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Postlo3w stories *LATEST UPDATE 13 AUGUST*
by thoth lad - 10/05/24 04:29 AM
Kill This Thread LVII - Big Vi?
by thoth lad - 10/05/24 03:52 AM
Wheel of Fortune / Hangman Season 3
by stile86 - 10/05/24 02:55 AM
Legionnaire Mastermind
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Legion Trivia 6
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The Non-Legion Comics Trivia Thread Pt 5
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I'm Thinking of a DCU character Part 6!
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UFO (1970)
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Re: Postlo3w stories *LATEST UPDATE 4 JULY*
razsolo #1037664 07/14/24 05:35 AM
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Hi Harbi, thanks for the R&R!

I figured there would be a bit of story whiplash initially with cutting to Mysa and the Wellbeing Squad together on a whole different planet, but I figured the idea itself of how they got there was a better story than watching them just move tons of dirt around.

aww, nice job humanizing the pair of xenophobic murdering villains
Thanks! laugh laugh laugh

Re: using James Foote for the name of the detention centre....I went back and checked the story where I had Earth-Man in solitary confinement in Antarctica the first around and saw that I'd used it there (this was before I started keeping all these in the one thread here, but it's here on my Livejournal if anyone's interested!)....this was way back in 2012 though so I have no clue how I came up with it now. Funnily enough, that story is also the first time Kent Shakespeare appeared in this fic!

Antennae Lad actually has a pretty fun power when you give him more control over's a bit plot devicey but it makes him useful at least! smile

The Avenging Might of Tharn was something I came up with for the Heroes from Other Worlds thread ages ago - though they were called the Avenging Might of Orando there. For reasons that will become apparent very soon, I didn't want to have the Emerald Emperor operating openly on Orando so I just changed their homeworld.

Everything is gonna hit the fan VERY soon with the Emerald Emperor and his Eyes of Ekron, stay tuned for that one!

Birth of the Empire
razsolo #1038037 07/29/24 03:36 AM
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Husband Hill, Legion Academy's Arqiia Campus

Amp aka Ming Sul: amplification of any power or characteristic
Key Kid aka Miqui Ver: ability to bypass any man-made lock or barrier

Miqui Ver had his back to the open doorway of what was no longer his bedroom after today, watching as small servodroids finished packing his meagre belongings and floating them almost noiselessly out to the transmat pad through which he would embark on the newest phase of his life.

He heard someone clear their throat, and turned to see Ming Sul standing in the corridor just outside his room. As Amp and Key Kid, these two had been Heroes of Lallor and students of the Legion Academy together...Miqui wasn't sure what they were now. "Hey," he ventured noncommittally.

"Hey yourself." Amp didn't quite risk a full smile, but her lips curled upward ever so slightly. They were both in regular clothing, Ming in tight black pants and an oversized red t-shirt bearing the logo of her favourite kickpunk singer, Lori Smashskull. Miqui wore a baggy green tracksuit and a plain white shirt with his mass of unruly auburn locks escaping from beneath a cap that featured a holographic cartoon Urk running this way and that. "Do you still hate me?" Amp tested the waters, perhaps sounding a little more flippant than she felt.

"No, you're okay for some bumpkis from Lallor I guess," Miqui hung his head and flicked a quick glance at her with shy hazel eyes.

Encouraged by the lack of hostility, Amp entered Key Kid's room and sat on the edge of his freshly stripped bed. "I overheard Saturn Girl and Lightning Lad talking to Bouncing Boy and Una," she looked up at him. "Sounds like you really went through it on Earth, huh?"

"Ming, it was so scary!" The excitement building in his voice reminded Amp of the boy she thought she'd known so well until recent weeks, and he sat down on the bed next to her. "I really thought those Judgement League creeps were gonna kill me! And that poor Science Police guy..." He trailed off for a moment before continuing in a more timid voice. "Ming...I'm really sorry. For the stuff I said to you. For being a dumb idiot about Enigma Lass. For everything really. I know everyone else here must think I'm the biggest nasshead in the universe, but I don't think I could stand it if you do..."

"Miqui..." She reached an arm around his shoulders and brought him in close for a quick hug. "...I get it. I really do. I don't find it easy to be okay with Enigma Lass either, you know? But I know I have to try. If we don't try to be better than the worst parts of ourselves, what makes us think we can be superheroes?"

"Yeah, I know that now I think." Although she'd released her grip, Key Kid stayed where he was with his head leaning against her collarbone. "I thought the Judgement League had to be good guys because they're all Terran and they were all manipulated by the Dominators too...but they really like hurting people, it was creepy. And the way Earth-Man looked at me, I don't think I've ever seen someone with that much hate in them..." He shivered and sat back upright again. "...Anyway, I guess it was my wake-up call or whatever. Maybe I don't know everything after all, huh?"

"That's why we're in a school, dope." She shoved him playfully. "I hear you're about to get a whole bunch of new classmates too! Lightning Lad told us there's gonna be nearly 40 students at the Earth campus!"

"We'll still hang out though, right?" Key Kid asked hopefully. "I mean I know I'm gonna be on Earth and you'll be here on Mars, but with the transmat pads now..."

"Of course we'll still hang out!" Amp enthused. "Us bumpkises gotta stick together, kiddo!"

Key Kid flashed Amp a toothy grin. Miqui wasn't sure what future awaited him at Montauk Point, but he was glad that he wasn't leaving behind the best parts of his past...


Devil's Canyon

Color Kid aka Ulu Vakk: color manipulation
Mon-El aka Lar Gand: Daxamite physiology
Supergirl II aka Laurel Kent: invulnerability
Ultra Boy aka Jo Nah: deputy leader; ultra-energy which can be directed into any one of strength, speed, flight, invulnerability, flash vision, penetra-vision at a time

It was early evening in Devil's Canyon, far too early for most of the residents of this part of Rimbor to be out and about.

The nightclub called Mother's Milk had in fact only been open for the last thirty minutes and the venue was completely empty except for a couple of staff behind the bar casting the occasional furtive glance across a sticky dancefloor to where four Legionnaires were taking part in an obviously tense conversation with one of the club's bouncers and the club's owner. The bouncer was a muscular yellow woman named Shelli who towered over the Legionnaires. Her beefy arms were folded across her chest, and animated tattoos danced along her exposed flesh. As physically imposing as Shelli was though, the woman everyone called Biggie practically made her look petite. Wearing an immaculate three-piece suit, Biggie was nearly 11 feet tall and far too wide to fit into any of the grimy booths that lined one side of the dancefloor. Her slick black hair was tied back into a tight braid which fell halfway down her back, and both women were remarkably unbothered standing before a couple of the most powerful heroes in the galaxy.

"I told the SP everything I know already," Shelli complained, "And I know you've got access to their records...why you need to come in here and harass me when I'm just tryna do an honest day's work, huh?"

"An honest day's work on Rimbor?" Ultra Boy snarked unkindly. "That'd be a first."

"It must be sprocking great to live in a super-advanced space station and look down your nose at the world you left behind," Biggie chimed in sarcastically, "But Shelli does have a job to do, and you people are keeping her from it. We've told you the very little that we know about Flare's abduction, just as we told the Science Police before you. Don't you people have that hot little Naltorian fem to dream up a solution for these things for you, Legionnaires?"

Laurel edged forward to protest Biggie's point, but Mon-El diplomatically stepped in before the teenager could inflame the situation. "We appreciate your time, ladies...and please, if you do recall anything that might help, contact the Science Police at once."

They exchanged some strained final remarks, and the quartet of heroes immediately took to the sky as soon as they left the building. Color Kid looked back at the dirty street they'd left behind, the flickering holographic sign above the door of Mother's Milk soon becoming just one in a patchwork of gaudy neon signs. "Everyone's heard about how seedy Rimbor is, but it's a whole other thing seeing it..." Ulu commented. "Imagine what this place must be like after midnight!"

"Ew," Supergirl shuddered in revulsion. "I'd rather not, thanks. I already feel like I need a sonic shower."

"Yeah well, not all of us were lucky enough to grow up on the right side of the spaceways," Ultra Boy grumbled in response. It was fine for Jo to rag on his own homeworld, but he didn't have to be okay with offworlders doing the same.

Picking up on Ultra Boy's annoyance, a sheepish Color Kid was just about to apologise when they all heard a tremendous explosion that set off an array of alarms around the streets of Devil's Canyon.

"This way." Mon-El took the lead without thinking, his enhanced senses having already found the source of the noise. As it turned out, an enormous column of grey-purple smoke would have told the others where to go even if Mon-El hadn't been there. While the sky was growing quickly darker, the sheer amount of artificial lighting in this area of the city illuminated everything almost as well as the midday sun. Leaving the bars and restaurants of Devil's Canyon behind them, the Legion flew over the city's expansive red light district and found themselves in a more industrial area on the outskirts of the city that was filled with storage facilities, factories and warehouses. Several of the buildings were on fire, and they could clearly tell where the epicentre of the blast had been as it was a half-collapsed four storey inferno.

Ultra Boy had been completely comfortable with his best friend leading them here, but now that more complex action was required he knew he had to step up as the team's deputy leader. "I see the guy who did this a couple blocks away," Jo explained with a faraway look in his eye that told the others he was using his penetra-vision. "You're okay putting this fire out on your own, right Mon?"

"Actually, I could use Color Kid's assistance if you don't mind," the Daxamite responded thoughtfully.

"Sure thing," Ultra Boy nodded without question. "Come on Laurel...let's go catch us an arsonist!"

As Jo and Laurel darted off together, Color Kid gave Mon-El a look of pure astonishment. "Mon-El, need my help?"

"Don't seem so surprised, Color Kid." Mon-El wore a reassuring smile. "All of us need a little help from our friends now and again. Now listen...I think this warehouse must have been some kind of drug laboratory, there are all sorts of nasty chemicals in that cloud of smoke. I'll come back as soon as I can to put out the fire properly, but my priority is getting this toxic mess out of the atmosphere before it disperses any further."

"Okay, but...what do you need me for..?"

"Everybody in that building is likely some kind of criminal," Mon-El explained, "But that doesn't mean they deserve to die in there. I'm sure they could benefit from someone who can give them a clear visual indicator how to get out of there before it becomes a deathtrap."

Color Kid suddenly realised what Mon-El was asking him to do, and he quickly agreed and descended toward the building with his transuit activated. It would protect him from some of the heat, but more importantly the transuit meant that Color Kid would still be able to breathe in there. A fierce wind picked up out of nowhere, and Ulu spared a glance to see exactly how Mon-El was eliminating the threat of the smoke; circling the building at insanely high speeds, Mon-El was literally funneling all of the smoke up along his flightpath and as a happy side effect snuffing out a significant portion of the fire as well.

