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<What's happening?> Raptor thought out to her teammates.
<I don't know. She seems conflicted.> Calamity King thought back. He watched as Dice's face continued to twitch even more.
Dice shook her head back and forth gently. Her hands grabbed at the side of her head as her eyes went wild in between violet flashes.
"No. you're wrong! They hate aliens!" Dice screamed, her eyes burning bright violet energy. The glow did not fade this time. Dice's golden aura began turning violet as it expanded outward.
"Not this time!" Calamity King shouted, he leapt directly in front of her. His own golden aura growing.
"E.D.E., E.D.E., You?re not as strong as me. Your tricks were always lame. Little tricks like?this. A loose rope to trip me up? Really?" Dice kicked away the rope from her feet that Calamity King had paused her way with his probability powers.
"I don't need luck or tricks." Calamity King smiled as he watched. Vi landed the antenna on top of Dice, its crisscrossing beams enclosing her.
"Haha! I can climb out easily." Dice began to climb the bars when smoke filled her vision, she slipped and fell.
Above her, Blast-Off hovered over her and pushed out billows of smoke. Then suddenly, a soothing sound began to fill their ears.
"OOOOOOOOOoooooooOOOOOOOooooooooOOOooooOOOOoOOOOOOOooOoOoOOoOoooooOoooooOOOOOOOOOOOOooooo!" Lullaby Lad floated high in the sky, flying in on his flight belt.
Dice bumped around in the billows of smoke, hitting every beam as she still tried to climb out. Her arms and legs became heavy. Blast-Off's smokes blinded Dice, giving Luallby Lad?s song time to work its magic.
"Wh...what are yo...you do...ing to m...me...?" Dice fell over the last beam. She finally stepped outside of the billows of smoke.
"OooooooOOOooooOOOOOOOoooooooooOOOOO...." Lullaby Lad sang out again.
"Putting you to sleep with some help from the one thing I've got that you don't, teammates I can count on." Calamity King smiled wide. His eyes still glowing, he knew it was their two powers working against each other. Canceling them out, allowing his teammates to get the drop on Dice without there being more problems.
Dice struggled to lift her hands, while a faint purple glow surrounded her until she passed out.
"Yawhhhhhh! Alright, Lullaby Lad, I think she's out." Calamity King yawned and stretched after placing in-capacitator cuffs on Dice?s wrists.
"Please tell me this is over and our lucks gonna change?" Blast-Off asked, landing next to Calamity King.
"Who's to say. But I think the odds are looking better by the second." Calamity King winked.
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Several hours later:
M'Onel sat on a pile of rubble. He rubbed the back of his neck, looking around at his teammates. They had sent the assassin known as Dice, off to Takron-Galtos an hour ago. But the damage she caused gave plenty for them to do.
Sensor had been running a makeshift hospital with the local staff, doctors, and bots that happened to still be active. By the time he had arrived after their battle with the assailant known as Dice, they had become a well-oiled machine.
"Penny for your thoughts?" Sensor slithered over to M'Onel to check on him.
"Other than a few hours under a yellow sun lamp and a sonic shower, not really." M'Onel shook his head gently.
"Understandable. We'll be leaving soon. We've found every survivor we can, and the city's reconstruction bots have finally come back online. They will start working to make the repairs soon. Sergeant Erin did suggest we stay and help with the rebuilding." Sensor informed him, her silky voice bringing a sense of comfort to M'Onel.
"We don't want your help." A voice rang out from the crowd behind Sensor.
"Excuse me?" Sensor turned her long pink hair whipping around.
"I said, we don't want your help, Meta-trash." A yellow-skinned humanoid who was battered and bruised with a holo-sling on their right arm called out.
"Why not?" Sensor asked, confused and offended. She tried her best to keep the lines of communication open.
"How much clearer do I need to be? We don't like you meta-humans, and it's because of you meta-humans that our city is in ruins."
"YEAH!" The crowd called out.
Spark and Nightwind, who had been working with Sensor and had very few problems during all the chaos. They saw the crowd and moved away from the growing number of Gryxians, who joined the crowd behind the young sentient, who approached Sensor. Both of them joining M'Onel behind Sensor. Nightwind's hands were ready to call forth gale-force winds.
"And Meta-Humans are the reason your city can recover." Sensor pointed out.
"Doesn't matter. Where you trash go, trouble always follows." The sentient said. Their gray eyes glared at Sensor, Nightwind, Spark, and M?Onel.
"Then you don't want our help to fix your world faster?" Spark spat.
"NO!" screamed the crowd.
Raptor gently flapped her wings and hovered in the hole in the hospital's ceiling. She watched her people chant against her teammates and their help. They chanted against her and her help. She watched her teammates try their best to persuade them, but nothing worked.
"This is why I left. They never cared for me. They hated me...." Raptor thought to herself.
"Come on team. Let's leave. We have other worlds that want our help." Raptor called out down to the team, trying to convince the crowd.
The Gryxians looked up and saw Raptor. All of them snarled, they knew exactly who she is. Their shared shame. Raptor hung there in the sky a moment, glaring down at her people. She had hoped in the time she had been gone they would have changed. But they hadn't, and there were no signs of it happening anytime soon. Raptor flew off into the distance as her teammates slowly rose into the sky, following her lead.
Last edited by Omni; 08/01/21 05:08 PM.
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Anndranna: Spaceport.
Andromeda, Kid Quake, and Magno stepped off the cruiser each of them covered in an orange and pink swirling slime. But not one of them had a frown on their face.
"Haha. I don't think I've had that much fun on a mission in a while. Who knew having to traipse through slime could be so much fun." Kid Quake giggled the purple leaves on his head rustling while drips of the orange and pink slime slide off of them.
"The kids over at the Entertainment-plex. Haha." Magno smiled and slapped Kid Quake on the back, sending splatters of slime into the air.
"This was definitely not what I expected. But glad I got called up for this." Andromeda smiled at her two teammates, having to physically look up to them.
Andromeda shook her head for a second, she was still adjusting to her changed height since she was returned to her "Anomaly State**" as Brainy calls it. She was used to having to look down on people.
"You know, maybe this will help give me a new perspective in life. This could help me from looking down on others and stay true to the self I made myself into after I joined the Sisters of the Eternal Cosmos.* I know I am not filled with hate, as I once was. But having a reminder isn't a bad thing." Andromeda thought to herself.
