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Re: "Omnia mutantur nos et mutamur in illis" - 52 days after INVASION
#109303 01/17/07 12:34 AM
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Fabulous and Sparkly!
Fabulous and Sparkly!
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Embassy Row

As the Rockhoppers, Hyvvie and Old Dutch headed back toward the Dark Oval Embassy, they came upon Time Teller Lad in a fight with a member of the 52 from Zwen. Although Time Teller Lad's ability to tell the time anywhere in the universe or the exact age of an object could be useful, they weren't particularly helpful in a scrape.

As Rockhopper Lad saw his younger friend being easily bested by this foe who kept turning to stone every time TTL attempted to hit him, he became quite upset.

"Leave him alone!" the Pyngwyn Prince shouted.

As if on an instinct he couldn't explain, Rockhopper Lad puffed a breath in the direction of the Zwenian. In the next instant, the Zwenian was knocked over by a hurricane-force wind.

As Rockhopper Lass put the Zwenian on ice, she, the Wonder Beagle, the Super Cow and Time Teller Lad all turned to Rockhopper Lad who was standing there looking as surprised as they were.

"Eudyptes, when did you get super-breath? Have you always had it?"

"I don't think so, Adelie! It just came out!"

The always-practical Wonder Beagle offered, "Perhaps we can figure out how and why later. Let's find the others."

The only character in all of literature who has been described as "badnass" while using the phrase "vile miscreant."
Re: "Omnia mutantur nos et mutamur in illis" - 52 days after INVASION
#109304 01/20/07 03:27 AM
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Time Trapper
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The ruins of the Dark Oval Embassy

In front of the building that had been destroyed months ago by Superboy-Prime during the height of the Invasion, Security Officer Ralph and ten others under his command valiantly defend their post from a horde of attacking hostiles.

"How's that force field generator holding out, Williamson?" Ralph shouts.

Williamson shrugs, "she's holdin' together, Ralphie, but she cannae handle much more!"

"Just hold 'er awhile, longer, Willie! Shady says she's on 'er way and---what the hells?"

Looking up, Ralph and the others see a bright light shining in the sky. They wonder at first if the blinding light that had shone from orbit for a time had somehow reignited. But with mounting horror, they begin to realize that this new light is slowly moving toward them.

As his eyes try to adjust to the new light's brightness, Ralph thinks he can make out the form of a human woman in its center.

But as he tries to squint, he hears Williamson shouting, "Ralphie! That light--it's shorting out the force shield!!!"

As Ralph begins to contemplate the implications of Willie's warnings, it's too late. The forceshield is down and hostiles numbering at least triple their rag-tag security detail quickly overwhelm and slaughter them. As he dies, Ralph hopes that Cobalt Kid, Matlock and Abin won't be too disappointed in him.

Moments after the slaughter is completed, the mercenaries and zealots back off, and the living light that is Kalla Hryl descends and lands in front of them. Her glow subsides a bit, and she is quite stunning in her bridal gown as she addresses her flock.

"You've done very well, my 52! We are nearly at the moment of our triumph! Soon we shall all receive the reward we've earned!"

The response from those assembled before her is a raucous cheer. The Church zealots among them know exactly what she means; the mercenaries think the reward is a large financial one.

"Wrath?" she says to the shadowy creature to her right. "Find the entrance to the Holy Temple at once!"

"Yes, mistress. But what of the pockets of resistance still remaining in the city that our agents are reporting?"

"It's no matter, Wrath. There are too few of them to make a difference! And with over three-fifths of our 52 guarding the Holy Temple--they have NO chance!"

"Very well, mistress." And the creature known as Wrath disappears into the rubble of the former Dark Oval Embassy.

"Soon," Kalla whispers as a look of ecstacy paints over her face.

Still "Lardy" to my friends!
Re: "Omnia mutantur nos et mutamur in illis" - 52 days after INVASION
#109305 01/22/07 02:05 AM
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Embassy Row

With some ground still to cover to reach the garrison of 52 guarding the site of the Dark Oval Embassy, the quintet of Bat-Fem, Jada Konti, Shady, Hummer Lass and Clark Marlowe are blocked by Fury, the serpentine lieutenant of Kalla Hryl.

The five of them scatter as the 15-foot long alien swipes her tail at them. Clark, the least battle-seasoned of the five, takes the full brunt of the powerful blow and is sent crashing into the nearby Talokian Embassy.

"Clark!" Bat-Fem yells, but she has to recover quickly in order to dodge, matador-style, a lunge by their foe. The dodge saves her life as Fury's venomous fangs come within a foot of injecting her with liquid death.

Hummer Lass floats above as Fury prepares for another lunge. Before the giant serpent can spring again, Hummer Lass lets an ultrasonic scream from her throat that sends Fury reeling.

"Keep it up, sweetie!" Shady yells to her floating ally, but sweat is pouring from the screaming woman's forehead; she won't be able to continue for more than a few more seconds.

Bat-Fem thinks fast and pulls something from her utility belt. She gives Jada a meaningful glance, then runs right in front of the writhing snake. Just as Bat-Fem gets in position, Hummer Lass falls from the air, and her sonic barrage stops.

"Come and get it, worm!" Bat-Fem taunts, and the snake alien, consumed with blood-lust and now embodying her name, obliges with a lightning-quick charge, fangs bared.

At the last moment, Bat-Fem tosses something into the creature's open mouth, and before Fury can claim her prey, Jada swings in her path, grabs Bat-Fem and gets them both safely out of danger. Fury looks back, appearing as confused as her expressionless face can appear, and suddenly goes limp.

Jada and Bat-Fem smile at each other, then they walk to the felled giant, joined by Shady.

"What did you do, sweetie?" Shady asks Bat-Fem.

"I fed her a fast-acting nerve toxin. She's alive and conscious, but she won't be able to move for a while. Luckily, Jada saw what I had in mind!" Looking toward Fury, she says, "Shady, this is our chance...maybe she knows what's so important about the Dark Oval Embassy!"

"Way ahead of you, sweetie," Shady answers and closes her eyes. She touches Fury's unmoving head and delves into her still-conscious mind, then sees something really disturbing. "A bomb!" she shouts and opens her eyes. "There's a bomb underneath the ruins somewhere--one that will release a techno-biological agent that's adapted to kill all life on Legion World and make it uninhabit--AAAARRRGGHH!"

Shady falls in pain. Fury had managed to somehow overcome the toxin and bit Shady on the arm.

"Shady!" Hummer Lass screams and runs to her friend.

"Shit!" Jada yells, examining the now-limp Fury. "She was able to release a suicide capsule under her tongue! The death throes she had from that agent must have enabled her to overcome her paralysis for a split-second before death!"

"Easy, Shady," Bat-Fem whispers calmly. Bat-Fem grasps Shady's right hand with one of hers while the other holds a small bottle. "This antitoxin from my belt will give you a chance." She pours some on the wound, and the rest goes in Shady's mouth. Then she looks at the worried face of Hummer Lass. "You've got to fly her to the Medical Center, Pru! This will keep her alive for the moment, but she will die without immediate treatment! Can you do it?"

"Yes, I will!" Hummer Lass responds and takes her ailing friend into her arms. Previously, Pru had only been able to do little more than glide, but her determination pushes her to achieve astonishing speed.

For a moment the pair watch their friends become small dots in the sky, then they turn to each other. Bat-Fem puts something in one of her belt's compartments.

"Well, that doesn't help our odds," Jada admits.

"No, it doesn't," Bat-Fem responds, "but we'll have to do. Maybe we can find Seth, Rockhopper and the others, or maybe not. In any case we now know the stakes, and there's not much time!"

And as they look toward the site of the Dark Oval Embassy, something moving from the Talokian Embassy catches their peripheral vision. Turning around, they see Clark Marlowe dusting himself off.

"Did I, uh, miss anything?" he queries.

Still "Lardy" to my friends!
Re: "Omnia mutantur nos et mutamur in illis" - 52 days after INVASION
#109306 01/22/07 10:13 AM
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Bold Flavors
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Embassy Row, Legionnopolis, Legion World

“Up ahead,” said Nightcrawler to Seth Gaterra, “within the Embassy. There’s a certain amount of enemies not leaving the entrance to the rubble…they must be guarding something.”

“It seems that we’ve stumbled upon their real plan,” replied Seth, “…and can finally put a stop to this.”

“Go ahead,” said Nova Girl, joining them with Thora. “Thora and I will cover you.”

“These cretins will soon learn that Thora of Taltar is not one to be trifled with.”

“Looks like we’ll have some additional coverage too…” added Nova Girl, as she motioned to the west, where Statue Way created an intersection with Embassy Row. Making their way up the street was Matlock (now clothed in a blue suit, white shirt, black tie and blue fedora hat), Stoopid Cat and Time Boy, running at full speed and taking down agents of the 52 as they came. Stoopid Cat sped ferociously through them, as he now assumed the form of the Tiger God Avatar!

Matlock smiled, “Hell, I haven’t been this age in quite awhile! I might be renowned for my detective skills, but I can still show off my pugilistic skills when I need too…” he smiled, smashing a coffee pot on someone’s head.

As the heroes began to converge on one spot and Seth and Nightcrawler moved forward, Helena Handbasket made her way across the rubble and battle grounds, seeing a cluster of enemies up ahead. “ENOUGH!” she yelled grabbing her robotic arm and putting to the ground in front of them. There was a puddle there, where a water main had obviously broken during the fray. She let loose a shock of electronic energy, knocking them back, and then ran forward. Ahead of her, five agents of the 52 fell to the ground, and she saw a familiar body among them—Dr. Mayavale, obviously taken prisoner earlier when all of this madness started. “I’ve got you doctor!” she said running to him.

