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thanks Harbi, glad you like smile perhaps some tongues will be visible in the next 3 installments wink

oh definitely, this is going on my living room wall once it gets here smile

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And here is part 2 smile

also roughly organized around character relationships:

Gates / Brainiac 5 / Andromeda / Babbage
M'Onel / Shvaughn Erin / Mentalla / Echo (Troy Stewart)
Thunder / Sensor / Ferro / Lume
Wildfire / Shikari / Umbra / Magnetic Kid (Pol Krinn)

Last edited by Invisible Brainiac; 12/22/24 04:38 AM.
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Feel daunted by the length of this thread? You can also check out the Recap Thread to catch up!

VOLUME 5: What Makes Us Special


The Planet Korr boasts one of the most impressive and complete technological archives in the United Planets. It specializes in old technologies that many today would consider obsolete. One school of thoughts scoffs at the need to revisit the past; but another, growing movement believes that we can learn much from the principles used by our ancestors.

After the Scavenger nearly killed several Legionnaires*, the hoarder was arrested. While he serves his sentence, his extensive collection is with the main museum on Korr for safekeeping. The Chief Curator is reportedly looking into legal options for gaining ownership of the collection. Several United Planets officials have called for the objects to be confiscated from the Scavenger, who is believed to have obtained them through theft and violence.

- article from The Technological Tinkerer


Active Legionnaires

Gates, Ti'julk Mr'asz of Vyrga; opens teleportation disks. Current Legion Deputy Leader.
Brainiac 5, Querl Dox of Colu; 12th level intelligence and force field powers
Kinetix, Zoe Saugin of Aleph; telekinesis and animation of objects; affinity for magic
Violet, Salu Digby of Imsk; shrinks and grows own body


"... and the lack of discipline of some of our teammates is appalling!" Gates finished, just as he and Brainiac 5 stepped into the hall housing the 21st century superhero gadgets. Or rather, floated; walking was painful for Gates, and Brainiac 5 preferred using his flight ring to conserve his physical energy.

Querl Dox temporarily shifted his focus to his 5th thought track, the one he was using to converse with Gates. After all, his best friend deserved an amount of focus at least equal to the focus Querl was giving to the objects before them. "I believe that's why Triad is proposing a demerit system for those who fail to meet deadlines, yes?"

"Yes, and I think it's a good idea. The consequences should be severe enough to act as a deterrent, though." Gates waved his arms in exasperation. "Why, guess who was nearly late filing their mission reports AGAIN, for the third time?!"

"This again?!" Gates and Brainiac 5 turned, in surprise, to see Kinetix and Violet flying towards them. Violet pursed her lips, as Kinetix's eyes blazed. "Gates, anything being submitted up until the deadline is on time!" she pointed her finger at Gates. "Even if it's one nano before!"

"I wasn't talking about you, Kinetix!" Gates protested. "I was talking about someone else I have to keep reminding, because they keep forgetting!"

"Oh, well," Kinetix seemed to deflate a bit. She was always ready to fight back if someone was being unreasonable, an adjective which she often used to describe Gates. She had to admit, though, that Gates was being more reasonable - even thoughtful - lately. Being Deputy Leader seemed to make him more thoughtful.

Sensing her best friend's consternation, Violet tried changing the subject. "Good seeing you both here, though. I didn't know you were interested in ancient superhero technology."

"It is a scientific exercise," Brainiac 5 muttered, slightly displeased. It was one thing to converse with his best friend Gates while studying old objects, and another entirely to give precious attention to two other teammates. "And Gates is here to keep me company."

"I didn't expect either of you would be interested, either," Gates pointed out.

"I'm a student of archaeology, remember?" Kinetix spread her hands. "And although Korr does not house any more mystical artifacts, there's still plenty of interesting stuff here."

"True," Gates conceded. "And..." he looked awkwardly at Violet. "I admire your bravery in coming here again, Violet."

"Oh," Violet blushed slightly. "The Emerald Eye possessed me here a very long time ago, Gates**. And it's safely locked away now.***"

"In short, she's over it," Kinetix quipped. Violet very subtly raised her eyebrow, and Kinetix blushed. That was a sign they had agreed on long ago; Zoe accepted that she could be overprotective of her loved ones.