The heat still hit Color Kid like a wall before he'd even entered the building, and once he was inside he saw the same thing that Mon-El had. Between the flames, the loss of power to the building and the remaining smoke, visibility was reduced to several feet. Leaving a psychedelic streak of color behind him like yarn in a maze, Color Kid cupped a hand to his mouth and called out. "Folks, don't be scared! I'm with the Legion of Superheroes and I'm here to--"

A gunshot rang out and Color Kid saw a stringy teenage boy waving a firearm at him through the smoke. "Hey!" Ulu frowned. "Not nice, buddy!" Thinking quickly, Color Kid used his power to make the gun an incandescent red; the gangbanger threw it into the fire in panic before he realised that it only looked like it had been heating up. "What are you thinking?" Ulu chastised the drug-addled teen, pointing at his makeshift multi-colored escape route. "We're trying to rescue you for crying out loud, would you just follow that trail and get out of here already?"

Shame-faced, the boy slinked past Color Kid as quickly as he could.

"Come to scenic Rimbor," Ulu muttered to himself as he pressed on into the chaos. "Get shot, die in a fire...Ultra Boy, your planet is the worst."


"This guy is the worst driver," Supergirl cringed as she and Ultra Boy watched their quarry dip and dart a skycycle through Rimbor's congested air traffic.

"I wouldn't cast stones if I were you," Ultra Boy joked. "I've seen how you use that flight ring, kid."

"Please," Laurel rolled her eyes. "Do you really think Iron-Butt Imra would have let me out of that Academy if she hadn't drilled aerial manoeuvres into me until they replaced core memories of my own childhood? I have skill, that guy's just lucky he hasn't killed anyone yet."

"Good point," Jo's tone became slightly more serious. "You go grab our arsonist, I'll make sure that nice shiny skybike doesn't ruin anyone's night."

Laurel didn't need any more motivation than that. Jo had to admit that she could back up her boast as he watched her dodge half a dozen flying vehicles to tackle their man off his bike. While this Supergirl might not have the strength expected of her namesake, a combination of her indestructibility, her flight ring's anti-gravity properties and plain old momentum helped her carry the winded criminal to the nearest rooftop where she took the brunt of impact and let the man tumble along the rooftop to come to an eventual dizzy halt. In the meantime, ultra-speed took Jo Nah through the traffic as though it were frozen in place and ultra-strength let him carry the skycycle to the same rooftop where he deposited it a little more gently than Laurel had dumped her own cargo.

The man they'd pursued here was still on his hands and knees when he shocked them both by looking up at them with a face that was completely consumed in flame. "No Sci-Cop's ever taken Fireface in, and no Legion nassheads will either!" A wide arc of fire burst from his face and washed over Laurel and Jo, the latter of whom had only barely switched to invulnerability in time to avoid some awful burns.

Laurel had released an involuntary yelp at the fiery assault, and Jo saw that she was now trembling in place. " okay there?"

"Y-yeah, I'm fine...he just took me by surprise." She was trying her best to hide how shaken she felt, and was now flushed red with embarassment as well. "I'm sorry, Ultra still weirds me out a little. Hey, he's getting away!"

Indeed, the man named Fireface had just leaped over the edge of the roof to a lower balcony level. "Watch the bike," Ultra Boy commanded. "Now that I know what he can do, I'm ready for him."

Jo kept his ultra-energy fuelling his invulnerability, trusting that his flight ring would give him all the speed he needed. It took him only another second to realise how wrong he was, as Fireface disappeared in a flash of green light just like Flare before him.

Mon-El and Color Kid chose that moment to descend from above. "I know that expression," Mon-El addressed his best friend. "The bad guy got away?"

"Let's just say we didn't exactly cover ourselves in glory." Jo scratched the back of his head and avoided making eye contact with Laurel.

"...Hopefully one of the other squads will have better luck than we did."


Garak of the Glow's (former) cell

Legion of Superheroes
Gas Girl aka Tal Nahii:
can transform into any gas

Neon aka Zoe Saugin: infused with Green Lantern energy
Sizzle aka Teela Spuunvll: energy conversion
Sun Boy aka Dirk Morgna: heat and light generation

The Workforce
Bioluminescent Lass aka Jaene Birrun:
enhanced bioluminescence

Gear aka I.Z.O.R: techno-organic being
Ion aka Mara Waid: shrinking
Magno aka Dyrk Magz: magnetism

The assorted members of the Legion of Superheroes and the Workforce found themselves broken up into three separate groups congregating in and around the small featureless cell that had recently held Garak of the Glow. While Sun Boy, Magno and Gear discussed the technicalities of the Khund's escape from Takron-Galtos, Bioluminescent Lass couldn't help but watch in fascination as Neon performed her own scans of the area. Meanwhile, Gas Girl felt like something of a third wheel watching Sizzle catch Ion up on her adventures with the Legion.

"Adventures with the Legion, hmm?" Ion raised an eyebrow in Sun Boy's direction. "I hear you've been having some mighty fine adventures with one Legionnaire in particular..."

Sizzle gave a sharp laugh. "It's sprockin' weird knowing that my exploits are fodder for the gossip channels now, but yeah I guess you could say Mr Morgna knows how to show a girl a hot time. Why don't you come join the Legion, Ion? I remember you telling me it was your dream once..."

"...When I was 12, sure. I don't think being tiny is such an amazing power that you people need two Imskians though...and that Shrinking Violet is one tough fem, I'm not too proud to say she handed me my butt a lot quicker than most people would!"*

Listening to them talk, it occurred to Gas Girl that she was accustomed to being the most outgoing woman in a social group that usually consisted of herself and Life Lass; she was feeling uncommonly self-conscious around Ion and Sizzle, two fems who were more worldly and rough around the edges than herself. Unconsciously she drifted away from the two of them and toward Neon and Bioluminescent Lass.

"Welp," Zoe Saugin shrugged. "I guess I shouldn't have expected to find anything that a Linsnarian couldn't but I'm afraid I can't shed any more light on all of this than Gear, Bio-Lass."

"Oh, please just call me Jaene," the elvish Bioliminescent Lass replied graciously. "We thank you for trying, Neon; really. I must admit however, I am quite interested in your power. At its most basic, you project light but you can do so much with it!"

"I's not just light." Though not offended, Zoe was a little taken aback. "The Green Lantern energy is one of the oldest forces in the universe."

"Umm...isn't light one of the oldest forces in the universe?" Gas Girl ventured.

Zoe laughed. "Alright, whose side are you on anyway? You know what I mean!"

All three of the women continued making light conversation until they heard Sun Boy's voice. "Hey, Zoe! Can we borrow you for a nano?"

"Sure thing, what can I do for you?" Neon sauntered over, followed by Gas Girl and Bioluminescent Lass.

"Not for me, but Gear thinks you might be able to help these guys." Dirk waved her toward the techno-organic youth.

Gear immediately launched into his explanation. "So we had a very limited window to get readings when this Emerald Emperor fellow abducted our prisoners, but he's nabbed enough of them by now that I can safely say the Emerald Eye of Ekron's energy is within spitting distance of your Green Lantern energy, Neon."

"well yeah," Neon replied with a tone that implied this was the most commonly known fact in the universe, "Ekron was a Green Lantern, sooo..."

"...Wait, what??" Magno did a double take.

"Why haven't you told us this before??" Sun Boy's jaw dropped.

"I dunno, nobody ever asked?" Zoe shrugged her shoulders. "Anyway, Sodam Yat didn't know much more than that...Ekron was a wizard maybe? But he was definitely a part of the Green Lantern Corps at one point in the dim past."

Sun Boy frowned. "Zoe, for future reference...if you know something about one of our greatest enemies that isn't in the Legion files already, maybe tell us about it?!"

"Grife, I didn't think it was worth mentioning...I mean the Emerald Empress is dead, I've never even heard of an Emerald Emperor until the past few I meant to just note down every random factoid I know about anyone we've ever met?"

"Yes!" Sun Boy threw his arms up in frustration. "This is why we keep files on our villains!"

"Anywayyyy..." Gear tried to redirect the conversation. "Neon, what I was wondering is...would you mind terribly if I take a couple of minutes to scan your active energy output? I am reasonably confident that if I have at least a similar frequency of energy to work with I can whip up a forcefield that will, if not repel the Emerald Eye's power altogether, at least snag the signature and allow us to trace it next time he tries to teleport someone out of here."

"You want me you come up with a defence against my power..?" Zoe pulled a sour face.

"You're a Legionnaire now," Ion remarked sardonically. "I'm pretty sure you won't need a reason to break in here again, Neon."**

Bashful for one of the few times in her life, Zoe Saugin agreed to help.


Marsopolis, Science Police Impound Tesseract Sublevel 3

Diamond Damsel aka Iris Jacobs: living diamond
Elastic Lad aka Jams-Ols 5: super-elongation
Mwindaji: tracker infused with White Lantern energy
Timber Wolf aka Brin Londo: super-strength and super-agility

Beneath the Martian Science Police Global Headquarters, a seemingly infinite grid of corridors held all sorts of dangerous weapons and technology that the SP and various superhero groups had confiscated from the criminals of the United Planets. Until recently, one of those artifacts had been the petrified form of the villainous Emerald Emperor. Right now, Lieutenant Anson Wils and four Legionnaires stood in the empty cube that had recently been the Emerald Emperor's home.

"I don't know why Pebblehead sent us here," Timber Wolf grumbled from where he stood leaning against a wall in the modest cubicle. "It's not like any of us have super senses or anything."

"If this Emerald Emperor were still on Mars, my tracking ability would find him," Mwindaji reasoned. "So at least we know that he is no longer on the planet."

"That's a great perspective, Mwindaji!" Elastic Lad had been using a modified omnicom to scan the area for exotic energies, but his neck twisted now so that he could face his teammate from Kirinyaga. "Sometimes what we can't see is as important as what we can see! Why, I remember this time back on Cadmu when we had to retrieve some escaped Lime Bunnies and--"

"I'm gonna scout the perimeter," Timber Wolf abruptly announced before storming off on his own.

"Is Timber Wolf always this...wound up?" the Science Police officer asked Diamond Damsel timidly.

"Let's say Timber Wolf is more a man of action than a detective," Diamond Damsel responded as diplomatically as possible. "I think he's just frustrated that he can't do anything more constructive to help."

In truth, Iris Jacobs was surprised that Brin Londo had lasted this long before going lone wolf on them all...she hadn't lied when she had told the Science Police officer that Brin was a man of action. Timber Wolf had little time for small talk or rambling conversation and even though they'd used Evolvo Lad's new transmat teleporter to get to Mars initially, they'd still spent enough time travelling through Marsopolis to this sublevel that Iris could tell Elastic Lad's constant chatter was driving Timber Wolf crazy.