“Not yet, you don’t,” said a voice, as a yellow clawed hand ripped across her back. Helena turned to see a female Dominator, complete with large, sharp teeth and a oozing yellow skin. All that was missing was a red disk on her forehead, obviously stripped away. “Helena Handbakset…” said the voice, “…I too have long since broken ties with the Dark Oval…but they are still smart enough to be wary of an Unkillable!” she added, ripping her hands across Helena’s chest.

Back a block or so, the struggle between Jailbait Lass and Virus continued to intensify, as Jailbait Lass ducked and ran forward, attempting to do anything—anything—to avoid being the victim of Virus’ micro attacks. All it took was one second for Virus to land on her unnoticed, and the little Imskian could unleash a wave of Kryptonian might on her. But now Virus was full-sized, determined to teach Jailbait Lass a lesson and beat her to death with her bare hands. She dove after her and leapt on top of her. Jailbait Lass could feel the pain of her already broken fingers in her left hand. Virus came down hard with a backhanded slap across Jailbait Lass’ face and the pain was instant—hot, tin-flavored blood filled Lolita’s mouth and her face ached with horrible pain. “You’re nothing, you witch,” smiled Virus with her hand around Jailbait Lass’ throat, “…I’ll be doing you a favor killing you, you coward…”

As the warm blood filled her mouth, Jailbait Lass felt a wave of nausea and once again, she felt panic rise up in her body. This was it…this would be her end. There was no way she could defeat this enemy. It was the Red Bee all over again, the Khund Warriors from her youth, all over again. But no…she had to focus, she had been over this before…she could do it, she could survive…she had to survive! Struggling, Jailbait Lass tried to pull off Virus’ hand from her throat, but the Kryptonian enhancement on the little Imskian by the Dominator’s was too strong. She could not budge it. Air was no longer coming in and out of her lungs and she was gasping, as the blood ran down her cheeks and Virus’ hand was crushing her throat. No…this was not for her…this was for Legion World. She reached up, and grabbed Virus’ face, and the Imskian witch laughed at her. But Jailbait Lass would do what it took for herself and Legion World, and she reached her thumb forward, and stuck in far deep into Virus’ left eyesocket, and instantly, she knew there was no Kryptonian DNA protecting that. The sickening softness permeated her thumb and she pulled out, as Virus screamed at the top of her lungs a scream that echoed death and vengeance, letting go of her throat. Jailbait Lass rolled to the side, gasping for air, as Virus fell backwards.

“My eye! My beautiful eye! You witch! I’ll kill you! I’ll kill you!” she was screaming, as Jailbait Lass could not respond or even rise to her feet. She turned, and suddenly saw Virus had shrank once again—and was coming to kill her.

Re: "Omnia mutantur nos et mutamur in illis" - 52 days after INVASION
#109307 01/23/07 12:06 AM
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Embassy Row, Legionnopolis, Legion World

"Did I hear something about Unkillable?" asked Dedman as he reappeared
The dominator turned but before she could do anything Dedman grabbed her. In a cloud of darkness smelling of brimstone he vanished back into the Poltergiest Area, taking the female dominator with him.
Seconds later he reappeared alone. Turning to Helena he said "Hi, I'm Dedman...I've read your file. Need some help?"

The ruins of the Dark Oval Embassy

Three figures step out of the shadows.
Kalla Hryl looks at them and says "Ah, I see you've finally arrived."
Gas Lass, Geez Louise, and Ron Jeremy's Moustache walk towards her.
"We have the device you wanted mistress" says Gas Lass.
"At last. The last piece of the puzzle" declares Kalla as she takes the mini-miracle machine from the trio.
"You will recieve your reward we we've accompished our goal."

Re: "Omnia mutantur nos et mutamur in illis" - 52 days after INVASION
#109308 01/24/07 02:27 AM
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Time Trapper
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The ruins of the Dark Oval Embassy

"Ah yes," Kalla says, admiring the prize given to her by Gas Lass and her peers, "your reward will be sweet indeed!"

"Mistress!" Wrath exults. "I've found the entrance to the temple!"

"And I now have the key! You three," she commands Gas Lass, Geez Louise and Ron Jeremy's Mustache, "join the rest of our throng in guarding the entrance to the Holy Temple! If any resistance remains, they must be repelled so that thay can't interrupt us!"

"Yes, mistress!" the trio answer in unison and then join the rest of the 52 that are stationed around the embassy.

"Now, Wrath...lead the way!"

Minutes later, Kalla Hryl and Wrath are deep within the hidden chamber and facing their goal in its center.

Her eyes dancing and showing utter euphoria, Kalla cries, "this is it, Wrath--the vessel of the Great Plague! And with this powering it, the countdown will begin, and it can't be stopped!" She places the mini-miracle machine into a slot, and the device begins to hum and glow.

As a digital display blinks to life, Kalla reads it and announces, "just 15 minutes, Wrath--then we'll be dead, and so will the Great Neutral Power known as Legion World!"

Still "Lardy" to my friends!
Re: "Omnia mutantur nos et mutamur in illis" - 52 days after INVASION
#109309 01/24/07 07:08 PM
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strange but not a stranger
strange but not a stranger
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a dark corner of Legion World

Non Sequitor mailed fruit to various heads of state.

Big Dog! Big Dog! Bow Wow Wow!
Re: "Omnia mutantur nos et mutamur in illis" - 52 days after INVASION
#109310 01/25/07 11:56 AM
Joined: Sep 2003
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Bold Flavors
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The Dark Oval Embassy, Legionnopolis, Legion World

*BAMF* Nightcrawler teleported directly over a cadre of Church of the Eternal Void devotees and leapt on top of them, punching and kicking. “They’re everywhere over here, Seth!” he yelled, “there’s definitely something more going on at the old Dark Oval Embassy!”

Seth Gaterra ran forward, letting loose his power on the surrounding enemies, knocking them backwards. “But what…?” he thought outloud, trying to move closer to Nightcrawler.

“Its worse than you think,” said a voice, as Bat-Fem suddenly, leapt into the fray, kicking an assailant in the face that was inches away from pounding Seth on the back of the head. “Much worse!” she added.

Seth pulled back and got in a defensive position. “And you are?” he asked, unsure of if this was an enemy or friend.

“I could say the same to you, only we haven’t got enough time. I’m a friend, just like you, and I want to help.” Seth could sense the sincerity in her voice, as well as the urgency.

“She’s right Seth,” said Clark Marlowe and he and Jada Konti ran forward to them. “I might be the only one that would recognize us all, considering my knowledge via the Legion World media, but I can tell you we all want the same thing.”

“There’s Nightcrawler,” said Jada cutting Clark off, “let’s move up to him and explain, he’ll need to know. He’s probably the last LMBer left on the planet!” she added.

“Not quite…” said Seth, as about thirty yards back, he could see some more allies gaining on them.

Rockhopper Lad and Rockhopper Lass, joined by the Super-Pets, ran forth at the intersection between Embassy Row and Statue Way, which only moments before Seth and Nightcrawler had pushed through. Rockhopper once more tried his super-breath on his enemies, amazing himself and his companions at its use.

“Nice trick, Mr. soon to be Deputy,” said a voice, as Matlock joined him by his side. “Looks like its you, me, Nighty and the rookies,” he smiled, punching a mercenary in the face. With him was a motley crew of LMB allies: Time Boy, Nova Girl, Thora of Taltar.

Stoopid Cat joined them with a hmmph. “Silly humans, forgetting me…I’ve been an LMBer almost longer than most…” he said, crawling through the rubble, accidently knocking a large piece of debris to the side and knocking out an enemy of the 52. “I see some more allies up ahead, but they’re surrounded on all sides. Let’s do what we can to cover their back from this direction…”

Up ahead, Jada, Clark, Seth and Bat-Fem made it to Nightcrawler. The Legion World Founder stood in front them, his sense of authority and leadership firm, so that very briefly they felt a sense of awe before this highly respected LMBer.

Bat-Fem spoke up. “It’s inside the ruins of the Embassy. There was a series of secret rooms underground and that’s what the 52 is going for. In one of the rooms is a techno-biological plague, hidden in a canister. It was originally here as a last defense in the Invasion, but now our conspirators hope to use it on the population of Legion World, to get what they want.

“Techno-biological plague?” said Nightcrawler. “What does it--?”

Before he could finish, Jada answered him, “Its bad Nightcrawler. Its one of the worst Dominator inventions of them all. Its sole purpose is to wipe out all life on a planet, and it would likely achieve that within hours once it was unleashed, maybe even less than that. It kills all life: sentients, flora and planet-life, everything, and there’s a technological agent within that acts as a super-virus on all omni-computers and the like. The intent would be the destruction of Legion World entirely, with almost nothing left. Genocide in its most complete form, erasing everything.”

Clark, thinking through what had been said, added, “…but that would mean they wouldn’t survive it either. Suicidal martyrs…I bet half of them don’t even realize what this means. They’ve been duped or are plain religious fanatics…”

Nightcrawler looked at Seth suddenly. “Seth, I’ve read your file,” he said, making a rare reference to the fact that there was little on Legion World that Nightcrawler was not aware of, “you’re immune to almost all diseases, aren’t you? This might not effect you.”

“Not almost,” said Seth, sure of himself, “I am immune to all diseases, and I will be to this plague. I can try and destroy it…I’ll just need a path inside.”

