I didn't know where to put this, so I guess it's a new thread.
I think I've finally created my LMBP persona.
Behold... Doctor One!
APPEARANCE: Very big. Very intimidating, too. About 6'6'', bald, extremely muscular, with a greyish skin (actually quite similar to Blok as drawn by Steve Lightle). His uniform: a lab coat.
PHYSICAL PROWESS: Non-existent. All that intimidating physique is just show; Doctor One is about as strong as Ultra Boy's mom. Because he has to carry around all that mass of useless musculature, he is very slow, too.
POWERS: Triad'a powers would be utterly useless in the presence of Doctor One, he negates all multiplication. He has a penchant for math, particularly for the number one. Unfortunately, he does not like the other numbers that much. Doctor One also has a keen, analytical mind, although only in some fields. For example, he is the LMBP's resident expert in protistology, and is absolutely indispensable in missions with protistological themes. For some reason, other LMBP members think that Doctor One is the resident expert in scientific matters. He himself finds that quite amusing.