Ouch. I agree with Ann. puns should be smooth, calm, and unexpected. The best ones make people get up and leave the room.

Okay, on with the story.

Green Latrine #12. Hal and Carol. Now, since I'm married to a Glorious Carol, I'd say he's once again got good taste. But the story is ...nice.

Power Girl #9. Okay story tie in, but messy art. Lots of Jim Lee detail on the characters, but backgrounds were barely there in many places.

The Flash #9. Gotta be honest, story is starting to lose me quick.

Nightwing #114. It's the old "the hero must fall to the bottom of the depths so that we can rise him up to show how great his is" trope.

And now the good stuff.

The Flash #277. This is right after the death of Iris. Barry was still dealing with the after effects of the Angel dust. Fun part of the overall storyline, and a great cover by the GREAT Dick Diordano. I had seen that cover for years, never had it before.

GL/GA #95. Barefaced Ollie on the Cover by Grell. GL in a favorite flight pose by Grell. ain't complainin.

Damn you, you kids! Get off my lawn or I'm callin' tha cops!

Something pithy!