! (Lardy was embarassed to admit to Helen that there had really been such a thing recently!)
Soon after giving them sword-fighting lessons (at which both Hugh and Helena showed great aptitude, to their father's delight), the two collapsed and fell asleep in their father's arms.
After enjoying just holding them for a couple of hours, Lardy reluctantly carried them to their beds and tucked them in.
Exhausted, but grinning ear-to-ear, Lardy returned to sit on the couch with Helen. "Helen," he said suddenly overwhelmed, "this...this has been the best day of my life! I...I've missed so much..." He slumped over and put his head into his hands.
She moved over next to him and put an arm over his back. "You were great, Anthony. They'll...they'll never forget this day."
"I-I hope they won't, Helen...it may be the only one they ever--"
"If it is, then so be it," she said in a comforting tone. "Some children never have what they did today. Their father is a great man, a great hero in the galaxy. And now, they know him."
"If...if I make it, I'll be back. I'll visit them often. I promise!"
"I know you will, Anthony. What you've experienced today is infectious! Infectious in a way that is so good and so right that it will always warm your heart. Today, you're really a dad for the first time, and you'll want to experience that feeling with them again and again."
"Yes, I do," he admitted. "I never thought I was dad material, but today--"
"You were always 'dad material'. I knew it when you brought Helena to me and held her so tenderly. I'm a very happy woman, thanks to you. Those children mean everything to me, and it never would have happened if not for you."
"You...you deserve so much more..."
"Maybe I do, Anthony. Though I'll always love you, I'm not going to wait around for you forever anymore. You will always have a place here...you'll always be their dad, but if I find someone I like enough and want to be with, I won't fight it."
"I understand completely, Helen." He took her hands. "I never expected you to wait for me."
She smiled, "well, I expected myself to wait for you forever! But at some point, the fairy tale had to end."
They embraced each other. For a moment it nearly turned into something else, but both thought the better of it. Helen excused herself and went to bed. Lardy made himself comfortable on the couch and went to sleep eventually.
The next morning, Lardy had breakfast with them and then bid them all a tearful farewell. Making his way back to the cruiser was ten times as hard as it had been for him initially to walk to that house the previous day. He didn't want to leave, but his sense of duty and heroism compelled him.
As he lifted off, he could see his family waving goodbye to him. My family, he thought. And those two words rang in his head as he waved back and hovered in place for a long moment. Tears streaming down his face, he whispered, "I love you all," and manipulated the controls to take him into the planetoid's orbit.
He put in the course to Weber's World, and the cruiser went into warp. But Lardy's heart was still in a little house on ColMet-One.
Still "Lardy" to my friends!
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Joined: Mar 2004
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Planet Earth:
Earth, it’s not what it used to be. Run in by corporations, the motherworld has lost much of it’s once vaunted grace. There were those that foresaw this Earth to come, they were mystics and arcane users and beings. They refused to leave their motherworld like so many others would, so instead they took a small piece of their old paradise and hid it.
Small areas on Earth are covered by the deepest, oldest and strongest of magic, keeping all unwanted from entering. Tempest grew up in one of those paradises. Her home is a grand old mansion that her family had built in the 18th century when they first settled here, it had been moved from it’s original spot on the East Coast and moved to the West Coast of what was commonly called the United States, due to the mystic power of the land would help shield them in the future. She had just arrived planet side a few hours ago to that old home, the garden was well kept and mansion impeccable. She remembers her time here, learning her first spells here.
She didn’t stay here for long, when she was five she was sent to Isle of Avalon to be trained by the greatest women she had ever met in the world of magic. Like others in her family, she would have gone to Zerox, but when those of Avalon came calling, you always answered. Avalon was once apart of Earth, but it has retreated into it’s own dimension, though it still keeps some of it’s roots on the motherworld, refusing to let it’s birthright be taken away completely.
After a few hours reuniting with loved ones, Tempest decides to meet one of her old teachers that she met on Avalon. She does not go to Avalon, the one she wants to see lives on Earth still, the last one actually, in a mansion just as grand as the one Tempest grew up in, haunted by over 1,000 ghosts now, hidden away in a little town outside New Orleans, Louisiana. Commonly called Gracey Mansion, the mistress of this house prefers to call it Tombs Mansion now, in honor of herself, Madame Leota Tombs.
Tempest had five women take a deep interest of her when she went to Avalon, she came to care and respect them for varied reasons, but Leota was special to her. Leota treated Tempest like a daughter, and Tempest was fascinated with Leota’s story and naturally gifts as a medium. Leota took Tempest in to teach her the craft of being a medium, warning Tempest that is took her millenniums and being one of the dead for hundreds of years before Leota had become as powerful as she was today. Tempest didn’t shy away from the challenge, Leota taught her well.
But Leota did more than teach her, Leota saved her. She lead heroes to Tempest when she was locked in a cocoon and she pulled her from a coma when she was attacked by the Red Bee.
Tempest arrives and walks into the mansion, walks up the stairs, down the hall and into the séance room, where Leota always is.
“I wonder if you ever leave this room?” Tempest said.
“Using humor to hide your fear.”
“Sometimes I wish you would look with just your eyes.”
“It doesn’t take psychic powers or magic to see your scared. Sit down.”
A chair moves out from under the table and behind Tempest. She sits down and it drags her to the table.
“What’s bothering you?” Leota asks.
“You don’t already know?”
“I’m a medium, being a seer, while a talent, isn’t my forte.”
“I’m going on a dangerous journey, one that could cost me my life.”
“Why? For that man, the big one?”
“No.” Leota said with a smile, as she already knew that answer. “But that is what you told him.”
“I lied. I have other reasons.”
“Is that why you undid the memory spell?”
“I needed to be free of that guilt! I can’t focus, I was getting sloppy. You remember the coma.”
“You are afraid they will hate you.”
“But even then, that matters very little to you.”
“I want them to like me, I want to be their friends, but no, they can hate me all they want, as long as I get what I want.”
“Still craving knowledge beyond your wildest dreams?”
Tempest shoots her a look, Leota’s face drops.
“I suppose in some ways you will always want more knowledge, but no,” Leota says, then takes a deep breath, “revenge.”
“Can you blame me?”
“Revenge and pettiness left me without a body for 500 years, Theresa!”
“And look at all you have now!”
“DON’T BE STUPID!” Leota slammed her hand on the table. “ I was lucky, this would never happen to another person! Fate spared me, but she does not show such generosity often!”
Tempest takes a deep breath and looks down at the table.
“Desmond,” Tempest continues, “I loved him, and I wasn’t even awake. I had sisters, that never were real. I had friends that never knew my name. How can I not want answers, how can I not want justice?”
“Don’t use that word. You aren’t there yet for that word.”
“I’m going Leota, I think I may be able to find answers on this mission.”
“And love?”
Leota gets up and walks over to Tempest, who gets up from her chair and turns to the door. Leota puts her hands on Tempest’s shoulders.
“I let a man destroy me, don’t let any of these men do the same to you. Remember what the Goddess called you?” Leota asks.
“Enchantress.” Tempest said.
“Enchantress. You make men fall in love with you, not the other way around. Be safe my, little Theresia.”
Tempest reaches to her left shoulder and squeezes Leota’s hand. She lets go and walks out. By the time she gets to the door she turns into the wind and reappears by a small space craft. She gets in, the coordinates are set.
“Weber’s World.”
And to show I bear no ill will, I, too, shall bestow a gift...
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Time Trapper
Time Trapper
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Weber's World
The LMBP Cruiser came in and landed quietly on the plarform.
Inside the Cruiser Lon changed his form into that of Furball. He growled playfully at Kalla and turned to the ramp as it went down.
He exited the cruiser and looked around. He sniffed at the air. He was always amazed at how much more acute his senses were like this, it was part of the reason he enjoyed this form so much as a child. Everything was more real. He caught the scent he knew would be there...Spellbinder.
She walked toward him looking solemn and official...until she broke into a smile and jogged toward him and threw her arms around his neck. "I missed you Furball!" She said as he lifted her off the ground and gave her a huge hug.
"Rye missed rhou too Rhinsess."
"I'm glad you could come and do some guard duty here for a little bit."
"Rhanks for rhetting rhe roff Rhegion World for a rhittle rhile."
Kalla followed behind Furball. She was dressed in a standard Office of Security outfit and was carrying a mid-sized duffle bag, which contained all of Lons things that he brought along for the trip. She watched the display of friendship between Lon and Crue Jectra and grinned a little. He did tell me they were close...and what to expect...
Dev followed her down the ramp carrying the rest of the bags and smiled from ear to ear for the first time in days when he saw Crue Jectra.
Furball set Crue Jectra down and looked at Kalla and shrugged a little.
Spellbinder walked over to Dev and gave him a hug. "Are you alright Dev?"
Dev laughed a little. "You always were observant Jeckie. But yeah. I'm okay."
"Are you going to be staying as well?"
"Just long enough to say hello to some others here, I have too much to do back on Legion World."
"I heard. Congratulations."
"Thanks, but I think I would have prefered it had happened a different way."
He looked at her and the look on his face spoke more about the situation that had happened on Legion World in the last few months than either of them would have wanted to talk about openly. They had served together in the LMBP together since near its beginnings, and had served a stint together here on Webers World. She knew him well enough not to press.
"I know Dev," she turned and looked at Kalla, who was whispering something in Furballs ear. "Someone new for him to cuddle with?"
"Well, She's here to..."
"Don't say it Dev. I know...I always knew who and what he was," she said quietly, so only Dev's hearing could pick it up, "
Dev grinned, "I'm starting to think that everyone knew."
"No...most of them had, and some still have, no clue about your brother. Only a select few of us actually knew. Me, Cobie and Shady were pretty much it."
"Yeah. From what he said on the way here, I think he knows you know...but is afraid to say anything. I think he's afraid you'll be upset with him. Get mad at him."
"He always was silly like that."
"I guess. I have to go find a few others before I leave, I hope I get a chance to see you again before I leave...so much to tell you. I'll leave you with this teaser though...Sharky and Furball are essentially cousins."
Dev walks off grinning like a little kid.
Spellbinder stands watching him walk away, "I'll admit, I did not see that one coming."
She laughed and went back to Furball and grabbed his arm and dragged him off. Kalla followed behind them, not so subtly glaring the entire time.
Active LMB character is still Beast Boy.
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Webers World. Diplomatic quarters.
In a darkened and secure, sensor suppressed room, Faraway Lad sits. On the desk in front of him is a decanter of vintage port. In his hands a small omnicomm glows as he taps in information.
“Finished” says Far, “I hope this will help them in the first stage”
“Come in Young Des” he says to no one in particular. “Oh and the charming Lolita as well, how nice to see you again, please take a seat”
He motions and two more seats slide out of alcoves and place themselves next to the desk.
“How does he do that” whispers Lolita as they enter the room, “we got here un noticed through 14 miles of the best security, both living and computerised, that money can buy, and he just guesses we are here?”
Cobalt Kid smiles, “I gave up trying to figure that out a long time ago Lolita, Darden just turns up, does his thing then goes off for ages. I’m just glad he’s on our side”
“Well Far old friend” continues Cobalt, “you said you had something for me”
“I do, I do, but first try this” and Faraway pours three glasses of the 2940 vintage port. He looks at the dark rich liquid; it is the last bottle in the entire quadrant. “I was saving this for a special occasion and I don’t think it gets much more special than this”
As the three slowly savour the drink, Faraway Lad continues. “Des ,this trip to the Oval worries me, its very dangerous and my sources are hinting at the fact that the Oval Lords know something, something that has them rattled and I worry that they know you are coming and have laid traps”
Cobalt put his glass down and for a moment, just for a fleeting moment, the mask of devil may care hero to the masses slipped. “Is it true” he mused to himself, “am I leading my friends into capture, humiliation and death?” He stands looking at a blank wall, his hands clenching and unclenching, wondering if he was right to do this.
Faraway reached up and put his hand on Cobalt’s shoulder, “I know what your answer is going to be, so I’m not going to try to dissuade you from doing this, just be careful of the team you select, make sure you can trust them all, as you will be trusting them with your lives” Faraway held out the omnicomm “take this, I have up loaded some useful information on people and places that you might need.
Faraway does not tell him that the information contained in this small black box had already cost the lives of 3 brave agents and their families, Cobalt Kid may have to live with enough guilt after this mission without adding more.
“Now on a more practical basis” Faraway continued, “I know our mutual friend Hrun will be providing a little bit of, well shall we just say extra security for the mission, I do believe he is bringing along the Dragon Ship Devastation as well.
Lolita whistled, a Devastation class barbarian warship was possibly the most powerful warship in the stars it was capable of holding off three Khundian Battlecrusiers on its own. The barbarian tribes rarely allowed these ships to enter UP space preferring to keep them hidden from sensor sweeps etc. They were usually engaged on the opposite side of known space where the vast empty tracts of space were more conducive to the type of interstellar relationships that required a Devastation Class ship to undertake. Hrun must have some pretty high powered friends in the Barbarian Confederation to get his hands on a Devastation Class ship. He was obviously not just a hard drinking ruffian and she was going to have to keep an eye on him in future to find out just who he was and if he was a threat to Legionworld.
Faraway was still talking and all of a sudden Lolita’s attention was grabbed as she understood with horror what he was saying
“........and my sources go on to say that agents of the Oval have moved to attack your teams and their loved ones. My agents tell me assassination squads are heading here to Weber’s world. I think they may be after the Princess. I am also told that a squad has been sent to some obscure little planetoid, Colmet One I think it’s called, although I have no idea why they are going there unless as a staging post to somewhere else, I looked it up and it’s uninhabited and unimportant”
A small light started to blink unobtrusively at the corner of the sturdy oak desk.
“Ah” said Faraway, “a reminder of my next guests. I do think it would be a good idea if you two left, as unseen as you came here if you please. After all I don’t think it would do my credibility any good if Ambassador Ileana of Femnaz was to see such a womaniser as the Legendary Cobalt Kid here”. A knowing smiled passed between the two
Fare thee well heroes” he continued “I am sure we shall meet again soon. Please, excuse the discourtesy”
Cobalt tensed himself as he knew what was coming. As the faraway force swashed over them he felt as if his body had been turned inside out and his brain had been given its life time supply of hangovers all at once. As they appeared some 47.5 miles away from Faraway’s room, it took all of Cobalts will power just to stay standing up. Poor Lolita was not so prepared and started retching in the corner.
“Gods” she says wiping tears from her eyes, “he travels like that by choice??”
Suddenly remembering the conversation she overheard she turns and stammers, “Cobie, ColMet one...........”
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Bold Flavors
Bold Flavors
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Aboard the Dragon Ship Devastation Atmosphere of Weber’s World
Upon its entry into the atmosphere of Weber’s World, those within a mile’s distance immediately began to hear the war drums beating. Upon closer inspection, they hard a low grumbling which upon even further inspection was revealed to be a calamitous chanting. The Viking warriors who followed Hrun the Barbarian were oozing with anticipation for the battles ahead of them.
On board, Hrun the Barbarian looked on approvingly. He was also pleased to be reaching Weber’s World where at last he would meet back up with his LMB allies to officially begin their quest. “The quest is almost upon us,” he said to the figures next to him, “and the glory shall be ours!” he added with a yell.
Shark Lad, stuck on board for the journey, grunted in annoyance. He’d be glad when this travel was over and he could see Lolita. Or if not, then he too was ready for battle and unleashing the ferocity he was known for. He looked at the potted plant by his feet that Cobalt insisted he bring with him and shrugged--yet something else annoying.
Helena Handbasket said nothing, only silently saying a prayer of thanks to be at Weber’s World. Somewhere in the Dark Oval, her sworn allies were fighting for their lives. Her imagination did not need to supply scenarios for what exactly they were fighting, since previous to her life on Legion World, she herself was a commanding officer in the armies of the Dark Oval, and she knew exactly what life was like there. If they had survived this long it was a miracle—but since her arrival on Legion World several years earlier, she had come to believe in miracles.
