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Legion Worlds Ten - the final chapter. Update 23 Dec 24
#1041405 12/17/24 02:55 AM
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This is part ten of the Legion World's stories. It will be the final section.

There will be a lot happening as a few dangling plot lines will get resolved, I'll attempt to clear up a mystery or two, introduce a couple of surprise guests, and have a few adventures along the way.

Though before all of that, here is a list of the current dramatis personae - there are a lot, and I'm posting this list here as much as a reminder for me as for you so that I don't forget anyone smile Don't feel you need to read and remember these as roll calls will be added at relevant sections.

Legion World Home Base - the Academy:

Former Legionnaires:
Triplicate Girl - Luornu Durgo of Carggg - able to split into three identical duplicates (part of Duplicate Girl)
Cosmic Boy – Rokk Krinn of Braal - manipulation of magnetic fields
Night Girl - Lydda Jath of Kathoon - incredible strength and durability out of direct sunlight
Colossal Boy - Gim Allon of Earth - increase personal size and mass at will
Wildfire - Drake Burroughs of E

Last edited by Harbinger; 9 hours ago. Reason: updating date in title

Legion Worlds Ten - the final chapter is here. Find out the ultimate fate of our fantastic future friends.Only found in the Bits o' Legionnaire Business Forum.
Re: Legion Worlds Ten - the final chapter. Started 17 Dec 24
Harbinger #1041406 12/17/24 02:56 AM
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Encyclopedia Galactica - the Forever Pilgrimage

The definitive history of the Forever Pilgrimage is unknown and possibly will never be known as there are so many rumours, stories and legends around their history and origin it is impossible to discern a definitive truth.

By the time it was first spotted within the section of the Milky Way now known as the United Planets, there were already several dozen races involved. The history we have comes from hearsay told by those that have travelled with the Pilgrims themselves and not from any official documented source.

It is most often said that many thousands of cycles ago a world was destroyed by a meteor strike, though before that happened the indigenous species managed to create a fleet of crafts to take a select few off world to seed another planet. The whereabouts of this original planet is unknown, as is the exact length of time since its destruction. It has been theorised that if this story is true then the original race are now most likely to have fully adapted to their journey in space so are no longer looking for a world to colonise.

There are one hundred and thirty-three large zeppelin shaped crafts called the Original Arcs that lead and shepherd the Pilgrims journey. These appear to all be constructed using the same technology and to the same design specifications, and are understood to be the original crafts used by the species that fled their world. We must bear in mind that no official confirmation has ever been given.

What is documented is that Coluan astronomers first recorded seeing the Pilgrim's fleet over five thousand years ago. Since then, the Pilgrims have continued their zig zagging course through the Milky Way having little or no contact with the various species and galactic empires that they encounter. It is estimated that currently there are upwards of six million sapient beings from a wide variety of races and worlds that are on this pilgrimage.

The Pilgrims will welcome any craft into their convoy so long as they agree to follow their principles - they are pacifists with a basic barter culture. No violence or disharmonious behaviour will be tolerated. Despite being an obvious target for the unscrupulous, the Pilgrims will eject anyone who breaks their principles and have incredibly strong force field technology that protects them from physical threats from outside their convoy.

At various points in the last few thousand years, the Pilgrimage has been joined by many beings from the United Planets worlds (and beyond) wishing to leave their own circumstances, hoping that the pilgrimage will lead them to a better existence. Many scientists, artists, and scholars from a multitude of species have taken part in the Pilgrimage at points in their careers. Some of these stayed for only a year or two, while others have remained for longer, and in several well documented cases their families have stayed for generations. It is from those that left the Pilgrimage that we have our limited understanding of the society that has evolved amongst the many crafts that are involved in their seemingly endless journey.

It is known that within the caravan of crafts there are large farm domes, traderships and many ice water comets caught and held in stasis fields by the Original Arcs. These ensure all that join the Pilgrimage are kept supplied with the essentials while they travel.


HOPE WORLD specialising in disaster relief.

Dream Girl- Team leader - Nura Nal of Naltor - precognition

Dream Girl stood beside the young Dominator they had taken to call Ivy in the middle of the Command Deck of Hope World.

