1 Legionnaires (Chaim Mattis Keller),
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Mission # 3: Brande Industries. Triad, Spark, Sensor.
The jump tube took longer than they thought. Taking them to the top floor of a 50 story building was a long lift. Triad realized it might have been faster if they used their flight rings.
“Almost there guys!” Triad thought to her teammates as she saw the landing in sight.
Mere moments after Triad saw the landing they finally made it to Marla's office. Sitting outside his office was another secretary waiting to great them. She was tall and slender, with long blond hair running her back. She was dressed in an all white pants suit, that was very form fitting.
“Hello, welcome to Brande Industries. You must be Mr. Marla's next appointment. I'm Talla Garrison. Please follow me.” She said as she guided them into Marla's office. “Please take a seat and Mr. Marla will be with you momentarily.” gesturing to the three silver gray seats that rose out of the floor and hovered in place. They each took a seat as Ms. Garrison left them alone in the office.
“This is very interesting...I wonder why were not meeting with R.J. I mean he used to take all meetings personally.” Triad thought to herself.
“Will you stop worrying so much, Lu.” Spark thought to Triad. “You heard that?” “Yeah...your broadcasting pretty strongly and these telepathic earplugs are pretty sensitive. “Sorry. I just can't help it. This part of the mission is just nerve racking. I want to see R.J. So bad and just give him a giant hug!”
“Ladies, I hope I haven't kept you waiting too long.” Marla say's as he enters interrupting their telepathic conversation.
“No not at all. I'm Luornu Durgo, and we've come on behalf of Mr. Brainiac 5, to procure a slipstream ship, as well as a file.” “Yes, of course. I've got this ship here, which is rather large and can accommodate a large group and is great for maneuverability and deep space travel, which were some of the specifications I received from Mr. Brainiac 5.” He said as he pulled up a holo-screen with the blueprints of the ship.
“That's very impressive. Mr. Marla.” Spark chimed in. she couldn't wait to try and fly it.
“Thank you. Brande Industries strives for the very best. Its our latest model and as for the file, do you have a omnicom that I can scan it on to?” “Yes, here you go.” Triad said as she handed it to him.
As he he attached the omnicom to his desk, the whole top of the desk began to light up. Pulling files from several boxes to load onto the omnicom, the three of them sat their waiting. Sensor couldn't help but be suspicious and tried to gently read the desk top screen as she looked through his eyes. But she didn't see anything that made much sense to her. It looked to be mostly instructions on the ship they just bought and even how to update it. Marla, slowly looked up and directly at Sensor. She thought she had been delicate enough, to not alert him to her presence in his mind.
“I'm sorry for staring. But your gorgeous and I’ve never seen anyone look like you before. What planet are you from?” Marla asked. “Thank you. I'm from Orando. But I'm the only one who looks like me, I'm afraid.” Sensor said with a melancholic tone.
“Oh well, your beautiful regardless and being unique is a great gift we all seem to take for granted.” Marla smiled warmly and all three women smiled back. They saw the man who had been their adviser instantly; even in this new and somewhat hostile reality. “Here you go. The file is loaded and ready for you. You can pick up the slipstream ship up from the hanger bay, which is just one floor up via the jump tube.
“That's amazing. Thank you for being so accommodating.” Triad said. “Not a problem at all. We appreciate the business and hopefully you'll come back to us for all your travel and hard ware needs.” “Actually, we had a question for you Mr. Marla. We were wondering if Brande Industries were in search of any security personal? We have a few friends that are looking for work and they might be of real help to you.” Spark said.
“Unfortunately, we're not looking for a security detail at this time. But have them apply and maybe something will open up. Was there anything else you needed to day?” Marla asked with a smile, his blue gray eyes twinkling as he did so.
“Yes, we were also hoping to see... I mean meet Mr, Brande. He's an inspiration to us and we'd love to thank him as well.” Triad chimed in. realizing that Orange Triad had said that and spoke through Neutral’s body. Something else else that she's never done before. But they didn't triplicate because deep down they all felt the same way. They all wanted to see R.J.
“I'm sorry but R.J., I mean Mr. Brande doesn't see anyone any more. He's become a bit of a shut in over the years, as I'm sure you heard there were several attempts on his life and so its become easier for Mr. Brande to not go out in public or meet to many admires, such as yourselves. No offense taken I hope. We just have to be extremely careful.
“Of course we understand.” Triad said defeated. “Thank you for your time.” Triad rose and shook Mr. Marla's hand as she said this. Spark and Sensor followed suit. Making their way to the reception area they left Mr. Marla alone in his office.
“Lu, you'll get to see him at some point. I'm sure of it.” Spark said trying to comfort her.
“I sure hope so. Alya.”
They made their way to the jump tube and went up one level to the hanger to pick up their ship.
“Did anyone of take a look at the file Brainy received from Marla?” Sensor asked telepathically. “No. But I'm sure Brainy will tell us if we ask.” Spark said reassuringly. “Any word from Lyle? “I'll see if I can find him.” Sensor opened her mind and reached out for Invisible Kid's mind. “He's on the roof waiting already. He figured that was where we would leave from, once we got the ship and he says he has some news for us... but wants to wait till we're all together to give it to us.”
“Hmmm he must have found something very interesting...” Triad said.
Reaching the hanger, they found the attendant and scanned their new I.D,'s allowing them to pay for the ship. The three legionnaires gently walked up the loading dock ramp of their ship and into the spacious haul.
“This could hold a mini cruiser in here. Look at how big this is.” Spark said as she wondered further into the ship. “Alya, it does. Look over there.” Sensor said as she pointed to a three person cruiser. “Hmm very nice.” Spark smiled as she realized she had another new toy to play with and maybe even a way to leave for Winath without everyone else knowing.
“Alright gang lets get out of here and to the bridge. We've got to get back.” Triad instructed them.
They each made there way to the bridge. The hanger bay doors opened slowly. Bringing in a rush of wind that blue off the attendants cap. Spark asked to drive on their way to the bridge and the others were more than fine with letting her. Spark put the ship into gear and slowly began to rise off the hanger floor and out the doors. Lyle was still invisible at this point while he waited outside with the sun shining down on him. Even though no one could see him up this high he choose to remain invisible. Although he did love feeling the sun on his face once he made himself visible, so that the team could let him into the slipstream ship.
“Good timing kid. We almost left without ya.” Spark said sticking her tongue out at him. “So you've got news?” “Yes, but not here. We all should really be together for this.” Lyle's face didn't carry his usual smile.
“OK. To the warehouse it is and engaging cloaking devices.” “Good idea Spark.” Invisible Kid said as he took a seat next to Sensor, who was coiled up and meditating. “Lets head to our new home.”
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Mission # four: The Search for Timber Wolf and Shikari. (Team: Ultra Boy, Live Wire, Apparition)
“Anything yet sweetie?” Apparition said to Ultra Boy as the two of them and Live Wire flew towards the scene where Officer's Cuzmon and Shavaung has last been seen. Ultra Boy using his penetra vision to see through various buildings. “Nothing yet angel. But I'm sure we'll find Sharki.” “And Brin. Don't forget Brin.” Apparition said. “And the Wolf too.” Ultra Boy said apathetically. “Any news from Imra?” Ultra Boy asked as he scanned two more building. “Nothing really. Imra said that Cuzmon saw Timber Wolf save her from some sort of laser cannon fire but nothing else. Not where the cannon fire was coming from though except from above the car.” “So it came from a roof top most likely. Are we near where their last ring signals were?” Apparition said catching up with Live Wire, who had been flying slightly ahead of her and Jo. “Maybe it did. We'll be on it in two seconds...” Live Wire said as the three of them turned the corner and there at the scene was the science police and several drones. “Well this doesn't look like the right time to be here. I figured they would have been gone by now.” Live Wire said. “Guess not. What now boss man?” Ultra Boy chimes in. “Maybe we should do a little spying. Can you listen in Jo?” “That's doable.” Ultra Boy switches from using his penetra vision to super hearing in an instant. Slowly he tried to sift through the various sounds of hover cars whizzing by, clear away the sound of the drones jet packs and their incessant beeping. “Anything yet Jo?” Apparition whispered.