----------------------- “Cobie,” said Lolita, in a bit of a panic, “what Faraway Lad said, about loved ones in danger…even the Princess…” she added, the last part difficult for her to speak of. After all, two years earlier, Cobalt Kid had broken Lolita’s heart by not continuing a relationship with her—one of the primary reasons being the love of his life, Princess Crujectra, the LMBer known as Spellbinder.
“We suspected it could happen,” said Cobalt, obviously thinking of other things as they flew through Weber’s World to reach their destination, again with Lolita in his arms. “Crujeckie can take care of herself. Still, we’ll have our own allies doing what they can.” He face was grim though when he met the eye of passer-bys below, he made sure to give them a wide smile, keeping up the charade of a heroic visit. “What worries me is they are already aware of our approach. This eliminates Plan A completely—we’ll have to go to Plan B.”
“It was always a 50/50 chance,” said Lolita, having helped Cobalt develop both plans. “It means Hrun’s warship will have to stay in the UP for the primary portion of the quest before it joins us later.”
“Once Hrun knows our strategy he will not object. His brethren will have their chance for glory soon enough.”
They raced through the streets at top speed, at last arriving at the main location. Here was the main location where the LMBers would be gathering in secret, assisted by a select group of loyal Ambassadors at Weber’s World.
“Will you see the Princess now?” asked Lolita, curious as to Cobalt’s current status with the Princess. For years the two were inseparable and obviously in love; it was common knowledge they shared a telepathic link with one another. However, in recent years Spellbinder had been on a long diplomatic tour of the universe, trying to promote human rights in the corners of the United Planets were war fronts—either with the Dark Oval, Khanate of Sol Invictus or the mother-planet, Earth—had caused some alarming changes in society. The end result was she and Cobalt had not actually seen one another in almost two years.
“Soon,” said Cobalt to Lolita’s surprise. “We have one more stop.”
Since its formation, the LMB had been a major topic of debate on Weber’s World. The Legion had its supporters and its detractors for a variety of reasons. But more important than that, among its supporters there were two fractions: those who wanted the LMB to work towards the goals laid out in its charter as an independent entity seeking to promote peace and justice, and those who wanted to use the LMB for their own ends. Over the years, the LMB had come to know which Ambassadors were their friends, which were their enemies, and which ones to be very wary of.
Among them all, their greatest friend was Ambassador Anton Relnic, perhaps the single most brilliant diplomat in the history of Weber’s World. In addition to his incredible talents, Relnic was a true idealist and promoted the values of the LMB, helping keep at bay the vulture politicians who sought to manipulate the organization. Yet, knowing Relnic as well as he did, Cobalt Kid knew Relnic would not initially approve of this mission, much like many of his fellow Legionnaires may not approve. Because while freeing their allies in the SMB and liberating Earth-4 was paramount to the mission at hand, the true goal was the destruction of the Dark Oval, and Relnic would immediately see this no matter how well they tried to hide it.
A second Ambassador whose loyalty to the LMB was tested and proven many times was the Gil’ Disphan Ambassador Hranzer, another brilliant diplomat. Hranzer was considered more of a realist on Weber’s World and seemed to have similar values to Cobalt Kid and Lard Lad—namely, the willingness to destroy the Dark Oval. Thus, Faraway Lad had arranged for Hranzer to work on the LMB’s behalf in arranging a meeting room in secret and then ensure the LMB would be able to exit Weber’s World with no one the wiser.
But there was one more Ambassador on Weber’s World that was a true ally of the LMB—though almost none of the LMB knew it. She was a renowned politician whose calculating mind impressed and frightened most of her colleagues. Her role as an Ambassador on Weber’s World had been ongoing for over four decades; though her role as a primary dealer in spy games had been going on much longer than that. She was Ambassador Mirenna Helene of the Langley Galaxy and to be on her radar meant there was a chance you were working on her behalf and never once knew it.
For several years now, Mirenna had been using her guile to support the LMB and ensure the Weber’s World politicians did not interfere. Her reasoning was her own, though there was clearly one facet to her agenda: she had an ally within the LMB; his name was Cobalt Kid.
Once Cobalt Kid reemerged among the LMB as both a Triumvir on Legion World and the Chief of Security of Legion World in 3004, Mirenna gained an introduction to him through Faraway Lad, an old friend. Faraway Lad knew if there was one ally Cobalt could use in the United Planets political system, it was Mirenna. The two not only had similar goals, but seemed to hit it off very well in terms of a personal friendship. Thereafter, Cobalt Kid and Mirenna Helene began to work towards several common ends: namely, the constant monitoring of the UP’s enemies on Earth, the Dark Oval and the Khanate of Sol Invictus. Cobalt Kid and Faraway Lad called these intergalactic spy games “the Great Game”. In the Great Game, Ambassador Mirenna Helene was a primary player.
She was Cobalt Kid’s greatest ally in the UP. Her status on Weber’s World placed her at the very top of the political power structure, though she was never foolish enough to take on the position of Prime Minister though it had been offered to her numerous times. When Cobalt Kid engaged in his various black-ops, Mirenna ensured he had the full support of the United Planets, even if Legion World and the LMB were not on board. When Cobalt Kid led an unofficial counter-invasion into the Dark Oval several years earlier, she made sure it quickly became official. Once she realized his goals were parallel to her own, she made sure he was untouchable at the United Planets level.
She had a regal appearance, with platinum blonde hair and an accent that made everyone who heard her speak take note of her poise and intelligence. She was much older now, though no one knew how old, but she still maintained the beauty of her youth when she was the most effective seductress and spy in the galaxies. There was no doubt she could kill you with her bare hands—and had the mindset to do it.
In order for Cobalt Kid to ensure the United Planets endorsed this coming quest, he would need Mirenna to support him when the time came. He now stood in front of her quarters, preparing to enter; no LMBer other than Faraway Lad knew of Cobalt Kid’s relationship with her.
“Wait here,” said Cobalt to Lolita. For a moment she was surprised at not joining him inside but did not question it.
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Bold Flavors
Bold Flavors
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Weber’s World
Lolita stood outside of the diplomatic quarters of Ambassador Mirenna Helen of the Langley Galaxy, checking her omni-com again and again for the time, frustrated at how long this was taking. She had heard the Ambassador’s name spoken by Cobie numerous times but she had never meant her; she understood all too well how critically important Mirenna had been in making sure Cobalt Kid’s intergalactic “activities” were seen as operations done for the United Planets, rather than in violation of UP laws. As she waited, she once again could not believe that after all this time, her she was working with Cobalt Kid again, when she swore their partnership—and more, their friendship—was over with forever.
Inside, Cobalt Kid sat across from the Ambassador at a fancy dining table, with tea poured before each of them, and a plate of biscuits & cookies in the middle. Cobalt did not partake in any tea nor snacks. Mirenna was in a lovely white gown, preparing to attend an exclusive Ball held on Weber’s World, though she was in no rush, knowing full well her late arrival would only make it more memorable. Long white gloves were on her hands and though she wore little make-up, it only enhanced her natural beauty more. She was much older than Cobalt Kid, almost 40 years in fact, but she still maintained a great sense of beauty in addition to her natural grace.
“From what you’ve told me, Cobaltus,” she said to him, continuing their conversation which had been ongoing for over 90 minutes, “the strategy you have created is very sound. Quite impressive, actually, and if you are to succeed in not only liberating this so-called Earth-4 but also destroying the structure of the Dark Oval permanently, then this is the most likely way to be successful.”
Cobalt nodded, confident in his strategy. “I believe so as well. It relies heavily on the abilities of a small few Legionnaires entering the Dark Oval at first and setting things in motion. But I believe the LMBers we’ve gathered are up to the task. Once events are set in motion and momentum is on our side, our various allies in the United Planets, and those we gain within the Dark Oval, will supplement our forces and defeat the majority of the rest of the Oval. From there, we can only hope our plans retain some semblance of their original design, but as you know all too well, these adventures tend to go astray at some point down the line.”
Amused, Mirenna actually giggled. “You have such a funny sense of humor, Cobaltus,” she said, “and after months of not seeing you, I’m suddenly reminded again why I like you so much. Even in planning absolute war on our enemies, you maintain a bit of that charm.”
Cobalt nodded, considering returning the exact same compliment to her, but feeling it was unnecessary. He was usually very measured in his dialogue with Mirenna, mainly out of respect. She called him Cobaltus, which was his actual real name, changed many years earlier from Desmonius following his exile from his home planet of Ggrrgg.
“And your agents?” she asked.
“They should now be aware of what is to come, or at least, most of them. Faraway gave me some files on additional agents who should come in handy and I have two of my most loyal within the Dark Oval. They have been there now for many years.”
“Ah,” she said, smiling, “I remember one in particular, who we placed there. An amusing fellow. Give him my regards, should you see him again.”
“I will,” he said. “I know once we leave Weber’s World, you’ll make arrangements with Relnic and the others, particularly the small group of Ambassadors who hate us, but one politician in particular alarms me. The Prime Minister.”
In most other company, such an accusation would cause shock; here, Mirenna simply nodded. “I share your concern. Maya adi Lva has proven to be a most shrewd politician. She keeps her agenda completely guarded but seems almost unnaturally clairvoyant to the motives of the rest of the politicians here. She has been mainly concerned with the Khanate of Sol Invictus, but she keeps an eye on the Dark Oval. I will be approaching her shortly, and given your recent actions on Earth during that whole “Gold Watch” adventure, she now takes on the appearance of a supporter of both the Legion and yourself specifically. I believe her goals mirror our own but as you are aware, she will try to find away to reap the gains of the Oval’s destruction for herself.”
Cobalt smiled and sarcastically added: “You mean the UP?”
Mirenna smiled back. “That as well.” She turned for a moment to signal to her bodyguard that she would soon be departing. “Nonetheless do not be surprised if during your dalliance in the Dark Oval you come across agents of the Prime Minister yourself. They may have conflicting interests but ultimately, they’ll be useful in achieving our own ends.”
“Ambassador,” said Cobalt Kid, now showing a sign of concern, “I’ve been made aware that the Dark Oval has been alerted to our coming presence despite numerous precautions. While my allies in the LMB will be rooting out the leak, I do have a concern over the safety of my friend’s families. I’ve alerted both Dev Em, our new Chief of Security, and Loser Lad, a semi-active LMBer whose lack of presence on Legion World would go unnoticed. But to take even more precautions…”
“Say no more,” she said, raising her hand. “It will be addressed in your absence. I notice you said my friend’s families and made not mention of your own loved ones. Surely dear, it hasn’t come to that now, has it? What of the Princess?”
“The Princess can handle herself,” said Cobalt, with a hint of both pride and affection, “but beyond Crujectra, my family lies squarely with the LMB. And my only child…is the Great Game.”
She smiled, somewhat proud of the answer. “I’ll consider it my grandchild then,” she said, rising, as she now prepared to leave. “There is one more thing you must contend with. When the time comes and you rally your Space Knights Templar and the barbarian Vikings of Hrun and those other malcontents you've recruited, you’ll have to be careful in how you utilize the United Planets Fleets. They will not follow you blindly this time; the commission of General Maximus has now been given to Bellasarius and he maintains total control of the Fleets.”
Cobalt Kid said nothing but at once had the feeling of hoping an issue that would not arise has suddenly come to the forefront and needs to be addressed. “Bellasarius. I suspect he’s not my biggest fan.”
“No dear,” said Mirenna. “He still feels slighted when you were given the commission of General Maxmius during the counter-invasion of the Dark Oval. You’ll need to gain his support prior to leaving if you are going to be able to rely on him when the time comes.”
“Then it will be my next stop before I see my fellowship.” He approached her now preparing to part ways. “As always Mirenna, I cannot thank you enough.”
“Nonsense dear,” she smiled, holding his arm and kissing his cheek, “when the Dark Oval falls once and for all, that is all the thanks I need.” She then turned and immediately left the room, leaving Cobalt to wait for her to leave.
Cobalt turned and exited the quarters, saying nothing to any of the staff who watched him leave, at last entering the courtyard where Lolita waited for him. She looked relieved but then that quickly changed.
His face told her everything: “Just one more stop, I hope?” she said, annoyed.
“Me too,” said Cobalt as he picked her up again in his arms and flew off.
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Time Trapper
Time Trapper
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Webers' World
Dev was wandering Webers' World chatting with various friends that he had not seen for months, or even years when his Omnicom alerted him to a incoming message of high importance.
He grabbed it and read the encrypted message. "Sonofa..." he mumbled. He saw that Loser Lad had already responded that he was on his way to Colmet One. He knew that his family was safe, and that gave him an idea. He thought for a few minutes, and sent several encrypted messages of his own. Some warnings, and some a call to arms for various LMBPer's scattered across the entire United Planets. Every one of them was now on guard, or would soon be in route to a specific destination.
He put his Omnicom away and took a few running steps and was airborne in seconds heading towards where he knew Lon and Kalla were. He went over what he needed to do before he could leave...who he wanted to talk to. He just hoped he had time and that they were all here.
He landed and knocked on the room that Lon, as Furball, and Kalla were assigned while on Legion World.
Kalla answered the door. "He's expecting you," she said and motioned her head to the part of the room out of sight of the doorway.
"I can leave if you..."
"No, I have nothing to say that you can't hear."
She closed the door after Dev entered.
Lon was sitting at a table with his Omnicom in front of him. "They aren't wasting any time are they?"
Dev sat across from him and Kalla walked behind Lon and rubbed his shoulders.
"No they're not. I'm not worried about Han and Jon, but the others..."
"You know who is on his way, and you should be going too."
"Dev nodded. I am, but he'll make it there before me no matter when I leave." Dev stood and looked at his brother.
Lon looked at him and shook his head. "Don't worry about me bro, I'll be fine," he said as he stood.
"I'm your big brother, I have to worry...it's my responsibility."
"Well, use that energy elsewhere. I have someone to watch my back now...someone I trust," he said smiling at Kalla.
"I guess I should be leav..."
Lon moved and gave his brother a hug. It was not something that the two of them had done in years. They normally just settled for a handshake or a smack on the back. Dev returned the hug. "Take care of yourself brother..." they both said at the same time, and then laughed.
Dev left the room and took flight once again. Searching for Cobalt Kid.
He found him flying with Lolita and headed towards them at top speed.
He flew up beside them and slowed to talk.
"Cobalt, I'm on my way out to take care of things. Two things in particular...personally. Tell Lardy that his family will be safe as long as I am alive. I wish I could wait for him to arrive, but I need to get moving, time is of the essence."
Cobalt nodded and started to say something.
"Wait. Before you say anything...I really hope to the gods that you know what you are doing here. Watch your back, and watch Lardy's too. I know he can take care of himself, but he's been through so much lately...and I have not been any help in that matter. Tell him I'm sorry for how things happened."
"He knows Dev. Go take care of them."
Dev veered off and headed towards the where his cruiser was docked.
I guess I have to wait to talk to Tempest. What the hell am I going to say anyway...thanks for lying to me. Thanks for keeping us all in the dark. That the longer I don't see her, the more I wonder what I feel for her. She says that she was worried about me hurting her, but she lied to me, I thought she cared...she kissed me, but maybe that was all just lies too. Maybe it was all just lies. It's not about what happened, that wasn't really her fault...it's just more lies...
He landed outside his cruiser and got in. He did the pre-flight check and wished he had more time.
"There's never enough time..."
His ship left, headed to Colmet One.
Active LMB character is still Beast Boy.
