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“And M'onel was it?” “Yes, it is. What can I do for you?” I've got a bunch of supplies that need to be moved around. Could you help with that? Maybe even help hold a few beams up, because I did see you lift somethings like Vi did earlier right?” “Yes you did. I'm more than willing to help. Where do you want me?” “Could you do those beams up there with Vi. I need those held up while she bolts them to the ceiling.” “Sure thing.” M'onel glided towards Vi as she grew to 20 meters. “This is really going to be a great renovation. We'll be done in no time with all of your help. Thank you all so much.” Chuck's enthusiasm was so strong that M'onel couldn't help but smile.
“I think he's a lot like our Chuck.” Karate Kid whispered to Wildfire “Yeah, I got that sense too.” Wildfire said as he slagged a couple more beams.
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Mission # 2: Time Institute (Team: Brainy, Umbra, Ferro, Andromeda, Cosmic Boy.) “I hope this gives us more answers than questions...” Cosmic Boy thought to himself. He was determined to keep the team together. “Hey Cos?” Ferro's timid voice squeaked out through the silence “Yes?” Cosmic Boy replied stiffly. “Do you think this Rond can help us? I mean what exactly can the time institute do for us?” “I'm not sure.. but Brainy must have a reason for us coming here. Who knows maybe in this reality they've figured out dimensional travel and they could potentially get us to a reality that's closer to our own.” Cosmic Boy tried to sound reassuring but even he wasn't sure he could fool himself. “I do actually and Cosmic Boy your assumption is right. I figured this place might be good start to see about inter dimensional travel. Also, if they have time travel we might be able to travel back in time to the moment before our universe went white and maybe stop it from being destroyed.” Brainy said calmly.
They all stood there stunned at what he has said. They all knew that the past couldn't be changed. But that was what he wanted to do. After so many lectures from Brainy about preserving the past when they time traveled to hear him say this was more than questionable.
“Brainy, what do you mean stop it from being destroyed?” “Well not stop it but maybe help relocate it...” “We can't change the past I thought?” Cosmic Boy says cautiously. “Yeah you've only beaten that into our heads a trillion times.” Umbra's sarcastic nature reared its head. “Yes, we can't change the past. We are not allowed to. But clearly we have. We've influenced the past more times than we know. So how do we know we can't change that part of the past; without at least looking at it as an option. I'm not by any means saying that this is the course of action we will take. But we can at least investigate the option.” Brainy stated his case calmly and reasonably. “That's a very good case and your right. It is something we'll all be talking about together before any decisions are made.” Cosmic Boy instructed him.
The conversation stopped after this point because they group neared the entrance to Rond Vidar's office. The hallway was brightly lit. The walls were all white and a white carpet lined the walls. Making it almost seem less is design. The few pieces of furniture were chairs and side tables. But all were floating each using technology from Brral using devices to magnetically hold the chairs and tables off the ground. The minimalist look of Rond's office felt alien to them. Their Rond's office was so much more inviting than this. As they walked down to the sliding white doors, each couldn't help but feel as if this was like being in the void again. After all they've been through this place is the one place that they feel as if there is no hope. Brainy tries to ignore his feelings of insecurity about his failure of getting people home or at least to a proximity of home by continuing to work on several other items on his to do list.
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“How may I help you today?” a voice came from behind a tall black floating chair. “Mr. Rond Vidar, I assume?” Brainy asked. “Yes, that would be me and what can I do for you?” Rond turned the chair around but didn't look up from him omnicom. “We've come to you for some help of sorts.” Brainy said. “What kind of help can I possibly give you?” “We'll before we get into that, let me introduce myself. My name is Querl Dox, also known as Brianiac 5 and this...” But before he could finish his sentence Rond moved from behind his desk and sat on the front edge of his desk. His eyes were wide with wonder as he looked at Brainy. You could see all the questions he had for him. “Are you really a Brainiac?” “Yes, I'm the 5th person to officially take that title. Now let me introduce my companions, this is Tasmia Mallor, Andrew Nolan, Lurael Gand, and Rokk Krinn. We've come to talk to you about your time travel research and your viewing capabilities of past events.” Brainy's matter of fact tone seemed to not phase Rond at all. “Well I’m sorry to tell you this Mr. Brainiac the 5th, but there is no time research. Well not actually field research. We were shut down by the U.P. Now we're able to still view the past, learn from it but no actual time travel. Besides there's some weird event in the past that's not allowing us to view anything before the 21st century and at least the first half of it...” Rond returned his gaze to his omnicom to try and conceal his disappointment. “Wait what do you mean no time travel? Its something that I know you worked very hard on...” But as Brainy said this he realized that without his intervention time travel in the reality was stunted. “I mean I’ve read a bunch of articles you've published and some of your research.” “Well yes, I’ve got theories but there is no funding for practical application of those theories. So there for there is no time travel. The time viewer is moderate. It still needs improvement but very good.” Rond replied. “But with threshold technology...that could make time travel highly probably...” “Threshold technology?...Oh you mean the new slipstream travel?” “Slipstream??” Brainy said cocking his head to the side. “yeah, its just been recently discovered. I haven't had the chance to really get a look at the mechanics of it. But I sure can't wait too.” Rond smiled as he cleaned his glasses. “I see.” Brainy began to rethink and reformulate his plans. Without a functional time institutes resources it would take longer to try and find a true way home. “Was there anything else I could do for you?” “uhmm...do you have a feed that we could follow to keep up with your findings? Cosmic Boy chimed in. “Yes of course. I'll data that to your omnicom now. Its always refreshing to see people take an interest in chronological studies.”
