Kill This Thread LXV

The following rules were established by Kent Shakespeare at the start of the first 24-hour version, adapted from the original rules by EDE:

The rules:

1. The Basic Idea: Post to this thread, if no one posts after you for 24 hours, you win!

2. Posts that are not direct responses to one of the five preceding posts are ineligible to win. The topic can drift, but no complete non-sequitors. Posts that are responses to non-sequitors are also ineligible to win. Posts that are responses to responses to non-sequitors, and response nses to those posts, etc., become eligible, however.

3. In the event that this thread is locked, there shall be no winner unless a new thread is started for the contest. Furthermore, any post that results in the banning of the poster shall also be ineligible to win.

4. So, more precisely, one wins if one makes a post, and then no one makes another post that's eligible to win for 24 hours.

Here's a history of our various felons, along with a few missed opportunities.....

I - walkwithcrowds (7-day version)
II - none
III - none
IV - Quislet, Esq
V - Rockhopper Lad (the first 24-hour version)
VI - Rockhopper Lad
VII - cleome
VIII - Rockhopper Lad
IX - Rockhopper Lad
X - none
XI - none
XII - none
XIII - Invisible Brainiac
XIV - Invisible Brainiac
XV - Invisible Brainiac
XVI - Invisible Brainiac
XVII - Invisible Brainiac
XVIII - cleome
XIX - cleome
XX - cleome
XXI - Jfposey
XXII - Invisible Brainiac
XXIII - jfposey
XIV - Invisible Brainiac
XV - PALADIN (eff YEAH!!!)
XVI- Quislet, Esq.
XVII - Invisible Brainiac
XVIII - none
XIX - none
XX - Quislet, Esq.
XXI - thoth lad
XXII - Ann Hebistand
XXIII - Quislet, Esq.
XXIV - Invisible Brainiac
XXV - Invisible Brainiac
XXVI - Quislet, Esq.
XXVII - thoth lad
XXVIII - Quislet, Esq.
XXIX - Eryk Davis Ester
XXX - Invisible Brainiac
XXXI - Invisible Brainiac
XXXII - Ann Hebistand
XXXIII - Invisible Brainiac
XXXIV - Invisible Brainiac
XXXV - none
XXXVI - thoth lad
XXXVII - Ann Hebistand
XXXVIII - Invisible Brainiac
XXXIX - thoth Lad
XL - Invisible Brainiac
XLI - thoth lad
XLII - Ann Hebistand
XLIII - thoth lad
XLIV - thoth lad
XLV - Ann Hebistand
XLVI - Invisible Brainiac
XLVII - Invisible Brainiac
XLVIII - Invisible Brainiac
XLIX - Ann Hebistand
L - Ann Hebistand
LI - Ann Hebistand
LII - thoth lad
LIII - Ann Hebistand
LIV - Ann Hebistand
LV - Ann Hebistand
LVI - thoth lad
LVII - thoth lad
LVIII - Gaseous Lad
LIX - Invisible Brainiac
LX - Ann Hebistand
LXI - Invisible Brainiac
LXII - Invisible Brainiac
LXIII - Ann Hebistand
LXIV - Ann Hebistand