“It’ll be a suicide run for us for sure,” said Bat-Fem, “but there’s no time left for anything else. The leaders of our enemies are inside and we need to stop them and destroy this plague. We’ll be by your side Seth and try and get you to the plague as best we can…”

“So be it,” said Nightcrawler, grabbing Jada by the arm and putting his other hand on Seth’s back, pulling them all close. “Its up to us then, and every sentient on Legion World is counting on it. Good luck my friends…you’ll make the rest of the LMB proud, I promise you, for your bravery…”

Re: "Omnia mutantur nos et mutamur in illis" - 52 days after INVASION
#109311 01/25/07 11:56 AM
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Bold Flavors
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Embassy Row, Legionnopolis, Legion World

Jailbait Lass tried to breathe in deep and get air into her lungs, and she rubbed the raw skin around her throat, still trying to regain her sense of where she was, after the brutal attack by Virus. Virus’s blood was still on Jailbait Lass hand, and Lolita felt no regret in ripping out Virus’ eye to survive. At last, she began to regain her composure but immediately realized her mistake. She turned her back on Virus, and despite the injury she’d given the Kryptonian enhanced Imskian, she knew she was still in danger. Virus’ screaming stopped and her last words suddenly registered in Jailbait Lass’ head…’I’ll kill you.’

It was immediate. Jailbait Lass could see the smallest piece of matter leaping through the air towards her, impossible to see by the untrained eye that had been fighting an Imskian for the last fifteen minutes. It was coming at top speed and when it landed, Jailbait Lass knew it would tear her in two. She tried to move as far away as she could, and leapt to the side, but it was of no use—she was dead tired and had barely any strength left. She did not get far. Virus landed and immediately leapt again, this time in a straight line, like a bullet about to strike its pray. But Jailbait Lass’ analytical mind realized suddenly that she had given herself a great advantage: that small space she had moved, though a mere two or three feet, had positioned her 54.5 degrees to the right, putting a series of rubble between them, including a large pile of debris that must have contained some flammable material, as a small fire had grown on it. Virus was approaching now at top speed and the seconds were turning into milliseconds. Jailbait Lass quickly reached for her belt…

Originally posted by Cobalt Kid:
”Willikers girl, you have *GOT* to fix yourself up in the back,” said Lash. “No offense, but you look awful! And that white streaky thing in your hair would be all sexy and stuff if you did your hair right.”
Upon her return to Legion World, one of the first things she had done was clean herself up, wash her face and fix her hair. In her belt, she had a small canister of hairspray that she used, and had kept with her, since she was such hurry, it never occurred to her to discard it. “Always look good saving the world” is what Lucien Lad told her once before. She was no longer thinking, feeling the sense that everything that had happened was falling into place. Before she realized it, her hand had pulled the hairspray from the belt. Virus was less than three feet away, the tiniest Imskian warrior about to land on her. The fire between them flickered low, almost too low, but the angle was just right. She pressed the release button, and the hairspray fired into the air before her, permeating around, reaching the fire…and exploding outward. It was almost infinitesimal. A small fire blast, hardly noticeable. But to an Imskian with no means to stop, it was the end. The fire burst forth, soaking Virus completely, burning her head to toe, ripping away at her clothing and melting her skin instantly, sending forth a cascade of pain and unbearable misery that only one who had murdered many people can truly have ever guess at quantifying, which Virus had.

Her limp body fell, and hit the pavement, and she began to enlarge once more, almost by instinct. Unconscious, her left eye gone and her skin burnt badly, she lay there, defeated. Jailbait Lass, exhausted, walked over and her legs began to quake, and she was shaking. She reached for the hand-cuffs she always had one her, and grabbed Virus’s arms and cuffed her, the Imskian enemy still very much alive. She didn’t realize it, but small tears rolled down her cheeks as she did so, and she could not stop the shaking her body was doing. Her analytical mind thought about it and she recalled Hrun speaking of the ‘Warrior’s release’, when after a battle warriors of even the most stoic or hard nature would cry, laugh or become emotional for no reason. But despite her knowledge of that, she had no way to stop. She began to cry softly, but stopped and wiped her eyes. She forced herself to stand and look forward, the battle all past her now.

The Dark Oval Embassy (in ruins)

Another female Dominator Unkillable tore her claws across Helena’s torso, attempting to shred her in half, and Helena dropped Dr. Mayavale to the side, turning to fight her enemy. The Dominator positioned herself to spring into attack—but Helena had no time for positioning or strategy. She now relied on pure instinct, on the knowledge that she had fought tougher, in tougher situations, and would end this NOW. Helena grabbed her by the throat and threw her to the side, following up with a quick right hook with her metallic arm, sending a billowing exchange of force. Unkillable yes, thought Helena, but one can feel a lot of pain before death sets in.

“My dear Eleanor,” said Dr. Mayavale suddenly with a smile, “how good of you to come to my rescue,” he added, suddenly plunging a horrifically large piece of debris into the Dominator’s back with one of his large extra arms. The momentum was such that it knocked the Dominator to the ground and pinned her there, and Helena gladly accepted this interlude to add a finishing punch across the Dominator’s face and knock it unconscious.

Helena smiled, the thrill of battle combined with a new sense of doing something she believed in 100%. “I figured I owed you one for a past life Doctor,” she smiled, surprised at herself for cracking a joke.

“Or a future one…” said Dr. Mayavale to himself, dusting off his clothes.

Re: "Omnia mutantur nos et mutamur in illis" - 52 days after INVASION
#109312 01/26/07 01:05 AM
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The outskirts of the Dark Oval Embassy site

As Nightcrawler and his group of heroes prepare to make a suicide run into the throng of 52 surrounding the site, a huge explosion rings from behind them.

Nightcrawler looks back and sees that the Winathian Embassy is engulfed in flame. "Verdammt!" Nightcrawler yells. "A lot of citizens are taking refuge in there!" He struggled for a short moment with what to do. No, I can't allow them to die even if it means decreasing our odds of success against the 52! Ignoring the cries of those in peril is not our way, whatever the cost, he decides.

"Seth! You, Bat-Fem, Jada and Marlowe are with me! Rockhopper Lad--take the rest and save those people! When you finish, come back to the D.O. Embassy and help us!"

Rockhopper Lad obeys without hesitation and leads his group to save lives. He feels comfortable, despite his new role as LMB Deputy Leader, in following Nightcrawler's wisdom. In any case he couldn't bear to leave those sentients to be burned alive.

"Onward, friends," Nightcrawler shouts to the four still with him, holding his rapier high.

Bat-Fem holds back Clark for a moment. "Look, Clark," she says calmly, "we need you to use your full potential, right now!"

"Huh? Chloe, what are you talking about?"

She points to the crystal embedded near his Adam's apple. "That crystal is Kryptonian, Clark. On my world, there was a great hero who lived a millenium ago named Superman. We have a museum dedicated to him on my Earth. And there are crystals just like that one in the museum that were taken from his Fortress. I believe that crystal has potentially given you all the powers of a Kryptonian. It's not just invulnerability, Clark--Kryptonians possess nearly limitless strength, flight, speed, vision powers...all under a yellow sun."

With dawning realization Kent says, "that burning yellow energy that engulfed me?"

"Yep," she says smiling, "and we need you to use those powers if we have any hope whatsoever."


"Just do it, Kansas!" and she kisses him on the cheek.

A determined look on his face, Clark runs and suddenly becomes a blur. The blur zips around the barrier of sentients surrounding their goal, and several suddenly start to fall.

"There's our opening, guys!" Bat-Fem yells, and she, Nightcrawler, Jada and Seth advance through the fissure Clark has created.

Still "Lardy" to my friends!
Re: "Omnia mutantur nos et mutamur in illis" - 52 days after INVASION
#109313 01/26/07 10:37 AM
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Deep Space, The Rave at Asteroid Zero

“This is where you take us?” said Arachne with a laugh, as Faraway Lad shrugged his shoulders.

“I keep telling you all…I don’t have the most specific control over my powers…” he laughed.

The Rave at Aseroid Zero was an ongoing never-ending party that had begun sometime in the 23rd Century. At some point 4,758 Billion years in the future, this gigantic asteroid would collide with a series of planets that would effectively destroy the entire universe. Given that this seemed like such a long time away and so large scale a problem, nothing had been done about it, but teenagers across the galaxy often traveled here to party constantly, and had done so for seven centuries. Drugs, sex, booze and antidisestablishmentarianism were rampant here.

“Well, after that battle,” said Actor Lad to Kid Marvel, “I think we’re all way too tired to do much of anything, let alone gather the strength to make our way home.”

“It’s a long way away,” said Kid Marvel, “and you’re right. Everyone is exhausted and our powers are depleted. We need time to rest.”

Cobalt Kid put his arms around Crujectra as they watched teenagers partying and dancing and Toustonian Disco music blasting through soundless space. “Aw…” he smiled, “…that isn’t so bad…”

Lash Lad smiled at them. “This is the LMB after all,” he added, “…we’ve been in worse places...”

Greg Evignan Island, Legion World

Psychotic Beaver lunged forward, slicing Liberty Monkey across his torso with her claws and hurling him to the side.

By her side, Studly Woodchuck leaped on top of Lonestar Ranger, choking him down and preparing to bite down on his neck.

It did not look good, and Kid Gender Stereotype Reversal II knew it. But what use was her powers right here? The answer…not much…but she knew what she could do. She ran to Shark Lad, who had been tossed aside in the opening acts of the battle, and was now rising to her feet. “Shark Lad!” she screamed, “…this is it! We need you! You have to unleash yourself on them!”

“No…” said Shark Lad, who had come to Greg Evignan Island to escape doing exactly that. “…I can beat them without doing so…”

KGSR II turned and saw the sheer savagery of the Shark Lad’s siblings. “I’m sorry Sharky…” she said sadly, as she slapped him across the face as hard as she could. He turned to her stunned, and grabbed her by the throat, rage beginning to take hold. Blood trickled from Shark Lad’s own mouth. KGSR II looked at him, shaking slightly now at the ferocious figure in front of her, and took a droplet of his blood on her finger and pressed it to his nose.

