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5 Worst movies ever!
by Eryk Davis Ester - 03/12/25 09:58 PM
Lois Lane's Lucky Legion Earrings...
by Korbal - 03/12/25 12:14 PM
I'm Thinking of a DCU character Part 6!
by Chaim Mattis Keller - 03/12/25 07:08 AM
FL revisits The Transformers' post-animated-movie episodes
by Ann Hebistand - 03/12/25 06:55 AM
Kill This Thread LXIV - The Giant Checkerboard
by Ann Hebistand - 03/12/25 06:49 AM
Inane one word posts XXXIV - inanity
by Invisible Brainiac - 03/11/25 06:07 PM
The All-JSA (2024) Thread!
by Ann Hebistand - 03/11/25 05:49 PM
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“Ohmygod!” Everyday Girl’s voice cracked as she looked down from the cliff high atop Mount Future. Far below her the city of Legionopolis glittered in the early morning sunshine. “This is like an amazing view of the city. It was like worth the trip through the scary woods just to see this sunrise.”

Behind her five other super powered teenagers emerged from the path leading to lookout point.

“Okay Brit, you were right… This was totally worth the hike.” My Wee Fem murmured half under her breath while watching one of their companions shrug off his backpack and stretch after their long early morning climb.

“Yeah, it’s pretty but I still don’t see why we had to hike up here instead of riding in comfort…” the third female in the group asked for what seemed to be the 100th time. “It’s not like…”

“It’s not like we haven’t been listening to you whine for the last two hours, Jamie. Give it a rest.” The tallest of the three young men in the group commented over his shoulder as he swung his large backpack off and placed it next to Everyday Girl’s backpack on one of the tables scattered around the camping area.

“I’m not whining, Sam. I just don’t see the sense in getting all sweaty hiking up here when the sunrise would look just as good if we rode up in comfort on the cable cars like everyone else.” She pointed down the mountainside to the arrival area where a cable car was just entering the bay of the station house.

“You got sweaty? How’d that happen? Tony practically carried you most of the hike.” Her twin brother chimed in as he finished stretching and moved to stand next to My Wee Fem.

“How about you guys give Jamie a break… Her ankle isn’t fully healed yet… I don’t mind helping her…” Tony started pulling their camping gear out of the backpacks the three boys had carried up the mountain. “Give me a hand here, Sam, you too Jesse, or Brit and My are liable to take over setting up the camp and we’ll never hear the end of it.”

Half an hour later a pair of tents had been erected, a campfire started, and breakfast was sizzling in the pan.

“So why are there only two tents set up? I could have sworn we packed three. And there are three couples.”

Sam Strongheart rose from kneeling in front of the campfire where he’d been cooking and serving breakfast with the last pair of plates in his hands. At 6’ 4” tall and a chiseled 260 lbs he towered over everyone else in the group. “Who are you defining as couples, Jesse?” He asked as he set heaping plates of bacon and eggs in front of Brit and My.

“You and Brit, Tony and Jamie, Me and My…”

“Getting a little presumptuous there Boyo?” My gave Jesse a quick elbow in the ribs. “I like you and all, but I’m not jumping your bones on the first date.”

“Ohmygod! I didn’t like know we were an item Sam. Why didn’t you like tell me?” Brit laughed as she slid a little closer to him.

“Are we an Item, Brit?” He smiled down at her as he poured himself a mug of campfire coffee. “Or did I go thru the motions of meeting your family for nothing?”

“As long as you keep cooking me these scrumptious breakfasts we are… Mmmm.”

“And what about surprise couple number 3,” My threw a napkin at Tony. “Did you two know you were supposed to be getting your groove on this weekend?”

Jamie laughed musically while Tony just sat red-faced. “Just ignore my horn-dog brother, boys in one tent, girls in the other works for me…” She slid a little closer to Tony. “But I do want to get to know all you guys better… After Breakfast!

Just an Old, Broke-Down, Drunk, Bum!!

With a Power Ring...
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After breakfast the group split up to finish setting up the campsite. Brit and Sam grabbed the empty water containers and headed off to the other side of the camping area to get them filled.

Jamie volunteered to inflate the air mattresses and set up the interior of the tents, with Tony’s assistance.

My and Jesse wound up doing the breakfast dishes by default.

