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Re: Legion Worlds Nine updated 11 June 24
Harbinger #1036816 06/12/24 01:46 AM
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Hi Harbi, awesome to see an update on your team!

I don't think I clicked on Ultra Girl and Phantom Boy being a couple either until IB mentioned it - love it! laugh

Ouch @ Jed and Tel...something tells me things aren't getting any LESS messy for them anytime soon lol

I like Imra's thoughts about Garth's impulsiveness...they compliment each other really well, which I guess is why they're THE Legion couple smile

Dreamer's little interlude raises an interesting question that I have wondered about myself before - how often does she take actions specifically because she's foreseen them happening? Like "okay it's time for me to walk over there now" even when there's not really any other reason for her to do that except that she saw it happen?

OOOH TYROC'S GETTIN' HITCHED! He and Sade are fun together, I dig it! smile

Man, that Yellow Lantern's a tough cookie...she is a great villain!

And leaving on a good cliffhanger!!

More more more! laugh

Re: Legion Worlds Nine updated 18 June 24
Harbinger #1036996 06/18/24 02:41 AM
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Earth, Metropolis, Weisinger Plaza

With formalities over, Mon El and M'Onel stood to the side of the celebration.

Neither had said very much to the other though they both understood that there wasn't really all that much left to say.

The younger of the two - as relative as that was to two beings that had spend over a millennium in the Phantom Zone - was excited to be going soon, to continue on his exploration of the multi-verse now that the team had rested and recuperated from the horrific time they had endured recently. With the planetoid as a base, and the supplies they were being given, he doubted that they would need to go through any experience like that again...

The older Lar Gand had thoroughly enjoyed the day though it had brought up a feeling he had buried. He hadn't realised how much he missed Jo Nah until today. The Jo Nah from this reality had been so similar to the younger version that had gotten married earlier. Together with Tinya, looking so optimistic and enthusiastic... Lar Gand felt something he thought his exile in the Phantom Zone had taken away from him - he really missed his friends.

The young Rokk Krinn and Jazmin Cullen took to the dancefloor.

"You gave the perfect speech up there, Rokk. I'm so proud of you, you know that?"

The young Braalian athlete kissed her on the cheek, before pulling a hand into the air, allowing her to twirl beneath. As they came together again he spoke.

"I was thinking, Jaz... When we get home, would you do me the honour..."

"Oh, definitely yes Rokk! I was going to ask you the same thing." They laughed as the continued to dance across the sparkling floor.

Jed was starting to feel drunk!

He had always been a lightweight when it came to alcohol so he thought it best to ask the Bar-Bot if they had any anti-alc drinks he might enjoy. As the AI that managed the bar had been programmed with all of the Legionnaires tastes it knew to provide a fruit flavoured beverage that included synth-proteins that would absorb the alcohol from the large man's system. Jed hoped it would be enough to save him from potentially embarrassing himself later on. Tel always said he shouldn't drink alcohol at all... As he took a mouthful, someone tapped him on the shoulder.

Kent Shakespeare, in an immaculately white long coat, stood there with a small smile on his face.

"Do you fancy a dance Jed? Jan's a stick-in-the-mud and won't join me. You like to dance, yeah?" The large doctor glanced at the dancefloor - it was only at most a third full. "Let's get up there while there's room for us... us big guys are always cramped in, aren't we? Let's claim the space while we can."

Jed was surprised as he had never seen Dr Shakespeare dance at any of the parties before. "Uh, yes, umm, let me just..." Jed quaffed his drink in one hearty gulp before following the doctor onto the dancefloor.

Otaki could feel the bubbling happiness from the crowd around her.

Usually she would not have enjoyed being around so many people butas the unified emotion was so uplifting she felt almost dizzy as she lowered her mental shields to revel in it.

"... I asked, are you okay?" Nel Duwi, the Daxamite officer stood in front of Bina, her expression clearly showed her concern.

Bina reached up and pulled Nel in for a kiss. "It is beautiful... Just like you!" she said as they broke apart.

"Are you sure?"

"Nel, I sense minds and everyone is so happy, it's almost euphoric.... Here." Otaki placed her fingertips gently across her girlfriend's cheeks and temples and shared the feeling that permeated the psychic aether around them.

"Wow!" After a few seconds Nel stepped back, her eyes wide, "is that what you feel? Wow, that was such a rush!"

"And can you guess what makes it even better?" Bina asked with a mischievous smile. Nel smiled back.

Nel and Bina kissed once more.

Dragonmage and the Khundian mystic Pressure Point slow danced in a corner of the dancefloor.

Szenlong swam in circles through the air above them, releasing a trail of sparkles that slowly fell onto and around the couple.

Other dancers avoided them as it was clear they were sharing a quite literal magical moment!

Chlorophyll Kid and Gorilla Girl danced for a few minutes though neither were really confident on a dance floor so quickly left and joined a couple of their colleagues at a round table not far from the bar.

Stone Boy and Rainbow Girl had been joined by several of the students and - surprising Ral Benem - Wrecker of the Khundian Battle Brigade. The Khundian was laughing as two students explained why they wanted to be Legionnaires.

"Come to Khundia, find out what a true warrior is!" He exclaimed with another snorting laugh as he slammed a fist into the table!

Rainbow Girl leaned across the table and started talking in a low voice to the Khundian warrior, her aura sparkling as she did. Ral smiled to himself, Dori could do amazing things with her rainbow powers... He wasn't exactly clear on what they did, if he was being 100% honest, but he knew that at least her aura could affect people's moods if she got close enough, and that was good enough for him at that moment.


Gates had spent the ceremony with XS and Cosmic Kid, though as it finished the Vyrgan had an urge to seek out Brainiac 5 again.

The Coluan must have known that his words would have had an affect on the decision that he was making regarding his place in this reality. The Vyrgan wanted to explain to his friend that there were reasons why he should stay. He didn't want Querl to have anything other than a perfect understanding of the task that Gates had set for himself... As he hovered across the crowded area, he was bumped into by Oodoo Shanair, the Lallorian Ambassador.

"Mister Mr’Asz, apologies... How did you find the wedding? Very moving, don't you think?" The Lallorian had a bland smile on his face as he asked.

"Ambassador Shanair... *chich* it was friendlier than the Khund's mating ritual... A lot less blood." Gates replied. Before he could turn away the Lallorian mutant continued.

"Yes, we have a Khundian on our team, Sentinel, and his expectations can sometimes be a little... Ah, bloodthirtsty. Still, they are an honest species, I've found. It's so much easier when all parties deal with honesty, don't you agree? What is that old earth saying again... The truth shall set you free! It's so true, don't you agree?"

Gates muttered to himself as he nodded and turned away.

<What are you doing, Oodoo?> asked Proty iii. The protoplasmic shape changer was currently sat on the Ambassadors head, disguised as a rather flamboyant tricorn hat.

<He's knows he fighting a losing battle trying to affect Khundish culture... Sometimes we all need a reminder to let the truth out>

<you just can't help interfering, can you?> The Antarean sent telepathically.

<Oh pooh! Some folks need reminding that honesty is a virtue>

<Really? And when are you going to practice what you preach?> Proty asked in a tone dripping in friendly scorn.

Oodoo Shanair laughed to himself as he made his way through the crowd.

Kinetix had persuaded M'Windaji to join her onto the dancefloor.

Zoe had always found Gahaji's style to be a little bit archaic; at least three years out of date, she reckoned, and had decided that she needed to teach him the 'in' moves so he could flaunt his stuff in style, without any shame. Gahaji laughed as she tried to encourage him to copy her.

"You look like a robot chicken." He said, between laughing.

"It's all the rage on Mars right now, c'mon, do it!" Her eyes flashed with momentary concern. He could see her worried expression and decided to not tease her anymore. Instead the young tracker struck a pose and started mimicking her moves. The two of them strutted around the dancefloor like prize cocks in a robo-farmyard parade.

The Monstress stood at the side of the dancefloor, enthusiastically clapping and cheering them on. To her surprise, the young Salu Digby approached her and indicated they should join Zoe and Gahaji. Candy threw her head back and laughed as they strutted onto the dance floor, copying the robotic chicken dance that Zoe assured them was in fashion at the best clubs in the system.

Shikari Lonestar perched on the back of a chair and watched the celebrations around her.

The Pathfinder from the Second Galaxy had found the whole day to be ...weird! The thought of a life-mate went against her upbringing, where the culture was anything but monogamous. Those that followed that path were often seen as somehow less than normal. Still, the humans seemed to approve and she no longer with her brief-home searching for provisions amongst distant Oort clouds... She wished Drake was with them, as the anti-energy being, her Wild-Star - had often explained these things to her when she didn't understand them.

As she had this thought - perhaps the fiftieth time she had thought about Wildfire that day - her senses alerted her that something as out of synch, but with the amount of meta-beings present she couldn't quite hone in to where the strangeness was emanating.

With a flap of her dragonfly-like wings she took to the air and flew around the space.

It didn't take her long to find what she was searching for - the mystic called Glorith was sat by herself. She appeared to be staring across the dancefloor. As the Kwai pathfinder fluttered down to a seat close to the mystic, she said "Shikari is also confused by this celebration, it is a strange day, is it not?"

Glorith didn't stop staring across the dancefloor as she muttered her reply, "... It could have been beautiful."

And with that, the young Xeroxan mage stood up and walked away.

"Well, Sprock me sideways with a deckchair!" Shikari cursed, repeating one of Wildfire's favourite expressions.

Grava cried as she held onto Drinchnar.

He knew that she always cried at weddings, but still felt a little bit embarrassed. Thankfully, they were floating ten feet above the dancefloor and there weren't any witnesses as the tears streamed from her eyes and she repeated how beautiful everyone looked and hoe perfect the day had been.

Drinchnar Lamment held on tightly and whispered to her that she looked the most beautiful of them all.

Jan Arrah had been standing at the end of the bar with Gim and Yera when the opportunity he had been waiting for presented itself.