“Shh...Still sifting through....”Concentrating a bit harder. Around the corner Ultra Boy listened in to the Science Police officers.
“Well it looks like the laser cannon fire was coming from that roof. The drones used their trajectory applications to figure out where they came from, with where the burning hover car landed. But there's nothing up there. There's no cannon's, and there really isn't even a sign of thing out of the ordinary up there from what I can see. Did the drones find anything?” Officer Flax asked as his tentacles motioned for the last of the drones to head out.
“They found some dried blood...but there isn't a match in the system for it... which is slightly odd. It appears to be an animal and human hybrid mix.” Officer Shamus said as he finished reading the diagnostic from his omnicom.
“A Hybrid? That's odd. There aren't any labs in this vicinity. Maybe it was just a vagrant staying up here and you said there was no match in the system right?” “None.” Officer Shamus said flatly.
“We'll then lets head back to headquarters and work through the rest of the data on the car and type of cannon fire it was.” The two officers made their way to their hover car and left. Before they left they put up two shield barriers to keep the crime scene intact. The three of them watched them take off.
“Looks like they don't know too much. But they found some dried blood and it was a hybrid of animal and human... which I think might be the Wolf's blood.” “Oh Brin!” Apparition exclaimed uncontrollably. Ultra Boy's face grew into a scowl as he saw his wife's compassion for Timber Wolf. “I'm sure he's fine. He may have cut himself saving the Officers.” Live Wire tried to reassure her. “Jo tells us when they are far enough away and then we'll head over and do our own diagnostic.” Live Wire instructed.
“In about two clicks they should be far enough away. But what about the shields? “Apparition you’re up. You think you can make it through?” “I should be able to... I haven't met a shield yet that can keep me out.” Apparition said as she rounded the corner and made her way to the crime scene. Stealthy she walked close to the walls of each building. Trying not to really be seen she slowly sinks lower and lower into the ground as she got closer to the shields.
With in seconds Apparition was out of sight and flying underneath the street. Finally peeking her intangible head up just enough to see the shields. Slowly reaching for the shield Apparition touched it.
“OUCH!” pulling her hand back instantly. Her hand had never felt a sting like that before. And the spot she touched was now a bright red instead of the golden yellow it was before. As she floated upward and stood in front of the field, she notices several other red stops have appeared. Looking closely she saw a couple bugs stuck to the shield.
“Hey guys, this shield is a bit more defensive than we originally thought. Anything that touches it, even intangible things like me, leaves a mark on it or gets stuck to it. It must have a built in frequency modulator.” “The people here really are all about security aren't they?” Ultra Boy joked. “It seems that way. Tinya can you go underneath it?” Live Wire “Let's see...” Apparition sank slowly back below the ground. “There doesn't seem to be a shield down here.” Apparition thought to herself. Pushing forward she moved she hit the shielding. “Ouch ughh... this field extends underground too. These people are paranoid. I wonder....” Apparition trailed off as her hand touched the shielding and tried to phase through it once more. Never one to give up she tried phasing herself completely again. But to no avail. As she tried to draw her hand away, she was stuck to the shielding.
“Ahhh guys we have a problem.” “What’s wrong hunny?” “I’m stuck to the shielding underground.” Apparition struggled to rephrase and break free of the shield. But nothing she did worked. “Can you float up the shield to the surface or are you locked in place?” Live Wire asked. “I’ll see what I can do.” Apparition slowly fazed herself, and as she used her flight ring to propel her upward, she closed her eyes as she moved through the ground to the surface and finally broke free of the sheild. The shield itself was still a golden yellow, except in the spot that Apparition was stuck in. A bright blue streak rain down the part of the shield she traveled through.
“Penetration detection. Should have guessed. Think they'll come looking for me Jo?”
“Naww Angel. Garth's gonna take care of the sheild.” “Hopefully, I'm a little rusty now with Element Lad's powers since our little adventure with those other Legions. But I think I can change the pigmentation back as to not to detect anyone's gone through it. But first do you see the controls in their to shut it down? Otherwise this will have all been for naught.” Live Wire said as he removed his glove in order to attuned himself to the shields pigmentation molecules.
“Yes the controls are right her Garth. Now do your thing.”
As Live Wire's hand began to glow, slowly increasing in intensity. But unlike its usual spark and crackle of his lightning. This was different in that instead of a crackle in the air their was a hum that washed out from his hands as he touched the golden shield. At first it turned the bright red just as it did when Apparition first touched it. But slowly a warm rippled could be seen changing it back to its golden hue. Both Ultra Boy and Apparation stood their in marvel at Live Wire's mastery of Element Lad's tromian powers. But Jo stared in amazement and fear, as he saw what Element Lad had done as the Proginator to poor Monstress. He feared just what Garth was really cable of.
“Alright drop the shield.” Live Wire removed his hand from the now restored golden shield. Apparition quickly dropped the shield.
“Let's get to work. Do you see anything on pentra-vision Ultra Boy?” “Nothing out of the ordinary., I can see the bit of the blood the officer's were talking about.”
“There's residue up here of a scuffle just like they said. A disabled cannon... or something like it.” Apparition said as she floated up to the roof top. “The omnicom confirms that's Timber Wolf's Blood and Shikari's too. They fought someone or something here.” “But did they win or lose?” Ultra Boy said landing on the roof's ledge. “It looks like they lost.” Garth said as he knelt down closer to the blood and body length smug marks on the roof top. “Who ever they were fighting, seems to have put up a pretty good fight and captured them. The omnicom's diagnostic shows three sets of foot prints. As well as residue from a special form of chains...” Apparition said bending down across from Live Wire and scanning. “Does it show a trail...drag marks leading somewhere?” Live Wire asked. Standing as he ran his hands through his strawberry blond hair.
“No.” Apparition responded simply. “Nothin' on my end either.” “Imra are you getting all of this?” Live Wire thought. “Yes Garth...and unfortunately there's nothing more on my end either. Come back to headquarters and we'll continue the search once we get a lead,” Saturn Girl thought to Live Wire.
The Apparition and Live Wire cleared out of the area behind the shield. While Ultra Boy was chosen to reactivate the shield. Using his Ultra Speed and flight ring to get him out from behind the shield before it sealed its self up.
“Hewh! Just made it Babe.” “Glad you did,” Apparition said as she gave Ultra Boy a kiss in the check.
Live Wire rolled his eyes slightly as his mind returned to his missing team mates. “ Who could have taken them and Why?” was all Live Wire could think about as the three legionnaires flew back to headquarters.
read the adventures of the Reboot Legion!
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Unseen, not unheard
Unseen, not unheard
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I enjoy how you write the Legionnaires when they're using their powers. It's always nice to see the effort and control they have to put in.
As always, I'm excited to see what you have in store next!
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The Remaining Hours...
Brainy surveyed all the work that had been done in his absence. Chuck had done a great job with the main level. The back end of the ware house was sealed off and turned into a hanger bay for their newly acquired “Slipstream” ship. “It was going to take some getting used to saying that instead of Stargate.” Brainy thought to himself.
“To allow for a more open feel Chuck seems to have gone for a Glass wall to separate the two...I'm sure it saved on cost but I’m not sure how practical a glass wall will be.” Brainy thought,
The middle of the main level was an open concept gym, recreation area, and meeting room. The latest holo-table was at the center signifying this as the meeting area for the team. Across from there was a communications and surveillance lab. Then to the back right was the gym with latest work out equipment and an above ground floating pool. Lockers and showers were off the side of there with privacy shields enables. Then to the left of the holo-table was a large seating area with a food processor, a few hover tables and chairs and a giant holo- tv.
“Also adequate.” Brainy said as he continued his tour. Then there was a virtual reality training room. With a private detention center in the far left corner.
“Mr. Brainiac I assume! It’s nice to finally meet you.” Chuck announced as he entered from the lower levels.