On the screen in front of her were images of the Pilgrims, their massive egg-shaped force field and several dozen pirate crafts attempting to breach it. From what Nura could see, it appeared that the majority of the attackers were of Khund design, though they ranged in sizes from single-being crafts to at least one sleek - and most likely heavily modified - Sunskimmer yacht.

"Thom, are you ready?" Even as she asked, Nura signaled for the warp to open. She could see on the holo-monitor that Star Boy, Mama Tank and Orion, joined by Atom Girl from First Base were ready for this mission. Sylva had called Nura directly that morning asking if they needed any help as there were no missions currently showing on the Monitor Board on First Base. Nura had gratefully accepted the Imskian's offer.

Three hours later and here they were; Sylva was on a mission to invade a Khund pirate Command ship. Well, that should stop her from getting bored, Nura thought with a smile.

The Naltoran team leader also knew that the four of them were going to be enough to take control of the Command craft that was controlling the aggressive fleet currently harassing the Forever Pilgrims. She also knew that as much as he huffed and puffed, Thom liked the adrenaline rush he'd be getting as they stepped onto the Khund warship.

Outside of Hope World, Groovy led Dkyun Mu, the Green Lantern - also seconded for this mission from the main team - out to stop the pirate attack ships from causing too much harm. The Daxamite was probably powerful enough to repel the vast majority of the attacking pirate fleet by himself - he was certainly enthusiastic enough to try - though with the calmer Xudarian at his side, Nura was a lot more confident that they would take care of the aggressors while keeping the Pilgrims safe from harm.

The rest of the team were standing by to offer support to any of the Pilgrims that required it.

Before leaving on this mission, Nura had ensured that Hope World was fully stocked up on medical supplies and fresh produce, along with some common materials and technology that any of those on the pilgrimage may need upgrading. It was just a matter of waiting for the signal to say the Khunds attack had been stopped and any potential risks to the innocents were past before the team could distribute their offerings. Nura had foreseen it would happen in fourteen minutes, but for a precognitive of her calibre, those fourteen minutes were intensely frustrating!

Still, after that, Nura knew that they would be here for another eleven hours straight as they made sure that the Pilgrims were all safe and well, and perhaps they might have some fun too...


Inter-ship School Journal of Seve Dalore-Candas, age eight and a half.

Yesterday was the scariest and best day of my life!

When the pirates attacked us Mummy said we would be okay, she told me the One Thirty Three would circle the wagons around us to keep us safe. This wasn't the first time we've been attacked. There are a lot of things out there that might attack us. I was born here but Mummy wasn't, so she knows what's out there far more than I do, or at least that's what she says. She had us bundled up in the escape pod just in case the pirates got through the shield. The pirates were Khunds. Mr Drachnachyak who runs the traders' ship that comes round every ten-day says they weren't decent Khunds like him, these were the real bad ones!

The shield the One Thirty-Three put round the Pilgrims was glowing and flashing from the attack, it was scary as we've never seen that before, even when we skim Oort Clouds! Mummy said not to worry as they would not get through, but I was still really scared.

We was listening to the inter-comms when the Legion sent a message saying they were here to help. I think I saw a tear fall in Mummy's eye as she stopped holding me so tight and started to smile. It was weird... I never saw an actual Legionnaire until later that day though Mummy said that they had saved her all those years ago on Korlon when her homeworld died.

It was only fifteen minutes later but felt like hours that they sent out another broadcast. They invited anyone who wanted a quick check up over to their amazing planetoid base, and of course over two thousand of us said we'd go!

It took three and a half hours until our name was called and it was the longest three and a half hours in my life but they... I don't know what it was but it spun in the air of our Headdeck, all golden and purple and we stepped through and we were in this garden that smelled of lots of living plants and crops and fruits I couldn't name, Mummy said after it smelled of salvation.

There was real Legionnaires standing right there in front of us as we stepped through the disc.

They looked beautiful!

Mummy hugged them all, even the strange rock-like ones they called Bludgers that stood by, and told them all this was the second time they had saved her life.

There were a dozen other families there as well but a Legionnaire with wings and blue skin asked me if I would like to fly with him. I was scared but nodded and he picked me up and flapped his wings and we flew round the garden. I screamed and he laughed before he dropped me back where he had picked me up. He said I was really brave to go flying with him. It was amazing!