Tel Vole had floated up to the bar and casually leaned across it. Yera eye's swept across towards the gravity manipulator before she turned away and smiled at Jan - they had been discussing the obvious awkwardness between Tel and Jed earlier, with both Kent and Jan saying they would speak to the two men if the chance came up. Jan nodded to his Durlan friend and left them to stand next to Tel.

"Hey Tel, how are you there?" Jan asked, as he signalled the Bar-Bot.

"Hey Jan, all's grand, thanks, how 'bout you?"

Jan could smell the alcohol on Tel Vole's breath, which surprised him as Gravity Kid was renowned for his studious nature often at the expense of his social life.

"I'm doing fine Son, thanks. Days like this are special, aren't they? Jo and Tinya were always bound for each other, in every dimension it seems."

Tel took a few seconds before he replied, his voice low, "You're checking up to see what's going on with Jed and me, aren't you? You've barely said three words to me in a year and now we're drinking buddies..."

"I'm checking you are okay Tel, you. Are you okay there Tel?" Jan kept the tone of his voice gentle.

"I'm just dandy, thanks. I'm fine." And with the last two words being emphasised to show the conversation was over, Tel Vole floated up into the air and away from Jan Arrah and the crowd around the bar.


Takron-Galtos, the prison planet - current location highly classified.

Titan and Retro were given permission to watch the questioning of the prisoners.

The first in the Cube - a specially designed room with dim lighting and anti-grav to keep the prisoners docile as they floated in the half-light, supposedly - was the mutant from Tharr who called himself Freezem.

"Prisoner number XMTT23659 - BTHJ9, Halod Harten of Tharr, we have some questions for you." The voice was modulated to be non-threatening by the resident AI.

The thug that the former students had beaten unconscious floated in the dingy interrogation room, his cuts and bruises had been taken care of immediately when the Legion had first warped him into this facility. He had bandages around his torso and the remains of a healing paste smeared around his chin, though in the forty five minutes since the Legion had watched the Yellow Lantern escape, the three remaining aggressors that they stopped had been brought here, and made ready for the science Police to question.

In response to the AI, he swore coarsely.

<there's a telempathic officer currently holding his mind steady, so he won't be able to plan an escape or lie in any reply he gives. We're not allowed to directly probe his mind though. His statement must be freely given to hold up in court> Titan explained to the deputy team leader.

<no, the Science Police aren't allowed... we, on the other hand, are not them and we have diplomatic immunity >

There was a moments silence before Nasir replied.

<are you okay Deen? That was... a bit harsh>

<we need to know what's going on. These thefts and.. and I need to know as there's another one in their gang... on Bibliothecix, there was a woman who recognised me. She said she knew me from long ago, before I can remember>

<do you believe her? She may have been trying to throw you off balance>

<I can't explain it, Nasir, but I knew she was telling the truth. Only she escaped before I could find out more. She might be able to tell me what happened before I was found on Ventura>

Inside the Cube, the Tharrian thug that called himself Freezem continued to swear, creating rather inventive compound-curses in responses to each question.

Titan looked at the Deputy leader. It was clear how much this meant to him.

<Okay... Let's see what I can find out... >

Legion Worlds NINE - wait, there's even more ongoing amazing adventures? Yup, and you'll only find them in the Bits o' Legionnaire Business Forum.
Re: Legion Worlds Nine updated 18 June 24
Harbinger #1037009 06/18/24 07:58 AM
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oooh a Jazmin/Rokk wedding! I'm tickled pink! I love how they proposed to each other at the same time,basically!

ooh boy, I wonder if Tel will get all hissy at Jed dancing with Kent. not that Jed or Kent are doing anything wrong, just that Tel is... well... Tel.

Love how Otaki is drawing in the mental mood, and that she can share it with Nel!

glad to see Gates socializing with a friend, and seeking Brainy out!

lol at Oodoo trying to get Gates to see, uh, reality... and hah at Proty III calling Oodoo out!

hah at Zoe being all it-girl. poor young Vi, she must be missing her friends, so she's seeking out their counterparts...

hah at Kari cussing like Wildfire would have!

a-ha! so Jan and Kent are "dividing and conquering" so to speak! Love it!

well, Tel is smart, even though he may not be wise. he saw through Jan right away...

hopefully, Retro and Titan can get some answers!

another great installment... looking forward to more!

Re: Legion Worlds Nine updated 26 June 24
Harbinger #1037177 06/26/24 01:17 AM
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The Aldronlliphean Mega-Station in the Aldronlliphea Major system on the edge of Galactic South Rim Space.

Duplicate Girl - Senior Team member, Luornu Durgo of Carggg - creation of multiple identical duplicates

Tectonik - Hardal of Granite Falls from Mondriak iv - geokinesis

League of Super-Heroes:
Flipside - Drannananna "Anna" Otticolli of Grathvarth V - fast, agile, manipulate personal gravity orientation
Slingshot - Prince Alfon Gundrix Maunheesta of the Grindlaw Colonies of System Mondarsh - hyper-charge kinetic potential of objects by touch

Duplicate Girl, Babbage and Tectonik had remained with the League on the distant satellite to help with the clean-up.

While they did, Atomsmasher flew outside, using its impressive senses to ensure the Yellow Lantern was not hiding nearby. The synthesoid Ballistix had joined the Wraithcat, offering to give protection in case they found anything. Kid Nimbus and Flipside had muttered between them that she just didn't want to do any grunt work... Starkling joined them.

Lu couldn't help but smile as she saw Kid Dynamo carry Magno Lass back to the team's base - Slingshot's ship, currently in Drydock 618. The Braalian could easily have walked, or if that proved too much, used her flight ring to hover. Instead, she gratefully wrapped her arms around the muscular young man's neck and rested her head against his shoulder.

Tectonik and Flipside remained behind to clear up the tunnel in the bedrock. Although they had both been at the Academy at the same time, they had rarely spent much time together. Hardal couldn't stop himself watching as she deftly ran across the ceiling of the cave where the teams had just had their battle with the Yellow Lantern, using her flight ring scanner to check for any risky micro fractures that might cause problems. Her natural dexterity and agility were more impressive than he remembered.

"How's internship treating you there, Almost-a-Legionnaire Boy?" She asked, teasingly.

"Well... to be honest, when it's great it's everything we imagined when we were students, Anna... when it's great. It's not always that exciting though. How's life being an independent Rim hero?"

"Ah, well... you're probably seeing more fun than us, though I found a tremendous Caff dispenser that gives us 25% off on one of the lower concourses... that was exciting!"

"Yeah, I guess things have improved a bit for both of us since we were all students together. " They both laughed.

"You look like there's something on your mind Hatdal, what's up?" Flipside asked.

"I almost didn't come on this mission when i saw it was an alert from you guys. Do you remember, Josi made my life hell y'know, with all her snipes and back-stabbing... I was so scared when I joined the academy, I'd never left a cave system before, never seen an open sky even once. Is she still a bitch?" Hadral asked quietly.

"Yeah... Yeah she was awful, wasn't she? Her and Polar Girl were such schemey's, always plotting! I spoke to her about it once and she said it was the only way she could get off Braal so it was ingrained into her. She has calmed down a bit though. I think not having access to cutting edge beauty treatments and her relationship with Kid Dynamo mellowed her though."

"Same with Polar Girl. Did you hear she's seeing Stoor? Actually, they're quite cute together. Who knew that all it would take to stop them being mean was to get laid, eh?"

"Lucky sods!" Flipside said with a chuckle.

They both laughed as they carried on with the clean-up.

Slingshot approached Duplicate Girl; his expression was grim.

"We didn't really achieve much, did we?"

"We stopped them, captured several of their team and sent a warning to whoever is behind this..."

"I meant my team, you Legionnaires were..."

"Stop that Alfon! We've been doing this for as long as you've been alive so of course we'll have experience on our side. You won't get that by giving up. Keep going, your team are more impressive than you realise. Okay... you hear me there?"

The young prince nodded and gave the Legionnaire a small smile.

"Thank you... We've been questioning our role out here."

"I question your role out here too, but that doesn't mean it's wrong, only that you're smart to not take things for granted. If you don't think things are working here then move on, but don't give up please. You know there aren't enough of us around." She paused here to turn to look directly towards him before continuing. "You don't know just how proud we all were when you all said you would leave the Academy to set up your own team. You do realise you're utterly amazing, don't you? Don't you?" She smiled warmly at her former student as she said this.

Lu resisted the urge to give him a hug as the young prince started to blush.


Weisinger Plaza, Metropolis, Earth

The older Jazmin Cullen danced with Rol Purthra from the Academy.

They had hooked up at Rokk and Lydda's wedding and spend a few enjoyable evenings together since, when they had time. She rather enjoyed the ease of their... Relationship seemed like the wrong word to use, but it was as close as she could imagine. Whatever the right word, Jazmin leaned in against his broad shoulders and relaxed. enjoying their dance. The music was Nu-Retro that required couples to dance while in hold. Neither really knew how to dance like this but were enjoying the closeness it afforded them.

Jazmin was startled upright as they bumped into someone!

She turned round to apologise and came face to face with her opposite number from the younger team who had been similarly snuggling up to the younger Rokk Krinn. They both smiled at each other and the older Jazmin reached out to hug her younger counterpart. Both women leaned into it and gave the other a tight squeeze.

As they pulled apart the older said "y'know I'm so, so proud of you. You guys are amazing!"

The younger Jazmin seemed momentarily taken aback before hugging her older alternate tightly again. The two women swayed to the music, happily lost in their moment of connectivity.

Dream Boy turned to Cosmic Boy and gave a smile before offering his hand to dance. Perhaps it was the champagne he had enjoyed earlier or the whole mood of the day but Rokk Krinn, legendary for his moral fortitude and straight-laced attitude gave a surprising giggle before sweeping in and the two young men danced beside their respective dates.

After a couple of minutes spinning around, the two young men heard laughter. The two Jazmin's clapped as Rokk and Rol let go of each other and approached the two Jazmin's obviously wanting to continue with their previous dance partners.