“Yes, thank you Chuck. It’s good to finally meet you as well. You’ve done a great job and such a short amount of time. But the Glass was...”
“Which is shatter proof, bullet proof, sound proof and heat resistant, and saved you over 3000.00 credits.”
“Alright, Good choice then. And how are the sub levels coming?” Brainy said returning to his omnicom.
“Good. Good. Mr. Krinn...has done a great job keeping the structure in place, along with help from M'onel and Vi. Wildfire, Jazmin and Alya have been great with welding and getting support structures up....Sonic showers have been installed into each room and they are all big, while not spacious.”
“And the second Level?” Brainy said with a raised blond eye brow as he looked up from his omnicom at Chuck.
“Completed per your specifications. A modest size lab and then...what looks to be like space plate form...” Chuck said with an inquisitive smile.
“Yes, it’s an experiment I’ll be working on. Hence this new complex. Which as you remember per our contract you have no knowledge of its existence?”
“Yes of course.”
“Thank you for your desecration Chuck.” “Your welcome and if you need anything repairs, or expansions of any sort. Don't forget to call me.” Chuck smiled
“Of course.”
Chuck turned and left. Brainy was surprised at how quickly their new home had come together. He knew it wasn't anywhere near what any of them were used to but at the same time he knew they were happy just to have a place to call home.
“Legionnaires, will you all please join me in the meeting area.” Brainy called through his flight ring. Gradually the room filled with the team, Wildfire flying in from the hanger bay as the Glass wall parted. Ultra Boy and Apparition followed him. Emerging from the V.R. Room Triad, Spark, and Vi after blowing off some steam.
Soon the others came up from the lower levels. Umbra and Chameleon coming up first. Followed closely by Dreamer. M'onel, Karate Kid, Ferro and Gear came up the jump tube next.
Andromeda and Sensor glided in from the high ceiling skylight over the gym. While Cosmic Boy and Kid Quantum both looking exhausted from helping with the remodeling. While Saturn Girl and Live Wire strolled in from the side entrance of the warehouse.
“Everyone seems to be here...Except for Invisible Kid. Lyle are you here?” Brainy said aloud assuming Invisible Kid was putting his code name to use.
“Here.” Invisible Kid said as he faded into view in the seat next to Brainy's at the meeting table.
“Alright everyone, this has been a busy day for all of us. We have one last debriefing and then everyone is free to spend their night how they want before those of us who have to leave need to.” Kid Quantum said with a small and barely noticeable quiver.
“He is a final run down of everything and everyone's assignments, which will be kept track over there in our communications bay. Now I officially turn the meeting over to Brainiac 5.” Kid Quantum said taking her seat at the holo-table.
“Thank you Kid Quantum. Here is a brief synopsis of everything we've learned. Item One: They are very strict here and controlling of anyone with a mete-gene or super power of any sort. Item Two: there is a cadet program and several of you are vying to become part of its ranks. The cadets are as follows; Saturn Girl, Live Wire, Ultra Boy, Apparition, Spark, Triad, Violet, Umbra, and Ferro. You all enter training tomorrow morning. Item Three: The time institute is nothing more than a museum. Although we should keep an eye on Rond. I think he may be working on a time plate form. Item four: I'll be constructing a threshold gate in the bottom sub level on the plate form area before my lab. Which bring me to.. Item five: Shikari and Timber Wolf are still missing. We shall continue to look for them. And lastly, Invisible Kid would like to share his findings from Brande Industries.”
“Everyone this is possibly the hardest news we'll ever hear. Mr. Bran....R.J. Is dead.”
“What do you mean? Lyle we were just at his offices no more than an hour ago. Marlo said he had just become a shut in, due to those attacks.” Tears stinging at the back of Triad's eyes at the very thought of R.J.'s death. “Triad...Lu, I'm sorry but its true. I read the news feeds over Doyle's shoulder and I grabbed the file.” with a few taps of his omnicom's holo-screen the file was transferred and displayed on the holo-table's projector.
“I'm sorry but it seems in this reality one of those assassination attempts was successful. My guess is the one at the space port which was the inception of our group. That's why there is no Legion.”
“But why would Marlo just not say that? Why pretend he's still alive?” Cosmic Boy chimed in.
“Most likely to keep stocks in Brande Industries from plummeting. I have a feeling it was Doyle's idea and Marlo ran with it. Plus we all know that the United Planets would be dead without R.J.” Invisible Kid said.
“Yeah but as we've seen its barely held together. There's a reason for them being this over baring and paranoid and various planets aren't even in the U.P. Do we have a list of current U.P. Planets.?” Umbra said as she leaned forward.
“Yes, I'll pull that up.” Brainy swiped his fingers gracefully across the holo screens. “Here is the active list of U.P planets and next to it here is the list from our reality. The U.P. is significantly smaller here than in our home reality.” Brainy said as he highlighted those that were missing from the U.P. Roster in this reality.
“Well without R.J. to inspire them, they don’t have a reason to trust anyone.” Live Wire said crossing his arms.
“It’s more than that. I think there is something to all this. After seeing how the nanities affected Andromeda, I think there’s a real fear of the Damaxiets.” Brainy said.
“Plus there’s Mordue. I know we said we’d save him for a later time. But that might have something to do with how guarded they are.” Chameleon said.
“That is a distinct possibility and possibly even the reason for this new special squad. But all of that is theory for the time being. But we’ve got everyone that we can find registered, with false identities for those who needed it. The cadets report tomorrow morning to base cape for training at Old Montauk Point and our search for Shikari and Timber wolf will continue. But for the rest of the evening, everyone say your goodbyes if you have them and we’ll all see each other soon. So relax and enjoy our new headquarters. ” Kid Quantum said as she tried to muster a smile. “So R.J.,. is really dead...and because of that our entire world has change.” Saturn Girl's words rung true for all of them. They all knew their lives would have been vastly different without R.J. Brande but they never realized how much till this moment. Triad sat cradling themselves; tears rolling down all three of their identical faces. “Let us take a moment to remember R.J. and honor his legacy.” Cosmic Boy said as he bowed his head and he choked back tears.
They all bowed their head in silence. Each of them hearing R.J. in their minds uttering, “By Damn!”, his favorite phrase. Triad hugged themselves; but as Triad Orange and Neutral’s sobs over took all three of them and they remerged. Triad ran off towards the dormitories.
“I should go check on her.” Vi said as she stood up. “Give her a moment to process. He was her foster father after all.” Saturn Girl suggested. “I’ll head down in a moment. Don’t worry.” Vi said.
With that they all started to go their separate ways. Jo and Tinya made their way back to the roof to watch the sun set.
Mean while Wildfire and Ferro took to a game of four dimensional chess in the recreation area.
Dreamer decided to visit Star Boy in the hospital. As much as she wanted to spend time with everyone else she wanted to be with him more. The others respected that.
Meanwhile Saturn Girl, Live Wire, Cosmic Boy, and Kid Quantum chose to venture into the Virtual reality room. They all figured an escape date is what they all needed. As none of them have had much alone time as couples, they figured the V.R. room could afford each of them the privacy they needed while still a fun release.
M’onel ever the vigilant soldier took to the new monitor room to see what he could learn about Damax and the situation there.
Umbra and Karate Kid choose to do a work out in the gym, sparing with one another.
Sensor made her way to the floating pool. She figured it would feel nice to uncoil for a bit and float.
Lastly on the main level Spark and Chameleon chose to watch a movie on the holo-tv.
Brainy retreated to the second sub level into his lab. Gear also made his way down there but just to the new threshold gate landing. Gear wanted to check and make sure everything was hooked up correctly. Andromeda took to the dormitories to get some rest. She figured it was time to really rest before she left with Brainy to Colu.
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Movie Night:
Spark floated down to the hover couch that sat in front of the holo-tv. It gleamed as the lights bounced off it. With a gesture she turned on the screen, awakening its motion detectors. A slow glowing ball of lime green light appeared in front on her. She reached out and touched it; it then reshaped its self to resemble a control panel. Spark swiped her fingers across, each key glowing a slight hue of pink as her fingers rested on it.