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Time Trapper
Time Trapper
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Weber's WorldAt this point totally unaware of the danger his family was in nor of the steps his friends were taking to safeguard them, Lardy finally landed on Weber's World. Unlike the others, Lardy decided to make his entrance more low profile. The cruiser he used was of the civilian, non-LMB variety, he wore no costume or LMB insignia and his hooded overcoat was black and concealed all of his features. As one of the most famous of the LMB, he wanted to avoid drawing attention to himself. If too many prominent LMBers were converging on Weber's World at one time with no obvious explanation apparent, then he figured their enemies in the Oval would become suspicious. As he made his way through the docking area, his eyes were drawn to the vid screens that seemed to dominate in every direction he looked. Lardy face-palmed as images of his fellow LMBers dominated the local news. Images of Cobalt Kid, Dev-Em, Princess Crujectra, Furball, Sharklad, Hrun and others flashed as reporters gushed and fans swooned. Ugh! he thought. Am I the only one who thought a little stealth might be prudent here?!? He shook his head and continued on. He looked at his Omnicom and saw that there was currently no news from Cobalt about when the debriefing would begin. He walked further and saw a bar. Suddenly, he wanted a drink very badly. Might be the last time I ever have one if the mission goes badly. I mean, what could it hurt? Certainly would have plenty of time to detox in the Oval...He walked in, sat on a barstool and ordered a double Scotch on the rocks. The barkeep placed the drink in front of him, and Lardy stared at it, trying to decide whether or not to drain it. He thought about Helen and the kids and how much he was missing them right now. The guilt about missing all their early years and now risking the years to come on this extremely dangerous mission ate up his insides and made him crave the drink more. And Helen herself...she had always been his "fallback plan", the one woman who would love him no matter what. Now, she was ready to move on, to stop waiting for him. He knew he'd never had the right to expect her to wait on him forever. It would've been cruel of him to expect that. She had raised his children, even after he'd annulled their marriage years before--because he was afraid to commit, to have his heart broken again as it was when Leelee died and when Mordra tore what was left to shreds. No, Helen deserved better than him. Hell, anyone deserved better than him! As Lardy looked into the amber depths of the drink, he could almost see Tempest's face in it. He'd convinced himself that he was in love with her? But was he? Out of the blue, as if by magic, he'd suddenly recently remembered the events of last year that had previously been clouded over. Of how the woman he knew now as Tempest had been trapped in a cocoon until he and a number of other LMBers saved her. How they learned that the woman in the cocoon had actually somehow magically created over a period of years LMB members, allies and even enemies while in a comatose state. What was worse, a large number of people on Legion World died from the actions of one of her villainous alter egos. Even worse, there was obviously an effort to cover up all of this, and it had somehow only recently been undone in a quick flash of green light. Lardy contemplated the glass a moment longer and explored his feelings about what he now knew about Tempest. He realized he wasn't really all that affected by what had been an extensive charade. The aspect of Tempest that had been most prominent with the LMB was High Priestess Viviane. Viv had been an LMBer largely during the time that he was away on his quest for power and vengeance against Mordra. He'd interacted with Viv a little bit, before and after, but they were little more than acquaintances. The other aspects? Barely more than footnotes in his relativity. So no, he didn't feel enough of a personal connection to feel betrayed by their not being real. Nor did he really feel hurt by the deception, the cover-up or even by the deaths that were unintentionally her fault. Honestly, he knew that holding these against her would be the highest level of hypocrisy on his part. Hadn't he deceived his adopted world and caused even more deaths during the Dark Oval's Invasion of Legion World? Hadn't all that happened because he willfully killed some important people and then denied ever having done so? At least Tempest never intended for people to get hurt. But his own problems all started when he, of his own free will, decided to act as judge, jury and executioner of two of his enemies. No...Lardy wasn't into hypocrisy any more. He wouldn't condemn her for what she had done, not when he, unlike her, actually deserved condemnation but had never had it come down on him. What troubled him more, he realized, was that he might always be alone. Leelee and Dru were dead. He had rebuffed Pru's profession of love to protect her. Rocky had seemed like the real thing, but fate had other ideas. Now, Helen was moving on. And Tempest? Well, she was a closed book to him. Her feelings seemed nonexistent. Did he completely imagine that she cared? They'd had that one night, but, well, a one night stand didn't exactly mean anything. Not when anything that happened before or since exactly signalled this was a Great Romance. She even told him before they had sex: Originally posted by Tempest: You wouldn't be upset if I was using you, would you? The week has been a bit rough for me, I could use the relief. "It's not like she ever deceived you, Lardy," he said to himself. "It was always you who were deceiving yourself! What a pathetic chump you are, fatso!" He lifted up the Scotch. "Bottoms up!" Just as he was about to drain his glass, the hairs on the back of neck began to stand up. Startled, he drew the glass away from him and let the light reflect off of it. In the glass he saw the area of the bar behind him in the reflection. He then noticed a figure dressed in a dark hooded cloak sitting at a table alone. As if the figure realized Lardy was looking at him, he suddenly averted his gaze, which had been fixed squarely on Lardy, toward the bar door to watch more patrons come in. Lardy then put down his still-full glass, left some credits on the counter and exited the bar. As Lardy expected, the mysterious cloaked figure suddenly decided to leave as well. Lardy decided to take the most circuitous route imaginable around this section of Weber's World, but wherever he went, he saw the cloaked figure out of the corner of his eye, trying to be as inconspicuous as possible. Maybe someone less adept at this game than Lardy was wouldn't have been able to spot him, but Lardy was experienced at this indeed. Lardy took out his Omnicom and created a quick message and sent it. It said: Des, I'm being followed. Haven't identified yet. Will try to get a good look, then will lose him at the market."Oh well," he whispered with a smile, "I guess that drink will have to wait!"
Still "Lardy" to my friends!
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Joined: Mar 2004
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Weber’s World
Tempest’s craft was approaching Weber’s World. She was just finishing putting on her black and white uniform, she would wait to land before putting on the purple robe. She looked down on the world as she got to the landing port.
“I have never been to this world,” she thought to herself, “I don’t sense much in the ways of magic here.”
Tempest ship was about to land, she didn’t take the controls, she let auto pilot do the work. She loved this spacecraft. It didn’t have anything special about it really, but the way a person earns something is what can make an ordinary item so meaningful. This craft represented her hard work. All those years of study and practice, all those years of hopping from planet to planet picking up the best tricks of the trade, they were all represented in this craft. For you see, she stole it. Not that anyone would notice it was missing.
Before she had left Earth, after her visit with Leota, she decided that the best way to get to Weber’s World would be by spacecraft. Opening a tesseract that far can use a bit of magic, and with Cobalt Kid and Lardy’s warning of danger, she thought it better to fly in via mortal tech. So she went into a one of the hangers while on Earth near Leota’s home, enchanted numerous people and cloaked herself from allowing her image from being captured or recorded.
Her craft descends, she gets out and stands on her toes and stretches her body, raising her arms to the air. She goes back into the craft, grabs her robe and puts it on. She leaves the craft and heads out of the port station, she notices that many eyes are on her. When she gets to the end of her walk, she turns around, the workers are all staring at her, they fumble and try to look busy and casual. She turns around and laughs. She then notices that there are news reports of LMBPers that are on Weber’s World.
“I won’t be drawing any press.” She thought, “Nobody knows of me really. Not that it bothers me.”
She pauses and looks into her reflection in some glass.
“I’m just as regal as my High Priestess,” she thinks, “ just as youthful in looks as Opal. I am much more curvy than Kinetix. I got them all beat in the beauty department. I‘ve got no reason to feel envious of my past shades notoriety.”
She starts to laugh out loud, some people look at her, but she smiles at them and they just smile back. She walks on while continuing with her thoughts.
“I suppose I am really at an advantage. I know these people, they exposed who they really were to my shades. Their good sides, their bad sides, we became close friends and they even fought me a couple of times. I kind of have the inside peek. But I’m still an unknown to them.”
She sees a clip of Cobalt Kid and Spellbinder.
“Cobalt. We settled things with out little chat. Perhaps not everything, but at least we have a stepping stone now to take off from.”
She looks more intensely at Spellbinder’s image.
“Something else else about him makes my heart beat a bit faster, but…Spellbinder, Space Tart, Lolita, Viviane…how long is the list. As long as mine? But that’s different, he did that for fun. I did it for business.
When this is over and done, and if I‘m alive, I need to tell Dev that I want nothing more than friendship…but can I say the same for Lardy? I wonder if he’s here yet? I sure would like to see a familiar face.”
And to show I bear no ill will, I, too, shall bestow a gift...
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Bold Flavors
Bold Flavors
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Weber’s World
Ambassador Hranzer of the Gil’disphan led Shark Lad, Helena Handbasket and Hrun the Barbarian through a secluded corridor, sensing their frustration in the cloak and dagger mentality. He sympathized but understand based on his many conversations with both Faraway Lad and Spellbinder that it was necessary.
“At last,” said Shark Lad as they looked up ahead and saw fellow LMBer Kent Shakespeare standing in the hallway.
“In here,” said Kent, nodding towards a room, “most of the others have arrived on Weber’s World and are en route.” Kent Shakespeare, like a select few other LMBers, was very important in the intergalactic affairs of the galaxies. As part of the mysterious Bureau of External Affairs, he often played a crucial roll in important game-changing events on the cosmic scale. It was no surprise he was here, though none of the LMBers knew how it came to be so.
“I grow bored,” said Hrun, “it would be very good indeed if there was mead and dancing girls within.”
“Unfortunately no,” smiled Kent, “but the time for action is near. Within you’ll find all the supplies you might possibly need and then a selection of others things to choose from to bring on your journey. Consider it a contribution from the Bureau.”
“Last one,” said Cobalt Kid reassuringly to Lolita as they entered an official military governmental building. His reference was to what they hoped was the final meeting before they could join their LMB brethren. “But this one will be vital as well.”
“Aren’t they all?” said Lolita sarcastically though she understood that yes, they all were vital.
Within the building were the top brass of the United Planets Naval Fleets. The military basis of the United Planets was the navy, since space-travel was so essential to military action. The infantry and army divisions had centuries before been reorganized under the umbrella that was the UP Navy. It was a gigantic bureaucratic organization side by side with a gigantic military organization. War was traditionally uncommon in the 31st century, yet within the last 10 years there had been an almost constant state of warfare.
Cobalt Kid and Lolita approached directly to the offices of Bellassarius, General Maximus of all of the United Planets Naval Fleets; which meant he was the number one acting army official who answered directly to the Prime Minister of the UP. He recently received this commission from the UP. Cobalt Kid knew him from prior years.
“Tell me again why he doesn’t like you…?” said Lolita as they kept walking, half-joking and half-wanting to know why she could sense so much tension building.
“He thinks I robbed him of his chance at glory,” said Cobalt, trying to sum up a very complicated situation in as few words as he could. “He’s a good man and he’s honorable, but he’s a military person—you know how rough around the edges they are.”
Lolita didn’t comment on the fact that Cobalt was renowned as being one of Legion World’s Triumvirs as suddenly they found themselves at his office. One of the administrative assistants looked up. “This is very unusual, Mr, er, Cobaltus. To get a meeting this quick, I mean.” She looked flustered, as if she’d just been yelled at for telling Bellassarius the meeting was about to happen. “But Ambassador Helene—“
“Yes, I know its out of the ordinary. The General and I are old friends, though. I’m sure he won’t mind. Shall I see myself in?” Now she looked very annoyed but simply nodded to follow her and they did so.
Within a very spartan office stood General Bellassarius, and Lolita was immediately surprised at how young he was. He was in his early 30’s and not much older than Cobalt Kid and some of the original LMBers themselves. The way the media and official reports referred to him, it sounded like he was an old man; evidently, he was quite the prodigal son in military matters. He wasn’t quite handsome, but had an attractive way of ruggedly maintaining his posture. He was tall, muscular and with short brown hair. He was clean shaven and had the look of always being so.
“Cobaltus,” said Bellassarius, “this is rather unexpected. Please, have a seat.” He then turned to Lolita and at first was surprised by her presence. “My apologies miss, I didn’t realize he was bringing a guest. General Bellassarius, at your service.” As he extended his hand, his gaze lingered on her for a moment. She took his hand and smiled.
Cobalt Kid, renowned in all the known galaxies for his romantic dalliances, did not miss anything when it came to these matters. Lolita was a stunning beauty to behold and it was not uncommon for heads to turn as she walked by as sentients measured every inch of her beauty. Like many females, she was a contradiction: she was painfully shy, almost never going out of her way to interact with people she didn’t already know, and yet, her LMB costume was very revealing, being a micro-skirt, tube top, with boots & gloves. She was slender and petite but tall; her long hair flowed down her back with ease. Bellassarius was certainly caught off-guard by expecting only a showdown with Cobalt Kid.
“Allow me to introduce my business partner, Lolita Hypatia. She assists me in all matters, including all military and security. I don’t believe you’ve met.”
Lolita simply smiled, adding “a pleasure.”
Bellassarius flashed an awkward smile and said “Nice to make your acquaintance, and welcome to my office.” Now he turned back to Cobalt Kid, still a bit caught off guard as if what he originally intended to say was going to be much more vulgar but he now felt the need to hold back his venom. “Whatever you’re here for, Cobaltus, it…gives me great anxiety,” he finally said, measuring his words. “I know something big is cooking here at Weber’s World and it somehow has to do directly with you and your LMB friends. But there is something you should know. I am the General Maximus of the United Planets Fleets now, not you. I won’t allow you to usurp my authority like during your last war with the Dark Oval. Your old ally Admiral Cornwallis is not here to pull strings for you.”
The last statement was a bit of a blow as Admiral Corwallis was a longtime supporter of the Legion World Triumvirate who for many years encouraged their leadership roll in UP matters. A few years earlier, he had been murdered by LMB enemy, the Trumpeter.
“Bellassarius, my friend,” Cobalt said, adding the familiarity in a way he knew would frustrate Bellassarius, “you misunderstand my intentions. I haven’t come here to trade barbs or undercut you’re authority. I’ve come here for your help.” Cobalt let a brief silence hammer home the last part. “I’ve never usurped your authority and do not intend to ever do so. I know you feel when I was given the commission of General Maximus several years earlier it was a slight against you, but you must realize it was extenuating circumstances; my very home was attacked. Not long after, I stepped down from the position and allowed things to take their course.”
“Some might argue that you simply took the authority and your allies here on Weber’s World made sure it was official after the fact,” said Bellassarius.
Cobalt smiled. “Some might indeed. It matters little right now. I have no intentions of leading the UP Fleets. You know very well my expertise lies in more…subtle tactics.”
“Spy games,” said Bellassarius, partially in contempt.
“Yes,” said Cobalt, ignoring the tone. “That is where my focus will be. And with good reason: the UP Fleets will need the most proficient military mind at their helm for what is to come. And that is you.”
Bellassarius nodded slowly, accepting the compliment but noting there was a leading sentence in there. Finally, he gave in. “…what is to come…?”
Cobalt sat back. “The war between the UP and the Dark Oval,” he said with a smile. “With the Dominators at the very least.”
Bellassarius sat backwards now with an incredulous look on his face, taking in that statement.
“Is that scotch over in there,” said Cobalt, noticing a bottle of expensive scotch and some glasses. “Would you mind if I had a glass? I figured you were distracted in your show of force to offer me a glass. Lolita, would you mind?”
Lolita smiled, and walked across the room, leaning over to open the bottle and poor three glasses. “Splash of water, General?”
Bellassarius just watched her from across the room, at last adding, “yes, please.” He turned to Cobalt. “War with the Dark Oval? I’ve heard nothing of the sort.”
“And you won’t yet, but eventually you will. Or at least by some other more politically correct term.” Cobalt knew in Bellassarius’ heart it was what he wanted: a chance to both show how brilliant a military man he was and even more, to use his skills to do some good in the universe. Bellassarius was a firm believer that the Dominion was a blight on the galaxies and all of their empire should be liberated. “The time is coming at long last to fix the problem of the Dominion. And I need to know that when it comes down to it—can I count on you?”
Lolita now walked back over with three scotches, sipping her own with them. She sat and crossed her legs, setting down her scotch on the table and going through her papers. She handed a file to Bellassarius and then an omni-drive. “On here you’ll find everything you need to know about the plans. It’s top secret, of course. We’ll pave the way for you and when the time comes, you’ll take over.”
“Let me get this strait,” said Bellassarius, focusing on the ‘pave the way’ comment. “The naval fleets are coming in after what?”
“Spy games,” said Cobalt, repeating Bellassarius earlier comment. “Which no one will ever know about. As far as the UP is concerned, you’ll have spear-headed the single greatest liberation of sentients in five hundred years. Or at least, they will, if we can get past this perceived slight of years earlier and work together.”
Lolita spoke up again. “We all have the same goals in mind here. The UP needs its greatest General. So consider all past skirmishes with the Dark Oval a warm up for what’s to come.”