Before we left ten minutes later, we were given a bag of sweet treats and mine had lots of nice things and something called a pomegranate that I had never tried before and they gave us some new clothes, medicines four litres of neutral synth-gloop for the meal replicators, two rev-plugs for the shuttle and everything we needed.

I told Mummy when we got back to homeship that one day I'll make her proud as I want to be a Legionnaire now too.

I will be a Legionnaire one day, I will!

Legion Worlds Ten - the final chapter is here. Find out the ultimate fate of our fantastic future friends.Only found in the Bits o' Legionnaire Business Forum.
Re: Legion Worlds Ten - the final chapter. Started 17 Dec 24
Harbinger #1041407 12/17/24 02:59 AM
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I'll post more before Christmas as Mon El discovers the Legion aren't the only super group trying to defend the Fringe Worlds, then after that Chameleon Boy gets an introduction to an old frenemy of the team, Nura announces some plans that will change the team and Ayla plays with butterflies, kind of... More, more, more coming soon - Enjoy!

Legion Worlds Ten - the final chapter is here. Find out the ultimate fate of our fantastic future friends.Only found in the Bits o' Legionnaire Business Forum.
Re: Legion Worlds Ten - the final chapter. Started 17 Dec 24
Harbinger #1041413 12/17/24 10:59 AM
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Nowhere Girl
Nowhere Girl
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Hi, Harbi,

I feel so lucky I got in on the ground floor for your final Legion Worlds storyline.

The first chapter is wonderful! Nura is a personal favorite, and I'm glad to see that she still puts so much importance on having fun. That's so her! The pilgrim boy and his mother are both very likable.

Looking forward to finding out what Nura's plans are, which old frenemy Cham is going to encounter, which other super group wants in on the action, and whatever Ayla turns out to be up to (she's another personal favorite.)

Still "Fickles" to my friends.
Re: Legion Worlds Ten - the final chapter. Started 17 Dec 24
Harbinger #1041420 12/17/24 11:49 AM
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yay, LW 10 is off!

a bit sad that you're going to end with this, on the eager hand, also really eager!

loving the journal entry, nice way to show what happened!

cool detail that a Khund is among the Pilgrims!

aw, so cool about the kid's mum having been saved by the Legion once.

Re: Legion Worlds Ten - the final chapter. Started 17 Dec 24
Harbinger #1041423 12/17/24 12:26 PM
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Long live the Legion!
Long live the Legion!
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Man, that Forever Pilgramage is amazing!

(I've always wondered if there would be something like that in the Marvel universe. Races whose homeworlds were eaten by Galactus, who had colonies on other worlds, or delegations off-world when it happened, now stuck sort of 'Galactic Homeless' and wandering in a vast convoy, perhaps not even *wanting* to settle on another planet that could *also* get eaten! And, of course, a faction of zealots who are convinced that worlds that get eaten by Galactus are being judged somehow, and failing, unlike the worlds, like Earth, that successfully fight him off and live another day, and the survivors of worlds that got destroyed must be hunted down and eliminated, to complete the 'holy work' of Galactus, which they have decided is judging the fitness of species to survive, and culling the unworthy from the universe...)

Last edited by Set; 12/17/24 12:26 PM.

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Re: Legion Worlds Ten - the final chapter. Updated 23 Dec 24
Harbinger #1041539 9 hours ago
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Dream Girl called for a meeting with Tyroc, Thunder and Cosmic Boy.

The holos of her fellow leaders appeared before Nura as she stood beside a dining table in one of Hope World's team rec rooms.

The four Legion World leaders exchanged a few pleasantries though Nura quickly brought the conversation round to the matter that she wanted to raise.

She stated the interns that had been working with the team on Hope World deserved full membership, though with the lack of a promotion process being established when they split the leadership between the three planetoid bases, she was unsure if she should just announce it or...

Thunder smiled broadly before stating that a few more of the intens that were helping out the teams deserved to be uplifted onto the team proper. Tyroc agreed without missing a beat.

"So, do we just announce it or...?"

"Let's hold a try out. Inform the interns that this is their chance..." Tyroc says

"They've already proven themselves." Nura said flatly.