“Take hold of your rage Sharky,” she whispered. “Use it on them…” she pleaded. Moments passed, which seemed like an eternity. Finally he dropped her. He lunged at Psychotic Beaver and Studley Woodchuck.

A little far off, Potty Mouth Master unleashed a torrent of laser blasts on the monks of Greg Evignan Island, laughing as he did so. “How the @#$% you like that?!” he smiled. “Huh? How the #$%$ you like that?!” Never before did his resemblance to Kevin Federline become more apparent.

Space Tart was not amused. She rolled her eyes at a Greg Evignan Island who couldn’t help but notice when she bent over to duck from fire. “*tee hee*, looks like I better end this…” she said, and she suddenly leapt into the line of fire. But Space Tart was a longtime LMBer, trained by the greatest warriors in the galaxy and comfortable in the most dangerous situations. She was the unbridled beacon of femininity, but also the exemplification of its rage. She leapt across the line of fire—checking her reflection out in the mirror as she did so—and landed a brutal kick across Potty Mouth Master’s face. He fell to the side and instantly, she was upon him, using her power on him, pulling out a small device that was renowned technology on Greg Evignan Island.

“Hey!” said a solder, “isn’t that a discomogrification device?”

“Yes,” replied another, “But how in the world was it up his a—“ he was cut off, as Space Tart suddenly activated it!

“Sorry Potty Mouth,” said Spacey, “but that’s no way to talk in front of a lady,” then adding a *tee hee* as she blasted him and instantly turned him into a human-shaped disco ball.

The Office of Security, Legion World

As the Security Officers of Legion World scrambled around the city, no one was around to see Dedman lying on the floor, gasping for air, his life force slowing leaving his body, after the attack by this three assailants: Ron Jeremy’s Moustache, Geez Louise and Gas Lass. Now, he thought he heard footsteps, and suddenly knew they were returning—to finish the job they started. They were all laughing at his plight.

“I told you,” said Ron Jeremy’s Moustache. “Kalla Hol paid us handsomely for the miracle machine. Now we can tie up this loose end and no one will ever be the wiser.”

“Wrong,” said a voice and they all turned to see Antacid Lass standing before them. “I brought you here, and you think you can make a fool of me? Dupe me and destroy the greatest place in the universe?” The smiled at her, outnumbering her three to one. “Not on my watch…” Suddenly, she moved to the side, instantly grabbing hold of Geez Louis and hurling her into Ron Jeremy’s Moustache, back in the Room of Forbidden Weapons. The impact was enough to push them into the side of the room, ultimately activating ‘Security Office Evidence #301’, otherwise known as Project Spinach. Instantly the two were covered in the super-dense endless spinach, covering them from head to toe. This techno-made spinach once was used to battle the actual Entropy Spinach, though it proved useless. All it did, was keep people stuck and unable to move, and give them horrible indigestion.

Gas Lass tried to maneuver herself for another blast, but it was too late. Antacid Lass had her, and grabbed her close for a sleeper hold. “Here,” said Antacid Lass, “maybe I can help you with that…” she said, using her antacid powers on her enemy, ipso facto, rendering her useless.

The Jungle Kingdom of Legion World

The bodies of the brave fallen lay among the rubble and debris, as the Gorilla Tribe of Legion World was not without its heroic dead. However, the warriors stand tall and proud, exhausted from a battle, as the fallen Validus also lays in front of them—an enemy until the end, but a beaten enemy now.

A Gorilla Warrior looked out over the smouldering plains and sighed deeply. He turned to an elder, and the elder knew he understood. “What does it matter, these little battles here, if the fate of all of Legion World rests in the hands of so few, with so slim a chance of survival?” said the elder. And their thoughts turned to what the knew must be a terrible battle, raging in the capital city…

Re: "Omnia mutantur nos et mutamur in illis" - 52 days after INVASION
#109314 01/26/07 11:07 AM
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Fabulous and Sparkly!
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Winathian Embassy

Rockhopper Lad led Rockhopper Lass, Matlock, Hyvvie, Old Dutch, Time Teller Lad, Stoopid Cat, Time Boy, Nova Girl and Thora to the blazing embassy.

Thora, cooperative, though still unused to accepting a male in authority, asked "What do we do now, ma--ah, Rockhopper Lad?"

"The sentients in there need to get to safety and that fire needs to be put out," the Pyngwyn Prince replied.

Bravely, Rockhopper Lad and his team rescued about 200 sentients, using their various powers to lead them out of the blaze.

Upon all arriving outside safely, Matlock put his hand on Rockhopper Lad's shoulder, "Care to show us your new power again?" he smiled.

"I think that might work," and, with as much effort as it would have taken him before to blow out a candle, Rockhopper Lad used his newfound super-breath to extinguish the flaming embassy.

Among the first people out of the embassy was Dr. Avis Wasser, who had earlier treated Rockhopper Lass when she first loss her memory. She and her nurse, Ben Gué had the forsight to bring their medical kits with them. "Some of these sentients will need medical care," Dr. Wasser said. We'll need a safe place to treat them.

"Allow me!" Rockhopper Lass said, as she created a large igloo. "It won't start melting for a day or so."

"That'll work, Rockhopper Lass," Dr Wasser smiled. "I'm glad you're doing better."

Rockhopper Lad faced his team, "Good work, folks. Time Teller Lad, you, Hyvvie and Old Dutch stay here with Dr. Wasser. The rest of us need to get back to Nightcrawler and the others."

The only character in all of literature who has been described as "badnass" while using the phrase "vile miscreant."
Re: "Omnia mutantur nos et mutamur in illis" - 52 days after INVASION
#109315 01/26/07 01:29 PM
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Deep Space, The Rave at Asteroid Zero

Maxx the Sorcerer stood with his husband, the pair relaxing as they looked at the writhing ravers.

"You know, I realize that you and Crujectra are stronger than you used to be, but isn't repairing the universe a little... bigger than the both of you?"

The Crusader smiled. "Honestly? Yeah, it was. I'm not entirely sure how it all came down, but we had some Celestial Help with that. Crujectra has acted as a conduit for the LMBP Spectre, if you'll remember, so she kinda thinks that might be how it went down. We felt power flooding in from somewhere..."

Maxx relaxed, a little relieved. "Well, that's good. Not that I mind you being powerful, but that was a little more powerful than is healthy, I think."

Crusader laughed and hugged his husband a little tighter. "You've got that right. I was happy with my old power levels. I have no interest in getting any stronger than I am now."

Some people are like slinkys: not really good for anything, but they bring a smile to your face when you knock them down a flight of stairs
Re: "Omnia mutantur nos et mutamur in illis" - 52 days after INVASION
#109316 01/28/07 01:50 AM
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The Ruins of the Dark Oval Embassy

Bat-Fem, Jada Konti, Seth Gaterra and Nightcrawler advance amid the chaos that their ally Clark Marlowe has created. They have to fight off a few strays, but the majority of the 52 are preoccupied by Clark and returning members of Rockhopper Lad's group.

Soon, the foursome find a doorway partially concealed by rubble. They find that the doorway is sealed by an opaque energy field.

Bat-Fem says, "this must be the way in!"

Nightcrawler agrees and turns to Seth. "Can you destroy this barrier?"

Seth's tacit response is to remove the glove from his right hand. He reaches out to the energy barrier but recoils as it reacts to the proximity of Seth's nimbus with an electrical backlash. Seth is hit dead-on by this energy and is sent reeling several feet back.

Getting back to his feet gingerly, Seth gasps, "not...going to work on it...defense mechanism..."

"What about the areas around and above the door?" Nightcrawler suggests.

"Negative," Bat-Fem's responds before Seth can reluctantly attempt the new strategy. "The infra-red lenses on my mask are showing that energy signature extends around, and probably below, a large area. I would guess it protects the whole bunker where their bomb is located.

"Might that contain the explosion?" Jada posits.

"They're crazy, Jada, but not stupid," Bat-Fem scoffs. "I'd bet the field is in synch with the bomb's timer, so it deactivates when the bomb's ready to explode."

"Maybe Clark can get through it?" Seth suggests.

"Perhaps," Nightcrawler says, "but I'll bet physical attacks will have the same effect on it as your energy attack. And besides, we don't have time to try to extract Clark from that melee." He motions toward a mound of sentients pig-piling on someone, most likely Clark.

"For all we know, it may already be too late," Bat-Fem adds, her gaze fixed on Nightcrawler. "Maybe we could teleport in."

"We might," Nightcrawler admits, knowing that Bat-Fem's statement was directed squarely at him, "but it would be a blind 'port. I can't see anything that's behind that energy field. To teleport safely, I have to see where I'm going. Otherwise, we might rematerialize inside a wall!"

"Got any better ideas, elf?" Bat-Fem challenges. "Legion World's running out of time!"

"Ja," Nightcrawler decides, "it's our best option. But I can't ask the three of you to take this risk with me."

"I am willing to take the risk," Seth says. "After all, my power is crucial to our plan!"

Bat-Fem and Jada look at each other and smile knowingly.

Bat-Fem says, "we're in, too, elf. Whatever happens, we're all in this together!"

"Alright, then, come close to me, my friends. If this is our last moment alive, I will consider myself privileged to have died with such brave comrades!"

The four come together and bunch in tightly. Nightcrawler concentrates on the barrier and imagines where he needs to be. Then he says a silent prayer and goes for broke.

<span style="font-size: 18px;">BAMF!</span>

Still "Lardy" to my friends!
Re: "Omnia mutantur nos et mutamur in illis" - 52 days after INVASION
#109317 01/28/07 04:08 AM
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A bunker beneath the Dark Oval Embassy


The quartet arrive the next moment at the top of a small stairwell. Immediately, they are startled by the sound of someone screaming.