Bellassarius now took a long sip from his scotch glass. It occurred to him that he had been saving that bottle for a special occasion for several years; it had been a gift from his home planet upon his first promotion to General. He looked at the glass he just drained. “Appropriate, then,” he said out loud to himself. “This is a special occasion.”
Lolita looked at Cobalt as if to say ‘what is he talking about?’’; Cobalt just grinned at her and looked back at Bellassarius.
“Okay,” he said, looking through the papers. “Walk me through this part about the signal. And that better not be a reference to Khundian involvement…”
Cobalt Kid and Lolita leaned forward and began discussing specifics with Bellassarius and soon 15 minutes turned into several more hours.
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Time Trapper
Time Trapper
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Colmet One
Loser Lad was on ColMet One. He had gotten an alert a few hours ago from Cobalt Kid and headed there immediately. It wasn't often that his friends called with this urgent of a situation, and he was more than happy to help safeguard one of his oldest friends family.
So far there had been no trouble, and he had debated just trying to get them off planet himself when he spotted another LMBP Cruiser coming in for a landing. More people to help get Helen and the kids to safety was a good thing.
He turned his head slightly and called out, "Helen, get the things together, another ship is going to land...just about in the frint yard by the looks of it."
Helen walked up and peered past him and then turned and shooed the kids away from the windows again. They had been so excited to meet Loser Lad, one of their dad's best friends from the early days of the LMBP, that the thought of meeting more was making them even more antsy than usual.
"C'mon kids, get your bags ready."
Loser Lad had an uneasy feeling about this whole situation, but was releived to see that it was Dev Em that exited the craft. "Thank you Cobie...some power, and invulnerability to help out."
Dev noticed him in the window and made a hand gesture to stay back for a minute.
Dev seemed to be listening for something and turned just in time to catch a glimpse of someone moving at a short distance away. Loser saw another figure moving in the other direction and focused his attention that way. Seconds later the man fell out of a tree that he had been hiding in. He was dressed in Black with no visable marking on the outfit.
Dev was there in a second grabbing him and dragging them back towards the cruiser when he let the person drop to the ground. The body hit the ground limply and was obviously dead.
"What the hell?" Loser said.
Dev shook his head a shrugged a little, then looked around and held up 3 fingers on each hand.
"Great...six more," Loser said and heard a window break in the back of the house.
He ran as fast as he could through the house and found another dead body in the kitchen. This ones neck looked like someone had tried to screw his head off. "What in the hell is Dev doing? Killing isn't his style..." he said as he shoved the body out the back door and shut it.
Loser gathered Helen, Helena and Hugh together at the front door and cracked it open. He saw three more bodies outside, all of them were the worse for wear. One looked like he had had two holes burned through his head, and another looked like he had been bent over...the wrong way. He also sounded like Dev was arguing with himself. He was really moving too fast for Loser Lad to see, but the voices sounded similiar, but different...
"We don't kill." he heard Devs voice say.
"Wrong, you don't, but I do," said a voice that sounded slightly older than Dev...but the same.
"Great...Dev is going nuts. Thanks Cobie..." Loser muttered to himself, "I'm gonna die here, and nobody will ever know what happened,"
Dev spoke again, "we need one alive...stop killing them!"
"Fine, the last one will not die by my hands...but die he will before you can get any answers out of him," the other voice said.
Loser saw the other bodies vanish from the yard, and he caught a glimpse of Dev stowing them in a storage unit on the cruiser. Then he noticed another figure holding the last body of the assassins that had been sent to ColMet One to kill Helen and the kids. He was an older man, hovering about five feet off the ground. He had greying hair, and an air of confidence about him that Loser could feel even from the distance.
"Who the..."
Dev emerged from the other side of the cruiser. "Killing yourself to not be questioned is so cliche."
The older man laughed, "...and some might say your moral code is as well."
Dev grabbed the body of the last assassin and headed around to the storage unit again. "Yeah...you and my brother to name two..."
"Your brother is his own person, a bit too much like me in some respects. But he;s not afraid to do what needs to be done." The man said as he landed and walked toward Dev.
"Killing is an easy way out."
"Killing is never an easy option. Look Dev, I respect your stance, even if I do not subscribe to it. You may very well be a far better person than I am given the lengths you go to trying to avoid using lethal force."
"I'm not looking for your approval...I gave up trying for that a long time ago."
Loser cleared his throat. "Is it safe for them to come out now?"
Dev looked around at him. "Sorry Loser, yeah, get them into the ship fast though. Kar and I will take a sweep around...right sir." he said.
Loser Lad got the three of them into the cruiser and came back down the ramp.
Dev and his father were in an obviously heated disagreement over the handling of the assassins.
"...don't care about your Legion code...I'm not part of your little group. I got a call from a very dear friend to come help out this family. I try not to get my hands dirty nowadays, but when she calls...well, you cannot say no to her."
"Look, I appreciate you trying to help, but I might have been able to..."
"You would have gotten nothing from them. As amaturish as they were, they knew enough to take themselves out if caught...so I figured I would help them along and provide a bit more pain to the process.
Loser walked a little closer, "Um...might we be going now...the kids are a little antsy."
Dev turned and put his hand on Losers shoulder, "Sorry Lou, yeah, lets get going...is that okay dad?" he said over his shoulder.
"Dad?" Loser said looking back at the older gentleman standing behind them now.
"Yes. I am Dev and Lons' father. Name is Kar Em," he said as he followed them into the ship.
Loser looked at Dev, "who's Lon?"
"Furball, but he goes by Timberwolf now."
"I leave for a little bit...wait...you and Furball are brothers. He's a walking carpet for grife's sake, and you like have no visable hair whatsoever."
Kar was laughing a deep booming laugh.
"...and Mr. Tough as nails here is your dad?"
They entered the ship and Helena and Hugh came running up to them. "Do you work with my daddy too?" Helena asked Dev.
Dev knelt down in front of her, "yes sweetie, I do. I'm Dev Em, and we're going to take you someplace where you'll be safe from the bad men."
All Hugh could do was look up at him and say, "cool."
Dev walked over to Helen. "Sorry we were late getting here Helen, but you won't have to worry about men like that again. Where I'm taking you and the kids is very well protected...right dad?"
Kar Em smiled. "Very well protected indeed."
The ship lifted off and left Colmet One.
Active LMB character is still Beast Boy.
Joined: Sep 2003
Posts: 353
Joined: Sep 2003
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Furball left the confines of his assigned quarters. Kalla had stayed behind, and was making her own way to the meeting soon. Her presence here was one of courtesy to the LMBP. her official capacity here was as his 'translator' for lack of a better term. Lon hated this part of the game, but it was necessary. After this, he had been given the green light to abandon the Furball persona once and for all. He had been using his real face on Legion World for a while, and had adopted his Black Ops codename for his standard activities as well, but he knew that the minor things he had done in the last month or so on Legion World would be largely ignored because nobody really knew his face...and those that had seen it were either dead, his ally or too far away to notice.
As he walked he was constantly approached and asked to growl or let oput his infamous Furbal war cry that he used when entering battle. He used to like this and found it almost fun, but his mind was way too preoccupied at this point to really enjoy himself. It was time to make the change and make his one stop before going to the meeting.
He ducked down an alley and climbed the back wall. On top of the building was a bag with his clothes in it. They were standard fare for his travels around Weber's World. He would blend in and nobody would know who he was...save a select few. He shifted his form, and put on his outfit. There was a set of identification located in the bag as well. He grinned and mumbled a thanks to the person that had provided it for him. Ambassador Mirenna Helen of the Langley Galaxy, she had known him now for most of his life. He wondered if Cobalt Kid knew how long he had actually known her.
She and Lons father had shared a few adventures that he talked about whenyou got enough in him, nothing that wasn't public record if you knew where to look and the right questions to ask. He had once said something about there being something more between them, but he had never pressed the situation. He did jump when she contacted him though...that was always true. When she had asked his father to send him to Legion World...he did just that. When she asked for Lon to ally himself with Cobalt Kid, it was already several months into their partnership anyway.
Lon took the stairs down to the street level and emerged from a busy nightclub. The patrons had taken no real notice of him.
This...this he liked. Not being noticed by 99% of the population. Walking around unnoticed was a wonderful feeling.
He stopped and grabbed a bite to eat at a storefront deli. Not going to plan on eating anything this good for a while. Total overindulgence, but I'll take what I can get now.
He wandered through the city for a while longer, and finally looked at his Omnicom.
Message from his brother that things were in hand and they were on their way to the final destination. No specifics, but he knew wheere he was headed with Helen and Lardy's kids. It was an odd thing to him, and he wondered if Lardy and Dev had any inclination how similiar their stories were now. They were at such odds with everything that happened, but they had been through things that were so close...sure the specifics were different, but they had both lost wives, had two children and both had had those children under very strange situations. Those children were now living seperate form them and they could only see them by travelling several days. Of course they had handled things differently, but not everyone was wired like his brother. He was a hero in the old school sense.. Always trying to do the right thing no matter what.The rest of them had more obvious faults, most of them had secrets. Dev had his own as well. but not like them...not like him, Cobie or Lardy.
Lon turned another corner to a quieter part of town. He was not being followed, of that he was sure...nobody was that good...not here.
He walked towards a dead end alley. This was it. Furball would be no more, except as a tool to use in combat. From this day until he died, he was officially Timberwolf. Not a member of the LMBP, but a close ally. He never saddled with the moral code of the LMBP...but as Furball, was an honarary member. That had changed when he left Legion World. he had resigned his status, not knowing if he would ever get back there to ever officially join as himself or not.
If I make it through this...what do I do? Do I stay with Kalla? Does that mean I help rule what's left when we're done here? Does that mean I'm just there for her to talk to and love...is that enough? For her...for me? Is this the beginning of finally doing things for myself?
He entered a door that wasn't there. Kent was there waiting for him. "This way," he said to Timberwolf.
Lon was lead to a room where several of the individuals that were going on this journey were already milling about.
He looked around and saw saw that Kalla had not made it there yet. He saw Sharklad and walked over to him, "Hey fish lips..."
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Time Trapper
Time Trapper
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Note: This post was co-written with Tempest!
Weber's World
Lardy entered into the busy, bustling Weber's World Central Market, one of the busiest of its kind in the known galaxy and certainly the area with the most sentient traffic on this artificial world.
Lardy had had virtually no opportunity to get a good look at his pursuer, much less a positive I.D. All he'd really ascertained at this point was that the pursuer was humanoid, was most likely male, that his cloak was a deep purple (rather than what he first thought was black) and that said cloak featured a symbol that didn't ring any bells for him--a single, open humanoid eye.
He couldn't risk a confrontation in this crowded area rife with innocent civilians. Nor did he think it well-advised with the LMBers here trying to keep a relatively low profile. A knockdown-dragout in the middle of Central Market would kiss that one goodbye! No, he'd just need to lose the creep right then and get to where he needed to be as quickly as possible after he had lost him.
Lardy glanced over his shoulder as he rounded the corner and---OOF! He'd bumped into a lady and knocked her bags on the ground.
"Oh!" Chivalrously he bent over to pick up the lady's bags. He smiled shyly while looking up and said, "sorry, miss. I--!" He stopped dead as he realized he knew this woman, one who'd inhabited his thoughts constantly these days.
"Temp!" Somehow, he said her name with a mixture of surprise, embarassment, delight and mortification. "Fancy bumping into you here! I was..." He looked around. Suddenly, there was absolutely no sign of the man who'd been following him. He used the special modification to his lenses to enhance his vision and saw no sign. I guess he's seen enough? Lardy thought.
Lardy motioned to a nearby coffee shop in such a way that Tempest understood the need for stealth and for a quieter place to talk. Once situated, he explained to her that he had been tailed when he bumped into her and that the tail had apparently bailed. They discussed that for a few moments and some options about what they'd do when they left the coffee shop. They agreed that a cloaking spell she knew would do the trick, just in case.
With business out of the way, Lardy said, "it's really good to see you again, Temp!" He smiled and placed his hand briefly on her shoulder. She smiled back and patted his hand.
"Theresa, you asked me once what my name was. Theresa, and it’s good to see you again, as well, Anthony,” she said as she slightly gripped his index finger and a slight grin curved up the left side of her mouth.
Removing his hand, he said, "look, I'm really sorry about how I acted at Cobie's Lounge and the Villa the night after we...the night after we were at my place. I...kinda fell off the wagon. And I know I made a fool of myself in front of you. Anyway, I'm really sorry. You deserved better than that."
"It’s all right,” she replied automatically. Then her mind quickly shuffled, and she fired back, “what do you mean, ‘off the wagon'? Alcohol? You’ve had trouble with alcohol?”
"Yeah," he answered thoughtfully, "I...had some really hard times dealing with some shit starting in the early days of the LMB. There was this girl I fell in love with, Leelee. Believe it or not, I was shy and introverted when I came into the LMB..."
“I suppose that is hard to believe,” she sneered at him with a grin, “but I relate to that. A lot of people in the LMB and a lot of them with big personalities...being introverted can be comforting in a situation like that. Though it‘s still hard to think of you as anything but rowdy.” She shot him a wink.
"Yeah, I know..." He blushed a little. "Anyway, this crazy woman named Mordra came along. Have you heard of her?"
“I’ve read a lot about LW and the LMB, including many of your files.” She hated the way that sounded, as if she was looking into his past. “You eventually married her sister and their mother is part of the Oval in some way, if I am not mistaken. But beyond that I haven‘t had much time to read up on Mordra, specifically.”
"Oh?" he said and took a deep breath, wishing he didn't have to drudge this next part up. "Well...she killed Leelee, impersonated her for a while, slept with all the other LMBers as 'Leelee' and basically tore my heart to shreds in the process." God, he thought, why am I telling her all of this? "And after that, I dealt with my emotions...poorly. You guessed it--that good ol' bottle was my outlet for drowning my pain. Flashforward a few years--Mordra returns and takes advantage of me while I'm drunk, steals my powers and, well, that was pretty much the last time I took a drink. Until the other week, anyway..."
He let his words drift and averted his gaze from hers. It wasn't easy at all for him to talk about being an alcoholic to people. Only a very select few, really--Des, Rocky, Dru, Helen...and now Temp? What did this mean? Suddenly, he was overcome by the need to change the subject...
"So anyway," he segued rather unnaturally, "a week or so ago, I get flashed by some green light, and--POOF! Suddenly, I'm remembering things about you that I'd forgotten. Was that you that did that?"
“Yes. That was me. I didn’t cast the spell...I couldn’t cast that spell. Those women have so much power. It’s scary to think of what they can do by themselves, let alone together. They gave me the ability to release the memory block. After a while of seeing you all, knowing that I was hiding this from you...it made it hard to focus on my tasks at hand, so I undid it.”
He saw the guilt burning in her eyes and took her hand. Looking her square into those eyes he found so beautiful, he said, "I've given this some thought, Temp. You were in a coma in some cocoon. You had no idea that you were interacting with real people and that your actions had consequences. You weren't in control. Maybe covering it up wasn't such a bright idea, but you came clean. That's gotta mean something."
He let go of her hands. "I've been where you are. I eventually killed Mordra for what she did to me. And my actions had really dire consequences. The Dark Oval invaded Legion World because of it! Lots and lots of people died, Temp. All because of something I did and because I wouldn't come clean about my guilt." He bowed his head. "I never did, Temp." He looked back up at her, his eyes now red. "You never meant to hurt anybody, and you came clean. I meant to do what I did--and I never took the blame. I'd be a big stupid hypocrite to point an accusing finger at you."
“Anthony, we all have our dark pasts. Look at me.” She put her hand to his chin and tilted his head to meet her eyes. “I didn’t get to where I am today being a saint. Yes, I was a good little student, but when I graduated I took the stars. I went to every world I could to learn magic. I whored myself out to any man or woman. I seduced them, enchanted them. I broke families and left without a second care. It takes all kinds...I know that I will let all my guilt go eventually. I have to, unless I drive myself insane. Sometimes that makes me cold hearted. I’m fine with that. But, truthfully Lardy, in my eyes, you are not a bad man and I see no blame.”