"Mostly, anyway. Thanks for asking." Changing the subject before Gates could comment again, Violet gestured towards the exit. "We're going for a snack. Do you want to-"

The look on Brainiac 5's face would have been enough answer, but Violet's question was cut off by the ringing of alarms. Security drones rushed around, as other visitors looked up in shock and fear. Guards began ushering visitors out.

"Excuse me, you're Legionnaires, aren't you?" A lean, graceful sentient that looked like an Earth lizard with leathery wings came towards the quartet. "I'm Security Officer Komodo Scales. I don't mean to trouble you, but our securi-cameras caught someone warping into the exhibit hall..."

"No worries, Officer," Gates puffed himself up. "A Legionnaire is always ready to serve and protect. Right, gang?"

"Right!" Kinetix and Violet said in unison.

"Of course..." Brainiac 5 sighed inwardly. Perhaps they could prevent any theft, and he would have a chance to actually study the objects here while the museum was closed after...


A figure in gleaming golden armor looked greedily at the exhibit full of ancient weapons in front of him. "A Blue Lantern's lamp... an ancient batarang in the Jean-Paul Valley style... a Cosmic Converter Belt... all mine for the taking!" He reached out for the nearest object, a pair of aero-discs. "What I can learn from studying these..."

A glowing green aura enveloped his arm, pulling it back. "Can't you read? The signs all say don't touch!"

The figure snarled as he turned his head. Four beings with Legion of Super-heroes utility belts were flying towards him. Not the first time he'd faced the premiere do-gooders of the 31st century...**** And like before, he had come prepared.

"Kinetix, restrain him now!" Brainiac 5 commanded, not even looking up from his Omnicom.

"I'm guessing you recognize him, Brainy?" Even as she spoke, Kinetix extended her telekinetic field to keep their would-be-thief fully immobile.

Xotar just smiled. His advanced technology was beyond these primitives' imaginings... he drowned out the green one's sterile tones, as he focused his mind on the discs attuned to his brainwaves.

"... commanded discs that animated the robots," Brainiac 5 finished.

"Like those?" Violet, ever-watchful, pointed. Small gray discs flew down from the ceiling, attaching themselves to various objects in the exhibit.

"He was prepared!" Gates opened one of his teleport discs in the flight path of a flock of discs, sending them out of the museum. Kinetix growled as she extended her field to immobilize a dozen more, while Violet enlarged herself and swatted several more to the ground, smashing them.

Xotar smiled even more as he watched his surviving discs attach themselves to their targets.

The Blue Beetle's gigantic Bug hummed to life, breaching the museum ceiling! Dozens of other ancient weapons flew after it, causing frightened screams outside.

"Kinetix, with me!" Gates chirped, even as he teleported a silver hammer away - making it crash into what he recognized as a suit of Rocket Red armor. He was there last time the Legion faced Xotar, and knew how dangerous those disks could be.

"But-" Kinetix protested.

"He can control these things even without your field, Zoe," Violet "sent" her best friend through their telepathic earplugs array. "And your telekinesis can stop more of these objects than the rest of us."

"... fine," Zoe muttered, as she let Gates teleport her away.

Brainiac 5 tucked his Omnicom into his belt pouch, as his forcefield sprang to life around Xotar. The collector from the future pounded at the translucent wall containing him.

"Are you sure that will hold him?" Violet grabbed a yellow trident that was firing energy blasts, and pointed it at some other objects running amok.

"I would prefer to enact some contingency plans," Brainiac 5 said dryly, as he modified his field's shape to protect himself from a flurry of icicles being generated by a gun. Idly, he allowed his eleventh thought track to ponder how the weapon could operate within the laws of thermodynamics. "Given he is from the far future..."

"On it," Violet shrank out of sight.

Brainiac 5 felt his body jerk. Now that his forcefield was physically part of him... he narrowed his eyes, observing Xotar running his hands over the field surrounding him. Possibly some technology that allowed him to manipulate the physical functions of other beings...

Shifting tactics, Querl widened his forcefield into a dome, and slammed its edges onto the floor, throwing debris up at Xotar. The would-be future conqueror snarled, and Querl smiled as he felt the pain disappear. As long as Xotar didn't touch his field...

He let ten of his thought-tracks go dormant, as he focused his attention on keeping Xotar off-balance. He had full confidence in Violet, but he still needed to give her enough time to do her job.