A millisecond later, the other three are horrified to see that Nightcrawler's left hand has been phased into the adjacent bunker wall. The pain for him is beyond unbearable, and it is his screams that echo through the alcove.

"Nightcrawler!" Bat-Fem cries. "I'm so sorry for pushing you into th--"

"F-forget about it, f-fraulein. G-get Seth to that bomb! Sh-SCHNELL!"

Knowing he's right, Bat-Fem turns to the other two, "there's no time! Let's go!"

Somewhat reluctantly, Jada and Seth follow Bat-Fem down a flight of stairs and enter a chamber at the bottom.

Kalla Hryl and Wrath, her shadowy lieutenant, are poised as the trio enter, having been forewarned by Nightcrawler's screams. Kalla recognizes all three immediately from files provided by Wyandotte in her preparations. Her eyes widen particularly at the sight of Seth Gaterra.

"Wrath!" Kalla screams, "subdue that male! He may have the power to destroy the Great Plague!"

"That won't happen, mistress!" Wrath responds, and he charges Seth.

Seth can't do anything to stop him as he's suddenly being grappled from behind by the shadow creature. Seth's arms are locked in such a way that he can't extend his hands to make contact with Wrath.

Jada and Bat-Fem try to pry Wrath off their friend but find their hands passing right through the creature. Somehow, the creature can simultaneously remain solid enough to exert physical force on Seth but be completely untouchable to Jada and Bat-Fem.

"This wraith has total control of its mass," Bat-Fem assesses. "Let's see what we can do with the bomb!"

But the one who has been annointed Bride of the Void by the Church's followers stands in their way, surrounded by a white glow and looking oddly beautiful in her bridal gown. There's nothing beautiful about her maniacal smile, though.

"Distract her Jada," Bat-Fem shouts. "I've got to get to that bomb!"

Wordlessly, Jada charges the Bride, and the two fall to the ground, grappling. Kalla's energy powers don't work well in close quarters, but she's not at all unskilled at hand-to-hand. Jada notices immediately that Kalla's strength is well above average, possibly enhanced by her powers.

As Jada connects with a right cross to Kalla's head that sends the latter's veil flying, Bat-Fem has already reached the bomb.

The first thing she notices is its power source. "Sprock...a mini-miracle machine--there's no way to stop this from going off!"

Trembling slightly, Bat-Fem looks at the digital counter. Two minutes left. In exactly 120 seconds Legion World will die.


Still "Lardy" to my friends!
Re: "Omnia mutantur nos et mutamur in illis" - 52 days after INVASION
#109318 01/28/07 05:32 AM
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Bat-Fem thinks frantically as time starts running out. She looks at Seth, still struggling with the living shadow. She observes Kalla and Jada wresting. Can Kalla stop this? If so, how do you coerce a fanatic into countering the one thing she wants most? Maybe if she can reach Clark, he can fly the thing out of here with his Kryptonian powers. But could she reach him in time? Then, there's that force shield surrounding this could she even get to Clark through the shield and extricate him from that brawl he's in with so little time remaining?

She looks at the counter...


Then Bat-Fem remembers something and removes an item from her utility belt. An LMB flight ring. Shady's. She removed the ring from Shady's finger even as she administered Shady the anti-venim for the snakebite. At the time she felt a little guilty removing it, but thought it might come in handy. Now, a germ of a plan unfolds in Bat-Fem's mind.

Bat-Fem suddenly barrels past the four combatants and charges up the flight of stairs.

Nightcrawler still lies there, now moaning softly, his left hand still phased into the wall. Seeing her, he manages a, "Wha--?"

Methodically, Bat-Fem removes two syringes from her utility belt, one containing adrenaline, the other an anaesthetic. She injects the adrenaline into his neck, and the anaesthetic into his left forearm.

"There's no time to explain, Kurt," she says to him while tightening a tourniquet near where she injected the anaesthetic, "but I need you if Legion World is to survive."

He nods as she picks up his dropped rapier and raises it above her head. She brings it down with sufficient force to sever his forearm below the tourniquet.

"AAAHHHHGGG!" he screams, but as much as it hurts, the anaesthetic and adrenaline take much of the edge off.

Helping him up, they stumble down the stairs and dodge the flailing combatants. When they reach the bomb, Bat-Fem glances at the counter.


Looking Nightcrawler directly in his glowing yellow eyes, she says, "Kurt, I need you to teleport us and the bomb as high up into Legion World atmosphere as you can manage!"

"J-ja," he agrees, and they both touch the bomb.

"NOOO!" Kalla screams, seeing what they have planned. But Jada holds her back.

Bat-Fem makes brief eye-contact with Seth, then focusses on Jada. Bat-Fem mouths, "goodbye", and then...

<span style="font-size: 25px;">BAMF!</span>

...suddenly Bat-Fem and Nightcrawler are miles above Legion World's surface.

"Please, give this to Jada," Bat-Fem whispers to him as she puts something in his remaining hand. Then, she lets go and puts all her will into Shady's flight ring.

Nightcrawler grasps the object she gave him, but begins to freefall as all his strength has left him. Tears flow from his yellow, pupil-less eyes. Tumbling to his apparent death, he whispers, "Al-alf wiedersehen..."

Bat-Fem's will proves strong indeed. Within seconds her transuit activates, and she breaks Legion World's atmosphere.

She glances at the counter...


...and pushes her will that much harder. She's got to get this bomb as far away as possible to be absolutely sure no harm befalls the world below. She could let go of it now, letting the momentum built up carry it the rest of the way and possibly save herself, but she knows that carrying it herself and pushing her will further will put more distance between the bomb and Legion World. So she presses on, hoping the time left will be enough.


It was a good life, she thinks. I got to be with my Tony again before we died. And there are worse ways to go than this!


<span style="font-size: 35px;">BOOOOOM!</span>

Bat-Fem opens her eyes and sees a bright light. But the light doesn't hurt at all. It's...comforting.

Ahead, she can make out some figures coming toward her. And to her left, she notices, there is a cloaked man next to her.

"I am the Phantom Stranger," he says. "Welcome to your reward!"

Tears stream down her eyes as she recognizes those coming toward her. Her sister, Dru. Her Earth's Cobalt Kid and Loser Lad, as well as its Jada. Many others long gone. But behind them...

"Tony!" she cries as she sees her husband. But all those horrible scars are gone; he's as beautiful as he was the day she married him. Husband and wife embrace as all their departed loved ones surround them. Together, they all move into the light source.

"And so," the Stranger whispers, watching with his penetrating eyes as they disappear into the Light, "the Source has reclaimed the last of its souls on this day." He waves his hand, and Nightcrawler suddenly feels a burst of energy within him. Grasping Bat-Fem's gift, he concentrates on a specific destination, and bamfs out of one dangerous situation back to another.

Still "Lardy" to my friends!
Re: "Omnia mutantur nos et mutamur in illis" - 52 days after INVASION
#109319 01/29/07 01:46 AM
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A bunker beneath the Dark Oval Embassy

<span style="font-size: 15px;">BAMF!</span>

Nightcrawler returns to the scene to find Seth still held in check by Wrath and Kalla straddling Jada and about to deal an apparent killing blow, her fist aglow with energy.

"Nein!" Nightcrawler yells and runs toward Kalla and Jada. Kalla suspends her blow to see where the cry came from. But before she can fully comprehend what's happening, he has already arrived and delivers a powerful right cross square on her nose. She falls backward and loses consciousness.

"I don't normally hit ladies," he says to Kalla's unconscious form, "but you don't really qualify, do you?"

"Mistress!" Wrath cries and loosens his grip slightly on Seth.

It's the opening Seth has been waiting for. The sudden slack Wrath gives enables Seth, in one fluid motion, to remove the glove from his right hand and make contact on his opponent's mercurial form. Wrath manages to let out a scream before Seth's nimbus disintegrates him. Seth's 'children' feast well indeed.

Jada gets up gingerly with help from Nightcrawler. "Mordra...she's..gone?" she asks.

Suddenly overwhelmed with emotion, Nightcrawler's only response is to embrace Jada tightly, his whole body trembling as he cries. Tears well in Jada's eyes as well, but her focus right now is to try to comfort him instead.

Long moments later, he breaks the embrace and opens his fist, unclenching it for the first time since Bat-Fem put something there.

"She...she wanted you to have this," he says to Jada, and she takes it. Staring at the object, she realizes it's a pass-key.

"But what is the key to?" she wonders aloud.

But suddenly, a commotion is heard from the stairway. Seth, Nightcrawler and Jada steel themselves for the worst, but are pleasantly surprised to see the faces are friendly ones. The Rockhoppers, Jailbait Lass, Helena Handbasket, Clark Marlowe and even Hummer Lass and a revived Shady, along with Nova Girl and all the rest. Behind them swarm in a number of field medics who take a particular interest in Nightcrawler's injury.

"Get the de-phaser!" one medic shouts. "We can unphase this forearm out of the wall and have a shot at reattaching it to Nightcrawler's arm."

Nightcrawler smiles at that, then faints. All the trauma has caught up to him.

"I've got his forearm!" another medic shouts gleefully.

"Let's get him to the medcenter STAT!" the lead medic commands.

And within moments Nightcrawler is evacked out of the bunker.

The others remain in the bunker where they mingle sharing war stories and receive medical attention for various injuries. Together, they have overcome the odds and defeated the remaining 52.

Soon, Shady, Clark and Hummer Lass make their way to Jada.

"Where's Bat-Fem?" Hummer Lass asks the taciturn Jada.

Looking up at them, Jada's tears come out full-force. Her reply: "She...she gave her life. She saved us all!"

Within moments all four seek tearful solace in each other's arms.