"Don't let us stop you, guys." The older Jazmin said.

Rokk and Rol looked at each other and with a smile got back into hold to continue with their rather wooden waltz. There were plenty of amazed faces as the two men danced through the crowd around them. Both women howled with laughter.

Friction was finally able to dance alongside her new boyfriend, Victa Mogretti.

He was currently a student at the Academy, and she had expected a few comments or questioning glances from her colleagues, but much to her relief no-one queried their relationship. They had met at a festival where Spoiler had gotten into a dance competition against Victa; the Legionnaire had lost, though to give him credit he didn't know that Victa was a championship level dancer.

As Shape, the student with the personal dimension and mass shifting power, Victa was popular at the Academy. And Friction knew that after his display on the dancefloor earlier he would become even more in demand as he had spent ten solid minutes dominating a quarter of the dance floor with his spectacular moves. For the next half an hour various fellow students and a few Legionnaires had approached him to compliment his display and ask questions. She was incredibly proud of him, though more than anything she just wanted to spend some quality time with him right now.

It was clear that Victa enjoyed being in the spotlight, and there was a little voice at the back of Janee's mind that raised a red flag over it, though taking into consideration the range of egos within the wider 'Legion Family' enjoying dancing in front of crowds was hardly a fatal flaw.... Was it? As they spun around the dancefloor she wondered if she had just seen the start of the end of their budding romance.

Gas Girl had joined the other Lallorian heroes to the event, not because she was particularly keen to see the wedding - as sweet as it was - but because she hoped to catch up with Retro. The pair had established a rather easy-going relationship which suited them both, but in the last couple of months they hadn't managed to make the time to see each other. She missed him, as she had come to realise that Deen Toro was champion lover and secretly also a total sweetheart! She had been looking forward to spending the evening with him.

Instead, he was away leading some mission to a Rim colony and, according to M'Windaji who checked the flight ring tracker for her, he was currently on Takron-Galtos. While she waited on his returm, she stood at the bar, chatting with Legionnaires from both realities and a few of the students, counting the minutes until his mission was over and they could retire to his quarters to get ...ahem... reacquainted.

Ulu Vakk was having the time of his life.

As Colour Kid danced, he made sure the very air around him swam in vari-hued strips, with fluid blobs and swirls spinning in time to the beat. As the music became more subdued so did the display. If the tempo quickened then his displays would match their ferocity. He had been practising this for such a long time he was relieved to finally use his abilities like this out in the open.

Several Legionnaires had complimented his skills which only added to his happiness.

Ulu Vakk was living his best life!

Tinya and Jo had hoped to make a quiet getaway from the party at least an hour before this point.

Alas, despite Henry offering to open a warp whenever they were ready, the newly re-married couple had yet to find a moment without someone being close by wanting to wish them well. While both were very appreciative, they were starting to get a little bit frustrated.

"I'm going to create a distraction... nothin' major, I'll set fire to Lar's trousers or something." Jo muttered as he hugged his wife. Tinya laughed as she hugged him tightly.

"Ah, just the couple I was looking for..." The voice belonged to the Lallorian Ambassador, Oodoo Shanair.

Jo gave a half smile as he let go of Tinya, and she had a big and clearly fake smile on her face as she turned towards the Lallorian.

The short ambassador put a hand gently on both of their backs and led them to the side, beside a large bushy flower all the while offering his heartfelt congratulations and gratitude for their inviting him and his team from Weber's World. As they reached the big bush he told them that Reep Daggle had mentioned that he had booked them an exclusive suite at a very expensive resort for the evening, and with a wide smile he lifted his hand up to his face and said into his flight ring "Henry, warp please!"

Tinya smiled - genuinely this time - and Jo shook his hand. "Well, I could feel your frustration all the way across the dance floor, it was quite lowering the mood."

With that, a honey and violet warp spun into existence behind the couple.

"Go, before anyone else takes up your precious time. They can't see you here. Go!" With this, the ambassador motioned as if to push the couple into the warp.

Tinya reached forward to give Oodoo a quick peck on the cheek before dragging Jo through the warp.

<now, don't you go saying I never do nice things> Oodoo shared with Proty iii. The protoplasmic shape-changer sighed.


Home Base, the Academy, The medical bay:

Dr Boom - senior physician and United Planets Government envoy - Danii Schwartz-Geltt of Myar - physician and alchemist
Kid Flux - Uri Yekolleks of Rim World Stratokoviesk xii, hyper-reactive adaption to threat
Mentalla ii - Enali Dricommo of Titan, psionic possession and limited telepathy,

Dr Boom had eased Kid Flux's pain with a potion and asked the young student to lie down on one of the floating medi-bay beds.

As the Alchemedic calmly patted the young man's hand to reassure him, the screens behind the bed popped up with examination results. They did not reassure the physician: Uri's system was resonating with a pulsing energy that the medi-bay diagnostic AI could not identify. The physical response it generated was causing extreme fluctuations in the young man's blood pressure, temperature and, most worryingly synaptic rhythms.

As the results poured across the hard-light screens, Dr Schwartz-Geltt checked against the patient's existing records and realised that this was the first time that the auto-examination AI had been able to perform any internal scans as usually Uri's abilities adapted to block them. All the information they had on the young man came from Dr Shakespeare's painstakingly thorough examinations of him when the student had joined the Academy...

It appeared that Kid Flux's abilities were no longer operating in a stable manner.

Legion Worlds NINE - wait, there's even more ongoing amazing adventures? Yup, and you'll only find them in the Bits o' Legionnaire Business Forum.
Re: Legion Worlds Nine updated 26 June 24
Harbinger #1037178 06/26/24 01:24 AM
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Hey IB, thanks for your comments above, they are always appreciated!

Re a Rokk/Jaz wedding - I don't think we'll see that as I don't have too many more plans for that team after they reach the Justice Legion. It's been fun to write about them but I feel it's almost time to wish them bon voyage. Jed and Tel will have a moment in the next batch, which will lead into some big things going forward as I finish off the wedding scene and will also give Retro a couple of answers nd a few more questions to ponder. After that, it'll be goodbye to the U247 team and LW9 will be almost over. I'm going to end on a bit of a bombshell, so stick around smile

Thanks again, more, more and more coming soon!

Legion Worlds NINE - wait, there's even more ongoing amazing adventures? Yup, and you'll only find them in the Bits o' Legionnaire Business Forum.
Re: Legion Worlds Nine updated 26 June 24
Harbinger #1037186 06/26/24 03:19 AM
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Harbi, totally understand - not everything has to be shown anyway, and with such a large cast one has to keep the focus shifting smile

as always, super eager to see what you have planned!

nice callout to Polar Girl and Magno Lass being nasty before, I do remember their points of view. both were "ambitious"!

nice tough love from Lu as well! with some good advice. I like how she thoroughly encouraged Slingshot.

great moment between the Jazmins! and also between Rol and Rokk, lol!

Friction has a good head on her shoulders, at least, she seems aware. hope she doesn't make any rash decisions! for that matter, hope Shape doesn't give her reason to!

all the little relationships are fun!

good on Ulu for developing his powers so!

ah Oodoo, he is such a good diplomat, so great at reading the room wink

I giggle at Dr. Boom's nickname!

ahh poor Kid Flux! hope he'll be fine!

Re: Legion Worlds Nine updated 26 June 24
Harbinger #1037535 07/08/24 02:35 AM
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Aww poor Mon missing Jo...I wonder if this is gonna dredge up any trauma for him; I always see Mon as keeping a little bit of emotional distance from everyone because he's already lost everyone he loved once, it must be difficult having to face that again when one of the few people he did actually have a good relationship with is gone now as well.

Jed and Kent would be a VERY good looking couple on the dancefloor, I am okay with that mental image laugh

Otaki getting high on the loved up atmosphere is cute and makes sense; I like how you pointed out that she normally wouldn't enjoy having so many people around. I get a bit antsy in large crowds as it is, I wouldn't wanna think about the extra burden of actually being able to sense people's thoughts as well!

hahaha I like how Rainbow Girl having vaguely defined rainbow powers is just kind of her primary trait in all universes now laugh

"Well, Sprock me sideways with a deckchair!" Shikari cursed

This is hilarious hahahaha.....Glorith's getting a bit ominous though!

Lu's pep talk with Slingshot was really well done....I like that she honestly acknowledged that she's not sure if they're doing the right thing but they shouldn't be letting insecurity guide their decisions; it feels like the kind of tough love she would be good with.

The bit with the two Jazmins was really nice, as was Rokk and Dream Boy dancing together; I like the idea that in a utopian future like the Legion's time, people aren't gonna have the same hangups about masculinity and sexuality that we do it doesn't have to mean anything other than two guys just being silly and having fun, and nobody gets weird about it. smile

...and good on Color Kid for living his best life!

All the other interactions I didn't comment on in any more detail were great as well...I love seeing the different relationships and personality quirks that come out in quieter moments like these, good work as usual Harbi!

Last edited by razsolo; 07/08/24 02:35 AM.
Legion Worlds Nine updated 24 July 24
Harbinger #1037915 07/24/24 01:14 AM
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Retro had led Titan back to First Base.

Both were aware that they had missed the majority of the wedding on Earth though had agreed that verifying the information that they had just taken from the prisoner's couldn't wait.

A year before, after the group had encountered two unusual spaceship sized aliens, Dkyun Mu, the Green Lantern had told them that her Oan power ring held the story of how the Sgargrathi Confederation had come close to total dominance of their sector of space before being obliterated.

Retro knew that Dkyun had downloaded this history into First Base's databank. With the information Titan had just taken from the minds of the three prisoners they had just deposited on Takron-Galtos, Retro wanted to double check what the information they currently held and see if it led them to any further clues about what the team might be up against.

According to the information Titan had been able to dredge from the prisoner's minds, the woman that said she knew Retro called herself the Immortal. She had been collecting pieces of technology from the remains of the Sgargrathi Empire for at least the last year.