Gates frowned as he and Kinetix emerged from a teleport disc. Fires and explosions raged around him, as the weapons activated by Xotar spread around the top floor of the museum. "I detest these vile , selfish sentients who don't care about the suffering they inflict!"

"100% with you there," Kinetix muttered as she snagged a gun that spouted some kind of thick, viscous liquid. She pointed it at a pair of Thanagrian Nth-metal wings, causing them to crash to the floor. "Thankfully, the guards have evacuated everyone!"

"Then we can focus on the task at hand," Gates clicked. "I wish we could preserve these historical artifacts, but..."

"... but maybe we can!" Kinetix snapped her fingers. "These are being animated by those discs..." Concentrating on the gun she held, she cast her mind out, searching for a piece that was foreign. "There!" With a bit of focus, she pulled the disc off and crushed it. "it takes a bit of focus for me to do this, though. If you can help me by..."

"I get you!" Gates teleported a purple-and-green suit of armor in front of Kinetix. "You conserve your energy here, while I deliver them to you!" He winked at Kinetix, as he disappeared through another disc.

I definitely need to give Gates more credit," Kinetix thought, as she searched for the disc animating the armor. He at least doesn't complain ALL the time...


Xotar growled as he blasted away an approaching wall of debris. Curse the Coluan! He needed to touch the forcefield to break through!

He had hoped to defeat Brainiac 5 quickly, but the 12th-level intellect had been too quick for him...


A diminutive Violet popped her head out from the ruined floor, a few meters away from Xotar. Narrowing her eyes, she studied his armor. Testing the wind, she grew a few centimeters and tossed a piece of metal at it.

Her eyes widened as said metal disintegrated a few centimeters away from the armor.

"Okay, time for Plan B..." she muttered.


Gates watched as Kinetix sat, cross-legged, back against the wall. She was clearly tiring... and so was he. Dozens of dangerous arms still flew about, and it was taking all his attention to ensure that none escaped the museum building.

Kinetix caught his eye, and she flashed a quick wink. A mammalian expression that Gates had long learned to appreciate.

She's not so bad..., Gates thought as he teleported an unwieldy-looking glider in front of Kinetix. I should definitely be more patient with her...


Brainiac 5 bit his lip as he used his forcefield to steer Xotar into the center of the hall. His options would be limited if Xotar approached a corner of the room...

His head snapped up as he heard a loud thunk on his forcefield. Looking up, he saw a silvery piece of armor waving at him.

"I trust you're in there, Violet?" he asked.

Violet's voice - garbled, but unmistakably hers - responded. "I can't get to his armor, but I could get into this. If you give me an opening..."

Brainiac 5 opened a hole up in his forcefield...

... and Violet aimed her armor through the gap, making it crash into Xotar's smaller bodysuit!

A tiny Violet sped through the air just before the point of impact, letting the shockwaves carry her further. She grew to normal size behind Brainiac 5, letting his forcefield protect her.

"Brilliant tactic," Brainiac 5 nodded, all the while keeping an eye on Xotar's prone figure.

"You bought me time to think of it," Violet smiled back.

A glowing green aura signaled the arrival of Kinetix and Gates. "We guessed you'd beaten the bad guy," Kinetix quipped.

"Those discs of his fell inert all of a sudden," Gates explained. Curiously, Violet noted that Kinetix had her arm around Gates' shoulders.

"Just like the last encounter," Brainiac 5 said calmly... "I would shield your eyes, now." His warning came just in time, as the unconscious Xotar vanished in a blinding flash. "And his retreat through time was also expected."

Kinetix sniffed. "It's so unfair that he just escapes unpunished!"

"Unpunished, perhaps," Brainiac 5 allowed himself a small smile. "But I have enough data on his armor's energy patterns, to allow us to track him if he appears in our time again."

"Great. Now we just have to help clean up..." Violet looked around at all the destruction around them.

"Can we at least get a snack first?" Kinetix stuck her tongue out. "My stomach's been rumbling since before this fight!"

"I completely agree!" Gates nodded. "We do better work on full stomachs!"

"I know this really rad place nearby, that specializes in invertebrate proteins," Kinetix began, as she and Gates flew towards the exit.

Violet and Brainiac 5 gave each other knowing looks, as they followed their respective best friends.