“I’ve got something else you can wash for me…” Jesse smiled as he moved in behind her and reached around to ‘help’ load the portable ultra-sonic sink. His arms circled her waist while his lips nuzzled an ear and one hand slid under her sweatshirt and lightly stroked her belly. She responded by leaning back into him slightly and arching her back. He suddenly realized that she was wearing her twin katanas in a harness under the loose sweatshirt. With a small gasp he released her and stepped back. “Damn Girl! Do you ever take those swords off?”

“My Katanas are as much a part of me as your super-speed and raging hormones are a part of you.” She turned and slid her arms around his neck and drew him to her for a quick peck on the lips. His arms went back around her and she locked her eyes onto his. “They’re part of the total package, Jess; with me you get beauty, brains, and blades. But you don’t get laid on the first date. So slow down and lets get to know each other better first. Okay?”

With a little spin move she stepped out of his arms and resumed loading the breakfast dishes into the portable ultra-sonic sink. “So you guys came here from Bacchius 3? That’s halfway across the galaxy. How’d you wind up traveling so far?” She threw a glance and a smile back over her shoulder at him.

With a bemused smile on his face he moved around to the other side of the table and took a seat. “Our parents were killed a little more than 5 years ago, just before our twelfth birthday actually, and we wound up in an orphanage run by the United Charlatan Church…” He paused and looked off in the distance at something only he could see, “…it wasn’t a nice place. No it was worse than that, it sucked big time… even before we discovered our powers. After they found out that we’re Metas…” He shook his head. “Gods… it was horrible…”

“So how did you get out? They’re not known for letting potential converts get away.”

“About a year after we were placed with them, a couple of their ‘missionary’ groups went way over the line and tried to overthrow some planetary governments and install U.C.C. theocracies in their places. One of the attempts was right here on Legion World. Those attempts failed and the “Elders” of the U.C.C. were rounded up and tried for treason. Most of them are now serving life sentences in a high security prison complex called Labyrinth.”

“I’ve read about Pastor Uptight and Mrs. Grundy’s attempt to conquer Legion World but I didn’t know it happened anywhere else.”

“Three planets I believe… I don’t know all the details but I think what happened was when they were stopped here, Princess Crujectra and her brother, the Crusader, somehow discovered what was happening on the other planets and sent help.”

“Okay, but what happened to you and Jamie?”

“Not much to tell there. The UP came in and shut down the orphanage. Jamie and I were put in a foster home. The age of Majority on Bacchius 3 is sixteen. When we turned sixteen we were free to leave and we did. We decided to come here because of the LMBP. We figured with so many Metas around we’d fit in better.”


“And what?”

Do you fit in better?”

“I don’t know, you tell me…”

She laughed lightly, “You will… once I’ve trained you.” She reached across the table and took one of his hands into both of hers, “C’mon Boyo, we also get to gather firewood.”

Just an Old, Broke-Down, Drunk, Bum!!

With a Power Ring...
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Brit stood well back from the icy spray of the mountain spring holding Sam’s shirt and a large towel as she watched him lean out over a 20 meter drop fill two small water jugs. A pair of sealed 55 gallon barrels attached to a wooden yoke waited for him next to her.


“What?” He turned away from where the inch thick stream of icy water jetted out of the rock face into a large pond several meters below the narrow ledge he stood on. “Here, grab this…” He held out one of the two five gallon containers he’d just filled. “I don’t understand why we need the little jugs filled… Don’t you think two barrels is enough?” He grabbed a corner of the rock face and swung around onto the wider path setting the second jug down next to her.

“Ohmygod, those barrels aren’t for us, silly.” She laughed and began to towel off his chest and arms.

“What do you mean?” He grunted as he gave her a little sideways glance.

“Ohmygod, you’re not like mad at me are you?” She slid her hands up around his neck and pulled him down for a quick kiss. “Just because I volunteered big, strong, you to refill the Lookout Point Visitor Center’s water barrels.”

“No.” His arms circled her waist and he stood up lifting her up so that her head was above his. “But you might have told me…” Another kiss cut him off in mid sentence. But as usual, Brit’s Personal Demons, No-One and Nobody, decided to interrupt the young couple’s amorous interplay…

Oooh, Mistress is kissing Big Boy… Naughty, Naughty.
She likes being naughty to him… and with him…

“I’ve had enough of those pests,” he murmured into her ear, “I’m gonna drop you and teach them a lesson.”