"Hey, watch it!" Cadet Fireball pushed through the three of them. Fireball bumped shoulders with Andromeda, instantly setting the drying slime on Andromeda's uniform on fire.
"Ahh. What the sprock!" Andromeda yelped, quickly patting herself down to put out the small flames.
"What? Not my fault you don't know how to walk." Fireball spat.
"You walked into me and set me on fire. But I'm the one to blame?" Andromeda instantly made a fist her new light-based powers activating.
"OOoo, light powers. Like I haven't seen those before." Fireball's hands flashed to life, two small fireballs spinning rapidly in her palms. Before she fired them at Andromeda?s feet.
In seconds Andromeda blasted past Fireball, striking her two times forcing her to the ground using her light speed. Flashes of light erupting from her body as she moved.
"Ugg...you think because you're fast I can't take you?" Fireball started to stand called forth several small fireballs.
"Don't even think about it, Lizz." Kid Quake stamped his foot, sending a tiny shockwave towards Fireball, forcing her to fall down again.
"That's right. Pick on the cadet. Because you "big squaders" are so powerful. So important! But yet you can't save anyone!" Fireball screamed into their faces. Her eyes started to water a bit before she flew off into the purple-golden sky.
"What was that about?" Magno looked at Kid Quake and Andromeda.
"I have no idea...." Andromeda continued to watch Fireball flying off, unsure of what to do.
*Andromeda joined the The Sisters of the Eternal Cosmos. Legionnaires # 46. After she emerged from The Anomaly in issue Legionnaires 64 it introduced her Anomaly state, making her shorter and giving her new powers in addition to her Daxamite powers. The Anomaly itself was introduced in Legion of Super-Heroes # 100.
Last edited by Omni; 08/01/21 05:53 PM.
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Xanthu: Roll Call: Dreamer - Nura Nal of Naltor U247 - precognition Impulse Kent Shakespeare of Earth - Limited invulnerability, super speed, and Super strength. Medical knowledge. Greater physical stamina. But requires sleep after. The stars moved slowly across the sky. The blackness made Xanthu's sun shine even brighter. Dreamer was bored as she looked up out the window of the Rehabilitation Center at the mid-afternoon sky.
"Kent, are we almost done?" Dreamer asked, pulling her platinum blonde hair into a mock ponytail. She pulled at her hair before letting it fall back down.
Dreamer had accompanied Cadet Kent Shakespeare to the Rehabilitation center again. While Star Boy and the others went on patrol of Hanuburg, a suburb of Xan City. They had experienced some riots lately surrounding the introduction of a Cybernetic Re-juice center; for Xanthuians who decided to stay Cybernetic. CyberJucier, as it was called, helped Xanthu-cyberneticians restock on parts for their bodies and be a local hang-out/information center for those in the community and their allies. The riots came from "concerned" citizens, who, in all honesty, were scared they may get taken over again.
"Almost, Nura. Atmos' powers are just simply incredible. I can't believe he was created...and modeled after Atom'x.? Cadet Kent Shakespeare tapped away at his Omnicom running readings on Atmos. Atmos paid little attention to Cadet Shakespeare as he worked in the rehabilitation training chamber.
"I know Kent. But we've been here for hours. I've helped the staff and visited with many patients. I thought by the time I was done; you'd be done as well." Dreamer stood and moved next to Kent. Kent stood in front of a thin see-through orange wall that separated them from the rehabilitation training chamber.
"I'm sorry. I know. I've been working on understanding how it works and the applications. But I understand. This isn't the most interesting thing for you. I am just so curious about how his body has changed. So many people are now coming around to wanting to be a Meta-Human, and each time it's different. Is it different because of the process, or is it because of their genetics? There are just so many questions to be answered." Cadet Kent Shakespeare adjusted his rimless glasses, his excitement growing.
"I know. I'm sorry. I just need a meditation hour, and I thought we were leaving. But I understand. You have a lot of work to do. Would you mind if I left? I'm sure we can send a car back for you later." Dreamer gave a small smile.
"No, it's fine Dreamer. I should leave anyway. I have been here a long time. I get wrapped up. But I can study the readings I have."
"Thank you, Kent."
Dreamer and Kent gave each other a smile and quietly walked out of the observation room for the rehabilitation study chamber. It didn't take long for them to make their way through the hospital to the main entrance. But Dreamer hadn't been very chatty during the walk.
"It's the constant view of the stars, isn't it?" Cadet Kent Shakespeare asked.
"You seem out of sorts. I'm guessing it's because of the thin atmosphere and lack of a typical "sky" during the day." Cadet Kent Shakespeare observed.
"Oh, yeah. I guess that's part of it. I've been having trouble with my visions and I guess it's still causing me more stress than I realized." Dreamer looked forward not meeting Cadet Shakespeare's kind blue eyes.
"Nura, I can run some tests on you if you'd like. I've studied Naltorian physiology during medical school and how your visions connect to your health. I'm sure one of my tests might give us a clue as to how to help your physical and meta-physical "bodies"." Cadet Kent offered.
"Thank you, Kent, you are a sweetheart."
"Of course, it is what any good doctor would do. Can you tell me anything about your symptoms?" Cadet Kent Shakespeare quickly pulled out his Omnicom and began taking notes.
"Well...." Dreamer was about to begin to stop.
Last edited by Omni; 08/01/21 07:33 PM.
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Nice mission on Raptor's world. Poor Raptor, I understand her very well. To hope for one's own home to change, yet to see so much hate.
Nice conflict between Calamity King and Dice, very well done. I like the Robin Hood past and their divergence... Lullabye Lad as a surprise to save the day! Also smart to take M'Onel out with a lead/red sun combo, I guess it hit through his serum for a bit.
Poor Fireball... maybe Andromeda, with all the changes she went through, is the right person to help her through this
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Hi IB, thanks! I'm glad you've liked the bit that I've posted. Yeah Raptor's world isn't a place for meta's. Yeah, its a hard pill to swallow. Dice is very capable and plans a head. But her luck/jink powers have a lot to do with it and the lead rope got a little luck.  I'm trying to give everyone their moment to shine and to day it was Lullaby Lad. Yeah, Fireball... things are not going to get much better for her. Stay tuned.
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"Could this reveal the team's secret? Kent is sweet, but I don't think this is something I can share with him...But if he can help...." Dreamer thought to herself.