He looked at her for a moment. In those few seconds she'd told him as much about herself as she had in all the recent time they'd spent together. Part of him wanted to embrace her as a kindred spirit and was falling even harder for her. Another part of him, though, was screaming to him that she just told him her modus operandi. How could he know that she wasn't manipulating him the way she had all those others?
After a pause, he said, as evenly as possible, "thanks, Tem---Theresa. I wish I was always so sure I wasn't such a bad guy. My moral compass isn't as focused on what's right as, say, Dev's..."
Oh, dammit, Lardy! He mentally chastised himself as soon as he said those words. Why did you go there?
“Things have been hard on you with Dev, as well. I have caused some problems between you two, I know. To be honest, I don’t care. You two boys are old enough to get over some fling. But, Dev is a friend, that’s all he will ever be.” She got her point out, delivered it cold on purpose--not wanting to really let Lardy know that she wanted to see his face light up at the news that Dev Em is no longer competition for her.
Lardy's jaw dropped slightly. He wanted to take her in his arms and say something like, 'so you wanna be my girl?' Instead, he broke eye contact and with all the restraint he could muster, he said, "really? Does...Dev know?"
“I hope so...at least, I would hope that somewhere inside he has figured it out. But I haven’t talked to him, avoidance right now seems best for both of us.”
The conflicting emotions continued in him as her words hung in the air. He wanted to talk about their night together, how great it was, how she fell asleep afterward instead of leaving, how they spooned....but what was the point? She wasn't exactly declaring her love for him, was she? Did she care or didn't she? Or was she manipulating him like she admitted she had all those other people?
He wanted to grill her and make her say something...anything! About the two of them. Did she just want to be friends as well? Did she want to be something more? Or something...less? Gods, she was driving him crazy!
Finally, he looked at his watch and said, "it's about time for the meeting. Dev's not coming along, so I guess you don't have to worry about avoiding him. Would you like to... kiss me madly? ...walk with me to the meeting site?"
"That would be nice, I don't know my way around here very well."
There were many things she would like to tell him, but this was the last she would allow herself to delve into any emotions for a while. They were going on a very dangerous mission, and for her, a very dark one as well.
He smiled at her, got up and pulled her chair out for her. He caught himself reaching for her hand after she got up but stopped himself. He opened the door for her, and she weaved the cloaking spell they had discussed earlier as they exited.
They walked out of the Central Market and into an uncertain future. Not only for the two of them, but for the galaxy.
Still "Lardy" to my friends!
Joined: Sep 2003
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Bold Flavors
Bold Flavors
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“At last,” said Lolita as she saw now in the near distance the secluded building on Weber’s World in the non-descript Zoning District. Within the building would be an even more secluded corridor leading to the secret meeting room of the LMBers. “I hope we’re the last to arrive,” she added, “after so many delays.”
Cobalt Kid landed, setting Lolita down from his arms, also eager to begin. He felt confident now he had not only the full backing on Weber’s World to sanction what was about to happen, but the proper military follow-up to make sure whatever was gained was not subsequently lost. He and Lolita walked side by side and even though there was no real need to rush, the anxiety of the moment had them moving at a very brisk pace. It was because of this that Cobalt’s sudden stop caught Lolita completely by surprise.
She turned back to Cobalt and witnessed his face slowly change from being stoic and all business to a small smile that widened into a large grin. She turned her head back and immediately saw why. “Oh,” she said, as before them was the LMBer who had come to greet them: The Royal Princess of Psyonia, Crujectra, known as the famous Spellbinder of the LMB. Once more Lolita turned to look at Cobalt’s reaction and suddenly realized why neither said something—they were communicating telepathically.
Crujectra was the true love of Cobalt Kid’s life and their love affair was infamous among the multiple universes. After years of building a strong love, the two had grown closer to one another than either had ever experienced before; yet the two had not actually seen one another in almost two entire years. Crujectra’s charitable causes had kept her from Legion World, as she traveled around the poor planets recently liberated and oversaw the social and economic assistance provided by the UP. Cobalt insisted to his friends that the relationship was as strong as ever but most of them, and the populace of Legion World in general, had begun to doubt it.
“Lolita,” said Cobalt, “I’ll meet you in there.” For an instant he felt guilty, since over a year earlier he broke Lolita’s heart by rejecting her for Crujectra. The two had recently rekindled their years long friendship and Lolita was now in a budding romance with Shark Lad, but the feelings may still be raw. Still, he was too distracted by the majesty before him.
«I’d almost forgotten,» he said telepathically to her, «just how beautiful you truly are. Almost.»
«Two years is a long time, » she replied, «I’m glad to see you haven’t forgotten me at all.» She was also smiling now as they walked towards each other. She looked magnificent, the epitome of regal authority combined with a stunning, breath-taking beauty. Both she and Cobalt were renowned for keeping their composure but neither maintained it now in this private moment.
«I never will», he said and suddenly she was in his arms and he was kissing her deeply. Neither had doubted their love for one another throughout all of the time apart but even that strength of belief cannot defeat the loneliness that sets in. All at once the loneliness was gone.
At last the kiss ended though they did not release one another. She looked into his eyes, “dark times are ahead for you,” she said out loud now, concerned. By not utilizing the telepathic link they shared—a bound some Psynonians believed was stronger than marriage—it underscored the seriousness of her words. “You better know what you’re doing, Cobie.”
“You know I do,” he said inhaling the smell of her hair and kissing her again on the cheek.
“It doesn’t make it any less dangerous,” she replied, “or controversial. You’re intending to bring down an entire political system…something that has only been accomplished a miniscule number of times in history.”
“Never let it be said I don’t think on a grandiose scale,” he joked. She smiled but jokingly hit him in the arm. They broke apart and now began to walk in to where the other LMBers were gathering. “I won’t be here long but you’ll be able to stay to see us off?” he asked, making sure it was the case.
“I wouldn’t miss a second to spend with you,” she replied, “and Kent, Darden and I will make sure you have everything you need.” As they walked they slowed down and she made sure to add her next thought telepathically: «I worry about this group assembling. Assassins, unknowns, and people with temper problems. The Barbarian. And Lard Lad…who from what I’ve heard is more unstable than ever. And then there is the murderess, whom I can’t believe is an accomplice in this.»
«You don’t know everyone yet—I have some surprises», he replied, «but you’ll have to trust me in that I trust them. I think they’re the right group for the job. All except Kalla Hrykos, of course…and I’ll be keeping an eye on her in my own way.»
She smiled now, deciding not to continue the conversation much farther as they were getting closer to the rest of the LMB now. “For someone with so much trust issues, Cobie-cakes, you have a tendency to hand out second chances a bit too easily. I worry, and will continue to worry throughout.” She held his hand now as they walked in. “As for your vague, overly dramatic references, you know I find that habit a little annoying so I won’t dignify it with a response”.
Cobalt smiled back but his face then grew slightly serious. “Having this chance to see you again before we go off…it’s what I needed.”
She looked deep into his eyes. “I know.”
The two walked into the room, to see gathered LMBers and soon the meeting would officially begin.
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Fabulous and Sparkly!
Fabulous and Sparkly!
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Rockhopper Lad sat waiting for this meeting to begin. His mind recalled a couple days earlier, as he was trying to sneak out of the Rookery. He got about as far as the front hall when he heard a voice "And just where do you think you're going?" It was Time-Teller Lad, standing there with Hyvvie the Wonder Beagle.
"Tim! Hyvvie! I--that is---"
"Did you really think we would let you go away on this mission without us?"
"How do you even know about it?" Rocky asked.
"Hyvvie's main power might be his Nose of Wonder, but he does have pretty good ears, too!"
"This is a dangerous mission, fellas! Very dangerous!"
"We know," Tim nodded. Hyvvie wagged his tail and nodded.
He was glad of their assistance, knowing that his evil double, known as Evil Emperor Pyngwyn was involved. He always wondered: What was it that was different in the life of the Eudyptes of that other world that made him into the monster that he was? How could he possibly be the same individual, albeit from a parallel universe? There were no differences that Rocky could fathom in their parents or upbringing. Somehow this other version of him had become a tyrant the like of which no one had ever seen. And his embracing of magic? Was that what drove him to insanity? The Evil Emperor Pyngwyn was what they called him, though he knew the his double did not like that name. And, of course, where the other Eudyptes was, there would be the Blaine Fey who was born in Rocky's own universe. The other dimensional-double of Rocky's first true love, Openly Gay Lad of Earth-4. Again, what was it that made this one so different? He could ask those questions all he wanted, but it didn't change the simple facts. They were dangerous!
And Adelie? What about Rockhopper Lass? There seemed much less difference between the Adelie of that other world and Rocky's own sister. Still Rockhopper Lass had been gone for so long now, Rocky sometimes thought he dreamed her up. She was in this somehow. He knew it. There was so much going on! Rocky shook his head as his reverie broke and he looked at his two closest friends, one human and one canine, on each side. Whatever he was going to face, Time-Teller Lad and Hyvvie the Wonder Beagle would face it with him.
The only character in all of literature who has been described as "badnass" while using the phrase "vile miscreant."
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Kalla Hrykos was in her and Timber Wolf's quarters by herself. Lon had gone ahead to be at the meeting place early. She told him she needed to meditate a while to gain her focus for the task ahead.
She lied.
It was something she was loathe to do to him, but in this case she felt it was necessary. For the first time since going under deep cover, Kalla was contacting her two closest allies in Hrykosia and the Dominion.
It had been too risky to try on Legion World with so many eyes on her and no secure Oval communications hub located there for her to use. But here on Weber's World, Hrykosian spies had a secure hub built in during the time when Hrykosia had invaded Legion World and part of the U.P. Hrykosian ambassadors had been invited to Weber's World for peace talks, and their entourage consisted of tech experts who secretly put in the most advanced, nearly impossible to detect communications programs known to modern technology.
It was still in place and still secure, Kalla discovered, and within moments she was in contact with Phe'Be Kyeatz and Juj Rinold.
Phe'Be was the mage whose image Kalla bore when diguised as "Hot Chick". She wove the complex spell that effectively turned Kalla into a sleeper agent in her mission to find Lard Lad and ensure that Lardy followed through in their plans to take down the other Oval powers. In turn Phe'Be played the part of Kalla, so none of the other Oval Elite would know Kalla was missing.
Juj was a Durlan friend whom Kalla had met during her days as an illegitimate outcast from the Hrykos Clan. Together with other likeminded individuals, Kalla and Juj had fought against the institutionalized racism and classism of Hrykosia. After Kalla had claimed her birthright as leader of Hrykosia, Kalla had dissolved those institutions and made Hrykosia an integrated, equal-opportunity society.
After Lard Lad worked with Kalla over three years ago and assassinated the Dominion's High Caste Leader, Juj took the Dominion leader's place, using his Durlan shape-shifting abilities. Kalla had effective control of two-fifths of the powers that comprise the Dark Oval with that move. This would give the Fellowship a better strategic advantage than they would otherwise have, but the remaining three powers were still the most formidable in the Oval's makeup.
Kalla put all of that aside for a moment and just enjoyed for a moment the sight of her two closest friends and allies on her viewscreen.
"You two are a sight for sore eyes!" Kalla said.
"And you as well, my liege," Phe'Be replied.
"Sprock, Kalla! We were worried sick about you!" Juj exclaimed.
"Yes, I'm sorry", Kalla allowed. "It was a difficult mission, though. We all knew that. But I can report that the mission was a success! Lard Lad is helping us...and bringing many of his friends. We will be going far beyond what Lardy and I had initially planned."
"What do you mean?" Phe'Be asked. "The plan was for Lard Lad to kill and replace Wyandotte, giving us a three-fifths advantage."
"Yes, it was," Kalla nodded, "but we have Cobalt Kid aboard, now, so the goal is much more...ambitious."
"Cobaltus?!? He was the one who launched a full-on war campaign against the Oval after the Invasion! His lust for battle and military strategy is legendary! You cannot trust him!" Juj yelled in exasperation.
Kalla smiled. "You're right...I can't. But I have some checks and balances in place with him. For one thing, there's Lard Lad. Lardy hates me but wants to honor our agreement, especially as he knows Hrykosia is in a much better place under my rule."
"The other is my new lover..."
"Lover?" Phe'Be inquired with great curiosity.
"Yes. I've taken a new lover, who happens to be coming along and who has Cobaltus' ear. We are in love, and he will not allow me to be used or betrayed even by his closest ally."
Juj smiled. "Sounds like you chose wisely when you took on a new lover."
Kalla frowned at him. "Juj, you know me better than that! You knew me when I was with Huldnaf! I do not give my heart lightly or for nefarious gain! Our falling for each other was an accident. That it turned out so well for me strategically made it a particularly happy accident, but one nonetheless. In any case he will protect me and my interests with great ferocity. Cobaltus would be ill-advised to cross him."
"My apologies, Kalla," Juj conceded. "I am very happy that you have found love again. I was afraid you never would after Huldnaf was murdered on your brother's orders."
"I thought I never would, either. But here I am! In any case I leave nothing to chance. I will be securing additional assurances from Cobaltus, solid ones that would make it very difficult for him to renege."
"What about the Omega Sanction, my liege?" Phe'Be asked ominously.
"That, dear friends, is one of the primary reasons for my contacting you," Kalla grinned. "Are the plans proceeding accordingly, Juj?"
"Yes, Kalla. Everything is on schedule. My Durlan espionage squad is entrenched among the Earth-4 rebels...the Losers, they call themselves. Their latest reports is that the Omega Sanction is perhaps two weeks from being made a reality, right under the Losers' noses."
"Excellent, Juj! The Omega Sanction will be my ultimate trump card in this affair. Should Cobaltus step out of line, I will have it to threaten him with. Should our campaign somehow go badly, it will improve the odds drastically."
"But you will still use it even if those other two scenarios don't require it?" Phe'Be prompted.
"Oh, yes," Kalla smiled, "I don't believe in keeping my toys mint in their boxes!"
The two sentients on the screen laughed.
"I have a meeting to get to, my friends," Kalla said as the two stopped. "Stay strong! We will reunite very soon...and our enemies will rue the day! I will be in contact. Kalla out."
Kalla turned off the viewscreen and contemplated what lay ahead. She basked in her expectations for a long moment, then used Phe'Be's spell to change her appearance to mirror Phe'Be's own.
"Very soon," she said, "the need for disguises will be over."
She exited the quarters, and before very long she arrived at the meeting place minutes before it was about to begin. She sat beside Lon, gave him a kiss on the cheek and held his hand.
Lon couldn't help but wonder why Kalla looked for all the worlds like the cat who just ate the canary.
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Time Trapper
Time Trapper
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The trip to Daroon was uneventful for them. Dev Em and Loser Lad took the time to catch up, as they had not seen each other in quite a while. Helen and the kids got a good rest, but only after the kids were told several tales of their father and the LMBP.
Kar was at the controls of the ship and had just gotten clearance to land within the castle walls. The castle was under the watchful eye of King Graftun's elite guard, which had amongst them multiple Daxamite visitors. There was nobody getting into or out of the castle walls without them knowing.
Dev Em tensed as the ramp extended. he had not been back here since his initial visit. Through no fault of his own, one thing after another had kept him from visiting, and it stung him that with everything considered...this was for the best of the children.
He was the first down the ramp, and Princess Alyson was there waiting with Han and jon. They ran towards him and he got down on one knee and embraced them as tight as he dared.
Princess Alyson looked at the scene with a tear forming in her right eye. She hated herself for what they had done, but understood that there was no hope for a relationship with Dev again.
Kar Em and Loser Lad came down the ramp next. Han and Jon ran and gave their grandfather a hug and Jon smiled at Loser lad and said. "Eye Ooser!"
Loser Lad laughed and said hello back. He hadn't seen Jon in over a year, and was surprised he remembered him. He glances at Dev, and Dev mouthed "photographic memory."
Han Em smiled at Loser and said nothing. Hanging her head a little in that shy way girls do.
Helen, Helena and Hugh emerged from the ship and they looked around..