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Couple of things I really like from the above: the description of Rond's office and the finishing conversation where they discuss getting access to a feed of his findings. Little things like that help create a complete world beyond just the main characters 
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thanks! i realized i need more descriptions in this world!
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Nice continued comparison between the Legion's old world and the new one. And thanks for the credits, Omni. I remember we were talking about these topics before 
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yeah? do you think there are too many? i'm trying to make it accessible to anyone, whether familiar with the pzh legion or not.. and sometimes i feel like i over do it.
of course! i've gotta give credit where credit is do.
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As this continued the others began to look around the office. Ferro found his way over to a console near the left side wall of the office. Ferro slowly glided his hand over the glass surface. His light touch lit up the panels and slowly the wall started to slide away. When Ferro looked up he jumped back slightly. Rond finally noticed that the wall had moved. He ran over to it and as quickly as it opened he shut it up again. “Don't touch that!” Rond quickly pushed Ferro out of the way. “I..I..I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to hurt anything!” “I'm sorry. Its just this is very special and temperamental machinery. Stroke the wrong screen and you could do some very serious damage.” “I'm sorry but is that... a time platform? Brainy asked as he took a quick look into the room that was sliding behind the wall again. “I don't know what your talking about.” Rond finished closing the wall. “I pretty sure that was a time platform. I've designed something myself, through my own studies much like that...”Brainy was trying to gage Rond's reaction. But his face didn't betray anything. “Oh? You've done experiments with time travel? As in actual physical movement through space and time?” Rond was now returning Briany's gaze fiercely behind his violet colored spectacles. Brainy had to resist the urge to be boastful about his accomplishments. “I said I designed one. Doesn't mean that I've actually made said design. So it would still be in the theoretical stage.” “I see.” Rond's calmer exterior returned. “We'll I assure you it is not a time platform. It is merely a new form of 3 denominational virtual reality History Viewer. But its highly unstable at the present time. The sensory tend to go for everyone in the room instead of just on those who are on the holo pad. It also tends to leave them blind for three days.” Rond returns his gaze to his omnicom.
“I see.” Brainy said.
The two were at a stalemate. Neither willing to give you their trade secret. Briany knew that was a time plateform. But he knew he couldn't push any further or else he would rouse more suspicion from Rond. “I'll be in contact. We can discuss our theories.” “Yes please do.”
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Whoa, will time travel help THIS Legion find their way home?
Re number of characters, not really. I think you can manage to balance them. Maybe a cast list on the first page would help, though?
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The Legionnaires all began to leave as Rond guided them towards the door. Rond said mainly pleasantries about how nice it was to meet them and he can't wait to inform them more about his latest findings on his feed, but each of them felt just a little bit more lost after this meeting. Even though Brainy has said it was a theory, they all had secret hopes that he really would try to find away to return them to their real home. As they reentered the white hallway and as Rond's door shut they were all back in the void again. With nothing but the ever vast whiteness and each other. Andromeda slowly curled her hand into Brainy's as she hung her head in despair. Brainy was surprised by this sign of affection. It had been a long time since he had any feelings for Andromeda. But it was a nice familiar feeling. They made their way out down the hall and into the lift tube. As they left, and walked back into the world the sun shined on their faces and each of them still hung their heads a little. But as they looked up they saw some familiar faces heading their way.
“Hey any luck?” Chameleon yelled down to them as him, Kid Quantum and Dreamer landed. “Yes and no...” Brainy said as he slowly let go of Andromeda's hand and returned to his omnicom. “Care to explain?” Kid Quantum asked. “Well... the time institute has time viewing capabilities.. but no funding really and seems the U.P. Has begun the process shutting it down. Also they don't call thresholds, thresholds but are called slipstream...which makes me wonder if they do have actual threshold technology or just a different version of stargate technology.” Brainy said irritably. “OK, so that throws off a few plans, but I’m sure its all adjustable. Right Brainy?” Dreamer asked. Her tone was as light as it could be. “I suppose so. I'll need to look into this slipstream technology...but apparently its very new and very elite. Let me see what I can access....”Brainy began searching the U.P. Data banks.