She also wondered about the wisdom of herself and Timber Wolf being included in this squad. Mwindaji was a very skilled tracker, and Elastic Lad for all his hyperactive rambling was highly intelligent. She and Brin had little to contribute to an investigative mission, and she wasn't quite sure why Blok had assigned them to come here. Iris assumed that Blok knew what he was doing, but his reasoning was beyond her...

"Gosh, I'm really sorry!" Elastic Lad's unexpected outburst rocked Diamond Damsel out of her reverie. "There's really no remnants of the Emerald Eye energy here at all, there's nothing for me to pick up on! Maybe we should rewatch the footage again from when the Emerald Emperor teleported to freedom? I know we've already seen it a bunch of times, but we could catch something we missed before?"

"I agree with Elastic Lad," Mwindaji pondered. "Often, one does not recognize one's mistakes until further review."

Diamond Damsel didn't really see the point in rewatching footage they'd already seen more than a dozen times, but she also couldn't think of a better idea. "Sure," she shrugged. "It couldn't hurt, right?"

Lieutenant Wils operated the holoprojector and they all watched once more as the Emerald Emperor's unmoving stone form sat silently in the small storage cube for long seconds before a flash of green light spirited him away.

"If it is not too much trouble, Lieutenant," Mwindaji asked, "Perhaps you could play the footage again slowed down? We may identify something that bypassed us previously."

The Science Police officer was happy to oblige, and they all watched the same scene play out again more slowly. Mwindaji was frowning while he watched it, his lower lip more prominent than usual. Elastic Lad and the Sci-Cop were both intently watching the holographic recording so they didn't notice this, but Diamond Damsel did. It made Iris realise that Mwindaji had seen something that needed explanation, but maybe he just wasn't sure what it was that he'd seen. Kirinyaga was after all one of the least technologically developed worlds in the UP, maybe he was second guessing what was or wasn't a normal application of technology. Iris decided to really pay attention to the footage next time it was played, and this time she realized what Mwindaji had seen.

"He was still stone when he disappeared!" Diamond Damsel spluttered.

They all turned to face her, and only Mwindaji seemed to understand that she'd realized something significant.

"Uh....yes..?" Lieutenant Wils said uneasily.

Diamond Damsel tried to explain. "We've all been operating on the assumption that the Emerald Emperor freed himself, right? Or at least that the Emerald Eye responded to his desire to be free?"

Elastic Lad's facial features shifted in almost comical exaggeration as he began to follow Diamond Damsel's train of thought. "But Zwennites don't have the ability to feel desire when they're petrified!" he blathered. "Not that the Emerald Emperor is a Zwennite of course, but Gorgon Girl who turned him to stone is a Zwennite! Heck, we don't really know how Gorgon Girl's power works on non-Zwennites at all but we can assume that it enforces the same conditions on non-Zwennites that it does on Zwennites, right? I mean gee whiz, when she turned Lightning Lad and Dawnstar to stone their life signs were completely flatlined, and Saturn Girl and Dragonmage had to work together to restore them to normal! Sure, Stone Boy can move when he's petrified but that's only because of everything that happened with that Khor fellow!"***

"I'm sorry," Lieutenant Wils gave a look of utter confusion. "I don't understand..?"

"The Emerald Emperor was a statue when he was freed," Diamond Damsel spelled it out. "It's unlikely that he could have summoned the Emerald Eye to help him...

...but if he didn't teleport himself out of here, then who did?"


Chameleon Boy's quarters

The walls of Reep Daggle's quarters were all lined with shelves, and those shelves contained an amazing assortment of indoor plants, abstract and representational art pieces and, uncommonly for the technologically advanced 31st Century, even a few books. Chameleon Boy's excellent design sense rendered the space comfortable and lived in rather than the messy clutter it very easily could have been.

In the middle of all of these outlandish shapes and forms, Cham sat in a hovering egg chair with a bowl of lightly fried synthworm in one hand and a pair of chopsticks in the other. Most of his friends would be horrified if he ever said this out loud, but he had to admit that synthworm was inferior to the satisfyingly iron-rich flavor of real Durlan mud worms. Still, there was no need to make innocent creatures suffer if he didn't need to, and with enough swamp fungi gravy anything could taste good.

"You've really taken to chopsticks, Reep! You use them all the time now!" This came from the holographic form of Amoris Riccioli, the raven-haired beauty who was the occasional heroine Tranquility billions of miles away on Earth's moon. She was also occasionally Chameleon Boy's...well, Cham didn't quite know what to call their long distance relationship, but whatever it was, she always brought some brightness to his day.

"They're so much more useful for some foods!" Cham replied. "Besides, they make me think of you," he continued a little self-consciously. He'd only used chopsticks for the first time after he and Tranquility had begun dating, but he really had taken to using them as much as he could now and he always thought of their date when he did so. "I'm sorry I couldn't come see you in person, Amoris...with all of these villains being snatched up by what seems to be the Emerald Eye of Ekron, the Legion really need me right now."

"Oh, please don't feel badly!" Tranquility waved his concerns away, delicate bangles clinking as her slender wrist moved. "I know how important your work with the Legion is, and from what you've told me it definitely doesn't sound like anything good is going to come out of all of this! Do you have any leads?"

"No, it's so frustrating," he admitted. "I feel like I'm missing something but I can't see what it is. Some of the villains who've been snatched up are people that the Emerald Emperor has worked with before, but a bunch more aren't. There doesn't seem to be any common theme linking them together, like why in the stars would the Persuader's clone want to work with Garak of the Glow?"

"You said that Garak was obsessed with the Emerald Eye, right? Is it possible the Emperor's just taking advantage of that now that he has the Emerald Eye?"

"I think it was more the Emerald Empress that Garak was infatuated with, but she's been dead for so long now and..." Chameleon Boy's words trailed off into nothing and his eyes slowly widened.

"Reep..?" Tranquility asked, concerned.

"Amoris, I'll have to call you back!" Cham spoke with a sudden burst of purpose. "But you may have just given me the answer I've been looking for, dinner's on me next time we catch up!"

"Good luck!" she blew him a kiss and the comms disconnected.

Chameleon Boy couldn't believe that none of the Legion had considered this before, but Garak's obsession with the Emerald Empress was so intense that they'd all just assumed he was crazy...Cham silently cursed himself for falling prey to that kind of thinking, it was a rookie mistake. Almost leaping out of his chair, Cham placed his dinner on the nearest benchtop and raced to his data console. Nimble fingers dashed across a lightpad, and Cham called up the flight schedules for Metropolis Spaceport.

When the Legion had faced Garak of the Glow there recently, Garak had been attempting to hijack a passenger cruiser. Spaceflights went to many far-flung places from Metropolis, but there was only one destination that Chameleon Boy wanted to check could be reached from there. Confirming what he'd suspected, Cham's blood ran cold and he had to remind himself that this was all still really just a hunch. Still, Garak had been off anyone's radar for years until that day, and he'd just happened to attack one of the few UP spaceports that had regular flights to Orando...and he did all of this right after Sensor Girl had left Orando unguarded and unwatched while she battled Trigon and Scorn light years away.

Sarya of Venegar might be dead, but for a very short period of time there was another girl who called herself the Emerald Empress**** Orandan girl who Sensor Girl couldn't possibly have been able to hide from the Emerald Eye while Jeckie was fighting for her life on some dead world in the middle of the Khund Empire.

"Blok!" Chameleon Boy barked into his flight ring. "We need to reach out to Sensor Girl immediately...I think she might be in danger!"


The Throne Room of Queen Projectra Armorr

Dressed in a sumptuous velvet gown with elaborate gold embroidery, Queen Projectra sat upon her throne and watched as her last petitioner ran happily from her throne room. She'd just agreed to provide substantial relief efforts to a flooded town on the other side of the continent, giving some of her royal subjects the first piece of good news they'd had in weeks. Projectra reflected on her works...this was a far cry from the kind of thrilling adventures she got up to in the Legion of Superheroes, but it was immensely satisfying to be able to help her people like this as well. While she waited for the next petitioner to be escorted in, she gazed lovingly at the official portrait of herself and Val Armorr which dominated the wall over the main entrance. She had long since come to terms with the painful memory of Karate Kid's death, but not a day went by that Projectra didn't wish he were here to share all of this with her.

Without warning, the portrait and the wall upon which it was hung exploded inward in a blinding green flash. Flying brickwork left a nasty gash across her temple, and Projectra was thrown to the ground where she tumbled to a painful halt some feet away. Her righteous fury was enough to keep her conscious, but the world wouldn't stop spinning and she couldn't bring her power to bear. "Arturr..?" she called weakly to one of her guards, looking across to see the poor man buried under a half ton of rubble. None of her other guards were moving either; whoever had the audacity to do this would pay dearly.

"Hey, Princess." At the sound of the gruff voice, Projectra forced herself to look up. Clouds of dust still obscured everything in the room but she resolved that she wasn't going to let dust defeat her.

Though it sent a stab of pain through her skull, Projectra focused her power and gazed upon the source of the voice. "I have not been a princess in some time...I am the Queen of Orando, and whomever you are, you have signed your death warrant attacking me in my" Cold fear stole her rage and left her voiceless.

"You are the Queen of Orando no longer," the Emerald Empress decreed bitterly, floating above Projectra with the Emerald Eye of Ekron behind her.

"The lady's right," a man in green hardlight armour added, a long-handled glowing axe slung over one shoulder and a second Eye of Ekron peering over the other. Behind the Emerald Emperor, twenty-two more men and women crowded in gleeful anticipation of what was coming next.

"...I'd say it's about time Orando had a change of ownership."


* Ion is referring to the Workforce's first meeting with the Legion where Vi beat her off-panel.
** When she was a member of the Green Lantern Corps, Neon forced her way into Takron-Galtos to help the Legion and the Workforce fight the Thunderers of Qward.
*** Khor was a necromancer from Dryad who possessed Stone Boy's form in an attempt to help the population of Dryad possess the petrified bodies of Zwen.
**** The second Emerald Empress is inspired by the one that appeared in this Legion of Superheroes annual. She's an Orandan peasant named Mirian who was being abused by Orandan nobility and stumbled across the Emerald Eye while Jeckie was off with the Legion - in my series, Jeckie briefly usurped the two Eyes of Ekron and used the power to put her into a coma where she has been using her illusions to hide her from the Eyes.

Last edited by razsolo; 07/29/24 06:32 AM.
Re: Birth of the Empire
razsolo #1038052 07/29/24 01:51 PM
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yay, more!

Lori Smashskull, love the name!

really loving Amp, she's so level-headed. and despite all she's gone through, too!

well, looks like Key Kid has finally had his growing-up moment. and 40 students! whoa! eager to see who you've got in the mix! I do like how the more advanced students will get closer, more tailored training, too!