"My visions used to be rather hazy. I could only have them while asleep. My powers were completely random to the point I was narcoleptic. But then I learned techniques that allowed me to focus my powers to a fine point. I do not need sleep to have visions anymore. My training has taught me to never sleep. Before, my visions would fill my mind so much that there was no rest while I slept. After my training, I became a tactical miracle worker. My visions had become precise. Brainy even said it was within a 97% accuracy. After one of his skeptical analyses of my abilities. But that has changed. Now, my visions are hazier than ever. I don't have anywhere near the control I used to have...." Before Dreamer could carry on, her blue eyes glazed over, turning opaque. Seconds later, her eyes fluttered, and she was back to normal.
"Dreamer...Nura? Did you just have a vision?" Cadet Kent Shakespeare scanned Dreamer with his Omnicom.
"I did, and we have company. Outside there is a group of terrorists waiting...well for us." Dreamer's eyes narrowed, she thought back on the vision.
"Us? But why?"
"Because we "don't belong on Xanthu", according to them." Dreamer's voice hardened.
"Ahh. Then I guess it's time to fight?" Cadet Kent Shakespeare frowned. He didn't enjoy fighting as much as some of his fellow cadets and officers.
"Unfortunately. Now, they are going to come in from above shooting." Dreamer's eyes glazed over again, showing her where they were, her powers precision increasing.
"What is happening...." Dreamer thought to herself.
"Then I guess, I'll head out first and draw their fire. My hide can take it."
"I'll head up four floors and force them down with fire from above them. Wait for my signal." Dreamer ran off to the Science Police station within the lobby, alerting the regular S.P. within the rehabilitation center, instantly putting the center on lockdown. Dreamer quickly made her way up the two floors to a window overlooking the main entrance. They're on the roof across from the street from the rehabilitation center. They stood on the roof. Two of them stood watching intently while the third took aim at the main entrance. Dreamer tapped the third button on her utility belt. The bubble capsule opening to release a small white laser shooter that within seconds expanded. Dreamer grabbed the handle. The guns barrel began to gently glow with a yellow light.
Cadet Kent Shakespeare waited just inside the double doors. He looked up to see if he could see his "assailants" but the view he had left much to be desired.
<Kent, your good to go. They have you in their sights. Act normal but be careful.> Dreamer cautioned over the telepathic earplug commlink.
Cadet Kent Shakespeare took a deep breath and walked out into the shining sun. The moment played out slowly for Cadet Kent Shakespeare. Each step landed with a loud deep thud. The yellow sunlight gently cascaded over Cadet Kent Shakespeares' eyes, concealing his knowing eyes underneath his rimless glasses. High above him, a breeze blew across the rooftop where three sentients waited to fire.
"Fire!" Screamed the three sentients, their laser rifles rained down on Cadet Kent Shakespeare.
"Here we go...." Cadet Kent Shakespeare dodged the first round of blast before he was finally struck by a couple.
"Argghhh!!" Cadet Kent screamed, the blast hitting his back sending him down to one knee. The blast ripped through his brown jacket and black shirt.
"We got him!" Screamed a small sentient in a clear glass-looking armor.
Last edited by Omni; 08/07/21 08:25 PM.
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The smoke cleared from below, revealing Cadet Kent Shakespeare looking up at them smiling.
"I guess I should have worn my uniform instead. Ha." Cadet Kent Shakespeare laughed a little bit looking down at his shirt and jacket; which were in tatters, most of it disintegrated by the laser revealing his chiseled muscular frame.
"Hmmm...oh ooo...better put that out." Cadet Kent Shakespeare patted down his thick chest hair noticing it had caught fire.
"What?" The sentient in the clear armor's eyes widened.
"Good job Kent." Dreamer thought to herself with a smile before firing her own laser's rapid-fire style.
"Where is that coming from?"
"Take cover!"
The three sentients split up. One found cover behind a half wall on the roof while the other two jumped from the roof of the two-story building. Cadet Kent Shakespeare watched the two sentients jump down, each one confident they would stick their landing.
"Is that one wearing invisible armor?" Cadet Kent Shakespeare asked aloud to no one in particular.
"It's called Clear ya alien scum!" Called the clear armored man before, he began firing on Cadet Kent Shakespeare, who raised his arms and blocked the blasts.
<Uhhaaa! Ouch! Alright, these blasts are starting to hurt a bit. Are you going to join me down here or what?> Cadet Shakespeare called over the telepathic earplug commlink.
<Coming down now!> Dreamer fired her blaster, she took aim on the clear armored sentient, while she flew down on her flight ring.
Behind Dreamer, the Science Police officers from the rehabilitation center continued to fire on the roof, pinning down the one remaining sentient.
"Watch the face, lady!" Screamed the clear armored sentient.
"Then stop firing on my friend!" Dreamer yelled back.
"You first!" yelled the other sentient who had finally landed after avoiding all of the laser blasts. His fist glowed a hot neon yellow before blasting at Dreamer, who narrowly moved out of the way.
Dreamer stared at the sentient firing on her recognizing the starfield mask he wore as that of the Starman from the other Legion of Super-Heroes universe.
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"Is he a doppelganger of some sort of this universe's Thom?" Dreamer thought to herself. She continued to dodged energy bolt after energy bolt.
Dreamer moved fluidly through the sky, moving away from the rehabilitation center after seeing the bolts shatter through a wall in its fa?ade.
"Who are you supposed to be? I like to know whose nass I'm going to be kicking." Dreamer quipped. She landed on the ground escaping a bolt of energy.
"Names Star-Mash, alien trash!" Star-Mash's gloved hands radiated a yellow light before firing on Dreamer again.
"Ahhh!" Dreamer screamed her powers were activating in the nick of time to save her.
"I really do miss these pre-warnings. But I wish they'd come sooner!" Dreamer thought to herself, jumping out of the way from another bolt.
"Would you stay still!" Star-Mash screamed, firing round after round.
Dreamer's glazed-over eyes kept her moving from spot to spot. While Cadet Kent Shakespeare continued to take blasts from the clear armored man. His shirt and jacket were completely destroyed.
"Enough!" Cadet Shakespeare screamed in a burst of super speed. He rushed past the clear armored man and grabbed hold of his blaster, which once in Cadet Kent Shakespeare's hands, the blaster was no longer clear, its gray and black colors returning.
"You think I need a blaster? That was just for your benefit. Now get ready to feel the power of Xanthu its self and the Clear Marble! AHHHHH!" The Clear Marble screamed as a white glow surrounded his body. The Clear Marble's muscles flexed and increased in size by a few inches, but he still remained short and squat in height.