Nasir had found that the Tharrite and Braalian prisoners had been hired in the last month or so by the Immortal as she realised that they would likely encounter law enforcement agencies in her ongoing mission. The two prisoners had also alerted the Legionnaires to the fact that there were currently another half a dozen other meta-mercenaries working in small teams alongside armed soldiers to find and retrieve these rare ancient technologies.

It appeared the Immortal had already gotten hold of a quite a bit of Sgargrathi remains from unpopulated and out of the way places, but to complete her plans she needed to find more of the brutal race's technological remnants, and she had established that these would be found on more populated planets. As a result, she had begun building herself a small army...

Each mission followed the same basic mission strategy if they were on an occupied planet - cause a distraction, usually bloody and horrific, and sneak in and steal the ancient tech while emergency services dealt with the problem they had caused. Their non-meta mercenaries were kept out of the loop or even fed false information as they were seen as expendable to the Immortal's plans.

The third prisoner, the fierce fighter with four arms and red skin called Ripper, had proven resistant to Titan's probes. Nasir was able to confirm that Ripper had been in the Immortal's employment for at least two years and had been part of at least a dozen missions that had successfully retrieved items for her. As Ripper appeared to know the mysterious Immortal, Retro pushed his telepathic colleague to extract as much information about her and her plans as he could. Unfortunately, the red skinned killer had a defensive psychic white noise that interfered with the Legionnaire's mental probing. Nasir had to stop before it became too painful.

As the readouts appeared showing the data Dkyun Mu had given the team from the Oan database, they both felt a chill. Retro had read through most of these reports recently but he wanted to double check the data... it was all as terrible as he remembered: The Sgargrathi Confederation had been one of the most brutal and bloodthirsty races the Green Lanterns had ever encountered. Both Retro and Titan were worried why the Immortal had gone to such lengths to get her hands on this incredibly violent long dead races technology.

"I'm going to call a senior team meeting tomorrow Nasir. We can discuss it further then..." Retro was still re-reading the hard light screen as he spoke, though with a flick of his hand he cancelled it. The room was suddenly dark around the two young men. "Perhaps we should go catch the end of Jo and Tinya's wedding, we deserve a party after this."


Lozaro Koosta-Nevrra, the Rimboran student better known as Rebounder, was on a curfew.

He had been one of half a dozen students that had snuck out of Home Base and embarrassed the academy tutors, and while the punishing regimen they had been put on when they returned was slowly lifting, there were still consequences for their impulsive action.

Lozaro was fine with it, really. Had he acted like that while he was in the gang on Rimbor he would be either wearing concrete boots in a deep river or be found scattered amongst several hundred tins of dog food... While the rest of the group had grumbled about their treatment, he reflected on the blessings that being amongst Legionnaires brought - he was still alive, obviously the primary one!

He spotted his friend Mor Gwakyalya, the newest Invisible Kid, with that stone girl that hung around with him at the back of the seating. Mors had been confined to the medical wing since returning and as a result, there were more rumours about him that any other students. Lozaro waved and shouted across as he made his way to the dance floor - he only had until 2200 hours to make the most of this event, so Lozaro didn't want to waste any of it on just chit-chat, there would be plenty of time for that tomorrow!

Right now though there were several of his fellow students that he wouldn't mind an up-close and personal tango with...

Violet had finally sat down. Her feet would ache in the morning but she didn't care.

This evening spent dancing and laughing with Zoe and Candi had been the best experience she had had in... Well, probably since her Zoe had died. The Imskian felt tears swell in her eyes and she smiled, surprised that she was only now about to cry for her lost friend. With that thought she gave a choking sob and shrunk down to the microscopic so no-one would see her release her emotions like this.

Comet Queen and Comet King stopped twirling in the air above the dance floor and made their way to the bar, Lexikon and Sky-Lieutenant Annach'ha - the team's new Sun Boy - were talking between themselves. Everyone agreed that they had never seen the Tamaranean princess as relaxed as she did now her fiancé had joined her from Nu- Vega.

"Drinchnar, salutations! The humans have such quaint customs, don't they... to be married in the space of a day is quite incredible, isn't it? I would spend the longest month assuring my princess I was worthy..." Annach'ha said, waving the two Comets in towards himself and his fiancé.

Comet King replied with his lop-sided smile. "When my gravalitious Queen red-shifts her blessing for a binary-join I'll glom agreement in a nano!"

"Your gravalitious Queen would be zenith sunbeamed to the stellarist heavenly heights if you did, Drinchnar." Lexikon said with a warm smile.

Grava blushed.

Tel had been dancing in one corner of the dancefloor close to several of the students, though he had made no move to join in with them. The gravity manipulator was enjoying the moment; the lights and colours matched the beat of the music perfectly. Rainbow Girl moved close-by dancing with the Khund called Wrecker; stripes of coloured light were radiating from her as she moved and the burly warrior seemed entranced.

Without realising it, Tel cut between them.

"Get out of my way!" The Khund growled, and pushed at Tel, knocking him onto the ground. The young gravity manipulator was on his feet within a second, his fists tightly clenched and glowing with energy as he stared at the brutish warrior.

"Hold on there..." Jed Rikane's voice said, before the large purple skinned man confidently strode in front of the Khund. Close behind him, Dr Shakespeare looked on, his expression stern.

Wrecker looked at Power Boy, a slight smile on his lips as he replied, "this time the boy-child's yours, maybe next time I'll fight you for him." And with a barking laugh he turned back to Rainbow Girl and ignored the Legionnaires. Jed turned to Tel to check he was okay.

"I could have dealt with that myself." Gravity Kid said as he dusted himself down.

"I saw him push you Tel, and no-one treats my husband like that."

"Yup, because your husband can look after himself." And with that, Tel Vole turned around and levitated over the crowd away from Jed Rikane.

Tal Nahii, or Gas Girl as she was more commonly called, was beginning to feel drunk, though not as bad as a few of the students that stood around talking in loud voices about the achievements they would have as full blown Legionnaires....

As she reached across the bar to get the serving droids attention, there was a voice from behind her, "I hope you've ordered one for me there."

"Deen... Nice of you to finally show up." Even as she teased Retro, the Lallorian could see he was trying not to show whatever had worried him from the mission he had been on. "How about some nice Bgztlar rum punch?" She gave him a warm smile and stepped towards him for a hug.

"You okay there?" Tal asked him quietly as she rested her head on his shoulder.

"I'm sure it'll be fine... After the day I've had I really fancy getting smashed. Want to join me?" He smiled at her, kissed her lightly on the tip of her nose and walked up to the bar to order a large pitcher of Bgztlar rum punch.

"Oh, oooh-kay...." Gas Girl knew that Deen Toro was keeping something serious to himself, and she also knew it wasn't her business to find out unless he wanted to share it, so in that moment she thought to herself she would give him the best night he had had in a long time to help take his mind of whatever it was that had him so tense.

The two Nura Nal's hugged.

The older was away to retire for the night back to Hope World where Gear was looking after her daughter Mattie. While the toddler loved her uncle Izor almost as much as the Linsnarian loved her, Nura and Thom thought it was about time to give him a break.

While the two Thom Kallor's gave each other a bear hug, the younger Naltoran beauty whispered a question in her older counterparts ear.

"Haven't you told Thom yet?"

"Not yet, honey, we have two important missions coming up. He's so old fashioned he'd try to stop me going if he knew..."

The two women exchanged a knowing look and smiled, fully understanding the reasons for not sharing the good news right away.


Shessan Monasdotta, Granite Girl, and Mors Gwakyalya, Invisible Kid iii, sat near the back of the space. Since he had returned to Home Base after a mis-adventure on Earth, the young man had been under medical scrutiny as the recent run-in with J'onn J'onnz on Mars had altered his power set. As a result the academy had decided that until they were better understood he would bunk in a side-room to the medi-bay and was not allowed to rejoin his training group.

So far, the tests that had been run had discovered that Mors' had developed an additional sensory capacity that made him aware of sapient being's mental energy. This didn't appear to be psychic as such, though he only became aware of it when around beings with actual thoughts - fish and small animals like mice and even insects were just as clear to him as humans or Coluans, though artificial intelligences did not register. He had also developed a reactive, defensive intangibility that allowed objects that he perceived as a threat to phase through him. This was the ability that excited him the most though so far he hadn't been able to use it to pro-actively phase through any barrier before him. He was practising though...

As it was approaching 2200 hours standard, Mors knew he needed to return to the Academy - he was still on curfew after he had joined a few of his fellow students to sneak off their planetoid school base to have an adventure on Earth. He called up a warp from Henry and, after kissing Sheshan good-night, he stepped through to the Home World Medi-Bay.

As Mors arrived in his temporary quarters, he could hear a noise from the medi-bay next door, it sounded like someone arguing with Dr Boom. He quickly faded into invisibility and cautiously left his quarters to investigate.

Uri Yekolleks Kid Flux, was on a anti-grav gurney, writhing and shouting as if he were having a seizure! Dr Boom and the student Enali Drycommo, the latest Mentalla, were at Uri's side, desperately trying to calm him down. The gurney had automatically extended straps that held Kid Flux by the ankles, wrists and across his midriff, as he bucked and shook.

"What's going on? Can I help?" Mors asked as he became visible again.

"Call Dr Shakespeare please." Dr Boom said calmly.

Mors raised his flight ring to his face and called up the Senior clinician, aware that he had seen him moments before twirling around the dancefloor on Weisinger Plaza.

Less than ten seconds later a warp appeared and the tall doctor strode through, wiping his tussled hair off his face.

"Status report?" Kent asked.

"Student Yekolleks arrived just over three hours ago... His condition appears to be deteriorating. He reported dizzy spells, nausea, then only moments ago started fitting. Strangely, I was able to take scans without his ability blocking them..."

"There are two sets of thoughts!" Mors exclaimed, interrupting Dr Boom.

"Tell me what you see, son." Dr Shakespeare responded, turning to stare intently at the newest Invisble Kid.