Pretty powerful group you have here. Mon and Jo, indestructible Laurel... and Ulu. though you've done good stuff with Ulu for sure, and I've learned not to underestimate him!

LOL at the Mother's Milk name smile

loving the snark all around from the Rimborians. and good on Mon for cutting Laurel off lol

lol, I recognize a bit of myself in Jo. Snarking at the ladies in the club, but also being annoyed that others are snarking about his homeworld. I'm kinda the same...

you delivered, raz - nice use of Ulu's power!

hah at Laurel and core memories and Iron Butt Imra!

ah, nice reference to Laurel's lingering trauma re fire. good to show that even superheroes can't just shake things off

I'm liking how level-headed your Ion is!

and also good callout from Tal re: how shy her friend group is

brilliant (heh, pun intended) having Bio-L Lass be amazed at Zoe's powers!

"light conversation", heh smile

hah! love how Zoe is so casual about "oh, Ekron was a GL lol"

and love Dirk rightly calling Zoe out on how critical this tidbit was!

hah! love Ion also piling on. Much as I love Zoe, she could use a bit of humble pie from time to time.

good callout, that Brin would be really annoyed at E-Lad

omg, that is awesome detective work re: the Emperor was still stone when he vanished! Brilliant!

loving the 30th century take on food. they also had that in the Reboot, where meat was from cloned cells...

oooh brilliant thinking on Cham's part ! of course, that other Empress!

whooo boy! didn't expect Jeckie and Orando to be in this much trouble so soon... hope those guards are okay by the way, but...

great stuff raz! looking forward to more!

Re: Birth of the Empire
razsolo #1038252 08/05/24 08:10 AM
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Hey Raz, I don't have much time so this will be a quick review.

It's good to see Key Kid has the emotional maturity to reflect on his actions and realise just how evil the Judgement League were, and he's still in training with the team though on Earth - and therefore unlikely to make the top team anytime soon. Amp's empathy and understanding was really sweet too. Hopeflly you'll show the pair of them hanging out in future so we can check in with his development.

That's a pretty buff team on Rimbor, with Jo and Lar involved. Loving the bar staff being unimpressed with the Legionnaires. Bless Colour Kid's surprise at being asked to help, he must feel way out of his league, and smart thinking by Mon El for his abilities! Oh, turning the gun red so the gangbanger would think it's heating up is pretty clever too. Jo and Laurel's banter as they chase the guy on the skycycle is cute. He, Fireface, hahaha. Laurel's psychosmatic reaction to flames is a hazard, hoopefully she'll get that looked into. Oh, another villain snatched up out of the Legion's hands, that isn't good. How many is that now? And, how many do we not know about that have been taking? Eek, this is going to be epic.

The Tagron Galtos group is great, from Sizzle's realisation that she's gossip-fodder, Zoe's admission that Ekron was a GL and Sun By's admonishment - nice character moments. And it's always good to see the Workforce team that are permanently there and the connections yat they have with the Legion. Also, great to see Gear come up with a possible solution and work with Zoe to help against any more attempted jail breaks. Ion's snark was fun.

Timber Wolf and Elastic Lad need to star in their own series - though perhaps de-claw Brin first! "more a man of action than a detective," yes, that's about right Iris - she has a really mature understanding doesn't she? Though having lived as ling as she has it's understandable. As is Brin's wanting to take a break from Elastic Lad, tbh laugh also, sweet of Iris to have faith in Blok's choice for the team, and sharp that she realised M'Windaji may be insecure about expressing his thoughts.Oh jeez, how obvious and I think we've all missed it - the Emperor was still petrified when he was taken so how did he arrange that? Brilliant Raz, everyone missed the obvious there. The mystery just gets deeper and darker!

And speaking of detectives, nice that Cham get's a bit of screentime - and Tranquility too, yay! And now it starts to all pull together... nicely done there Raz, and Reep wasthe perfect oneto figure it out.

Oh shit! Jeckie is in for it, I hope she isn't dead by the start of your next post thoughit would be understandable if you decided to show just how awful the Empress is! And two Eyes of Ekron and twenty four (Empress, Emperor and 22 others) villains setting up camp on Orando! Bet she wishes she had never taken it back from it's interdimensional travelsthe LV sent it on...

What a cliffhanger! Raz, I'm so bowled over by the quality of your work here, this has been the best twist and reveal in your substantial body of work.

It'll be no surprise that I'm staying here for more, more, more!

Legion Worlds NINE - wait, there's even more ongoing amazing adventures? Yup, and you'll only find them in the Bits o' Legionnaire Business Forum.
Re: Birth of the Empire
razsolo #1038418 08/10/24 03:02 AM
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Hi all, thanks for the R & R!

Sorry it's taken me a bit to reply, I have had some computer issues (just for something different tongue )

Key Kid's story is over for now, BUT...I am working on a separate little mini-series (like I did with Lamprey & Turtle) to introduce the 30+ new students (AND teachers!) so keep an eye out for that! Also, we are going to be focusing pretty much exclusively on the Legion for a bit while they're dealing with these Emerald menaces, but after that I have some exciting plans for the few students still on Mars as well...

re Ulu on Rimbor: I realised I haven't used Color Kid for way too long so I felt like he deserved a bit of spotlight!

IB - I didn't do the 'light conversation' bit with Bioluminescent Lass and Neon on purpose but now that you mention it, it is some funny pun work laugh

I am glad y'all liked the bits of deductive work from Diamond Damsel's crew and Cham...whenever I have a mystery subplot, I always worry about striking the right balance between not making things too easy to figure out but also making sure that it makes logical sense when the answer comes out.

Harbi - it's funny you mention the LSV taking Orando to another dimension because there are elements of that story that inspired where I am taking things in the next couple of instalments!

COMING UP NEXT: The fate of Sensor Girl! A bunch of old and new villains! And the Legion are going to lose a couple of their most powerful members!

Re: Birth of the Empire
razsolo #1038426 08/10/24 04:20 AM
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hope your computer issues are fixed, raz smile

oh wow, super eager to see what you have in mind, raz! definitely cool that you're not afraid to shake your team up!

razsolo #1038499 08/13/24 07:07 AM
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Halfway between Orando and its moon

Blok: team leader; magically enhanced strength, invulnerability, speed, flight, stamina, wisdom and courage
Chlorophyll Kid aka Ral Benem: chlorokinesis
Color Kid aka Ulu Vakk: color manipulation
Colossal Boy aka Gim Allon: growth powers
Comet Queen aka Grava: flight, gas generation
Cosmic Boy aka Rokk Krinn: magnetism
Crystal Kid aka Bobb Cohan: crystal construct creation
Diamond Damsel aka Iris Jacobs: living diamond
Dogstar aka Rufus Remulus: Daxamite-level flight, strength, speed, durability, stamina, senses; solar vision
Elastic Lad aka Jams-Ols 5: super-elongation
Evolvo Lad aka Sev Tcheru: hyperevolution/devolution
Gas Girl aka Tal Nahii: can transform into any gas
Gravity Kid aka Tel Vole: gravity manipulation
Infectious Lass aka Drura Sehpt: disease transmission and immunity
Invisible Kid II aka Jacques Foccart: invisibility
King Canary aka K'rk T'wiiu III: sonic generation
Lightning Lass aka Ayla Ranzz: electricity generation and manipulation
Matter-Eater Lad aka Tenzil Kem: can eat inorganic matter in all its forms
Mon-El aka Lar Gand: Daxamite physiology
Mwindaji: tracker infused with White Lantern energy
Mysa Marvel aka Mysa Nal: magically enhanced strength, invulnerability, speed, flight, stamina, wisdom and courage
Neon aka Zoe Saugin: infused with Green Lantern energy
Night Girl aka Lydda Jath Krinn: photosensitive super-strength
Nightwind aka Berta Skye Haris: wind control
Phantom Girl aka Tinya Wazzo: intangibility
Polar Boy aka Brek Bannin: cryokinesis
Shadow Lass aka Tasmia Mallor: darkness generation
Sheranee Shah: enhanced physical characteristics, night vision, solar-fuelled starbolts, tactile language absorption, animal empathy
Shrinking Violet aka Salu Digby: shrinking
Sizzle aka Teela Spuunvll: energy conversion
Slug aka Kes Mtsto: inertron form and projectiles
Stone Boy aka Dag Wentim: ability to transmute to living stone
Strut: electrochemical perceptions, insectoid physiology
Supergirl II aka Laurel Kent: invulnerability
Sun Boy aka Dirk Morgna: heat and light generation
Timber Wolf aka Brin Londo: super-strength and super-agility
Transposition Lad aka Kappa Snarrk: teleportational transposition
Truth Girl aka Oliv Hollowai: truth sense, wields the Golden Perfect
Ultra Boy aka Jo Nah: deputy leader; ultra-energy which can be directed into any one of strength, speed, flight, invulnerability, flash vision, penetra-vision at a time

Transported here by the rocket-shaped headquarters looming behind them all, 39 Legionnaires were extremely unsettled by the sight that met them at their destination. While their transuits protected them from the cold vacuum of space, most of them couldn't help but feel a chill to be gazing not upon the azure world of Orando but rather a planet-sized replica of the Emerald Eye of Ekron.

"Blok..?" This came from Kid Computo, who'd remained behind on the Legion's base with a few more of the Legion's members. "The only thing our sensors can tell us about that thing is that it's definitely a construct of the Emerald Eye. I can't tell if Orando is inside or..." Danielle Foccart trailed off, not wanting to voice any darker alternatives.

"I can't see through it either," Mon-El added, the knit of his brow betraying his frustration.

"And penetra-vision's not doing any better," Ultra Boy admitted. "If our new Emerald Empress did do this, she's way more powerful than Sarya ever was!"

Blok pondered the situation in silence. It had been Chameleon Boy who'd deduced that the Orandan girl who had once encountered the Legion of Superheroes as the second Emerald Empress was responsible for freeing the Emerald Emperor and recruiting perhaps dozens of supervillains to her cause, but Blok readily agreed with his Durlan teammate. They had no idea what the Empress's cause was, but Sensor Girl had once taken control of both Emerald Eyes and was responsible for the Emerald Empress reverting to the servant girl Mirian so it didn't take a genius to figure that vengeance was probably a large part of Mirian's scheme. When the Legion of Superheroes had been unable to contact Sensor Girl via her flight ring nor her homeworld by diplomatic channels, Blok had thought it prudent to bring most of the team here (leaving a few members back on base in case they needed to mount an emergency response if things turned sour). Blok had expected trouble, but nobody could have expected to find a giant Emerald Eye where once had existed a planet.

"It doesn't make sense," Sun Boy frowned. "The Emerald Eye has always been an extreme threat, but this...I doubt even two Eyes of Ekron working together could do this! There has to be something else going on here."