"AHHHHH!" The Clear Marble yelled, running at Cadet Kent Shakespeare, who stared at him in shock before instantly grabbing hold of The Clear Marble's helmet. He held the squat man back.
"Uhmm...I don't mean to embarrass you like this. But my arm span is more than capable of holding you where you are." Cadet Kent Shakespeare used his free hand to adjust his rimless glasses.
"That's what you think!" The Clear Marble called out before stomping his foot on the ground hard. He made a small shock wave that reverberated up both of their bodies.
Both Cadet Kent Shakespeare and The Clear Marble shook violently until Cadet Kent Shakespeare fell over and began vomiting.
"Gotta love being connected to the planet to use its natural occurrences in my defense. Now get ready to be made an example of!" The Clear Marble raised his fist high above Cadet Kent Shakespeare's head, ready to swing down on him while he continued to vomit.
Last edited by Omni; 08/07/21 09:01 PM.
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Dreamer flew past The Clear Marble, knowing Star-Mash's bolt would strike him. Dreamer flew upward. His blast licked the heels of her feet before it smashed into The Clear Marble's back, sending him flying into a bunch of bushes. A stray beam of energy blasted closer to Dreamer, hitting her small blaster, forcing her to drop it. Dreamer quickly landed next to Cadet Kent Shakespeare and helped him stand.
"What did that little man do to you?" Dreamer asked, pulling Cadet Kent Shakespeare up into the sky placing his arms around her shoulders.
"He said he used the planet's natural occurrences as a defense. Ooo...can we slow down before I vomit all in your hair." Cadet Kent Shakespeare's cheeks flushed with the color green.
Dreamer looked for a spot to land behind a large garbage truck, her visions showing it as a blind spot.
"We should be safe for a moment to regroup. We have two assailants, one armored...."
"That's The Clear Marble...." Cadet Kent Shakespeare whispered in between slow breaths trying to control his gagging.
"And the other is Star-Mash, throws a pretty mean energy bolt. But they both look pretty durable. Any chance your Omnicom can connect and find out anything else about them?"
"My Omnicom got destroyed during the initial blast. Thankfully I uploaded the scans I did to our Anndranna servers. What about that ring on your finger? I've seen you and some of the other officers communicate and pull up holograms on it."
"Let's see...I've never connected it to the Infonet in this re...I mean this sector of space. The rings might have issues with the rim worlds." Dreamer wasn't sure if Brainy had made the rings secure against hacking when connecting to a world's Infonet.
Dreamer raised her ring and spoke the two names into her flight ring. Two small holograms popped up from the ring's surface.
"Star-Mash, former military, capable of energy blasts, and making his own body as dense as a star...While the other is...a former planetary champion??" Dreamer looked at Cadet Kent Shakespeare confused.
"The Clear Marble must be connected to Xanthu and can use the planets abilities...like the shockwaves from earthquakes. That's what he did to me...." Cadet Kent Shakespeare marveled at the concept of one person being so connected to a planet. But not be an elemental of some sort.
"Ziiiiiiiippoooppp!" The sound caught the two of them off guard.
"What was that?" Cadet Kent Shakespeare started to move to the edge of the garbage truck.
Last edited by Omni; 08/07/21 09:19 PM.
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Ooh terrorists on Xanthu. "They don't belong." A throwback to early/mid Reboot where Xanthu had a sort of rivalry and inferiority complex towards Earth...
Nice touch, having Legionnaires like Dreamer carry weapons in their belt pouch. Makes sense; they need to be able to defend themselves and others
Hah! nice acting from Kent! I don't know him that well (I speed-read much of the 5YL) but you write Kent very well
Watch the face... oh Starman! a version of him, anyway. interesting twist.
Whoa. interesting powerset for Clear Marble. Connected to Xanthu...
former planetary champion huh... anyone else we know?
looking forward to the next bit. Was a great action scene, great use of Dreamer's powers too!
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Thank you IB,
I'm glad you've enjoyed this mission. Couple more post and it should be finished.
Clear Marble is an OC and no one we know I'm afraid.
I honestly haven't read anything with Kent outside of the fan fics here. So i'm glad you're enjoying him.
More soon!
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"It was the rehabilitation center. They erected their force field, cutting us off from their support. But they needed to after the last one on the roof launched a large attack. But I didn't see a cannon with them when I flew overhead...." Dreamer tried to focus to see if she could get a vision.
"Come out, come out where ever you are!" Called the voice of the third attacker.
<Can you speed around him and take him out?> Dreamer switched to the telepathic earplug commlinks signaling Cadet Kent Shakespeare with a single manicured finger covering her lips.
<Yes, but that might be the last of my super speed. I've been using most of my power to sustain my limited invulnerability and super strength. I'm afraid I might pass out before I make any headway.>
<You pass out when you exert yourself too much?>
<Sometimes.> Cadet Kent Shakespeare looked underneath the truck seeing two feet in sleek black boots. The sunlight traveled up them as they moved.
"Found you!" The third attacker said softly before firing on the garbage truck. The energy hit the side of the giant green truck, the glow extending outward, turning the forest green of the truck, into neon green.
"Move!" Dreamer called, finally seeing the neon green glow moving down their side of the truck.
The two of them jumped from behind the garbage truck with moments to spare. The truck exploded, metal and trash raining down from the sky. Dreamer and Cadet Kent Shakespeare ran fast through the falling debris.
"Hahaha. Now, this is how you take out the trash!" Star-Mash called out. He fired bolt after bolt of energy but not at Dreamer and Cadet Kent Shakespeare, but at the falling trash making more debris for the two of them to avoid.
The Clear Marble ran at full speed towards Cadet Kent Shakespeare. He avoided a giant falling bag of trash before Star-Mash sent a bolt bursting the bag open. It rained down the shredded papers, leftover pasta noodles, and a slimy greenish-gray sauce. All of it landing on The Clear Marble and Cadet Kent Shakespeare. The two of them rolled around, landing punch after punch across each other's faces.
"Thank goodness for Super strength!" Cadet Kent Shakespeare thought to himself right as he gave an uppercut to The Clear Marble, sending him flying backward into a giant pile of garbage bags.
"Ahhhh!" Cadet Kent Shakespeare called out as a pink blast came from his left. It struck his shoulder, leaving a small burn mark across his skin. Cadet Kent Shakespeare's blue eyes grew wide.