Still "Lardy" to my friends!
Re: "Omnia mutantur nos et mutamur in illis" - 52 days after INVASION
#109320 01/29/07 11:29 AM
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Bold Flavors
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Legion World, Medicus Two

The medics and staff swarmed in and out of various rooms, attempting to finally reach a point where everyone who had been hurt or injured in the attack on Legion World was in stable condition. And they were getting closer to their goal, no matter what the continuous string of odd visitors, intense moments and close calls brought. But in one section of the hospital, they all gave some specific leeway in letting the heroes that were visiting do pretty much anything they wanted without being told to get out of the way. For afterall, these were the heroes that had saved Legion World from disaster—or, in truth, what was left of them.

In the room housing Nightcrawler, the founder of Legion World and a true hero of the LMB, a small group gathered now, feeling the camaraderie of having gone through hell and coming out the other side, and in the process saving everything and everyone they held dear. Or close to it. Gathered around Nightcrawler’s bed were Shadowplay in Candlelight Lass, Hummer Lass, Jada, Seth Gaterra, Helena Handbasket, Clark Marlowe, Jailbait Lass, Nova Girl, Time Boy, Stoopid Cat, Rockhopper Lass, Rockhopper Lad and Matlock. They were all strangely quiet, feeling both the sting of sadness over all the was lost, and the feeling of warmth and happiness that comes in knowing that something great was accomplished.

Finally, Matlock looked up. “Well, Legion Worlders…” he smiled, “…you did good. You should be proud.”

Rockhopper Lad smiled, first looking at Rockhopper Lass and then them all. “Most of you aren’t members of the LMB, but you’ve been true friends to us for a long time,” he said, holding his sister’s hand and squeezing it, “I’ve never felt more proud of any group of people in my life. Thank you,” he said.

“I think what he means,” Seth said, looking at Helena, “is that you’ve made amends now,” he said with a smile.

Helena had the same stoic look on her face she always did, but it subtly began to melt away into a smile as she looked back on him. There was a tremendous amount of relief in her eyes, and the guilt she felt visibly began to lessen.

Nova Girl smiled too and then turned to Clark. “I assume you’re going to be writing a story about this in the late edition?” she asked, somewhat sarcastically.

But her words, although joking, did not have the intended effect. “I am,” he replied, quietly, and they knew in a second that he was thinking about Bat-Fem.

Jada put her hand on Clark’s shoulder and he turned to her. “We’re all going to miss her,” said Jada. “I hardly knew her, but in those moments that I did…I felt she was like a true sister to me…”

Hummer Lass wiped a tear from her eyes, and backed away so she would remain unnoticed. These last few weeks had been an emotional rollercoaster for her and she felt an intense sadness. But Shady saw her and put her arm around her, holding her tight. “You’re among friends Pru,” she said softly, “and you can let it out. Its alright now…it will be alright.”

And then suddenly Jailbait Lass spoke up for the first time, approaching Jada, whom she never had the chance to talk to. Jailbait Lass, although quiet, seemed sure of herself and confident, as if she finally seemed at piece. “We have all lost a great deal in these last few weeks,” she said, “some more so than others,” she continued. “But we’ve all gained a great deal too, whether through experience or just a realization that we are not alone out there in the world. Things change constantly, but we can hang on to our memories and we can move forward.” Jailbait Lass smiled now and hugged Jada, and Jada hugged her back.

Jada looked at Nightcrawler and Shady who was directly to his right, and Rockhopper Lad and Matlock, who were on his left. “Shady,” she said quietly. “Perhaps you could say a prayer…for all those that we lost? And for Legion World?”

Shady looked at them all, finally landing on Nightcrawler, who nodded to her. “I think it would be fitting,” he said, as he held out his recently reattached hand to her, and she grasped it.

The all held hands now, and were silent, as Shady began to softly say a prayer for all those that had fallen and all those who made a great sacrifice. And most of all, for all that they had done these things for, and for all the dreams that made sacrifice a worthy and powerful thing. Her words were beautiful although brief, and none in the room ever forgot them. Jada cried softly, as Jailbait Lass did too, and even Clark and others sniffled. Even Helena, as strong as any of them, was moved by those words.

Shady began to conclude…”Who we are and why we are here ultimately comes down to one thing in this lifetime: the decisions that we make. Will we stand up for what we believe in, and dream things beyond ourselves? Will we stay true to ourselves and our dreams, and stay true to our friends and our loved ones? It was these decisions that allowed sacrifices to be made, and give us reason to continue on in to the future. God Bless all those that we lost,” she finished, “and God bless us all too.”

“Amen,” they all said softly.

Deep Space, Fleet of LMB Cruisers

Making their way home through space aboard a variety of LMB cruisers, and some flying in space itself, the LMB crossed through the universe to return ultimately to Legion World. They were all there among the group, all ready to return to their lives, victorious over a great enemy. They were united and they were strong.

But they had now heard the story of the battle on Legion World, and of the bravery and courage of those that were not even members of the LMB—but displayed the valor and the heroism that each LMBer hoped to strive for everyday. And they knew of the sacrifice and the pain that each had endured defending Legion World in the LMB’s absence.

“It almost doesn’t seem right,” said Faraway Lad said to a small cluster of LMBers aboard one of the ships. “We were absent and so many citizens and innocents were forced to defend our home for us,” he added. The majority of the LMB felt this sense of melancholy.

“It isn’t right,” replied Kid Prime. “But despite all the horror in the universe, and all the suffering, I don’t think I’ve ever been more proud of the citizens of Legion World than I am now, at the tail end of its darkest moments. I’ve never felt a stronger sense of privilege to be returning to my home than I do now. I only hope that we continue to serve Legion World, being its protectors, as bravely as its everyday citizens do. They have given us an example of what heroism truly means—and we will never forget it.”


Epilogues to follow…

Re: "Omnia mutantur nos et mutamur in illis" - 52 days after INVASION
#109321 02/02/07 05:31 PM
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strange but not a stranger
strange but not a stranger
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Non Sequitor closed the book, looked up, and smiled.

Big Dog! Big Dog! Bow Wow Wow!
Re: "Omnia mutantur nos et mutamur in illis" - 52 days after INVASION
#109322 02/03/07 02:12 AM
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Time Trapper
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<span style="font-size: 25px;">EPILOGUES SECTION I: ONE WEEK LATER</span>

Still "Lardy" to my friends!
Re: "Omnia mutantur nos et mutamur in illis" - 52 days after INVASION
#109323 02/03/07 04:08 AM
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Time Trapper
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1: A Farewell to the Fallen

Nightfall. Above the rubble of the former Dark Oval Embassy, a platform stands. Surrounding it in the streets of Embassy Row and filling out the balconies and open windows of neighboring embassies are thousands of sentients. Every single sentient present holds a single lit taper. Their flames create a tapestry as majestic as that of the stars themselves. They are here to honor those that sacrificed their own lives so that they, and this very world, may persevere.

They stand in silence comtemplating this great gift and remain so as Lightning Lad, co-founder of this artificial bastion of freedom, takes the stand.

"Fellow Legion World citizens," he begins, "we have come here this night to mourn and celebrate the lives given freely and selflessly last week to avert a crisis that would have destroyed us and our home if not for their heroism. It was, perhaps, Legion World's greatest challenge ever, and we have come through stronger than ever before. Let us now hear the names of all the lives lost, so that we may reflect on them and know that none of their names will be forgotten..."

Tirelessly, Lightning Lad begins to read the names of every single citizen who had fallen during the assault of the 52 and the attack of Sol Invictus. No name is given more importance than the one before it. Legion World has heard all of their stories over the past week and knows who did what; but all who died are heroes and deserve equal recognition in this ceremony. All of their holos are on display on the streets of Embassy Row, none more prominent than the other.

"...Anthony Taylor, Lard Lad of Earth-4. Hugh Taylor..."

At these names, Legion World's own Lard Lad sobs. The 'villain' who taught him so much about himself. And the 'brother' he loved but was never able to help. In a very real way, two parts of Lardy's own soul died with them. He feels an indescribable emptiness at their loss. But he also feels a deep compulsion within to honor their memories and to make them proud.

Near the back with Shady, Hummer Lass is inconsolable at the mention of Hugh's name. Whether she was mentally compelled to or not, it makes little difference. She killed this poor innocent man, and his death will haunt her the rest of her life.

"...Chloe Lane..."

Dru, holding Lardy's hand tightly, grasps it even tighter at this name. For a brief time Dru had the sister she'd always wanted, and just as quickly, had her taken away. This Mordra who'd taken the civilian name of 'Chloe Lane' and the costumed identity of 'Bat-Fem' was every bit as heroic and noble as her own sister Mordra was evil and manipulative. The tragedy of this suddenly washes over Dru, and she buries her face in her fiance's chest, even as he holds on to her for dear life, trembling with his own grief.

Closer to the podium and standing with Jada Konti, Clark Marlowe mourns the woman he knew as Chloe Lane. She was the best reporter Clark had ever seen, but she was an even greater heroine. He hopes he can find a way to honor her memory properly.

He started doing that, he knows, by honoring a promise she asked him to keep after he joined her and the others in their crusade. "If I die," she said, "don't reveal that I was Bat-Fem, okay?. Trust me, I have my reasons. Promise me!" He did just that. He knows now that keeping a friend's trust is more important than any Galactic Pulitzer could ever be.

For her part, Jada feels a hollowness inside. For a day or so, she had found the best friend she could ever hope for and an inspiration unlike any other, and then she was gone. She looks at the passkey her friend left her and knows that she will be using it to unlock a mystery very soon.

Nightcrawler, standing behind Lightning Lad and back to full health, will never forget Bat-Fem's noble sacrifice. He knows, more than any other, this woman's full nobility.