“Fancy…When Brainy said it was a limited budget, I can only imagine what the more extravagant version could be.” Spark thought to herself as she called up some holo-movies.
“Let’s see…Romeo and Juliet…naww I’ve see that a thousand times..Grav Wars…No.” Ayla slumped down on the hover couch a little while continuing to look for a movie.
“My vote is for Beauty and Dularian.” Chameleon joked as his elongated body took a seat neat to Ayla, slowly morphing back to normal, as he has snacks and drinks in both his arms.
“Cute, Cham.” Ayla sat up and kissed Cham on the check. “I do try. So any good choices?”
“Not really. But we can keep looking.” Ayla’s hand gracefully slides across the light panel.
“Do you know if there’s a way to get a little more privacy?” Cham put his arm around Ayla’s shoulder hugging her close.
“Yup.” Ayla tapped the light panel gently twice. With a gentle hum a white glow extended down from the ceiling circling like water till it encompassed the holo-tv and the hover couch they were on; in a snug private theater.
“Wow, Chuck sure out did himself, with the outfitting.” Cham’s smile wides as he pulled Ayla closer.
“Cham!” Ayla squealed playfully and she responded with a graceful brush of her hand against his orange check and she sent a spark of blue lighting down his skin. Cham flinched a little in excitement.
“I’m glad we’ll finally be on an away team together.” Cham said as he brushed Ayla’s sandy blond bangs out of her blue eyes.
“I know Cham. It’s amazing after all this time we’ll be in the same place, that’s not a giant void.”
“I’d be lying if I said I was going to miss the void completely.” “Why would you ever miss the void? I mean the emptiness of it all…I mean it drives most insane, look at poor Element Lad.”
Chameleon’s gaze was hard for a moment as he had to remember Ayla wasn’t there when “Poor Element Lad” killed their friend Monstress. He hadn’t realized how much that image still haunted him.
“Ahem…” Chameleon cleared his throat. “I’ll miss the void because of all the time that we’ve gotten to spend together. I know you were my rock throughout all of this. Through all the time slips and galaxy saving I’m just glad that I keep finding my way back to you.”
“Cham.” Ayla says with a smile and tears forming at the corners of her eyes. Ayla moved in close and kissed Cham gently before sinking down into the nook of his chest and arm. Cham changed his shape slightly to match a pillow to be more comfy for Ayla.
“It will be nice to finally have some real time together.” Ayla smiled as she nearly fell asleep in Cham’s arms before they even started the movie. The lights dimmed and the holo- screen lit up.
Virtual Dating.
“Rokk! Wait up!” Jazmin yelled as she found herself climbing the side of Irkin Mountain the tallest mountain on Braal, definitely wasn’t what she thought her dream date with Rokk would be. But Jazmin found herself really enjoying the release. Scaling a mountain with just her hands and feet was something she’d forgotten could be so much fun. Like many of her fellow legionnaires she didn’t take off her flight ring very often and the last time Jazmin really had to climb was before her power enhancements.
Jazmin became slightly caught up in her thoughts and as she reached for the next rock it crumbled beneath her fingers. Catching Jazmin off guard, it caused her to lose her foot as well.
“AHHH!” Jazmine yelled but as quickly as she lost her footing, Rokk’s hand was there to grab hers. “I’ve got you!” Rokk said with a wink and smile as he gripped her hand tightly as he pulled her up. His arms burning as he held the two of them up.
“Ha whew… thanks.” Jazmin said as she regained her footing and found a new rock to reach for.
“This is some work out. This V.R. room is crazy. I think only one of Sensor’s illusions could do better. But this is pretty good.” Jazmin said as the sun beat down on her and sweat glistened down her face and her amber eyes catching the sun light.
“Agreed!” Rokk grunted out as he pulled himself up.
“How much farther to the top?”
“Just a few more clicks. Throwing in the towel already rookie?” Rokk laughed as he pulled himself up higher. Reaching what appeared to be a small ridge in the mountains side.
“Here!” Rokk reached his hand out to help pull Jazmin up to the ridge.
“This is some climb.” Jazmin said as she leaned against the warm golden rock mountain side.
“Yeah it is. But it’s great. I miss it. Maybe once things calm down for real, we can visit and climb the real ones.”
“That is a date. I just hope things calm down soon. It’s been a rough couple hours…days…years… they all kind of run together now don’t they?”
“They do. But we still have to live each minuet as it passes.” Rokk came closer and put his forehead to hers and closed his eyes. Jazmin did the same the moment their skin touched. He was such a calming force on her.
“Ready?” Rokk whispered.
“As I’ll ever be.”
Both of them began to ascend the mountains façade again to the top.
V.R. 2 – a little romance.
Garth and Imra were slowly dancing under the twinkling light of the luminaries, a race of light beings from the planet Lume. While in the forest of Winath, with the fresh sent of pluma berries.
“Someone sure did plan a really romantic evening.” Imra said.
“Only the best for my girl.” Garth smiled warmly at Imra. Garth wrapped his arms around her waist and Imra rested her head against his shoulder.
“This is amazing Garth. I don’t remember the last time we got to have a night like this.”
“Me either. Sometime before Blight I think.” Garth pulled Imra in closer as a breeze washed over them.
“Hmm…well this is the best date ever. But I do have one question.”
“Ask anything.” Garth said as he twirled Imra out and back again.
“When you got the chance to change your appearance back to normal, why didn’t you give yourself a new arm? Why did you give yourself the metal arm again?”
“It’s become such a part of me, that I guess when I had to envision myself, I just saw me this way. Are you disappointed?”
“Garth, I’m never disappointed in you, even if I sometimes sound like I am. Besides if you’re happy then so am I.” Imra leaned in and kissed Garth gently on the lips. “Now can I ask you something?”
“Can we start thinking about planning our wedding?” Garth’s impish smile waned slightly but his hopeful blue eyes shown through.
“Yes!” Imra hugged Garth tightly. She knew there was no other answer he would accept. Finally back in reality they can have a wedding and celebrate their love. But things were still so unclear and the team was going to need them more than ever.
“Don’t worry we can take it slow. But just I want to start.” Garth said as if he read her mind. Smiling and knowing this is why she loved him.
“Music, turn up please.” Imra said.
“Are you tired of my conversation already?” Garth said with a wide grin.
“Oh just shut up!” Imra kissed Garth deeply.
The music turned up and the luminaries twinkle dimmed a little bit as Imra and Garth slow danced into the night.
Last edited by Omni; 04/08/14 07:53 PM.
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Some good downtime character building! Ayla and Cham are super cute! Never really brought them as a possible couple in the comic but I like it here 
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Thanks Raz! yeah i figured some down time would be good and this legion has so many couples that i thought it be nice to spot like them a bit.
i'm glad you like them here. it was tough because it was never shown to a great deal what their relationship was like.
IB, thanks! I hope i can just pick up the momentum again.
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In the Lab:
Brainy left the holo table and made his way to the jump tube. Not once looking up from his Omnicom.
“Fake identities are done…registration done…new headquarters built and secured…all systems are running at optimal levels…” Brainy glided down the jump tube passing the dormitories level.
“Maybe I should peek in on Andromeda?” Brainy thought to himself. But he realized she probably needed sometime alone and they will be spending plenty of time together on Colu. Brainy was unsure how he felt about this. Even though Laruel had rejoined the team just a few months before the Fatal 500, they hadn’t had much down time and in the void it was all about trying to find a way back into reality. Their connection seemed to have changed over time and they never did explore what any of it meant. There was never time in the early days and now….”
Finally reaching the second sub level Brainy touched down gently.
“Gear…what are you doing?” Brainy said as he looked up suddenly when he heard Gear uses a laser cutter to weld a piece back to the plate forms base. “This fell off and I figured I could make sure the plate forms power sources are intact and secure. Maybe try a few test runs with powering it up.
“Sounds like a good idea. I was thinking of making a proto type for navigational device…If you want we can work on together, through the comm. Links after I leave.”