Dev walked to them and escorted them down the ramp. "Everyone, this is Helen, Helena and Hugh. He looked to them and then introduced the King, Queen and Princess Alyson.
Han and Jon looked at the two other children with big smiles on their faces.
Dev bent down again on one knee. He looked at Helena and Hugh, "Those two over there are my kids."
He motioned for Han and Jon to come over, "Han this is Helena, she's 6. Helena, Han is 10 years old."
Han took her hand and said, "I'll show you where you're going to stay." they started to run off, when Helena looked back at her mom. Helen nodded and smiled.
"Hugh, this is Jon...he's three. Jon this is Hugh, he's four."
The two boys stood there smiling and just staring at each other. Helen walked over to Hugh, "Why don't you two run along and play a little." Hugh nodded and the boys ran off.
Helen walked over to Dev and gave him a hug. "Thank you from the bottom of my heart Dev," she said as she wiped a tear away.
Dev looked at her, "thank them," he said as he tilted his head towards the King and his family. "They're the ones opening up their home to you.
King Graftun took the opportunity to walk over and greet Helen. "I hope you find everything to your liking. If there is anything any of my people can do for you, do not hesitate to ask."
He escorted Helen, Dev Em, Loser Lad, the Queen and Princess Alyson into the Castle. Once inside, they could hear the children running around and laughing.
"We have set you up to have your own room, with adjoining rooms for the children. The accomodations can be changed to however you like though. Dev and Kar have explained to me the situation, and my entire ?Kingdom is here to protect you my dear."
Helen tried to saya something, but Helena came running up to her and dragged her off to see the bedroom that they had set up for them.
King Graftun looked at Dev, "I believe we have something to discuss."
Dev looked at Loser Lad, "this is going to take a little bit. If you want, you can stick around. Dinner will be soon, and you're more than welcome to stay for that, and as long as you'd like."
Loser looked from Dev to the rest of the Royal Family. The King nodded his agreement with what Dev Em had said.
"Okay then, I'll stick around for a little while," Loser Lad said.
The Queen smiled and motioned for several attendants to scome over, "Prepare another room and see that Mr. Loser Lad here has anything he should need."
King Graftun and Dev Em retired into the King's study.
Loser Lad went to see where he would be staying.
Helen was being shown around by four excited children.
The Queen looked at her daughter and smiled, "I'm sorry that we ever got you into this whole mess darling." With that, they moved to another part of the castle to find Helen and the children.
Active LMB character is still Beast Boy.
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Joined: Jul 2003
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The Meeting Lolita sat in her chair, watching as the rest of the LMBers entered one by one. She filled the glass in front of her with water from one of the many jugs around the room. She made sure to fill Shark Lad’s water as well, to the top, and he grunted a note of thanks. She smiled at the grunt, thankful to be sitting next to him. She took careful note of the LMBers as they entered one by one, from Cobalt Kid and Spellbinder entering arm and arm (which didn’t exactly fill her with happiness) to Lard Lad and Tempest entering overly casual as if there wasn’t anything awkward about their entering together. When the woman known as “Hot Chick”, who was not an LMBer but actually a disguise worn by one of their former enemies Kalla Hrykos, entered, she was the only one of them who did not turn to watch her walk to her seat next to Timberwolf; instead, she made sure to mentally record the reactions of everyone who watched. “Lardy,” said Cobalt Kid some distance away to Lard Lad who had just entered, “I think everyone is hear so we can begin when you’re ready.” Lolita saw how Lard Lad was able to force his self-doubt from his mind and muster his determination to lead this meeting; she watched as Cobalt Kid grew ever more confident in his plans for the Dark Oval, which meant it would be increasingly more difficult to change his mind should the need come. She watched every one of them, because that was what she does. She analyzes data, she detects patterns and she makes assumptions on what it all means and what is going to happen next. It was not just that she was highly intelligent, it was the type of intelligence she had. “Fellow LMBers,” said Lard Lad, directing their attention to the front, “we’ll call this meeting to order. Though what is about to be spoken is highly classified and cannot be made public to even our fellow Legionnaires, Time Teller Lad will be taking the minutes.” With that last sentence, Lolita noticed Lard Lad almost seemed to be taking a deep breath, realizing what was to come would be recorded. Lard Lad now nodded to Cobalt Kid. Cobalt spoke, as Lolita knew that while Lard Lad was running this meeting, Cobalt would be helping keep it organized. ‘Just like back when we were Leader & Deputy’ Cobalt had said to her on the way over, referring to their infamous friendship from the founding of the LMB to the present. There were some Legionnaires who felt that when Lardy and Cobie were at odds, the LMB was at great risk; a smaller more skeptical number felt exactly the opposite. “Most of you know why we’re here though you likely don’t know the whole story. And for that reason, its proper that before we undertake this extremely dangerous mission, everyone understand exactly how events led us to this and what we are setting out to accomplish.” Lolita looked around the room and she noticed almost all of them were sitting strait up; there was a tension building throughout the room. The room they were in was a very plane, Spartan-like conference room with tables and seats along the walls so it opened up into a giant upside down “U”. At the front stood Lard Lad with Cobalt Kid to his side. The walls were a metallic yellow, creating a bright, informal atmosphere. On the tables were jugs of water and water glasses but beyond that there was nothing. In the room to the side there was storage facility full of supplies gathered by the Gil’disphan Ambassador Hranzer, but beyond the doorway to that room, there wasn’t much else to look at. Only Time Teller Lad had any recording devices handy to take the minutes. “For the record, let’s go around the room, officially introducing who is present,” said Cobalt now, further covering the bases to get the meeting official so Lard Lad could get to the heart of the matter. Tim looked up from his recordings, realizing the onus was now on him as the LMBer closest to the front on the immediate left of the two at the front of the room. “Time Teller Lad present!” he said, and in the back of the room, Lolita knew Rockhopper Lad was smiling. Time-Teller Lad was a longtime colleague of the House of Rockhopper in addition to being an LMBer and every single person in the room knew that he was a good-hearted and loyal person they could count on. His powerset was not the most effective in battle, but Lolita sighed a breath of relief knowing he was present because his true-hearted nature. Additionally, she knew he was a savy detective which could come in handy. “The mighty Hrun is here!” roared Hrun the Barbarian, next to Time-Teller Lad, almost jumping out of his seat. “And I’ve been promised battle and a chance for glory but all I’ve gotten so far is a long trip at space and now a meeting that grows more and more boring! Let us proceed good warriors and destroy the Dark Oval!” At that, Hrun sat back down pleased with himself, and drank from a leather cask full of mead which he obviously brought with him. Most of the LMB were surprised by the outburst while Cobalt Kid laughed quietly in the corner of the room. Hrun the Barbarian was the Chieftan of a tribe of barbarian warriors who many years earlier had migrated to Legion World from the Barbarian Hordes; he was voracious, loud and destructive but while those were certainly true aspects of his nature, Lolita knew from Cobalt that Hrun was a great leader, a cunning thinker and the perfect ally to have for a war. Years earlier, Hrun and Cobalt worked side by side to battle numerous armies when Cobalt Kid was a Triumvir of Legion World, and Hrun also led his own barbarians into the Dark Oval during the last war so he was familiar with the territory. If war was coming, Hrun was good to have. “Helena Handbasket,” said the strong looking soldier next to Hrun without anything further to add, a distinct difference between she and Hrun. Helena was only one of two of them that was not an LMBer here, though she had been an ally of the LMB for several years now. Of them all, she was the one with the truest military background; even more important was that background was in the Dark Oval itself—she was once a Dark Oval commanding officer who changed sides during the Invasion of Legion World, realizing she was fighting on the wrong side. What the others did not know was Helena had intel specific to this very mission; Lolita was the only one who was aware of Helena’s “covenant” with other LMB allies years earlier which might just turn the tide. Lolita noticed next to Helena was a potted plant. For some reason, she hadn’t noticed it before but now it stood out like a sore thumb. Very odd, she thought, and made a note to ask Cobalt about it. After the plant sat a woman beautiful flowing hair, a stunning gown and upright poise showing she was paying attention to every detail before her as well. “Tempest,” she said calmly as every eye in the room was on her. Since her return to Legion World some months earlier, Tempest had been at the center of multiple storms: she was not only in the middle of a love triangle between Lard Lad and Dev Em, but she revealed that a year earlier she had wiped everyone’s memories of her true nature, which was even more surprising (and to some, alarming). The truth was that several LMB members, allies and enemies over the years had turned out to have been dreams she was experiencing while in a cocoon state. This included, among other things, both the second wife of Cobalt Kid, and even more, an incredibly powerful mage who almost single-handedly destroyed Legion World. Having her along would be crucial during the final stages of the quest because her expertise in magic was unmatched by almost no one. Yet, both the tension between herself and Lard Lad, as well as the distrust many felt towards her for her deception, would further enhance the already simmering tension. Beyond the mistress of winds, the tables along the left side now ended and the tables in the back of the room began. “Kent Shakespeare,” said the prominent LMBer who was next, “representing both the LMB and Bureau of External Affairs”. Kent was a well-known and well-respected LMBer but his presence here, like Spellbinder’s was notable because he was not going on the mission to come. They were here for a multitude of reasons: first, to help oversee the usage of Weber’s World as a launch point for the operation; and second, to sit-in on this meeting and have their concerns addressed since neither was totally on board with the mission nor understood the full extent of the events that brought them here. Kent had a third reason for being at the meeting: in addition to being an LMBer, Kent was a longtime member of the Bureau of External Affairs, a mysterious, secret organization that spanned throughout (and some wagered, beyond) the United Planets. They were directly involved in intergalactic affairs and this certainly fell within that range. Kent’s presence in that regard underscored how seriously he was taking this. “Prince Eudyptes Chrysochome of the House of Rockhopper” said the regal man who sat in the middle at the back of the room, “or Rockhopper Lad of the LMB,” he added with a smile. Rockhopper Lad’s presence had helped legitimize the entire operation in the minds of Kent, Crujectra and other LMBers; he was essential to the mission for many more reasons beyond that. Among the grave threats within the Dark Oval, one of the worst was the Evil Emperor Pyngwyn, who was the Rockhopper Lad of Earth-4. If the implications were not obvious enough, to further complicate matters, the Rockhopper Lass of Earth-4, whom Rockhopper Lad considered a sister, was also trapped behind enemies lines; this last bit of information was unknown to most of the rest of the LMB but Helena would make it known soon. Lolita noticed how easy-going and welcoming Rockhopper Lad seemed to be in his posture. It made her wonder if during this mission, his history with Lard Lad, from being in love to breaking his heart, would come into play at all? By Rockhopper Lad’s feet was Hywie the Wonder Beagle, the loyal companion of Rockhopper Lad who had proven himself several times over on Legion World. Though he had shown the ability to talk previously, he did not say anything here, perhaps showing his wisdom more so by not speaking. “Princess Crujectra of Psyonia,” said the other regal presence in the room who sat next to the Prince, “Spellbinder of the LMBP.” Spellbinder’s presence in the room added an air of seriousness to the proceedings as she was impossible to read: as a lifelong telepath, she had learned how to completely masque her emotions to anyone other than a telepath. Lolita wished that she somehow planned where she sat much better, not considering both Royals would take the seats in the at the head of the table, which meant she ended up sitting next to the Princess. She wondered if the Princess was aware that two years ago, after many years prior being Cobalt Kid’s partner and friend, Lolita had professed her love for him? Or that when it Cobalt admitted he felt the same, he could not be with her and it effectively ended their friendship until recently? She realized that while stuck in her own thoughts, the eyes of the room now turned to her. “Oracle present,” she said as firmly as she could but it still came out very quiet. She used her new LMB codename rather than simply ‘Lolita’ which she was known by or ‘Jailbait Lass’, the nickname many knew her by for years which she hated. “Shark Lad,” said the ferocious LMBer to her left. She put her two slender arms around his and purposely sank into his side a little to let his massive presence distract any wandering eyes. Shark Lad and she had only recently entered into a relationship and thus far it was going really well in her eyes. It was not only playful, but she felt safe with him. She knew though that the reason he was here was because he was one of the most fierce LMBers in battle. When Cobalt invaded the Dark Oval last time, he was present, along with Hrun and Power Boy, so he also knew the Dominion territories as well. “Timberwolf,” said LMBer next to Shark Lad, in a way that made Lolita think he took some delight in using the new codename—newly official that is, since he was using it in black ops for years—to the surprise of the other LMBers who had not recently been on Legion World. Timberwolf, the LMBer formerly known as Furball, had recently startled the LMB at large with the revelation that he was far more than a furry sidekick, but actually a highly trained assassin who was secretly working with Cobalt for many years. Most did not know the full extent but of course she did, helping Cobalt plan those ops. Timberwolf would be crucial for this mission as it was tailor-made for him. Or more precisely, he for it. Lolita noticed that Timberwolf was sitting right next to Shark Lad which a few years earlier would have seemed ludicrous. But in recent weeks the two had experienced even further revelations about their shared history and though there was obvious tensions when they were so close, they were making an effort to keep working together. She made a mental note to try to keep Sharky in check should the two begin to clash down the road. “Hot Chick,” said the woman next to Timberwolf, and immediately, the air went out of the room. Most of the people in the room now understood that this was woman was not named “Hot Chick” and the beautiful, stunning figure before them was actually a glamour; her real name & image were that of LMB enemy, Kalla Hrykos. Several years earlier, Kalla Hyrkos planned an assault on Legion World called “the 52 Event” which resulted in numerous deaths and great damage on the LMB’s home. Now through a series of shocking events, she was working with the LMB. In likely a few minutes, her secret would be made plain for all to see. It complicated matters that during the recent calamity on Legion World in which the Red Bee attacked the LMB, Kalla Hrykos and Timberwolf had seemingly fallen in love. So those who were obviously considering taking Kalla out of the picture completely, like Lardy and Cobalt, now had to consider what the most dangerous man in the LMB might do. “Quite the collection of individuals,” said Cobalt, trying to lighten the mood of the room. “Cobalt Kid, present, and I now turn the meeting over to Lard Lad so he can begin.” He turned to Lard Lad and his usually stoic face had a look that said ‘well, here we go’. “Lardy?” he said, turning to the LMBer.
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Time Trapper
Time Trapper
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"Er...hey, guys," Lardy said with a nervous grin. "My name is Anthony...and I'm an alcoholic!"
His attempt to break the ice was met with cold stares. Even Cobie looked a little embarassed for him.
"Uh, wrong meeting, I guess? Sorry, guys, nerves sometimes cause me to make stupid jokes."
"So here we are...", he continued and took a more businesslike approach. He'd had much experience with this sort of thing as a two-time LMB leader and during his relatively short stint as Chief of Security, so he was finding his voice for this sort of thing again. "...about to risk our lives in what might be the most ambitious and risky mission the LMB and its allies have ever been on. If we are to ask you to possibly give your life, we want you to go in knowing what this is all about. Full disclosure. No blindly following us into battle without knowing the sins of the men who will be leading this thing."
"Look, no one in this room takes me for an angel. I know that. But some of this is about me righting some wrongs that I've perpetrated. If you hear everything I'm about to say and decide its no longer the mission for you, then no one here will think the lesser of you."
He glanced at Tempest for a moment. A short time ago he'd confessed the sins he was about to share with the rest, and she'd assured him that he was still a good man in her eyes. She saw him looking toward him just then, made eye contact with him and nodded slightly. This gave him the strength to continue.
"About five years ago, I had ventured into Dark Oval territory on a mission of revenge. I got my revenge by killing Hrykosia's leader Damyen Hrykos and his wife Mordra. I won't justify my actions in those instances, but I'd venture a guess that many people would have done the same if subjected to everything I went through at the time."
"As many of you know, the Oval had a brutal response and launched a devastating invasion of Legion World that cost us many lives." Lardy's eyes lingered for a moment on Rockhopper Lad, who lost his lover Openly Gay Lad in that conflict. Rocky saw this and gave him a meaningful, sympathetic look back. "Too many," Lardy added. "I helped end that invasion by working with some friends I'd made in Hrykosia to fake a Hrykosian attack on the territories that were then known as the Barbarian Hordes. This was a bold move on my part that I made without any LMB knowledge...no, not even Cobalt. It accomplished what it was meant to accomplish, namely drawing the Oval out of their invasion plans. But it ignited further galactic instability and set more dominoes falling that would be detrimental to the United Planets and Legion World."