“How did checking Starboy into the hospital go?” Ferro asked. “As good as can be expected.” Kid Quantum said as she flashed dagger eyes at Brainy. “That's good. At least there's some good news today.” Cosmic Boy said. “We'll...we've got some other news...”Chameleon said as he looked back and forth at Kid Quantum and Dreamer. “I'm not sure we should talk about that just yet...”Kid Quantum urged. “Talk about what?” Umbra asked skeptically. “I had a vision, of Thom being better and a cadet...but it was while fighting Mordue...” “Mordue is here? Umbra's voice was filled with shock and a little fear. “Yes, but I think that's something we can wait for now. Thom was in the vision, so it could be a ways off.” Dreamer chimed in. “But it could be sooner than we think. Its something we'll have to keep an eye on.” Cosmic Boy said. He wasn't around for the battle with Mordue but he read the case files and knew how much trouble they could be in with him around. “Yes, agreed. Lets refocus. I've got the slipstream plans. It is stargate technology. And its patented and owned by Brande Industries as well. I'll send instructions to Triad's team to procure the design and maybe a functional ship. I'll just wire a few more credits into the account. Also I’ll send material instruction for Chuck to gather to build a thresholds drive/gate. I'll just have to make it before I go. I've got time...” Brainy said as he transferred more credits and updated his list of to dos.
“Alright, so we've got to obtain a stargate ship, as well as I have to build a Threshold gate for everyone to use... this actually may allow me to come back and help a bit more than I originally thought or planned...I think I’ll actually have our rings be the threshold activators...” “But Brainy what about Shikari? With her missing we can't navigate the thresholds properly.” Dreamer said. “I'll have to work on that. But I can at least complete the drive and gate before I leave.” Brainy's attention was still on his omnicom.
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Would love to see the Legion fight this Mordru again. I'm glad they have relative freedom despite being "registered" into the system!
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Thanks Ib! But once they enter the special unit, that could all changed....
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Mission # 3: Brande Industries (Team: Spark, Triad, Invisible Kid, Sensor.)
Triad led the team to Brande Industries, flying in a diamond shaped pattern. They weaved their way around hover cars elegantly. This team flew well as a team; in sync with each other. They were on a mission. As much as Triad wanted to split herself apart she tried her best to stay merged. She knew them flying was enough of a spectral and Sensor using her powers to keep them hidden was hard enough. She couldn't give Sensor more bodies to conceal.
“Triad I’m excited to see R.J! I can't wait to just give him a big old hug!” Orange Triad exclaimed in her mind. “Sister, we can't do that. He doesn't know us in the reality remember.” Purple Triad said discouragingly. “He may not know us but we know him and him being alive and well is all that I need, right now.” Triad neutral said. “So... what are we gonna say? I mean are we just going to walk up in there as if we belong there?” Spark said as she interrupted Triad's inner monologue.
“We just have to get in the door long enough to get Lyle in there.” Triad said. “Didn't Brainy say he made an appointment?” Sensor asked. “He did. But I still don't know what we'll say to get in there.” Invisible Kid said.
“Beep....Beep....Beep....” Invisible Kid's extra omnicom began to go off. “And looks like we just got our answer.” Invisible Kid said as he took it out from his utility belt.
“Dear Lyle, The update of our situation is as both good and bad. We've discovered that the Time Institute is barely functional and pretty much nothing more than a Museum... but I'm thinking we need to keep an eye on it as Rond I think is hiding something. Next there is no threshold technology. Their “slipstream” technology is actually stargate technology. What I thought was in the drones was just personalized stargate drives. Which brings me to my next point. While you are there you will purchase a ship. That is what's getting you in the door, as well as my name. Inform Triad that she is to accept a file on my behalf. Also, don't worry about the credits for the ship; Use your new I.D. To access the group account and your individual accounts, if you so desire anything while your out. While your in Brande Industries, get as many plans as you can on some of their latest projects. They may have something I can tinker with to get us home. Also find out if maybe he could use a security force or something, to hire some of our teammates. Some of them are getting a bit edgy. It will also help get some more credits to live off of.
Also, I’ll be constructing a threshold gate here for the headquarters. The gate until we find Shikari and Timber Wolf, will be merely decoration. Also, its been decided that due to her rather unstable condition, that Andromeda will be accompanying me to Colu. We had an incident before we arrived at the Time Institute. It seems the nano bot technology is attacking her. I've managed to stabilize her enough but she still could relapse and so I need to study her... I mean the situation more. Keep be updated on anything you find.
“Well, that was rather informative.” Invisible Kid said as he handed Triad the omni come for her to read.