<I'm running low on energy...That blast almost maxed out my invulnerability.> Cadet Kent Shakespeare thought out to Dreamer.
<I'm pinned down by our newest guest. Let me see if I can get any information.> Dreamer held her right hand up, scanning their newest attacker.
<The one firing is known as Ven-xau. She's cybernetic. Her arms are the weapons. That's why I didn't see a cannon. Kent, can you get out of your brawl?> Dreamer asked, running away and leading Ven-xau's blast towards Star-Mash. Dreamer's vision powers kicked in, showing her that Star-Mash would be three clicks away from Ven-xau's blast.
"Move, come on, Nura, move!" Dreamer scolded herself.
Dreamer ran through the garbage still that littered the street. She did her best to avoid slipping on anything. But with each move, she made both Star-Mash and Ven-xau's blasts narrowly escaped hitting her. The garbage blowing up around her as their blasts struck.
"Fiss......Boom!" one bag burst open. "Fiss......Boom! Fiss......Boom!" The two more.
Dreamer pivoted herself. She missed the burst of the third bag of garbage. Thick smoke wafted through the air while garbage rained down covered in fire. The burning stink of the garbage filling Dreamer's nostrils before the eco-protect kicked in, taking away the toxic smells.
"Ugg...why did it have to be garbage day?" Dreamer pulled off a thick slab of wet bread from her head, the eco-protect function on her flight ring protecting her from getting wet and disgusting.
"Because it's the day we take out all the trash and better to get it all out!" Ven-xau brought her silver metal arms together and morphed them into a single cannon. A giant ball of green light began to form at the opening. The cannon powered up while at the same moment across the street Star-Mash's yellow bolts of energy pulsed in his fist.
"Time this just right...." Dreamer thought to herself.
Last edited by Omni; 08/08/21 04:41 PM.
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Dreamer watched both of them powering up. Her blue eyes glazed over as she foresaw their movements. Star-Mash would fire with his left hand first, while Ven-xau continued to build a charge. Tendrils of energy radiating off of the ball of energy. The energy hit the power lines beneath the streets, breaking their coating causing them to explode. Tiny yellow sparks flew into the air running down the length of the street. Dreamer saw it in her mind's eye. The sparks making their way towards Star-Mash, blinding him.
"I've gotta stay right here...let the tendrils wander towards him...."
"AHHHHHH!" Dreamer screamed as Star-Mash's blasts and the sparks from the exposed energy cables blinded her. Her platinum blonde hair flounced about from the passing blasts, while the light from the blasts bounced off her hair.
Dreamer's eyes narrowed, looking back and forth between the two before she began running as fast as she could. She blocked her eyes from the sparks. The green energy tendrils licked at her white boot heels. Dreamer looked back and saw the ball of green energy was almost complete. It floated in front of Ven-xau, whose smile grew and grew with each tendril released.
"One more second...." Dreamer thought to herself, the last tendril from her vision. The next wave from Star-Mash almost reached her.
Star-Mash increased his density and pushed his charged left fist forward, firing an energy bolt. Dreamer watched it happen in slow motion. Star-Mash-s blast gracefully passed through the air, the sizzle of its heat burning through the trash, fire, and energy alike. The yellow glow from his bolt cascaded over Dreamer's face the closer it got. At the very last second Dreamer closed her eyes and willed her flight ring to take her up into the air as fast as she could. The neon yellow blast from Star-Mash whooshed through the spot Dreamer was standing in and raced straight towards Ven-xau whose green energy ball hadn't fired yet. The bolt of energy fused with that of Ven-xau's energy ball.
"What the sprock did you just do??" Ven-xau's smile faded as panic filled her eyes.
"It's just energy. Throw it at the alien scum!" Star-Mash yelled right before a tendril made its way directly in front of him, exploding an exposed cable. Thousands of tiny yellow sparks filled his eyes, causing the bolt on his right fist to fire directly at the ball of energy again. While he fell to his knees.
"No!" Ven-xau screamed. The green and swirling ball of yellow energy grew in size, the energy tendrils growing bigger and erupting faster with each passing nano-second until finally, it exploded.
Ven-xau's body began to twitch. The energy surged through her body over and over again, frying every circuit within her body. The smell of burning flesh and melted metal filled the air as the energy ate her whole, disintegrating her within seconds.
"Ven-xau!" Star-Mash screamed.
The Clear Marble jumped out of the way of an energy tendril, that had made its way towards him and Cadet Kent Shakespeare. The pair had still been fighting and rolling around on the ground in the trash. Cadet Kent Shakespeare blocked his eyes from the glow of the energy tendril before he rolled away from the exploding energy.
<Dreamer, is this supposed to be happening? Is this part of the vision?> Cadet Kent Shakespeare thought over the telepathic earplug commlink.
<Yes. Now move! The Clear Marble's charging again!> Dreamer warned from the air, her powers warning her as smoke filled her eyes from the burning trash below.
Cadet Kent Shakespeare did his best to flatten himself against the wall of a nearby building, the Clear Marble rushed past Cadet Kent Shakespeare, his vision also clouded by the burning smoke.
"GrRR! You can't hide from me in this smoke! Xanthu will be cleansed of your filth!" The Clear Marble quickly turned, ready to ram him again.
"My filth has every right to be here. Your world opened its doors to "Aliens" and we aren't here for trouble but to build homes and lives for ourselves. You're the one causing trouble. We didn't take anything from you!" Cadet Kent Shakespeare stood in the center of the clearing smoke. He was unafraid of this mad man. Even with the little bit of power he had left, he wasn?t going to cower before The Clear Marble.
Cadet Kent Shakespeare stood, his eyes focused on The Clear Marble waiting. While Dreamer watched and waited for Star-Mash to do something. But he sat at the pool of melted metals and small amounts of ash.
Last edited by Omni; 08/08/21 05:33 PM.
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"She's gone...She's gone again..." Star-Mash's voice quivered. His gruff voice cracked with each syllable.
Star-Mash pulled off his starfield mask, revealing a full white beard and a shaved head. His eyes glowed white, small glowing balls circled his eyes. Even though you?d expect energy to be leaking out, the only thing that left his eyes were clear tears. His muscular frame heaved with every sob.
"I can't...I can't lose her...." Star-Mash's hands began forming fists, the yellow energy washing outward from them. His powers began to surround his body.
<Kent, Star-Mash is going critical...we need to shut this down.> Dreamer thought out, catching a glimpse out of the corner of her eyes of Kent waiting for his own target to strike.
