I have seen that image before - from a Superboy comic? The new Superboy comic after Legion took over his old one? Was she some kind of mutant with mental powers?
Who was "Mighty Girl," and what was her Legion connection?
Here is an image of the character... Not Lois Lana Wonder Woman Lori Morning Mary Marvel Mysa Iris Jacobs Laurel Kent Jimmy Olsen in drag A relative of the Langs
Hints: The powers were magical in nature. The character has had more than one identity. Mighty Girl did not actually participate in a Legion adventure, but her appearance was teased at the end of a Legion mission. She did appear in a Superboy story, and her powers stemmed from something Superboy picked up in a Legion mission. This character once questioned Clark Kent about his connection to Batman. She has starred in her own DC title.
"I am the LEGION--you colossal Jerk!"--Garth Ranzz LEGION #63
Honestly, the hints of a female red-headed DC character with multiple identities that starred in their own book, really made such questions irrelevant, and the answer obvious...
Last edited by Korbal; 01/10/2502:04 PM.
"I am the LEGION--you colossal Jerk!"--Garth Ranzz LEGION #63
oh i'm sorry, I must be sooooo dense not to get the obvious answer! well, I'll leave it to others to keep guessing then, as I'm CLEARLY missing such an obvious answer!
Apologies if you felt offended, but in a non-Legion context how many female red-headed DC characters with multiple identities that starred in their own book actually come to mind?
"I am the LEGION--you colossal Jerk!"--Garth Ranzz LEGION #63