“How will I get the file? Briany took all of our omnicoms to make a “computer”. “You can take this one. I've got one more in my belt. The latest one Brainy and I were working on before the fatal 500 ordeal and what ever that can't hold I’m sure I can load up to my ring and send it to the omnicoms back at base. It was an upgrade Brainy worked into the rings when we reorganized.” “You know I forgot all about that function of our rings.” Spark said as they all returned to flying on in their diamond formation. “Well updates were often with Briany and Lyle.” Sensor quipped. “It just seems like every time we think we have a plan it seems to change.” “Spark...Alya I know its been hard but we'll get through.” Sensor said as she closed ranks with Spark.
“We'll get me in and I’ll do as much digging as I can. Meanwhile, I think it be best if you just stuck with buying a cruiser with a stargate drive.” Invisible kid said as he took a sharp right turn around a large vid screen, that had been burned out. Turns out they were already really close to Brande Industries and that burnt out screen was from their earlier altercation with the drones.
“Were here guys. Every body get ready for this.” Invisible Kid said as he looked at Triad. He knew she might have the hardest time with this. Its like seeing your parents again after you thought they were dead.
“As ready as I'll ever be.” said Triad. “You might want to get out of sight Lyle before we get in front of any security cameras.” Spark said.
“Good point.” Instantly Invisible Kid did his name justice and faded away from sight.
The four of them touched down directly in front of Brande Industries. The area looked like many of the other business offices in the area, a tall building, that stretched high into the metropolis sky. The building was a dark gray with large windows in the front hall and smaller window's in rows of three.
“This place looks a lot different here.” Triad said as she hugged herself. The building that she had practically called home no longer looked like home. It had been years since she really called it home anyway. But at least back in her old reality she could always visit and it still felt like home. This place felt like nothing. It just felt like another office building.
“We'll everything is going to be dear. It is a different reality after all.” Sensor said as she placed her slender beige arm around Triad's shoulder. Sensor was still getting used to having actual arms. Even after all this time she still wasn't always sure what to do with them. But in moments of comforting they sure came in handy.
They moved forward entering the large main foyer Invisible Kid staying close to Sensor. The large windows allowed for so much light and compared to the outside of the building it was much cheerier inside. High ceilings with large dangling light fixtures. The lights themselves weren't on but there were small crystals hanging down that caught the light from the windows and created various mini rainbows around the room. In the center of the room was a large oval iridescent blue desk. Sitting at the desk was a something they hadn't seen much of since they arrived here, a non-humanoid sentient being. As they approached they saw a slender blue and green woman sitting at the desk. She had scales for skin and he skin like the desk was iridescent; changing with every slight movement. She had no real hair but a Mohawk of purple fines that went down her back. Her eyes bulged slightly and were a pale green and her lips were the same color. She had no arms but long fins that flowed about her. As they got closer to the desk they saw that it was surrounded by a small bubble and that it was filled with water. That was how her fins were flowing so freely.
“Welcome to Brande Industries. I'm Leka Flown. How may I help you today?” came a soft telepathic voice in the legionnaires heads. “Thank you, I'm Luornu Durgo. We have an appointment with Marla. It was made by my associate Brainiac 5. “ even though she was more nervous than she had been in a while, but her professionalism showed through. She knew she was made for this kind of life. Every part of her felt fulfilled being the business woman, just as she felt fulfilled being a legionnaire.
“Ah yes. I have your appointment right here. Mr. Brainiac will not be joining you I take it?” “No he couldn't make it and sent us in his stead. I believe he sent a message about having to send us in his stead.” Triad continued on as the other stayed silent.
“Sensor can you make sure I’m not detected telepathically by the receptionist.” Invisible Kid asked. “Sure. I can cloak you from her.” “Ah yes I see that note here. Please take the jump tube up to the top floor. Mr. Marla's office is the one to the right.”
They all walked over to the jump tube. Each one entering after the other. They hoped that the tube wouldn't activate when Lyle entered and he could just use his flight ring to fly with them. Triad entered first, followed by Spark and then Sensor. Invisible Kid stood there for a second before realizing that the jump tube would automatically activate. Luckily Sensor's tail hadn't fully entered the tube yet. Quickly Invisible Kid grabbed her tail and as she shot up into the tube Invisible Kid was pulled along with her.
“Quick thinking Kid!” Spark thought to him over their telepathic earplug link. “Thanks Ayla. Alright...everyone Brainy just beeped me some more info. He's given me the schematics to this building. I've getting off about now! Good luck! He thought to everyone as he let go of Sensor's tail and jumped out of the jump tube on to the 23 floor.
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Sensor certainly seems to have mellowed down. Like the way you write the camaraderie between the Legionnaires.
I'd like to see a "Who's Where" type post so we can keep track of who's gone where! Loving the little subteam groupings.
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thanks IB! i think that is one of the things that needs to be shown more and that was what the early Reboot legion and even the Threeboot were good for.
i'll def do a recap page soon. i just want to get past this section.
Lol. yeah she has. but you know what i figure she can't be angry forever!