"I suspect you may be correct, Sun Boy." Blok turned to one of the team's newest members. "Truth Girl, does your power detect any deception here?"

"I wish it did," the statuesque Kenyan shrugged helplessly. "No such luck though, I'm afraid."

"Let us move closer," Blok replied simply.

Though they weren't sure if it would truly make any difference, the Legion avoided closing in on the Eye's enormous pupil but instead focused on the vast expanse of white that made up most of its spherical form. By the time they were close enough that they could have stood upon its surface if they wished, the change of perspective rendered the Eye's presence more surreal than intimidating. Even at twenty feet tall, Colossal Boy felt like a mote against the seemingly endless plain of white that stretched out under them in all directions. Other Legionnaires had applied their own powers as they travelled toward the giant eye; Mwindaji couldn't track Sensor Girl or any of the known villains within it, Cosmic Boy couldn't detect the presence of any magnetic fields that might signal an artificial forcefield enhancer. From back on the Legion's base, Dragonmage reported that he couldn't sense the level of mystical energy he'd expect to be responsible for something on this scale if magic were involved. Blok realised there was only one more test left for them to try. Reasoning that he was likely powerful enough to survive any defensive reaction, Blok lay his gold-streaked palm out upon the surface of the Eye and confirmed its solidity. He pressed softly at first, then with increasing pressure. The Eye didn't give way at all, and Blok relented...he didn't want to resort to violence just yet.

In the meantime, Phantom Girl had been running a test of her own. Blok hadn't noticed her phase through the surface of the Eye, but he saw her come back out again. "Phantom Girl, I appreciate your iniative but given the circumstances I'd have preferred you had let me know you were going to try that before you did it."

Jo Nah noticed the tight expression on his lover's face and rushed to support her. "You okay, babe?"

"Yeah, thanks hon." Tinya turned tangible once more and allowed herself to relax into Jo's embrace. "I'm not hurt, that just felt...a lot more ick than usual. And sorry, Blok; you're right, I should have cleared it with you first. At least we know that I can get through that thing now, and from what I saw on the other side Orando doesn't look any different from the last time I was here. Do you want me to do some reconnaissance?"

Blok considered the idea for just long enough that some of the Legion were beginning to become visibly impatient. "...No. No, I do not feel comfortable sending you in there alone, Phantom Girl. I believe we are forced to take more overt action. Neon, do you think that you could provide us a doorway--"

"--inside that thing?" Zoe interrupted, eager for something to do. "Absolutely." She honed her power on the construct, foregoing her normal theatrics to just envision a simple hole on its surface that would be large enough for the whole team. Zoe didn't want to admit it to anyone, but the Emerald Eye was opposing her more efficiently than most anything else did. She didn't enjoy that at all.

Still, it only took a second or two longer than usual for Neon's willpower to overcome the obstacle before her. When a green rimmed portal yawned open beneath their feet, the Legion all rushed through and Zoe let the portal close behind them.

Phantom Girl's assessment had been accurate; once the Legionnaires were inside the giant eyeball, they could see that Orando below them seemed unmolested. They could see neither the sun nor moon from inside the construct, but the white wall of the Eye was itself bright enough to light the world below. The vast swathes of green forests and sparkling blue seas were a novelty to many of the Legionnaires accustomed to far more technologically advanced worlds, but the horrors some of them were expecting to encounter were thankfully absent. Mon-El's telescopic vision swiftly found Queen Projectra's castle, and the team followed the Daxamite halfway around the pristine world toward it. By the time they were within a couple dozen miles of the castle, Mon-El reported that the castle had sustained some damage and that the small army of supervillains who were most likely the cause of that damage were inside and aware of the Legion's approach.

"Blok..?" Neon spoke up. "There's something else weird...I've been scanning for the Emerald Eyes and they're definitely in that castle, but there's something similar nearby too; similar but emitting a lot more energy."

"That could explain the planetary forcefield," Blok thought out loud. "Neon, could you take me to this energy source? Evolvo Lad, I would like you to accompany us as well if you do not mind...the wisdom of Solomon is a very useful tool, but right now it is telling me that a 14th level intellect may be even more so. Ultra Boy, I will leave you in charge in my absence."

Blok, Neon and Evolvo Lad therefore zipped off in a stylish skyskimmer of Neon's creation while the remainder of their teammates descended upon Projectra's castle ready for anything. As the Legionnaires got closer to the castle the tranquil skies grew colder, more windy, and black clouds grew from nothing to pour rain down upon them all. "There's no way this is natural," Ultra Boy spoke. "Nightwind, could you--?"

"You got it, Ultra Boy." Berta Skye Haris summoned her power to protect them all from the worst of the quickly building winds. In no time at all the rain became hail, and Nightwind also diverted as much of the softball-sized sized chunks of ice away from the team as she could. As though the weather were escalating its assault, a lighting bolt very dramatically struck Dogstar who'd taken position on the outside of the group to intercept more hailstones.

"Oh my stars!" Sheranee could barely be heard over the accompanying thunder but her wide orange eyes displayed her shock as the Dalmian hero's back arched in pain. "Rufus, are you hurt?"

"Not the most pleasant experience I've encountered," Dogstar replied dryly, "But I'll survive. Thank you for your concern though, Sheranee...I doubt many of you would be so fortunate, we should come up with a suitable defence." Even as Dogstar spoke, Mon-El intercepted a second lightning bolt meant for one of his more vulnerable teammates.

"I couldn't agree more," Cosmic Boy said. "Forgive me for the intrusion, Legionnaires...but there's something I've been meaning to try since I read some of your mission logs from that mess with Glorith and Verdant on Korbal* a while ago." The Legion founder brought his Braalian heritage to bear, and the four chrome discs on his chest flew off his costume to join any extraneous metallic parts he could source from the rest of his team in a floating mid-air jumble. The metal objects all entwined together into a messy glob and then they webbed outwards in fine strands to surround all but the most invulnerable Legionnaires in some misshapen meshed enclosure.

"It's a Faraday cage!" Elastic Lad exclaimed gleefully while lightning struck the outside of the cage harmlessly. "Gosh, Cosmic Boy! That's a super clever use of your magnetism!"

"Thanks, Elastic Lad," Cosmic Boy replied. "We're not out of the woods yet though...Ultra Boy, Mon-El; can either of you see Sensor Girl in there?"

Mon-El and Ultra Boy had both remained outside the Faraday cage, and Mon-El now placed a hand on his best friend's shoulder. "Keep your invulnerability up, Jo...I've got this. Sensor Girl's not in good shape, but at least she's alive. There are also nearly two dozen supervillains in there and I'm pretty certain they've killed everyone else inside."

"What??" Laurel Kent's invulnerability had also earned her a place outside the Faraday cage and she was close enough to have overheard Mon-El. "Why?? Who is it, the Legion of Supervillains?"

"Right now that doesn't matter," Ultra Boy answered darkly. "If you can see Jeckie, Mon...go take us to her."

Mon-El gave a grim nod and without turning back to the others, he shouted "Let's go, Legion!" over the crashing thunder and made a beeline for one of the castle walls. He didn't bother landing, but just smashed straight through the bluestone where he was promptly crash-tackled by the former Taurus Gang member named Rogarth. The two men tumbled through the castle, smashing loudly through furnishings and more internal walls.

The Legion landed in the wet grass outside the castle, and Cosmic Boy opened up the cage so his teammates could fan out to deal with the wave of villains they all knew was coming. Ultra Boy took the lead, and just as he'd entered Mon-El's makeshift entrance he heard a wordless war cry to his left. Ultra Boy turned just in time to see a powerhouse of a man covered in coarse grey-brown fur charging straight at him. The man's hooved feet cracked the stone floor of the castle with each heavy step, and he had two oversized horns atop his head which curled down and forward. The villain, fittingly enough named Battering Ram, hefted Ultra Boy aloft on his thick horns and slammed him through the walls of the castle just as Rogarth had done with Mon-El.

"Those creeps better not hurt our boys," Phantom Girl pouted as she approached the castle walls.

"Our boys are warriors," Shadow Lass comforted her friend. "I'd worry more about those villains if I were you...cowardly slaughtering innocents is not something that Mon is going to tolerate lightly."

"It's not something any of us should tolerate lightly." This was Colossal Boy's voice booming overhead, and Phantom Girl and Shadow Lass looked up to see Gim Allon step over them and come down with a thump on one knee in front of the hole Mon-El had made in the wall. "Let's make it a little harder for these creeps to pick us off one by one while we're going after them though." Gim's giant hands gripped either side of the hole in the bluestone wall and tore the wall apart like it were made of toy blocks. When he was done, four levels of the castle were exposed to the elements. The supervillains they'd come for had been waiting in ambush on each level and were now as visible as if Colossal Boy had just removed the wall from a dollhouse.

"Thanks, Colossal Boy!" An unfamiliar woman's voice sounded from what appeared to be for all intents and appearances a human-sized whirlwind lowering itself down from one of the upper floors. "I love me some wide open spaces!"

The woman inside the whirlwind was just a tan and white blur, and when Colossal Boy reached for her she easily evaded his huge hands. "Who is that?" an exasperated Gim Allon asked as she dipped between his legs and spun straight past him.

"The name's Spinning Jenny," the woman answered. "Better remember that name,'s gonna be on a lot of your memorial urns on Shanghalla!" She cut a path through the nearest group of Legionnaires and sent Matter-Eater Lad, Color Kid, Sizzle and Infectious Lass hurtling like ragdolls. Turning around to come at a different group, Spinning Jenny was surprised to feel a glowing golden lasso encircle her and tighten its grip. "You gotta be kidding me," the villainess laughed harshly as she watched Truth Girl pulling the rope taut. "Don't you know what happens when you grab a tiger by its tail, girl?"

"Sure I do," Truth Girl remarked unfazed. "But a tiger's just a big cat, right? And we all know how well cats and dogs get along! Dogstar, catch!" Oliv flung her end of the lasso overhead before the lasso could draw tight enough to send her flying, and Dogstar snatched it expertly as he streaked by.

"Happy to be of assistance, Truth Girl!" With barely any effort at all, Dogstar yanked at the rope hard enough to reverse Spinning Jenny's momentum and Jenny screamed as she circled furiously out of control to land in a dizzy heap in the mud.

"Wait till I...catch my bearings..." the groggy young woman staggered to her feet, wet brown hair plastered across her face with her goggles sticking awkwardly out of the mud a few feet away.

"I don't think I will wait, no offence." Casually collecting her golden lasso around one arm, Truth Girl lashed out with a high kick that took Spinning Jenny down for the count.

"Holdur remembers you, golden girl!" Truth Girl looked up to see a leather-clad orange skinned man leaping straight at her from the castle. "Your tricky lasso will do you no good against my grip!"