IB's notes:

1) The Legion fought the Scavenger in LSH 74, L* 31!

2) Revealed in Legionnaires 40!

3) The Emerald Eye is in a containment unit enhanced by Robotica!

4) Xotar fought the Legion in Legionnaires 68!

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IB, hey there, glad to see you writing again, hope this means your work has calmed down and you have more headspace available to play smile

I really enjoyed this, and it was cute to see the team presented as they were - two groups of friends who don't have the best of histories - very nice characterisations of your team. I do love your Gates, I know it's been said before but I really wish I could write him as convincingly as you do. Even stating that he found walking uncomfortable - so obvious in hindsight but great to read.

As a Reboot character, I have no idea who Xolar is, though he's pretty stupid really if he's from the future and hasn't researched enough to know that Legionnaires will be present at the time he swoops in for the loot.

Totally love your take on B5 having multiple thought streams he can use to tackle problems - was that canon or did you come up with it?

I'meagerly waiting now for more, more, more!

Legion Worlds Ten - the final chapter is here. Find out the ultimate fate of our fantastic future friends.Only found in the Bits o' Legionnaire Business Forum.
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hi Harbi, thank you for your kind words smile I took advantage of the holidays, let's see if this will last... smile

glad you liked it! And thanks for pointing out that it was about two pairs of best friends, and how they interacted smile Can't take credit for the "Gates hates walking" idea, it was first shown in, I think, LSH 78 smile

and wow, thanks for your high praise re: my Gates smile

yeah, Xotar was pretty dumb in his Legionnaires appearance. Lucky me, as it made him easier to defeat tongue

B5's multiple thought-tracks are a canon thing, can't quite remember which issues, but a couple mentioned he could have up to 12 thought-tracks at once. I always thought that was an interesting concept to carry forward smile

thanks tons, Harbi! I might do a few done-in-ones over the next few months, some of which may carry the overall Volume 5 plot forward.... might smile

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Fighting Back
Fighting Back
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Thoughts as I read the new installment:

- Yay, four of my favorite PZH Legionnaires together!

- I enjoy your dialogue, it feels very natural and your love for and knowledge of each character comes through.

- Officer Komodo Scales, great name and he's already showing potential for his own spinoff showcase!

- The Blue Beetle's Bug, animated by one of Xotar's discs! Delightful!

- I take it Violet's yellow trident is the Atlantean one? Either way, it's awesome!

- Gates is mellowing -- miracles do happen LOL

What fun! Thanks, Ibby.

Still "Fickles" to my friends.
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thank you, Annfie! appreciate your comments, and glad you enjoyed smile

It was a treat writing this, as I do love each character!

I should make sure Officer Komodo Scales appears again smile

I had Blue Devil's trident in mind, but the Atlantean one works too smile

And Gates is trying very hard to be a good Deputy Leader, so smile

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Meant to say, Mjolnir and the Trapsters paste guns, fantastic! laugh

Legion Worlds Ten - the final chapter is here. Find out the ultimate fate of our fantastic future friends.Only found in the Bits o' Legionnaire Business Forum.
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Thanks Harbi smile I was thinking Steel's hammer myself, but Mjolnir adds a lot of possibilities wink

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Feel daunted by the length of this thread? You can also check out the Recap Thread to catch up!

VOLUME 5: What Makes Us Special

Kandahar II

The planetoid Kandahar II is so-named after the Earth city, where the historic 24th century declaration of pan-Earth LGBT marriage was signed. Kandahar was a city in Afghanistan, which had emerged from the rule of the Islamic fundamentalist group, the Taliban. it was chosen by the United Nations of Earth as the location precisely for that very reason.

Kandahar II is far from strict and conservative. The annual Galactic Pride celebrations are centered here, and it is a haven for sentient beings fleeing conservative attitudes on their own homeworlds.

- The LGBT Guide to the Galaxy


Chemical Kid, Condo Arlik of Phlon; controls chemical reactions
Density, Jed Rikane of Earth (Mongolia and Nepal) and Quothon; controls his body's density
Gravity, Tel Vole of Earth (Cambodia and Thailand); gravity manipulation
Invisible Kid, Lyle Norg of Earth (Australia and Israel); invisibility

Impulse, Kent Shakespeare of Earth (United Kingdom: England); enhanced speed, strength, durability and recuperative abilities (Legion World chief medical doctor and Reservist)


"So, I see you like games. What kind?" Impulse forced himself to smile at the red-skinned brunette across from him. He had to try very hard; the man was attractive, but he knew it too well. Every smirk the man made, showed off his massive ego.