“Sounds like a good plan to me…Brainiac…Can I ask you something?”
“Sure.” Brainy said continuing to type on his Omnicom.
“You understand a lot about time travel and the physics of reality it seems. When reality was reset, after the crisis with the big hands and we entered the time stream…Do you think it’s possible that our reality could have been reset too?”
“I’m not sure I’m following Gear and that’s saying something.”
“I have a theory. I think when reality reset and we were in the time stream I think it reset our universe as well. But without us in it. ”
“OK, interesting hypothesis. Proceed.”
“I found that the technology of this reality it eerily similar to that of our own. I was able to recode the rings fairly effortlessly and you yourself said their systems weren’t that hard to hack.”
“Well of course. But not much is for me.”
“I really think that when time refolded itself, we returned to this reality because the vibratory frequency we carry is the same as this reality, making it our home reality. I also think that’s why we were able to break back into this particular reality. Our frequencies were calling out for it. Now, you said you were going to run a test on that just before we broke back into this reality. Can you still do the test?”
“I can. But Gear I think we should keep this to ourselves. I don’t want to give anyone hope that this could be our reality just yet.” But Brainy had hope in his own mind. Even if they couldn’t travel to the exact past of their reality they might be able to travel to the not so distant past of this one and recreate history…”
“Agreed.” Gear smiled sternly.
“Have a good night Gear and I’ll be in touch.” Brainy excused himself and made his way to his lab. “Gear is going to look at the Threshold platform; I’ll work on a navigation device… I’ll leave him the original designs I made before the fatal 500. He might be able to find a way to make them more useful. Now let’s see what’s left on the list...not much, but I do have the nannites in Andromeda’s body to work on…how much time do I have left?” Brainy rain through his list and checked the time as he passed through the doors and they closed promptly behind him.
Brainy made his way to his lab station before turning around.
“Do you honestly think after all this time I don’t know when you’re not following me?” Brainy said evenly.
“I figured you had an idea. But I like to think I can still surprise you.” Lyle’s voice hovered in the arm before finally he made himself visible behind Brainy’s right ear.
“So this maybe our reality huh?” he whispered calmly.
“That is Gear’s theory and it does seem plausible, especially considering how hard the last few attempts to get back into reality had been.”
“Are you going to run the test before you go?” Lyle moved from behind Brainy.
“No. I’m going to wait till I’m back on Colu. I think I’ll have access to better temporal equipment there to conduct a proper test.”
“Then I guess that means we have a moment to ourselves.”
“Indeed we do.”
Brainy found himself standing there as Lyle moved in and gently kissed him on the lips. Brainy returned the kiss almost instantly.
“This has been harder than I thought it would be.”
“What getting us back to reality or that you have to return to Colu?”
“Yes all of that too. But I actually meant this; us. We’ve kept this a secret for some time now and I guess now that we have the chance to have some privacy to explore this; it’s being taken from us.” Casting his green eyes down and turned back to his work bench.
Lyle studied Brainy for a moment. Brainy was not known for his out pouring of emotion but he knew that when Brainy did he meant it with everything he had and now he could see that Brainy was sad.
“I know and I thank you for that. You know how private I am and as much as the team is our family, I just want something that’s just ours I guess.” Lyle moved in and hugged Brainy from behind tenderly.
“But I guess it doesn’t matter right now since we won’t be together.” Slightly bristled Brainy pulled away.
“Yes, you will be far and under lock and key I’m sure. But not like that has ever stopped me. I’ll make sure we have time. But that’s only if you want me to and if you’re not too busy with Andromeda…” Lyle’s voice trailed off as he realized how vulnerable he had just made himself by admitting his jealousy of Andromeda.
“Are you worried about the nature of my relationship with Laruel?”Brainy asked as he began to bring more of the machines in his lab to life. The sterile hum of the machines somehow made Brainy feel a bit calmer as they talked about this.
“Frankly, yes. I know things have never been quite resolved between you two and I know she still has some feeling for you. I’ve seen the way she looks at you. It doesn’t take a spy to see it.” Lyle meandered closer to Brainy as he talked; also poking around at the various machines.
“I know things are not resolved with her as much as they should be. But as of now she is my patient and I have to take care of her and she’s my friend. I’ll be there for her just as much as I’m there for you. So please trust me and know that this is where I want to be with you.”
“I do and I think I actually want you to make sure she knows it too.”
“Lyle, I’ve never seen this side of you. Even though it is very contradictory to your usual aloofness due to your spy background, I do enjoy these rare moments.” Brainy said as he crossed to Lyle and kissed him on the check. Lyle blushed for a second before he turned and kissed Brainy on the lips. Brainy’s own checks blushing slightly as he closed his eyes.
Even though Brainy’s lab was locked and it might exhaust him a bit Lyle began to use his powers and the two of the faded from sight as they kissed their way out of sight.
Last edited by Omni; 04/09/14 09:21 PM.
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At the Hospital.
Nura left the newly constructed headquarters as quickly and as quietly as she could. Even though she had a vision of Thom being alright and with the team eventually she still felt she needed to be with him. As always she still thought of the vision she had so long ago of Thom’s memorial. It still hadn’t come to pass and that was something she wasn’t prepared for. Her visions always came true.
“But maybe this is a vision that’s farther down the line?” Nura thought to herself. As she took flight and activating her flight rings cloaking devices.
Nura’s platinum blonde hair flowing behind her as she flew, Her grey eye’s glazing over as she let the navigation system in her flight ring guide her.
“Thom’s going to be OK and he is going to be with the team. But…Something else else just isn’t right. I can feel it… but it might also be the lack of sleep that I’ve had since the Blight. It’s been over a year since I think I slept. No, there was a week after Universo where I slept. That really was a joy. Haha.” Nura giggled to herself at that.
The wind whipped her hair across her face as she made a hard right turn. As Nura finally left the ware house district she found herself passing by a restaurant that her and Thom had once visited. She hadn’t noticed it earlier when they were bringing Thom to the hospital. But there it was, just like in their reality. Nura, couldn’t help herself. Changing course and slowly diving down feet first to the sidewalk just outside the restaurant. Nura fixed her hair and pushed it to the side.
She looked through the window and saw the booth wear her and Thom had one of their very first dates. It wasn’t their first, she knew that. That was too special to forget. But this date was special too. It was probably their third or fourth, just before the battle with Mordru. The booth looked the same. A cozy circular booth, red and black cushioning, stuffed with some kind of goat fur from a far away planet of cloud people. It was the softest thing she had ever sat on. She never wanted to get up. As Nura narrowed her vision she could see past the booth and to a tiny dance floor in the back.
“We dance for so long that night. I think that was the longest uninterrupted date we had, had yet. We got to spend a full night on a date. No emergencies from the Legion and not one fainting spell on my part presenting doom and confusion.” Nura smiled again. Nura hugged herself tight for moment and danced along to the music that wafted out when someone opened the door; till eventually she was floating, gracefully swaying and finally taking off back into the sky.
The sunlight had begun to fade now and Nura realized she might need to rush before visiting hours were over. She wasn’t far off from the hospital when she landed and at the hospital’s entrance. Nura walked to the visitor’s station to get badge. It didn’t take long. But the entire time she was standing there she found herself trying to remind herself to call Thom his new name, Danny. The turbo lift to Thom’s floor was easy to get to and didn’t take long at all and Thom’s room was just down the hall. Even though her stride was easy, her heart was quickening. After all this time Thom always made her heart race.
The last fading rays of sunlight entered into Thom’s private room. It wasn’t very spacious but it was big enough. The walls were pale green with a white boarder at the bottom. The window was next to Thom’s hover bed, only being separated by a comfortable looking hover chair. Nura walked over and took the seat. As she approached the chair she leaned over and kissed Thom on the forehead. She looked down at Thom and his face looked so much more peaceful than it had earlier that day.
“The medication must be helping with the pain.” Nura thought to herself as she brushed his hair away from his forehead. Gently sitting in the hover chair, Nura sank into the chair.