"We can do both," again Cece smiled, "we'll say, hey, our interns are now fully fledged Legionnaires. Who wants to try out to join them?"

"I'm sure that the majority of the Senior class of students will be eager to show what they can do as well, and a few definitely deserve your full consideration." Rokk smiled as he said this.

The team leaders agreed that they would share their plan with the rest of the Senior Team and, as long as there were no major objections, they would hold a try-out and hopefully be accepting new members to their team.

"So, after we get agreement that this is a good idea, we'll have tryouts in, what, a week? I'll call up the rest of the Senior Team and make sure everyone's diaries are free for it." Nura said.

"Sounds like a good plan t'me." Troy replied, nodding.

"I'll get the Academy kids ready, thanks Nura, this is a great idea." Rokk added.

"Absolutely!" Thunder agreed.


Mon El - Senior Team member, Lar Gand of Daxam - incredible strength, speed, stamina, senses, laser vision, space flight, invulnerability
Dragonwing - Marya Pai of Earth - breathes dragon fire and acid
Glorith of Zerox - manipulation of magical energies
Spy (also team counsellor) - Dr Noah Kabbo - heightened awareness and limited telepathy
Bouncing Boy ii - Stoor Chamble of Pasnic - creation of personal spherical force field
Non - negative energy being - spaceflight, speed, alter own dimensions and density, explosive touch, limited telepathy

Science Police meta-squad seconded to Legion World Second Base:
Gravity Kid - Science Police Officer Tel Vole of Earth - manipulation of personal or nearby gravity

The alert came through in the early hours, but Mon El was already awake so he was first to arrive at the Warp Control Room.

A Science Police alert stating meta-activity had arrived from Stemmian Dravus Three, a trader's planet out on the edge of the Fringe. Reading the report, Mon El knew of the central city state of Faraggon... A city state renowned for its Rimborian approach to law and order, so a request for assistance from the UP meant they immediately knew that it must be something serious.

It only took three minutes before the team were gathered, and the Daxamite quickly shared the information they had on the situation: An alert had been raised stating that there was an ongoing emergency in the central business district in Farraggo. Mon El succinctly explained that this city state had minimal official law enforcement and it was entirely likely that some sort of local turf war could be happening. There were reports of a meta-being creating several explosions and general pandemonium, though little more.

A honey and violet warp opened before the team and they stepped through.

The scene before them was like something from a medieval depiction of the very depths of hell!


This block of the city centre had been smashed!

Screams and sirens filled the air. Several shattered buildings crumbled across the ground, fire and smoke billowed from dozens of points, bodies of victims and broken glass strewn as if swept there by the hands of a vengeful god.

<Non and Bouncing Boy, you're both with me... Spy, take the rest of the team and get civilians to safety. Prioritize saving the living, okay? If you encounter any meta-activity, you call for back-up before engaging> And with that telepathic broadcast across the flight ring matrix, Mon El took to the air. Non and Bouncing Boy followed as fast as they could.

<right...> Dr Kabbo took charge of his teammates, <let's get co-ordinates for First Responders and make sure we get survivors to them> A hard light screen sprung up from his flight ring as its AI tapped into local broadcasts to find where local support could be found. Dr kabbo sharerd the info with his colleagues, <Okay, Tel's with me, I'll be able to find anyone under the rubble. Marya and Glorith, help anyone you can find... we'll meet up in thirty minutes back at this spot, okay?>

Dragonwing and Glorith flew towards someone nearby they could hear shouting for help. As they approached, they could see the problem - a large metal beam had trapped a young woman underneath, and the young man with her was unable to move it. The woman lay unconscious in rubble soaked with her blood.

"Hey, I'm Marya, this is Glorith, we're gonna help you two, okay?" As Dragonwing said this, the young man's face crumpled and tears streamed down his face.

"It's my sister... We was goin'... we were shopping and this fiery hawk man... he did all this..." He muttered, turning back to look at his unconscious sister..

"It's okay, we're Legionnaires, we'll get her out for you." Marya stepped closer to him and smiled. <Team, we've just heard some kinda fiery hawk man caused this damage so be careful!> She broadcast across the telepathic matrix to her teammates.

