You got it.
Not sure I have ever eaten it. It sticks in my head from an episode of the original TV series Bewitched that I saw as a kid.
A big name Japanese client of Darren's is coming to dinner. Samantha's nutty aunt tries to help by magic-ing Samantha and herself in traditional Japanese outfits etc. Hilarity ensues but as usual Samantha manages to turn it around and the client has an enjoyable evening. As he is leaving she says she had tried to find out from his secretary the name of his favourite meal, and the secretary has said it was Hoong Ryn Goo Ush. The client is quite amused as he explains that he has acquired western tastes since he spends so much time away from Japan and what his Japanese Secretary was trying to say in her poor English was Hungarian Goulash.
Last edited by stile86; 3 hours ago.