"Then I assume Holdur also remembers me," Dogstar charged him in mid-air and used Holdur to slam a deep ridge into the ground away from the main battle. "And Holdur should remember how our last fight ended!"

While this was going on, Mysa Marvel had busied herself shielding Colossal Boy from more lightning strikes...since the Legion had come close enough to engage their enemy, whoever was responsible for this weather had obviously realised they couldn't risk hurting their own villainous teammates if they tried to hit most of the Legionnaires and missed; with his giant proportions though, Colossal Boy was still an easy target.

"I don't mind keeping you from being electrocuted," Mysa spoke as the speed of Mercury and the stamina of Atlas kept yet another electrical blast from frying Gim, "But every second I'm doing this is another second I'm kept from fighting these villains directly!"

"I hear you, Mysa!" One advantage of Gim's greater size was that it allowed him a much broader view of the battlesite. He could see Razorwire's barbed whipstrands struggling to constrict against Elastic Lad's own pliable form in one part of the castle while Black Dagger and Bow launched assaults against Slug and Transposition Lad on the floor below...and floating above all of them, Colossal Boy saw a woman with a mane of wild grey hair wearing a high-collared green and yellow cloak and waving a small wand about as though she were conducting an orchestra.

"Hey, Nightwind!" Gim hollered at his teammate who was still focused on protecting the whole Legion from the weather as best she could. "I bet that witchy lady up there has something to do with this storm!"

Nightwind followed Gim's pointed finger. "And I bet you're right, Colossal Boy...I'm sick of running interference, let me get a little more assertive here!" Berta relaxed her control of the winds immediately around them enough that she could focus on applying her power in a different way. Landing atop the castle keep, she countered the haggard witch's own wind control and plopped her rudely down to the bricks nearby.

"Who...who dares assault the Weather Witch so?" the woman rasped, still clutching her wand as she turned toward Nightwind.

"I'm Nightwind." The straps on Berta's outstretched arms whipped out at the so-called Weather Witch, keeping her at a safe distance. "And you look to be about a hundred years old so why don't you save me having to clobber an old lady and just surrender, huh?"

"Ooh I don't think so, dearie....your mystic mastery of the winds may outstrip my own, but you'll find that I can also summon the fury of the lightning!" Her wrinkled hand pointed the wand toward Nightwind, electricity already sparking from its tip.

"Yeah yeah...we can do that too, Grandma." Lightning Lass landed beside Nightwind and fired a blast of electricity at the old woman that instantly floored her. "Nightwind, sorry to steal your umm...thunder if we're keeping up with the weather puns I guess," Ayla joked. "I know you could have handled her, but fighting an army of bad guys on Orando brings back some bad memories and I just want it all to be over with sooner rather than later."

"Totally fine with me, Lightning Lass." Nightwind was about to continue when a blur of motion flashed between herself and Ayla Ranzz and left the two of them as unconscious as Weather Witch.

"Too slow for Midnight Wisp, girls." Their speeding assailant stopped in her tracks to peruse her work. A young woman in a stylish black skirt and pillbox hat, Midnight Wisp accessorised with purple glasses, gloves and other accessories including a light scarf that trailed on the dying breeze behind her.

"That's two speedsters I've seen on their team," Cosmic Boy's voice came from above. "That Spinning Jenny person and now her." Night Girl and Shadow Lass accompanied Cos, the artificial storm already fading to blue skies above them.

"Indeed," Shadow Lass pointed one finger imperiously at Midnight Wisp. "Fortunately we know how to deal with speedsters." A dome of impenetrable darkness covered the top of the castle keep, and Night Girl flew into it fists first.

"Good thinking, Tasmia." Night Girl landed by Midnight Wisp and threw a light enough jab that she wouldn't take the villain's head off. "She can't run if she can't see where she's going."

"Lydda, please." Night Girl was surprised that the speedster used her first name, and was even more surprised when she effortlessly dodged Night Girl's punch. "You're hardly the only Kathooni girl whose daddy ever gave her superpowers." Before Night Girl could mount another attack, Midnight Wisp landed hundreds of blows upon her...each one was delivered with only normal human strength, but collectively they were enough to leave Night Girl dazed on her knees.

All of this happened in complete darkness of course, which left Cosmic Boy completely unaware that his wife had fallen. Tasmia Mallor saw it though, and she had just enough time to shout Mon-El's name in fear before Midnight Wisp launched herself off of the keep to kick Cosmic Boy in the gut with both feet, then use her momentum to rebound for Shadow Lass next. Just before she collided with Tasmia Mallor, Rogarth came crashing through the keep wall to collect Midnight Wisp as he sailed over the battle and beyond.

Mon-El followed almost immediately under his own power, his costume torn almost entirely from his chest and a trickle of blood running from the corner of his mouth. "As soon as I heard you shout, I threw Rogarth at that woman...she didn't hurt you, did she Shady?"

"No, no, not at all." Shadow Lass was nonetheless still a little shaken, and allowed Mon-El to hold her momentarily. "I wish some of our friends were so lucky though...surely, we must be faring better inside the castle?"

The expression on Mon-El's face didn't convince Shadow Lass that was the case at all...


In a vestibule inside the castle, Chlorophyll Kid watched nervously as a coccoon of plant matter succumbed to the sickly green radiation that Garak of the Glow emitted from within it. Vines and clutching branches smoked, decayed and burst into flame as Garak's power proved too much for yet another of the ensnarements that Ral Benem had attempted.

Standing by her husband's side, Comet Queen overdramatically bit one of her three-fingered hands. "Chlory, there's not enough room in here for me to stardust him to sleep without Lullabye Ladding you too! Plus I don't know what my totally cosmic glitter would do to all this stellarific art! I'd hate to ruin Sensor Girl's favourite repro of her favourite great-grams or whatever!"

The fact that Grava was equally as concerned about Sensor Girl's family portraits as she was about defeating their now advancing Khund enemy was one of the things that made Ral love her, but she also had a point - neither of them really had the space that they needed in here to cut loose like they needed to. Chlorophyll Kid had any number of exotic opiates that would put Garak to sleep, but this hallway was a little too small and unventilated to risk releasing a sedative cloud in here.

Garak glared at the married couple, his glow increasing in intensity until it irritated their eyes. "For my beloved!" he ranted. "For our Empire!!"

Chlorophyll Kid stepped in front of Comet Queen and grew extra plates upon his wooden armour in the hopes that it would help protect them both, then winced in anticipation as Garak let loose with a lethal blast of radiation. All three of them were surprised when a slim girl in a red poncho zipped past Ral and Grava and intercepted the radiation with her own body. "Sorry weirdo," Supergirl addressed Garak casually. "Chlorophyll Kid's a nice guy and Comet Queen's one of my day one fems, so I really can't let you kill them."

"Do you think you can stop me?!" Garak raved. "I am Garak of the Glow, girl!" He focused the entirety of his power on Laurel this time, and for the briefest instant her form was subsumed within the glare of his radiation blast.

Completely unfazed, Laurel waited for him to finish and gave Garak a smug smirk. "...Yeah, I do. I should thank you actually, it's been a while since someone reminded me I'm not a liability to this team." While Garak sputtered with wordless rage, Laurel closed the distance between them and then her elbow delivered a very satisfying crunch to his nose that left him flat on his back.

Comet Queen squealed as she almost knocked Supergirl off her feet with a high speed hug. "Starshine, that was so nova-gleaming hyper-pulsar cosmic!" Just as quickly, the golden heroine took on an almost comically serious expression and waved a finger in Laurel's face. "But who told you you're a liability? You broadcast their frequency right now 'cuz I'm gonna give them such a total lunar eclipse--!"

Laurel laughed. "Sometimes you drive me crazy Grava, and then sometimes you go and remind me why I love you all over again." She kissed her friend on the cheek and stepped aside. "But did you guys hear? That Garak batjerk said something about the Emerald Empress having an empire??"

Before either Comet Queen or Chlorophyll Kid could respond, Mysa Marvel and Diamond Damsel rushed into the small chamber. "Everything looks under control here?" Diamond Damsel half-asked and half-declared.

"We're looking for the Emerald Empress to cut this all off at the source," Mysa added. "Feel free to join us if you're--"

Whatever else Mysa was going to say was lost beneath the explosive force of one of the Emerald Eyes of Ekron blasting one whole wall of the vestibule into rubble along with the facing wall. Supergirl was unharmed but buried under a loose layer of debris, and when she pushed her way free she realised that she couldn't see Garak, Chlorophyll Kid or Comet Queen anywhere. There was a huge pile of charred and smoking stone chunks behind her though, easily large enough to hide bodies. Diamond Damsel and Mysa Marvel had already risen to their feet before the girl of steel did, and both of them stood with their fists balled and ready for action.

The vestibule had been reduced to nothing, but the space that they all were in now was still inside the castle. Everything was bathed in green, and at the source of that almost blinding emerald light hovered a woman with a pompadour of green hair only barely restrained by an ornate golden tiara. She wore a dark green form-fitting velvet dress with a slit that reached all the way to her waist exposing one milky white leg. The dress was embroidered in gold, as finely intricate as the tiara and jewellery she wore...and adorning all this was a twinkling emerald cape that fell off her shoulders, so conspicously large that it made her profile over a foot wider on each side. Above and behind the new Emerald Empress, the Emerald Eye of Ekron hovered in menacing stillness.

"I suppose I would have had to destroy you sooner or later, Legionnaires," the Emerald Empress decreed, her voice consciously haughty like that of a young girl playing at royalty. "But if you wish to face me so soon....

...well, far be it from me to deny my lessers death when they desire."


Somewhere beyond the castle grounds but still within view of Projectra's magnificent home, a green hardlight skyskimmer had touched down outside Orando's Royal Dungeon not all that long after their fellow Legionnaires had entered battle. The dungeon was a small squat building, a testament to the fact that Projectra's family had kept crime to a minimum in their many many years ruling this small world.

Blok, Neon and Evolvo Lad stepped out of the skyskimmer, Sev Tcheru having already assumed his hyperevolved form in anticipation of whatever awaited them here.

"Looks like things are turning nasty over there." Zoe let the faux vehicle dissipate and watched with concern at the localised storm that had overcome Orando's Royal Castle.

"We need to trust that our teammates can fend for themselves," Blok said simply. "What can you tell us of this energy source you have detected, Neon?"

"It's underground," the young redhead replied. "Should we try and sneak in?"

"Blok..?" Evolvo Lad spoke up for the first time. "In this form, my telepathy is not as advanced as Tellus or Saturn Girl's might be, but nonetheless...I sense a psionic presence below us that is stronger than baseline human. It is entirely possible that it is too late for covert action."

"...In all honesty," Blok noted wryly, "Covert action is not a specialty for at least two of us. They likely know that we are here, Neon. Let us say hello."