"Some of those began to fall very quickly. Cobalt charged into Oval territories immediately and began liberating some of the systems that had been annexed by the Oval. This caused a lot of political hellfire, to say the least. At the same time the Oval began to support terrorist activity on Legion World by backing a doomsday cult known as the Church of the Eternal Void. With much of the LMB preoccupied by the unification of the Barbarian Hordes as the Khanate of Sol Invictus, the Church nearly succeeded in destroying Legion World during what was known as the '52 Affair', among other names. His gaze shifted between Helena and Lolita as he said, "many gave their lives during that one, too. Among them, the great hero Bat-Fem and...and my brother Hugh."
"It didn't end there, my friends. The Dark Oval soon developed an insidious plan to annex an entire crucial sector of United Planets space known as Epsilon Sector. They used a great deal of trickery, some inside men and a one-man weapon of mass destruction to pull it off and claim Naltor, Orando and Zerox among their spoils."
He bowed and shook his head. "My wife Dru was the Oval's sacrificial lamb in that one, along with scores of Zerox's citizens who had been duped by three of their leaders."
Lardy then looked at every single one of those assembled directly in the eyes, one by one, as he told them the next part. "I was in a very bad place after that, guys. I split my time between returning to the LMB...and making an alliance with Hrykosia's new leader, who had also been the key player in helping me fake the Barbarian Horde invasion back when. Coincedentally, she was also the woman who lead the Church of the Eternal Void in their assault on Legion World: Kalla Hryl, now Kalla Hrykos."
Disguised as Hot Chick in the meeting room, Kalla tensed up quite a bit.
"Kalla," Lardy directed, "show yourself."
The members of the Fellowship who didn't already know, gasped as Hot Chick's features transformed into that of the woman many had seen on holo-wanted posters or that some had battled firsthand. Timberwolf tensed up and let out a small snarl as he was prepared to fight off anyone who might make a move. If any were going to, that snarl changed their minds.
"Easy, guys," Lardy said, making 'stop' gestures with his hands extended. "Kalla's our inside man, our guide, for our quest. She's given us valuable intel and will continue to do so. In return I granted her amnesty before being suspended as Security Chief."
At that, there were more grumbles, but they subsided when Lardy resumed speaking.
"Like I said, I aligned with her after Dru's death in order to seek revenge on what I felt were the true controlling powers of the Oval. My soul...was sick at the time, understand. And while aligned with her, I assassinated the Dominion's High Caste Leader and had a Durlan ally of Kalla's take his place, effectively giving Kalla control over two-fifths of the Oval."
More grumbles.
"Yeah, I know. But with her as an ally, we now have a distinct tactical advantage here. Anyway, things were complicated by my dying in the conclusion of the Five Faces of Death affair. I had memory loss when I came back, and Kalla wondered what had happened to our alliance. So she came back and found me under the Hot Chick disguise."
"During this time, we were attacked by the Red Bee. It turns out that the Dark Oval helped him get here. Once again, many lives were lost, this time including our noble warrior...and my friend...Sir Roy."
"In the wake of this attack Kalla disclosed to many of us our best-ever look into the Dark Oval, including its entire makeup for the first time. As I've said, the Oval is made up of five powers:
Hrykosia, a very military-structured power, with some similarities to how it's run to Cobie's destroyed home of Ggrrgg. Again, we have the advantage of having its leader on our side."
"The Dominion is the scientifically super-advanced caste-based culture whose influence has most been felt in the taking of many of the Contested Territories disputed between the U.P., the Oval and the Khanate. It is the Dominators' military influence more than any other in the Oval that has made enemies with the U.P., due to their spear-heading many of the earlier Oval power grabs. With the Durlan loyal to Kalla impersonating their High Caste Leader, we have a big advantage there."
"The Hive is a colony of insectoid aliens who are controlled completely by their Queen. Their armies are overwhelming in their sheer numbers and their viciousness. What's worse is that their Queen, who controls the entire horde, is herself controlled by a man named Harold Ryan Wyandotte. Wyandotte has the ability to control minds." He looked all of them and sighed slightly. "He also happens to be another version of me from another dimension. Kalla's and my plan, before I died, was to somehow kill Wyandotte and get me to replace him...but that's not the plan anymore."
Epsilon Sector is the base of the next power of the Oval. Kalla thinks that its leaders may be the crucial brain trust in the mix. They are Romaltus and Mala, who were the perpetrators and insiders to what happened on Zerox. Romaltus," Lardy said as he glanced at Cobalt, "also happens to be Cobie's uncle. He played us like fools and pulled Epsilon from under our noses. He was also a friend and mentor to Dru, or so we thought."
"It should be noted that Romaltus communes with an unknown god and claims that this god is somehow behind the Dark Oval's power. This could all be religious hooey, but in our business with what we've seen, we can't discount that there may be some truth to this."
"You see, the larger mission here is to take the Dark Oval down! No matter what my sins have wrought, there's no disputing that the Oval is an extremely deadly danger to Legion World, the U.P. and the galaxies at large. In addition to all of the terrorist activity and invasions I've mentioned, the Oval funds itself by perpetrating over half of the crime in the U.P.! The Hive produces addictive, deadly drugs, the Dominion runs weapons to insurgents....it just goes on and on and on. It has to be stopped before they become too powerful! We--!"
Lardy is interrupted by someone clearing his throat. It was Shark Lad. "Aren't you forgetting the fifth power in the Oval?" he reminded Lardy.
"No, Sharky, I'm not. It's how I'm ending my part of the presentation. Because if you don't buy into everything else I've been talking about, the fifth power should be the clincher. You see, the fifth power is run by a guy we melodramatically refer to as the Evil Emperor Pyngwyn and his consort Blaine Fey. This Emperor happens to be our beloved Rockhopper Lad's double from Universe-4."
"That's the kicker, Lardy?" Shark Lad said with some bemusement. "I mean, we have an evil Lardy and an evil Rocky in the mix? Kind of par for the LMB course, isn't it?"
Lardy acknowledged, "yeah, kinda. But that's NOT the kicker, Sharky. The kicker is the Pyngwyn's base planet is...Earth-4!"
Those in the room who were not in the know gasped.
"I know," Lardy assured them, "we thought it was destroyed years ago. In reality it was transported across dimensions and exchanged with the destroyed Black Sun planet, which used to be part of the Oval itself. That's the most crucial intel Kalla shared with us. And, yes, many of our friends in the Society of Message Board Posters are still alive there...and enslaved."
More gasps came at that.
"We are going to liberate our friends in the SMB, my friends. But to tell you more about that, I yield the floor to Ms. Helena Handbasket. Helena?"
Still "Lardy" to my friends!
Joined: May 2007
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Joined: May 2007
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Note: This post created with grateful acknowlegement to Quislet, Esq., creator of Helena Handbasket, for his ideas and encouragement!
Helena took a long moment to rise from her seat. She didn't like being blindsided. Not by her being asked to contribute--that she knew about. No, she was among those in the room blindsided by the revelation of Hot Chick as Kalla Hrykos.
Helena was among the many Legion World irregulars who fought on the front lines during the onslaught of the 52. And it was Kalla who lead the 52 under the auspices of the Church of the Eternal Void. Helena witnessed firsthand all the Security Officers, citizens and costumed heroes who lost so much, many among them their lives, fighting the evil that Kalla brought to their home. How could they give someone so absolutely evil amnesty?
Easy, Helena, she thought. The side of her that had an extensive military background kicked in. You're too close to this! If you weren't so personally tied up in what she did, you would do exactly what Cobalt and Lard Lad were doing. The tactical advantage is worth the price they're paying. But, by Elios, it's so hard to look at her sitting among us...
Get it together, Helena. You made a commitment. Not just to this Fellowship...but to your Covenant. At least, this way, you can keep a close eye on what that evil bitch is doing when she inevitably attempts to betray us!
She smiled slightly, then finally walked up in front of the Fellowship.
"Hello, all," she began, "we've been introduced, but I thought I should tell you a little about myself. I was born and raised within the Dark Oval on a planet that had been conquered by Hrykosia generations ago. The planet was named Elysia by the Hrykosians. Its prior name is lost to the ages as our conquerors had all references to it and indeed our entire history prior to its conquest completely stricken. All adults and children who clung to the old ways were killed. So there exists no known historical record or even a verbal record left to existence."
"My people do not mourn this. I suppose it's because they have nothing to mourn. In fact we are the most beloved of Hrykosia's colonies. Though only pureblooded Hrykosians are allowed to serve in the Hrykosian military itself, Elysia's forces serve as the vanguard of the Dark Oval's General Elite Militia. Each of the five powers has its own personal militia, but the G.E.M. serves them all with great honor."
"It was serving with the G.E.M. as a Commander of an entire Company of infantry that I came to Legion World when the Dark Oval launched its Invasion. Something else else struck me about the place almost immediately after we landed. Maybe it was seeing common citizens rising up to defend something they believed in? Maybe it was Quislet, Esq. inviting my troops to talk with him at a magical dinner table that appeared in the middle of a battlefield? Maybe it was the fact that I never really wanted to join the G.E.M. in the first place, but my mother pushed myself and my brother into it to honor my fallen father?"
"Maybe it was all of those things and more. In any case all of my troops decided to turn on our masters and fight for Legion World that day. And too many of my brethren gave their lives to defend it. Me? I lost my arm fighting the Oval's ambassador/warlord Angra Metternich." She pulled down her sleeve and showed the clearly robotic arm that had replaced the one she lost. "We all gave our lives...and me, my arm...willingly that day and would do so again if asked. To this day, every one of the survivors of my Company proudly live and serve on Legion World. With one exception."
"Her name is Mai Cheronna. She was my Company's tactical expert. She agreed to make a huge sacrifice and return to the Oval in order to keep an eye on things and report to me if anything of interest happened. She loves Legion World as much as any of the rest of us, probably moreso, given her personal sacrifice."
"Flashforward a few months. The 52 Affair happens, and several of us band together to fight off the Church of the Eternal Void." Helena's eyes rested directly on Kalla at this point, not bothering to hide the pure hatred she felt for her. After a long moment, she turned her gaze away and continued. "After our brave sister-in-arms Bat-Fem sacrificed herself to save Legion World, the survivors--mostly non-LMBers--made a Covenant to do whatever it took to protect Legion World from threats that the LMB might be unaware of or otherwise too bound by governmental red tape to look into."
"It wasn't long after that at all that Mai contacted me and told me that something huge was brewing in the Dark Oval. Based on what she told me, I decided I'd call the Covenant together and look into it. This was exactly why it was forged, after all."
"For many reasons too complex to go into, I summoned only a handful of those who had pledged to help. The ones called were myself, the second Bat-Fem, Rockhopper Lass, Clark Marlowe, Seth Gaterra and Grev Mallor. All agreed to honor the Covenant by accepting the mission, but it was decided that one would stay behind to await news or to inform the LMB of the mission if it failed. Lots were drawn, and...and I drew the shortest straw." She bowed her head in silence for a moment. Being the one who had to stay behind was a heavy burden on her soul.
"So," she finally continued, "stay behind I did. I...didn't deal with this role very well for a while." She smiled a half smile toward Lolita who had firsthand knowledge of this. "But I eventually found something to do by becoming a special administrator for the LMB Leadership Office, where I've served proudly now under four administrations to date."
"The Covenant was gone for well over a year, when I finally received an encrypted message from Seth Gaterra. There was only so much detail he could put on a message that would have to piggyback undetected on countless unrelated messages, but what he gave me was very illuminating."
"Seth confirmed Earth-4's continued existence despite all we thought to be true, complete with its actual coordinates within the Dark Oval. He confirmed it was under the rule of the so-called Evil Emperor Pyngwyn. He also told of how Earth-4 has been turned into an ice planet by its new ruler, ravaging its eco-system in the process. He told of how its populace is enslaved and being housed in concentration camps. All of the surviving SMB were imprisoned in a special maximum security facility located in what once was their city of Metropolis."
She paused a moment and smiled as a few rogue tears came from her eyes. She continued, "but he also spoke of hope! The five Covenant members had become a part of a resistance on Earth-4 that had been formed around the nucleus of several former SMB Academy students. Their leader is the son of Earth-4's Loser Lad and its Dru the Sorceress."
Lardy perked up for a moment at the mention of the Earth-4 counterpart of his beloved, departed wife. He knew this version's story from her sister, the original Bat-Fem, telling him about her. He knew Earth-4's Loser and Dru had a tragic end. He didn't know, however, that they'd had a son.
Helena continued, "Louis Banzer honored his parents' memories and founded the resistance, nicknaming them 'The Losers'. When Seth sent the message, The Losers had engineered a prison break of all the SMB and their allies. Though it was still in progress at the time the message was sent from the prison control room, Seth said that some of the prisoners had already been freed at that point and expected the mission to be as close to a complete success at the time as possible!"
"Unfortunately," she said looking down, "at the time he sent it, the control room was being attacked. I...have no idea whether Seth, Louis and the others in there made it out alive. I...I can only hope and pray that they did." She paused as she thought of Seth and their unrequited feelings for one another.
Finally, she said, "it's been months since they sent the message. It took that long to get through. But I have to believe that The Losers fight on and that they will keep doing so as they await the day when we arrive to liberate Earth-4 once and for all! And we will, my friends--we will!"
At that, Hrun was the first to get up and let out a huge war cry and hoisted his flagon of mead high in the air. The others rose up as well. Kalla was more reluctant than the rest but applauded politely. Otherwise, everyone there could feel the electricity in the room as Helena's account ignited their passion for the mission. "We will!" they all repeated.
Helena smiled broadly for a moment, then turned slightly and whispered to herself, "we will, my dear Seth..."
As the others in the room exulted their enthusiasm, Cobalt Kid came back to the front and held Helena's hands. "You did good, Helena," he said with some intimacy and compassion. We'll free Earth-4 and all of our friends. I promise you this."
She nodded and smiled a little, then went to hug Lolita and Rocky.
Cobalt stayed quietly in the front and let the others bond for a while. He knew their bonding would get them through the dark times to come.
Finally, he cleared his throat, signalling to all in the room that the meeting was not quite over. When he had all of their attention, he began to speak.