“Oh my... this is just like the booth from our third date! This hospital sure has good taste. But I guess they just want to make everyone at ease as much as possible. Right Thom?” Nura said as she grasped his hand tenderly.
Nura sat at Thom’s side as the sun finally had set and the stars had begun to appear in the sky and before she could even make a wish on the first one she saw Nura was out like a light asleep in the most comfortable hover chair she had ever been in, still holding Thom’s hand.
Last edited by Omni; 04/10/14 05:31 PM.
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Unseen, not unheard
Unseen, not unheard
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I like the downtime vignettes. I hope we get to see more from some of the others, like Tasmia and Val, or Sensor, or Vi and Triad whose friendship wasn't really developed Postboot. RJ's assassination in this reality is interesting. It also raises the question - do these Legionnaires have counterparts here? I can't remember if you answered that already, though I think you did earlier in your story because of the identity scans conducted. I approve of the Brainy-Lyle developments, which take off from DNA's hints in that one issue before  Eager to see what will happen with Thom. Are you going to try and resolve the issues with his malfunctioning powers and Dreamer's visions of his grave?
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thanks IB! There's more to come for these remaing hours.
Lu and Vi are def going to get their moment, as are Tasmia and Val.
Yeah i know i saw that one issue and idk it just clicked and made sense to me. much more than him and andromeda ever did.
as for thom...i haven't fully figured out how i want to deal with his malfuctioning powers. i'm honestly not sure if i'll touch on it or not.
Dreamers vision is also going to be something recurring for a bit.
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The roof just after sunset
Mean while back at the new headquarters, up on the roof Tinya and Jo sat as the sun’s rays had disappeared behind the Metropolis skyline. Tinya lay on Jo’s chest looking up at the appearing stars and Jo with his hand behind his head and his eye closed.
“Jo, are you sleeping?” Tinya said as she heard him snoring and poked him in his ribs. “ZZZZZ…Huh…uh…No… No I’m not sleeping.” Jo pushed himself up on his elbows, as he fluttered his eyes a little.
“You were too. You big lug.” Tinya said smiling and readjusting herself.
“Sorry Angel. It’s been a long day. I’m surprised you’re not doing the same thing.”
“I guess I just can’t sleep. There’s so much going on. Brin and Shikari are missing and I know Brin’s tough but I do worry about him.” Tinya folded up her knees and pulled them close to her chest.
“The wolf will be fine and he has Shikari with him. She’s as fierce a fighter as they come.”
“I know. But I still worry. I still worry about Cub too.”
Before Jo even knew what his body was doing he was cradling his wife body. He felt their hearts beat in unison.
“I know Angel and we’ll find him. Both of them.” As Jo said this he took her chin in his hand and looked her in the eyes to let her know he meant both Timber Wolf and Cub. Then he gently kissed her. Tears rolled down Tinya’s cheeks as a smile spread across her face. Jo lied back down and pulled Tinya with him. As the lights of the Metropolis skyline came to life.
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Triad’s Room.
Vi made her way to the jump tube once everyone had cleared out. She figured that was enough time for Lu. Down on Sub Level one the second door from the jump tube, was Lu, Vi’s room was Three doors down on the opposite side.
Vi stood in front of Lu’s Door. Even though she figured this would be enough time for Lu, she feared it might not be. Vi pressed the call button on the doors side panel.
“Lu, it’s me Violet. Can I come in?” Vi asked timidly. As almost on instinct Vi reverted to her shy demeanor, knowing that was the person Lu trusted most. Even calling herself Violet, something almost no one calls her any more. Because Violet was who she was before the Emerald Eye. Even though she has come back from the break and fought her own demons with being possessed, Vi still feared that those who went through it all with her, held a guard against her.
“Come in.” squawked the communications panel breaking Vi’s thoughts.
“Hey Lu, I wanted to check in on you and see how you were holding up?”
“I’ve been better. I’m stuck in a reality where old friends are back from the dead while others are dead and they never even knew any of us…” Lu sat on her bed with her knees curled up to her chest and her arms warped around them. Her blood shot eyes still producing small tears that stream down her cheeks.
“I know things aren’t great right now. But this is the situation we have. We’ve got to do the best we can. Besides we all still have each other.” Vi said as she sat on the end of Lu’s bed.
“Easy for you to say that when you get a second shot at happiness.” Lu said snidely through a sniffle.
“What?” Vi’s lavender eye’s grew wide.
“Sister, that’s not right to say!” Lu’s head twisted slightly before saying this.
“Yeah Violet can’t change the circumstances.” Lu’s neck twitched.
Vi realized Lu was about to triplicate as she was fighting with herself. In an instant two women identical in almost every way, except the color of their eyes and clearly their personalities were sitting on the bed in between Lu and Vi. This was one of the more calmer splits Vi had seen Lu have when they were in disagreement.
“No she can’t. But you can’t deny that she gets to have a dream come true. She gets another chance with Gim. It’s like the freaking Emerald Eye all over again. Little Violet getting her dreams.” Lu’s purple eyes welled with tears as she lashed out at Vi and her sisters.
The three of them stared back at her both in shock and in slight guilt. Vi’s fear realized but also Lu’s horror at her self’s reaction after all this time. Lu purple jumped up from the bed and ran for her private bathroom; which all the rooms had.
“Maybe I shouldn’t have come…” Vi said as she began to stand to go.
“No, don’t go. “ Lu neutral said gently grabbing Vi’s arm.
“Yeah stay Vi. Lu will get through it.” Lu orange said gently.
“Besides grief makes people say things they don’t mean. I’m just surprised that Lu purple is the one hit the hardest. I knew she cared about R.J. but I never imagined his death would affect her so deeply. I always figured it be softly over her.” Lu neutral said as she winked at Vi and pointed her thump at Lu orange.
“Funny.” Lu orange said with a smirk and her tongue out.
All three smiled slightly each knowing everyone deals with death in their own way. The faucet began to run in the bathroom before finally the gently slide of the door opened revealing Lu purples red eyes and nose raw. The edges of her hair damp from the water she splashed on her face.
“Feeling better?” Lu orange said turning to face Lu purple.
“A little, sniff.” Lu said wiping at her cheeks as she felt another tear start to make its way down.
“Good. Lu I hope you know if I could I would bring R.J. back in an instant.” Vi gently pleaded.
“I know…and I’m sorry for saying that. I’m just angry. I was looking forward to seeing the old man. You know maybe even get a second chance to get to know him again. I don’t know, I just never realized how much I missed him till I couldn’t anymore.” Lu purple said as she leaned against the wall.
“I know what you mean Lu and I won’t lie to you and tell you my heart didn’t leap a little when I found out Gim’s alive. The chance to get a second shot is more than I could ever ask for. “ Vi cast down her lavender eyes.
“I know Vi and I do want you to have that second chance. You deserve it after all this time.” Lu purple smiled weakly.
All three women looked at each other before getting up and crossing the room to Lu purple and all four of them hug each other tightly.
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Andromeda’s room
Meanwhile just down the hall, on the same side was Andromeda’s room. She figured she’d go lay down for a bit. She knew she’d probably never see this room again or at least not for some time. She didn’t know how long she was going to end up being on Colu with Brainy.
Andromeda looked about her standard issue Legion room. The retractable hover bed with a small closet next to it. A personal and private bathroom across from it and two hover chairs over in a corner with a retractable hover desk as well. It was small but quaint. She slowly removed her white gloves of her uniform. Brainy said that it would be better if she put on a more civilian look. Andromeda ran her fingers across the silky fabric of the bed sheets before taking a seat. The bed dipped a little but quickly righted itself.
“I guess I should take quick nap and them a shower…” Andromeda realized it had been forever since she had taken off her uniform or at least lived a life that didn’t have her in her orange tights and star spangled sarong. Lying down on the bed Andromeda closed her eyes and tired to sleep. But her mind swirled with the possibilities of what her life on Colu might be like. Could she deal with living on another alien world? Earth was probably the easiest, even if it was the one with the most turmoil. While Durla was much more difficult to stay on, as it was still just opening up to the U.P. again there weren’t many, if any off worlders. It was a fairly lonely existence. She wondered if Colu was going to be more like Earth or more like Durla.