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Legion Recap:
The legion has entered a reality similar to theirs but without the formation of the Legion. Being pursued by the Science Police most of the team was captured. Being released on the condition of registration, they are currently carrying out various missions that Brainy has made for them. Two Teams have completed their mission, while two more are still working things out. While others are working on making a new home for them.
Legion Missions: Getting Star Boy to the Hospital - Completed. Registration of all Legionaries - Completed. Brande Industries- In progress---- The search for Timber Wolf and Shikari - In Progress-----
Also the legionnaires have entered into a cadet program with the Science Police.
Cadets: Saturn Girl Kid Quantum Triad Violet Live wire Spark Umbra Ultra boy Apparition Wildfire Ferro
Brainy-forced to go back to colu Andromeda- going back to colu with Brainy.
Shikari – Kidnapped Timber wolf – kidnapped
These members are living in secret at their new base. M'onel- Dreamer Chameleon Sensor Gear Invisible Kid Karate Kid Cosmic Boy
Injured Starboy - Comatose
Legion potential allies - Science Police officers Erin Shavanung and Officer Gigi Cuzmon. Chuck Train - architect of new headquarters. Rond Vidar - director of the time institute
Last edited by Omni; 03/05/13 03:19 PM.
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Invisible Kid was on his own now. Just the way he liked it. He found it easier sometimes to maneuver without so many people to coordinate. His steps were light as a feather as he walked down the dimly lit corridor. Even though it was the middle of the day there didn't seem to be much activity on this floor. Briany's message said that it was the records floor. But Lyle thought that it would have been more in inhabited than this. Edging his way to the corner before turning to the main frame room. Invisible Kid slowly peered his head around the corner. Even though he was invisible he knew that if there was a motion sensor it could detect him. Sitting at the end of the short hall was a door. There were no guards in sight. But Lyle knew that it couldn't be that easy. Slowly he moved around the corner. Inspecting for camera's and sensor Lyle noticed a small sparkle along the floor. Lyle opened his utility belt and pulled out a small pouch of powder. “This should do the trick.” he thought to himself. Gently opening the pouch, Lyle poured a small amount into his hand and blew slowly. The powder wafted out over the floor its white chalkiness drifting slowly to the floor revealing a network of laser beams lined up across the floor.
“Not that original. But ineffective against someone who has a flight ring.” Lyle said as he slowly lifted several inches off the ground. “Now lets just be careful...there has to be more to it than this.” Lyle moved slowly forward and as he did he heard something activate. Up in the far right corner came down a small camera with a motion sensor attached.
“Well that's more like it.” Lyle smiled as he thought this. The camera was moving from right to left; while the motion sensor stayed perfectly still. Lyle studied its movements and noticed that it had a two second delay when it reached its far right corner and the motion sensor seemed to be stuck. Lyle waited still the camera reached its far right corner and then he zoomed for the door. But as he flew in more lasers began to appear from both the ceiling and the walls creating a maze like structure; that was continuously rearranging its self. Lyle missed each laser as it came down by mere seconds. Swiftly maneuvering around each one.
“R.J. Must really want to keep something hidden. Good thing I'm good at finding things out.” Lyle stiffened and stretched out his legs and arms to make him as slim as he could. Rotating to his left side he missed another laser beam. He slowed down his pace as he saw three more beams descend from the ceiling. “Alright this will be more difficult than I thought.” Lyle froze for a moment trying to figure out his next move. With two more leaps forward he will be past all the laser's and at the door. Lyle glided forward a few inches when three more beams crossed his path and almost caught him in the center of it. One more assault of beams was making its way down as he rushed forward, flipping through the air.
“One last push forward. If I can just squeeze through.” Lyle thought to himself as he zoomed in. Zig Zaging his way through the last few beams Lyle tucked and rolled himself to the other side of the laser beams. Lyle slowly stood catching his breath and waiting to see if the motion detector could detect him this close to the door. The beams began to disappear. Slowly the camera and motion sensor retreated back into the ceiling. Lyle reached the door and tried the panel but as he suspected there was a pass code to open the door. Using his upgraded mini omnicom, Lyle tried to over ride the codes. But it didn't work the first few times. But once he cracked the code a small piece of the wall above the doors control panel, opened and slide up into the wall; revealing a retinal eye scan. Lyle was unsure of how he could get into the room now. Without the Eye scan taking place the wall immediately closed.
“How will I get in now...Let's see there has to be another way.”Lyle looked around to see if there was anything he missed about the corridor. But he didn't see anything that would be of use to him.
Checking the schematics Brainy sent him Lyle saw that there was an air duct that should be located in the ceiling. It was just a matter finding an entry point big enough. Suddenly the lights started turning on fully around the corner near the lift tubes. Someone had entered on to the floor. Lyle quickly put away his mini omnicom and silently moved himself against the wall next to the door. Rounding the corner with a confident stride was a Brande associate that Lyle never thought he would see again. Doyle, the man who tried to have R.J. Brande assassinated in their home reality.