<Dreamer, I?ll do my best to take out The Clear Marble. But I?m running low on energy?> Cadet Kent Shakespeare readied himself.
Dreamer looked around, the glow from Star-Mash getting brighter and brighter. While fires raged around them, burning every tree nearby. Each building around them had erected protective shields. The Citizens of Xan City and the Rehabilitation Center watched in horror. At that moment, Dreamer knew what she had to do. There was no amount of fighting that was going to stop this moment. Dreamer tucked a strand of platinum blonde hair behind her ear and slowly walked over to Star-Mash. The glow bathed her in its light, coloring her hair with the same yellow tint. The heat from the blast warming her. Dreamer?s flight ring adjusting the eco-protect.
"Maybe I should turn it off...." Dreamer thought to herself about the eco-protect.
Dreamer didn't say anything as she approached Star-Mash. Dreamer winced, her eyes blinded by the light from his powers surging around his body. Star-Mash's body glowed so brightly, his skin changed from its tan-pinkish hue to a dark magenta with stars gliding across it. His muscles rippled with each nano-second of energy coursing through him. But as Dreamer moved closer, she realized Star-Mash wasn?t just increasing his energy output but his density creating his own sort of gravitational pull. Dreamer was pulled in more and more, making what she was about to do easier.
"St...Star-Mash? Can you hear me?" Dreamer called out, turning her face away a little bit.
"GO AWAY!" Star-Mash screamed the pool of metal that was Ven-xau having lifted up and gravitated towards him. Its liquid soupy mess kept slipping through his fingers, making him sadder and angrier.
"No! You need to power down! I'm here to help...." Dreamer moved closer, bending down next to him.
"GO! I said GO!" Star-Mash screamed again, sobbing, letting his powers grow.
"NO!" Dreamer yelled back, placing her hands on his shoulder, wincing at the pain coursing through her hands.
Star-Mash tried to pull away, but his density had increased so much that the two were practically bonded. Dreamer fought through the pain and pushed herself to wrap her arms around his shoulders and hug him as close as she could.
"Let out the tears. That's it." Dreamer slowly stroked his shaved head, the stubble on his head burning into her hand. Blood dripped out only for it to evaporate into nothingness.
Star-Mash tried to move again, and Dreamer hugged him tighter.
"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" They both cried out in pain.
Dreamer closed her eyes tights waiting to see what would happen next. She wasn't sure if this was going to work. No visions told her to do this. It was just her heart as she watched him lose his mind over someone he clearly loved. The light was bright until it wasn?t. Dreamer slowly opened her eyes. There was no energy surrounding his body anymore. The searing pain has lessened. Only small amounts of steam rose from his body. Tears filled with sparkling stars streamed from his gently glowing white eyes. His body still heaving as the goopy metal slipped through but slowly began to harden, connecting it to the ground. Dreamer continued to hold him.
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Cadet Kent Shakespeare stood stunned as did The Clear Marble. Neither was sure what to do next. The Clear Marble's leader and clearly his friend was hurting and the sentient to show him compassion was their enemy. But The Clear Marble was on a mission and he wasn't going to stop until the aliens were gone.
"AHHHHH!" The Clear Marble screamed running at Cadet Kent Shakespeare.
Cadet Kent Shakespeare stared down The Clear Marble waiting to clash with the squat man.
But before anything could happen, he began slowing down half way until finally he was completely frozen in place surrounded by a thin purple statis field that twinkled making his armor look even more sparkled.
"What?" Cadet Kent Shakespeare looked around to see how this was possible.
Standing behind the force field of the Rehabilitation Center was James Cullen, Xanthu's former planetary Champion, former member of the Uncanny Amazers, and the MHS training academy stood there in his hospital gown. His hands gently glowing while beads of sweat formed on his forehead.
"Thank you!" Cadet Kent Shakespeare called out rushing over to The Clear Marble and placed a set of in-capacitator cuffs on him. The cuffs had been in his pocket miniaturized and he hoped that through all this fighting they weren't too damaged to keep The Clear Marble unconscious.
Once The Clear Marble dropped to the ground instantly and James Cullen let his powers fade from around The Clear Marble. James stood their exhausted but proud that for the first time in he wasn't sure how long that he had used his powers without his belt. James's smile didn't fade as he looked at Cadet Kent Shakespeare and Dreamer who both were doing their best to take care of their attackers.
"I helped and without my belt...maybe there's something to this rehab thing after all." James Cullen turned and slowly walked into the Rehabilitation Center as its force field lowered.
Dreamer walked into the Rehabilitation Center with Cadet Kent Shakespeare helping her along.
"That was some pretty good work out there Cadet and thank you for helping me." Dreamer winced and smiled all at once.
"Of course. What are Cadet's for and you had some pretty good moves out there as well. I thought you said your powers were hazy? You executed lots of moves and had a real plan thanks to your powers."
"Yeah, I don't know what happened out there. But my powers were back to a level I haven't had in a while. I can only hope this last...." Dreamer smiled wistfully.
"I'm sure it will. Just keep having faith and patience." Cadet Kent Shakespeare smile broadly his blue eyes beneath his rimless glasses sparkled with hope.
Last edited by Omni; 08/08/21 06:45 PM.
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End of Time:
High atop its decaying throne, the Time Trapper sat watching the young Dreamer hobbling into the Rehabilitation Center through his time portals. The swirling colors slowly spun outward as it connected to another time portal. The image was much direr, showing Dreamer and Cadet Kent Shakespeare buried under rubble with Star-Mash, The Clear Marble, and Ven-xau standing over them victorious.
The two time-portals feeding into each other until finally the one with The White Triangle trio from the Xanthu branch faded, its timeline slowly shifting back into the ethers of Hypertime. The time portal with Dreamer and Cadet Kent Shakespeare walking to the Rehabilitation Center began to glow brighter as it connected itself to a visual of a timeline that floated in front of the Time Trapper, it basking in the timeline's light.
"You're welcome, Dreamer...but I don't know if you are ready to have your powers back at full strength...for if you had them, you'd see the possibilities this reality has to offer and with the after-effects of reality's shake-ups and Hypertimes rebooting your premonitions would be so much more powerful and I can't have that. I need you to fulfill my plans...."
Last edited by Omni; 08/08/21 07:16 PM.
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Xanthu: Uncanny Amazer's Headquarters: Prefect Lamar Zandoz Office.