"...Security Officer Ralph...Security Officer Officer Williamson...Security Officer Cha'Tok..."

Matlock and the other Security Officers stand at attention as the massive loss of life within their junior ranks is listed. They all swell with pride at the outstanding job hese fallen heroes did laying down their lives to give Legion World a chance. They were brave souls and will be very hard to replace indeed.

Standing near the Security Office contingent, but still separate, is former Security Chief and LMBer Cobalt Kid. Flanking him are, to his right, his soulmate Princess Crujectra, and to his left, Jailbait Lass. Cobalt mourns the devastation done to the Office he founded in his own tearless way.

But even moreso, he remembers two names that won't be called during this service, those of his good friends Scipio and Danger Damsel. This service is focused on the Sol Invictus/52 Affair, so their losses are not part of the ceremony. But he will remember them always and miss them often, he knows.

Physically, unable to cry, Cobalt instead closes his eyes and bows his head while Crujectra is overwhelmed by his emotions and effectively cries his tears for him.

Jailbait Lass, however, is resolute. She has found her own inner strength these past weeks. She squeezes Cobalt's left hand firmly, and somehow, feeling her newfound strength radiating through him eases Cobalt's pain.

Not far from Cobalt, stand Helena Handbasket and Seth Gaterra. These two have found comfort in each other which they had never known in their troubled pasts. Helena particularly has struggled with the guilt of having been part of the invading force that set all of these dominoes in motion. But the release of fighting for this world and the friendships she's made have eased her pain considerably. Indeed, both she and Seth begin to feel that they've finally found a home.

Soon, Lightning Lad finishes reading the names of the fallen, and he brings the service to its conclusion.

"Fellow, Legion Worlders, I charge you all with the sacred duty of remembering these people always. If not all their individual names, we must always remember their sacrifices. Never take them for granted, and if necessary, be prepared to make your own sacrifice if we are threatened again."

"Starting tomorrow, the ruins of this tainted embassy will be cleared out completely. In its place will be constructed Peace Gardens, a place of tranquility that will be the centerpiece of Embassy Row, where children will come to play and life will be celebrated. The ideal purpose for embassies is primarily to promote peace and understanding between disparate cultures. What better way to symbolize this ideal than a beautiful, perfect place around which all the embassies are centered? What better way to reimagine and reshape the site of such unimaginable evil?"

"And," he concludes, "the centerpiece of Peace Gardens will be an Eternal Flame, so that we will never forget...our heroes!" And he presses a button that causes a statue to rise from the rubble. It's a tall podium with a bright flame shining atop it and a marker that reads, "Never Forget!" with all of the names of the fallen below it.

Thunderous applause rings from the crowd in response. The feeling is palpable that better times are to come.

Still "Lardy" to my friends!
Re: "Omnia mutantur nos et mutamur in illis" - 52 days after INVASION
#109324 02/03/07 11:54 AM
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Fabulous and Sparkly!
Fabulous and Sparkly!
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2: Transition

A few days later was the day of the Inauguration of the new LMB Leader and Deputy Leader. Kid Marvel and Rockhopper Lad were soon to be sworn in. Thousands of Legion World citizens crowded the Plaza to celebrate the day and witness the change in leadership for their heroes. There had been some talk about postponing the ceremony or making it more private, but Kid Marvel and Rockhopper Lad both insisted it be held on schedule and on the Plaza where all who wanted to could participate. After all, the people of Legion World proved themselves heroic in their own right. They belonged at this celebration and this celebration belonged to them.

The entire membership of the LMB stood closest to the centre of the Plaza. Standing with them were Hummer Lass, Jada Konti, Helena Handbasket, Clark Marlowe, Jailbait Lass, Time Boy, Time Teller Lad and the Super-Pets.

Outgoing Deputy Leader Kent Shakespeare began his remarks. Outgoing Leader Actor Lad would make his after Kent.

As Kent began to speak, Rockhopper Lad, standing to the side with Rockhopper Lass and Hyvvie the Wonder Beagle, surveyed the scene and thought about all they had been through recently. He then thought back to a conversation he had with Kid Marvel the day before at the Rookery:

“So, Rocky, tell me about this new power of yours,” Kid Marvel said.

“Not much to tell. After we escaped from my double, I discovered I had super-breath when I was trying to protect Time Teller Lad from a member of the 52.”

“That can be a very useful power. Even we Marvels don’t have it. How did it manifest itself?”

“I puffed out a breath and there it was. My medical exam didn’t reveal any physical change to my lungs or any other part of my body. It would seem this isn’t physical.”


“I had Maxx give me a metaphysical check. I figured a sorcerer could find an answer. He said maybe it’s because I held my breath when I teleported us. The magic focussed on my breath and lungs and expanded what I already had.”

“I’m very impressed.”

“Thank you. I’m still exploring the limits of this power. It’s already come in handy on several occasions. It feels as natural to me as my ice powers do.”

“There’s something else bothering you, though, isn’t there?”

Rockhopper Lad sighed. “Kid Marvel–Joe–I may not be able to serve my term.”

“Excuse me?”

“First, I fled my double. I didn’t try to stay and fight...”

“And if you had, he probably would have put you under his spell.”

“And then there’s the fact that I used magic in a way forbidden to me.”

“Forbidden? You mean your super-breath.”

“No. I don’t think there’s a problem with that.” He paused. “I teleported. That didn’t feel natural to me. The House of Rockhopper only has the ice magic. Only members of the Blue Fairy Clan are allowed to use magic for things like teleportation and the rules they have to follow are so strict that only those in monastic orders ever try it. This could bring shame on the House of Rockhopper. I may even lose my right to succession.”

“Is that a Pyngwyn law?”

“It’s more a part of Pyngwypalia, our religion.”

“Pyngwypalia has lots of rules, does it?”

“I guess it does. Pyngwyn society is very regimented.”

Kid Marvel stroked his hand on his chin. “What would have been the greater sin: teleporting yourselves to safety or allowing yourself and Adelie to become dominated by the Evil Emperor Pyngwyn?”

Rockhopper Lad was silent for a moment. “I see what you mean.”

“Rocky, what do you know of Solomon?”

“He’s the source of your wisdom, right?”

“Yes. What do you know about him?”

“He’s the only one of your benefactors who isn’t a god or demi-god. He was an human king thousands of years ago.”

“Right. Do you know what the wisdom of Solomon tells me right now?”

“I wish I knew.”

“It tells me that a very brave young Pyngwyn did what he had to do to save someone he loves very much. It tells me that he fought temptation. It tells me that he knew better than to throw his lot in with a tyrant.” He placed his hand on Rockhopper Lad’s cheek. “It tells me he is going to make an excellent Deputy Leader. Someone I can trust to lead the LMB in my absence. And someone who will make an excellent Emperor Pyngwyn someday.”

“I guess that means you’re not accepting any resignations.”

“Nope. You’re stuck with the job, Rocky!” Kid Marvel winked.

“Eudyptes!” Rockhopper Lass’ voice broke her “brother”’s reverie. “It’s time.”

The Rockhoppers stepped forward into the very centre of the plaza. Hyvvie stood by Rockhopper Lad’s side. Kent Shakespeare, as outgoing Deputy Leader would administer the Oath of Office.

Rockhopper Lad approached Kent who greeted him with a broad smile. Rockhopper Lass stood between them, holding a copy of The Silver Pyngwyn. Rockhopper Lad placed his left hand on it, raising his right hand in the air, as Kent prompted him in the Oath. Normally, Rockhopper Lad would allow his given name to be transliterated to the more Interlac-friendly “Eudyptes”; however, for his oath, he had chosen to use his full name and title in Pyngwyny:

I, Yy’dyptyyz Krysokom ky Rokk H’por kep D’zant L’yal ky Ollurem’yy Pyngwyny, Rockhopper Lad, do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the Office of Deputy Leader of the Legion of Message Board Posters, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the Legion of Message Board Posters and Legion World, so help me Dywh.

There was much cheering and clapping. Rockhopper Lass embraced her “brother”, “Eudyptes, I’m so proud of you!” Kent likewise embraced Rockhopper Lad, “Good job, Rocky, you’ll be great!”

Musing on the length of Rockhopper Lad’s name, Lash Lad whispered to Lad Boy, “Now I know why Rocky doesn’t have monogrammed luggage!”

And then it was Kid Marvel’s turn. He and Marvel Maid came forward and stood before Actor Lad. Marvel Maid held a small piece of the Rock of Eternity upon which Kid Marvel laid his left hand. He then raised his right hand and took his oath:

I, Joe-Boy Harvestar, Kid Marvel, do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the Office of Leader of the Legion of Message Board Posters, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the Legion of Message Board Posters and Legion World, so help me Solomon, Hercules, Atlas, Zeus, Achilles and Mercury.

Actor Lad addressed the crowd, “Gentle Sentients, I present to you the new Leader and Deputy Leader of the Legion of Message Board Posters!”

There was more cheering and shouting. The last several weeks had been a very difficult time for everyone. The LMB had changed. Legion World had changed. Many of the nearby buildings had sustained damage, but that was not reflected in that day’s celebration. It was time for a new beginning: For Rockhopper Lad, for Kid Marvel, for the LMB and for Legion World.

The only character in all of literature who has been described as "badnass" while using the phrase "vile miscreant."
Re: "Omnia mutantur nos et mutamur in illis" - 52 days after INVASION
#109325 02/04/07 01:22 AM
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Time Trapper
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3: Separate Ways

Two hours after the Inauguration, Hummer Lass is in her one-room apartment in Old Town packing all her things.

A knock comes on her door. She doesn't answer. And after a long moment, she hears a...


"Pru?" inquires a familiar voice.

"I was afraid it was you, Lardy," she says solemnly, keeping her back to him.

