Mattropolis and I brainstormed a bunch of ideas for this recently, but I thought it might make a fun topic here.

So, according to Roy Thomas, there were proposals for introducing a "children of the JSA" team as early as the 1950s. As I pointed out in the Gay Male Harlequin thread, that doesn't make a whole lot of sense timeline-wise, as, if they are adults, they would have had to have been born in the late '30s, before the JSAers had begun their crimefighting careers, which creats massive continuity issues. But it got me thinking, "What if the Silver Age characters had been introduced as the children of the JSA?"

So, in a slightly different world, we imagine the JSAers all retiring at the end of WW2. They go home get married and contribute to the baby boom. Their kids grow up and become super-heroes themselves starting in the late 60s. Barry Garrick's speed is inherited, but only activated once a freak lightning bolt causes a chemical explosion. Hal Scott receives a ring from a dying Green Lantern, whom he soon discovers is his own father. Later, he learns something his father never knew, which is the connection between the ring and an intergalactic police corps and the Guardians. Ray Pratt finds that the energy exposure that was responsible for his dad's "atomic punch" has mutated him with the ability to shrink. Carter and Shiera Hall, who had died in an accident shortly after the war, find themselves reincarnated on the planet Thanagar and strangely drawn to the planet Earth when they have an opportunity to be stationed there.

Matt and I worked out brief backstories for the Leaguers up through the Detroit era, but I thought it would be fun to toss the idea out and see what you guys might come up with.