"How much longer do we have to allow ruffians like that on our world? They are making a horrible name for Xanthu and causing our tourism to go down. We are one of the few rim worlds in this sector that gets a majority of the tourism. With these sentients running amuck, off-worlders won't come here." Prefect Davido's image fizzled in and out as it came across the screen, the signal of the secure channel they were using being stretched thin as he called from his hotel in Metropolis, on Earth.
"I know, I know, Sir. We've talked about this before. But these White Triangle thugs are only temporary. We need them to make trouble for the United Planets. Once they've caused enough disruption and the U.P.'s forces cannot handle them, we can squash them. Our new friends have said they will back us and protect us in our new endeavor. We just need time and to make trouble." Prefect Lamar Zandoz leaned forward, his hands crisscrossed underneath his chin as his devilish grin grew. His face barely illuminated as the shadows surrounded him in his office.
"Make your plans move faster and keep me up to date." With those words, Prefect Davido cut off the transmission. Prefect Lamar Zandoz was left grinning and dreaming in the darkness.
Last edited by Omni; 08/09/21 05:38 PM.
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ewww fighting in the garbage, lol but it was kind of funny seeing that and Nura's reactions to it
excellent use of Nura's powers in a combat situation, while also giving Kent some sort of upper limit to his powers
I cheered at Kent's speech at the end. "You're the one causing trouble!" indeed
Nura saving the day with compassion... nice! also good that the solution was not part of her vision, makes her character stronger
Good seeing James again... and have his powers expanded? Just like Jazmin's?
oh, Ven-Xau really is gone... I guess it was part of Nura's vision, and unpreventable. So no breaking the Legion code here.
ooh, Hypertime and possible futures.... ties into the mission of the team, the Fix-It squad
Ugh. Zandoz was always shady, but now he's full on villainous...!
looking forward to more!
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Hey IB,
Thanks for the read and review! I'm glad you enjoyed the fighting in garbage. Its a trop I think I like to use a lot. Lullaby Lad had the a similar issue on Gryx, Cadet Raptor's world.
Thank you. Dreamer's powers in combat always seem hard to write sometimes. So I thought if I broke it down a little it might help.
James' powers haven't expanded like Jazmin's. Its the physical therapy, and power training he's been doing where as if i recall right Jazmin experimented on herself to enhance her powers. James still needs the belt to reach the levels Jazmin has. But he has the potential and the will.
It was part of Nura's vision but i don't think she thought Ven-Xau was going to die and thought she would have been shocked unconscious.
Oh Hypertime and possible futures. are boundless. There is a lot of fun I plan on having with that once I reach the Time Trapper part of this story.
Power corrupts and Zandoz is after some serious power.
stay tuned for more soon.
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thanks Omni! re Nura, glad you clarified that she didn't know Van-Xau was going to die, that sounds more like the Nura I know! re James, aah! so his powers expanded, but not Jazmin levels. and yes, I remember Jazmin experimenting on herself, as she said in Legionnaires 60 
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Omni, please message me when you've put a few posts up - I'm shocked at how far behind I am with your story. I haven't managed to finish it yet but here are my thoughts so far: Mysa and Zoe have a complicated relationship, though clearly not the kind Mysa we're used to. And Zoe with an emerald eye sounds potentially catastrophic! Like the Titanet communication. President Chu is a fun character, she's such a tough personality that's it's always interestng when she's involved. It's a Mordru mater! Oh, okay, it's serious then  The treaty is nicely worked out - yes you can summon help from Mordru but if you do you are banished. I really like your Captain Allon, how strategic he is but still has room for a heart too. And his trust and obvious respect for Imra are nicely portrayed too. Oh... of course, there's still Roxxas to deal with too. And id Dice one of your own creations as she seems crazy powerful as well as just crazy! Calamity Kid to the rescue! Nice that he's confident enough to report up to Erin like that. Interesting that Mon, Vi and Jeckie are on this mission, just as Captain Allon may need them. He'll either have to get replacements or hope they aren't too exhausted or hurt. Hello Sabre, he seems keen. Hope you're not planning on killing him off too quickly... Well, that's one way to start a rescue mission - by needing rescuing. Good work Berta for keeping the cabin pressurised, though Ferro was pretty stupid to act like that in the first place so hope he get's a talking too about putting the team at risk. Calamity Kid creating a bubble of good luck was nice. Good touch that Gates doesn't have the lung capacity of humans - he's often given the same basic biology as a person despite obviously not being one, so these little bits of info help reinforce how alien to us he is. Love Gates reaction to the people he helped not thaning him, the meta-death squad - haha! Is your Lullaby Lad the same as Raz's? And Cannon P has a very interesting powerset! Your Sun Boy commanding the flames like that - it's what I imagine he'd want to do in canon And abeast that wants to grease up Ferro, haha, I immediaely thought I must ave Gazelle do that in my fic. Ayla's powers failing is interesting - I wonder if she'll get her lightning back? I'll try to get ths fiished tomorrow for you! C
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Part two: Raptor is gettting some good scenes - her 360 vision sounds interesting and would make an awesone visual (excuse the pun). And it's nice seeing Calamity Kid get some screen time too, you use him well - landing in that chair was fortutitous! Poor Lullaby Lad getting covered in that sewage water - yuck! Well that'll learn him to always keep his trans-suit at hand and ready to put on if nothing else. So, the populat of Cal's world are all probability manipulators! Wow! Potentially the most powerful race yet. Funny that Dice calls Mon 'Super Boy' - he'll always be in his Kal El's shadow, poor Lar. Cal the travelling Minstrel? There's a career choice I never saw coming. Though using it as a rob-the-rich-to-give-to-the-poor scam is great. And keeping Dice talking so she wouldn't focus on the Legonnaires was smart. The take down was good too, everyone added their part. The truth about how she was manipulated to be there shook poor Dice up, hopefully she'll be a bit less savage now and think before she causes such destruction, not that I don't think she deserves a good long trip to T-G, but hopefully after rehabilitation she won't be a total villain anymore. The Gryxians really are an ungrateful bunch, aren't they? I feel sorry for Raptor. Andromeda seems to be adjusting to her new height well, and it's good that she's finding a fresh perspective. I never really followed the reboot but what I did read didn't make it seem as if the writers knew what to do with her so just threw any old story at her in an attempt to create a personality. I think you created more in one post than I ever read in canon. Fireball is heading for a slap! good scene with Kent and Nura - his fascination with Atmos was a bit stalkerish, but not for a sinister reason thankfully. nura's vision was timely! And why are all your worlds so Xenophobic? Are you just taking that from real life - the Murdoch News world view that there should be more fences and walls do sometimes seem to be prevailent. Let's hope it's just a cycle that'll pass soon. Dreamer having a weapon makes sense, let's hope she's a good shot. Nice to see Kent play with the assassins, letting them fire before revealing he's tough enough to take it, rather than just racing towards them. The Clear Marble and Star-Mash - interesting! Meta-xenophobes are the worst type  You limiting Kent's powers is interesting, it helps humanise him which in a doctor is a god thin, a bit inconvenient for a Legionnaire though. The slimy bread on Nura's face made me laugh. It was obvious tht Nura was trying to get the villains to fire on each other though the actual sequence was well done, and great use of her flight ring to get dodge - i had been think why does she run when she can fly but din't think that she was using that to trick the terrorists - smart move! Brave and compassionate move Nura - hugging a terrorist that has been tying to kill you, wow. Nice save from James, it'll be interesting to see what happens to the terrorists now, especially as one was a former planetary champion - I doubt Xanthu-Gov will think highly of their actions. And good to know Dreamer's abilities are kind of back to normal, though doubt that this will be the end of her problems. Haha, and then I read the next post and the trapper was behind it, of course! I love how you keep these threads going. And the ongoing Whte Triangle story is great too, the scheming that's going on behind the scenes is pretty shifty stuff - great! And I'm caught up! Yay! that was fun, I especially liked Nura and Kent's side adventure. Please do message when you put up a few posts Omni as I often miss things. Looking forward to more, more and much more!