“He must not have been discovered yet... or maybe he's innocent here. I mean anythings possible.” Lyle thought to himself.
Doyle approached the door. Entering the code and the proceeding to complete the retinal scan, the door slide to the left. Doyle strode through. Lyle crept as close as he could to Doyle to follow him in. Using his flight ring to hover again above Doyle. Noticing the air duct in the ceiling, Lyle found his exit strategy for after Doyle leaves. The lights turned on automatically as soon as Doyle entered. Going to the large computer and records display area against the back wall of the room. The Schematics made this room appear much larger than it actually is. Not holding more than the flat screen glass monitor and light console, a few chairs and a side table with omnicoms stacked up.
“What are you doing Doyle?” Lyle thought to himself. Doyle tapped several button to turn on the console. Lyle tried to remember the exact motions Doyle carried out, figuring this was his pass code to get into the files. Doyle opened several files marked top secret. From what Lyle could see over his shoulder, he saw plans for several new ships that were in production. All seemed fairly impressive from what Lyle saw. But nothing that seemed to warrant this much security. The next file Doyle opened stunned Lyle when he saw the main file that popped open. Showing an autopsy report for R.J. Brande.
“It's been several years since you passed R.J. and I couldn't be happier. The stargate drives in the ships are still working amazingly but The United Planets is starting to fall apart. Soon your dreams will be nothing more than a memory my old friend.” closing the file after this and moving on to uploading some new files from the marketing department and another possible ship design.
Lyle hovered in disbelief as Doyle finished up his work and left the room. Slowly lowering himself to the floor. Not allowing himself to become visible just yet. He repeated Doyle's movements on the light console. First looking to the story on Brande, Lyle read it intently. R.J. had been assassinated. It happened just as it did in his home reality but without the intervention of three heroic teens. There was no Legion, never has been. There was no more R.J. everything they knew was without a doubt now gone. Lyle knew trying to rebuild their old life here would be almost impossible now without R.J. Lyle bowed his head for a moment before continuing on searching the company records. Finding several more ship designs that he hadn't seen over Doyle's shoulder and several new technologies that Briany might be interested and some that he wouldn't mind tinkering with as well. One thing he found looked like a prototype for a time plate form But he wasn't sure, but downloaded it any way. As Lyle began to shut down the main frame he heard someone on the other side of the door. Realizing He had been there for a while, Lyle quickly made his way for the air duct. But before he grabbed as much as his mini omnicom and ring could hold. A few of the files he found he wasn't able to read just yet. But He figured it be better to has as much as he could and not have to come back. As Lyle quickly opened the vet, the door to the records room slide open. Doyle had come back. Searching the small table of omnicoms Doyle picked three of them up. Lyle had yet to close the vent door and with Doyle standing just below the vent he knew it would be hard to close without him noticing. But Lyle tried. Slowly grasping the latch of the door and pulling it up into the ceiling.
A small “Ekkkkk” came from the hinges. Lyle instantly stiffened Doyle slowly lifted his gaze from the omnicoms and looked around. Not seeing where the sound came from around him, Doyle looked up and just as he did Lyle stayed still with the vent still slightly ajar.
“Hmmm....The latch must be loose. I'll just have to get maintenance up here to fix that.” Doyle says returning his gaze to his omnicom before finally leaving the room.
Lyle let the door stand open, as that's how Doyle saw it and he made his way through the air vent system to find his way out.
Last edited by Omni; 10/01/14 10:35 PM.
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Awesome, I am glad you have started adding updates to this again! Looking forward to more! 
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still working through some writer's block but i hope to have more soon!
really glad you liked it!
read the adventures of the Reboot Legion!
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Joined: Sep 2003
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Nice to see brains rather than brawn being used, I like your take on Lyle Omni.Also, it's a bit sinister that Doyle is having conversations with the dead Brande - or is he really dead? Hmmm, very interesting!
Am loving this Omni, more, more, more!
Legion Worlds Ten - the final chapter is here. Find out the ultimate fate of our fantastic future friends.Only found in the Bits o' Legionnaire Business Forum.
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Unseen, not unheard
Unseen, not unheard
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Thanks for the recap, Omni!
I find you are very creative and crafty in having the Legionnaires use their powers. Even some with fairly "basic" powers like Invisible Kid are getting great treatment from you!
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Hey thanks guys! I really glad your liking this! Nice to see brains rather than brawn being used, I like your take on Lyle Omni.Also, it's a bit sinister that Doyle is having conversations with the dead Brande - or is he really dead? Hmmm, very interesting!
Am loving this Omni, more, more, more! hmmmmm I guess only a bit more spy adventures with Lyle will tell. Thanks for the recap, Omni!
