The Absolute Legion pop up on the last page of the latest issue of Superman, interrupting a Time Trapper Monologue (tm).
They don't know who Superman is. This makes sense; they come from the Absolute Universe which was designed by Darkseid. They are basically what the future looks like if Superman doesn't inspire everyone, and his influence is replaced by Darkseid's influence.
I'm interested in how the Absolute Legion fits into things down the road. They're clearly going to play a big role in the Absolute Universe once everything starts to come together.
Superman takes Luthor to the 31st century in The Last Days of Lex Luthor #2 by Mark Waid. FYI, it isn't in main continuity as far as I can tell. And the preview cuts off before we see Legionnaires so we don't know which version or era of the Legion.
Waid has said before that it's based on the SA Adult Legion. Glad this finally coming out. It's been something like a year and a half since the first issue.
It is an adult Legion (Saturn Girl is called Saturn Woman) with elements from the Silver Age and the later incarnations. Notable inclusions in terms of membership are Ferro Lad but also Wildfire, Dawnstar, Tellus and Chameleon Girl. Others I identified were Cosmic Boy/Man, Lightning Lad/Man, Chameleon Boy/Man, Phantom Girl/Woman, Bouncing Boy/Man, Element Lad/Man, Triplicate Girl/Woman, Light Lass (maybe? or maybe someone else), Ultra Boy/Man, Shrinking Violet, Sun Boy/Man, The uniforms are similar enough to be easily identifiable but a unique design. There are definitely two or three others that I couldn't identify. We find them fighting the Fatal Five. Superman mainly interacts with Imra and Querl with a few others commenting. Querl is unable to stop Luthor's ongoing physical collapse and upcoming death. Although they tell Superman and Lex that the records of what is going to happen to Lex have been lost over the centuries a discussion between Imra and Querl after Kal and Lex leave shows that they do know but Querl thought it better not to say for superman's sake.
It's an interesting presentation of the Legion. In terms of pages there is a two page splash fight scene, another two pager with 3 panels, and 4 single pages. In story terms they don't really do anything to move the story along except to move along the plot of no-one knowing how to heal Luthor, which is mostly what this issue is about as Superman takes him to various places trying to find a cure. I am enjoying the story (although I could wish I didn't have to wait over a year between issues) with Waid's writing feeling pretty good and Bryan Hitch's artwork being it's usual good stuff.
As a Legion fan should you get this? Maybe, maybe not. It's a Superman story which is why I wanted it, but the Legion is really just an extended cameo.