Careful to avoid any power current, Zoe Saugin created a giant power drill that tunnelled underground until they reached a basement level that had been converted into a surprisingly high-tech laboratory space for a planet that everyone knew was almost devoid of technology at all. None of them knew what the various machines around them were for, though Evolvo Lad was quickly figuring it out. From a darkened alcove, a gaunt green-skinned man stepped forward. His right eye was replaced by a glowing red orb, and stringy white hair hung limply from where his hairline started halfway around his skull. "Greetings, Legionnaires," the old Coluan spoke calmly. "I am Xart Prax; though in keeping with your amusing affection for codenames, I suppose you may call me Questor."

"We came to ensure Queen Projectra's safety," Blok led the conversation. "But this...all of this points to there being more at stake here than a young girl's misguided quest for revenge."

"If you're talking about our Emerald Empress's obsession with humbling Sensor Girl," Questor responded, "I really couldn't care less about that. Nor could I care less about our Emerald Emperor's fixation on the Persuader. What I care about far outweighs their childish games, I'm just using them for the resources they can provide me."

"That thing," Neon pointed at what seemed to be an emerald Van de Graaff generator inside a perspex tube on the other side of the cluttered room. "What is that? That's the energy source I picked up, Blok!"

"It is a transdimensional energy transducer if I am not mistaken," Evolvo Lad noted calmly, looking over the distinctive equipment attached to the tube. "Am I mistaken, Questor?"

"You are not mistaken," the Coluan replied. "How wonderful it must feel to be in possession of a 14th level intellect, even if only part of the time. I of course possess only a 10th level intellect, but I make do well enough. After all, I am the first being alive to understand that there is a much vaster reservoir of power behind the Emerald Eyes of Ekron than previously suspected."

"Explain yourself," Blok said bluntly.

"The Emerald Eyes of Ekron are not a power source," Questor explained with a tone of superiority. "They are a power conduit. Did none of you ever wonder who Ekron is?"

"Ekron's a Green Lantern!" Zoe snapped defensively. "I mean he was a Green Lantern!"

"Silly girl." The smugness in Questor's reply made Zoe want to punch him in the nose. "Ekron is far far more than a simple Green Lantern." A cybernetic implant in the Coluan's scalp activated a curved overhead screen, and the three Legionnaires saw two horizontal rows of emerald eyes stretching into the distance in both directions. The infinite eyes seemed to be somehow just hanging in existence in a realm of formless crackling green energy...and if the heroes didn't know any better, they would have sworn that every one of those eyes were looking right at them.

"The Emerald Eyes of Ekron are merely Ekron's appendages into this world," Questor explained. "And with my genius, I've devised a way to summon more of his power through them without summoning Ekron himself. Even your vaunted Brainiac 5 could never have done that!"

"Perhaps Brainiac 5 simply recognises that wisdom is as important as intellect," Blok countered, taking a step toward Questor.

"Let me dumb it down for your poor 10th level brain," Zoe added sarcastically. "What sort of moron discovers there's some high-level interdimensional whatsit behind a couple of the most powerful weapons in the universe, and then finds a way to give that entity more of a toehold in our reality??"

"Questor..." Dispassionate as ever, Evolvo Lad asked the one question that had evaded Blok and Neon. "...Why are you telling us all of this?"

Questor's smile widened, his thin lips curling upwards cruelly. "Why..? Because there's not a single thing any of you will ever be able to do with this information."

The space warp enveloping Blok, Neon and Evolvo Lad had halfway consumed their bodies by the time Questor finished his statement. Just before the three of them vanished from the lab altogether, they all saw the telltale polymer bubble of a Gil'Dishpan emerge from the same shadowy alcove that had hidden Questor when they'd entered the room.

"Excellent timing, my friend!" Questor congratulated the tubeworm looking creature that now hovered by his side inside a life support bubble.

"Lesser lifeforms never had a chance against Zymyr," the Gil'Dishpan replied in his bubbling telepathic speech.

"Now final phase of the Emerald Empress's plan let us commence!"


In what had been a wine cellar until several hours ago, Queen Projectra had definitely seen better days.

The vinegar smell of spilled alcohol filled her nostrils, a scent she clung to because it reminded her she was still alive. Projectra had woken up tied roughly to a St Andrew's Cross, and as soon as the Emerald Empress had realised Projectra was awake she'd instructed Caress to burn away the Queen of Orando's eyes. Immobile and blind, Projectra could only endure the tortures that the Emerald Empress had since commanded she suffer.

Projectra had been cut, bruised, burned, occurred to Projectra that she'd never have been able to survive this in her early days in the Legion of Superheroes; with Val there to be her knight in shining armour, she never had to force herself to really confront physical adversity. But when Val had sacrificed himself, he unwittingly sacrificed something in Projectra as well. He sacrificed a naive young princess who needed a hero to save her...Princess Projectra was no more, and had not existed for some time now.

Queen Projectra swore that she would live long enough to ensure that every single one of these villains the Emerald Empress and Emerald Emperor called their Empire would face justice for what they'd done here today. Projectra didn't know how she would ensure this, but she stubbornly refused to die until she had done so. She'd been trying to concoct a way she could rely on her other senses to weave an illusion that might see these maniacs turn on one another when she heard an unfamiliar but very welcome voice whispering in her ear.

"Votre Majeste...Sensor not fear, the Legion of Superheroes have come..!"

"Invisible Kid..?" Projectra's voice cracked with unexpected emotion. "How..?"

"We will explain later, but right now...let Mwindaji and I focus on seeing you safely out of here."

While Jacques Foccart glanced around urgently for something he could use to cut Projectra free, Mwindaji pulled a pocket knife out from his boot and cut away at the Queen's ropes. "You came prepared!" Invisible Kid complimented his teammate. "Very insightful, mon ami!"

"I am a son of Kirinyaga," Mwindaji said simply as though that explained everything. Once he'd hacked away at Projectra's bindings, Mwindaji and Invisible Kid helped her gently to the wine-soaked floor.

Gazing upon this battered woman he'd only ever known as strong and capable, Jacques Foccart couldn't help but feel the hot sting of tears. "Sensor Girl...what you have suffered at the hands of ces monstres..." Realising he was the only one capable of being in charge here, Invisible Kid cleared his throat and pushed his own feelings down until he could be safe to share them privately with Drura later. "My ability hid us from these villains while Mwindaji led us here, and it will hide us as we seek safety...but we cannot allow Sensor Girl to exist in this state any longer than necessary. Mwindaji, is your power capable of healing our friend fully?"

"You do not know me well," Mwindaji touched Projectra's cheek gently, his fingers already beginning to glow white. "But I promise you Sensor Girl, I will not let you down."

With Mwindaji crouched down over the blinded Sensor Girl and Invisible Kid watching both of them in rapt attention, none of the three heroes noticed the Emerald Emperor walking up with purpose behind them and raising his hardlight axe over his shoulder for one fatal swing...


* The Legion were on Korbal fighting Glorith and Verdant in this story

Last edited by razsolo; 08/13/24 08:02 AM.
razsolo #1038509 08/13/24 01:52 PM
Joined: Oct 2003
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Unseen, not unheard
Unseen, not unheard
Joined: Oct 2003
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wow raz! 39 Legionnaires! that's basically the whole team! whoa, you got something super big planned!

oh ok silly me, I missed that you had more than 40 by now! I remember you once setting the upper limit at 40, that's why smile so besides Danielle, I think you left the Wellbeing Squad behind. maybe some others too?

nice of Sun Boy to show some smarts. And I wonder: does Truth Girl's power let her see through Jeckie's illusions, for example?

I like the dialogue showing just how tense this whole situation is, and a great way to ratchet up the tension showing that even Tinya might not be safe!

ok, seems hopeful so far...

Neon, Blok and Evolvo Lad - cool trio! and nice that Jo gets a chance to step up

always enjoy having the invulnerable members act as shields! nice use of th diverse powers available, raz!

I had to look up a Faraday cage, cool!

oh dear frown too much to hope that there would be limited civilian casualties

so cool that the Legion flew while Cos was maintaining the cage!

haha! Battering Ram!

nice nod to the Tinya/Shady friendship, and also nice that Tasmia and especially Gim are so angry at the loss of innocent life

yeah! nice tactical bit from Gim here!

Spinning Jenny, is she a completely new character?

yeah! nice teamwork from Oliv and Dogstar!

Weather Witch! a futuristic Weather Wizard? nice teamwork from Berta and Ayla, and... another speedster, huh!

wait, Midnight Wisp is Kathooni! cool concept!

aw, nice that Mon heard and reacted in time to save Tasmia! a great use of his powerset!

nice callout re Grava caring so much about the art in the castle!

love how well you use Laurel, you make her invulnerability a great weapon!

and aw at Grava, she's so great at picking up these little bits, and making sure everyone is feeling good about themselves

oh no! Grava, Ral?

also a nice visual, of Laurel, Mysa and Iris standing together against the Empress

so this isn't poor Mirian?

cool that Evolvo Lad has more than just hyper-intelligence in that form, sometimes I forget about his other powers

Questor! that name is so familiar, I know he appeared in the comics somewhere

hm... an Emperor and an Empress, with the Emperor fixated on the Persuader... the plot thickens

wow, I am impressed, raz! I had to google Van de Graaff generator too! neat!

multiple Emerald Eyes, what a cool visual!

and smart of Evolvo Lad to ask that...ominous question!

Zymyr! ugh!

oh my gosh... poor Jeckie frown though you do show her growth very well. She's definitely come a long way from her debut days

yeah, love the nod to Mwindaji's origins, with that knife of his

and I love Jacques' compassion! when I think about it, you made it so much more obvious, but it's a trait he exhibited somewhat in the comics! well done for bringing it to life...

and the Emerald Emperor with a hardlight axe, yikes!

well, color me intrigued, raz, really looking forward to more!

razsolo #1038668 08/19/24 06:59 AM
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Joined: Sep 2003
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Hey Raz, am looking forward to this so will comment as I read -

You have a huge team! But, given what they are aay to walk into it's probably for the best.

I do love that your team's headquarters is an actual rocketship, that's such a great nod to their history.

Hahaha the planet Orando is now an Emerald Eye - that is such a fantastic - and scary! - image! Nice including Truth Girl in your Legionnaires who could potentially see through the Eye. It is really Tinya that she'd take the initiative to have a look around without checking with Blok first - between having Jo as a partner and being quite literally untouchable, she does have an elevated sense of entitlement sometimes. Zoe deciding not to get fancy and just open a hole through the barrier is a nice touch she knows when to be serious. Ominous that there's something similar to the Eye but producing a lot more energy... oh dear! Interesting that Blok decides to lead the team to investigate. I love Dogstar, btw, in case I've not mentioned that lately smile "Not the most pleasant experience". yup, probably not. Rokk creating a Faraday cage is really clever, take bow for that Raz. "our boys are warriors" total Tasmia reaction! Gim pulling apart the castle would make a great spread on the page. Was Spinning Jenny one of your Earth Man's crew? Nightwind and Lightning Lass versus the Weather Witch - nice! Also, love that Lydda isn't the only Kathooni with powers. Tasmia calling on Mon El - I usually hate the damsel in distress needing her man to save her routine, but against super speed, Tas had no chance so I'll let that one go.