“I can’t sleep...”Andromeda thought to herself as she turned over opening her eyes and stands of blond hair falling into her vision. Grabbing her Omnicom that was returned to her once Brainy had outfitted the new headquarters with much more advance systems, Andromeda began to type.
“Dear Journal, 04.23.3014.
My name is Laurel Gand, but I’m much better known as Andromeda power house and first scandal of the Legion of Super Heroes and as a hero you learn to take punches. But lately I feel as though the punches keep coming before I can prep for the next one. I might be near invulnerable under a yellow sun but even I can only take so much.
My latest predicament has me leaving for Colu in a few hours. I’ll be traveling with my fellow teammate Brainiac 5 or more affectionately Brainy. He’s a super genius from a world of genius’s.” Andromeda sat up and curled herself up under the cover and continued writing.
“I’m sure Colu is nice. But it’s not a place Brainy seems to particularly want to be; which makes me more nervous than anything. It’s always hard for me to interact with new worlds for the first time. My own world didn’t fear or pay much mind to the Coluians as we did others that were much stranger from ourselves.
But I guess that really shouldn’t be my main concern but more so the reason I have to go. I have nannites in my system, which are attacking me because they recognize my DNA as Damaxiate and they are programmed to subdue us or kill us. Brainy has seemed to overridden their programming for the time being. But Brainy wants to make sure I’m not in any danger, as the last time they tried to subdue me, the nanaties made my powers go haywire.
I’m honestly scared of what they can do…I don’t want to be a danger to the people around me. This reality is so harsh and untrusting. I know how dangerous Damaxites in the wrong hands can be, but their fear seems so extreme. I wonder what happened here to make it this way.
M’onel says he’ll get to the bottom of it by taking a trip to Daxam once things settle down. I’m not sure that’s a great idea. But I can’t argue with him. He’s 1000 years old after all. But still I wish I was at least going with him. I wouldn’t mind seeing home again. It has been so long since I’ve been there. To feel the setting red sun and feel the Darx Dessert winds against my cheeks.” Andromeda closed her eyes and almost felt the warm sun rays on her face.
“I’m a little all over the place in this first entry. But so much has happened and I hope by keeping this journal I’ll be able to help myself make sense of my new life journey.
May the stars bless this journey and may my path be eternally grateful.
Andromeda closed down the Omnicom, finally feeling a bit of peace in her mind she put the Omnicom away and lied back down feeling her eyes becoming heaving she fell asleep almost instantly.
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Monitor room
Back on the first level just to the left of the meeting room was the communications room or what has been dubbed the Mission Monitor Room, just as it was back in their old headquarters.
M’onel sat at the control panel gliding his hands across the light up screens. Searching Daxam’s involvement and history with the U.P. was of priority and seemingly extensive as M’onel found out.
“I never realized it was this extensive. It seems in this reality Daxam was just as much a supporter of the United Planets as anyone right up until about 20 years ago… OK that checks out….but what changed that?” M’onel did a search on the lead virus but didn’t come up with much aside from the few statements made by Daxam diplomats just before the closure of Daxam.
“Why isn’t there anymore research or statements beyond the first few years of the exile? There is more to it. Just how it’s odd that this Daxam was very involved in the U.P.. I wonder what changed…was there no Roxxas to taint the high council?” With a few strokes of the light keys M’onel did a search for Roxxas.
“He’s alive and on planet supposedly… looks like I think I found someone I can pay a visit to. I think he might know a thing or two as to why Daxam is closed off.”
M’onel, clicked on a few more links. One of the links that M’onel clicked on was entitled “Rebirth of a Tyrant: the 20th anniversary of Lord Mordru’s awakening.” Not seeing a connection he closed the link quickly. Mordru was something he knew they all would have to eventually deal with. But right now his world is what mattered. M’onel’s face’s was dimly light up by the control panel showing the bags under his eyes that he has been trying to ignore since they reentered reality. M’onel realized just how exhausted he was. He sat back and took a sip of the mint hot chocolate he had made from the dispensary.
“I’ll get to the bottom of this. There has to be a reason why they just stopped communicating. M’onel began thinking about the lead virus and that maybe just in case he should ask Brainy to immunize him against the lead of this reality.
“Brainy, are you busy.” M’onel held his ring to his lips.
“Hump.. a little what is it M’onel?” Brainy sounded odd. Not his usually stiffness but almost flushed but not annoyed.
“I was just wondering if you’ve thought about immunizing me against the lead of this reality just in case there is a difference.”
“Yes, I did actually. I had the serum made and delivered to your quarters. Was that all?” “Yes Brainy.”
“OK then. Please do not disturb me for the rest of evening unless it’s a real emergency. Brainy out.” As abrupt as usual Brainy cut off. But M’onel could still hear it is Brainy’s voice and breathing that something was up. M’onel hope and worried that it wasn’t something bad or to do with Andromeda.
“Hopefully she’ll be happy there with Brainy. Maybe it will give them a chance to really reconnect.” M’onel thought to himself before returning to the monitor board’s light panel and resuming his search for some answers.
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Tasmia ran full speed towards Val before jumping up high and landing a strong kick to Val’s face. Val turning quickly as Tasmia tries to land a quick punch. Val spinning around aiming low as he extends his leg to sweep Tasmia forward launching her into a tuck and roll stance.
“Nice shot Kid!” But I’ve got better.” Tasmia jumps up high using her flight ring to help her reach a few feet higher before she begins her shadow assault. Tasmia sends stands of dark shadow matter racing towards Val, expanding and looking like giant razor sharp talons coming for him. But Val doesn’t stand scared but ready. Without a second thought Val’s dodging each shadow blast before jumping up high to meet Tasmai and punching her square in the stomach. Then taking her wrist and flipping Tasmia down to the ground.
Val landed gently besides Tasmia standing over her head.
“Give?” “Give.” Tasmia said as she extended her hand. Val reciprocated and helped Tasmia up.
“That was a very good match Tasmia. Thank you.” Val said as he tossed her a towel and began to wipe himself down.
“Any time Kid. I like a good combat session. It takes the edge off.” Tasmia said as she stretched and cracked her neck.
“Besides your one of the few I think can give me a real work out and not rely on any powers.”
“Which why did you use a shadow blast in that last round? I thought you didn’t want to do use your powers?”
“I changed my mind.” Tasmia said with a snarky smile.
Val raised his eye brows.
“I had a feeling I was going to lose. It was a last ditch effort. Don’t tell anyone that though.” She said with a pointed finger at Val as a smile spread across her face.
“My lips are sealed.” Val returned her smile before grabbing her finger and twisting her arm around her back.
“Another round?” Val said with a grin.
“Best kind of Foreplay.” Tasmia said as she threw back her free elbow at Val’s head before shifting her whole body to sweep her right leg over his head into a flip over Val’s head. Tasmia pulled Val with her as she flipped and using the momentum slammed Val into the mats. Tasmia then straddled Val.
“My round.” Tasmia’s grin was wide as her canine’s glistened
Val looked up at Tasmia and smiled.
“Not over yet!” Val pushed himself up from under Tasmia and flipped her back over. Rushing her with several punches and jabs Tasmia blocked and deflected each one breaking a sweat fast and still keeping her grin. As Val threw one more punch Tasmia caught his wrist and instantly created a dark field around them.
“Tasmia what are you doing?”
“Told you that was great foreplay and no one else needs to see this.” Tasmia pulled Val in close and kissed him aggressively. Val at first didn’t know how to respond before he began to respond in kind and giving into his baser animal instincts and getting lost in the darkness.
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“It’s your move.” Wildfire said as he leaned back in his white hover chair.
“I know. Knight to bishop four on level two.”
“Not bad Andy. You’ve gotten the hang of this game pretty well.” Wildfire cocked his head just a bit.
“Thanks.” Even though he was all Iron now, you could still see the sad blue-gray eyes that lived underneath it.