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Hi Omni, I have just caught up on your past bunch of installments..some thoughts as I go! - A "chandelier of failure" sounds appropriately creepy and very much like something Mordru would have! Poor Zoe is doing it tough, I'm glad she knows Mysa's not her enemy at the end of the day though! Gryx:- Calamity King was really the star here, from his positive attitude when the recruits were dissing his power to him ultimately using teamwork to defeat Dice. I also kinda love the idea of him having a travelling bard Robin Hood past! - poor Ayla really cannot get into the gravity negation powers, huh? Not surprising really, it took till the SW6 Legion before anyone had any idea what to do with those powers, and Gossamer unfortunately was never really around long enough to do a lot. - "Another thankless day in the machine that is the United Planets" - oh Gates, never change - Ferro being sized up for dinner by the local wildlife made me laugh  - poor Raptor...her world isn't a very nice place huh? The Legion are better than me, that's for sure - I'd be hightailing it outta there and letting those bigots save their own asses (I guess that's why I'm not a superhero hahaha) Xanthu: - STARMAN??? That was a good bait and switch! - Kent being in awe of Clear Marble's power even while he was trying to stop puking made me laugh as well...I actually really liked seeing Kent and Nura up against these guys, I am a sucker for the ol' outpowered and outnumbered trope but they do actually have good chemistry (and it's nice to see that Kent being a hottie is apparently a multiversal constant) - Man, Ven-xau dying was brutal!! I love the way Nura handled that situation...in terms of characterisation, I think Nura is one of the most divergent between all her different incarnations. It's interesting how OG Nura, reboot Nura and Threeboot Nura all actually feel like different characters - I definitely couldn't see OG Nura having that much compassion for a bad guy! - James Cullen to the rescue! That was a cool little cameo! Intrigued to see what the Time Trapper's got in store and where everything's gonna go with Mordru as well!
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Hi All, Sorry for my long absence and delayed response. I've been going through a bit of writer's block and also trying to enjoy as much outside time as possible before the summer is over, here in the US. Which hasn't left much time to check-in. So much so that I missed the official ten-year anniversary of this thread which happened on September 9th. Before I respond to your post, I just want to say thank you to all of you who have read and commented over the years. This has been an amazing time and with the help of all of you, I've improved this story in so many ways. I've got a lot coming hopefully soon. But for now my response to your post! Harbinger - I'm glad you're enjoying my portrayal of President Chu and Captain Allon. Dice is a creation of my own. But You'll see where that power comes from soon. The team knows no rest, and sadly I'm going to be putting them through the wringer. I try not to kill off anyone too quickly. Ferro will probably be on some desk duty for a bit... I'm glad you liked the bits about gates physiology and now that you mention it, it's very true, he is treated very human-like. I think it really does enhance his character to highlight some of those differences because I think it colors many of his decisions. Yes, my Lullaby Lad is a version of Raz's. I really enjoyed the character and he said I could borrow him to do my own take. Go for it! I know Gazelle would love it!  Ayla's powers will but its going to be a bumpy road to get them back. Part 2: Raptor turned out to be a very sympathetic character to work on. Her world is utterly horrible. I'm glad you like my Calamity King! He's been fun to work with. Working with a living Mcguffin is just hard to resist. Don't worry about Mon. I just enjoy throwing in a good easter egg.  'm glad you're enjoying Andromeda and thank you so much! That makes me really proud that I was able to give you a real sense of character for her. Fireball is heading for a lot more than a slap. lol. Glad you like my teamwork. I always strive to make these missions as much about teamwork as it is about one single hero being able to save the day. My worlds being so xenophobic is very much a comment on our current times. A lot of what will be coming is a response to what's been happing over the last four to five years. But as with the Riot post, some of this was written long before various world events that have transpired. Kent's power limit came from a wiki I read and since I've never read anything with him that was in canon, i assumed it was right. But it has allowed for some good story beats in a battle. So glad I went with it. lol. Hahah glad you liked the battle and Nura fighting in the garbage. Right? Dreamer should have a weapon of some sort. any MHS member who doesn't have some sort of defensive power will have one. Hahah, Time Trapper is never far behind, and he and Dreamer are due for a few words. I'll try to make sure I message once I've got some posts ready to go. Raz - Zoe and Mysa are bonded and I'm glad that bond shows. Ayla honestly hates them. But wouldn't you if they almost killed you the last time you had them? Raptor's world is truly horrible. /i'm glad i was able to give you that underdog battle you love so much. Hahah of course. he's a member of the house of El. of course he's hot. I envision him looking like Clark a lot. Brutal is the name of the game and its only going to get more so. I'm glad both of you are enjoying my long plotting and the bits of comedy I'm working on trying to introduce with these missions. But I gotta get away from the garbage trop. lol Thank you all again so much for your comments and reviews! More coming soon!
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