"There's... It's weird, Uri's thoughts are there..." Mors held out his hand and indicated his fellow students head, "but there's another set that's kinda emanating from all over him, as if it's in his blood and bones!"

Dr Shakespeare took a couple pf seconds to digest this before he urged his colleague and the Titanian student to stand back from the side of the anti-grav gurney.

"Immediate initiation of quarantine protocol, student Yekolleks." he stated. A shimmering force field sprung up around Kid Flux, separating him from the rest of the room.

"I don't sense a thing." Mentalla ii said, looking around clearly confused.

"Uri's always been immune to telepathic scans, though perhaps not to Mors' extra-senses... a second set of brainwaves is a major concern so we must isolate him until we can figure out what's going on. The resident AI will take care of his needs and keep him comfortable..." Dr Boom said softly.

"We need to get to the bottom of this, quickly!" Dr Shakespeare said, his tone matter-of-fact.

Legion Worlds NINE - wait, there's even more ongoing amazing adventures? Yup, and you'll only find them in the Bits o' Legionnaire Business Forum.
Re: Legion Worlds Nine updated 24 July 24
Harbinger #1037916 07/24/24 01:20 AM
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Guys, thank you again for your very kind words. LW9 will come to a close very soon as there's a change in the team roster and the U247 crew head off on an adventure.

Legion Worlds NINE - wait, there's even more ongoing amazing adventures? Yup, and you'll only find them in the Bits o' Legionnaire Business Forum.
Re: Legion Worlds Nine updated 24 July 24
Harbinger #1037923 07/24/24 02:48 AM
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ahh, that scene of Vi crying got me. after dancing with two doppelgangers of two dead friends, including her bff...

hahaha! amazing! Lekixon can speak Comet-speak! of course her linguistic abilities would extend to slang and all that!

ach, Tel still acting like a... well. poor Jed...

Tal and Deen are making a cute couple here. and now I'm a tad worried about just what Deen discovered... at least he has time to enjoy the festivities

good news? oh? now I'm curious as to what the Nuras have seen!

cool that Mors' new powers are becoming useful re: Kid Flux's situation. whew! curious as to what will happen here!

Re: Legion Worlds Nine updated 13 August 24
Harbinger #1038492 08/13/24 02:16 AM
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Earth, Metropolis, Weisinger Plaza:

The wedding had wound down until around midnight there were only thirty of so guests left.

At that point Kinetix had announced that they owed the crowds that remained outside one final fly past.

Twenty three Legionnaires from the two realities took to the sky and flew over the surrounding plaza, waving and smiling for the crowds. Many of the group that had been rescued from the Thanagarian controlled reality had tears in their eyes. They appreciated how lucky they were to be there after their horrific experience in that distant dimension.

The Comets left large love-heart shaped smoke trails behind them as they flew back to the reception.

Within an hour both teams of Legionnaires, their allies and fellow revellers had left the party to the automated cleaning drones.


The next day:

During the Senior Team meeting that Retro had called, Brainiac 5 created an AI algorithm that calculated where the Sgargrathi debris was most likely to be found. Deen had tried not to let his awe at the Coluan's skill show as Professor Dox announced that he could provide this assistance.

Chameleon Boy had contacted the intern they called Snoop. It had an immense astral projection ability that they could use to check on the sites the algorithm speculated where potential sites... If the intern found any, the Durlan said he would take a team to investigate further. Thunder and Tyroc had both volunteered teams to assist in the search if required. Retro thanked them all.

Chameleon Boy called upon half a dozen of their colleagues that he estimated might have the smallest hangovers. He included M'Windaji and Kinetix on the team as both their abilities would be useful if they needed to excavate the technology. Reep regretted it later as the couple squabbled and turned frosty towards each other as the day progressed - perhaps, he realised, they were more hungover than they claimed...

Eight hours later, Reep had let the senior team know that Brainiac 5's algorithm had successfully located five sites with technology intact and they had returned to First Base with the technology they had found on these sites. On eight other sites there were signs of recent acctivity, which they all agreed was alarming. Thunder suggested that Takron-Galtos would be the safest place to store the technology, if the Immortal was searching for it.

Within half an hour, Chameleon Boy had arranged the transfer of the technology to a secure vault on the prison planet.


Two days later:

Legion World Infinity.

U247 Legion:

Cosmic Boy, Saturn Girl, Live Wire, Apparition, Triad, Invisible Kid (Lyle), Chameleon, Brainiac 5, Spark, Violet, Andromeda, Star Boy, M'Onel, Ultra Boy, Umbra, Sensor, Ferro, Kid Quantum II, Karate Kid,, Shikari, Gear, Timber Wolf, Dreamer

Element Lad - Senior Team member, Jan Arrah of Trom - elemental transmutation
The Huntress - Ambassador Amynta of Nostos ii - incredible strength, speed, invulnerability, space flight
Karate Kid iii – Mithindrivithis Ngandraffa of Lythyl - strength, reflexes, mimetic motor learning giving incredible combat skills
XS - Jenni Ognats of an alternate dimension Aarok - phenomenal speed
Strobe - Denal Lort of Dryad - assume electro-magnetic energy form

Other seconded members currently based on Legion World First Base:
Cosmic Kid - Po Miman, Justice Legionnaire of alternate dimension Mars - energy manipulation and flight

Interns from Home Base:
Zero - Science Police Cadet Amrendra Mayasinghar of Zuyar - multi-dimensional shifting
Tectonik - Hardal of Granite Falls from Mondriak iv - geokinesis
Bloom - Lavender of Schentanhaumma iii - pheromone manipulation, enhanced senses
Shadowsurfer - Walyed Reeaz of D-1457H234 - strength and durability, teleport through shadows or darkness

Laipas - hunting dog from Nostos ii - enchanted to never lose a trail, fast and tough, far smarter than she looks!

Amongst all the smiles and well wishes, the tears on both sides were clear for everyone to see.

Almost three dozen Legionnaires had turned up in person to say their goodbyes to the team from the reality they were calling U247.

The day before, four of the current intern program had requested to join the team on the leaving base. This had initially caused some consternation, but as they were technically adults they could not be stopped if the U247 team agreed - Dreamer had smiled when it was announced and persuaded her teammates that this was as Cassandra had shown her. As the team leader of the U247's, the young Saturn Girl had spoken to Cosmic Boy on Home Base and assured him that the Legionnaires would look after the interns and, if at any point they wanted to come back they would be returned. Of course, when the news broke, Luornu wasn't very happy about it but, surprising everyone, she hugged each of the interns in turn and wished them every success.

Both teams had transported to the planetoid the teams were calling Legion World Infinity; the U247 team's new dimension hopping planetoid base.

Element Lad had agreed to take a small team with the U247 team, including XS and Cosmic Kid who would not be returning and the Spear of Artemis who insisted she join them as there was someone waiting for her... Of course Jan agreed that the Amazonian Ambassador join them. With Karate Kid and Strobe, Element Lad was ready for a trip through the dimensions. Dr Shakespeare had given him a hug and told him that if he didn't come back soon then the team's medic would sell the Trommites' crystal collection to pay for the gold statue the team would no doubt erect in his honour... Jan laughed and promised he'd be back as quickly as he could.

Twenty minutes later the crowd that were there to say their good-byes warped back to First Base Team Meeting Room where a large holo was projecting an image of Legion World Infinity for all to watch as it activated the EDDIE system to leave their reality. Many of the gathered heroes had tears in their eyes as the holo-screen displayed the planetoid the team had recently taken off a tribe of warmongering Tyrazzians fade out against the darkness of eternal space.


As they left the meeting room on First Base, Retro and Dr Shakespeare were discussing the information that Deen had brought to a senior teams meeting the day before regarding Sgargrathi technology.

Kent was musing that as the student Kid Flux had been infested with this long dead races tech, he had always shown a particular range of abilities, yet in the last few days as the Immortal's team appeared on more populated worlds the student's powers had flickered on and off... "it's almost as if it's switching itself on and off again because it doesn't want to be found." Kent finally said, almost as an after-thought.

"That's it! Kent you're a bloody genius!" Deen Toro patted the doctor on the arm as thanks and turned, going back to Henry's control room. "C'mon, Uri's on Home Base, right? Lets check to see if we've missed a signal or something that the Immortal's using to find the tech..."

"What?" Kent asked as he caught up with him.

"We've been looking at this from the wrong way - it isn't the Sgargrathi tech that's alerting her to where it is. As far as we are aware, other than Uri's infestation it's all inert. I reckon she has some way of ...I dunno, activating it or something, and if we can figure that out we'll be able to track her."

Both men sped up as they raced along the corridor to Henry's warp control room.

Last edited by Harbinger; 08/19/24 09:42 AM.

Legion Worlds NINE - wait, there's even more ongoing amazing adventures? Yup, and you'll only find them in the Bits o' Legionnaire Business Forum.
Re: Legion Worlds Nine updated 13 August 24
Harbinger #1038493 08/13/24 02:21 AM
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IB, hi there, thanks again for your kind review above.

These last few posts have been intentionally quieter and more personal than usual as I wanted to highlight the people involved. not just their adventures Next up will be the final posts for this chapter, and it's going to break your hearts... before things really start to take off in LW10 - I promise it's going to be bigger and more outrageous than any of my stories so far!

Thanks again,


Legion Worlds NINE - wait, there's even more ongoing amazing adventures? Yup, and you'll only find them in the Bits o' Legionnaire Business Forum.
Re: Legion Worlds Nine updated 13 August 24
Harbinger #1038495 08/13/24 04:43 AM
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Hi Harbi, I have been catching up on your excellent last few posts! Some thoughts:

Some moody buildup with Retro and have set the tone well here that they're in for something maybe darker than usual.

Aww poor Vi...those kids have really been through a lot! frown The idea of Vi battling through all the really life-threatening stuff without falling apart and then getting all emotional when she's in a space that's safe enough that she can afford to cry is very realistic, I like the way you presented that without any melodramatics.