"My favorite game," the man paused as he leaned forward; Impulse avoided looking down at his torso, which was on display for the world to see - his shirt seemed painted on, and the V-neck went down almost to his nipples! "My favorite game is mine is bigger than yours. Loser has to get plowed," the man's eyes twinkled.

"Next!" called the announcer. Kent gave a gracious smile as he stood up. Thank grife they only had thirty seconds with each speed dater!

"Can't wait to tap those delicious melons," the man snickered as he swatted Kent's behind. Kent balled his hands into fists as he sat at the next table.

A dark-skinned man with an immaculate beard peered at him. "Hi," Kent stuck his hand out. "I'm..."

The man's eyes widened in recognition. "You're Impulse, the Legionnaire!" he screeched. Several men swiveled from their seats to stare at Kent. "Uh..." the doctor stammered, rubbing his neck in nervousness. "Uh, I mean..."

"Sprock, you're hot!" mumbled the man.

"Your biceps look hotter on the Interwebs," muttered another.

"Here's my link ID!" a third thrust his Omnicom out at Kent.

Someone draped his arm around Kent's neck, pulling him close. "Let's take a selfie!"

"I, uh, gotta go, Legion emergency!" Kent stammered as he flew to the exit, ignoring the cheers and jeers behind him.

Kent flew as fast as he could, ignoring the heat in his cheeks. "This should be far enough," he said under his breath as he rounded a corner and sat down. "Grife! Maybe I should have stuck to online dating..." Kent hung his head in his hands. That had hardly been better... he had been flooded with messages asking him if he could arrange threesomes with this or that other Legionnaire, or which of his teammates he had examined naked.. and he had received so many unsolicited scans of genitalia that he never opened his dating apps outside of his own quarters.

He screamed into his hands. "Why is this so hard?!"

"Oh honey, everyone is hard here!" tittered a voice that was both deep and high at the same time. Kent groaned as he looked up. Two men stood in front of him: one extremely broad-shouldered, looking like he would burst out of his shirt; and a slimmer one with hair all over his toned, nearly-exposed torso. The larger one grinned at his own joke, while the slimmer one crouched down. "Are you okay, Kent?"

"I am not going to sign an autograph for you!" Kent spat.

The slimmer one nearly fell on his rump, while the larger one held his hands out. "Hey, hey, it's us!" Both men shimmered, their appearances turning into the familiar forms of Density and Gravity.

"Oh," Kent felt his face redden yet again. "Of course, image inducers."

"Almost as good as Sensor's illusions," Density quipped, trying to lighten the tension.

"Yeah, especially handy when at Galactic Pride," Gravity pointed out, even as stood up with a scowl. "You really should use yours."

Kent thought about explaining that he didn't want his first date with a potential boyfriend to be based on lies, but thought better of it. He didn't want the pair - a married couple, for grife's sake! - to pity him. "Yeah, I know, I just didn't... uh, didn't feel like going to Pride while not being myself, you know?"

"Oh, don't worry, I get it," a third man shimmered into view. This one was dressed much more modestly, in a plain black shirt that fit well, but didn't reveal too much... and was someone else Kent knew well. "I used to be really private about my personal life, but it does feel good to be out in the open!"*

"Lyle." Kent pushed aside the annoyance he felt. Don't remind yourself that Lyle is a sneaky rule-breaker, who doesn't deserve HIS boyfriend Condo... Kent told himself.* "Still no respect for other people's privacy, eh?"

Lyle looked like he had been slapped. "Hey, I'm sorry, I was just trying not to attract attention. Jed and Tel knew I was here..."

"We told you he would be, when we invited you," Tel crossed his arms pointedly. "I thought you said you were busy?"

"My schedule changed," Kent's face reddened yet again. Sprock, here I wanted to genuinely meet someone new, and now I'm lying to my teammates! He swallowed. "Okay, truth is, I... uh... was at a speed dating event."

"Oh, did you meet anyone nice?" a fourth voice came from behind Kent, one he knew very well. Resisting the urge to smoothen his shirt, Kent turned around. "Hey, Condo."