I find you are very creative and crafty in having the Legionnaires use their powers. Even some with fairly "basic" powers like Invisible Kid are getting great treatment from you! Thank you IB! I try to give each one their due. Pluse i think it helpes that I picture it in my head (specifically in the vain of the art from Legion Lost vol. 1.) (on a side note how said is it that i had to put vol.1 for Legion Lost! they ruined such a good title with vol. 2.)
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Interlude: New Headquarters
“Beep! Beep! Beep!
“What could that be now?” Chuck said as he took out his omnicom. “Another list of materials to get? What is Mr. Brainiac 5 doing? Building a fortress? “What was that about a fortress Chuck?” Saturn Girl asked from her cross legged position near where Chuck was standing. “Oh nothing sorry. I just got another list of materials from Mr. Brainiac 5 and I just can't imagine what he needs with all these materials. I mean half of them I'm not using in the construction at all. It just seems a bit much I guess.” “Its alright Chuck, Brainy tends to need a lot of varying equipment and materials to work with when he's doing his projects. Its nothing to worry about. It looks like this place is coming along nicely. Thank you so much for all you've done today. This will feel like home in no time. “I sure hope so. This is a very interesting new trend of turning old warehouse into homes these days. Its another resurgence from the 21st century.” “Oh really? Are there a lot of people in this particular area that are doing that?” Saturn Girl's interest peeked. “Not really. They mostly over near Metropolis Marina Bay area. That's what makes this one so interesting and that its for so many of you. I mean, at least 12 double rooms, a meeting area, a recreation area, and a loading and hanger bay is a lot. Good thing you all got a big enough lot. But now I’ve got to find space for a Virtual reality and training facility... and then all of these parts for something or other.” Chuck shows Saturn Girl the list and realizes he's gathering materials for a Threshold drive. Saturn Girl can't help but let her heart flutter with a bit of hope when she reads this even though she got a report from Brainy that they won't be able to use it yet. “I'm sure you'll figure it out.” As she hands the omnicom back to him. “Maybe going underneath and doing a sub level would work. If you'll excuse me I've got to get back to work. Saturn Girl returned to tuning out the outside world and tune into the interior minds of the world. Returning to the now conscious Science Police officer's Shavuang and Cuzmon. Hoping to find any impression in their minds that might lead to anything on Timber Wolf and Shikari.
Chuck meanwhile continued on his way near the others to check on some projects. As he walked he thought about Imra's idea about doing sub levels. He looked through his design plans and then the schematics of the the warehouse. He realized it could have sub levels, at least two. But he figured he's check with Mr. Brainiac 5 to see if that was OK to do so.
“Mr. Brainiac 5, Ms. Ardenn...I mean Imra had a suggestion about using sub levels. I was wondering if that was an option and if so is there a budget for it?”
As soon as Chuck looked away from his omnicom, Brainy has sent a reply.
“Chuck, That is a great idea. I think the foundation could handle two sub levels at max. I'll be back soon. To help with the construction of the sub levels. Both Jazmin and Rokk will help us construct them with out needing to expand our budget.
Brainiac 5.
“Alright, sub level's we will make. This is definitely a fortress of some kind...But at least its going to be built by the best.” Chuck thought to himself as he smiled and continued on his way to check out the other tasks.
As Saturn Girl sat on the floor focusing her powers to smoothy sift through their minds without activating any of their psi training. She'd pushed beyond when they hit their heads. But there's a moment in Officer Cuzmon's mind, that Saturn Girl keeps catching faint glimpse of. But she can't quite make out the memory or thought impression. Diving into the darkness of their subconsciousness Saturn Girl swam through a darkness.
“What is it that you think you saw Officer Cuzmon? Just some hint...as Saturn Girl focused harder she finally saw a small light in the darkness that was Officer Cuzmon's memory while she was unconscious. Pushing her way towards it, she triggered one of Officer Cuzmon's psychic defenses.
“Back away from this mind or pain will be inflicted on you.” Came an ominous voice from the dark. But Saturn Girl pushed on. From the darkness faded in an avatar of Officer Cuzmon.
Saturn Girl's own natural defenses kicked in at the sight of a combat ready Officer Cuzmon; carrying a bow staff with spiked ends, and her pink astral form armored up, creating a cage like face mask, a shield on her left arm and a sword in her right hand.
“Let me pass! I mean you no harm.” Saturn Girl told Officer Cuzmon's crimson avatar. “There is no entry here. Leave now!” the avatar said as she lowered herself into a fighting stance with the bow staff stretched out behind her back.
Saturn Girl didn't move holding her ground before the avatar. Each waiting for the other to strike neither moved. Saturn Girl tried to push once more psychically at Officer Cuzmon's mind and in that second the avatar swiftly jumped up from her crouching position and rushed Saturn Girl. One of the spiked ends of the pointed straight at her. Using her sword to redirect the spikes by thrusting the blade in between two of the spikes. Forcing the staff to her left Saturn Girl grounded the bow staff's spikes and kicked the avatar in the stomach forcing her back.