HAHAHA I love that Lexikon is obviously not flummoxed by the Comet speech patterns...I would almost think you came up with a character with a linguistics power just to pull that scene off one day laugh

Glad to see Tel is being consistent across all universes in being the biggest asshat in the room tongue Dreamy pregnant?? Intrigued!!

The Kid Flux situation continues to develop, I see! I am a fan of kooky powers as you know, so it was cool to see Invisible Kid's weird new power getting a chance to shine here!

With the combined Legion flyover after the wedding, you mentioned again the trauma that the younger team have gone through; I like how this isn't something they just get over in time for the next story. And the Comets doing love-heart shaped smoke trails would be such a good splash page image in a comic smile

...and we say goodbye to the 247 Legion! It has been so good having them around, I think you got a lot of really valuable character interactions between the older and younger teams that you wouldn't really be able to write in any other context so take a bow!

Oh, I thought this was actually the last post for this chapter till I saw your final comment! I am a bit scared about what's gonna happen next now, but also very eager to find out!

To borrow a phrase: more, more, more!

Re: Legion Worlds Nine updated 13 August 24
Harbinger #1038507 08/13/24 12:56 PM
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yay, more!

so like Kinetix to be the one to think about the crowds

can imagine that the poor u-247 team still has some trauma, or at least distressing memories, of their nasty time in that other reality!

and yay for the Comets celebrating love so

ooh, is this Brainiac 5 coming back to the team? he seems to be settling into a nice role now

lol at Reep selecting a team based on how hung over they are!

interesting that some of the interns want to jump to another reality! I can see Shadowsurfer comboing well with Umbra. awww at XS rejoining her original team, and Cosmic Kid going with her. true love... alas, Gates decided not to go... and what's this about someone waiting for Amynta, what does she know?

so Element Lad and Strobe are the only two meant to be returning from this group...

and wow, eager to see how you plan to close this... looks like you have some big shake-ups planned!

as always, looking forward to more more more!

Legion Worlds Nine updated 19 August 24
Harbinger #1038669 08/19/24 07:08 AM
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Jed Rikane knew something was up with his husband but Tel Vole wouldn't tell him what was wrong.

His husband had been acting oddly for over a week, since they had a counselling session that had focussed on Jed's relationships prior to the couple meeting. Not that Jed thought there was much to tell on that front as he had joined the Academy at 16 so any fun he had tended to be brief and not very memorable... until he met Tel.

Afterwards, Tel had become withdrawn like he was mulling over something.

Jed had seen this sort of evasive behaviour before, most obviously around the time they had joined the team when Sun Boy had asked Tel to apologise for his rude behaviour to Mon El. Jed had been paying far more attention to Tel's moods since then and had noticed that whenever Tel was mulling over anything he became more reserved and aloof, usually only for a day, but this had been going on for over a week now so Jed knew that there was definitely something serious worrying his husband... and over the last few nights Tel had thrown some monumental strops and asked Jed to stop prying where he wasn't welcome.

They hadn't spoken in more than short, sharp sentences in five days now. Tel had been sleeping on the couch and leaving for his daily gym session earlier than usual in the morning.

Tel getting up early to go to the gym wasn't all that unusual, and normally Jed was more than happy to spend an extra hour or so in bed by himself. However, this morning Jed got up as soon as he heard the door iris closed behind his husband. After a quick sonic shower, he checked through the apartments comm log.

There was something niggling at the back of Jed's mind that this might involved someone else and he needed to know who it was. Other than a call from Thirteen the other day there was nothing that Jed wasn't aware of, and Dann's call had only lasted forty seconds. Probably something to do with the meditation classes he ran. Jed thought they had seemed to settle Tel down... but it wasn't working now.

Jed went back into the couple's bedroom and looked around. He was hoping there might be something here that could give him a clue.

He stood there for several minutes just looking at the bedside cabinets they each had; he'd never looked into Tel's storage before as it felt weird to do so. With a grunt he jumped across the room and pulled open the top drawer - it was incredibly organised, which didn't surprise Jed at all, and nothing looked out of the ordinary. Jed gently pushed it back in and sat down on the edge of their bed. He wasn't going to find anything here...


Three quarters of an hour later Jed walked out of the apartment he shared with his husband and made his way to the apartment of the person he thought may be able to assist him... or at least perhaps give a pointer towards whatever the problem was. Jed had checked with flight ring data to confirm his colleague was at least awake before he banged on their door.

Thirteen had woken up early and meditated for half an hour before starting his breakfast. He had just sat down with a mug of green tea in one hand and a banana in the other when his doorbell buzzed.

"Yeah, enter!" The Naltoran shouted across his apartment.

Jed strode in, trying to appear far more confident than he felt. He had a worried thought for a split second that he might find Tel here...

"Hey Jed, how you doin' there?" Dann shouted out from the couch, waving across to his teammate.

"Yeah, okay... sorry Dann, I'm hoping you can help me..." Jed could feel the blush rise as Dann got up from the couch and walked across to him. The Naltoran was only wearing a short see-through robe that left very little to the imagination.

"Sure, are you... you feeling okay there? Do you need...?"

"It's Tel, he's acting weird Dann, really off, and I know that could be seen as the norm but it's more than that, he's hiding something... I know that there's something going on and..."

"Wait up there, buddy! You wait right up. There's nothing going on here with your husband, he hasn't even come for the meditation classes in ages, nothing! Okay? We'll just clear that little misunderstanding up right now." Dann had stopped smiling as he spoke. His tone abruptly serious as he stared at the purple skinned man in front of him.

"Uh, no, that wasn't what I meant... or I don't think that's what I meant. Dann I'm sorry, really, but I'm just worried about Tel and I know you two have been working together and I just wondered if you knew anything...? I'm really worried about him as he's acting strange."

"Okay." Dann's voice softened and he blew out a deep breath. "Hah, I thought you were away to hit me for a second there Jed, haha! I'm so glad you didn't... That would've hurt!" Thirteen's laugh lightened the atmosphere and Jed felt himself relax, suddenly aware that he had been really tense when he arrived and so may have looked pretty aggressive.

He felt his blush return to his cheeks.


"So, let's figure this out." Dann indicated the couch and started to walk back towards it.

"Yeah... only... ah, do you mind putting on some more clothes, you're like ... ummm... a bit distracting there." Jed's blush fully reignited as he glanced at Dann's perfectly sculpted body.

Jed heard Dann laugh to himself as the Naltoran walked through to the dressing area off his sleeping quarters to grab his trousers.

Dann quickly returned to the couch, wearing flared black trousers with a starfield pattern on the lower leg and a tight black vest. He was still barefoot, Jed noticed.

"Have you tried using the flight ring locator?" Dann held up his right hand and called out "show Gravity Kid's location!" and a hard light screen popped up with a 3-D representation of First Base on it. There was a red dot on the lower level, a small gym that was rarely visited.

"Ah, I can't believe I didn't..." Jed started to speak.

"Hey, it's fine matey, go get your husband, okay? You know you two are good for each other." Dann could see the doubt on Jed's face as he said this. Jed Rikane would never be accused of being inscrutable!

"Jed, you need to talk to him... work it out. Okay?" Dann gave a small smile as he said this.

"Thank you, Dann... I'm sorry I barged in here, really, I'm..." Before Jed could finish his sentence Dann stepped forward and gave him a hug.

"Go, go get your man. Good luck bud." Thirteen said with an encouraging smile as he turned Jed around to face the door.

After Jed had left Dann turned back to his couch, his eyes glowed and probability altered, ripping his clothes off. The Naltoran really couldn't understand why the Earthers had such a fascination with hiding under clothes; when the air was a comfortable temperature it really didn't make sense to him to wear anything at all.


Jed took a deep breath before he strode into the gym.

As he had walked down the corridor towards it, he had double checked that Tel was still there and half-hoped that he had left; Jed instinctively knew that the conversation they were about to have would be painful....

Tel was pumping weights with his back to the door. Jed could hear the music from his husband's earbuds - it sounded quite aggressive.

<I'm right behind you Tel, perhaps we can talk now as this has gone on too long. It hurts when you shut me out...> Jed sent across the telepathic matrix. He knew shouting would be useless and didn't feel confident going up to his husband at that moment.

Tel stopped for a second before replying <I want to finish my training so can it wait?>

<no, no it won't, not anymore Tel. Enough already please, let's sort this out now. And at least have the manners to turn around and look at me!> This time Jed's emotions showed in his message.

<will you then have the manners to leave me alone?>

<no... no Tel, c'mon... We're a married couple so we go through whatever it is together or... we don't go through anything else together. You understand? I need you to be open so I can support you with whatever this is>

Tel slammed the weights down and pulled his earbuds out as he turned towards his husband, "What is it you really want Jed? Can I not have any time to myself?" Tel's voice was raw with emotion and there were tears in his eyes which startled Jed.

"...darling? What's wrong?" Jed immediately forgot about his own feelings as he stepped towards his husband.

"Don't!" Tel held a glowing hand up to stop Jed as he turned his face away and wiped the tears from his eyes. Jed stopped six feet from Tel and remained silent. This was advice that he had picked up from their counselling sessions - give Tel the space to formulate the words to express himself. For all of his intelligence and drive, Tel Vole simply didn't have the life experience of his husband so expressing his emotional needs often took what Jed thought was a torturous route.

"Jed I'm so sorry but after our last counselling session I've started to think we rushed into marriage, or at least perhaps I did..."


"I'm... no, it's not about me, it's you, you are the kindest person I've ever known and I do love you... but..." There were tears slowly rolling down his face as he was interrupted.

"" Jed's voice was small. "Don't do this Tel, I won't let it end like this. Not without trying..."

"That's what we've been doing Jed, can't you see?"

"Just give me one more session with Dr Griffor, we deserve that don't we?"

"I'm not sure Jed. I'm...ah, I don't know, I just know I don't want to be... this."

There was a silence between them. Both were quietly crying though neither moved to comfort the other.