Kent forced himself not to smile too much, as Condo smiled at him back. He, too, was dressed a bit more modestly... in a dark green V-neck reminiscent of his Legion costume. But this time, he wasn't wearing an undershirt. The V-neck accented his nice chest, and was deep enough to show some flesh without giving too much away. And those cheekbones... "So, how was it?" The warmth in Condo's eyes could have kept him from freezing on Pluto!

"Eh, the usual," Kent shrugged. "Guys wanting to milk my Legion connections, and go directly to my quarters..."

"Sex on the first date isn't necessarily bad!" Jed exclaimed. "Why, on our first date, Tel took me to his quarters and showed me how to... OOPH!" Tel's elbow in his stomach made Jed stop. "Too much info, husband!" Tel tutted.

"Anyway," Lyle swiftly changed the subject. "We were going to see the main parade. Do you want to come with?"

Kent hesitated. Being around one happy couple was bad enough, but two? He looked at Condo, who was already holding onto Lyle's hand. Why am I crushing on someone who's happily taken?" Kent mentally kicked himself. If only he didn't have such gorgeous dimples...

Kent forced himself to smile. "Sure. Maybe I'll meet someone cool there, right?" He gave a little bow. "Lead the way."

"it's over here," Tel pointed, even as he began walking briskly. Jed trotted off after him.

Kent pointedly started walking in front of Condo and Lyle, so he wouldn't have to see how they walked, hand-in-hand.


IB's notes:

1) Invisible Kid was secretive in canon; about his Earthgov spy past, but also about his personal life - he received a mysterious note from C saying "can't wait to see you again", but as far as we know, none of his teammates ever knew he was seeing anyone (Legionnaires 59). In this fic, I have C being Condo/Chemical Kid, and that they had a secret relationship (Volume 1).

2) Invisible Kid does have a habit of breaking the rules: in LSH 67-68, he followed Cosmic Boy's team against orders; and in Legionnaires 28, he illegally interrogated some White Triangle terrorists. Impulse's firsthand experience with this was in Volume 3, during the fight with the Monitor, when Impulse had to block Invisible Kid from a blast.

Impulse finds Chemical Kid very attractive, and thinks Chemical Kid is to good for Invisible Kid. See here.

Last edited by Invisible Brainiac; 01/19/25 03:22 AM.
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Feel daunted by the length of this thread? You can also check out the Recap Thread to catch up!

VOLUME 5: What Makes Us Special

The Galactic Pride celebrations on Kandahar II


Chemical Kid, Condo Arlik of Phlon; controls chemical reactions
Density, Jed Rikane of Earth (Mongolia and Nepal) and Quothon; controls his body's density
Gravity, Tel Vole of Earth (Cambodia and Thailand); gravity manipulation
Invisible Kid, Lyle Norg of Earth (Australia and Israel); invisibility

Impulse, Kent Shakespeare of Earth (United Kingdom: England); enhanced speed, strength, durability and recuperative abilities (Legion World chief medical doctor and Reservist)

Impulse took a swig from his Silverale, grateful that his flight ring contained an image inducer that obscured his features. Nobody would recognize him and his teammates as Legionnaires. Though the spectacle in front of them certainly helped - this year's Galactic Pride Parade contained over two hundred parade floats. In front of them was number 135. On it, a dozen colorfully-dressed women, of all sizes and looks, waved while holding up a banner with "Lesbians of Lallor" written on it. The only other thing connecting them was the rainbow colors on their clothing.

"Fascinating, isn't it?" Chemical Kid said beside him. Condo wore a visor linked to his Omnicom, and was reading through the Galactic Pride history. "I still find it so shocking that just a few hundred years ago, people of the same biological sex still couldn't marry each other in some places on Earth!"

"Even now," Invisible Kid said quietly. "On Khundia, they believe that men and women should procreate, to produce more offspring for their armed forces... and that using assisted biotechnology like cloning weakens the offspring..."

Show-off, Kent thought, as he turned to their other companions. He raised his eyebrow slightly, as he saw Gravity sipping from his Ventura Valley Iced Tea. While beside Tel Vole, his husband Density was letting a very muscular, yet squat, blue-skinned man rub his massive chest.

"You're pretty calm about that," Kent whispered to Tel.