We should tell… URRK…
We should tell… URRK…

Brit dropped lightly to the ground giggling as Sam snatched No One and Nobody out of the air behind her. “If I stick these two in one of the water barrels and seal it up, will they drown?”

Not Possible… He can’t do that… Please Mistress!!!!
Not Possible… He can’t do that… Please Mistress!!!!

“No… but… Ohmygod, like how did you do that?”

“STU showed me the trick to handling these guys.” He opened his hands and let the 18 inch tall demons (who look like miniature versions of Cobalt Kid and Eryk Davis Ester) drop. They caught themselves just off the ground and flew back to their normal positions just behind Brit’s shoulders.

“Mr. STU? When did you see Mr. STU?”

“Yesterday afternoon, while Tony and I were the on call Paramedic/Rescue Team at Medicus One, Doc One and STU dropped by to thank Tony for his part in the rescue effort on that tenement fire a couple of weeks ago. He held that building together telekinetically while the rescue team got the people trapped inside out of there.”

“Ohmygod, I didn’t like hear about that, Tony never said anything.”

Nobody knew until your uncle, Bart, reviewed the tapes… He couldn’t understand how that building stayed up until the last group got out. At first he thought Princess Crujectra must have been in the area and helped out but she was off planet. Then he asked Security Chief Matlock to review the records of everyone in the area…”

“Ohmygod! And Mr. Matlock found out that Tony’s a telekinetic… But I didn’t think Tony’s telekinetic abilities were strong enough for something like that.”

“Neither did Tony. Until he was in a position where he had to do it…”

“Okay so why did Mr. STU show you the trick to grabbing No-One & Nobody?”

“Because I was telling Tony about them throwing Hrun, Bart, and I in the pool the night I met all of your family when they walked in… How we couldn’t get a grip on them but they kept throwing us back in… Until we agreed not to throw you or Stoopid Cat in… even though you two deserved it for that trick with the cake…”

“<Giggle> you guys couldn’t believe it when the cake exploded, could you… <Giggle>”

“Well… Anyway STU asked me if I wanted to know how to get a grip on them and of course I said yes.”

“Ohmygod so now you’re like the only guy they can’t protect me from…”

“Yeah, you need lots of protecting from guys. Most of the guys at school are absolutely terrified of you.” He reached for her and she slid eagerly into his arms…

“But sometimes I do…” she murmured into his chest, “and I want you to be my protector…”

Nobody and No-One maintained a safe distance and kept their mouths shut.

Just an Old, Broke-Down, Drunk, Bum!!

With a Power Ring...
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“Tell me the truth; you’re a virgin, aren’t you?” Jamie breathed the words into Tony’s ear as she began undoing the buttons on his shirt.

“Umm… I guess so… Aren’t we supposed to be setting up the tents?”

“I only agreed to set up the air mattresses and that’s done. But they need testing…”

“But Jamie, what if… I mean… Your brother and My are right outside…” Tony tried to push Jamie away but her mouth found his… and her fingertips found a place between the sixth and seventh vertebrae in his neck… and suddenly nothing besides Jamie and her eagerness mattered anymore…

Just an Old, Broke-Down, Drunk, Bum!!

With a Power Ring...
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Hoorah! Chuckles is writing for us again! Apart from the delightful EG I don't know any of the characters so it'll be fun getting to know them.

Also, it's getting a bit steamy there Mr T. Good-oh! laugh

More, more, more!!!

Legion Worlds Ten - the final chapter is here. Find out the ultimate fate of our fantastic future friends.Only found in the Bits o' Legionnaire Business Forum.
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Sam fought to keep the contents of his stomach in place as he looked down at the partially buried body of one of his classmates. He’d seen dead bodies before but they were always strangers. This was the first time the corpse was that of a friend, someone he’d known, someone he’d talked to and laughed with, someone who…

“Ohmygod Sam! I need your help!” Brit’s voice had an edge in it he’d never heard before. “This is a crime scene… we need to secure it so no evidence gets destroyed.” She thrust four beacon poles into his hands. “Nobody will show you where to set these… turn them on when the last one is in place. The force field they generate will keep the crime scene protected until Space Ranger and Mr. Matlock get here.”