"I'll sleep on the couch until we get new apartments set up." Jed said eventually.

"And there's that, of course." Tel's voice had an edge to it this time as he spoke, "That is exactly why I'm so mad at myself, tearing myself up with these doubts; you're always the nice guy aren't you? You don't seem to notice or care that it always puts me in the bad guy role! I don't know how to cope with us... with being with you anymore."

"What are you going on about?"

"I'm fed up of you always being so bloody nice! I'm always the villain who doesn't support his man in all our teammates eyes... they're not my friends are they? They're 'our' friends. Seriously, my head's in a mess and I know I'm being a selfish dick here and you... you still have to be so damned considerate."

There was a moment of startled silence.

"Oh, well why don't you fuck off then, you idiot!" Jed bellowed.

He stopped and blinked as Tel turned to face him.

"That's the fist time you've ever sworn at me!"

"You deserved it, and you can find another apartment to sleep in until you sort your rubbish out, you selfish... aggh, why did I have to fall for such a... a... twit!" Jed Rikane stormed out of the gymnasium without another word.

After he left, Tel Vole looked at the empty corridor and realised that if his husband had only been more like that, not the swearing part admittedly but showing the more forthright side of his personality, then Tel would probably never have had these doubts about his own nature. He also wished that they had never needed to have such a hard conversation... When they first met they had smiled at each other so much... No, but that was then and this is now so he needed to focus on what was best for him in the here and now!

He also acknowledged to himself that seeing Jed so upset was not what he wanted so they really did need to talk with Dr Griffor again... he only hoped that Jed now felt the same.


News had spread quickly that Tel and Jed were not in a happy place.

In the next 24 hours Tel found that increasingly his teammates were clearly avoiding him. He understood it; Jed had that easy going, helpful, self-depreciation charm that made him welcome wherever he went. The gravity manipulator knew that the majority would see that he was the 'bad' one in this relationship. He was seen as moody and waspish while Jed was a straight up kind-hearted guy... it was what had attracted Tel to Jed in the first place.

Tel holoed Troy and asked to be moved onto the Second Base rota. Tyroc considered the request for a long few seconds before he had replied, "do you think that'll be wise, son? Ah'm not gonna lie, ah've heard what you're going through and I want t' make sure you really want t' do this... do you? If you two separate like this... well, it'll be tough."

Tel didn't think it would be wise and wasn't sure if he really wanted it, not really, but he reiterated his request anyway. Troy Stewart nodded and said he'd arrange it for him and asked if he wanted to move apartments that day, as there were quite a few sat empty he could choose from. The Second Base team leader asked Tel to pick one and get Henry to warp his personal belongings over, Gear would make sure he had everything else he needed in place by the end of the day.

Tel thanked Troy and cut the holo transmission.

He called up a 3D holo of Second Base and checked out where the residential suites were - mainly around the midsection of the planetoid. He picked one that was on the same corridor as Dr Kabbo and the Science Police contingent and asked the AI to earmark it as his. Tel knew there would be some pushback from this action, but at least he could hope for some professionalism from his fellow Science Police Officers until it blew over.

Thirty minutes later, a team-wide holo-alert popped up stating that there would be a change in Science Police representation on the bases going forward - Tel was to move to Second Base while Officer Dyrk Magz, or Magno as he was more commonly known, would be taking his slot on First Base. Tel felt tears build up in his eyes as he listened to it. With this announcement it was official then, Gravity Kid was off the First Base mission rota and would be stationed on Second Base.

Tel knew that by requesting this move everyone would know that his marriage was over...

Within twenty minutes of the formal announcement, his personal effects had been warped to his new quarters.

Tel looked at the holo-plan for his new apartment. He was struck by how much starker it would be than the one he had shared with Jed - none of the colourful rugs that Jed had brought from his home decorated the walls, there were no mementoes from planets they had visited on shelves, the lighting was basic and functional... Tel felt a momentary panic as he now realised that all the choices he made would be his alone. He had never decorated before... how would he decide what to put where? This momentary panic was quickly overtaken by his self belief that he needed to make this move. Decorations weren't necessary right now...

Whatever he chose, he was aware that from now on he was on his own. And, as he mulled this realisation over, Tel Vole knew that he felt absolutely fine with that.

As he walked into Henry's Warp Control Room on First Base the holo-avatar of the consciousness that controlled the Legion's teleportation technology smiled at the young gravity manipulator.

"You'll settle in well on Second Base Tel, I just know it." Henry said with a smile as he opened the warp.

Tel thought about that strange comment a lot over the next few days...


Legion World Ten will be the final chapter of this fan-fic, and as it currently stands, it will start with this line up:

Legion World Home Base - the Academy:

Former Legionnaires:

Triplicate Girl - Luornu Durgo of Carggg - able to split into three identical duplicates (part of Duplicate Girl)
Cosmic Boy – Rokk Krinn of Braal - manipulation of magnetic fields
Night Girl - Lydda Jath of Kathoon - incredible strength and durability out of direct sunlight
Colossal Boy - Gim Allon of Earth - increase personal size and mass at will
Wildfire - Drake Burroughs of Earth - composed of sapient anti-energy, extreme strength, speed, durability, space flight, anti-energy blasts
Chameleon Girl - Yera Allon of Durla - shape changer
Shadow Lass - Tasmia Mallor of Talok viii - summon and manipulate total darkness

Science Police training staff:

Jumping Jack - Science Police Senior Training Officer Jaxi Delgrado-Hynd of Morshesh 5 - hyper-awareness, reflexes and agility
Ms Big - Science Police Officer Erikka Chowdrey of Venus - increase her own muscle mass and density at will, combat specialist
Brain Girl - Science Police Officer Ella Drottmi of Titan - telepathy and telekinesis
Dream Boy - Pre-Commando Sergeant Rol Purtha of Naltor - precognition
Tues El - Science Police Officer Vae Loct of Daxam - incredible strength, speed, stamina, senses, laser vision, space flight, invulnerability.

Probationary tutor:

Sun Boy ii - Sky-Lieutenant Annach’ha of the Tamaranean Sun-Corps - combat specialist - flight, strength, solar energy absorption and projection, tactile telepathy.

Support Staff on LWHB:

I.Z.O.R. - Gear ii – infrastructure manager - nannite collective being, technomorph
Henry – Anti Lad – Spatial warp controller
Numbers Guy - M’Rissey of Earth - super-efficient business management skills
Dr Boom - senior physician and United Planets Government envoy - Danii Schwartz-Geltt of Myar - physician and alchemist

Current interns from the Home Base training program included on missions in a probationary status:

Imp Master - Dorrolo Capicca Redsail of Zerox - Elven strength, speed and senses, minor mystic specialising in summoning and controlling imps
Impact - Dillon Blackstream of Myar - incredible strength, speed, durability, stamina, motion sense
Little Loki - Magnus Laviksen of Nordhelm - illusion casting
Mosaic - Science Police Officer Rish'ha Nor of Lallor - tactile mimicry of material properties
Thunderbolt - Ness Strakinos of Gardenhome - assumes electrical energy form
Haze - Science Police Cadet Tkemwa Autmi-Hu of Ungara - strength, durability, induce confusion and senselessness
Polestar - Science Police Cadet Nykko Rine of Braal - magnokinesis

Support staff trainee:
Snoop - Science Police Cadet Horol Gyllaspi of the Galentorio Satellites - astral projection


Legion World First Base:

Thunder - Team Leader, Cecelia Becks of 21st Century Earth, immense strength, speed, indestructibility, space flight, wisdom
Lightning Lass - Deputy Team Leader, Ayla Ranzz of Winath - electrical generation and manipulation
Duplicate Girl - Senior Team member, Luornu Durgo of Carggg - creation of multiple identical duplicates
Chameleon Boy – Espionage Squad leader, Reep Daggle of Durla - shape changer
Tellus - Ganglios of Hykraius - telepathy and telekinesis
Comet Queen - Grava of Extal colony - spaceflight, comet gas extrusion
Otaki - Bina Nawoti of Earth - mind-sense
Kid Quantum - Jazmin Cullen of Xanthu - creation of temporal quantum fields, flight
Ferro - Douglas Nolan of Earth - can assume invulnerable iron isotope form
Dragonmage - Xao Jin of Earth - dragon magics
Kinetix - Zoe Saugin of Aleph - telekinetic animation
MWindaji - Gahaji of Kiringyaga - super tracker, carries the Ruby of Life allowing tactile transformative magic
Backlash - Mrruaw MNau of Simballi - enhanced strength, speed, senses, absorbs kinetic energy to boost own size and mass
Comet King - Drinchnar Lamment of Extal colony - spaceflight, comet gas extrusion
Atom Girl - Sylva Nrilsan of Imsk - can shrink to microscopic size
Ultra Girl - Li-Fahn Qiong of Xanthu - incredible strength, speed, indestructibility, spaceflight, and projection of force blasts, effectively limited to one at a time
Polar Girl - Mel Lassar of Tharr - cryokinesis
Friction - Janee Whittakka of Xanthu - manipulates the force of friction
Spoiler ii - Gord Eno of Naltor - precognition, specialising in short range visions for combat situations
Solar Gorilla - D'Nadka Endarooga of Dmansca - generate and project extreme heat and light
Strobe - Denal Lort of Dryad - assume electro-magnetic energy form
Triple Nova - Elthur Mundo of Carggg - split into three separate bodies, each with either strength and durability, speed and reflexes, or laser vision

Science Police meta-squad seconded to Legion World First Base:

Captain Heavyweight - Senior Team liaison, Science Police Captain Tuk Shir of Daxam, Senior Team liaison - incredible strength, speed, stamina, senses, laser vision, space flight, invulnerability
Replicator - Science Police Officer Tarev Jusool of Talok viii - can mimic meta-abilities of those nearby for limited periods of time
Magno - Science Police Officer Dyrk Magz of Braal - manipulation of magnetic fields
Power Boy - Science Police Officer Jedidiah Rikane of Earth - personal density control