"Hmm?" Tel looked at Kent, who discreetly shook his head in Jed Rikane's direction. "Oh, that!" Tel laughed as he took another sip. Tel's normally tanned features were taking on a purple tinge; this was probably his fourth cocktail. "Jed just likes the attention, that goofball."

"You don't mind him being felt up by some random armadillo-bear?" Condo whispered, using the slang term for a muscular, smooth-skinned gay man.

"Oh no, he won't do anything more," Tel said casually. He began to giggle. "When we first started dating, and we weren't exclusive yet, he once called me at 1 in the morning. He was bawling his eyes out; he'd gone and slept with someone, but said he was only thinking of me the whole time!" Tel downed the rest of his drink, and waved over a roving servo-droid. "A White Venturan this time, please. Anyway," Tel continued. "We became exclusive right after. Although, our bed is big enough for the occasional third or fourth..." Tel giggled again.

Condo and Lyle exchanged glances. Tel was normally extremely conscious of his image, and had often shushed Jed when Jed was telling a salacious story about their relationship. And it wasn't like Condo, Lyle and Kent were Tel's best friends. "Uh, Tel?" Condo said tentatively. "Do you want me to help you metabolize all that alcohol?"

"Oh, I can handle it," Tel waved his hand down dismissively. "See? I can stand on one leg- oops!" Tel flailed around as he stumbled; Kent dutifully helped him maintain his balance. "Actually, I think I'll take your offer," Tel smiled sheepishly. "Thanks."

As Condo used his powers to speed up Tel's body's alcohol processing, Lyle smiled at Kent, as Lyle finished the rest of his own Silverale. "So, you want another drink?"

"Maybe later," Kent said curtly. He stared straight ahead, as a float named "Astonishing Asexuals" came into view. A sharply-dressed, very handsome man on the float spoke into the microphone. "Many sentients think that because we asexuals don't feel sexual attraction, we can't recognize when someone is attractive. But we do! We just process it differently..."

"Okay..." Lyle said, as the servo-droid came floating to them. "One Silverale, and one of the Taltaran Tempranillo, please..." The droid floated away, and Kent and Lyle fell into silence.

Nearby, Jed had lifted Tel in his arms, while Condo was still focusing his power on Tel. "You're in hangover mode now, but I'll help you through that..." Condo said gently.

Lyle took a sip of his new Silverale. Then he turned back to Kent. "Are you still angry about taking a blast from the Monitor for me? I know I acted recklessly..."

Kent forced himself not to squeeze the Silverale bottle in his hands. "Do you think I'm that petty, Lyle?"

Lyle threw his hands up, and a bit of his Silverale spilled. "I didn't mean it that way, Kent!" The two brown-haired men glared at each other. Thankfully, their three teammates were too occupied to notice. "Look, you don't like me for some reason, and I can't think why."

It's because you always get away with things, you cocky, smug... Kent bit his lip, then took a deep breath. "It's not me taking a blast for you, I'd do it for anyone on the team." He paused, watching Lyle's poker face.

"Go on," Lyle said quietly.

"You were reckless," Kent forced himself to speak calmly. "You inserted yourself onto the away team that faced the Monitor. You jumped in front of the blast, when M'Onel and I were both there - we could have taken it better. You jeopardized our rescue mission!"

"I know it was stupid..." Lyle said quietly. "But the Monitor aimed at Condo, and I..." Tears began to well in Lyle's eyes. "I already thought I'd lost him once."*

Kent felt his Silverale bottle crack in his hand. "I know." He sighed deeply. "I do understand. You and Condo are in love. You love him deeply, and he loves you." Kent spared a glance at Condo, who was now being lifted up on Jed's wide shoulder. Condo had the most gorgeous smile...

"Thank you for your part in reuniting us," Lyle smiled at Kent. "I really mean it."

"Of course..." Kent set his Silverale bottle down. It was almost empty, anyway. Why did Lyle have to sound so sincere? "Happy to."

"Hey, come over here, you two!" A recovered Tel dashed over, grabbing both Kent and Lyle by the wrists. "Jed wants to see if we can make a human pyramid!"

Lyle looked at Kent with a bemused expression. Are they kidding?! Lyle mouthed.