Tony and Jamie arrived as he threw the switch and the bright yellow field covered the area around the makeshift grave. Hovering above the force field was a holographic ‘Restricted Area’ sign. Jesse and My were setting up a secondary boundary around the area and trying to keep curious campers away.

“What happened?” Tony asked as he and Jamie touched down next to Sam.

“A couple of kids playing in the woods just off the path found a dead body… We heard them screaming and responded…”

“Okay, you’ve seen dead bodies before Sam,” he pushed Sam’s Paramedic/Rescue Team, First Responder badge into his hand, “why is this one freaking you out?”

“It’s Sara Knight.” Sam’s voice sounded hollow in his own ears as if he was listening to an echo. “She’s got a knife sticking in her chest and… and… Gods… we’ve known her forever and she’s got a knife in her chest…”

Just an Old, Broke-Down, Drunk, Bum!!

With a Power Ring...
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Thanks B, and yes it started out a little steamy, but...

Just an Old, Broke-Down, Drunk, Bum!!

With a Power Ring...
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“We’re going to have to interview you and your friends Miss Quank.”

Brit stared at Matlock in disbelief for a few seconds before finding her voice. “Ohmygod. Miss Quank? Nobody’s ever like called me Miss Quank. Why are you like suddenly being so like formal Mr. Matlock?”

“Think about it for a minute. You and the victim have a history, don’t you?”

“Ohmygod, well like yeah, if you like wanna like call one argument over a month ago a “history” then like yeah we have a History! But you like know better than to think I’d like do something like that…” she gestured towards the force field covering the crime scene. “I didn’t hate her or any junk like that… I just wanted her to quit trying to like vamp Sam…”

“That ’argument’ trashed three classrooms and the third floor girl’s restroom if I recall correctly.”

“Ohmygod, she like threw the first punch…”

“There were more than punches thrown…”

“Not really, I sent the boys away…” she gestured at her personal demons, “and never pulled a weapon. She only used her dark-force powers to keep people away from us. It was just one on one, may the best girl win. We both wanted it that way.” Brit’s valley girl mannerisms had vanished and tears were starting to stream down her cheeks. “We were best friends once and after the fight I think we were becoming friends again…”

“When was the last time you saw her?”

“Thursday at lunch… she stopped by my table and said hi to me, Sam, Tony, and the twins.”

“Thursday? Not Friday?”

“Friday is internship day for seniors; I was on monitor duty at the Security Office. If I remember correctly her internship is at the Bureau of External Affairs. I like think she wanted to become a diplomat.”

“What about the rest of your group?”

“Sam and Tony are Medicus 1 paramedic/rescue team members. My graduated early and works full time at the Security Office. The twins only arrived on Legion World about 3 months ago; I think they were excused from the internship program until next semester.”

“What are the twins’ full names? I caught Jamie for the girl and Jessie for the boy but not their last names.”

“Speedy… Jamie and Jesse Speedy.”

Just an Old, Broke-Down, Drunk, Bum!!

With a Power Ring...
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“Arachne, can I ask you a question…” My Wee Fem steered her fellow security officer away from the group manning the secondary barrier, “…in private?”

“What’s on your mind?”

“Why’s Matlock grilling Brit?”

“That should be obvious, rookie. Think about it.”

“Nuh-huh ‘Rach, Brit had nothing to do with this.”

“I know, and so does Mat, but it’s gotta happen… Before she and Sam have a chance to synchronize their stories…”

“Sam? Sam’s the straightest arrow this side o’ Spacey… I think that’s why Brit’s so crazy for him. He’s no killer. Boy lost his lunch just seeing who it was… Tony’s got him off to the side trying to keep him from totally losing it. He didn’t have anything to do with this either.”

“Yeah, probably not, but… You know the media’s gonna have a field day with this… ‘specially after the two of them practically tore down the high school in that fight a while back…”

“Who did Sam fight with? Oh, you mean Brit and Sara. Yeah… but Brit got what she wanted out of that fight. Sara stopped chasing after Sam. And Brit and Sara were back on good terms last I knew.”

“We know that… but it won’t matter. They’re high profile young heroes. They had a very public knock down drag out fight. Now one of them is dead… and the other was among the first on the scene… You tell me how Papa Rotzi and the LMB Inquirer are gonna play this.”

“Crap on a stick…”

Just an Old, Broke-Down, Drunk, Bum!!

With a Power Ring...

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