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Bold Flavors
Bold Flavors
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Cobalt Kid waited until Helena took her seat before speaking. The tension in the room had subsided after Helena’s passionate words, but Cobalt knew many of them were not totally convinced yet; most were feeling mixed emotions. “I understand you all will have some questions,” said Cobalt, “and hopefully I can answer a lot of them right now before you ask.” He stood in the center of the room and suddenly before him the wall turned into a large omni-screen. On it was a three-dimensional map of a solar system, containing several planets, stars, and other spatial structures. “Behind me is a map of the Dark Oval,” said Cobalt and he pressed a button on his omni-com which honed in on the map ever further. “In order to proceed,” he continued, “it would be useful if everyone understand a general outline of what our strategy is. It will be more complex than what you’re about to hear, but for the sake of brevity and since I fully expect to be adapting to unforeseen circumstances along the way, a general overview will suffice.” What Cobalt did not mention was that he was not ready to share aspects of his strategy with Kalla Hrykos. “Lardy explained what our mission here is, but I’ll reiterate. Our primary goal is the liberation of Earth-4 and the rescue of our allies in the SMB. This is a noble cause that I think we can all agree must be done. I would be very surprised if anyone doubts this.” Cobalt had a very direct way of speaking; he was confident in his words and spoke with an authority that indicated he was not inviting any debate. Yet, he tried to curb his unyielding message by softening his tone and cradling it with the air of calculation and logic, as if what he was saying wasn’t an opinion, it was the truth. “But Lardy was very clear about our secondary objective: the complete annihilation of the Dark Oval as an entity and political structure.” Before any of the LMBers present could react to the harsh use of the word ‘annihilation’, Cobalt continued: “The key phrase here is political structure; we have no intention of instigating or encouraging a massive loss of life through full scale war. Any way that can be avoided will be taken. But ultimately, the Oval must be destroyed once and for all.” A silence overtook the room now. Cobalt looked at Lardy and the two shared a private understanding: they were united one hundred percent in their intentions. Cobalt let the silence build to the point of becoming deafening. At last, it was Spellbinder, the love of his life, who broke it: “Cobie, what you’re suggesting…you realize the implications of this are huge? In the history of the Legion of Message Board Posters, no mission has ever been undertaken with such political and social consequences.” Crujectra knew full well Cobalt, like Lardy, understood these things. But she felt it needed to be said. “You are correct that all of us see the necessity of liberating Earth-4. But I must admit my reluctance to bring down an entire political system, despite knowing full well those who hold the power in that system are truly evil.” Cobalt nodded without missing a beat. “A feeling, I believe, many of our fellow Legionnaires will also have.” Spellbinder smiled at him, though she was truly heartsick over the entire matter. “It’s very clear the United Planet’s will eventually be endorsing this entire operation. In that regard, Faraway Lad and yourself have taken your usual measured approach. But among your fellow LMBPers, I fear your upcoming actions will always be questioned.” With that, she seemed to have spoken her peace. “It’s something that I’m willing to live with, as is Lard Lad,” replied Cobalt. “Given the obvious support of the newly elected LMB Leader,” said Kent Shakespeare, now speaking up, “what you’re about to do does not seem to violate the charter of the LMB in anyway. Given the founder status of Lard Lad and yourself, I’m sure you know that. But I do truly wonder if you’re violating the spirit of the LMB,” he said. Kent spoke with a quiet authority that caused many LMBers to look to him as a natural leader of the group: this included many who had implied seniority over him, such as Cobalt himself. Kent seemed to have an implicit understanding of the ever hard to define spirit of the LMB. “However, only time will tell if that’s the case,” he added. He then looked sideways at Spellbinder, then to Rockhopper Lad and around the room. “A more pressing concern is what we’ve now learned about Lard Lad,” he said now and Spellbinder nodded. “We’ve learned he’s not only committed murder, but during the Invasion of Legion World, when we pressed him on the motivations of the Dark Oval, he lied to us.” “Honesty Lardy,” said Spellbinder now, “its not only disappointing, its very sad.” Both she and Kent seemed to sum up the feelings many LMBers would likely feel: betrayal. Lard Lad rose to speak up in his own defense and instantly Cobalt also rose, preparing to cut Lardy off. He thought now was not the time to do so. Ultimately, it was Rockhopper Lad who spoke up. “These dark secrets coming to light,” he began calmly, “are indeed alarming. But I wonder if given the fact that this mission is about to begin, and Lard Lad is a crucial part of it, we should temporarily put on hold any further debate on these actions, and the…consequences of them.” With these words, Rockhopper Lad looked directly at Lard Lad, and the two shared a long moment; Cobalt wondered if there were tears in the eyes of them both. They were in love not that long ago, and it must be a terrible burden for Rockhopper Lad to support Lard Lad and yet stay true to his own interpretation of the LMB. “Bah!” said Hrun the Barbarian suddenly, causing Time-Teller Lad, by his side, to jump. “Lard Lad did what needed to be done! His execution of the Dominator Caste Leader has given us a great advantage! I say he should be given a triumph for his actions!” Cobalt Kid himself said nothing. In his mind he was already working on how to make sure Hrun’s point would one day be accepted by all of the LMB membership. But that would have to come later. “Rockhopper Lad is right,” said Timberwolf matter-of-factly. “Let’s table it for now and move on. It’s time we learn about the strategy here.” Cobalt knew Timberwolf could care less about Lardy’s actions in the Dark Oval. Crujectra spoke: “We can move on,” she said, “but this discussion is far from over.” Cobalt watched Lardy’s reaction and knew this would be just one more huge amount of pressure on Lardy, which only enhanced the massive guilt he already felt. Seeing his moment, he re-seized the meeting. “Let me direct you back to the omni-wall,” he began. “Here is the Dark Oval map, which Lolita was able to put together based on Kalla Hrykos’ intel. You will see the five sections of the Dark Oval and their relative proximity to one another, as well as the borders of the United Planets and the Khanate of Sol Invictus.” On the omni-com the three-dimensional map showed the Dark Oval at last: The three sectors of space made a perpendicular three-way intersection, with the United Planets along the bottom bordering both territories; the Khanate of Sol Invictus along the right side, bordering the UP at its bottom and the Dark Oval along its leftside; and the Dark Oval was on the left side, with the UP at its bottom and the Khanate alongs its right side. Cobalt now focused in closer to the Dark Oval again. “Along the UP border is the Dominion,” he continued, “which we’ve already known, as the tensions between the Dominators and the UP planets are centuries old. You will see just along the border there is a slim territory known collectively as the Contested Planets. These are the planets we were able to liberate during the last war with the Dark Oval,” he added, masking his pride, “and since then they continue to be battleground between the Dark Oval forces and the UP, in a guerilla war. Our Space Knights Templar are most active there, protecting the liberated citizens from Dominator war fleets.” “The Dominion is many different planets that have been conquered by the Dominators over the centuries. Elia is their home planet, but most of the administrative work is done off-planet on Hul, which is another planet almost entirely made up of Dominators. Our initial goal and entry point will be through the Dominion. First, it is the closest to the UP and so makes sense logically; second, we already have a huge advantage in the High Caste Leader is actually a Durlan installed by Lardy and Kalla Hrykos a few years earlier. Thus, when things go wrong, we can ensure the leadership will quickly collapse.” As Cobalt spoke, the various LMBers were now leaning forward. Helena seemed like she was in a dream, to hear someone actually speaking about bringing down the Dark Oval. Timberwolf was having trouble suppressing the growing grin on his face. “I’ve developed a strategy to bring down the Dominion very quickly with a limited amount of LMBers through organized chaos supplemented by their collapse in leadership. This will be the major initial goal of this quest for us and without doing so, all of our plans are wasted.” Cobalt now turned back to his screen, looking at his own strategy. “Following the collapse of the Dominion, it will effectively serve as our beachhead to enter the Dark Oval. While we, the Fellowship, move on to other territories, we will have allies following us in to maintain our gains and watch our backs. I’ve coordinated with the United Planets Military Fleets who will be sending in an occupying army to overtake the Dominion forces, since it will only be a matter of time before they install new leadership and begin a counter-assault. The Space Knights Templar will also be entering the Dark Oval to oversee the liberation of the conquered planets. Additionally, Hrun the Barbarian’s people and other allies will be joining us.” Cobalt turned back to them. “This should be accomplished in a matter of days.” “Unbelievable,” said Kent out loud. On the map, the LMB saw that beyond the Dominion, to the right was the territory of Hrykosia. Hrykosia had a small border with the UP at its bottom, though mostly it bordered the Dominion as well as the Khanate of Sol Invictus. This made sense since the Hrykosians had immigrated from the Khanate territories many decades earlier when it was known as the Barbarian Horde. Behind Hrykosia was Earth-4, bordering Hrykosia and the Khanate as well (which also was logical, considering Earth-4 now existed in the area of space once occupied by Helio Nocturnos, the home planet of the Black Sun, which had constant interaction with the Barbarian Hordes. It also explained how Earth-4’s existence in Universe-1 had gone so unnoticed—there was no UP border and no possible way for the United Planets to ever see past Hrykosia and the Khanate. “From there, the Fellowship will part ways, splitting into two groups,” said Cobalt. At this, everyone but Lard Lad and Lolita were surprised as this was new to all of them. “One group is to continue on to Hrykosia and from there, Earth-4, to oversee the planet’s liberation. Kalla Hrykos will be able to provide military and covert assistance while on Earth-4, the Losers will help coordinate the efforts. It is my intention for Rockhopper Lad to ultimately take the lead on the liberation of Earth-4. Eventually, I hope the Society of Message Board Posters will be freed and will join in on the effort.” Cobalt had a way of making it all seem so simple but in his heart he knew what they all did: it would be an incredibly difficult undertaking, almost doomed from the start and likely resulting in mass death. He continued anyway, refusing to dwell on it. “Meanwhile, a small group of us will move on to the Hive home planet.” On the map, it showed that beyond the Dominion strait back was the Hive territory, which shared a border with Earth-4 on its right and a border with the Epsilon Sector to its left. Beyond the Hive territory was unexplored space, the furthest reaches of space still not yet seen by the races who had evolved in the present day United Planets. “Lard Lad and I will lead a group into the Hive,” he said, taking a deep breath as he understood that for him personally, this would be the most dangerous aspect of the quest. “We have only just become aware of the Hive but what we know is truly horrifying. They are beyond dangerous and there sheer numbers are staggering. I highly doubt a coordinated military action would result in victory—either defeat or a never-ending stalemate that would result in a Pyrrhic victory at best. The only way we might have a chance at succeeding is again using a small covert assault to try to cause internal chaos and destroy their leadership, namely the Queen and Wyandotte.” He turned now to look at Hrun the Barbarian. “Who is going in which direction at this point is still up in the air, and I truly think it would be best to decide once we’re further along the quest, but Hrun, I think it would be best if you joined Lardy and I. Can I count on you, brother?” Hrun smiled widely. “At last you speak a language that brings me joy,” he replied. “We have somes ideas on the strategy for the Hive but I won’t go into them,” added Cobalt, as he turned back to the map. To the left of the Dominion and the Hive territory was the Epsilon Sector, which would be the most difficult territory to overcome. “Ideally, we would defeat the Hive and Earth-4 would be liberated and we would coordinate a multi-frontal assault on the Epsilon Sector, with Tempest lending magical support.” Cobalt sighed now. “But I know that won’t happen. At that point, so many steps away, it’s unlikely all will have gone according to plan. Therefore, we’ll adapt and figure it out when the time comes. But if we can somehow keep some communication open between us, and accomplish the goals I’ve laid out, I truly believe we can defeat the Dark Oval once and for all.” As Cobalt turned to the LMB, he could see the amount of information they’d taken in was all being processed. There were conflicting emotions: the sense of relief that there was a plan, and yet the sense of such an overwhelming undertaking and such immense enemies. “One other thing,” said Tempest, as they all turned to look at her. “Tell us about this deity they worship in the Dark Oval. And how this could be a problem.” Cobalt clicked off the map and looked down for a minute collecting his thoughts. Before he could reply, Lard Lad once again spoke: “To be honest Temp, we don’t know much. Not even Kalla Hrykos, a lifelong native of the Dark Oval knows much. Helena?” “I suspect what I can tell you, you already know.” “I thought as much,” said Lardy. “As far as we know, the Dark Oval inhabitants worship a dark deity who symbolizes aggression. But not even all of the inhabitants worship it. Certainly not the territories near the Khanate, Hrykosia and Earth-4. But in Epsilon Sector…there, they consider this deity to be a living entity that interacts with them on a normal basis. Their dedication to this Dark God is alarming.” “Is it real?” she now said more directly. “The short answer is we don’t know. Most think its like any other deity—real in the sense that if you have faith, you’ll meet it in the afterlife. But Cobalt and I have discussed it and after all we’ve seen throughout these many years, a living deity does not seem so far-fetched. So yes, it may be real. And if so, we have a very real threat to keep in mind throughout this quest.” Tempest nodded, satisfied with the response. Cobalt and Lardy nodded at one another, indicating they had said all that needed to be said. “It’s a lot to think on,” said Lardy, “we know. You have tonight to do so and like I said earlier, anyone who decides they no longer want to be part of this quest, we would understand.” “For our part,” said Kent Shakespeare, speaking for both Spellbinder and himself, “we’re satisfied. Everything we’ve heard here today isn’t necessarily to our liking but we realize this is going to happen…and you’ve got our support. We will provide the necessary distraction to exit Weber’s World. But I urge you,” he said to them all, but turning to Lard Lad specifically, “be careful in your actions and make sure everything you do is measured.” “When the time comes for the entire LMBP to join you in the Dark Oval,” said Spellbinder, speaking of such an occurrence for the first time, “we will be ready.” At that, the meeting came to an end and slowly they all began moving to the hallway. They would have one night here on Weber’s World to get a proper sleep, proper meals and then in the morning, the quest would begin. Cobalt turned to Lard Lad, who stood there waiting for everyone to leave. He could see his friend was carrying a heavy burden. He put his hand on Lardy’s shoulder. “We’ll do this together,” he said to Lardy, “and you don’t carry this burden alone”. Lard Lad nodded at him, and Cobalt left, joining Spellbinder for a night together at long last.
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Aboard the Dragon Ship Devastation Atmosphere of Weber’s World
Hrun sat in his throne room, deep in thought. What? What were the options? Battle plans flashed though his mind one after the other. Options after option after option and in all he foresaw defeat and ruin it was all to no avail.
Hrun knew more about the power of the Dark Oval than most knew. For decades now he had fought war after war against them. For every victory there were two defeats, thousands of brave warriors left behind on the field of battle for the storm crows to feed on.
Cobaltus knew most of this of course, but did he understand the risk he was taking, to stir the Dark Lord in this way?
It took all of the Barbarian tribes working under his Kingship just to hold the outlying planets against the Hrykosian armies on their own. Once Hrykosia and the Hive joined forces it almost became impossible.
Now his Triumvir was taking them to confront the whole Oval. So far all that the LMB had faced, all that they had endured, was but the mere outstretched finger of one hand of the Dark Lord. Now they would face his full might, and Hrun knew, it will overwhelm them all.
Even with all the UP’s forces, led by that vain but able Bellassarius, General Maximus of the UP military, the Knight’s Templar, the Barbarian horde and any other allies they could gather it would not, could not be a victory. You might as well try to fight a supernova with a jug of beer.
Death! Death is coming ,the only option seems to be when you will meet your doom and how honourable your death will be.
Hrun stood, looking through the view port he raised his drinking horn towards the sun, now rising above the rim of Webers World, and he made a vow.
“To the most noble and puissant Triumvar Cobaltus, Oths I have made, gifts I have taken, now I will honour these oath’s I have made. I shall fight by your side until the end and if the Gods permit, such an end we shall make as to be worthy of song”
Hrun drained his mead and gave a rueful smile. “If any are left to sing such songs”
He looked to his left, at the “gifts” he had taken from his meeting with Kent. At least with these he may win a battle or two, even if he must lose the war.
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Music played softly in the background of the darkened room. The sweet smell of lavender and roses wafted through the open window from the garden.
On a table stood a half drunk bottle of wine.
Ambassador Mirenna Helen still in the white ball gown she had worn earlier stood at the open window her figure perfectly illuminated by a shaft of moonlight. In her gloved hand she held aloft a glass of wine. Her face was twisted in concentration as she looked at the moonlight through the soft amber glow of the wine.
In a chair across the room Faraway Lad took the opportunity to study Mirenna as she stood there momentarily transfixed by the beauty of the midnight garden and the music. The moonlight had turned parts of her dress translucent and through it Faraway could see tantalising hints of the slim and fantastically toned body underneath. Faraway smiled, “that’s the sort of body that could make the Pope kick a hole in a stained glass window” he thought to himself.
“Now now my dear” said Mirenna turning to face him “what would your wife say if she could see you looking at me like that?”
“Damnation” thought Faraway, “how does she do that” but aloud he laughed and said, “she’ll probably smack my wrists and tell me I’m a naughty boy. Then tell you that you shouldn’t be doing that”
A cloud crossed Mirenna’s face, “doing what” she started to say, but suddenly she started to laugh, “oh I can’t do this Mata Hari stuff with you Darden, we go too far back together you and I”
Faraway Lad laughed too, it was true they had worked closely together for more years than he cared to remember, ever since Faraway had come to Webers World as LMBP Ambassador in fact. Over time they had become firm friends and Mirenna now allowed Faraway access to many UP and other secrets. Now they had discussed the fellowships plans and both were more worried that they would admit in front of the other.
“Mirenna” said Faraway, “I must go, and you know it”
“I know Far, but I’m worried, worried for you but more importantly for Cobalt Kid, will you keep him safe? Will you keep him secret?”
“I will” said Faraway “But first I must got to Legion World, there is something there they will need”
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