Other seconded members currently based on Legion World First Base:

Gazelle - J'izl Dtutuu from the Khundian Battle Brigade, of Khundia Prime - enhanced strength, speed, agility and metabolic control

Support Staff on Legion World First Base:

Professor Querl Dox - Brainiac 5 - Operational Manager - 12th level intelligence
Dr Richard Kent Shakespeare - Impulse - Chief Medical Officer - enhanced strength, speed, durability, stamina
I.Z.O.R. - Gear iii - infrastructure manager - nannite collective being, technomorph
Danielle Foccart - Kid Computo - Technical support - technopathic communication and control over advanced technology
Henry - Anti Lad - Spatial warp controller
Ming Sul - Amp Girl - investigative officer - hyper-enhancement of her own sensory capacities
Shardwurd Gandussen of the Ten Peaks from Avalon - Silver Shaman - Medical Officer - biokinetic healing
Science Police Psychiatrist - Doctor Anje Falkner - alpha-level telepath
Flaurianarelle of Zerox - Greensleeves - orchard and farm caregiver - magical manipulation of plant life
Theena Greglenn of Silgor Marregorraus - Network - Communications Officer - hyper-pathic communication through symbiote
Solstin Wang of Earth - Booster - medical support - awareness and manipulation of physical properties of those around him
Gloriana Crestellen of Grighshtall iv - Glory - medical support - awareness and manipulation of bio-auras

Taikonglong - previously 'Szenlong' - newly hatched Spirit-Dragon... of Space!


Legion World Second Base team:

Tyroc – Team Leader - Troy Stewart of Marzal city pocket dimension - sonic control
Retro - Deputy Team Leader - Deen Toro of Ventura - limited reversal of personal timeline
Element Lad - Senior Team member, Jan Arrah of Trom - elemental transmutation
Mon El - Senior Team member, Lar Gand of Daxam - incredible strength, speed, stamina, senses, laser vision, space flight, invulnerability
Dawnstar of Starhaven - Senior Team member - space flight, incredible speed, tracking
Timber Wolf - Brin Londo of Zuun - enhanced strength, speed, agility, reflexes and senses
Dragonwing - Marya Pai of Earth - breathes dragon fire and acid
Glorith of Zerox - manipulation of magical energies
Shield - Laurel Kent of Earth - physical invulnerability, tactile psychometry
Monica Sade of Rimbor - strength, reflexes - line of sight teleportation
Lexikon - Princess Daheenisha of Tamaran iv - enhanced speed, strength, durability, flight, omni-linguist
The Huntress - Ambassador Amynta of Nostos ii - incredible strength, speed, invulnerability, space flight
Karate Kid iii – Mithindrivithis Ngandraffa of Lythyl - strength, reflexes, mimetic motor learning giving incredible combat skills
Thirteen – Dann Hortra of Naltor - line of sight probability manipulation
Babbage- I-45ENG/Nth Series, of the Robotica Confederated Worlds - strength, durability, internalised weapons, hyper awareness and analytical skills.
Starkling – telepathic swarm-being composed of indestructible ball bearing sized components
Spy (also team counsellor) - Dr Noah Kabbo - heightened awareness and limited telepathy
Bouncing Boy ii - Stoor Chamble of Pasnic - creation of personal spherical force field
Atomsmasher - Ergus Wraithcat of Betelgeuse - spaceflight, durability, hyper senses, limited telepathy, radiation manipulation
Kid Pulsar - Neel Koduah of Earth - incredible strength, invulnerability, projection of explosive blasts
Mindbender - Marmud Illic of Titan - alpha-level telepath
Poltergeist -Jaun Vineo of Titan - alpha-level telekinesis
Non - negative energy being - spaceflight, speed, alter own dimensions and density, explosive touch, limited telepathy

Science Police meta-squad seconded to Legion World Second Base:

Captain Phantom - Senior Team liaison, Science Police Captain Gryal Vrizza of Bgztl Dimension - intangibility
Power Lass - Science Police Officer Nel Duwi of Daxam - incredible strength, speed, stamina, senses, laser vision, space flight, invulnerability
Changer - Science Police Investigative Officer Urill Yagthal of Durla - shape changer
Gravity Kid - Science Police Officer Tel Vole of Earth - manipulation of personal or nearby gravity

Other seconded members currently based on Legion World Second Base:

Green Lantern - Dkyun Mu of Xudar - wearer of a Green Lantern power ring

Support Staff on Legion World Second Base:

I.Z.O.R. - Gear iii – infrastructure manager - nannite collective being, technomorph
Henry – Anti Lad – Spatial warp controller
Hethuk Bran Drommsi - Smith from the Green Rift Forge of Talok viii - weapon maker and engineer
Dr Shoodixi Singh - Science Police Medical Officer - bio-empathic

Laipas - hunting dog from Nostos ii - enchanted to never lose a trail, fast and tough, far smarter than she looks!


HOPE WORLD is the latest planetoid base, specialising solely in disaster relief.

Dream Girl- Team leader - Nura Nal of Naltor - precognition
Titan - Deputy Leader -Nasir N’Cube of Titan - alpha-level telepathy
Star Boy - Senior Team member, Thom Kallor of Xanthu - stellar mass transference
Harmonia - Senior Team member, Professor Harmonia Li of Earth - manipulation of the natural environment
Invisible Kid - Jacques Foccart of Earth - personal and tactile invisibility
Sister Eclipse - of Rhoohanisett iii - durability, heightened senses, physical possession of any living being
Southern Lights of Starhaven - spaceflight, magic user


Dragon Lass - Mari Baertling of Rimbor - enhanced strength, durability, echolocation and flight
Orion -Science Police Cadet Tw'gg of H'lven - tracking skills, agility, enhanced senses and awareness of flaws or weaknesses
Tesseract - Sar Jerash Mor Toark of Mars - access to intra-dimensional space
Army of One - Ashia Servito of Luzonus Prime - self-replication

Support Staff on Hope World:

I.Z.O.R. - Gear iv – infrastructure manager - nannite collective being, technomorph
Drura Sehpt - Infectious Lass – medical officer - containment and control over bacteria and viruses
Henry – Anti Lad – Spatial warp controller
J2351 of the Dominion - Ivy - bio-manipulation of Hope World's chloro-technology
The Bludgers - clone-grown Dominion workforce with enhanced strength and durability but 28 hour lifespan

Science Police Liaison Team:

'Smart Boy' - Senior Team liaison, Strategic Analyst Graq Maurus of Colu - 10th level intelligence specialising in disaster relief scenarios
Groovy - Science Police Officer Droo Vri of Daxam - incredible strength, speed, stamina, senses, laser vision, space flight, invulnerability
Magnetix - Science Police Officer Jooli Esra of Braal - manipulation of magnetic fields
Mama Tank - Science Police Lieutenant Lolla Grayfrau of Badenhoff vi - cybernetics giving incredible strength, invulnerability, AI manipulation


Current interns from the Home Base training program included on missions in a probationary status:

Imp Master - Dorrolo Capicca Redsail of Zerox - Elven strength, speed and senses, minor mystic specialising in summoning and controlling imps
Impact - Dillon Blackstream of Myar - incredible strength, speed, durability, stamina, motion sense
Little Loki - Magnus Laviksen of Nordhelm - illusion casting
Mosaic - Science Police Officer Rish'ha Nor of Lallor - tactile mimicry of material properties
Thunderbolt - Ness Strakinos of Gardenhome - assumes electrical energy form
Haze - Science Police Cadet Tkemwa Autmi-Hu of Ungara - strength, durability, induce confusion and senselessness
Polestar - Science Police Cadet Nykko Rine of Braal - magnokinesis

Legion Worlds NINE - wait, there's even more ongoing amazing adventures? Yup, and you'll only find them in the Bits o' Legionnaire Business Forum.
Re: Legion Worlds Nine updated 19 August 24
Harbinger #1038683 08/19/24 10:54 AM
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poor Jed, the poor dear tried so hard.

good old Dann. Love how he can be direct and to the point, but when misunderstandings are cleared up, he softens

good callout that Tel hasn't really been able to learn how to express his emotions in a healthy way!

I hope Jed's outburst was cathartic for him! Jed really is such a nice guy, the poor dear

maybe these two did rush into things too quickly...maybe Tel needs to learn how to be his own person first. and as for Jed, he needs someone who can be his partner in life...

I wonder if Henry's comment is a hint about the future...

aha! nice to see Brainy taking up a full time support staff role!

well, what a way to end Chapter 9! looking forward to Chapter 10!

Re: Legion Worlds Nine updated 19 August 24
Harbinger #1038828 08/25/24 07:31 AM
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I am glad you made Jed and Tel the focus of the whole post, have given us a very realistic (and slightly uncomfortable to watch) depiction of a relationship breakup between two people that are attracted to each other but don't have any substance to their relationship beyond that; making them the sole focus gives it some space to be explored.

While Tel is definitely being an ass here, he's also not being written as some melodramatic bad guy....they're just not in a position to meet one another's needs. And I feel like this post did a lot to flesh Jed out a bit more, I am curious to see where he goes from here!

I am also scared to see where you're gonna go with finishing everything up, you are good at killing your darlings and I am attached to a lot of your characters! laugh

Re: Legion Worlds Nine updated 19 August 24
Harbinger #1039228 09/11/24 10:35 AM
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Glad you both enjoyed it - as much as we didnt want them to split up, they kinda wrote themselves into that corner, though I imagine it wasn't too much of a surprise really.

I think this has been the toughest slog and most enjoyable section of the Legion Worlds saga to write, primarily as it was more focused on the characters than the action than usual. The next section, going by my drafts so far, will be more action orientated.

And Raz, me kill my darlings? Never... tongue

Anyway, it'll be a few weeks before I get posting again, so until then keep being amazing!


Legion Worlds NINE - wait, there's even more ongoing amazing adventures? Yup, and you'll only find them in the Bits o' Legionnaire Business Forum.
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