“So what do you thinks going on over there in that dark field?” Wildfire said as he pointed his thump towards the sparing mats.
“I don’t know. But I’m sure Val is enjoying himself.” Through his mask you could hear the smile Andy had across his face.
“You ever think of any of the girls like that Drake?” “You mean like what? You mean like kissing one?” Drake said as he made his move taking one of Andy’s pawn’s on level three.
“Yeah...pawn to rook four.”
“Sure…But then I realize I’m anti-matter energy and don’t really have a physical form that can touch someone without possibly killing them.” Drake’s visor opened up a little as some of his energy escaped blazing red and yellow.
“Why? Is there someone your thinking of these days Andy?”
“I don’t know. I guess I’ve gotten a bit closer with Vi. But in general I’m not too sure where I stand. I had hoped to spend this time with her but she went to go take care of Lu. “
“Nice to know I was second best. Ha ha” Drake joked.
“Sorry Drake. Just being honest.”
“Well you’ll be in the Cadet program together. So maybe there is your chance.”
“Maybe. It might give her a chance to see me in a more polished light. I really don’t remember the last time we went on a mission together.”
“Just try man. It’s the most you can do and she might return the feelings.”
“Thanks. By the way Drake, I just took your king.” Andy said smugly.
“What?” Drake looked at the board and his king was definitely taken by his queen.
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The pool.
The water splashed lightly as Sensor maneuvered through the water. He tail slashing through the water as it propelled her forward underneath the water. Her flowing pink hair gathering about her face as she looked out through the side of the floating pool, she could see Tasmia’s dark field.
“They seem to be having a moment.” Sensor pushed herself up to the surface and made her way over to the seat in the shallow end. Sensor leaned back and looked up out the sky light at the night sky. Not a cloud in the sky and noting but stars. Sensor just looked up and thought of home. She hadn’t been there in forever. The last time she had been there was before her transformation. She thought of Marla’s comment about how beautiful and unique she was. It was still hard to see that sometimes. Turning her head to flip her lush pink hair to one side and she ran her fingers through it.
These were the most drastic changes to her, was that she now had a humanoid upper half. She had hands, fingers, a face, a nose, and hair. Things she never had before and never really cared for. Although she did admit that when she had her mechanical arms on her legion flight band it made things in the humanoid world easier.
“I wonder how my father and brother are doing…although I guess here they aren’t mine. They probably have their own Jeka.” A frown crossed her face as her white eyes watered. Her tail swished back and forth underneath the water. The dampness of her hair against her smooth iridescent scales felt cool to Jeka.
“Hmmm…” Jerk slowly turned her attention to Tasmia’s dark field. Even though her body was transformed she still had her serpent senses combined with her powers. She could smell the pheromones in the air but realized it was coming from every direction. With a simple mental sweep she saw the happiness wafting throughout the building.
“Things seem to be finally calming down. It’s about time! That will change tomorrow. Half the team leaves tomorrow. It will be interesting to see how we all work as a team. I know we’ve all been separated and placed on different missions. But it’s been a long time since we’ve been split like this. Things have changed. I mean clearly look and Val and Tasmia…” Jeka thought to herself before sliding back down into the water and began to float on her back looking up out the skylight at the stars.
“We’ll be fine. But it will be an interesting ride.” Jeka closed her eyes and floated away listening to the muffled sounds of the world beneath the water.
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It's good to see Jo reassuring Tinya about Brin. It's about time! Their relationships is too strong to let some petty jealousy get in the way. Also glad that they still remember Cub. The Triad/Violet scene is great. Lu's dealing with RJ's death is very realistic. Flushed Brainy? whoo! Is he with Lyle right now? Tasmia and Val? Why not, the Threeboot made them a couple. And I can see her appreciating his physicality vs. his wisdom. It's also nice to see Tasmia's skills getting highlighted. Wildfire and Ferro, interesting combination. I like that you stayed true to each of their personalities. Sensor's serpentine abilities! I like the ability to sense pheromones. Very nice. I hope you don't mind though, but I wanted to say that maybe you could clean up the spelling and punctuation a bit  Your scenes are wonderfully thought out and really highlight each character, and some better punctuation would make them even more powerful!
Last edited by Invisible Brainiac; 04/26/14 10:14 AM.
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I like how it was Gear who hypothesized that this is their home reality. That's bad though, as it means the Legionnaires don't really have a "home" to get back to.
Makes sense that Lyle would be the one who wanted to keep his relationship with Brainy a secret. He always was very private.
Love the couples scenes! Finally, some more on Ayla and Cham. Can't wait for the Garth-Imra wedding! And nice to see Jaz and Rokk going strong.
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Thanks IB! Yeah no I need to fix alot. I just needed to get these posted before I lost access to my computer. It broke down again. So I'll be on a bit of a break.
I'm really glad your liking all of these.
yes brainy was with Lyle when M'onel called him.
tasmia and val just seemed like s good pairing. Plus neither of them have been attached in the reality to any one. But don't expect an epic romance with these two. Lol. I think it really is just purely for fun.
I thought so too with Sensor. We never really explored her natural abilities as a giant snake. And then add in that they are now evolved. I think there's a lot of story potential and Sensor may have some new things to learn about herself.
sadly Wildfire and Ferro were a last minute addition. I originally didn't have anything planned for them. But then I remembered a moment where Ferro had a crush on Vi and I thought that would complicate things nicely.
Lu and Vi's scene was hard to write I've never really dealt with a close death before so I was kind of guessing there. I'm glad it worked out so well.
that wedding is still a ways off. But it should be a good time. Lol.
how did you like M'onel and Andromeda's scenes?
Gear just made sense to me. And I figured its the small things that convince Gear of his theory. Plus Brainy is preoccupied.
I agree. Tonya and Jo are just too strong. Of course they haven't forgotten Cub!
btw I hope your seeing the clues I've dropped of things to come ��
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I understand Omni, sometimes I rush to post myself when I'm at work or something.
I wouldn't be surprised if for Tasmia it's for fun. I wonder about Val though. Sometimes he's been written as being highly spiritual/philosophical (i.e. Legion Worlds 5), so would he be looking for something more?
The Wildfire/Ferro scene certainly didn't seem last minute! It was great how you also put in some material on Drake's feelings towards his energy state.
I forgot to comment about Mon and Andromeda!
I like Andromeda being well-adjusted now. I'm curious, but almost glad, that you didn't touch on either Andy's old xenophobia or her time as a nun. But I like reading about her as a well-balanced individual without her old baggage. As for Mon, yes I'm curious as well as to what happened on Daxam. It's nice to know he still has thoughts of Daxam despite 1000 years having passed!
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I did touch on it with Andromeda, but not to the extent it used to be. I think she's come along way and is still uneasy but much more capable of handling her fears.
thanks I'm glad drake and Ferro didn't seem rushed. I feel like even after millions of years drake might still have issues once in a while. He was human once before.
Mon I thinks just dealing from the void and he feels like he needs a tie to something besides the legion. Because even in an unfamiliar reality he's really the only one besides Ferro who doesn't have anything in this time
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Yes, you're right, you did touch on it subtly. And I agree, her later appearances in the Postboot after the Anomaly did show she'd come a long way. I think the last real hint of xenophobia we'd seen from her was in Legionnaires 49.
I agree that Drake would still have issues from time to time, it's very realistic.
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I really like that Andromeda still has anxiety about other races, that strikes me as being very realistic. She may no longer be straight out xenophobic but it shows that it's a conscious effort on her part to fight thoughts she's held for a long time, which I think is more heroic than just magically erasing all of that overnight.
I also really like Wildfire and Ferro being friends...I don't know if that's something from the comic or something you came up with, but it makes a lot of sense to me as they're both unable to return to human form (Ferro is permanently iron now right?)
Liked Nura's scene a lot! And Umbra and Val! And I really like the idea of exploring Sensor's frame of mind and what she's capable of now. Her new form seemed to be just a convenient excuse to make her more humanoid, we never really saw anything that would logically show she's a hyper-evolved snake. Looking forward to see what you do with that!
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