Yeah, not sure why, for example, Dawnstar suddenly turns blonde in-between pages.
Anyway, it's alright for what it is, but I had hoped for a bit more, especially considering the Legion appearance was what was advertised in the blurbs.
Recent trend seems to use legionnaries from various versions: Justice League United 8 (retroboot legion with more members), Last Days Of Lex Luthor 2 (adult legion with more members), DC All In Special 1 (looks like a fiveboot legion brainwashed by darkseid).
I'd like to see a Legion with nothing but Bronze Age characters (in other words, those introduced after Devil's Dozen but before GDS.) That was the era with the most unrealized potential! Strip-mining the Levitz Mark 2 and early Adventure eras is self-defeating. Yes, those were some classic stories. That's exactly why we don't need to see them rehashed!
I just use my own head canon instead of relying on DC. The current fiveboot legion is close enough to my own head canon. For my own head canon, I would include more characters like Entropy Kid from the fourboot legion. For my own head canon, I have the legion originate from the 21st century to make it easier for legion to participate in 21st century events.
I can understand DC has different considerations when making their decisions (such as looking for newer customers). TV versions also have different considerations but I fondly remember the legion from the Smallville tv show. I am pretty sure DC is not aware of my suggestions altho sometimes, they do coincide probably by coincidence such as having a United Planets in the 21st century which was began by Bendis (it was the Keith Giffen Invasion 1 to 3 that started to use plenty of legion related planets in the 21st century). Currently, the fiveboot legion of Darkseid is active in the 21st century which slightly coincides with how i imagine a 21st century legion would look like (I prefer legionnaires have secret identities in a 21st century high school just like superboy used to do, i tend to give secret identities to everybody including the New Gods and other gods). Preview of Summer Of Superman Special 1 (out in april) shows use of more legion characters so we are seeing plenty of legion characters in the 21st century which is slightly similar to what I have in my own head canon with most legion characters being native to the 21st century. In the past, I have suggested a legion villains vs dc heroes event to reintroduce the legion.
Last edited by colonyofcells; Yesterday at04:11 AM.
I assumed the colours were deliberate choices although Dawnstar's hair colour change was confusing.
Can we put our heads together to identify the less obvious legionnaires depicted?
page 1 (relative to the pages shared by Nightcrawler) splash - Light Lass? behind Validus head, Sun Boy? in red behind Emerald Empress page 2 panel 1 - yellow /orange figure? left of Validus, green figure? below Validus, scarlet/pink helmeted figure? right of Validus, grey figure? pushing Bouncing Boy out of the way, blue/orange figure with yellow head? between Colossal Boy and Mano's -uh- backside page 2 panel 3 - two unknown figures? between Ultra Boy and Superman behind miscoloured Triplicate Girl, (just spotted Star Boy next to an enormous Tellus behind another miscoloured Triplicate Girl, pink/scarlet figure again behind Lightning Lad, unknown head behind Lightning Lad's left shoulder
I don't fault the colorist. The Legion have fallen into near obscurity for many years now so most artists and writers aren't familiar with them. In these panels they even have new costumes and appearances so keeping them straight is difficult. Further, there appear to be some generic unnamed supers sprinkled in these panels, so the colorist already had to start making stuff up.
Yeah, colorists not being given sufficient guides as to what color things are supposed to be is a problem going back decades at this point. I'd place the blame squarely on editorial. You'd think with the amount of time this book took to come out, the problems wouldn't be so egregious. Though it's really only in the Legion section, from what I recall.
Things like "Tinya" being randomly pink are forgivable for a one-off version. Stuff like colours of the same character changing from page to page within the series, let alone issue, much less so.
My views are my own and do not reflect those of everyone else... and I wouldn't have it any other way.
Here are my guesses for the obscure ones. Please note that anything labelled longshot is based more on knowledge of the Legion than the picture I feel pretty certain that they are all Generic Heroes and Heroines who will never be seen again. (Until Waid uses this page in some trivia contest. )
Page 1: the person behind Validus's head could be a poorly colored Kid Quantum (the chest emblem looks more like hers than ayla). I agree on Sunboy (once again, correct-ish chest symbol) also agree that the pink lad is Tinya.
Page 2 panel 1: the Yellow/Orange guy might be Fire Lad who it looks most like to me but is standing where Element Lad was on page 1 (the scene seems to be seen from a different angle but otherwise relatively stable as far as characters go). Green figure i thought was Cham at first but now think it is probably generic hero with a long shot guess at X-Ray Girl. (I am assuming everyone is a hero except the Fatal Five). Scarlet/Pink I can't guess so Generic Heroine although a long shot Sensor Girl. Gray Guy I have no idea, at first thought Star Boy but wrong position and costume based on his appearance next panel so Generic Hero. Blue/Orange guy at first I thought was Radiation Roy but that doesn't work if only the Five are villains, so Generic Hero or long-shot Anti-Lad (but why would he be there?)
Page 2 Panel 3: The uncolored unknown I think will probably stay unknown although it looks like he's wearing a helmet so long shot Douglas Nolan (somehow a member with Andrew) or an animated by Quislet statue (since he's the same color as the building) or really long shot Luthor's descendant from the Adult Legion story (wouldn't having him meet Lex have been interesting). The orangish unknown reminds me of Lazon but once again no villains and also reminds me of the SW6 costumes with the stripe up the middle so long shot Valor or Matter Eater Lad (the white part being the bottom of a tooth). Already talked about the Pink/Scarlet one. Unknown head can't place but it looks helmeted so longshot Wildfire (he was close to Lightning Lad in panel 1.