“You will not pass!” the avatar said breathlessly, falling back into a balancing stance.
Rushing Saturn Girl, the avatar jumped mid way and extended her left leg. The avatar kicks Saturn Girl square in the jaw. Meanwhile, in the real world, Imra's calm exterior remained but a small bruise appeared on her jaw.
“Augh!” Saturn Girl uttered when her face was struck. “I mean no harm! But I must get this information from you! My friends are missing and your standing in my way from helping them.” Saturn Girl pleaded with the avatar. But the avatar didn't stop her assault on Saturn Girl. Pushing herself to continue to fight. With each hit that Saturn Girl took, her body in the real world seemed to be taking a beating as well. Her eye's closed and calm exterior still intact she continued to fight and several more bruises appeared, down her neck.
“I have to pass.” Saturn Girl chocked out one more time on the astral plane. The avatar did not respond to her statement. But began to take another fighting stance. Summoning up all the strength she had left, Saturn Girl made a brute force attack on the avatar. Leaving behind her mantras and her gentle sifting through Officer Cuzmon's mind, Saturn Girl rushed the avatar with her psychic blade, evading several punches, Saturn Girl finally got the upper hand, as she thrust her psychic blade into the chest of Officer Cuzmon's avatar.
“You...Yo...Youuuuu shhhalll noot passss....” the avatar chocked out before finally fading away. Saturn Girl hated having to resort to that tactic but she knew there was no way the psychic defense was going to let her pass without her destroying it completely. She just hoped there wasn't any damage done to Officer Cuzmon. Finally able to see what the avatar was guarding. Saturn Girl swam through the murkiness of Officer Cuzmon's mind. The glimmer in the distance began to grow and a sense of overwhelming fear began to sweep over Saturn Girl, as she delved into the memory. The image was shaky at first. Seeing the hover car driving down the hover lane Brainy had redirected them down. But suddenly their hover car is under attack....
“From where though?” Saturn Girl asks.
The laser firing is coming from a roof top above them. The firing is becoming more rapid. Both officers are firing their personal blasters out of their respective windows. Officer Cuzmon is also trying to drive, as the auto pilot seems to have been deactivated during the laser assault. The hover car was becoming more unstable with each hit from the lasers. Officer Shavung fires another round upward.
“OK... they're still awake here...Lets see if I can fast forward just..” But the memory wouldn't let her.
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Awesome psychic battle! I like the little touch of the bruise on Imra's face too 
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“I just need to get past this part...wait...Officer Shavung is knocked out now... Cuzmon's still trying to keep the hover car going...OK and the laser seems to hit...the back thruster. The hover car's started catching fire and this is where she goes unconscious from the fumes it seems...Hopefully she doesn't have brain damage after the lack of oxygen....The car was starting to nose dive... but it didn't fall immediately... “
Rewinding to the moment before Officer Cuzmon went unconscious Saturn Girl tries to get something more. She gets the fear, she feels the heat from the flames in the back of the car. But nothing more.
“Damn it! There has to be more.” Saturn Girl puts her hand to her temples to massage them, becoming frustrated she almost missed the next moment that pops up ever so slightly before she wakes up. “what's that blurry figure....Timber Wolf!” Saturn Girl saw him rescuing the officers. Officer Cuzmon woke up long enough to see him save then! Well that's a step in the right direction....Ok Brin where did you take them...Roof ledge...and then.” instantly the memory fades and Saturn Girl is left in darkness again.
In the real work Imra wakes up he eyes flutter slightly and as she leaves the astral plane she feels the pain on her body for the first time.
“Ouch. The Science Police sure do some hefty psychic defenses in this reality.” she says trying to stretch her neck, as she rubs it and her jaw.
“Are you OK Imra?” asked Violet as she moved a few supplies around for chuck. Shrinking down to her natural height, she noticed the bruise on Imra's face and neck.
“What happened?” Violet asked as she gently moved Imra's face from side to side. “I'm fine really. Just a tougher psychic battle than I thought. The defenses is this reality are so harsh. It's like they are all afraid of getting taken over or something. I've only seen defenses like this on Titan with the military.”
“Well.. the healing tubes should be up and running soon.” “Thanks Vi. I'll definitely take a quick dip once things are more settled.” “Did you learn anything about Timber Wolf and Shakari?” “Yes and no. They were absolutely with the Officers before they blacked out and they were taken out by some laser's from above them. So its reasonable to think that they tried to help out and I know Brin saved them from their falling hover car but nothing more than that. “We'll find them. I have faith.” Violet smiled and regrew to 20 meters tall to help move some more materials.
“I hope your right Vi. I hope your right.
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