Marya put an arm around the young man's shoulder; primarily to reassure him, but also to have a hold on him in case he suddenly moved closer and interrupted her teammate. Glorith settled on the ground beside the trapped woman.

The young mystic's facial marking started to glow as she drew in her magic. She brushed her finger tips across the metal beam and a circle of violet light expanded to cover the surface, and as it did the metal started to discolour. Within seconds fracture lines and rust ate into the beam, until after only twenty seconds the beam flaked apart and disintegrated into a cloud of tiny flecks. The mystical Legionnaire stepped back as the young man rushed in to grab his sister.

"Hang on a sec there sport," Dragonwing scanned the woman with her flight ring and held it up to share the hard light read-out it generated.

"Broken ribs and leg, bruising... probable minor concussion... She'll be fine with a bit of TLC. Let me help." Dragonwing nudged he man aside and gently picked up the unconscious woman. "There's help this way..." She levitated, letting her flight ring carry the weight. The man stepped back, his mouth wide.

"C'mon, let's get you and your sis to a medic." Dragonwing said over her shoulder as she flew across the rubble towards where their flight rings had indicated an emergency crisis centre had been set up.

Glorith smiled as she took the young man's hand and levitated them both, following after her teammate.


Two hundred and fifty metres away, Dr Kabbo pointed towards a large pile of smashed masonry.

"There's four minds under this... one isn't human, a dog I think..."

Tel Vole hovered over the rubble pile and started to glow. With a thought he started to rise and as he did layer by later of the smashed stonework started to take to the air underneath him.

"Whoa, right there Tel!" Dr Kabbo shouted. In amongst the rubble there were two unconscious people floating before him. Gently, he prized them out, feeling a little bit sea sick as he moved between Gravity Kids column of weightlessness and the planets gravity.

As gently as he could, Noah laid them down and turned back to the floating pile before him. He could sense there were more minds in the tangle of stones, metal and glass. At his signal Tel strained his abilities to lift more rubble, and only a few feet underneath the other couple there was an elderly man with his arms wrapped around his pet hound. The dog whimpered as Spy maneuvered them out from the floating rubble.

"If you can gently let it down now Tel..." Dr Kabbo tried his best to shield the unconscious people from the dust cloud that blew out as the floating rubble fell back into the hole it had come from.

"C'mon Tel, let's get these folks some proper aid." Noah signaled his colleague to levitate the group they had just rescues from the rubble towards one of the makeshift crisis centre.


Mon El raced ahead, with Non close behind.

Bouncing Boy pushed his force field to its hardest and urged his flight ring to go faster.

Stoor Chamble could see he would not keep up with his teammates as they tore through the sky towards the outskirts of the destruction. Even as he watched, in the distance a building at least ten stories high started to tilt and fall. Mon El and Non were already there - the Daxamite flying through the building at hyper-velocities rescuing everyone within as the Negative Energy being used its explosive touch to turn the falling masonry into dust clouds.

As he looked down, Stoor could see some sort of confrontation taking place in the street below him.

<Lar, there's some trouble here that I need to investigate, will keep you updated> He sent across the telepathic matrix to his team leader as he dived down to street level.

<Okay, let us know if you need assistance>

As he got close, Stoor could see a powerfully built man in black garb, swinging a scythe at a much smaller young dark blue skinned boy with wild hair. Every time the scythe got close the boy would disappear, almost as if he were moving too fast to be seen and reappear close by.

As Stoor's stutter didn't really command respect or project authority he had mentioned to Night Girl that he didn't like using the loudhailer app; she had kindly suggested he only use a minimum of words when he did need to use it so it would be less likely he'd get tongue tied. Remembering this advice, he tooka deep breath, put his right hand up to his face so his flight ring was in front of his mouth and yelled:

"S...STOP!" his word echoed across the landscape and the two beings beneath him both cowered instinctively at the roaring noise.

"A Legionnaire!" The brutish man said as he looked up towards Bouncing Boy, apparently happy to see him. As he shouted this, the boy suddenly appeared at his side and slashed the muscular man across his ribs before vanishing again and reappearing ten feet away. This time, Stoor could see dust suddenly move in the air between where the boy had been and where he now was - the dark blue skinned boy was a speedster.