Despite himself, Kent barked a small laugh. He planted his foot on the ground, letting Tel pull at him feebly. "Let's start now, then." Kent knelt down. "Hop on, you two. You're both light as feathers to me." Balancing Tel on his left shoulder, and Lyle on his right, Kent strode over to where Condo and Jed were.


IB's notes:

1) Lyle thinking he'd lost Condo once: refer to the preamble for Volume 1: the original Reboot Legion being lost in the multiverse, while Condo remained behind in their universe.

Last edited by Invisible Brainiac; 01/19/25 10:12 AM.
Joined: Oct 2005
Posts: 21
Joined: Oct 2005
Posts: 21
so glad 2 c ur still writin this...i kno its hard 2 feel motivated 2 write. and life gettin in the way makes it harder...i should get back 2 my story but now ive got an idea 4 a new 1 lol. 1st, i need 2 get back 2 savin ur great story as a word document (4 my own ease of readin lol)

"I can't get hold of your mind! Like something slippery..." Saturn Girl, The Legion #2
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Thank you SaturnGirlLover, it’s so sweet of you to say, and I’m really glad you’re enjoying my story. Yeah it’s tough! Takes a lot of time and concentration.

I’d be intrigued to hear your story ideas too!

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Invisible Brainiac: Happy happy birthday, cleome!
thoth lad: Hello Mattropolis!
Invisible Brainiac: Happy birthday, Legion Tracker!
Ann Hebistand: Did anyone have problems getting into Legion World earlier this afternoon?
Invisible Brainiac: I didn't have any issues, though I can't remember what time I tried this afternoon
Ann Hebistand: Okay, thanks.
Ann Hebistand: Happy Birthday, Ultra Jorge
Ann Hebistand: OptimusPrime < 40th Anniversary TOMORROW
Ann Hebistand: Today, 40 years ago... OptimusPrime
KryptonKid: Sgt Pepper taught the band to play...
Sarcasm Kid: I hope those of us in the southeast are okay and safe
Ann Hebistand: Thank you, Sarky.
Ann Hebistand: I was lucky, but many people were not. Please keep them in your thoughts. And if you can, make a charitable donation.
Sarcasm Kid: Am I gonna see anyone at NYCC this Thursday?
Nightcrawler: Staying local, sorry.
Fat Cramer: Hello Legion World. Missed you! Lots of catching up to do.
Gaseous Lad: Welcome back FC!!!! We missed you!
Ann Hebistand: Cramey! hug love
thoth lad: Great to see you Cramer!
Kappa Kid: Hope everyone is doing well! smile
Eryk Davis Ester: Wow! Cramer and Kappa Kid? Are we gathering up all fo the members for some big #200 anniversary event or something? wink
Invisible Brainiac: sweet! nice seeing ya, FC and Kappa!
Future: Hi, Legion World! Thanks for keeping the Legion alive!
Ann Hebistand: Hi! Good to see you here. I miss your comments on the Transformers G1 cartoon.
Eryk Davis Ester: Now Future? Wow!
Reboot: Truly, there was a future, once.
Sarcasm Kid: Happy Hanksgiving all you turkey droppings
Ann Hebistand: LOL. Belated Happy Thanksgiving to you, Sarky dear.
Sarcasm Kid: Candle is alive she's okay
Eryk Davis Ester: Santa brought thoth back!
Ann Hebistand: Huzzah!
Rockhopper Lad: The Rookery Holiday party is in progress! Pop by!
Ann Hebistand: I am so going to attend! Thanks, Rocky!
Nightcrawler: Updated us to version 8.0 of the software. Everything resets to the default settings. I'll be restoring things back to normal as I have time.
Nightcrawler: Sorry. Didn't realize the solution I had for the old PHP would screw up the new board.
Reboot: Wait, Version 8 actually happened shocked
Nightcrawler: Yeah. smile
Reboot: *insert "It Has Been 84 Years" clip here*
Invisible Brainiac: thanks Nighty, appreciate it smile
Ann Hebistand: Yes! Thank you, Nightcrawler. And Happy New Year, Legion Worlders! CalorieQueen
Rockhopper Lad: Howdy, Legion Worlders! love
Ann Hebistand: Hi, Rocky! hug love
thoth lad: Rocky!
Lard Lad: Yo, Adrian!
Ann Hebistand: "Gonna fly now"
cleome58: "I'm the Queen of 58 and I'm here to state..." wink
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