He takes in the room and realizes what she's doing. "You're leaving?"

"Yes," she answers simply.

"But, why? Pru, I came here to tell you I want to sponsor you for LMB membership! You've gotta stay!"

She turns around and faces him eye to eye, for the first time in months. Her eyes are red with and swollen from continuous crying. "How can you expect me to stay? Don't you know what I've done?"

"Yes, I do," he says evenly, then approaches her and puts his hands on either of her shoulders. "And I know it wasn't your fau--"

"Oh, stop it!" She screams and swats his arms aside. "Everybody is so quick to exonerate me because of Wyandotte's mental powers, but I killed an innocent man, damnit!" Renewed tears burn her already ravaged eyeballs. "And I enjoyed it! I thought I was killing the heartless bastard who rejected my love! I thought i was killing YOU, and, oh felt good!"

Lardy is taken aback by this and says, "I...I knew I hurt you when I rejected you, Pru. But I thought I was sparing you greater pain. I was scared, and I still am, of the terrible things I've done and that I'm capable of doing. You're the last person in the galaxy I'd ever want to hurt, Pru. Though I wanted to be with you desperately, I thought hurting you then would be better than destroying your life irreparably down the road."

"The sad thing, Lardy, is that, even then, I knew on some level that that was exactly what you were doing. But it didn't matter. I went down a self-destructive path, the same one I always go down...turned a few tricks doing what 'Hummer' Lass does...until Wyandotte found me. I found it all to easy to believe he was the 'real' Lardy, the one who would never reject my love, and that you were some vile pretender--who killed people, was jockeying for political ascension and would soon marry one of the galaxy's most notorious villainesses. We determined I would assassinate the pretender and his foul concubine on their wedding day, so the 'true' Lard Lad could take back his rightful place as a galactic hero with me as his wife!"

"One night," she says, her body trembling, "the 'Pretender' happened to cross my path. I was overcome by a mad lust to kill him right then and there. And I...slaughtered him...and bathed in his blood..."

"Please...just stop, Pru...It's more than I can bear..." And he hangs his head, fighting back the red hot tears as hard as he can.

This time it is she who approaches him and embraces him tightly, whispering, "then you know the guilt I'm struggling with, Lardy. I can't bear to be on Legion World any longer."

His head on her shoulder, he asks, "but where--?"

"I'm going with Shady back to her practice on Earth. I..I want to help her help people...and maybe--maybe I'll get the help, I need in the process, too."

"That...sounds good, Pru. I know Shady will take good care of I never could."

"And I hope Dru will take good care of you, too. I...can see the two of you are good for each other."

"Yes...yes we are." And he breaks the embrace. Looking her square in the eyes he asks, "will...I ever see you again?"

Smiling at him, she says, "somehow, I think you will."

Overwhelmed with emotion, he succumbs to the urge to kiss her. She kisses him back. A moment later, their lips reluctantly part.

"Goodbye Pru--I...I'll miss you."

"Goodbye, Lardy..."

And with a pop, he's gone. Just like that.

"...I love you, too," she whispers.

And the next day, she's gone. And history will show that she never will set foot on Legion World again.

Still "Lardy" to my friends!
Re: "Omnia mutantur nos et mutamur in illis" - 52 days after INVASION
#109326 02/05/07 10:02 AM
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Bold Flavors
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4: The Streets of Legion World

“Well, the Taltarian Picket Line has finally desisted,” said Tamper Lad with a ‘hmmph’ to Caliente. “I figured the spring rains would drive them out.”

“Don’t be foolish Tamper,” said a voice, as he and Caliente turned to see Nova Girl walking with a contingent of Taltarian female warriors. “They simply have better things to do, including Thora. If some of those things happen to be the insistence that the Evil Supper Genius Club be taxed extra to make way for universal medical care not only for pregnant females on Legion World—but the entire United Planets, then well, I guess that’s something you’ll find out in time…”

Nova Girl moved on and Tamper Lad fumed, while Caliente had a laugh.

Not far away, a few others walked by, as Liberty Monkey led Lonestar Ranger and Kid Gender Stereotype Reversal II. “As I said officer, you should be able to find Eryk Davis Ester up around this corner, as he is most likely viewing the Super Playground of Space he donated many years ago…”

“He better be there Monkey…if I have to hear you speak anymore…”

“Great Rao!” said KGSR II, “I’m going to kill Eryk for this! Stuck with these two for days trying to find him, but he’s never in one place…”

Not far off, Varalent laughed to himself, as he shrunk EDE back to normal size. “There you go Eryk, they’re too far away now,”

“Jeepers Vee! Thanks! I hate to do that to Calamity—er, Liberty Monkey, but KGSR II is pretty mad at me!” Vee laughed, glad to help his friend. “What about you, Vee? What’s next?”

Vee thought about it for a second, and remembered all that had happened in the last few months all of the pain he had been through. He flashed back to earlier, when Cobalt Kid and Reboot sought him out before the big battle and interrupted his mission. He talked with Cobie on the way to the battle, knowing Cobie had been through similar experiences, and before he knew it, the two were laughing like old times. ‘It might be time to restart some of those old parties that the Festive Five used to throw at the Villa’ Cobie laughed, and Vee remembered adding ‘well, we better start at SHAKES and dust off the old triple antique marine varnished doors’. Vee smiled. “A little of the same old,” he said, ready to get the Villa and SHAKES back up and running, “but there are always new adventures around the corner, literally and figuratively,” he smiled, adding, “…and I can’t wait for them.”

Down the street around Statue Way more towards Future Road, Space Tart had similar thoughts, as she bid farewell to a motley crew of travelers: Captain Lightbulb, M’Baku the Sciene-Gorilla and Turns You into a Planet Fred—the last of which still seemed to maintain some semblance of that massive power. “Do you think you’ll really keep all that power, Fred?” she asked with a giggle, “its so manly!”

“Well, I don’t know,” he said with a smile, “…but I’ll tell you, I finally had my chance to step up in the big leagues…and well, now I know what people mean when they say they need a vacation! So old Gorilla-breath over here is taking me with him,” he smiled as M’Baku moaned over Fred’s not so funny joke.

“And you captain?” she asked Captain Lightbulb.

He smiled, as the lightbulb on his head grew brightly, and he flexed his muscles, which looked good in his speedo. “I have a few ideas…” he said quietly, and they all laughed at this one, as Spacey gave them all a hug goodbye and they all went on their way.

“Hey, move it along!” said Matlock jokingly to Space Tart, as he walked over, his twenty-five year old self now fitted with a slimmer version of his classic 1930’s costume. “We can’t have space-cruisers taking off in the middle of the streets,” he smiled; glad to see that the streets of Legion World were tame once again.

“Well Matlock!” said Spacey with a big smile and seductive voice, “Ms. Matlock must be *so* glad to see you when you get home each night! What a cutie you were at 25…” she smiled, rubbing his chest.

“Huh?” he said befuddled, “just what I need,” he thought, “Ms. Matlock will have something to say about this…”, as he suddenly pointed towards the sky to draw Spacey’s attention away.

Up ahead a large contingent of LMBers, waving down below, some landing around them, some moving on to their own personal lives. Poverty Lad played a joke on some security officers, while Fat Cramer landed at Café Cramer to see how business had done for the night. And around the corner, a larger crowd began to gather. Lucien Lad stood before them, looking at some of the debris with a hand on one hip, evidently not too pleased with what he saw.

“What to you think, Bevis?” said Sketch Lad to him.

“I think,” said Lucien Lad with an annoyed smile, “that I’m sick of all this reconstruction here on Legion World,” he finished, then closing his eyes. He giggled to himself, obviously thinking of something risqué, and when he reopened his eyes, the Legion World before him was much better. All of the debris was gone; all of the destruction had vanished. Buildings were restored, streets were cleaned, and Legion World was whole again. There would be no reconstruction this time….Legion World was once more fully complete and completely beautiful.

Re: "Omnia mutantur nos et mutamur in illis" - 52 days after INVASION
#109327 02/05/07 10:05 AM
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5: Beginnings

Time moved once more, often swiftly, often slowly, but always moving. The sun rose each morning, but left in the evenings, and the eternal sunrise of Sol Invictus, though not forgotten, was not something the daily inhabitants of Legion World thought of often. On one such evening soon after the battle at the Dark Oval Embassy, as the sun sank into the West, Helena and Seth looked over the streets of Legion World from on top of a building, amazed that only days before, they had fought innumerable odds and defended the people down below.

Helena smiled at them, but stopped when she immediately knew Seth was looking at her—and then she smiled again.

“You must feel some relief,” he said to her, looking at the final vestiges of a clean-up on Legion World. “That was you a few weeks ago, feeling an incredible guilt.”

“The guilt has not gone away completely,” she replied looking down again, “…but at last I have figured out a way to temper it. I really like it here Seth, and I believe in this place. I’m honored to defend it.”

He now moved to her side. “I know,” he replied. “I feel it too. We’re both odd around here, with our own dark pasts, full of regrets and bad decisions. But a new day dawns tomorrow, and I’ll be glad to meet whatever challenges, whether new or from the past are there.”

The brisk evening air began to pick up around them and it felt refreshing, although colder than they would have wished. It would be spring soon though, and that would bring a whole new air.

She looked at him now, in the eyes. “I feel something different now,” she said, “something subtle, but it gives me hope. Acceptance,” she said, “and I know you feel it too. But you were the first to accept me, and I won’t forget that. I’ll be glad to meet those challenges too, and I’ll be glad to be by your side to help you meet yours.”

The both looked on now at the sun descending and Seth reached out his hand and took Helena’s hand in it.

Things were changing for both of them, and it would not be easy, as one can never escape his or her past. But they would change with it, and they would do the best they could.

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