Stoor flew towards the blue skinned boy, aware that if they moved at super speed he would be unlikely to do anything other than scare them away - at least his force field would stop him getting hurt, he hoped...

"Why you takin' that thug's side? Him and his Fringe Force destroyed the market buildings!" The blue skinned boy yelled as he jumped out of the way of the Legionnaire.

"Terrorist! We are stopping you and your kind..." Before the muscular man could say anything else, the blue skinned boy appeared before the bigger man's face and kicked him firmly in the jaw. The large man's head snapped back but he did not seem too hurt by the blow.

"You stand up for slavers yet want to be our heroes? Hypocrite!"

"SIT DOWN!" This time Stoor's voice did not stutter as he shouted through the loudhailer. He pointed to the floor and the large man with the scythe and the unruly looking boy with blue skin both immediately sat down.

"Right, you..." He pointed to the boy.

"We... We were trying to get the slaves free and this bunch..."

"You damaged the Central Market..."

"And your lot destroyed the centre of town! How many have you killed?"

"Enough!" Stoor didn't use the loudhailer this time but they still both turned to face him, quiet.

"P... Put out your r... right hands, now!" Stoor had surreptitiously taken two incapacity cuffs from a belt pouch and held one in each hand. As the two before him held out their hands he quickly swiped the cuffs around their wrists. Both were unconscious in seconds.

"Let the c... courts decide, you i... i... idiots!"

<Lar, I've two metas here, I think they had something to do with this mess. I'm gonna call Henry and get them into holding cells, okay... Lar? Can you hear me? .Mon El? Mon El... Are you there?>

The silence that followed as Bouncing Boy waited for Mon El to reply was worrying.


Mon El and Non had cleared the building before it had collapsed onto the plaza before it and now the Daxamite was ready to face those responsible.

In the air before them was a man with metallic wings generating heat - Mon El had noticed the melted streaks across the building so estimated he was responsible for its collapse.

"You!" The powerful Daxamite flew up towards them. He could see that the man wore a red and golden armour with a clear face plate - and had spotted the Legionnaires as his eyes grew wide and mouthed an obscenity.

"I am Sunhawk of Fringe Force, my team were called here to stop a terrorist cell. We are heros like you Legionnaires... welcome!"

"You're responsible for destroying this building so I doubt we're on the same side." With that, the Daxamite tore towards the man who called himself Sunhawk, preparing to rip the armour off his body.

<<stop! Get away from my colleague>> Although the voice in his head was not loud, it had an immediate effect.

Lar Gand had encountered telepathy many, many times before, but this time it felt very different as if it had been written across his mind by sharp rusting spikes. He had felt something like that pain before though and its cause was one of the few things he was truly vulnerable to: it was magic!

Clutching the side of his head, the Daxamite let loose a primal scream, before he flew straight up and out of the planets atmosphere and into space in an instinctive attempt to escape.

Last edited by Harbinger; 9 hours ago. Reason: updating date in title

Legion Worlds Ten - the final chapter is here. Find out the ultimate fate of our fantastic future friends.Only found in the Bits o' Legionnaire Business Forum.
Re: Legion Worlds Ten - the final chapter. Updated 23 Dec 24
Harbinger #1041542 3 hours ago
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yay, more!

haha! it's so like Nura to be like "hold on, why make them try out again?" Good on Thunder to quickly pivot this to giving an opportunity for others. And I bet Cos is just so eager to have tryouts like the old days. and so like Nura to quickly take charge...

I'm so intrigued at what a central business district on a Rimbor-like planet would be like!

Stoor's stutter is such a cute character trait, and glad Lydda helped him with some tips. and good on Stoor for getting both combatants to actually sit down!

a magical telepath., whoa!

Re: Legion Worlds Ten - the final chapter. Updated 23 Dec 24
Harbinger #1041543 3 hours ago
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Nowhere Girl
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Comments as I read:

- Yay, a tryout coming up!

- "Rimborian approach to law and order," that made me laugh.

- "A honey and violet warp," beautiful description

- I adore Marya & Glorith

- Sunhawk of Fringe Force, awesome names. Can't wait to find out more about this magician telepath.

Loving this, Harbi! Keep up the good work!

Still "Fickles" to my friends.

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