Grava is always such a sweetheart, worrying about Ral and Jeckie's art. Laurel to the rescue! Yay! And Grava sticking up for Laurel, bless her heart every single day smile Oh, hope Grava and Ral aren't too badly banged up, and please don't do a Staar Boy and have them flattened by masonry - that's the worst superhero death ever! Though now I think about it, a guy whose main power is the make things super-heavy getting squashed is kinda ironic.... anyway, moving on swiftly, Mysa, Iris and Laurel against the Empress? That's almost a fair fight I reckon, looking forward to it.

Blok, Neon and Evolvo are all pretty buff, so even though it's a mall team, between them they should be able to deal with just about anything... I hope. Questor, cool, he was that nasty bit of work in Levitz's final LSV, wasn't he? Oh that's right, your Emperor is a Persuader clone with a chip on his shoulder. Loving how Evolvo just knows what all the tech is at a glance. "Perhaps Brainiac 5 simply recognises that wisdom is as important as intellect," - loving Blok's responses. Zymyr is another fun villlain, though teleporting the team away, ouch! That's more than a little inconvenient for them smile what fun (to quote Quislet)! This is going to be epic - an endless number of Emerald Eyes, truly epic!

And if that wasn't cliffhanger enough, there's more! Yay! Aw, poor Jeckie! It's the broken bottles of wine that really upset me though laugh what a waste! Love that she's still defiant too, she's top dog on that world afterall. I love how you add real French to Jaques speech patterns - I'm to lazy to look it up tbh, so I'm impressed when someone else does. And M'Windaji carrying a knife - unexpected but cool, his name does translate into Huntsman afterall so it makes sense. Ah, now that's another great cliffhanger! And again, would be a great visual in a comic. Hopefully Jeckie will sense him in time and M'Windaji will do White Lantern hoodoo to stop him.

Raz, this was tremendous, from the opening with the planet sized Emerald Eye through to the dungeon cliffhanger at the end. I'm happily exhausted after reading it as it was a wild ride!

And, due to the intense, inspiring and high quality of your writing I demand more, more, more!!!

Legion Worlds NINE - wait, there's even more ongoing amazing adventures? Yup, and you'll only find them in the Bits o' Legionnaire Business Forum.
Re: Postlo3w stories *LATEST UPDATE 13 AUGUST*
razsolo #1038747 08/21/24 04:42 AM
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razsolo Offline OP
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Thanks for reading me stories, gang!

IB: most of the team is indeed on Orando, but there are a few more in reserve back at base! I was originally gonna include Kid Computo in the field team because she is about due to do something cool, but honestly Orando is probably the worst world for someone whose power needs computers to work lol

Good question about whether Truth Girl can see through Jeckie's illusions, and one that may well be answered at some point soonish!

so this isn't poor Mirian?

It is Mirian...I might have confused things calling her the new Emerald Empress, sorry! I just meant new when compared to Sarya smile

Harbi: I am 100% with you on the 'damsel in distress' thing being old and tired....I think when your boyfriend can carry a dwarf star around it's okay to let him do the heavy lifting occasionally though hahaha

Rest assured if I was ever gonna kill Ral and Grava off it would be a way better death than getting smooshed by some falling bricks...poor Star Boy got done dirty in that book frown

Questor IS the Coluan guy from Saturn Queen's Legion of Supervillains, good remembering! smile

Blok, Neon and Evolvo Lad are going to have a completely insane side plot while all this is going on (guest-starring an old Legion bad guy that I bet nobody will anticipate!), but the rest of the team will not have it any easier!

And now that I don't have to worry about spoiling anything, I thought the below might give y'all some more detailed teasers about who the Empire are....

Questor’s assessment of the Empire: AES-25600 Encoded
In recruiting me for their childish Empire, the so-called Emerald Emperor and Emerald Empress have unwittingly given me access to what may be, without any hyperbole, the most magnificent discovery of my life. Of course, it is only logical for me to assess the probability of each of my new teammates turning on me once they realise the extent of my ambitions, the threat they would represent were they to do so, and any vulnerabilities to be exploited.

The only members of this group that I actually respect as potential enemies include:

Emerald Emperor and Emerald Empress: Obviously these two are the clearest threats to me. As a clone of the Persuader with full knowledge of his memories and talents, the Emerald Emperor is clearly the more skilled combatant of the two. However, he also underutilises the extraordinary versatility of the power he wields and this could be used against him.

By contrast, this new Emerald Empress has significantly less experience, but a far more instinctive grasp of her link with the Emerald Eye of Ekron and the possibilities provided by that power. It was the Empress who first conceived of using the power of Ekron to make Orando ours.

Garak of the Glow: An idiot, but a dangerously obsessive idiot. In any conflict, I am absolutely certain that he will lay down his life to protect the Emerald Empress if necessary. Fortunately, the upgraded power pods that I have so graciously provided him have a technological backdoor that I can easily exploit if it comes to that.

Vibrex: An unlikely foe, but if he does decide to oppose me he could be a surprisingly effective one. His scientific background makes him the most likely to deduce my real motives if I let my guard down, and his ability to alter the vibratory rate of matter is a uniquely difficult power to have to counter.

Zymyr: The closest I have to a true ally in this assemblage. The Gil’Dishpan have a respect for scientific endeavour that transcends any moral concerns, and Zymyr is the only sentient in this assemblage aware of my true motivations. Analysis of his past behaviour indicates that Zymyr is far more likely to simply abandon our endeavour altogether rather than choose a side if conflict emerges within this group. Simply put, he just doesn’t care about any of our schemes until such time as they inconvenience him personally.

Almost everybody else should be easy enough to manage if it becomes necessary, however in the interests of completion, my analysis follows:

Rogarth: If Garak of the Glow is an idiot, Rogarth may as well be considered barely sapient at all. He hails from that backwater planet Avalon, I am not remotely concerned about any intellectual threat he may pose. He is also as physically powerful as a Daxamite without any of a Daxamite’s convenient vulnerabilities, so I cannot afford to underestimate him as tempting as that may be.

Battering Ram: Battering Ram is perhaps almost on par with Rogarth physically, but his fighting style almost exclusively consists of ramming an opponent with his toughened horns. He is easily encountered if necessary.

Beauty Blaze: Her ability to generate and control flame may be equal to that of Sun Boy, and I suspect she is the most likely of this group to attempt a coup if she thinks it will benefit her. She could be a potential ally as easily as she could be a threat, I will need to keep this one under close watch.

Quicksand: She has a certain cunning which serves her well, and her power is far more versatile than she suspects. She poses a threat, but hardly an insurmountable one.

Midnight Wisp: Her superspeed makes her more threatening than she may appear, but she hails from Kathoon; I won’t be cowed by someone who can be defeated with a simple flashlight.

Weather Witch: An ignorant Orandan peasant who has somehow come into possession of a weapon of great power. Her ability to control the weather is highly impressive; her understanding of that power far less so. At some stage I intend to divest her of her wand so that I can study the surprisingly advanced micro-technology in this ancient device, and when I do so she will be no greater threat than any of the other superstitious fools on this world.

Spinning Jenny: As ridiculous a power as “super-spinning” may be, one can’t deny its effectiveness on the battlefield. I must remember that her power can yield similar effects to Midnight Wisp, and deny her the opportunity to put it to use if we resort to violence.

Holdur: The fool has the strength and speed to face a Kryptonian one on one, but his utter lack of intellect and his eagerness to serve others make him barely a consideration. Quicksand demeans herself by her constant association with this fool.

Soultaker: A very odd but admittedly highly capable Terran fighter who claims to be empowered by the many victims her ancient sword has claimed. So long as I avoid direct combat with her, I don’t foresee her being a problem.

Flare: Her pyrokinetic abilities are nowhere near the equal of Beauty Blaze, but I have observed her to be a highly skilled combatant who makes impressively destructive use of the power she does possess.

Caress: Her only power is a corrosive touch, but she is a highly skilled martial artist - to be avoided in close quarters combat if at all possible.

From the sublime to the ridiculous - even with a 10th level intellect, it baffles me how the rest of these minions were chosen. I suppose the Legion of Substitute Villains were indisposed when our leaders sent the Emerald Eyes on their recruitment drive:

Fireface: A stupid name and an even more stupid power; he projects flames from his face. I don’t know what possessed our esteemed leaders to think that this fool could be worth recruiting when we already have two far superior pyrokinetics in Flare and Beauty Blaze.

Murder Hornet: A man so insecure about his one legitimate power (360 degree vision, a power also shared by his more successful criminal brother Magpie) that he had to build an entire identity around his mutation, including artificial wings and electroplasma blasters. Once I ruin his technological enhancements, he’s just a man with ugly eyes.

Orca Ninja: While I’m certain that being a super-strong oaf with a pair of swords may be impressive on his homeworld Vavalla, I have no idea what he is meant to bring to this gathering.

Sub-Zero: A ninja…with ice weapons. Spare me.

Razorwire: This one isn’t even a ninja, just a common brawler from that cesspit Rimbor with a silly gimmick. Razorwire and Sub-Zero seem to be lovers, I’m sure that can be exploited against them easily enough.

Black Dagger and Bow: I’m led to believe that these two hail from far more primitive times on Earth…as though Terrans weren’t backward enough in my own century. I am almost positive that recruiting these two was the Emerald Emperor’s idea, what other possible reason could there be to recruit a man who shoots pointy sticks at people and another man who throws knives about other than the Emerald Emperor’s absurd interest in archaic weaponry?

Re: Postlo3w stories *LATEST UPDATE 13 AUGUST*
razsolo #1038761 08/21/24 11:51 PM
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Love Questor’a notes raz! Hilarious and well done and full of great content !

Re: Postlo3w stories *LATEST UPDATE 13 AUGUST*
razsolo #1038826 08/25/24 06:39 AM
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Thanks IB! smile

Re: Postlo3w stories *LATEST UPDATE 13 AUGUST*
razsolo #1039786 1 hour ago
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It feels like I've just rejoined reading at the start of the Baxter run!

Great job in not only handling the cast size, raz, but in making each of them distinctive, and accessible, to new and older readers.

"...not having to believe in a thing to be interested in it and not having to explain a thing to appreciate the wonder of it."
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